®)it CL'rntrc Jlfmocrat. Thursday Morning, June 20, 1079. CoRRUiHtRMKi iui|n>rtniil tie**, wlh It •HI sr>ui <%n> part f tl* count) No coitimtinlonltotia uulrai A4-rottt|UlttlMl l>)' the runt limn* of tin * i it' r Local Department. —Young America is now firing oil' hi." patriotic m. —Mid-summer moonlight is chining gloriously. —Tho market lor Snow Shoo coal is said to b good. —Mrs. John Ardotl is visiting in Now York State. —Twonty-nino arrivals at tho Hush House on Wednesday. —Colevlllo Sunday school enjoyed a day in the woods last Friday. —Twenty-seven arrivals at the Urocker hoff House on Saturday last. —Miss Carrie Yosburg is again at homo after her prolonged visit in Philadelphia. Mr. C. A. l.indsoy is erecting his cigar and fruit store on the bridge over the race. —Tito fence surrounding lite district school house has received a fresh cat of white wash. Mr. George liale, of New York, is spending his usual summer vacation in this place. —The Brockerhoff House gives a free lunch to its guests every morning between 10 and Hi o'clock. lmmense numbers of people are now traveling to and fro from commencements, and tho summer resorts. Mr. Peter Herdic, Willisnicport's favorite (?) son, arrived on tho train from Lock Haven last Monday. —Among tho students who have return ed from Princeton College is Mr. Harry Orbison, of this place. Mr. Charles Sob rover and family were in town on Monday. Charley departed for tho Weal on Tuesday afternoon. —ln the garno of baso ball played be tween tho Milesburg ami Ilellefonte clubs - on Saturday, the score stood 63 to 15 in favor of Bellefonte. —The Millhcim Hotel offers pleasant accommodations t<> all travelers in that direction. The advertisement can be found in another column. Mayor Woods, we believe tho first mayor Williatuaport ever had, passed through this place on Monday night, and is now a guest at State College. —Two horses were recently attacked by a vicious bull on the farms of J aim* S. arpl Robert McCalmont, in Marion town ship. One was badly injured. —Mr. Conley I'lotts, onco connected with the Willianisport Giizette ami liuilc. iin, but now engaged in business in Phil adelphia, was in town last Friday. Doak A Lonberger executed the kal somining on the walls of tho Y. M. C. A. room. It is a work which will sjicak favor ably for the capability of tho firm. Mr. William E. Irwin and lady, of Philipsburg, recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage with a tin wedding. The}- had a pleasant time. —His Honor Judge Orvis is said to have caught another dozen 10-inch trout recent ly, but, as we said before, we did not sec them and accept the assertion on faith. —Rev. John Hewitt, of the Episcopal church, was at Williamaport last Tuesday, assisting in the consecration exercises of Christ s Episcopal church, at that place. —Rev. Smith, of Frariklinvilie, was an nounced to preach in the Loop Lutheran church lat Sabbath morning and in the Lutheran church, Centre Hall, in the afternoon. Miss Jennio Snyder, of Philipsburg, died on Saturday morning the 1 tth of this month. Her funeral took place the fol lowing Sunday afternoon, and was largely attended. —A new peculiarity has been discovered in tho Watchman. Its editor states that he forgot all about collecting his bill on the occasion of the recent visit of Tom Thumb to this place. —The funeral of Mrs. Eliza M. Thomas called home Mr. Joseph Thomas, of New Jersey, grandson of the deceased. Wo un derstand this is bis first visit to his home for five years. —A platform has been put in tho room of the Young Men's Christian Association, so that hereafter the audienee can get a good view of tho person who may be lead ing the meeting. —Our brethren of the United Brethren church are united on one thing, and that is to make the festival which they will hold on the 4th and 6th of July the beat ever held in this town. —The funeral of Mrs. Eliza M. Thomas, last Thursday afternoon, was largely at tended. Forty or llfly vehicles were in the Cortege which wended its way to the Friends' cemetery. —Those