Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 05, 1879, Image 7
FOR THE FAIR SKX. My Color, It Klisteas the ocuuu wave, It lives in yonder HiimiiiPr sl<v. Hie Imrotiell uii'l t'irget-iiic-not Are tintefl with ils In iglitiwl dye. It sparkles in lite sapphire's depth*. Its touch is on fho tur|n<iie lnl ; And ill tlio robin's speckled egg Its (ui u tee I tinges ate iluqiluyi'l. Mo tar, perhop*, you have not guessed, Uut ult' I fear you may surmise When 1 confess this heavenly huo Shines lairest in the baby's eyes. —Marcia I). Bradbury, in St. A'icholur ! Fashion Stoles. , White Breton lace wraps are to bo worn. Black satin sleeveless jackets are to be worn. Colored silk waists will be worn with gowns. Plain grosgrain ribbons are delightfully 1 cheap now. Lyons satin looks like silk on the wrong side. Puniers made entirely of flowers are worn in Paris. Ktui cases imitating pieces of bamboo wood are shown. Black Spanish lace wraps are trimmed with Jet and lace. Dark blue and green plaids are made up into traveling dresses. The empress rufl" is of Chantilly lace finished with a gold thread. Shaving fringe is superseding the grass which has so long been worn. The rough straw lwinnets in mixed colors are very simply trimmed. Worth puts plaiting* <it colored satin under the flounces of dark walking dresses. Biack net vails with tiny dots of gold and gold border* are new, but unbe eoining. Morning socks of dotted or striped muslin are to be worn with colored silks tills summer. White bunting is made into morning wrappers, having many tucks stitched with colored silk. Lengthwise buttonholes are worked around the walst-line of wrappers anil the belt is run through them. Canton crape is used for some bonnets in preference to chip. Silk is not worn at all except in the turban shape. The Parisian paper* speak of a very choice new shade of blue produced by ome chemical process with alizarine. Organdy evening dresses arc made up with an imitation of old point lace and a profusion of Persian ribbons arranged in loops. A gilt lattice, with a wild rose vine running over it, formed the apron of an evening dress recently worn in New York. It is a great error for a lady to wear | a Ninnet too youthful for her ag>. It only serves to make the latter more ob vious. Black silk, black eamel's-hair ami biaek cashmere are still the favorite ma terials for street wi*ar with American ( women. Bonnet strings are tied in a large loow how under the chin, not at the side, or they are simply croasisi in front, the ends forming ijuot New pocket-handkerchief* not only have Nirder* of Breton lace, hut are di vided into four sections by a cross ol Breton insertion. The new sunshades have sixteen bronzed or glided ribs which are thought to be too pretty to hide, and are set in front of the lining. Rome of the new painted fans nre of al ternate sections of black and colored satin, with wreaths of painted rosi-s br- ' tween the sections. Hats of gold braid with trimming* of gold-colored feathers and ribbons and gilded berries have been imported by lioston milliners for brunette*. Nearly all of the daily and weekly pre** oT New York city have lady asso ciates in the editorial department, and the same may be said of Boston. A new brocade cashmere has alternate stripes of plain atin and of wool figured with wreaths of bright flower*. It makes pretty and cheap vests for woolen gown*. The pinafore hat is trimmed with black velvet studded with steel star*, nnd has one sideof the britn faced with black velvet and caught Up by a butterfly bow of white satin. 'Hie papillon Niw is the pretty head dress for the 1 louse. It is made of full tiuffed loops of India muslin, with Breton ince mixed with it, and is more com [mo in shape than the long-looped Alsatian bows. A smaller butterfly Niw is shown us a crnvnt liow. Another fancy is the scarf of India muslin, to be worn in the street as lace scarfs formerly were. It is outside the wrap, tied closely around the nis k. with a Niw in front; the ends hang down, have plaited Breton lace across them, and are timl with narrow ribbon to give them the tippear I eof a tassel. New pocket-handkerchief* of sheer linen cambric have Breton insertion forming a cross through