®he (Crnlvr g|rmamit, DELLEFONTE, PA. Tho Lr|(it, Chenpoat and Beat Pnpor rUIILlMIIKl) in CKNTKK COUNTY. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT is pub lUhwl i**ry Tliur*Uy nirnliiK, ll l 1 oTt• nto, Ctitr* count), IV TKHMB-CMh In *IIHBCI $t no If not |t*M in 4|vnnro. OQ Pajrntftita m*.| within thr mouth* will ho con aloio.| In <|viii p, A LIVK I'Al'Kli—Unvoted to tho tutcrnfttl of tlm wholo |>oo|ilo. No |IMT will IN* illrontlniiotl until iirrtwrttgMtrv paid, nvit at option of loihliahom. Paper* going out of tho county inunt h** pui I for in Advance. Any poraon procuring ti tnnraMt subscriber* will bo unlit a ftipy froo of charge. Our extotniive mi l at tho lovveat |>HOll>||. rate*. KATKS OK Al> V K.ltTlSl NO. Tiuio. | 1 in. |'J In. | A III | 4 In. MU lulu, 'in In. 1 Week, |#l fj i) f.l (in 4 iNk OU 0i f|J imi •2 Weeks, | I -'•< <*• 4 IN, 5 TK t\ IM n IN. in on 3WiH*k, , - TAN 3 .'•< .1 W t\ UOI 7 00,13 U", 1* IMI 1 Month. 2 :.)[ 4 141 II mi' 7 I*- Sun l;, uuj 20 mi '2 Mouth*,! 4 un C i*ij H ini In 00 1 2 im 2D on '2?* i* 3 Months, .* *• a 00 U IMI la on 1., on no :u. IMI 1 M.'IITLM,I T IM' 13 INI H INI 30 IMI JO IN. :T" •*' RTO INI 1 Year, 112 00 JL INI J> <> 43 IMI IN INI LIM IMI Advertisement* nro ralculntiwl by the Inrli in length of column, mi.l any ION* *|.a> E i* ratetl M* n full ilo h. ioni|Q advartliaaiaau mast i .- paid fbi baflbra lu ■artiua, oxcepi t*n yearly ntm t.wheu half-yearly pivmeiiU in ik-Uato o will ho required. Pnuri xi Norn 1 onu i r lit.*- -h Dim rti n. N thlag in-- ri. -i i i i• -• than ... i>t- IW Noriir*. in I lie editorial i nlumtm, l" cent* p i line, .i. h it.*, iti .n. Local Norl ss, lu local -. iun,n*, 10 OMTI per 11M iviouM BUIH •: una oJ i lodtdatss for ottoii S l each. \NN .I N. IWENTS or Mie.Kit.-r- i%n PtiTH* hiNert*-I free; hut ail ohltu.tr) liotl - Will he charged & t elite per lino. j*PK i il huTfi'Rß '2-> |or rent, atmvr n-gulitr ratoN. Lainnr and Conkling. The interchange of hot words that took plaee in the .Senate chamber of the Uniteil States, between Seuators Lamar and Coukliug, mi la.-t Thursday tnoruing, seems to have been wanton ly provoked by the latter. Conkling, with his sneers and supercilious airs, is nothing unless abusive and in-ult ing, and since the beginning of the present extra session the country has lu-en regaled bv almost daily < \hilii tious of his pompous and reckless as saults upon metulcers on the majori ty side of the Senate. Towards the Southern Senators he has, throughout the eutire session, pursued an extreme ly harsh and ungentlcmanlv course of conduct, with a view probably to fo ment jiersoual strife and keep alive sectional bitterness, and the wonder i tiiat his indecent assaults, exa-|>erat iug iuuendocs ami cruel taunts have lieen borue so loug with patience ami moderation. Whether the severe re buke he received from Mr. I-amar will do him any good remains to be seen. We fear that he has indulged in had manners so lung thut he is in corrigible. The scene Thursday morn ing is well described by the Hurri.-liurg J'atriot. That journal says: "In the midst of the debate Senator Conkling broke out in a violent and wholly un provoked tirade against the Democrat ic majority in which he denounced them as sneaks and frauds, and es|s - 0 cially charged that Mr. Lamar liad lieen guilty of had faith in getting up the Mississippi Levee bill and then voting against an adjournment. The j tone ami manner of .Senator Conkling are described as having been wild and violent in the extreme, the inspir ation doubtless having been largely ! drawn from the basement of the capi- ! tol. When Mr. Conkling sat down Senator Lauiar very calmly arose to deny the charge of bad faith, nml ac cused Conkling of a falsehood which lie repelled with all the contempt which he felt for its author. To this Conkling retorted by denouncing La mar as a " blackguard, a coward and a liar" if the language was meant to impute to him a falsehood. Lamar's prompt reply