vicious grasshoppers are still devastating the grain fields in portions o' our county. They pluck tho heads of barley and clover off the stems and do damage generally. Mr. Gottleib Haag, of Pleasant Gap, reached the GtHh anniversary of his hirth on Saturday evening, the 14th instant. The entertainment which ho gave to bis friends was in all respect* worthy the oc casion. —Bamuel Faust, Esq., of Hpring Banks, called on ut yesterday morning. He manu factures carriages, and serves the people generally at his home. Last week be told two phaeton* and a buggy, and pronounce* baainoas excellent. W • -There are four members is this town of tho Alumni association recently formed bv former students of Pennsylvania Col lege, at Gettysburg. Two of those are Adam liny and Clement Dale, Ksij'rs, each of whom will attend tho convention which will convene at Lowislown during the lat ter part of July. —Gen. J ease M.-rrill and S M. MeCor mick have been appointed by State Super intendent Wicki'rsham trustees of the Cen tral Normal School on the part of tl„. State. Kx-Gov. Higlor, of Clearfield, has been chosen president of the Board of Trustees, General Merrill vice president, S. M. Mo Cormick secretary, and Thomas Yurdley treasurer. —Tho Watchman says that on Monday afternoon, tho 10th in-taut, Mr. Joseph Heberling, a ving in the west end ; of Ferguson township, fell dead, just us he was leaving his work to seek protection from the rniu in a neighboring cabin, lie had always appeared perfectly healthy, , and tliin sudden occurrence was a severe blow to his friends. . | —A literary entertainment was given ; la-t Friday evening by the Alpha Literary | Society of Pent, Hall. Tho German Salu ' tatory was read by J. W. Barges, of I'onii Hall, and tho Valedictory by A. J. Long, ,of the same place. Tho committeo of ar rangements wero H B. Twitmyer, T. N. Roiter ami ('. P. Leitzell. The programme , was excellent, and from Atj'ha to (Jmcaa was well performed. t —Tim Lewisburg, Centre and Spruce Creek Railroad held a meeting in Philadel phia on the 10th of this month, for the purpose of electing officers. Tho election | resulted in the following : President, Hon. Eli Slifer; Vice President, Strickland KncH-s ; Directors, George F. Miller, .lames P. Coburn, Samuel ('. Stewart, George It. Roberts, Edmund Smith, W'is lar Morris and K. 11. Duncan. Mr. Conley Plotls, who ha* been stop ping at the Bush House, and our town man, I). G. Bush, are the only two living members of tho committee appoint. ,1 to draft the Constitution and By-Laws of the first Stale Teachers' A-sociation that met in Pennsylvania, which convened twenty seven years ago in December at Harrisburg. Mr. i'lotts was then principal of one of the Grammar school* in Philadelphia. —One of the literary societies of the \\ illiamsport Dickinson Seminary, on ln-t Wednesday, listened to an elegant oration i by our talented young member of the bar, J. L. Spangler. We have spoken with many > persons who had the pleasure of listening to the gentleman, and all unite with un measured terms in praising the speech. Ho spoke from manuscript for about baif an hour, and was listened to with marked attention. —The furnace of Howard Iron Works was put in blast this week. The four char- I coal furnaces of Centre county are there fore alt in blast, and wo trust wii! continue o for a long time. Mr Lauth, of the Howard works, informed us that he also expect* to have his new wire mill in opera tion in from four to six weeks The plan j of this mill is one of Mr I.auth's new in i venlions in the working of iron, and he expects to realize excellent result* from it. Pleasant means of conveyance are now ensured to persons who go fforn here to Slate College and return. Everybody who find* occasion to travel over that road by -tage will rejoice 1., hear that Mr. Benja min Beaver, a gentleman of great skill in | operating stage line*, has purchased the j right of way between these two places and hereafter |>erson* going by stage will be under hi* charge. Ho will do every thing he can, and nv.ro if poaaible, to make j it pleaant in regard to price and easy I stages. Rev. Dr. C'alder, President of the State College, preached for Rev. J. Tom | linson on Sunday week, in the aWnco of the latter divine at Wooater, Ohio. The i sermons of the Ihictor, With at Aaronshurg, Millhcim and P.