the middle of the kerchief, then passing around it as a Nirder, with an edge of Breton lace. Plainer handkerchief* have a shield done in colon*! embroidery in one Corner, while the edge is merely scalloped with red or blue. One of the quaint and pr"tlv fichu*, made ii[i with Breton or old-fashioned point iace, to be worn with summer cos tume*. is of fine India muslin with a plaited frill of lace. The neck of the fichu is finished with a turned over and very large square collar, which is also edged with a frill of lace and open to show the neck. I IMaitcd black Breton laec is a novelty which is u**l to trim light black ma terial* with, such material* as plain and striped gatizi's, and grenadine*, both plain and striped with velvet. Black si'k dresses ari- also trimmed willi this lace. These plaiting* are generally placed around panier* and princes* waists, with the addition of jet passe menterie. Fichu* of white silk muslin, or else of linse, nre square* doubled in three-cor nered stiape. and all the edge bordered with insertion in which the Breton de -1 sign is done with color*. A fine knlfe plaiting of Breton lace edges the inser tion, and the ends are caught together at tlie waist by a tmuquct of rosebuds or ot yellow buttercups, a moss-rose or some favorite flower. New mask veil* are of Breton Ince, and may lie either black or white. Tlie net covering the face lias tiny dot* wrought in it, usually two or three in n group, and tin l edge Is finished with Breton line two inches wide. I*>ngcr veils, to he crossed behind the bond nnd tied under the eliin, nre made of black net, dotted with gold thread. The newest grena dine scarf veils are of tnn-mlor or light blue, with a gay Unman striped liordcr on each selvedge. 1 tress futis are in the Pompadour slinpe, half of a circle being formed by the sticks and the feather tops. The sticks: are ol red tortoise shells or ebony; the feathers of different birds supply the I tops; curled ostrich, peacock-eyes, pea hen feathers and golden pheasant feathers are much used. New fans to be worn with the summer dresses of moniie cloth or cambric have ebony sticks with Pompadour linen tops; these fans are mounted with silver, and have ebony and silver chatelaines. Jlrm mill ,*fntr for Womcnd English children wear pinafores 01 pink, blue and white washing silk. Women's underclothes are cheaper in New York than anywhere in Europe. One hundred and seventy-four of the 63ti students of Boston University are women. A grand ecumenical council of women who believe in woman's rights is to be held in St. Ixtuis in May. Mr. (Hailstone's constant assistant is his daughter, who knows every book in his library and the contents of it. Young women are almost universally employed as typesetters in the printing establishments of San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Ann Simpson, of Yorkshire, England, has been appointed surveyor of roods for tbeparishot Kirby (irindalytli. Twenty ladies have l>eon authorized to write Jl. I. after their names iiv the Women's Medical College in Phila delphia. There are real walking hats for those who like them this season—hats totally unlike the bonnets, and intcmhs! to droop over the eyes. Miss llovey, of Boston, lias offered SIO,OOO at once and more in the future to Harvard University, on condition that it opens the door of its medical school to women. The Princess Louise has taken the trouble to deny in emphatic terms the report of a London society journal that she was lieing greatly Ixiri-d by her Canadian experience. It is related of the late Mine. Bonaparte that he never adopted the new-fangled notion of gas. hut always used candli**, and slm would not allow a carpet to lie laid on her bedroom floor. The first women employed in the National Treasury were appointed in ISKVJ. There are now 1,300 in the depart ments of Washington, who receive sala ries varying from f'.HW to SI. *OO yearly. The chapel hdnnging toUrarcchurcli, New York, was tlw gift of Miss Catha rine Woolf. and eost SXi,OOO. It was occupied for the first time at the celebra tion least of the conversion of .St. Paul. A Minnesota man found a beautiful young Hauaw almost frozen to death, lie took tier to his camp-tire and tried to thaw her out. When she bad melted a little he proposed marriage and Was accepted. It is said that Queen Victoria, in her favorite books, us.