mtfrntrc gewomt. Thursday Morning, June 5, 1879. OiiiMPitßMNi'i,ciiiiuinlii| ImpurUut un*. *..iuu- INI .'rum Hl> purl of tho county. No cottimiiiikftttoM Inwrtwl MiilfHi I• v tilt* r*%l liutiir of tho writer. County Committee—lB79. ftol|ofont Boru., North Wari...D. Z. KIIMB. WRIT •• ...WILLIAM lltaria. Hou.h *' ...AKTIHI lIMUW*. llilMt>iirK IMro, ..AVSTIV Mifum. I,'nin*illA lWr>, A. T. Ilowanl lt.uo HoWAIM HaitLf. l'litli|t>urß>, ....♦!*• ti- i.t!"ta. (U-tinrr Tuwil.LNU KUHARD OU.LT. (logic* " l. Narr. Itiiru.file " Ow*. Hour. CoU<-g " MicastLflaon. t'urtlu " FfMiuan, old Prwlwl ALPERT II"* " 1,..* t*rH~ln<'l r "■ .1 Siiret., nrpjn WILLI AM A. KRRI.IR. 11.1 ii.. " JOUR O. HTOVUL ll.lfni.'U " T-"LR ll.rria " FRRHI A I'OTTEE. Iluvard " WILLIAM YEAEKE. lion.!"!) " IURIRL |RIR 1,i1.,. r tj " Wa. 11. I)ARI>RER. '• I. 8. KR4IRB. Mil*# " .....CURVE HR< M .ARH. fattoU " All RAW SRH.LR*. IV no •' K I' MVMR. IVII>R, Rorth I'RWLM I JOUR SHARHR •• n.iilh I'rn'lm t WILLIAM RAOM. HII.II Tu.u.lilp TJ. 11l RELE. pillow SIAIKI " J II LLOLT. M|.R,UE " PEER* liunit. Tailor " SAMI TL HOOVER. I n,.,, 1 " JOUR II MTOTLR. Worth " iiar. R. WILU.MI. Walker " SAMIH lIEIRRR I. Y. rORTNEV, Chairman. Local Department. —Mr. Levi Straub was in town again last Sunday. —A largo number of guest* register daily at the Bush House. —Charley Cromley and lady mado their appearance in town on Tuesday. —The Executive Committee of the V. M. C. A. meets to-morrow night. —Which is "The Day wo Celebrate," Fourth of July or Decoration day ? —The Lutheran Sunday-school, of Aa ronbsurg, held its annual picnic last Friday in Bower's woods. —Ex-Governor Curtin will soon givo a lecture for the benefit of the Centennial Temperanco Club. —lt is not jirlmn facie evidence merely because a man hails from Walker township that ho excels as a pedestrian. —The Ladies' Missionary Society, of the Episcopal church, will meet this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Wilkinson. —Mrs. Ilattie Olmstead, of Williams port has been visiting the family of Mr. John Ardell, this place, for the past two weeks. Bauland still has for show, dree* g.M><l of a superior kind; ladies to him will certainly go if they are in their right mind. —We learn that Mr. John Glen, of Ml. Eagle, had the sad misfortune to break his leg one day last week, while unloading lumber. —l)r. T. J. Trapp, a Williamsport den tist, has been devoting his attention to tho teeth of the inhabitants of Spring Mills, this county. Mr. Michael Shaffer, of Walker town ship, called upon us last Friday evening. We found him as usual an exceedingly pleasant gentleman. —A large number of persons from this county departed in tho train on Tuesday for Altoona to attend the sessions of the Sahbath-school convention. —The moon, wbieh has added so much to tho Liveliness of tho last few evenings, reached the zenith of her glory last night, and now her light is on the wane. Philip Teals visited his old homo over last Sunday. He seemed so terribly full of business, that he must lie creating a sen sation in the dairy line in Altoona. —J. L. Spangler, Esq., advertises for sale an E. A. Wood mower, the sale to take place Saturday next at 2 r. M. in front of the Court House, for whatever price it will bring. Who bids first? —An exchange, in answering the que*, tion, "Do hogs pay 1" replies that a great many do not; that they take the paper for several years and then have the post-master send it back marked, "refused." —A trout was caught in Spring Creek last week eighteen inches in length and which weighed two pounds and two ounces. "We believe that Mr. Frank Blair became the possessor of this elegant fish. Mrs. James Mitchell and her daugh ter, Miss Ollie Mitchell, of this place, de parted on the HMO train Tuesday morning to visit friends at Latrobe, Westmoreland county. They will be absent about two weeks. —Now the rain has come and made us all feel glad ; wo must never, never, never more be bail. So, thoee ladies who con sider themselves very, very fair should go at once to the Bee Ilivo store and get something nice to wear. —We recommend our numerous