-nna Creek, are spoken ~f in.terms highly eulogistic. The delighted congregation* over which Rev. Tomlinson ministers arc of opinion that if they ever j again have to forego their own favorite pastor's ministrations, he cannot do ia-tter than to supply his place by the learned President of Htate College. —Mr. James Leyden, whom we may re member was the fortunate young gentle man who received the ap|>ointnient to | West Point several years ago, graduated at that institution two week* ago to-day. Ho has visited his present home at Beech Creek, and arrived in Bellefonte on Mon day. lie will sojourn in this neighborhood for a few weeks when he expects to leave and la- stationed at n distant point in the Territory of Wyoming. lie is an exceed ingly manly fellow in appearance and registers himself "Mr. James Loyden, U. 8. Army." •—.Saturday last was the longest day in the year. The summer solstice was reach ed at half-past 2 p. v., on that day, when the sun reached a higher apparent eleva tion at noon than on any other day of the three hundred and sixty-five. This is owing to the earth being Inclined to the plane of iU orbit, like a lop in motion leaning toward* the fjoor or level surfa.-e on which it stands while revolving. This cause* a greater amount of heat to be dis tributed over the earth, and, in addition to the varying length of the day, givca rise to tho changes of the seasons. —Tho fonoo around th colonel camp mooting n>>w in progress has boon taken down and tiio itdmiia now froo. hitch livening tin* attendance ia increasing, ami tliu intercut ia growing greatly. A very large and dialinguiahed gen tleman, 11. (i. linger* liy name, hua been in town for some time. Ilereadtiaa fewnx traeta rrntn Ilia elegant leeturea last Thurs dny afternoon, which of rourao we wouhl he pleased to ptihliah if we had the apace. —Among the distinguished guests whom the lfrnckerlii.tr 11 nunc entertained ilnring tlit* week am Win. Taylor, Norfolk, Va. ; ('apt. K. Me Leon, and W. Sargent, dr., Altoona ; Stephen I. Kctnak, I'hiladelpiiia ; Senator S. 11. lVnlo and S. I). Hull, hock Haven, —People are all tendered a very pressing and earneat invitation to viait the " Hen liivu" store of our friend, ,1. II ISnulaml, on Allegheny street. In tho linn of gooda which ladies desire he constantly keeps a large and complete assortment. I)r.-s goods a specialty. —The Ifellefonte base ball club and the champion club at State College had an en gagement last week, which was not alto, gcthcr encouraging to our lx>y* ; but the contest was renewed on Tuesday afternoon with greater success, the score standing .'l'd to 17 in favor of the College. ' —At the Commencement exercises at a prominent college this year, the ie#t dress ed gentlemen of the graduating clas- was asked wh -ro he purchased his clothes, "i sent all the way to d Newman, Jr., Ifelle fonte •" ho answered. "He is the best tailor in Central Pennsylvania. —We are requested to give particular notice to the fact that a young people's gospel temperance meeting will !>e held in the M K. church on Sunday afternoon mxt at 8:80 o'clock, to which ail are invited. The programme which has been arranged will he entertaining and instructive. —The vet.