was that Conkling had understood him correctly, cloe : og with the stinging remark : "My langunge | was such as no good man would dc- : serve and no brave man would wear." j Such was the scene as faithfully re corded by the reporters. There was not the slightest provocation for the violence of Mr.Conkling. Mr. I,amar bad a perfect right to call up the bill 1 which he had in charge and he had a perfect right to vote against adjourn ment as long as he chose without lc --iug called to account for his action. Conkling was a wanton aggressor and for provoking this quarrel he will ob tain little sympathy for the blow which be received from the quiet and courteous Henator from Mississippi. Like a braggart he rushed into the quarrel and he cau now get out of it at his leisure. Mr. I/a mar is one of the last men in the Senate to violate the rules of (mrliamcntary propriety, and his excuse will be found in the suddenness and violence of this as sault. The truth is that two or three Kepublicau leaders of the {Senate have | been unable in this extra session of the Senate to accommodate themselves to the change in the political situation in that body. They cannot realize that they are in a minority, and they are as insolent and overbearing as when they led the majority of the Senate. Conkling and Blaine, as rival lenders and enemies, have vied with each other in efforts to excite partisan applause by violent appeals to sec tional animosity and prejudice. While accusing their political opponents of the worst designs they have been the foineuters of sedition and violence from the beginning of the extra ses sion when they found themselves no longer at the head of the majority of the Senate. They have sought out every occasion to provoke a personal conflict with Southern Senators n-< a means of ministering to the hatred of ignorant and stupid partisans. At last Mr. Conkling has swaggered with out provocation or pretext into insult ing a fellow Senator, and he has met with the rebuke which he deserved. This 1 i .-son may have the effect of im proving his manners. Federal Iliatory of tho Past, in Contrast with tho Proscnt Iluyes' Votoes. Written F->R LH* <'*RRU* I>EM-*CRNT. Tho ohjivl of tho Atm-rican Conittitution wiw to pcrpotUMtc tho liberties of tho people : who established the Union of State*. The | !minor* of that inntrument wolf know thn'. when n Statu i* divided int<> parties, what political imposition* may f-o committed • von in the name and under the assumed I authority of majority of tho |>eoplo, and therefore endeavored to prevent them-- they understood human nature. The languagi they have used i* plain, simple and perrpioa- CIOIM. There i* no occasion U>re*orl to the rule* of eon-tn tion to (1\ it* moaning It explain* itself. Ilut a uur|y the indulgent -', if not cowardice of a timid p'-ople, who *hould have contended for th- ir political right* nml lite rty in cho<>*ing their J're*i | dent. |f they had, Mr lit.ve- n M-r would have le't-n the noting K\e< utive nml dit tutor. In the Gubernatorial contest in our own State in lsdS, between (ton. I'--r --tor and '<>* littner, the | •j !e by n do cided majority of their vole*, elected David K. Porter a* their Governor. The ballot hue* prviclaitiusi that the people hntl tri uuiphcd, hut a con*pirucy had been entered into by the loader- --f the Whig, now lb - publican party, before the election, nml after the election there exiited n fixed determination to deprive the people of their t'ongri -men, Senator* nml Kepre*inlative ttf the City nml county of Philadelphia, and the Democratic party of it* elected fiovernor, and place in their *tcad mi-n who had heen defeated bv the people. Tlinddeu* Steven*, the leading chieftain of thiapbdnf trcni>n ngnin-t the right* ami elective frnm hi*e of a majority of the j-eople, pxp--t.sl every mi-mb-r of hi* par ty in the le-gUlaturc to *u*tain him, and wo find him writing secret letter# to cer tain member* previous to the meeting of the le-gi*lature, and among others, the following to John Mnntdiu*, a Whig mem le-r from Union county "ilxßHltllt'Ro, fk-t'-ber ?!