renders, and what few other persons there may he In county, to buy their groceries from the elegant stock of our grocers, H. A. Brew A Hon. Those who cannot be satis fied there wo verily believe would cry if they were to be hung. —The Pennsylvania railroad, says the Jersey Shore Herald , is getting out its ob aervation cars. These cars are open on tho Bides, have chairs instead of double seats, and are intended to run between Altoona and Creaaon, to allow the passengers to see the views of the horse-shoe curve. —Mr. IraC. Mitchell, formerly of this place, hut now practicing law in Lock Maven, is a member of the Qood Templar lodge of that place. He attended the con vention of the organisation recontly in •eaaton at Kenovo, and was elected a dele gate to the State Convention of Good Templar* which meU at Heading this pionth. —Wo cheerfully pay a deserved compti inont to Mr. door go \V. lbidgor*, the nmi potent gentleman who now control* tho wutor work*. It i* truo Unit ovor since ho ha* occupied this poltion a ceaseless stream of pure "Adam's Al" has conlinu lod to How through tho pipe*. Temperance 1 pooplo especially have reason to bo grateful for this, ax during tho dry, warm weather which now prevail* much of tho tempta tion to imbibe •omething stronger hax boon removed, a* none can givd scarcity of wa ter for nn excuse. Wo have not of latu heard any complaint* from any quarter of tho town about lack of water, and Mr. George W. Rodger* can oomider our hat* off to him a* a great public benefactor. —Rev. John Hewitt, rector of the Kpis copal church, led the meeting of the Young Men'* Christian Association, la*t Sunday afternoon, and delighted all who heard him by the good taste he displayed in choosing and treating hi* subject, hi* smooth, (lowing atul convincing language and eay delivery. The exercise* were further engaged in by (ien. Beaver and Mr. Jarne*Sommervillo, of this place, Mr. Young, of Baltimore, and Rev*. Hughes and Laurie, of this place. The Association hope* to have the pleasure of enjoying the presence and aid of Rev. Hewitt frequently in the future. —lt i* quite refreshing to notice tho many superior qualities constantly being discovered in the general make-up of our h-gul and learned friend, Judge Orvia. It hax long boon recognized that as a legisla tor and Judge he hax no superior, and now | our exchanges convey the additional infor- I mnlion that tho Judge i* the most expert angler in the State. We had more than half suspected this, and will Ik> fully con : viuced on the practical attestation of it in j _ 1 tho receipt of a dozen or more fair-sized I'rexh mountain trout —fruit of tho Judge'* own piscatorial skill. —The sermon of Rev. Frank Wetzel, who preached in the Lutheran church of this place ]at Sunday morning, is describ ed by those who heard it a* an ahlo pro duction. Though provided with copious notes, he was enabled, after proceeding with his sermon, to speak almost without referring to them. The subject was in reference to tho "I'nity of tho Church of Christ." It is quite evident that, endued a* tho young gentleman i with a love for hi* occupation, careful and earnest practice only is required to make him a moalefTect | ivo preacher. A large number of guest* are soon to urrive and take up their summer residence at tho liush Ilouxe. A (arty fr-m Rich , mund, Va , will lead the van, on the 2f>th of this month. Several parlies from Phila delphia and Baltimore will tollow suit. Through July and August this fine hotel will contain a gay throng of visitors, who, together with the large number of |>er*on permanently l>oarding there, should li able to furnish sufficient entertainment to give a plea*ant summer to all. —Several gentlemen arrived in town on Tuesday to aid in installing the recently elected officer* in the Ornnd Army of the Republic, which took place on Tuesday evening in the hall over the Council chamber. Among tb' in are : David John son, and John Johnson, of Klk City, Pa., and K. JV. Hale, 11. P. Blair, James I Dennis, Samuel T. Johnston and Howard Watley, of Philip*burg, this county. —Among the distinguished