>es -till continue to < ■ me in from the President, hut nevertheless S A. Hrew A Son continue adding to their stock of groceries. It takes seven years f.,r the human h< dy to renew itself throughout, hut this firm sell their goods so rapidly that they have to renew their stock several times a year —We arc indebted to Captain Potter f..r an iliustruti'd copy of the Summer Excur sion Routes ~f the Pennsylvania railroad. The |ook is well illustrated, and each place looks /ir r etUtner as a pleasant place of resort. We do not, however, think that tin' illustration of Ifellefonte doc* i rcdil to tho place. —lf the efforts of th" who participate in the res|.i tive Commencement exer rises at our colleges and seminaries this year, at all approximate in brilliancy llie beautiful illuminate.) invitations which we have received requesting our attend ance, we can safely say hi ail, "Well done, good and faithful servant." —Commencement exercises last but a few days. Some institutions, however, have Iteen known to continue them for a long time. For Instance, J. H * Itauland commoncd selling ladies' dress g.*>d sev oral months ago, and he has proves) such a decided success that he still continues the practice, giving satisfaction to all. Prothonotarv Pal. Harper returned from his western tour last Kndav morn ing. The trip ha* had an admirable effect on him. He ia as hrown as a button with exposure t the glorious western sun. and, excepting the pistols and bowie knives, he l>ear all tho evidences which go to i inske up the dashing western cavalier. WNton, h i)*r W "ifif lora*\ Wt'll rr>-mn ifh l*rU #'•, Wu'll |iql • I ynnr *UI AM • on y-nr We'll uke ram ds*n |r •!<•s*, AM lr •• jcm *ll oql new— Tli* only ler# r*n !•* U*tigM (lislhea #Aoq|h fsf y>w. —(ln Tuesday afternoon a number of eminrnt gentlemen stopped in this place en route to the State College. Among them were Hon. Frank Porter, Represen tative from Lycoming county; Mayor Starkweather, one of the best mayors Wil liamsport ever had, and 11. T. Harvey, Ksq, of Lea k Haven. They are ail line inon—physically, mentally and morally— and no doubt did full justice to the great dinner given at tho College yesterday, j and are now listening to the closing com- : men cement exercises. —A temjierance meeting was held in i tho rooms of the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening last which prov <1 of great inter est. After remarks and prayers by Kev. James P. Hughes and I). M. Keller, Esq., and Mrs. Twitmire Mrs. Stewart Lyon, a very interesting address was made by a Mr. (Jravos. Mr. O. is a gentleman who seems to travel about doing good. Where ever he goes he distributes tract*. He has visited Bollofonte several limes he fore and Is well known by our people. Ills remarks were exceedingly affecting and deeply impressed all who heard him. Miss Edith Holt, daughter of J. Harbi son Holt, Esq., of Hnow Hhoe, died very suddenly on Friday morning last, of heart disease. Hhe had appeared in ordinary health the evening previous, and enter tained friends with music. Her lifeless body was found in bed the following morn ing. Hhe was a bright, Intelligent girl of soventeen years, and Mr. Holt and fam ily have our heartfelt sympathy in this sad bereavement See obituary notice. • Two TIIUNIIF.KIIOI.TS roit UNION Cotris- T*.—Lightning sometimes strikes where it is least expected. A correspondent from Union county speaks of a most eurlouf in stance of its fatal effects, on the 10th inst., on two horses belonging to Mr. Laird Ir win and Clayton Irwin, respectively. Tliey worn killed on tho farm of Mr. Itonjairiin Chambers, about two miles southwest of j M i til in burg. Mr. Laird Irwin was plow j ing at the time, tint sun was shining bright- I ly, and there seemed to lie no disturbance in tho universal quiet of nature, except a distant rumbling of thunder, to which no attention was paid. Huddenly a blinding flash and u terrific peal of thunder descend ed from heaven, completely stunning Mr. I Irvin, hut not knocking him down, as ho j maintained his hold on tho handles of tho plow. He recovered to find his horses , both dead from tho terrible stroke, but so quickly and skillfully had tho lightning performed its work that no marks were discovered on the bodies of tho animals. Strange to relate, this was tho only loud report of thunder that day. A thunderbolt, equally disastrous to the Republicans of I niun county, occur rial on Saturday, tho 1-ltli, when Jacob Gross was | nominated for sheriif, and i. A. Getx for district attorney. These nominations will not prove popular among tho rank and file of the stalwart* in I> wisburg. Ily some of the mysterious ways of politics Mr. (lets, a man without ability or qualifica tions, was nominated over a gentleman who, had bo received the nomination, ! would have made an excellent candidate. Our correspondent state- that, although J there are many |ir fields of grain in Union county, most of it look- well and that fully a three-fourths crop is expected j Si; MM nit VlSlTOß.