Singular Freak of Lightning. On Wednesday last, during a sevoro thunder storm, the lightning struck a number of trees on the premises of Mr. Lewis Frees, Charlestown township, Chester county. Under one of these, a cherry tree, three guinea hens had sought shelter. After the storm had cleared away two of these were found lying dead, with not the vestige of a feather on their bodies, while the thitd bad about one-half its feathers torri oil". The latter finally recovered and presented a strange appearance while walking about in a semi-nude state. After striking the fowls the elec tricity separated in three parts, each going in different directions, as shown by the feathers which were carried for some distance in its tracks. Another singular circumstances was that there were nomatks upon the bodies of any of the hens showing that they bad been struck by the lightning. A rkcknti.y prepared statistical table shows the progress made in the intro duction of the metric system of weights and measures. It is now established obligatorily in eighteen countries, rep resenting a population of 'J3i>,fiOO,(HHJ. comprising France and her colonies, Relgium, Holland and colonies, tier many, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Hun gary, Italy, Spain, Portugal, ltoumania, Greece, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Pe ru, Chili and the Argentine Republic. It lias been made legally optional in England, Canda and the United composing a populate n of Ts,"lF),tsK). It is admitted in principle, or partially for customs. In British India, Run. Turkey and Venezuela, so that it is in use obligatorily or permissibly in twen ty five countries, with li.jj.tMHj.tNKt of inhabitants. In Switzerland, Nlexi--o. Japan and China, representing 171,fK), 000 of people, the decimal system of division and sub-division is in u-.e, tut applied in other units than the metres. Tiikrk never was such a really go >r- 1 reel, smooth, neat, and strong, lias all tin late improvements, is easy to learn and manage, is serviceable, don t wear out, , always ready, and never out of order. : Sent C. G. I>. anywhere with privilege of I examination before payment of bill. Agents make money rapidly, supplying the gr-at demand for this the Cheapest Machine in the World. Territory free. Address, for descriptive books, Ac., "Family" Shuttle Machine Co., "65 Broadwav, New York. 30-ly The Pkath-ratb of —Our country Is getting to be fearfully alarming, the aver age of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting generally from the most insignificant ori gin. At this seas->n of the year especially, a cold is such a common thing thn( in the hurry of every day life we are apt to over look the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives in this way every winter, while had Butchee'* German Syru/> l>ecn taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large hill from a Doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, //osr/irc'* Qrrrnan Syrtip has proven itself to be the greatest discovery of its kind in medicine. Every Druggist in this country will tell vou of its wonderful effect. Over '.'