I'hiladei phian* in town this week, we notice the name* of \V. W. Me K wen, of the grocery house of Wainwright V Co., and Tnoma* ' Foster, of tho Frislirnuth tobacco house, regi* tered at th< Bna kerhoff; and James 11. oung, of Zeigler <fc Swearlngen's notion house, at the Hush House. We have no doubt their numerous customers here were ail glad to see them. Wilson, McFarlann V Co. are head quarters for the farmers. Wo notice A large number of Cultivators, Shovel-Plows. Double Harpoon Hay Fork" and Rope and Pulleys of all sizes. The latest improve ments are always secured by them and *dd at the lowest prices. They are willing to give the farmer as low prices as ho can secure directly from the manufacturer. —As the season advances J, Newman, Jr., still enjoy* a very large share of pa tronage. He employs such elegant work men, and constantly has on hand such a large and complete stock of ready-made clothing, thst people of Centre county are | thoroughly conrinccd that it is to their interest to buy of him. Mr. Jamrs McCartney hss a very handsome design of ornamental tissue fly pafier which he is prepared to hang in stores, shop* and saloon* at a reasonable price. Person* desiring anything of tho kind would do well to give Mac a chance. Order* may be loft at Yeager' Saloon. They will roceivo prompt attention. —Newman, Jr., is his name and some people call him King;.but then these great men zre not dismayed when we titles at them fling. He's a bigger man than (Irani, every time; and tho way he manufactures gent clothes is just subline ; gentlemen, buy of him and you will always look fine. —-\t ilson, McFarlsno A Co. have se cured the sole agency for Centre cotin'y of the unsurpassed Double Harpoon Hay Fork, which gave such universal satisfac tion last year. Farmers, bewara of the useless imitation* of this wonderful fork. Buy none but the genuine. —The Rev. W. A. Biggsrl seem* to be an indefatigable worker. In addition to the oration Friday afternoon, he preached in the country on Saturday night, and per formed his usual duties on Sunday. WISDOM FitoM TIIK Pct.RlT.—Tho two sermons delivenal by Rov. John Hewitt last Sunday were caelum interesting and in structlvo tlint they canuot bo passed over without notice, The morning discourse wu# founded on Deuteronomy 10:10, "Three timer n yenr shall nil the male# appear he foru tlio Lord thy Goil in the plnoo which he shall choose ; in the feast of unleuvened bread, nnd in the feast of weeks, and in ! the feast of tabernacle* , hut ye shall not come tiefore the Lord empty." The rector referred to the services of the church. That collect* were known to have been ' compiled as early as the fourth century, | j and are in use by the Lutheran and several 1 j other denominations. That they each have reference to some separate blessing we re [ reive from God, and all point to Christ as the chief corner-stone of the church. That the services of the church ure divided into i I two part*—first, those having reference to ! ' tho mysteries of religion, and, second, \ i those putting the same into practical ap- I plication. That Whit Sunday, or l'cnte- I cost, was tho close of the first part. In | the early days of the church no distinction | i wa< made between communicants and non- ! communicant*. All who were baptized ' J were admitted to the privilege, which it , ' was customary to celebrate whenever thcv ! I I met together, nnd although it wan not nec | essary for all to Join on each oceasion, they ' were r< quired to do so at least three time* in the year. At these times they must not I come before the Lord empty-handed, but j must give of what they have according as j , the Lord ha* prosjiered them, at least ones i tenth of their income. The Imril : # iv •to ; in the capability to accumulate wealth ; and ha* a Just right to demand a full part nership. This i* no recent demftnd, either, as it was required a* long ago as the time of Abraham, who gave tithe* to Melchiz "dec. The discourse closed with a strong exhortation for all to present them selves a* often as potsiblo for communion. The first clause of Job 13 