>, IS.'.S. Dear Sir— 1 am much gratified at your election. I hope you will be here* the Friday before the m-s-ting that %ce may all art loylhrr. \\ •• shall have turbulent time* at the opening of the House, but we mad be determined not to give an inch. Please come then and let us consult with friend*. Yours, THAiiimm STITIXS." This *•< followed by a circular from Thomas H. Burrows, Secretary of State under Gov. liitner, "to the friend* of Joseph Kitner," concluding in these word* : "Ist ms treat the elect tan of the ninth in tant, a* if tre had not heen hen fen, and in that attitude abide the result ["No one can fail to s.-e how strikinglv i alalagous these treasonable proceedings are to those resulting in placing Hayes in the position to per|-iuate the power of treason by the veto."] Gov. Kitner we find sustaining Ih'u rev olution, issuing an order as Cnmmander-in- Chief of the armies of the State, to General R"l*ert Patterson, dated fith December, : 1838: "You are ordered ami requested forihvith to call out from your command, Ac. and march them immediately to the seat of government." Gen. Patterson complied with this order and marched tho Ist Di- j vision P. M., to Harrisburg, and on ar rival, report* to Gov. Kitner the presence of the Ist division at tho seat of govern ment awaiting further order*. In the meantime Gen. Patterson made a thorough examination of the position and on tho 10th December, 1838, wrote to Gov. Kit ner as follow* : "1 take plrasure in stating from my own ptrnmnl oheerratinn that there was tranquility during the night and not the slightest impediment thrown in tho way of the troops in discharge of their duties. I am also gratified in being able to report to you, that from information communicated to me, I believe thecitiaens of all classes will use every exertion to preserve that order that now exists," and ask* permission "to order a portion of Id* command to return to Philadelphia." Gov. Kitner answers this of the same date and ay*: "1 will accordingly consult with tho monition* of the legislature on tho subject, nml if they concur with you in bclioviiig that n part of your coiuniHti<] may bo tils pcnsud witb, I hIihII gliully issue tho nec essary orders." (Jon. Patterson in reply to Gov. ltitnor of Hnnio date suy* : "In regard to tho latter part of your letter, in which I I am desired to state "ax an officer and i citizen of Ponnsylvania," the nurnbor of men which I shall undertake to "preserve tho public peace at Hnrrlsburg." 1 beg leave to reply that my official station at present under the (''institution and lawn, |is a military one. In that capacity I am subject to the order of the commamler-in. I chief, and ready to quell an insurrection. ! Allow me respectfully to state that mere j violations of the public peace should be | prevented or punished by civil authority ; until it is ascertained that they are unable to accomplish those objects the military should not be called on to |erforrn that duty." Here Gen. Patterson found no ' riot, no rebellion, no insurrection, no dis turbance of the public peace among tin citizens gathered at llarriaburg. He found them quiet and peaceable, yet firmly pro testing against the usurping conduct of Kitner, Su-vcns, Penrose ami others invud ing and subverting their rights, abrogating and disfranchising their chosen representa tives. At thi- imp riant cri-is, tin- I).-ino ■ ratio citi/.>-ns at liarrixhurg, with eharae teri-tie regard for the right- and liberties "f tin- | pie, when menaced cither by in vasion from without or em roa< lum-ntx of degi-nerato sons from within, manifested at the outset a proper, but riot h-s deter mined spirit of resistance against tile eon summation of intentions so revolutionary aml daring, like their fore-fathCrs of 17TO, formed then, elves into a "Committee of Safety" to defend their constitutional rights as freemen, (ten A Dillor was cbosen chairman and the result of the peaceable and llrrn altitude of that com mitter will ever pr the gratifying fact that a- champions -if the pes,| !c, they . • c-sfully maintaim I tie- sacred prim i; h ■ of republicanism ami liberty again -t the eombined efTorts of usurp r- ami conspira tors, Bided by the strong bam] of military power. They saw t!n-se intiirreclioni-ts or ganic • tlo ir *j iri .us I.' g datura, erecting their government in d- 'lam e of the (/ insti tution and laws of the Commonwealth At this important crisis, John M uiU lius, a \\ big, but an honest and fearless repre sentative from Union county, wb > uj"n tho invitation of Steven-, attended some of the meetings of the polite nl insurgents, was dissatisfh-d yvilh their revolutionary proceedings, left, and on I,lth December, 1 -oH, called to tee Gov. ltitner, and then met Stevens, who rs-jsortcd tsi (J..v. Kitner, "that toine of our men are turning trait ors." The Governor replied and said he would not give way. Mr. M -melius left, and informs*! G--n. Slur levant and Mr Muth-r, 35 hig ne-mbs-rs from Luzerne roiin ty, what hasl taken place, and thess- thn-o men a) j '-are l and were worn in a* mem hers of the duly elected I-cgislaliire. The "Committee of Safety did not lay aside that vigilance which is n- e- ary t -guard thss people in |>ss'-sbin "f their roii>titu tiona! liberty from the bold ds-predati'-n of the artful sj.ib r an I intriguer on the watch tss • ncr- s h s>n popular rights, until they saw Kitner, Stevens A (Jo. foiled in their attempt to overawe ami intimidate the free els* tors of the Stats- Thus end 1 what is termed the "Ru-k-shot war," leaving the f-siple in the full enjoyment > f their State rights. Ssv> Report of Com mitts*- of Investigation--Montelius' Kvi d'-nce, page tcj. In 187" we find President Grant stealth ily sending Units*! Stats-* marine* to attend the election pd' at Philadelphia to a**i*t the Republican party, intimidate the b gal voter, and aid the baßot-aluffer to carry the election in favor of his political parti zans in contempt of State rights 1 his is one of the prees-dents Mr. Hayes adverts to in hi* veto message*, a violation of the Constitution and laws rsf the Common wealth. s\t this time John W. Geary *a* tho Republican Governor of the State, and as soon as he wa* informed of this insult and outrage to the State sovereignty—in terdicting the ezerrise of constitutional privileges unprecedented in the history of our Stale, exercising arbitrary power with out right, grievous and insulting to free citizens, dangerisus to the common liber ties, and incompatible to the Constitution of the l*nitc*| State* and of the State, en tered his protest and demanded their re moval. Gov. Geary, likn the Repreaenta- | lives before roferred to, besides being a ; partisan, could not forget that he was alto an officer of the Commonwealth, under oath, to see tho Constitution and laws faithfully executed, in his message-to tho i Legislature of tho 4th January, 1871, calls j the attention of tho Legislature to this at tempted invasion of the Slate by the mill- j tary power of tho Federal Government in the following well chosen words : "The employment of Pnited States troops at elections, without the consent of the local and the State governments, has re cently received considerable attention and reprehension. Ilia regarded as an inter ference with tho sovereign rights of the Stales, which was not contemplated by the founders of the general government*, and if persisted in, tnusl lead to results disas trous to peace and harmony. The practice is one so.serioui in its character, and so in jurious in its tendencies, as to merit prompt consideration, and decisive action, not only by the General Assembly but by Congress. One of the complaints of the colonists against the llritish King was the oppres sion growing out of the assumption of this power. They said, "He has kept among us in times of peace, standing armies, with out the consent of our Legislature and, what Is especially pertinent to the case in i point, "He ba affected to render the mili tary independent of, and superior to, the civil powers." The alleged authority for tbo Use of troops, at our Stale elections, is derived from trie tenth section of an ait of Congress, approved May lit, 1870, entitled "An Act to enforce the right of citizens of tile United States to vote in the several Status of the Union, and for other pur poses," which authorizes United States • marshals to call to their assistance, "such portion of the land and naval forces of the United Slates, or of the militia, as may ho necessary to the performance of the duty with which they are charged, and to insure It faithful observance of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United Stales." lint it must he a foried construction of this law that will justify the presence of armed national forces Ht our places of election when no tnteasity I exists therefor, and where their presence ;is calculated to provoke collision. Willi a good President, the exercise of the pow i er referred to might have no injurious re sults,-hut in the liunds of a hud man, gov erned by [H-rsoiial ambition, it might prove exceedingly calamitous. Unconsciously a good President might he induced to em ploy it wrongfully ; a hud one would he al most certain to use it for hi- own advance ment. Under any circumstances, in my opinion, it is unsafe, and antagonistic to the principles that should govern our re publican institutions. At the la-t October election United Stales troops were station ed in Philadelphia for tin- avowed purpose of enforcing the election laws. Tins was done without the consent or even tin knowledge of the civil authorities of eith er the city or the Slate, and without anv expressed desire on the part ol the citi zens ; and a* fur a* can he ascertained, without existing nci'-"*ity. From a con scientious conviction of its iiii|M>rtniicc, 1 hove called your attention to this subject. A neglect to have done so might have l.. n construed a* an endorsement of a measure that meets my unqualified disapproval. The civil authentic, of Pennsylvania have always been, and are still, comjx-int to protect its citizens in the exercise of their elective franchise, and the pro|s-r and only time for United States military fort*-- to intervene, will I*-, when the power of the Commonwealth is exhausted and their u.d is lawfully required." * PAt 111 k Remit. The I'oeomoke Tragedy. 1.1 I.LIE 111 ER rot'Ml lifll.TV t>l M*N ALU '.lll EH. S\ow Hill. June 19. —The jury in the case fit Llllle Iucr lor the ilol|||> .'lc of hlla llearn came into court at 1.1 tin* morning. The court house was crowded, but the stiHto-** of death pre vailed when the prisoner entered, b an mg on the arm of the sheriff The panel was called, and in reply to the question of the clerk the jury unnounc • I I hat they had agreed upon a verdict. Granville Stokes, tin* foreman, when called un*wrrcd "Guilty of murder with r<--"miueiidation to the mercy of the court." Judge Wilson informed him that the verdict must b forma), and the reply must not be guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter. Tho formal answer wa- made, but before the clerk record ed the verdict Mr. (Jrisfiel I. of counsel for defense, demanded a |>11 of the jurv. The panel wa* then called and the formal answer of guilty of manslaugh ter until the name of F. iward I". I'iuscy, tho eighth juror, wa* called. He an aweied distinctly, "Not guilty." That reply created a sensation in court, and appeared to atfurd relief to many in the court house. Judge Wilson then said as the jury had not agreed they would again have to retire to further consider. The jury then retired to one of the jury rooms in the court house, and sub sequently to their room at the hotel. Lilhe Ihier occupied the same seat withm the tar where she sat since the trial In-gan. She remained apparently calm, hut was suffering severe nn-ntal emotion, and a few tears trickled down her checks. Her father and sister Ma tilda sat by her, as they have since the trial hegan. The jury notified the court tb tan agreement had been made at 11:10 a.m., and they were summoned info rourt. * After the panel had been called, anil in reply to tlie usual question, the jury answered that they had agreed, and the verdict waa "Not guilty of murder and guilty of manslaughter." Mr. I'urnel demanded the poll of the jury, and they answered a* their fore man had answered. The shentr then took charge of the prisoner, and the court took a recess until 2 o'clock. At 2 10 r. a. M>* I'ucr was brought into court for sentence. The law per nuts either imprisonment or fine, nml in view of the recommendation of the jury to the mercy of the court and the tact of the prisoner's previous good character, the court imjo*ed the highest tin" which the law provides, which is ♦ B*l. Miss Duer sat like a statue while the judge addressed her, and the only emotion visible was a rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles of her face. Alter sentence the sherifT took charge of the prisoner, but she was not ' taken to prison. Her friends will at once pay tbe fine, when ahe will be dis charged. Anticipating ( ailed Ihind*. i N im-ORTANT I IBCt'l. VB IASt'KD TESTERDAI rKON Til* TKKASt RV, The following circular wm issued Thursday from the Treasury depart ment: "Notice is hereby given that the department will redeem, without rebate of interest, the outstanding 5 20 bonds of the United State*, consols of 1867 j and consols of 1868, embraced in the 94tb, 95th and 96th calls maturing July 3 and I, next. These bonds embrace | all the outstanding unmatured six |x*r cent, called bonds." The amount of bonds embraced in these call* is $61,. 072,100. The amount of five per cent. 10 40 bonds, maturing between July 9 and July 23, is $184,260,100. After this period the entire refunding operations of the Government will be brought to a close, and unless the holders of the sixe* of 1881 will voluntarily otfer to exchange their bonds, no more bonds can be called in until the sixes mature in 1881. When the present refunding operations are completed, which will not be later than August 1, the amount of the four per centa. outstanding will bo $711,022,000. The four per cent, bonds outstanding January 1, 1879, amounted to $198,100,000. A Tour or the World. j an zvamizlizim; car-TV with a mo tent j TO I'RKAL'II Tllz OORfKI, KVr.KVWIIKRK. j from lbs Philadelphia R Home time next spring a party of 1 preachers and exhorlers will |i. MV this city on an evangelizing tour of tho world. The movement is being engi neered by a number of Methodist preachers, at the hood of them being , tho Kov. J. K. Inskip, editor of the ('Am linn SUtrulunt. The movement, how ever, i* intended to be purely unde nominational, and representatives of all religions faiths are to be invited to join with the party. The evangelists will take with them a tent capable of rc commodating ho me two thousand wor shippers, From here they will go to Great Itritian, whore they will visit all the prominent towns. Thence they will visit several continental cities, pass through Kgypt and the Holy Land, on to India, where they will lie assisted by Kev. Mr. Osborne, an Ameriean minis ter who is now laboring in that country, l-ront Italy they will come to California and hold meetings across the continent back to tins city. The necessary funds are to he raised by subscriptions. - The Trade Ibillur. the imrsK passe* tiie iui.i. poa its ex change roa iiir. leu a l dollar. Kjrw ml '|t*jmi< }, f/j (}, Tiiio Washington, June 19. Alexander Stephen*' b II t*> exchange tin- trade dollar for the tatidard dollar was passed by the I!oue today after :i short debate. Mr. Stephens, who is chairman of the coin*/re committee, made the closing speech. 11.