-VUxiO'bottle sold lost year without a single failure known, fiold by F. I'ot rs Grrkx, wholesale and retail. 20-eow-ly A* Till.* Is the season when colds are most likely to be taken, a word of advice to our readers would be in season : First, then, keep your feet dry ; wear flannel ne*t your skin ; do not sit or stand in draughts of air, and upon the first symptom of a cold or a cough call at Green's Drug Store, in Bush House Block, and procure a Little of his "Compound Syrup of Tar, Honey and Blood root," which will give you almost instant relief. It Is a plertaant and rjfrrtnal preparation, containing the virtues of Tar combined with some of the best expectorant* and nnttiyne*, allaying all those distressing symptoms which if not promptly arrested will too frequently re sult in that fatal disease. Consumption. Price, 60 cents a Little, or six for $2 60. 21-cow •/. 11. II .4 I LA S It'S " llrr. Ilirr" Slttrr, AUeyhru (/ Slrrrf, IteUrfnnte, I'a. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE LOWEST PRICES AT - TTTTTT II ITU HI!!! KKKKK IIIIHR It EKKKK KKKKK 111111 111111 11111 VVV WE KRKF.E T T T II H K K It II K R K R 11 II II V V K K T II II K n II . K R II H II V V K T IIIIHIIII KK IIIIHit EE EE 1111111111 II V V EE T 11 II E II II E E II 11 II V V E T II H E E II II K E E E II 11 II V V E E TTT IIHII HUH EKKEE II It 1111 It EEEEE EEEEE UIIII IIHII 11111 V KKKKK ONE PRICE, EXCLUSIVE ZDZR/TT GOODS STORE. NO ONE CAN DISPUTE THE FACT THAT IT IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS! I wish to call the public attention to my Dress Goods and Silk Depart ment, which I can safely say is the largest, cheapest and most complete stock in the county. Look at the prices and judge for yourself. jSummer Suitings for cents jter yard. Matalasse, ----- 7U cents jter yard. Alpaca, black and colored, 12 1-2 cents jter yard. Cashmere, 20 cents jter yard. Cashmere f one yard wide, - - -25 cents jter yard. AND A FULL LINE OF NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. Black Dress Silks in all qualities. Colored Silks in all shades. An elegant assortment of Dawns. neada no argument to convince the public thet en exclusive Dry Good* Htore be* a great many advantage* over a general tnerchandi*e torc. ___ AN KAHLY CALL IS SOLICITED AND I WILL RE A RLE TO PROVE THE ABOVE. Youri, respectfully, J". HI. IB -A.TJJI A.3ST ID. My motto i, OSE PRICE AS'D THE VERY LOWEST, THE BEST OF GOODS, ASD SO MISREPRRSESTATIOS. Slate instils In MhshiioliiihcHx. From Ilk* Boton 111-mill Local self-government in about the only thing in our institutions worth lighting for. Thorn* people who wouhl extend the funotiona of the National Government, now that it i Republican, * an against States which have Democrat- : ic governments, would be quick to re- j siat the encroachments of a Democratic j National Government as against Statea whose governments are Republican. ' The only safe rule is to leave National affairs to the National Government and domestic allium to the State govern- i menta. Masanohuaaeta has defended ; State rights, ami she may be called