fi was the top ic in the evening, "Ho takelh the wise in their own craftiness. " Prominent instance* were given in illustration, principally the somewhat notorious Tom Paine. The ut terances made by hitn in hi* days of health, and th -<• made afterwards when on u wa-ting bed of sickness were contrasted with line effect. It was known that Tom Paine wrote much le-fore he died, but these writings have never been published. If they had consisted of-snore intidcl argu | ment* his assr-ciato* would hastily have given them to the world. M-n make reason their God. They conrlnde that all r< wards *nd punishments are visited on people jn this life and hence p.#, ludo that there is no hereafter. The revelation* we have of th*.] are t<> strong to las overthrown. When the devout Arah was a*k--d how he knew there was a God, he answered, "How did I know that a earns-! passed my tent la-t night but by these track* in the sand and |jinliiig to the sun setting in the west ern heavens, he said, "I know that those re not the track* of man. The entire discourse was replete with convincing in cident and argument. A*a most marvelous answer to pray- { er, we ncesl only mention that on .Sunday in many churches there went up from the minister's lips the entreaty for "moderate showers of rain, 1 ' and we listened with pleasure to the fervent "Anient" which followed the prayer; when lo! 'ere the words of the evening petiti'.n have scarce ly pasted from his li|s# there came the wel , come sound of a refreshing shower. This was f.dlow-d on Monday, after a prolong ed drought, by one of the most delightful, penetrating rains which ha* ever been ex perienced. This should make us rejoiee, and should also convey to us iu appropri ate lesson. —We were prai li> ally convinced of the fact that the enterprising firm of Furoy A Dawson have opened their delightful lee cream saloon by the gift of some elegant ice cream and cake Monday after noon. If that sent IIM# a sample of what may always be obtained at this establish ment .we must say that they deserve and will doubtless obtain most of the patron age. Hereafter when a young lady hinU to her beau that ico cream is very desir able, wo would recommend her to mention that Kuroy A Dawson's ico cream is par ticuiarly so. They are located in Bush's Arcade building. —Oh, how wo should enjoy Wing at Manhattan Beach on Saturday of next wcok when this new summer resort will open amid a crash of instrument* which is advertise,! a* the finrtt prnj/ramme ever ytrrsi at any concert in the Unite,t Stale*. Then, every day tho charms of the place will be intensified by the presence of Gil morc's Band and tho far-famed Cornctisl. j ! "Levy." Tho finost hotel of ila kind in tho world is there and a balloon ascends every day. Any ono who want* a near approach to Elysium itself need only re main a few week at Manhattan Beach. —The festival for the benefit of the M. K. church last Friday and Saturday was a success. The receipts wore over sixty dol lar*, nnd fully fifty dollars of this will prove a clear profit- Thi* should make our M. K. brethren feel a* gay and festive a* a big sun-flower and certainly merit* our congralulalien. -—Mr. John Anderson, of thi* place, lost an interesting little boy, under distressing I circumstances, last Sunday morning, lie was attacked on the evening previous by inflammation of the bowels, superinduced by a bath, anl died early tho following i morning. PkOOfcUM OK lIIK RollllKKH —A N IrN WL 1.1. IMM PRINONKR. Fortunately tho course of robbery, liko that of true love, doo* not always run smoothly. Homo per son or person* who calculated on securing a good haul from the residence of our master, Mr John Johnson, last Saturday I night, only succeeded in putting them selves to much inconvenience and accom plished nothing. The family of Mr. John son remained up until a late hour on that evening, and because of the oppressive <tato of the utmospbero allowed the door* of the house to remain open. Mr. Bobber thought he WHS going to have what is | called in language more expressive than elegant a "soft" thing of it- w lien he entered