-s paper-marks upon which are inscrilied in Latin these words of Holy Writ: "Their hope is full of immortality, and lie lives even though he be dead." The eldest daughter of Bishop Hunting ton not only writes newspaper articles and provides for charities, but walks fre quent iv twenty miles a day. taking on umbrella in her band, a It i Ir. Franklin, for storm or sunshine. An intelligent schoolgirl, by name l',v Rehe'- mmer. of Memphis, Tenn., has re ceived n gold medal from the Howard A*- L iation for meritorious SlT vices per- " formed in tlie midst of the pestilence which raged lost summer, and wliich wen-unremitting from the b ginning to the close. Some of the insurance companies ot New York have written lett lTS of con gratulation to an up-town lady on her bravery when she discovered that a 1 room in the third story of her magnifl eent house was on tire. Calmly wrap ping a rug about her shoulder", she en- j tered. and closing an open window and the ilisirs kept the flames from spread ing. and then telegraphing to the nean-st station for aid, the flame* were quickly put out. but not until every article in the room was reduced to a cinder. Old Unlit! unit 01.l Rnrhrlsri. Old maids are useful. They can cook, sew and take esre of children, nurse sick people and generally play the piano. < >ld haehelors are useless They do not even know how to drive nails or split wood. Old maids an- amiable. If one wants anything done that requires patience and kindness of heart, a single lady Is sure to be the one to do it- Old bachelors an' ill-natured. They snub children, despise Nthics and hate young mothers, nnd nr' always so busily employed in seeing that oilier people take good care of them that they have not a moment to give to any one else. Old maids are nice looking and "young for their years." Old bachelors gener ally have red noses, rheumatism in their knees, bald heads, and mouths that turn down at the corners. Old maids can make a home of one little room, and cook delicious meals for one over the gas jet in cunning little tin kettle*, hwide* making all tlwlr own wardrnN*. Old bachelors need an nrmy of tailors, wniters, rooks, distant rela tives and hotel landlords to keep them comfortable. When old maids are ili they tie up their heads in pockethand kerchiefs, take homicopathic pellet* I out of two bottles, alternately, and get well ntrnin. When old bachelors are ill they go to l>ed and send for four doc tors, nave a consultation, a montlapicre full of black Nifties, all the amiable mar ried men who lielong to the club to sit up with them at nigot, N-sides a hired nurse; they telegraph to their relations, ! and do their best to Impress the world with the idea that they are dying. When an old maid trnvcis she takes a sandwich, a piece of poundcake, a bot tle of lemonade in a linnd-basket, and | lunches comfortably in Hie carriage, j When an old bachelor travels he orders I . a dinner in courses at the station, and raves N-cnuse he lias not time to eat it lie- j j fore the "fifteen minutes for refresh- j ; ments" are over. Old maids drink weak tea, and It cures > their headaches. Old bachelor* drink strong liquor, which give* them head- ! aches. Old maids are modest: they think their youth is over and their beauty fyine. If. after awhile, some autumnal ove is given them, they take it n* a sort I of miracle, anil hope |>cnple will not j'lwgh at thorn for "marrying so late in Olil bachelors believe tlmt nil women nre in love with them, iitid Hint they muni enrefully guard themselves from traps to inveigh# them into matri mony. They iilso londly eherisli the be lief that, should they eventually heroine married men, the world expects them to exhibit great taste in women liy their ehoiee, and that the "other fellows" will laugh if their portion he not tender youth and beauty; also that wlu-n they marry, many women will # xpiri* of jealousy— ltural New Yorker. ConrrriiliiK Tlitlii l.nctuic. An outspoken Fnglish clergyman, the Itev. H. it. Haweis, recently called the women of his parish to task for criminal ignorance and thoughtlessness