up on to do it again. Tint enactment of a law permitting 1 . Indians to take up land and establish ! homes, like white men, would certainly j help toward the solution of the Indian problem, and we can see no good reason , I ior opposition to such a measure. In New York ami some of the Northwest ern Slates Indians have become good farmers, owning large tracts of well cul tivated land. It is a work of time—and a good deal of time —to develop the ! blanket Indian into a self supporting tiller of the soil. Several generations are generally required to elfect the change. Hut it can bo done, for it i has been done. Kvery encouragement should be extended to the red men to help themselves. Their childish help- j lessness amid the accessories and stir • roundings of civilization, should be steadily discouraged. There nre hun- j dreds of semi-civilized Indians who de sire to dissolve their tribal connection and settle on farms. There is plenty of ; land for all, ami their wish should be j gratitied.— Washington Post. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ItsniLis T>** or i-a sr I airth Muiela)* of Jan uar), A|"tll, Augas! •! N v-mN-r. l'o--i 1.-nt J tie- 11-ii ' n A. M*m. Ia k lUt.-ii. A-Miti .it lain JaJz ' 11-n. J-as II osvis, It- lls •mis. A—-- iaO-Jii'lgs* 11-' iii it I a isr k, Jutis laws I'ri.Oi-n-.turj~-J I'imi* Ihtnh Uriii.i.-r <>r W illasn-l CI k- ro I' K W Hi *> iirum II- *.f Is-.- 1,, A- WtlUfcM A T-iSlas. -trirt All rn i -1 1 iin A I'- anai. Sh-rilT -Jons S ii Ll*. T, ii.iiri-i lieu Ykisj" k i*"iiinly Sttri.-j.-i J iaii-* tlcriiHii. I'-r-.n-r ''""SiTisai IR**iriE I r umli-i im r.—Annn tiara), Ins Kit. n-fk te (Vnmly ('.minilmi 'ir-rs llisnr Vlr. s Atlorasjr I-- County r-"iriii*n--iM>f*--C. M ii.ikr. Jsiiilm >1 tlis rnart liuuse— IWrtbim OalbsilTii G-anti Aisiii'-r. J.sti T siik iKt.liiwL-ii K U(L una. Til-sii It. Jiwtsos. Jury i itininac- n-r. lUskt KttLts, Jr , Nitsis J Mlirmii Sap--i iiitrn.l- t.f ■-f I'.iMt. stn.-:i fnj Ilini Mitie. N Uri lail.ln l.m >1 Hia*' tuts, W, W. I*-rn*, It. <• Cuueemie, IW-ilrl- nt"- DI RECTORY. rHI W IIIS, Ar |i(n*iia| >n j*iric so l U* t <>( II wrl ttlrrv U ••*. -"tttt-Uv *1 1t 110 a W a?.! Ti f * I'rajar mMtini;, WV IUMIUJ hill r w l"'I, p.* In tl" W itf* tin. t< rth tat <<>rurr f *|rtrf i S Unli It t 1.-anrte , fraj i, •, atr*** t, • til It . I. -.l.fnt.-Uj _ r w . !••- tu*nl • f rluir* It Paatnr, ll *. A it. Y*Qfn ; rinhWitfc, f'urtiii itrret, mt of >j rtnjf JT. JOHNS ROMAN I \T!IOU< £itAtH IHali >}> atrv" t I"!* • vii All*icl>'-iiv r> v *n t * I'vb-f. Ret A J O'Brtafi; rraMfrtfr-, nth •t l uf iliah"|> AUsghriiv u l I'mn. ST JtIIN'S I*. I* Ist ** •!' A I., £ttit*l a.qi)iMt car Tt-r of A2lf,(i , njr in I |jmh atre*t S"!tk*. Sun.Uj Ir.b i w arwlT'Cf w Y* • l>'*Uj wrrlrot 7 1 , > V. tn4 Str liT-rlio"I Sttrt-Uy • r ¥ . in !•* ..f rhnrrli Rertur, IU. J -Iu Ilimitt, raßl#nc # I.anit- itrwt rNir -f Kj-ia. |>*l . liur-h MTIIKHAN, Sitnat#l *dilhNl rortv.-r f Itifh *inl Iv-nn ftr*M*ta *k#* •• Ut !" a *n-t7' jr m SnnUy-l Snn-Uy |r Urtira ro*>ii •>{, Frniai maatini W. 7' , r . ft** S*nt •! K >'ir*t. Mr* BA-nnff, All|tli-ny •tr*t liKKM \ N KRKgRMKD, it rthaaat - -rro-r of l.inn •!