the open door of the basement kitchen and concealed himself in a dark corner. At about eleven o'clock the good j lady of our postmaster descended to the j kitchen and fastened the *oniewhnt cogppli | cated lo< k of the outside door, which she 1 did with a blissful unconsciousness of this terrible man gazing at li-r from the cor ' tier. On ascending from the kitchen, she i as usual locked the door leading tip-stairs, 1 thus cutting off Mr. Robber's further en ! trance into the house. When he thought , that the inmates were safely locked in the arms of Morpheus, Mr. Robber commenced making explorations in his underground retreat. He found be could not with safe ty force his way into the house, and find j mg nothing to delight his eye or please his taste in the kitchen, be considered that a r.-treat would be the b< tier part of valor. Rut 10, he could not manipulate the lock, and his heart began to quake with guilty tear at this prospect of his exit Wing cut ■ .ff. Desperation gave him strength and ho succeeded in forcing hi* way out, hut in doing so he awoke Mrs. Johnson. On an examination Wing instituted, it was found that nothing had been carried away by this individual ; indeed, wo doubt not he is now congratulating himself that he <•>< aped with a whole skin. It is also said that a being resembling one of the genu* RobWr was s.i-n prow ling around tlio residence of Gen. James A Reaver, but that Mr. Cameron Burnside looked at him and the robber fled. TIIK TZMI'KKAXCE MASS MRKTINM. — The evening of Decoration Day was ap pointed by the "power* that be ' for the temperance mass meeting, which doubtless •riginat'd with tho Women s Christian Temperance t'nion At half-past seven o'clock the Mountain City Rand, with its usual sweet strains of music, railed the jrf-ple together. A large crowd was at tract- I by the music, but the numWr who entered the ( our I H -use was not a* great as was to W vi|— < t<d 8. Stewart Lyon, Ksq , was elected President of the meeting and Mr. Thomas Burnside was appointed Secretary. A regular pr-gramtne had in-cn prepared and opened with the patriot ic hymn, "America," Wad by a quartette consisting of two of the Mi**** Lyon, and Messrs. Evan Blanrhard and Frank Kel ler, the two gentlemen representing, j>er haps, the Wat lem-r and ba> in our town Itsv. R Crittenden then made an oja>nlng address, he Wing appointed a* a substitute for the Rev. A I). Yocum. This was suo resded by music from the , ho(r and an ad dress by Mrs Kills, of Philadelphia, which a* usual was a very able effort. President Lynn must have been seined by a fwling of ennui, or else felt a sudden craving for ice cream. f->r he here suddenly abbreviated the exercises, saving that the |,enple had perhaps heard all that they rand for Closing with the singing of "All Hail and tho benediction by Rev. William Laurie, tho audience disjiorsed, most of them jiethajs* following Mr. Lyon to the Methodist festival. Pos IT to Xor TIII Pt.AXRR* rR JCXE —- Tho AlUsina Trtbunt say* that Mercury will W in a longitudinal line with Saturn to-day, in a similar line with Neptune on tho 11 th, in ascending mode on the ] 2th, and in a line with I'ranu* on the 80th Mercury will aluo W in superior conjunc tion with the eun on the ltb. Mar* will W in conjunction with Saturn on the 80th Tho mnrtn will W in conjunction with \ enu* on the 2. Id. Tho principlo disturb ing" position* of tho planet* for June, ap pear to W located about to-day, the 12th, 17lh to 20th and 30th. The temperature June for will probably be Wlow the mean of the season over the great area* of terri tory in the north temperate zone. Hun spot* may W looked for during the greater part of the month A* Mansell * Planetary Almanac ha* hit tbo temperature of the weather pretty accurately for the past five month* we may infer from tho foregoing that no one will run any ri*k of Wing melt ed In June. Thero may bo some verv warm days, but, liko May, tho average will probably bo Wlow tho mean of the season. lUiTtaT FESTIVAL.