*.—Throughout the past week tho Hush H >use has been wel coming guests from near and far, several of whom intend to remain here for some time. Among the first permanent hoard ers were Mrs. ( oke, of Haltimore, arid Mr. \ an Lear and Miss Turner, of Rich mond. 1 hey are so delighted with the manner in which they are entertained that their friend- have been telegraphed for, who will soon arrive. Monday last Mr. J A. 1 inlavson and ldv, of Florida, arrived and will remain for some time. The maiden home of Mr. (~ wo believe, was in Clinton county, and she ha* sought this northern retreat as the mwt available place mar her old home. She is n beautiful woman. Mrs. Webster, of York, l'a , lias tele, graphed that she will la- hero to-morrow. Twentv-five persons arrived at tins hotel on Monday last and this i about an aver ag number of arrivals e*< h day. Among those who came on Monday we noticed ('has. W. Scott, II Hinckly and Peter IL rdic, Williamsport ; Jos. H Young and K K. Thomas, Philadelphia ; J. d Wallace, Pittsburg, and Frank 11. Ilel mer, Chicago. Tur. Zios HAN I) A Pi. NI. . No enter tainment in the w<-*1 s ho* j., rhaps ever been relithesl so thoroughly as was that given by the Zion hand and participated in by many of our citizen* on Saturday la-t The Zion Hand escorted the Mountain City Hand to the grove where about three hundred persons, including many Ilclle font-rs, were gathered. Serenade* by the bands were given at intervals. An ex (eedingly grotesque fantastic parade took pla- e in the afternoon, with about four teen person* in line, last, hut not least, being a ludicrous figure mounted on an animal of the genus cow. Prof, Philli) p' made frequent exhibitions of his skill in walking the tight rope, and sent up two hot-air balloons in a successful manner. The refreshments were very profuse and and elegant, and ail who attended from this place express themselves delighted with the entertainment. QCICK WORK.—Mr. John R. Tate, of Spring township, may le railed an eipe. ditious harn-huilder. lie is now building a new barn on a farm in College township, | owned by Moses Thompson, and occupied ! by John llite. This barn is C feet by *"• ] feet, and with the assistance of throe hands , was framed by Mr. Tate *nd ready to ri-o in the short space of eighteen days. It j was raised last work. Undoubtedly John j and hi* hoy* must handle their framing | tools in a lively manner. We understand j that the farm upf>n which Mr. Thompson i is erecting this ham is all new land. He j j commenced to clear it of wood ten years 1 ago last spring. I.asl year it produced 450 j bushels of wheat, and this year ha* grow- J ing upon it fifty-two acres of fine wheat and twenty acre* of clover. ANOTIIRK GLOVK. — Homebody has found another glove. This time the finder is some love-sick swain. He imagine that it belongs to his fair dulcina, and being too modest to return it himself, pins it on our iloor with the request that we do so. Oh, what a hand the female to whom ittselongs must have I Instead of resembling the tiny little glove we found before, it is a huge aft'air, and we pity the poor fellow who will sometime get his ears boxed soundly by that hand. Wo congratulate ourselves that it is not us, and most ohlig ingly give the jnir female to whom it bo longs tho opportunity to recover it if she will call on or communicate with the editor. (IRKAT HAROAINS.— Bunnell A Aikens offer a choice of 1,000 pieces of sheet music at 16 cent* per copy—regular price, 80, 40 and 60 cent*. Also tho new Domes tic sewing machine at $26 cash. Call at I the music storo and toe for yourselves. • * ADJOURN ais COURT. —The adjourned term of court convened on Monday, June 2.1, at 10 A. vi., Hon. John H. Orvisjsrc siding. In the Orphan's court of Centre county tho following motions, decrees and orders were made: Citation awarded on the administrator of the estate of Hamuel I'etera, deceased, to file account. Returnable at next term. Citation awarded on the administrator of tho estate of James Lin as, deceased, to lib! account. Returnable at next term. Also on the administrator of the estate of Anna Hums, deceased, to file account. Returnable at next term. I jam petition of John Hoffi-r, adminis trator of Martin Murphy, deceased, an ! alia- order to sell the real estate of said decedent was granted. ( In liie matter of the pnrtiti'/n of tin real estate of Abraham Keber, deceased, of Miles township, (letilicn to amend the return of the sheriff s inquisition, setting forth that the inquisition did not pass upon the projier number of acres and that the total valuation of said real estate would amount to s'm I'h-as: 1 etitioii in the estate of H.-nry IVnning ton, deceased, for a rule on tho heirs of -aid .lot. dent and Thompson, McCoy A Co., to show cause why a mortgage should not he satisfied. Rule grant'd and return able nut term. Hcrviee accepted by Beaver A Ocphart for Pennington h> ;ri. A, "> |s-titi..n of I-aa. Haupl for a rule on the executor*of, Ae ,of George Living j ston, d ease), U> show cause why a mort gage should not he sali-li.d. Rule granted and service accepted at bar by I). H. Kel far, K-q , administrator rf- 6., mi* rum. InUiccaseof J tin Dennis against S. I) Burns, a rule grant'd to show . ause why , judgment shouid not !e op'-md. Alex ander A Bower accepted service for Dennis at lasr. In case of Peter Durst, administrator, ■*. Daniel Durst, No. 151 April T , 187 ft, rule grant'd to show cau-e why judgment should not be opened and defendant let in to a defense. Returnable at next term. 1 j*.n petition of A. T. and Fannie (Jray to adopt a their child Edna Peters, it was ordered and dtcrad as prayed for in |usd in Snow Shoe township, view , ers were appointed to view and lay out sui h road \ lowers were also appointed | to riiange view cf road in Walker town , ship. By virtue of a rule to show cause why the forfeiture of the recognizance in the rase of the Common wealth rs. Peter Hrrdir should not he stricken off, whereupon the said defendant appeared in open court and perfected his bail in the sum of s4,ooft to apjamr at the next Court of (Quarter Res soma for Centre county. Court adjourned till next Saturday, June TaAcnxa* ELR.-TKIS —The school hoard met on Friday morning last, and elected the following teachers to fill the school* during thecoming school ferm : Grade No. 1 —David M. le-ib. " " 2~llenrv I. Wetxel. *' " 2—Mis* Hose Woods. " " 4 Miss Lsura Graham. " " 6—Mis* Nannie McGinler. " " 6—Mia* Mary Nnshitt. " " 7—M is* Bella Rankin. " " H—Miss Annte MoCafferv " " 9—Miss Mary Hchrotn. Colored Schools Mr. Brooks. It will be observed that Mr. Henry Wetzel take* the place vacated by that excellent instructor, John Mason Duncan. The only other new teacher is Miss Mary Schrom, of Grade No. 9, in place of Miss Lizzie Campbell. We regret that each of these former teachers do not resume their positions when the schools open, hut if a change must he made perhaps the position* could not be more acceptably filled. —We understand from a reliable source that the negotiation* which have for some time been going on between the Pennsyl vania and Snow Shoe railroad companies for the lease of the road of tho latter com pany arc still in progress, and that the prospect* are decidedly favorable to the transfer being made. Our citizen* are deeply Interested in thie matter and we hear inquiries daily in relation to it. —Hon. Samuel Linn, of Williamsport, honored Bcllcfonte with his presence on Monday evening. —The Logan Fire Company have con cluded not to pic-nic on the Fourth. —Among our death notice* and in our local column*, Inat week, refererio M made to tlio late lamented Levi Knock, of Mil'-* township, wliow li>* i* o general Iy deplored, ami who di'-d at tli" venerable age "f 72. W have, fi*:civl the follow ing appropriate tribute to hi* memory which show* how greatly be war esteemed hy hi* neighbor*, and to which we give space with pleasure: IN MKMOHIAM. Mr. Levi Knook, an old and much re -j.