- argued that the government would be benefit "d by the exchange, us it Would receive a dollar containihg -120 grains of silver for one containing hut 112j. The bill as pa-sed t.-ads a* follows : lb* it enacted, etc.. That tin-Secretary of the Trersury shall cau-e to I e #•* changed at the ')>•• . • ury and at all nil Treasuries of the Unit, i States 1* g.l tender stiver dollar- for trad, d< llura, at par, provide*! the weight of said trade I dollar has not !<••• n |.-dtic. .1 below tho standard weight arid limit of tolerance | rovided by law f. r the single piece ; and aboil rwooin the told trade dollars into legal tender dollars as now provid .-■I l.y law ; and shall atop the further coinage of tr.i ie d'.ilar- provided, that trad** dollars recoined under this act shall not be counted a part of the coin age *.f silver r*-quir<-d by set of Febru ary 2-*. I*7* ami provided further, that trade dollars that havelseeti "chop perl or restainped f,,r circulation in • 'iniia or other foreign countries shall l*- excluded from tin- pro* i-ions ot this act. Gn a I'ar Mlth the Member*. From Ik* ÜbGMlif N** f-t* Some of the cJ<-rh hanging about the late State Legislature *e*-tn to have tx*en al>OUt on par with a portion of the mem Ix-rs of 11* at body tin m*elves. Through tlie rarelsssne** of one of them tiie President Judge of La* haw anna county was deprived of three months' salary, simply l-cau*e tiie clerk who trans cribed the biil neglected to insert an amendment covering mat amount of pay. Another one of these inefficient# left a bill in hi* desk that appropriated s7".<*si to an insane asylum at Pittsburg, instead of taking it to the House, a* he should have done. Four years ago this same institution suffered from a some what similar blunder, tiie messenger who was convey mg it from one cham ber to tiie other having lost it. It seems to have become riecesvary to keep a* vigilant a watch on the clerk* a* on the mcml*ers themselves, and even then they manage to do a goxl many things thai display a plentiful lark of efli cieucy. Washington** Headquarters. THE DEDICATION AT VAI LEV T'ltr.*. 5 vLt.tr Forge. June 19.—The cere monies attending the laying of the corner stone of the old headquarters occupied by Washington at this pla. e •luring the memorable winter 1n77 8. opened at sunrise this morning with a salute of Um guns. At an early hour trains began to arrive with excursion ists from '.he interior, and though the crowd is not so great as at the centennial celebration, it is a perfect jam in and around the hoadvuarters. The military display wa* very fine. tjuite a di*ap|>ointment was fell on ac count of the non ap|>eflrance of Senator Bayard, who had t-eon select d as ora tor of the day, but who could not crime on account of Uongrrs still being in session. Kx Governor Pollock was there. ii|K>n chosen to fill the |>o*ition. which he did in his usual creditsblu manner. Kansas and Her Senators. Pmtn lh Alrhi>b pAltbii. I w *Jim Lane; he fills a sui cide's grave. There was Pomeroy: a thousand years wdi not efface his mem ory. I here wa* Ross; he dared to do right, and—well. Ross wa* spurned hy ; his party, aner to state that the report now in circulation throughout the country that his sister, weighing eight hundred and eight pounds, is dead, is erroneous. Mr. Powers stales that his sister Is just as well as she ever was and is gaining steadily in flesh, and he it confident that both himself and sister will tip the beam at 2,000 pounds in the course of a couple of years. What there is left of the National party will meet in State convention at Altoon* on thu 15th of July. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. In the Orovo. ! WrJlli-fi fir lit* Cfcvrnfc OIM'M itt MlriUd Ui Uhi jroot)(ful \mAy snd mimi. fr'U/ofat 'mij fj" fur lit- jiraJaM #• w<#uM U*tow , Thankful though u our howsma fill, ThitHigfc an.) through aitL Mtaa wt thrill; Ah, thia la fb hfhh-n upot Whera ha H /iD*a U* ,4*l hT M. Y*r I J y*mr th# > io\, \ y g fvW Ju*t • if th* tr ahuuhl kiKiv Tint In globing of l#*f la th' lf , arid lli# . JUM<#f4 bjr •*- J with tftai it; Aii'l M4o- fti'lti l ay 1 1 da;, Y*mr I) ;#■*/ an.J Amy by Up RirJi r Immt; tu#> 'JUj.l*;, A44in* h. th* tr vrydvrf gf*-*ti Till all thing* I ' M-toth th#> rra-ti. Tbnmffti til*. I#-aw-, th#- *jfi wind rt *u Making in. I .!. ** not#*. W huU*rr> >th thl> hovwr < Mr not what tta; !*• the hour j A Ult)- fli#-* *• only mv ' U|#l4 • air ova In cvb ITN>. Ou uhi l- to . all the roll and make -iih-tic.ti< Th' re w-r<-prox-nt in per "ii, and by • .h-tit,jt< , forty-seven dele, gates. The chairman then announced that the • ■•nv' ntioti wnij I |.ro c-ed to nominate and elect IMO K. pr.x-ntalive delegate* to the J.eio K-ra; State Convention to be h< Id at Harri.hurg. The following nomination# were made : Cyrus llr in ard "f Miles township, Jo.ej,h lt". of Spring " T. J. Dunkle of Kuh • .1. A. M.Clain of it"gg " I*. V. Ilo'.t rf of K.-rguwin " Before the ball t wa-taken Mr. T. J Dunkle, of ltu>h withdrew hi# name. The result a- folio*. : Cyrus Brurngard received U-'t vote# Joseph Ike. " (t " J. A. MeClain " 84 ' i' F. Bottorf " • 12 " T J. Dunkle " 2 " WhereufKin'J. A. MeClain and Cyrus Brumgard were declarad elected. Th- C nvention then nomiijatsd the following j- rwins a# Senatorial Conferees to ch.K.M- a S< r.atonal Delegate to the -eme Convention: Frank Kennedy of Harris township, F. !' Museerof JVnn " K C. W.Kids of Spring " John U Sankey or Vottcr " A. .1 Driest of I'nionvillc Borough J. II Dobbin# of Ikdlefonte The ballot resulted as follows : Frank Kennedy received 8 votes, F. I'. MusM-r " 36 • A. J. driest " 83 " J. 11. liobhin* " 37 . K. c Wrds " 10 ' John O. Sankey " )$ • 'Whereupon F. IV Muster, A J. driest and.l. 11 Dobbins were declared elected. The I .invention then adjourned sitw dU. The delegates w ore not instructed by the Convention. JAVK* A. M-CI.AIW, L .. Wilbi a K Brkl'Kß, ( • Srrr *^ ar * r '- PusTis.l THL.S nr TH* ROADM!**. — The following very important law pass "d both branches of the Isegitlature at its late session : SBCTIOW 1. That any person liable to road ta* who shall transplant to the side of a public highway, on nis own premises, any fruit, shade or forest trees of suitable sis.", shall he allowed by the Sujrvisor of r.mds, where r<>ads run through or adjoin cultivated fields, an abatement of h road ta*, one dollar for every four trees set out; Init no row of elms shall lie nearer thvn -evenly feet, no row of maples or other f'-rest trees nearer than fifty feet, except ha ut, which may be set thirty feet afiart ; ami no allowance, as before mentioned, -hall be made unless such trees shall have len set out the year previous Vv the de mand for such abatement, and are living and are well protected from animals at the time of such demand. S*<\ 2 Any trees transplanted to the side of the public highway as aforsssaid, in the place of trees which have did, shall bo allowed for in the satrn manner and on the same conditions as in the previous sec tion. Sk. S. No person shall be allowed an abatement of nis highway lax as aforesaid more than one quarter of'his annual high way tax, and no one shall receive an abate ment of tax for trees planted previous to the pasage of this act. B*c. 4 Any person who shall cut down, kill or injure any living tree planted as aforesaid, shall jwv to the supervisor of roads as aforesaid, 4fly cents for each and every tree cut down, killed or removed, and to be collected as other laves are now collected. —The semi annual inspection of Com pany B, Fifth Regiment, National Uuard, made last Friday somewhat lively. The "bold aoger boys" walking about in their blue uniform! reminded one of the time when "Johnnie came marching home." Eleven came in from Woodward "with their alnrtling drum nnd fife, waking the living to fiercer life while members of the company came from Curlin and How ard. We understand the company Dum ber* seventy-five in Ucllofonte.