—It ha* Won decided to hold the Baptist festival next week, Re. ginning on Thursday. Tho Baptist have treated our people to festival* on several previous occasions, and only those who have attended are aware of what excellent affairs of thi* kind they are capable of get ting up. Beside*, if thero is ono congrega tion more deserving of our sympathies than another, because of the great work accom plished, it is this little struggling denomi nation. Let tho*e who desire to be full of good works and 100 cream turn out next week and givo the Baptist* a routing bene fit. —Mra. Brockerboff is enlarging tbo con servatory to tho east end of her Bishop street residence. MOM DA r Xiuirr IM TIIKCOUX'II, ROOM. Last Monday night President Hume* end Messrs. Crlder, Harper, KaWllo, Mo Cluro ami Reynolds rested their w> ary limbs on the soft seat* which furnish the Council chamber, with Clerk Mitchell and Solicitor John G, Love also in attendance. The minutes were read and approved, a* is the ease with most things executed by the com|>teiit clerk. The Street Commissioners reported that the citizens, represented by Isaac Guggen ■ hoirner, Esq., desired the bridge on High | street to W widened and were willing to recompense thu borough to the tune of ' $101). j The Nuisance Committee reported that I they had not yet secured a place for the ' |mund. Clerk read the riq>ort of Mr. Jarnes Harris, tho Treasurer, for $3 paid to him by the Market Clerk. Solicitor Love said that In hi* opinion Council could notcolloct tax on dogs other wise than provided by ordinance. On motion of Mr. Harper, seconded by McOlurc, Council appropriated J'JuO to L'ndine H-o" Company and $Vi to Logan Hose Company for thi* yar. President did not follow the example of tho Wash ington Fraud hv Interposing his veto, *•> the appropriation hill passed on third read ing. The la.gan hoys get-their hall rent free, which is supjioscj to make up tho extra sl.'jo. The clerk rend a communication from fi. W. Rodger*, engineer. Solicitor I-ovc submitted an opinion rela tive to right* of Duncan, Hale A. Co., height of datn, etc. On motion of MeClure, the legal opinion of the Solicitor was submitted that his wr vices hi dal" were worth S2O, which was accepted and passed. Nothing more appearing on the clerk's minute, it is to W inferred that tho Council ; congratulated one another or, the pr->sjo<l -if more rain ami retired to legislate for | their familu* at home. j —(}o*|icl letn|erince meetings began al the Court House )at evening and will ten j hum through thi- and to-morrow evenings i if this week. The attendance and co-ojiera- Ition of every friend of temperance is so licited ami an 'artiest invitation extend'd jto all. The meetings will W parti' ipa ted in by Mrs. I! F. Fills, of Philadelphia, ami h\ Dr. Richard and .Mrs. .Mary W Thomas, of lialliti*>rc, MJt, who have dur ing the j at winterb'-ene.-laborers with Mr. | D. I. Moody, and whose iff, rt* have been 1 lile,si-d of G'sd in the conversion of many. ' The meetings will open al eight o'clock and will lie under the *uj ice* of the Woman's I 'hristian Terr, je-rsmc l'nion,of lieilefotile We can a'ture all that they will be inter esting and profitable, and hoj* that there may ie a large attendance. —Among th" recent additions to the Episcopal church, of this place, are an in dex board and ah arrangement in tho ves | tibulc on which to place notices that may , t> of interest to tbo*e who enter the | church. The index board is susjiendod next the organ in the church, and indicate* the ilay of the n,onth and the hymn* which will be sung From thi* convenient ar rangement all the services of the day can be found without any announcement from the pulpit. The index t>oard was a present from ono of the cla'sc* in the Sunday school. —Alluding to fluwers, those in the street window of our baker friend. Mr. Albert Kaulh, seem to be a* full of life and vigor as any we see, and for out-door flowers th i*c surrounding the lawn in the rear of the residence of Mr. Thomas Reynold* are prettily arranged and gay in coloring, and form an attractive picture. —We have received Vol. 1, No. I, of the M ttkly /brurrf, a new and haiidsotne pajao which will record the