•! ftftnof atrtvtji S*r*ke- SmoU* t 10 "at i * and' j r Rrajar mtatinf Ft 1 r. M Ann* lay*rln••!, Nn-Uy * * in tl* fhurrh | % *. t• * on ty-rlng atfWf, rw of clinrrh. BAPTIST. Winalol tf-fthaart rrt**r of lli*h in;.W a u and 7- s r. u Sin*lay arloa l Sunday * a in -htir h Pa*t .r, Rvt W A Him*tl . ri.|eiic#, *at at k -f ainth of R|drii|a| htir- h. I'MTKD BHKTIIHKN. fMtnaUt] mrnar ftrmlh ||i f h and Tltornaa itr*t* Jterfkm, Sonday at IPJfi t a an ll'j r M l'rf*r mo*tii>f. \l"e*lt e|ay 7' <, r * Paa tor, J M. Smith, i'tat-oIR. * ••Mreat, Ik-lUf.-nt*. AFRICAN MFTIIODIST, Siln.l--.| wmth anil r.f BigkflCfMt ftltlllWl,iWHU KfclO A ff and 7J r w |'ray*r mreilnc, W Mltia.| 7| f m. Sunday-ar lav.l In • htirrh at f) r M. I'aatof, R< *. Jotna, e, Tft -ma* atrrvt. IRIUIIi,®, Sitat**l of n^ir RrlUktik Afadtf-myr. Suo-Uy 11 a. m., r-dtt'aday II A. M. Y M ' A , Prayer f*tinfa ara h*-ld aa*ry Sun.Uy at I and raary Friday at r w In tha r.m <-f tl A iatioti alw*a th I* t fb - A Tnion rr.• 11ng t* hld In th#- rom th* ftrt Sundar In ntrh m nth at 4 r. | a Kt**fn on*n rtery night from 7 to if r. w , aiI th* Null 'ftal < hruitian T*tn|ararr I'ni n at 7 Alt r oo Tit n r • lay Th* UniM TRMmtXCR PB AYF.R MKFTIVH tn**t* in th* h>f*n II sa* II *ta*. Thurtay,at 3 r w CFNTHNMU, TKMPKBANCR CLUB. Uvular m*stini ra. h Monthly at 7 r M. in th*ir rr -n.* In Buah • Arrad*. High itrwi. IHuliio'h Substitute. The Philadelphia Re caret suy* : Nona tor Blaine, who bus been very sareuntic ill hi* allusion* to "rebel brigadier*" in Congress, made merry over a question a* to what military iter vice he rendered hia country in itw hour of trial by telling the atory of hia experience with a Item ocratic Hubaiitute. The New York Run hioi examined tho records and find* that the aubatitute coat Mr. Hlaino notiiimi. He belonged to the Auguala laiyal Mutual Alliance, whoao mcmbera formed a pool for the benefit of audi aa were drafted, and the city has since reim bursed the subscribers In the /uml. It ulao appear* that Mr. Blaine's aubatitute did not go to the trout at all ; that he waa put to peaceful and eaay aervice in the Provost Marahal'a office in Auguata, Me., and waa aoon after locked.upin the county jttii lor forging aoidiera' certiti catea of diacbarge and draft exemption papera. The .Senator from Maine did not relate any of thoae very utnuaing operationa of hi* military proxy. There ia no reaaon any of theae bygone# ahould now be raked up. The country i* aick and tired of hearing of them. The one aide in parading their error*, and the other in peraiateutly lighting battle* that ended fourteen year* ago are e.jually wrong. Hut whenever a dough ty warrior ot the Blaine school leela culled upon to an hi* rhetoric on those sorrowful times, and from an autobio graphical basis, let him bo careful not to torget the nub of the story." Mr if .titrfrtlnriiiiiitM, MJLLIIKIM HOTEL, Mil LIIKIM, CKNTKI ' IN >TV. I IAN A \V. S MI'SSKB, I'roj ro tor. Tho (own if Miilh'tm la h-Alel in IVtui* Vi)lm ftUmt two mihw from '< Imrii ?