-' ted citir.cn of Mile township, departed thi* life June Blh, 187'., in tin- 72d year of ; hi* age. ]>.'> <'*" d wa* a devoted husband I and kind father ; a faithful, active member of the Lutheran church and an industrious worker in the Sunday-reined reuse. Hi* family, the church and Kuriday-tchool, the wiiole community in which he lived, alt sustain a great 100- all sincerely mourn hi Hidden departure. Hi* funeral took place on Wednesday, June 11th, uje.n which occasion llcv. F. Aurand, hi* pestor, preached a very impressive sermon from Micah 2 I>< RAT, arid a copy thereof sent to the family of our departed brother. rIKoR/.V, liHt M'iARD, TIIOMA* Urdm'lAKO, C. C. 11 It I Mo A KSI, fjummiftee. |Ad*srlisisst.l ] Rki l.troxi r.. Pa , June 2.7, 187' d. KMTORS < r CENTRE I)EMO< RAT—Uen -11 (inert —The Relief nle flrjmblxenn of thi* dale contain* an article entitled "Lycom ing Fire Insurance Company," in which he state" that a few week* ago (ieorge Hastings had his bouse destroyed by £r< and that th* Lycoming Fire Insurance Company refus<-l to p*y more than six • hundred arid tbirty-three dollars and thir ty-three -enu. although there was SI,(X*I insured there..n. The ahova statement was made in ordrx that the people might infer that the Lv ■ ming "swindled' Mr Hastings out of SACh t;7. We have no objections to Mr. Tuten "airing his views so long as ho keep* within the bound* of tbe truth, hut we would inform him that there i* no com pany Hi existence which will pay a man more than his loss ..r damage arid there aro several of our best builders anxious to tako a contract to rebuild, and not only that, hut make a (setter house than the one destroved for the amount of insurance paid; and more than that, one of them said to Mr. Hastings in our presence that he would re build the premises for the amount of in j surance paid. ' We have no objections to Mr. Tuten pitching int.. anything or any person in this world. lit we would like" to see fair play all around. J A. KAXKIX A SOX, Agents, Lycoming Fire In*. Co. Philadelphia Market*. rmusttstu, Jan* 2*. I7*. Picra.— H or 1" rrrj 4*ll A*!.* , W .slim A., 4... Sl I IT j :t stiif ..User hl*b *w|m sl ft. 121 ; 14'.V> —Wheat |* qntel, bat sf. I IST* *rs firm. SSLRS .4 3, til. bust.. lS. tielnAiw* Pennsylvania J A..nth.ra |M *I |L It, 11 is. AN. 4.. AMUC, sl |L . IT', nil" 51..1 V • 2 R..| . sl LL WJ AL tI.R L:4 FTRSF nail, sl FL It ass LD.I I * JOOE !*£ (•I J'LIE. LL.OT ft A (IC'ist, stel (1 f, A-VL ell. !.rr RJ Sls steady sl U(M.l< B.r W .so in and IVntsry I rsais. MARRIAGES. I 1.11F.R —V AM AMX — On An4ay. the IMb Instant, in IH* M K . hunch sl t'aiaerilte. ps. B* Its* L*r. Abaser, Mr. lb. rare TI Kl4sr an.l Miss (Asia Vary. A alia. I "Hi of (Vales casif. IrsX.I — TftKAM-FR — On 11.. 121b instant, si tbs H>l*lsl>l,r* parwnare, I.* H>l W || limb. Mr. J. Arelr.N IS.n* sal MIS* llsnist A Tussier, |AH LN*n nssr R.K Hill. SHUFK I.IK FN A— At (lis rs*l4rar* NF tbs I.rt.L. s esfsnu In rblllpsl.nr, n Jans IMB I*7*. TO R. w. II F.L.lrl.lcs, MI AbrsaiC. >L, ..I pasrViills. o"r*sl4 OMNT* N4 MM* Crnibis K I.ukst,. DEATHS. CXTLIKR — At I'biMfH.s.arg OA Sstnr4s* mernln*. Anns 14. IS.* "TENUIS SR.Y L.l ss4 tsars. 10 atoalba sa. I*7*. Miu. WILL. KHTSISIB 11.4t.is bst sstsa <*pn(li ymt. *hs 4E.| OF bssti 4lssass, *n44salv sa4 sbias. HER nlslet Isfl her slssfsiag sl sa ssrit boar Knots tints an.R ibis bsr anslbsr CULS4 hsr. Imt His 444 not sa sasr. Abs Ibst. s sat lo bst ami F,.nn4 Ibal lbs I*ririt bs4 t-|.RIS.I Tbs M| was Mill warm , lbs T|a sn L moalh 'IRWSD, ImiesUti* Ibsl sbs PSOMD stray la bsr slssf, Sbs hs4 bssn la a.b leats stats of btallb he • LOAN tims, sa.L. tat oar or TW* oot asloas tro, A|*