weekly event# of Sowickiy, Allegheny county, snd treats its reader* to reliable Democratic doctrine It is as acceptable as it is handsome, and we cheerfully welcome it to our exchange list. —The Philiptburg Journal oay* that .Mr llarrv Williams, formerly of this place, hut now haatcd at Philipsburg, was horse back riding with hi* lady on Monday even ing week, when he was thrown forcibly from bis seal to the ground, sustaining some disagreeable injuries about hi* face. —Alva Grow found occasion to visit Lock Haven again last Thursday. We would suggest that if Alva would hurry up that wedding it will save bun the incon venience of making so many triji* in that * direction. | —The |folic of New York are being vaccinated. But what's the use of It? ; They never catch anything.— Hi.t<m Qmrtar. That's so, and the intention per j haj* is to keep the devil from catching them. —The Quarterly Meeting# of the Society of Friend* are in session thi* week. A meeting will be held in their meeting house this morning at II o'clock, which will be addressed by Friend* from abroad. The public i* cordially invited. —Young men and old men, and in fact all members of the male persuasion, are invited to attend the meeting al the room of the Young Men's Christian Association to-morrow night and learn something to their advanUxgn. —Farmers, have you examined the Bolf- Dump Leader Horse Hay Rake for sale by Wilson, McParians A Co. For sim plicity, convenienca and rapid execution it is unsurpassed. —We had a pleasant call lion Messrs. llals and Blair, of Philipsburg, both offi cers of the G. A. R., who came on Tuesday to assist in the re-organization of tbepo*t uf the order la Bsllefonte. TOM THUMB COMIXO TO TOW*.—MR. George Peck, lb* g ntl'-rnfily advance agent of Torn Thumb'* liliputUn troupe, called on u* yctor<lay and announced that the valiant little General, accompanied hy hi- wife, the infinitesimal Amy ltc<d, and j the (katorial phenomenon, Major Newell, will appctr at Reynold*' Opera HUUM next VVodn<*day, giving an afternoon matinee ; and an evening per formancc. Hare ix i-jKirt for the children and the (frown folka, | too; an fa-ople never weary of witnetuijng the comic performance* of then- little midget*. They come thir time with a new and original piece entitled, "The Mir chievou* Monkey," It will certainly be a plcaaing entertainment for young and old. —The temperance people at the forge announce a grand pic-nic for Friday, the theldth instant. The proceed* of the din ner will !<• devoted to liquidating the debt which -till xiet on the U-mfierance build ing now about being completed. A plat form will be erected, which we ruppoee mean* that Ihoni who wish to dance can do mt. FOIM.,— On Spring mrect, between the renidenceg of Adolph Loeb, K-'j , and Mr. John D. Leih, a valuable brown kid glove, the property of a lady portetoifig a very handaome Jiand. The fair can re ceiver the fame, by calling tijon or com municating with the editor. In doing ro pleane derignatc to which hand the glove belong*. —The account of Decoration Day cere monies throughout the county may be found on the fourth page, MARRIAGES. M'l'LH MoRfiAV -At Ptolltaterc. M.y * I, H< WIN II hi ■ RL,, MR ,I .In, ll< ,1,1-1. UI M;— H-rah M ,F Kan, I.IUI ut IfotrUdala, i'A. KNOX IIKMIKH- I.N -*I IUIa*K*M Pa. -M tba MM.. K/.T'F H-I LI Mrqbt, Mr Cltln I. in. He A. and M. —A.] I, r 'F, IH I. lit ndt raun, I. lb OTHUFLAJ HOI . ouvi „U.,ty, p*. WKRT—IIOM IS 'M T|l- "J7TH LURTII!,. AT LIT <I.I, - I in. 1,.;-. |,U. Ml UI liter W.