in tight hieing, Perhaps there are American ladies who will lie nervous when they read his denunciations of unwholesome practices in dress. "When the door," lie exclaimed, "closes on tin* light and splendor of the revel, the veil is drawn quickly across—the public are shut out; but the true physician, of souls as xvell as of Isxiies, will invite you to enter that gloomier apartment, and hear the stern verdict upon another which to morrow may he pronounced on you— ' Death from natural causes!' I .ay no such Mattering unction to your soul. " Death from rut in the liver and corn on the heart, produced hy tight lacing.' These are the very word* of a leading phy.-ieian of the day to me. I plead lor nothing impossihli—for nothing which cannot lie. and which is not accomplish ed every day hy sensible women in the best circles. Many plead for the mitiga tion of a public eye-sore against which our present fashion of following the natural lines of l lie I sidy, instead of creating false ones, protests as loudly as do the doctors themselves. I want you to Is- reasonable, and. knowing the ter rors of the violated law of nature, I pray to lie persuasive; and this is the spirit in which 1 plead with you this morning against the evils of excessive compres sion in tight lacing, tiiat systematic out rage upon tic human skeleton—that fatal attack Upon the sin r# #1 organs of circulation, respiration and nutrition." Mfyle* 111 II>|rr >'• The style in expensive hosiery is #m hmidered I.isle thread and embroidered Italhriggan. What are known to the trade as boot-stockings are a favorite design and are brought out in solid and contrasting colors, as for Instance cherry tops and blue feet. Old gold in com bination with other colors is in great demand, and come* either with or with out embroidery, as suits the buyer. Plain silk, also plain Lisle stix kings in violet and in citron color, are <h sirahle, as are those in sapphire shade* to match the new dress silk- Ociidnrmc, the new army blue, is vet another favorite color in hosiery. Itibh'sl hosiery remains fashionable and lac# -to# kings ar#' having a decided run. K#al Italhriggan in e ru color, with hand-cmbroldemt instep of dainty hues, ar<> designed for Indie* who are averse to the more showy tyl<-s. In cheaper goods plain colors, with em broidered clocks, fancy elie# ks, hair-line stripes and polka dots #.n a plain ground, prevail, Isitli in ladies' and children's hose. Scif-Defcnce Among Plants. in a recent lecture Mr. Fran# is 1 tar win gave some curious instances of tie way plants are protected from insect* and other dangers. Opium, strychnine and lieliadnnna. he said, three of the most deadly poisons, w#-re all formed by plant* as a mean* of defence to preserve them from rattle, etc. A eurtou* use was made of this poisonous projs-rty, as recorded by Livingstone, who state* that at one place in South Africa tlie natives wen- in the habit of catching their zebra* bv mashing up *<> me poison ous plant in tfieir drinking pince. I'op *pi#s are protixted by poison from the attack* of goats and probably of other cattle. The strychnine plant was a good example of the way in which poison was limit#-#! to thw part of the plant where it was needed. Almond* were also pro. tected by poison. cultivator* gen# rally sowing tic biiter kind, a* the sweet kind was eaten by mice. Oilier plants w<*re protected, not by strong poisons, hut by some aromatic substance. The f#nn"f. anise and earraway #u>##l* were examples of tiiis, which wore not oatoa by th#- bird* on that a<•count. The lime, which Was protected by this aroma, was able to grow wild and hold its own any where, whereas the orange, the citron and the olive require* to Iw carefully preserved and watched. The mint was another example of a plant protected against rattle by tbf* aromatic princi ple. Flower* are often more aromath than the leave* of the plant on which they grow, anil owe to this principle their safety from attack, and caterpillars will even starve to death sooner than eat the flower of a plant the leaves of which they readily devour. Water plant* are unprotected, for the reason that water was protection enough. The most peculiar protection jierhnp* wm tiiat eryoved