<^: ., o, t,.. U wtV hurst, * >tl >jtitUftga that link# It * PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. 0 ~-d trotit li-lung t' th* trinity A*■ * ruum to **?> ti*u. At U. Ifi.twl . uio4nii. fi* will l* f tin t,1*.. and term# to v *t. Junw 1C ■. ly* ( iKNTKK COI'NTY, ss: ni**/ Tit-Qhhmmmiw* fcltli of Pi hwjUiiiUi 1 \ 4 RON MJKKXBACI! Id tr I r f i i J )., ft M • f lUrrte t tMI | - . fan !."• ' > dtid an I i nnml I m •* *< i •l-j-ar at nit Orphan* • ' >t t. H Im II a! P.. 1 J. In an) I>r Iff ..f iVntrw on th. f i 1 ■* <. • t.. H it-r "i tdmndet-a* r ** t. ! nr.t t i Kut- f wi-1 J I. . K Mill* r, h* %* t •!. il t, t I*- ret. k.l l ' |,', tljv* 11 n r A M% I*. I'frsMrfit it th# Cmrt. at llr'.i * Out. th .*1 i. f J>. A. I> I' • V* M K 111 inTIHi ij, o i Kl*rfT *om \ IWl! f n'. , !# Jnnr ;♦ l-T ' 8 • *• JOHN "i \N .1 BR WOOl>\\ AHI) SEMINARY 2:ariing and lav S:bx". Trasj Ladies and Little Ctiidren. SKCOND A NO I.IM.TST STKKKTS, HAKUISIiritO, PA K-ruUr l.rm wilt SKI'TKMIIXB 1 * !.? >f •tipl;-(lMi< and JVl'UtiOr, witti Mu*c ami Art. It- ard an ! tuilh n ttvm - |3BO a }**r ami ta Pr rifuUr* and nil S-bm i' iti .A iPAL Valuable Property FOB SALK. la- exposed to |>ublic sale ti to. \ n i.uw, in t?. iv fmati <-f -r#c •t Jo'chxk. P M , •• Satttrday, tho 28th day of Juno, th* Mhiwlnc dM* pr -prt*. In wit . All the right, title and interest of T M ti*!i In .! TItKKK (>ITS mi tb tn-t |*. qiuhi fur m*rl*rn* Raid pm|rtj I* I *•!*-< tn th* mt pwhlir wrtd | I.- v**nt }rt .f th* t r- ugh. *jvt !•'*• **nl*nt *n l w*|| *trthg*l f*>r pnl-lir {.•• <#? h t*l. Also, at the same time and place, ■II th' rtht. till*, inirrvt Ac .of A. C I Hln, in • pi** of f*r*u Imhl, cntein1 Unit I. t.n an4lTia-t tlur-l |rt ,-f SIX A 1 RE* or I.ANb tn IV ito t. wMhip known m th* MI I.K-IU R'i ( EMK TKKV, wnd l*|ofiging to th* MilmLuii A T** or fiat —On* third th* parch**"* mow** to !•* |m*l I In r*#h. maining third in two y*wr—th* UM*r two j aimenU with ifiirrwl, to t* •" nr*d h hfvfid and m- rt;K* J AS. F WKA V Kit. Tom .f T M 11*11, luriati' Mtl*whir. Jun* a. IAT 2M I/Ull KENT—three desirable front I room*, story, m hum* tUnat* on th* H. K *orn*r of IHsim>d—•nltnt I* for * *m*ll familf or *l**i tng r. •:. T*rm rM* }>iqnlr* f I>r K w ll*n, of H I PAII'KY, II If nti (It* S. ,('• .1. t.O(lriirrttl Merrhanlm, .tffif/lu-n// Stmt, Ilrlhf'ontr, t'n. SOUND REASONS Why we can undersell any exclusive Clothing Store in Centre county. Reasons which if carefully weighed will convince any one with average common sense: First We deal tn all classes of general merchandise, including DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Notions, Carpets, Hats and Caps, and everything generally kept in a well regulated Countrg Store. Second We hep the largest and Inst assorted stork, in styles and qualities, of Men's, Youth's and Childrens' Clothing in Centre county. third From the two foregoing reasons any one ran easily see our maintenance tbss not depend upon tin- large profits that must he math, on ti suit of clothing hy any e.cclusive clothiny store, and consequently we ran afford to sell at a smaller profit than any of therm. And since' we can