-rt, ut Aar ■ IF. A.tb M>— KujUta II AIUUI, YF HAM LET. NDIL| FU 1.1, MAS- AT N-TLF ill- May (Mb. LT~'> Ir J. I L-M,I I. J I*. MR •- - -• ■,. R PAMAADNN to Ml- (feint May* ' f Pineal < unit, IV LA 1:1 MKit <IIAMIU.IL- < Tie, relay. April , al "• R. . < 11, L„ la, ~ J -a-ai t Oa, I> LOT WO.! SI, WIILIAU, Lortm.r t„ MI- I!!a < I -LUTE F I|l|||it-I vf (LIT. I.!l,aii Oiamt-t-ra *ll of pi. aaant Ua|., TIM *%• A I. runa LODGED lit all U. I— a liwrt D-LIGHL fI ■ ' ai At. I lift j it the BEAR friend* ~f IN to • at, , GRANARI A—, tabled t, tritaaw tb- I-NWAT. Tb. I.aj,| y pair rra 'TI-4 t.Y Ml Gray aad II at,? A* I r !.I. ;,, AT,<l M,-.U Prank 7,U, normal, and KD at ! < hamlet* a- rr..8..N,,R,-th. latter a (•rolLer -,f TL,E ITIILC IVinterna. tin! , HY-ant refreab stent* NET. a- r tacl all n-ut at. MI, AT tIR (truter teal marriage tell. tt, lagan bn * T-*TI .ATE N 'ltiu# loagralolati TO NITLI I— mlr, S LUIAMLF. A- tle-r j i men lifr Iron MM (, Tiav'lllM TON-UI.'T dat I t UaJ, MT TH-r ,er TRAD IN* Mi ss 1.1, A ,ED T|.et, laat li T-T a LL—. DEATHS. WATI.KV AL riiltlH OIF, ihi Futi'lar uvaai&T. Mat „I. I- - ', -.lal, It. I Matl.T. ALL. OF Jau.ea M-TL, I *A' I*l t ,-ara, Vln Tit tea at] J|l data IfCWtS Kit I'tn IH, . ITLI tii-tant. It. P-NTI t, >a rial, |||, fl-t— A a if, I F JD.II II . nr. A* I'l M nan TI, 1 - data. BKloEL— <*A Uta J IH iriatat MeMnralmrg. Mr, lie mat It. gal. AFED AS LEAN, 1 III. MiI- and V DA,A IIOM A*— ln Pat TIT, T. >* nadiip, CAR Ik- IJTA ibat , of dlf|*R ,F tli bean. Mia Kiirntn 111. aif. ~f SI -tan, ml IF'-I. tan AC*-D V, } eata, V IN titlta arid II .lata, NTAIII Cht Ua W LIHLMT, twar Centre Hall. Mr- Mai, F tall I. a if. ~f J-rnta ,-UM, agial £ tenia, I! HC-ntlia ari-i at day*. MLL.UA 1„ IV FFT T ar.alilp Mat UT. lT'I MRV TIC- I" - a Mill-, aite Tie MAT Miila, AG—L L 4 }tmn and * day* FltrTTK— In M ail, 1,,AT.t1.1,., tl, VTH td Mar. IKIV. Jaa T HP ttA. in ilia <4ia yew <D BIA AG, TWOVI R. —ln t'drtoldp, car tt, JITA ~ Mar, MI— aarati K 'iaathler ~f William and PUT—N teeiyat, a- ID :.L yeara, lin -lit La and 14 datt *IVLS' * -at, Cottln'R W I*a, *lay TI. 14?*. Mr*. Ann B'jan AGED *4 year*. 11 ncmllta and V da ta asTIII JC-T — At MT LUTGIE, Mat F&UT, IIC*. Mrv l.iroir* J ait, <4 J,,1,1, ltatlmr—l, aged ST t iar* S nemlha and 4 day a. A*l'L R—t* In tint ( la rr Jon- 1, IIC*. f,..,rg. a,— id Jnltn A1,4 Kate ATTD—aan,, ag"d * tea— 4 Monti,A arid JH daya. Anr .itfcrrfiAciiiriif*. it/:) \fH.ns* opera Hoi s/:. POSITIVELY USE DAY OVLY. W I-I>N"IvSI>A Y, a)ulie 1 ith. TWO PERFORMANCES! API l.RVtrtiSi at*. tUSISii at a t#Vl/*'K.. la. ra OPE* at T atad ' o'clock. FTI.S EFTI !i I I.SI KKH Manager TIIK < KI.EIIRATED LI TIAXF. 11.- tii,AT < lciglna and Rertonned GEN. TOM THUMB & WIFE R—it MTW LAS I*l A WARRK*. Tl IT.flnit— Aanal ML.-S AMT RKEII. Aad ilta T-KAF. TRIAL rii-aon-a— and Ootak I emit— MAJOR MHKII, S* IL) a| I—T tit a varlrty M RXTI.RT AL*l*F| I'l l PORM SFFEF. to, lading lite *-A and —UFLR*T Plana, -T, tilled THE MIECHIEVOUE MONKEY. Eaerankere r— adted atith (TROARIOII AMI OQSUIAIVC Ivr'.'TlTKß. Aftarnoon Adnnatiun.only BR Cwnta i IdW-en an i.r Iv nam. It l —tla Evtning Atlminaioir, MB anil OR Cwnta. t litldrm nndrr In t —ra, U lea la IIEO PWK Agent Valuable Property KOK SALE. \\*II.L be CX|KHKHI to pulilic *ale 1 ▼ ▼ f |b ih* IV-t Bgh *4 Mitaphttrf, •I 2 a\ l'k. P M , ♦ Saturday* the 28th day of June, TH* 4nlM PRN|*HTT,T4 H: All the right-, titic and intcreat of T M. Uali la and UT THRKK IAT> ON TKA WARD ID I Mill and Wafer at re- la. in TIT, Ifxc-ngfi ef Mileal— g, on a. hi, FC la —LED , I.ARiiE A*L* FL'RAT A*Tl AL TIIRKE-AMRT Hot ML k—am - Ura u FRANKLIN HOUSE, 9 * wUI, S tftfg* •*<) <Yfvenirtil RKP H"** l . WWLI M<l WOMI ||MR I VFIAI Ihrer iynum SNUHFA.I F*TI I 4 law.) I< HOW*, llirw Mn p* rniUM* h# IWWHMLDS. HTD |WI<|EFT I HI M THE NXWT |*MK UKi ptNMMU)( If1 4f lire Wc. *IK. MY<) • fMI ••II IRRUIFML fnr S pl*Hr IKM> OR MF4. A Do, UT the aanic time and place, all Ik- right, till*. Infer— A. A C Iddlnga la A ret lain pie,* of far— land, containing —— arraa, an— l. la ROGGA n—aakif I— ad— l4> a— lit D lire Raid Raglt VrJley Railroad atalkoa al Mllaad-rg. AI(H, Rt the FATNC time and plßce, all the right, title, IntenaL Ac, of T M Halt Ut aw* aadiaided third nil ef Ft* ACRKF OF LAKR la Rag# tonmahia. kaoan a* lb. MILRFAI'Rti CSMR TKRV. aad heloaglag U> the Mlleal.erg ('—elery A. aerlaMt— Tntnr or Salk—Onelhtcd ltd lb* t—rrka— twa-y 4n he paid la nak; one-IHlrd In tare rter, aad lb* re aadnlag third In two y—ara- the —tier In- yayneawin a lib I n tkraal, Ut be aorared kr head aad aouagt J AS. r WKA V Kit, even, of T M Itall, laaatir. KilaktU, Jaaa S, I*7*. R-4T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers