Sljr Crntrr Democrat NIIKiKKT \ FOHSTKH, Editors. VOI,. I. sht tCnittc gnnomit Term* S1.&0 per Annum, in Advance. S. T. SHUGERT and R. H FORBTER, Editor.. Thursday Morning, June 26, 1879. MR. HAYES lias withdrawn the nom ination of Secretary McCrary to the office of Judge of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Bth District. AFTER all, it apjw-ars that Blaine's substitute did* not cost hint anything. j He was afterwards reimbursed by the city of Augusta for all the fellow cost him. Say nothing more about that chap, Mr. Blaine. TIIE walk just completed by Wes ton shows wonderful endurance as well as inuschto traveled about one hundred ..mile!? a day for six days, which is probably as much, if not more, than any good, sound, active horse could accomplish, in that time. IT is charged that there is a deficit in the accounts of the public printer ut Washington of 81,0'21,346.86. A pamphlet making the charge in detail, it is said, has been placed before the Printing committee, and if from a re sponsible source should receive prompt .investigation. ANOTHER jtersonal difficulty, and this time with our Don. Is it possible ' for Conkling to get along smoothly with any one ? Bad manners, aggra vated by a bail temper, are always ; hard to boar, but Donald should not have turned bis back upon his impe rious friend. That was too bad. WHEN Conkling rose in the Senate ou Friday night la"t to ranke a speech, all the reporters in the gallery, num- ! bering about forty, rose and retired, and remaiued out during bis sjicech. < >n its conclusion Senator Eatou rose, when they returned immediately in a body, making the slight upon the im perious Conkling very marked, if not insulting. TIIF. negro exodus has subsided, nnd further contributions to the "Emi grant Aid Society" will not lc requir ed. The deluded blanks who were led to Kansas, under promises of free farms, stocked anil prepared for their occujiancy, may starve or steal for a livelihood, without causing any emo tion of shame to the heartless wretches who induced thetn to leave their homes in the South. "A 1.1. that the Democrats set out to accomplish is accomplished in their new Army and Judicial Expenses hills," says Mr. Conkling. That is so, and it is right that it is so. No doubt Mr. Conkling and his stalwart party hegin to realize the blunder they made in forcing the issue of military and Ex endive supervision at the elections of the people. But they made it and must stand to the record. They voluntarily walked into the hole and there is no escape. THE selection of Mr. James A. Mc- Clain, of Boggs, and Mr. Cyrus Brum gard, of Miles, by the Democratic County Convention, as Representative delegates to the State Convention, will be cordially endorsed by the Democ racy of Centre county. Aside from the fact that their election was a splendid vindication of the integrity of the Democratic organization of the county, they are both active and worthy young Democrat* entitled to the respect and confidence of every member of tho party. These feelings were strongly indicated by the deci sive vote that each receiver! in the Convention. They are not instructed to support any one for the office of Htatc Treasurer, hut the people they will represent in the Harrishurg Con vention can safely and confidently rely upon one thing: Their action in that Convention will be dictated liy an honest purpose to serve the best in terests of the great Democratic otgan ization of Pennsylvania. " KUI'AL AN 1 K X ACT JtHTIi'K To ALL MUX, or VVIIAUCVKK STATE OR PKHat; AHION, HKLIUIors OR POLITICAL.J*ffron Tho Curtin-Yooum Oontost. It wiw generally HUJ>|M)MHI and be- I licved tliut the re|Hirt and conclusioUß of the above contested election ease would have been reached before thin time, lint this lin.* not occurred, und in oilier to answer the many inquiries ; made concerning it, we have conclud ed to give our readers the information we could gather in reference to it. It has been said by some that on account of the testimony taken in the case bc iug in so bad a shape, through the bungling management of the attorneys who hail that part of it in charge, that the committee could not under stand nor straighten out the mixed up evicenee. This we can assure our readers from the most reliable source is not the case ut all. And whoever originated such an assertion drew largely, for his conclusion, upon a perverted imagination. Mr. Ettcrs, the clerk of the committee, who hits gone over all the testimony, had no such fault to find with it, and he is the only person who has examined the entire case. In his preparation of it for the printer he had occasion to strike out, or rather take from the tes timony, a large amount of superfluous matter in the records anil docuinenta- ; rv evidence, which was considered by the committee out necessary to IK- put in the printed copy, but which is pre served by the clerk for the use of the ' committee if occasion requires it. The true reason why the case ha" not been disposed of up to this lime is, first, the indisposition of the com- . mittce to take up any contests during the extra session of Congress, the ex tra session having la-en called, as is well known, to pass the appropriations for next year. Another reason, and jierliaps the principle one is, that the | appropriation for public printing for . the year having la-en exhausted, Mr. ; Dcfrees, the public printer, re funs I to print any matter except such as wi absolutely necessary for the daily use of the House and Senate. True, the lowa cacs were before the com mittee, and passixl upon by the com mittee, but the r-[>ort has nof been presented in the House and probably will not lie at this session. It might lie in place here to state that the com mittee hnvc decided against the contest ant* in these two case* and Messrs. j Carpenter and Sapp, two IU-publican rneml>ers, will retain their seats, which shows that this committee is a fair j one, and not a political machine to sent every Democrat who may contest a seat in Congress. Hut notwithstand ing the indisposition of the committee to consider any eases, at present, the i case of Curt in vs. Yocum would have been taken up by the committee, if it | could have been printed, and. Mr. Bttera, the clerk, worked faithfully and hard to have it in readiness be fore Congress adjourned. The ease has made all the progress it possibly could under the circum stances. There are several hundred 1 pages of it printed already, and it is ! the only one in the printer's hands, and no other will precede it, as he has instructions from the proper ahthority to print it as fast as possible. After the appropriations for next year are applicable, which they will be after the Ist of July, the printing will he done in a very short time. Should fJongress adjourn, the committee has authority by virtue of a resolution passed by the House to prepare this case during the vacation, so as to have it ready by the time CongresH meets in December. TIIK anonymous " Not a Kcbel," who aim himself through a column or so of stupid and disjointed trash in the Ik-llefonte Republican, of this week, will excite only derision and contempt. Indeed, we greatly fear the reverend gentleman for whom he assumes to sjieak will, when he reails " Not a Rebel," IK- moved to exclaim in agon ising accents, " < od prevent this poor fool from saying anything more about me or my oratiou." In regard to his BKLLHFONTK, I'A., THURSDAY, .MM: |H7!I. "word to Major Forstcr," that gentle man desires to say that he lias no dis position to enter upon a controversy with any one about bis loyalty and patriotism in the past. Ho prefers that the record made by a soldier in two wars for his country shall settle all questions of tliut character. At least, lie will not engage in a wrangle with any one who skulks behind a nom ile ji/uine. " Not a Rebel " docs not say in so many words that he was j a soldier, though he may intend that j to be inferri-d. If " Not a Rebel " j did serve in the army lie was probably a skulker then, a he is now, for no brave man would Is- mean enough to attack the patriotism of a fellow sul dier from behind a sereen fifteen years after the |M-riisl of their military ser vices. This is all Major Korster has to say to " Not a Rebel." Tho Napoleonic Dynasty. The death of Prince Napoleon in Zulu land, says the Baltimore shat ters the hopes of the French ini|M-ri uli.-ts, whilst it removes one obstruct tion to the permanent establishment of the republic; for so long as Prince | Louis Na|sdenn lived be would have bad a numerous following in the pro vinces ami among the clergy, and in the chances and changes of French polities he might, in the course of years, have attained to power. Now, by tlie will of the first Napoleon, Prince Jcrorue Bonaparte i" the lu-xt in succession; hut his profession of lils-ral principles and the bitter antag onism that lias cxi-tcd for a long time between him and the Empress and her ill-fated son have brought him into ; disrepute with the imperialists, while \ he lias won for himself no solid favor with the republicans. For himself* therefore, he can expect no geuuine support from that quarter, although the exigencies of the im|>eriulists may induce them to rally around his son, Najiolcou Victor, four years younger than the lnte I'rinee imperial, and coming, nfter his father, in the line of succession. But if the republicans are' the immediate gainers by the death of Prince Isoui* Napoleon, the < >r leanist princes are also greatly strengthened in their dynastic a-pira tious. Since the fnll of the empire they have acted with great discretion, and the restoration of their estates has given them all the power that money can wield when the occMton comes for using it to support their claims. But the great and immiiliate relief is that cxjierienced by the republicans, for the activity and aggressiveness of the im|torialists kept tliem always promi. nenlly before the people, and the name of Napoleon was still capable of in spiring enthusiasm in many depart ments of France. THE ultimatum of the Democrats to Mr. Hayes in relation to the vetoed Judicial hill will probably be as fol lows : "The vetoed hill divested of its appro priation of fOOO.UOO for f's-s of I'mted j States marshals and their deputies and of j the legislation relating to title 2'> of the revised statutes concerning deputy mar shals of elections, to he pa*d with all it* remaining features unsized. Closely fu|. lowing wtiieh thero would he sent to Mr. 1 Hayes for his approval (or rather for his I e*|>eoted veto) a separata bill made up of the $fi00,00l) Item and other clauses above mentioned.'' Bhould Mr. Hayes be foolish enough to disagree to the Appropriation hill | in this shape, we say to the Democrat j ic members of Congress, " Gentlemen, pack your traps and go homo." IF it were possible for Republican leaders, says the Washington l'osi, to stop their idle clamor about the treat* mcnt accorded to soldiers by the De mocracy, nothing more would be heard of it after Mr. Voorbees' scathing ex posure of it* falseness and hypocrisy. There never was one iota of truth in the claim that the Republican party is a better friend than the Democratic party to the Union soldiers. It was always false in general and in particu lar. It wa* invented as a campaign lie, and a* such has done duty ever ainctf the war. It has been exposed and disproved a thousand times, but bus always re-appeared on the eve of, every campaign. The fact that the ' Democratic party has given a larger* proportion of the few offices at its dis- 1 to Union soldiers, than lias been < duue by the Republican party, ought 1 to he conclusive. But facts are- not ( permitted to ti-11 against the "tamlard 1 campaign lie* of the Ruilirul organi zation, I 11 Congress and tho Executive. Mr. Hayes Ims graciously signed the , Army and Is'gi-lative nppreiprinlioi < bills, and thus fiir yielded to the tin- 1 doubled demands of public opinion as expressed by the representative* of the i people. In the Army bill the Di-mo- j crats have substantially secured all they contended for in the bill previ ously vetoed. The soldiers of (lie gov- ' ernmcnt cannot be used for the pur- JMISI-S of an ordinary [siliec force at ' elections, which at least insures u bul lot free trom Federal interference so far a- the ariuv i- concerned. Ihe appropriation bill, providing , for the Judiciary cx|ens<--, Mr. Haves ha" seen proper again to veto, ou the ' ground that it fuiled to authorize uuv j, part of the appropriation to be applied in the employment of deputv mar -1 shuL and supcrvi-ors to supi rintetid and control elections. He prefer- to ! close the courts of justice rather than ; lose the services of these- efficient aid- 1 to Republican SUCecM ut till' |sdl". He may IH- gratified, nnd -till not Is- ■ happy when the tieople have had a | chance to decide lietwwn home rule and consolidation ; free elections and federal interference. - - . The New Stale loan. Hid* for the new State loan of ♦'2,- i OOli.liill w.-re opened on Tuesday in the ' i Siato Treasury Department at Harris- j j burg. Many hid* were presented. | "I lee for toe four per cent, being more , favorable to the State than the 4) and i 5 per eent., the f'nmtnioionrr of the >mking Fund awarded the ).,an to the highest ladder* a I p--r cent. a* fol ; low; First National Hank of York. 81n.(**i at 102.51: P. A. A S. Small of York, $125,000 at 101.25 to : N". 11. Vorgtley, Allegheny C'lty, $25.0' xl at 101}; Drexel, t"|ark, Newi-old A t'o.. Philadelphia, joint bid*, SSOO,tMI at 301.1.:. 82i*ni at lot M |.i*l.(**l at , Rjl.'Jfi. tIHH.ttU at 101.07; Town.end. ' W tii'len A iPhiladelphia. s.V*i,(*iit at 101.07*25, and $165,000 at 101.15: •lame* I'. Young, Philadelphia. slso. at 101.65 and 101.55; Reliance Insur ance Company, Philadelphia, $*25,1*10 at 101.15 and 101.75. Tin* State loan i* for the sum of $2.- j I* reimbursable in fifteen years : after August 1, ls7'.t, and payable in twenty five years front that date. The proceed* of the loan are to be devoted ! to the redemption of maturing loans of : j the State. i'fie new lemd* will be i* : "tied 111 SIOO, $:*! nrid4 I ,t**' registered j Imnds, and will le free from State, rnun j icipal and local tales. Overdue bond* I of the State will tie received at par in ; settlement. Fixing up Ihe I aniltdate, I Vr>m lh X Tok Kt|e*i Vt hen Representative Mcl.ane spoke of Grant a* the "President who had been and who, if the honorable gentlemen on the other side ooubl have their way, would tie again," Republicans cried "lie will lie," and applauded the cry. That j show* what the party manager* in Washington are driving at. CoNoatsa say* to Mr. .Hayes: "You shall have all the money asked for the support of the army, but you shall not use it to control elections.' Congo-* also ay to Mr. Hayes: "You shall have all the money needed for the support of the Federal judiciary, j but you shall not use a dollar of it to j control or influence elections." If Mr. Ilayes refuses to accept it on such reasonable anil proper term* he, and he alone will be responsible for whatever calamities may follow. It will lie a calamity in some cases to have the courts suspended, but there is no calamity to le compared to the destruc tion of free election*. It is an issue that any party or man can afford to stand or fall with. A Democratic Con gress should never surrender so vital a principle of free government.— Washing toa fW, Tit* Hebrew leader of New York dis passionately says t "The President of the Cnited .States seems to have deliv ered himself over into the hand of the worst of counsellor*. The radical ele ment of his part* have secured posses s!on of hi* conscience and now compel him to do just what they desire This was just what might have been expect ed from a man who would be content to take possession of an office to which he wsrf not legsllv elected and of whose title the.o wotdd be always room for the most serious doubt. Yet this is usually the way with the so-called reformer after he is secure in hi* seat." GENERAL NEWS. There are twenty -ix women practic ing l* n the United States. ' The vanilla bean i* 1 -ing largely used in France lot silk dyeing. I wo rows belonging to a farmer near Golumbia ate over ball a gallon of pari* green, but they still live. Ihe tax levy of Ixx-k Haven is fifty five mill*—one mill less than the levy of last year. There is a decrease of s".'.,<**) in (Re valuation. In New York it is regarded as the height of vulgarity fur a lady to carry the skirt of her dress in her hand as she walks the public streets. It ha* been discovered that a man named Min-el, in the Westmoreland county poor house, i* heir to a large properly in Stulgvrdt, Germany. Notices ore posted up at the f'hesa peike Nail Work*, Ifarruburg, that uf t-r July 5 no union men will be em ployed by the firm. No trouble is an licipated. Henry G.-i-v, blacksmith, of Mt /.ion, Lebanon county, and in indigent cir cuinstance*, baa fallen boir to an estate value,l at trom $1 ii is*) to $1 :.le*.<*) ~-o 'tis said, 't here are one hundred heir*. The firt patent ever granted to a negro in tb.s country was taken out May la, IS7-, bv a colored man raised in A irgmia. His invention was a fire escape, w Inch lias been very favorably spoken of by tlio-e qualified to judge. Dr. t'l.irk. editor of the Mcthhtt !(■ s'Tc/, of Pittaburg. Pa., is dangerously ill at Atlanta, Wa. He was fraternal mes senger to the last General Conference in that city. Gov. Colquitt i- having bun cared for at the KxectlllVe Mansion. Hi* recovery is not expected. The State Agricultural Hoard ha* is-ued it* edict prohibiting county agri cultural societies that receive the an luiai s!<*! State appropriation, from offering premiums for horse racing. There can be trials of speed, but no premium can lie ottered without loosing the sHr> appropriation. An elderly man in Reading, who re cently celebrated hi* golden wedding, say* he never in his life tasted Ix-er, whiskey, brandy, or any other intoxi cating liquor, and is utterly unacquaint ed with the taste thereof ; that he ha never u*ed tobacco in any form, and lias never uttered a profane word. The murderer of Mr*. Hull, of New t York, W.M. arrested in lkwton, Monday night, and i- now in the custody of the (since authorities. Hi* name i* Cha tine fox, a oop|ier colored negro, who has been employed a* a waiter for a y r ati l aim.l in the n< .ghliorliood of the Hull residence in New York city. A nsw di-case ha* lately made it* ap pearance among the rattle in Hunting don county, corceriiing which every one i* ignorant. One farmer ha* lost six cow* from the disease, and some of hu neighbors have cattle afflicted with j it. The farmer* are anxious for infor ination re garding the disease and its proper treatment. A lady in Madrid, Me., wa* in a house which wa* struck by ligntning. A val uable gold watch, which she wore, stop ; pod at the time, and, although jeweler* ' have repeatedly examined it, and pro , Honored it perfect in every particular, lit cannot be made to move. It is so i charged with clcctrn ity that watch : msKer* say fio part of it can ever t>e *o do duty if taken out and put net of work*. The Harruhurg Patriot say* that a ru mor ha* hoin circulated the past few •lay* to the effect that a general chance will be made on the Ist of July in the clerical force of the office of the Adju tant General, Secretary of the Common ' wealth, and insurance and school de : par trnents. The name* of the clerks to be discharged have not been given, and the change is not made for any dereho tion or lack of qualification* on the part of the present occupants, but only to sat isfy (IIP demand* of an influential out side pressure for a new deal in the dis position of the places. Renter's despatch from Capo Town dati-d June 3, via Maderia today, states that l/ouis Najioleon, the I'rinee Inqier ial of France, accompanied by otiher officers, loft Colonel Wood's camp to , roconnoiter. The |>arty dismounted in j a mcali'e field, when the enemy crept u|-on them and assailed the Frince, i killing him. Hi* body wa* recovered. ' Thus ends the hopos of hi* mother Eu genie, that her lioy might sometime wear the crown of France. Thus prov idence ha* interfered, perhsp*, to save France further imperahtlic trouble. Edward Fayson Weston has at last won a walking match and is now "cham pion of the world" in pedestrianism. "a the sixth and laft day of tho iong con test in I,ondon Weston kept pluckily at work and steadily increased his lead over Brown, his only antagonist, and when the match ended at 11 o'clock in the evening he hail scored 550 miles to Brown's 453. From two o'clock in the afternoon until eight o'clock in the evening Weston, after having lieen over five day* upon the trsck, accomplished the a*toni*hing feat of making five miles an hour. Five minutea before eleven he completed his 550 th mile, thus making the best time on record, and winning, besidgathe belt, a bet of $2,500 that he had made on Thursday with Hir John Astley that he would make that distance. Kowell, who held the belt before this match, hut was pre vented from starting in this race by an accident to his foot, has already staked £IOO to walk We*ton, and another match will probably take place before long. TKKMS: |mt Aiimini, in Atlvamr. On th<- afternoon of May 10, a largo mfloor iru aeon to lull at the edge of a rivine near FJtsterville, Kmrnett county, lows, making a hole twelve left in diatn eter aii'l six feet deep. Search ha* since be en made for it, and numerou* pieces w<-re found varying in size from one to eight ounces ; a!*o lour piece* of about four pound* and one of thirty pound*, buried eight feet in blue clay, fully four teen feet Ironi the surface. It* weight i four hundred and thirty one pounds, and it* nite i* about two feet long by eighteen inches wide and twelve inches or more in thickness. It i* apparently composed of nearly pure rnetal. At the late battle of Hull Run, f'apt. R. A. Drnmick, of Washington, and a brother officer of the Federal army, who were left on the battlefield, terribly wounded, arid were found by Hugh I'.arr. of the old Store wall brigade, who by hi* kindness, it believed, saved their 1: v-. ( dpt. Dirnmick and Mr. I'.arr met for the first time since that day at the memorial exercise* t Win chester. Vs , Isst week, and embraced each other on the street. Capt. Dim riiii k made profuse offer* of material recompense to Mr. Birr. but the latter refued to accept anything hut thanks for his services. '1 he news of the death of the Prince Imperial has caused a great sensation hi I'ari*. Ihe Ronapartisl* are, of course, most impressed. At a full sitting of Ho napartist "senators and Ileputies a reso lution wa* adopted declaring that though the I'rince Imperial is dead his cause survive* and the succession of the Napoleon* has not lapsed, and that the Km pi re will live. An address of condo lence w th the ex Ktnj rc--s Kugenie was draft i d, expressing the rc of the most shocking of recent crimes was committed at .South llol >oke, Mass., on Saturday, when John Ketnm'.er deliberately shot bis three little girls, aged six, four and one. They were poor |eople. the father having been out of work since February, when he deserted his family to g > to Denver, Colorado, after appropriating the family saving* of I, and returning only re cently. His wife supported herself and children%y working in the mill* and by odd jobs. Kenunier had recently been ordered to vacate hi* tenement, on the ground of not working in tho mill, which probably ripened hi* deter mination. Having sent hi* wife out on an errand. Kcniniier locked the doom and attempted first to poison the chil dren by giving them cyanide of potas sium, of wlucii he had got enough to kill off half a dozen families, but he could get only a few spoonful* down the eldest * throat and and that was soon thrown upt. The wretch then took one ! child into the bed room. but the door, and shot her through the head with a I revolver, and treated the other two the sam" way, the bullets going straight through loth parietal lone* of each child's skull. The murderer then lock ing the door*, wcut to a neighboring saloon, where he gave the barkeeper i the tenement key and said lie had kill 'ed hi* children. When arrested he gave up the revolver and coolly ae , know lodged the vrime. He said he didn't pant hi* children to grow up and I run the risk of l>ecoming prostitute*. He could not supp>ort his family and could not see them in want, and he | thought the best way was to kill them, when they would go to heaven and be , happ>y forever. He had intended toshoot himself, but finally concluded it would tie wrong, and so he had decides! to let the law take its course. Kemtnler was Itorn at Wurteniburg in ltt.ll, and haa (seen in this country seventeen year*. Fatal Itoller Explosion. XlVax KI N kl 1.1.51 l AMI A M MIIER *lllOl *• t.V IXJIRKP. Au.ixtow n, r*., June 22,-w-A terrific eiploaion occurred at half |>a*t five yes terday morning at the ore mines on tho lands 1-elonging to Stephen* A Imoyer, , two miles from Kmaus. I'a. The boiler i burst with terrific force, killing five men 1 outright and seriously wounding four . others, one of whom has since dies*, j The list of killed is a* follows: F rank F'tgley, the contractor : Morria j "schmoyer, John Schmidt, Kredetick FUtinger, Charles I>err, ajed ten, a driver at the mine; Benjamin Keck, the engineer: Wilson Derr, aged twelve, a hrotner of Cbarlea Derr. All the bodies were terribly mangled. The list of injured were William Hull, F'rank Heimback. Wilson Haring. (ieo. David. Edward Burns, Daniel lieas, 1 seriously. Ureal excitement prevails about the mine, which ia operated by the lehigb iron com|iany. The waahery and en gine house were completely demolished, the force of the explosion being suffi cient to project a portion of the boiler, weighing over a ton, a distance of 110 feet. The accident la said to have been caused by a defective flu*. Benjamin Keck, the engineer, died at one r. . He left a statement, in which he averi that he notified the contractor. F'egley, three months ago that the boiler waa unsafe. NO. 2.