afford it we are willing tej give our customers (he hew fit of the same. S X' \ I (\rPk 1 ALLEGHENY STREET, (O t \ I /ti;i) * • '*• IA BELLEFONTE. PA., (OSTYA.U )L1 >, TI I K 'MtOSS" ('HOT I I I KRS, —A Sit— THE OLDEST OENEKAL MEKCIIANTS IN ( EN THE COI'NTY. /Vo/ / ssinnaf i artl*. C T *L**4*t>*fc. f. M 1 LKXANDKIt A lU)WKit, - * ATToRNRYR AT LAW, HnlUf.,nia. Pa , may I- . -niilt-J in Ktigliali li.r- * I" Haroral,'. P.riilrling 1 I, JAHM k llt'm. , KUV AiriUkT. I i:.\ VKlt A (J K I'll A KT, * * ATTORNLV.a IT LAW. Of# ' f.n AIL „ Unity n Ml, >1 Huh. Ihlln. 11, I \ V. FOKTXKY, ■ "• ATTMRN RV \TIAW MKf 1.1 IMNTK. I* A iI i- T rftin ti (*1 N<. ItiriLKHA W11>)N, ATTORNMAAT LAW. 1 ly 1 LKARRItILti. PA I 011 X ItI,A llt I,INN. " ArT"ll>KV AT LAW, HH LI H'NTK I'A. Olftr# rt tH*mor> I, bw CVtilr* Hank il-ly | L. HI'ANGLKK, •' • ATTfiREET AT LAW, ihlwoati cnrlii "t RTT, PA Mail... b( wlwMmm: yrmd ti. wla ill mm ' wU; C K IIAt K!\ PA. AA ill attars! t* ail • .*k In (WliM, (Vntu mil Clinton fi tirtii Pfp>f • . p;w*itw Lporfc lU*i Natinal Hank \\ <•. II KIN IK. % % • ATToRSEV AT LAAA BLLLRPiIXTR. PA OHIr in r<trpt atUr.M go*n I- M* <4 claim* AH Nhlmh !<> {-romf'tlT 21-1 r w. I. tmi'l | t. KtlM. \\ T ALLACK A KUKHS, % % ATTORERRA IT-LAW, LRARPIKLt" PA. Will •llm>,| ami Uy naa at 11. 11,! .T.i, wh-n •, rial!, mlalr..l |.|| W I 1.1.1 AM MoCULLOUGH, * * ATTORXET AT LAW. CLILIHRIKLP, PA. All l.atlnw prnaiptl, , 1 1^ t .At n . 11, I \K. J, \\. RHONE, Dwtlit) omr 1 * I- L.ti,.| at l.t. ami r—NiiriA •I |. nf High •It,-!. thr*. .1 . r, Knt uf Allr-gln-ny. MWonlf. I' j,i, I \lt. I><) Bit INS, M. I>., I ' PBTAiniA AMI Rl RitKriN 'Mk" Hiihriy llnwt, lullfl Fa Iluninmn ('artl*. I \ LHKHT K Al'Tlf, J. * RAKKRV AMI CHEPRTTO*ERT, IIHKAH. CARRB, PIRA. Ar , llih'>p |Ulor, l-ly Ihimnr, P. I | A ItNESS MAN UF A CT<) It Y -* •- In lirmn' Kr Hl*k. RKlt n ati, PA l ijr b P. BLAIR, ■ • JKWRLKR. trcn*, rtftrtß. /rnri.i,HT, k<". All %rr.rk nmllt M'mHril Mn AllnglK'ii? Mm(, Br l|-ni*. 4.1f I oris DOLL. I J rARIIMEARLR lumT A KlloßV AR RK. Ht, Allrfh*tiT trwt, 1 If I fontw. Fa DKA LKItS IN PUHK DItUGH ON I.Y g I ZKI,LKH k SON, a - • (minutatt. Ko A. Ilr.trli,f h..IT R..* | £ All Ih# , MratMn*. Pp.! Btl|.ll.>h alwt, ...ratal, I |,r. |i.r>.|, Tiiuara, lira, a. An . At. 13 M *•* 11 riNB CLOTHING. SI'ITS to ortler I tain, Caps cfc Hhirts. MONTOOMKHY A CO., TRIIOPR, RRLLRmxTR. PA. l-1y t. e. i" *m, rriwT. I. p. ■ IMT. J T7IUBT NATIONAL BANK OK 1 BBLLRPONTK. Allaghar.) Rrwl, 11.11 nil ml*. P., 4-tP /%ENTRK COUNTY BANKING YJ OORPAET. RnT.IT. o*l'.(la Aml All"" t.l.mrl, nmngi Net*| Rap and all Ho*, •mtrltii*, HitlA ami Omiprrna, J|B A Rum. Pmai-lMil. J. D. BHVttRT, CBabl.l. A lf Ileirry A". //<>/.#, Iherehe-eere-. HARK/Y K. KICKS, [Sum-NMtr tu T. A. KICKS A KRO.,] nxAi.xu ia 1 1A LI I >\v A I! I-:, -s A I > Y, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO Sl'lT THE TIMES. AHc'jhrny Sire-', REI. I.KFOS TE, I'A. South of Diamond. ItoM ('aril*. HUSH HOUSE, lIEI.LCmXTR. PA I TilK OXLT FIR/TCLAJW HOTEL IS TIIKCTTT. I Tarts, 12K> fr 4t. Ur.ri attx )ii IV* "I '< *i"i I" .ni jur<* Ot*. Hann, Pmji' w run m-.i.n.rk HKOCKKKIIOPP HOUSE. BKLLRPoXTR, PA. 1 HOUSKAL A TELLER, Proprietor*. Good fi/Him on First Floor. • Bum nr 1-lj" 4 ;IHAIUI HOVSR, " ■ OIKS'KK CtlfcPTM'T AND MXTII HTRKKTS, I IIUMI.MU, T>hftn prnmtnHH In * ritjr fcr ft* <**• f ruM# tu*t*U. !• Itr| in r**f*r | *?*! to mny finri'!.•* h *UU In ih* "'UBtiy <>lnjt t" tt* •trin g+n<-f*4 Hi* (hp t#p# t>t t*o*r<) rMar*4 loThiii MLUU |#t dftjr. J M KIHHIS, 1 f - H M •<•*,< r riARMAN'S HOTEII \I OHMlti 0t llosaa, MtI.I.KPOSTR. PA. TERM* II . PER IIAT. A fwt Vktmj l-1y I 1 ; Z)r// (iooiln ri it fl (Irocrrte*. J J AH PER BROTHERS, M'RISO FTRKKT. BEI.LKPftXTX, PA., Have their counter, and ilmlvm filled with NEW GOODS, f BANKRUPT RATES Purcha*ed*t - BANKRUPT RATES I BANKRUPT RATES Wtin n TIIKV OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. OOXFISTINQ OP Ihy (iindi. Millinery Oood*, Clothing, Fancy Hoods, Notion*, Ac. BOOTS nnd SHOES ROOTS nd SHOES At very low price*. BOOTS And SHOES HATS and CATS I.a to* l style* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet BAR*, Umbrella*, Para*ol, Ladle*' Cloak*, Carpeting, Urooerlw, Queensware, Ac. OowprMaa wt) Ihln# lt>t ran b Mri la a lot ceial mention of them all, but rail atten tion dirtelly to a fete item* that arc haic bring sought after < very day. FISH. Mackerel are. of good quality this season and art srlli ng rather faster than usual at tins season of the year. If • hare been selling noth ing but full w* ighls —'M Hie. of fish in eaeh quarter barrel and 100 fbn. in eaeh half barrel. They hare better value for the money than short weights. Jsoke Herring and White fish are very fine this season and tell ing freely. MEATS. Our Sugar- Cured Hams, Third Beef, Break fast Bacon and ('he CMC are all worthy of special mention. F R U IT. Oranges and Jjcmons ore very fine a nil the price low enough to to bring them into every day use. But the price on these goods will be much higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next door to our Grocery room, is always well tupplied with the choicest meats. II e kill the best Beef. Mutton and 1 I eal that can be found; dressed in first-class style and served to customer* in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. Groceries and Provisions. fio house in the Grocery and Provision business in Bcllefontc is prepared to supply all the wants of the family so well as we can do at present. SIX IILER & CO. Or Ti © C x: 33. s. Bush H,,use Block, flcllcfontc, Va. CHEAP GROCERY —A\n— PROVISION STORE. 8. A. BREW * SON, Humes' Block, next door to Post Office, An- r> wllln* c --l In dim lln. .1 mwh mlmM prta* for CAM! or In ctinn** * nil kind. of COUNTRY rnonK R TVy r f*4* 4it. no that r* *mm fc*l certain of jt+44ang ■| mm: A\D FHESII GOO its / Tli*ir *U* V i# and irlMti, mh) i nMi In i*l f Light and Heavy Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ; Oranei**, lemons. Nuts \ KaMns. >j CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS of #wy kind m4 r*Hrty. ! TflK (tLKMUTKIt WAAtflKOrO* ferTCHmi Hams, Sides, Shoulders -A*- BREAKFAST BACON. Toffs'* ""S *Sn rfcnb-Ml DRIED BEEF. fSnon* ntin pioti In ibm tin. nil) tn