by til#' common lettuce, which, when pricked, even bv an aunt's foot, spurted up a sticky juirc. and en veloped the intruder, who, biting the leaf from vexation, drew down upon himclfa fresh shower of cabbage wrath, in which tli#' unfortunate ant was drowned. Just a liny Too late. A f#'w days since there was a wedding in D#-* Moines, lowa. The bride was a gcni-ral favorite in society and an cspixiai favorite with twoyounggi'ntlemen, each of whom aspired to the honor of hr hand. One of them secured it, but as the wedding was entirely private, the other did not hear of it. The evening after the wedding, the last named went to call on the lady, whom he supposed to I*' still single.* There he found his rival, the groom, with his bride. Lay ing aside his overcoat, lie engaged her in lively Conversation, constantly ad dressing her by her maiden ranie. He progressed so well that lie concluded to "sit out" his rival. About twelve o'clock a remark was made that informed him of the changed relations of the par ties, and lie concluded that tlie frceztng out process wouldn't do, and he incon tinently departed, a wiser and sadder man. During the prevalence of a gale in Virginia City, Nev., recently, tall pillars of sand were to he *••• n waltzing aliout on tlie deserts far In tiie eastward, show ing that tilings were also rather wild that way, At times such clouds of dust rose above the desert that the Hiirnlmldt range and other high mountains in that : direction were hidden from view. So doubt any one who might linve happened to Im# out on these deserts would have found the entertainment hut little infe lor to that afforded by tlie sand storms I of the great desert of Knliara. THE wo\OF us OF LIADYILLB. AstoitUhlii* I'wli About llit Sirw ailvrr Ht-Klon—AVhsf Has Rt, What la,unit Whtl l to Comf, A correspondent of the Sew York Nviuiiu) I'nit write* from Lcn<ivillc, Col., to the following effect: It was about I the middle of last summer that the value i of Ig#nd ville as n " ciirlMinnteenmp " was I discovered. California (iiileh, on which the present town stands was an old mining camp, having been worked for gold from !*">! to 1*11?, the yield run ning down Irom #3,000,000 in IHigi to alKiut #150,000 in l0, when the dig gings were aliandoniil. In those days it is said the gold miners caulked tlu-ir log cabin* with what they supposed was mud, but was really carbonate worth #IOO a ton. Who discovered the carbonates is a disputed question, hut there is no doubt that W. 11. Slovens, of Lake Superior mining fame, a rest- I dent of Detroit, was on# of the first, if not tlie first, to undertake systematic I mining operations for silver in this camp. * 'l<l California and Nevada miners scoffed the idea of fimling any i tiling of value in the earl MlD. Ates. They wen# soft, not hard. They were "pan cake ilejHisits," not veins. The oldest ■and wisest among them ho#l never seen any metal extracted from sucii Muff. Still, Stevens had his adherents, too. \ Numbers of men swarmed upon the J hills ami bi gan to sink shafts. They I were speedily rewarded. The Little j Pittsburgh, which has <tiriehcd all its j owners, was struck at thirty-eight feet below the surface, and other discoveries speedily followed. Homnntic stori#-* are told of t In* vicissitude* of fortune which befi'll the early discoverers—how tin < iallagh# r brother* wander# #1 from store , to stor#' vainly begging for a sack of flour to ennble tlo'iii to go on with I tln ir work, and next week struck uiin eral, and sold out for I know not how many hundred thousands, on w jii# h tin y are li\ ing in splendor in the < humps Liy-##*; how long and Derry wen*ju*t alsiiit KS give up in d#-pair, when old struck hi* pi# k Into tie ground in hi* rage, ami uncovered tli<> wall of a lis-ure vein, one of tlie very be*t in i cauip at thi* present tim<-; how a small gr<s #-r " gruh--t:ik-d " a hungry miner who struck mineral within a couple of weeks; how tie- small gro##r bought out the miner, *##l#l a small interest in his mine f##r a fortune, lM#uglit other mine*, made money out of all of them, and is now-Lii-uti'iiant-tiovernor \V A. Tatxir, pnsidnit of tlie It.-uik <#f lstu\- ville, and a man wliose income is reckoned in millions. Whntevero.'truth there may Is- in these attractive tales, , there is no doubt of the fact that by Augu*t <#f last year lay# rs <if carixinat# . carrying silv# r vatj ing in <juantity from *1)0 to to ounces jw-r toll, t##-gan t# 1* , discover#-#! throughout the range of hills j which en# in le the town <>f l/endville on the east, and that great fortunes— *#di#l fortun#-*—4ngan t#> I.#- realiz#sl by tin- lucky discover# r*. The cartMinat#-* were in • vry < .-is#- save one murly horizontal deposit*. lying at depths varying from thirty-five to on## hundred and thirty-five f<* t Ixdow the surfiu #- In < an #ly any ea*#- w*a* blasting re quired in tlie'shafts. Two dollars a tm was a common #-stlmate f##r the c#st of #'xtra< ting tli#- or#-. | Su# h astonishing botinnr.:#.## < r#*at#sl an 1 excitement far and wi#l#>—a furoye far exceeding til#' Itlnck lllii* fever, snd w'bi# h can onlv I## compared to the!'ali , fornia rag#- ##f i*!*. T# n thousand p#*>- p]#- p#itir#sl into Iz ailrilleduring tin- last i three months of I*#"*, ami luig#' nia • hiie ry for smelting works ami sawmills j was haul#*#! ov# r the mountains at an en ormous expense. You must romcmber that these forttinc-hunt<T* w#*re going n##t to a pi# a*ant r#'gi##ri lik#' ( alifon.ia or N#'va<la, hut to a barren wil#!#ni# s t# n thousaml f#*t alMtv#* the sea. wli#>r#' tlie soil will not even grow jitat#s-s, where snow falls < v# rv month in the v-ar, and a man liad liis hands an#i f#*#-t fr>>7.< n one night last August. Still, no hardship* deterred the adventurer*. Traile and busine** w#r# dull through out tli#' world. an#l during the thr#*- month* ending Mnn-h 3l*t. l*T?i. at least flft'-en tliousand nun f##un#i their way to i I#cailvillc. a large proportion of them toiling painfully ##n f#M>t one )iun#lrsl and tw#nty or #ne hundrc#l an#i fifty mil# s through the *now from Denver or Canon. Wh#"n I first vi*it#*| l>-advill.' in Mar# h la*t it was full of men who bail no horn#', who slept on the sawdust on barroom fl#K#r. who ail s#"em#d to liax e money enough to get f#>#Ml without work ing, and who spent their days in liar rooms, pimhling-hou*# -. daiice-houses. <#r #>n tlie sidewalk in Chestnut *treei, discussing tlie last great strike. Haifa Im>#l in a miserable attic was worth from #1 to #3 a night. Stores rente#! for I,#o P#t centum of t!i#dr cost. M's hani#*' wages were #1 or #5 a day. To force ones way int tlnjxwtofHepthrough tlie throng which I#"A it front morning till ! night required no small exertion of | str#'ngih. Husim ss was " booming." Small storekeejM'r* turnisl over tludr en tire stiMk in two #lays, an#l Iheti vainly i rot#- an#l teli'grajih'sl ibrfn-sh suppli#-#. j Town lots worth #SO In (Wolkt, IhTm, readily commanded #3.000 in March. I IHTtt. I return#-#! to the " camp " f Iveaville, j though an organiz#*! city, w itli mayor, aldermen an#l all otherclvle funetlon -1 aries, is still i-nlh-d a camp 1>- all but " ten#l#'rf#s't") a w#s-k ago. and a mark#*! change was evident. l'r#p#M'ting on snowshoes in sn##w from four to eight fe't deep had exhausted the patience of , | many, nn#l the three stage lines# reportc#! ! that they earri#-#! nearly a* many passen | yers to a* fr##m I>cnvcr anil Canon. Both ■; in Chi-stnut street and at the postoftiee i the crowd had diminished, l/odging* were easily to be obtained. Of the t.AOO . hous#'s (mere board huts) that were un der way #>n the iWUIi of March, many were finished ami many were unoecu , pied. #Storeki#epers eoniplaine#! of the . aullncM of liusiness. Heal estate had • ceased to move, and the unfortunate . owners declared with tears in their I'yes . that the best hid they could get for lots , which cost them #SO six months ago . was #1,500 cash. It was possible to get 1 fair twiard and l<wiging*,for fl2 a week. A whisper, which subsequently became a . general public r#*mark. asserted that the . greatest of tlie D#adviile mines, the Lit • tie IMttaburg, ha#l " petered out," and not a few declared that !cadville had had its day, and would hereafter be num i bered among the dead towns which strew • tlie treacherous slopes of the Kockies. t It may, however, be questioned ■ whether tliesr persons have not mistaken t a natural reaction for the final collapse, t l#eadville's prosperity resting wholly on t the product of tle mines. It 1* pi'rtinent t to inquire aliout them, and the answer > is this: In.tanuary lasttlier#'wi-re alxiut I twenty paying mines in this ncishhor s hood; tliffear#'nowfoity-nine; oftliese, - several, notably the Australia and the • Judge lVndry, have struck pay ore within the last week. -The Australia could have been bought fur #3,KiC tin •lays ago. To-day the ownTs wotihi not lisU'ii to an olh r of H Mst.issi. A agin, ther# w# r't#n niM'Jlers at work last Jiiriunry Tll<T#' an; now twenty eight at work and llti<h r way. Th# se estahUsluiientseost from#'Jo.ooto#PJs,- (kki. I liey arc owned by m< n exjx'ri eneed In mining malti'i's. It iss-aria lv reasonahle to suppose that such lii'-r. would speiiil sucii large sums of mon# y if they had any doufit of the pi rma tu'tit value of jh- mines. Again, thr##e lin< * of railroad nr.- aim ing at Lailville—the Colonolo < nle.ii from Georgetown, the Denver and Hun; I# I'ark and Webster, and the Atchison and Santa Fe front Calion. Kaeh of the*#; three companies expects to blast its way through miles of solid rook, to climb grail#-.* of one hundred and fifty f.* t and more to the mile, to surmount frightful pre#'ipiee, anil ixdi of them ha## thou* snnils of iii'-n at work at #g and #3 a day '••"i ll annmmees that it will he in I>-a<|- ville tliis summer. Ar# the manager* in all th#*## companies delude#! a.* to the value of the I/# - ad ville mines? In view of the sumtm-r pr##s|M*#-t, n writer in# ursa grave responsibility who encourages emigration to I*tulville. I rom all the information that i nn he ob tained it sei'ms probable that not ls than forty thousand people will eoine her# this season from the thr#*#' .State* of Kansas. Missouri ami Tennea*<v# aloii#-. If tli#- other Stat#-* contribute in evi-n rui infinitesimal ratio, the *lop#s of th#- '#rarnl Divide an#l tli## Mo#|uito and Buffalo I'angi-s will h<- whiP-ried n#-xt fall with tlie hon#*s of uo-ri who will hav<- died ##f hunger ami cold—for it is impossible for th#- country to fi-eii so many. Iri this, tli# ri#'h#-st camp ev#-r known in mining history, onh tiflis-n per centum of tin- prosjiectors discover anything; eighty-five jar n-ntum fail, arul in this region and i liin.it will Im# lik'dy to jx-rish. Colleeting a Crowd. A gentleman passing by an umittrac tiv# -how wiri'low the otherilav st<q<[#o<l ami began l####king i*t an o]d-fasltii#n*si squiir#' i loi'k ' xhihitisl for s:rl# (pri# #- #1.75). It *o closely res# mhleil th#-time piece that he had so many tim# gaz#*l u|##in with affis'tion in )iis <]#! home, that h# h# gan to examine it, musing meanwhile on th#- many si-'-ne* of liis lioylimtil ifays that woui#! con##' back to hi* memory. Il#- s's-nrsl *#> alisorlxsi in what wits iM-fore liiiu that anotlier g< n tl' Mian passing thought li#- would tak# - a look. an#i likewise cam#' to n standstill in front <#f tli<- window; an ol#i woman, going l#\ with a haski i, lia#i her f# ndnine curiosity arou*#xi,and partly to r# t, sat <l#wn lI#T burden, iui'l. N#ijusting li#*r shawl, turnisl her #'>'* in tie* #lir#s-tion #>f tin* big square dock : a couple of *nu&il Is#)s. rolling hoop, ri# xt stopped to *<-<• w hat was g'#ing on ; anil all th# time tin nu< leus of tit#- gntlii-ring was umioulit islly ruminating on the Itappy past, un i-ons# ii.us of ids surrounding*. In al###ut tix ■ • minut' s n <t<#w<l of tw#nty-fi\<- jm-o pi" from the .liffennt walks in life ha#l lialteii 1# for#' that same window, ail #ag#rl> tr#'t#liing their m-# k to g# t a )#<•# I# at what was th#' ii-ntral objist of view. The crowd grew lnrg# r -a !i suta-ceding minute, and tie- loan inside rusbisi down to the h.o kof th# ston- to black his iwnts an#l smooth <iown liis liair, in anticipation <#f a big rasli #f traity: an#i tlie original # au*#' of the com motion was sliil revolving in his tnin#i the jov* of liis iMiyhood, utterly oblivi ous of fh#' rapidly gatio-ring multitude, who i#\ this tiin#- liad Is gun to push and crowd carfa other, in <#r#T# r t#> *•••• m hat wasth# matt#T. In a mom# nt nmr# the ch-rk* in tlie various stores nrar l#v !ia#l start'sl on a dead run l##r the spot. an#t the f# v# r spreading.five liumlnsi #>r more. m#*n. worn# n ami #'hillren. all broke into a # ant# r. Ixiiind to reai'b the se#>ne of ilisaster in tim#' t##g> t a gixxj -#-at. Kverv I# am tiiat came down that *tre#'t n-in#*) up. an#l, in le** time than it takes to tell it,tlie street an#l siib wnlks wcreon#' surg ing mass of humanity, hor*#'* ami wagons, veiling, swi-aring and figliling. an#l th# tir*t man tiiat st#q#j*si was still indulging in reminix'-enc#-* ,#f the days of his pastoral simplicity, .fust then a policemm strolled in sigiit, and. notic ing -'#ni#-tiling a little unusual, l*s-ame a little nervous and somewhat mixed, pulled the tire alarm hastily, ami another guardian of the peace d##'wn tlie corn# r of tlie block let drive in tlie same way, puijing in an alarm from another ts#x. Whang, wliang, wliang, went the fire le 11, Imx 4-11-44, and every other con# #'irahle number. Th* fire depart ment started out jn thre#- different direc tions, with tlie entire town at its lii*#ls. yelling, "Wherak the fire?" and tin lila# k smoke from tlie steamers, and the rumliling of the h#*avy wlieel*. with the gongs and bell* of the hose-carriages and hook ami ladder trucks, made up a I**l - compound #>f rs< kets tiiat would have nwskened the dead, if it w#ve pos sible ; hut the man that was the prime cause of all the huhhuh had ids eyes fixed unniovedly on the object that first attracted Ids attention, .-uiparrnt ly dr< iuning of tlie golden days of the past . After a time the confusion came to an end, and lie walked off, having Won a let of flvedoilars tiiat hecould stand still and draw n bigger crowd than any waiking-mptcli in the ixiuntrv. New //area RrgtMrr. Berislon of an Oriental Judge, Th#'lter. If. M. Scudder, I>. D .who was for many years a missionary in India, tell* the following odd story: " Four men, partners in business. Inuglit some cotton liales. Tlist the rats niiglil not destroy the i*tton tliey purchased a cat. Tliey agrci*! that each of the four should own a particular leg of the eat; and each adorned with beads an#i other ornaments the leg thus ap|w>rti#med to him. The cat, hy an a<- eldcnt, injured one of its legs. Tlie owner ol t lint member wound around it a tag soaked in oil. Tlie cat. going too near the hearth; set this rag on fire, and being in great pain rushed In among the cotton bales where she was accustomed to hunt rats. Tlie cotton took fire and was burned up. It was a total loss. Tno three other partners bmuglit a suit to recover the value of the cotton against tlie partner who owned this par ticular leg of tlie cat. The judge ex amined the case and decided thus; ' The leg that had the oiled rag on it was hurt; the cat could not use that leg; in fact, held up that leg, and ran with the three legs. The three unhurt legs, therefore enrried the fire So the cotton, and alone are culpable. The leg Is not to lie blamed. The three partners who owned the three legs with which the cat ran to the cotton wljj pay the whole value of the hales to the partner who was the proprietor of the Injured log.'" Central Park, New Y#*rk. has cost something like tIVUOO.OfO. FOK TIIK IOIHU PKOPLF. Thr Hln M r< wsxri very pretty, lie Wftou'l very wine, And lie *t/Kl, wlMtti MIUVI a .(iwsM,,*,, In |*trufyMx| surprise. A fri* kled liu), u prkl| J| Who uxjul't turn in hi* to**. Ami—though not utw.luK ly |,J_ Hud #iu*h H hinny UOM-' 111- hud n't Miy tnautiert, He liidn't know hi* Inxdu, rf I inil*t own, til* principles I>i'l not Indie hi* loek*. I!• wax rlflinty nt work, and avkvtrl tl [l*.v; | tivery luu'r uri-w n different wny— -1 lien why (lid they uuike him King Ol May * 1 •*, hliiluly, i„ * circle, ITiey whirled *round their king; A till there he *tood, lmlf cryin* Half j ! <•!!>• <-! t„ hear them ainjj, , i ill in hi* heart, a mighty pert ; Win given him to do; l:motion thrilled hi* little hreext And gave him fervor new: " I'll do it! thut I will'" he thought. "It iiTl much. I know I ought' " "Oh, do' Oh, do' Oh, do"' sang they, "And we will crown you King of Wny'" j " I'll do it' Vet. I'll do it!" i Hi* heart nuig hack, again, I rdil a ray ol lovelinnat ' lint to hie lace fto plain llie eyelid* ';tsjverid; he almost ahiverrel, Hi* young lortn aimed erect— When manly thought* stir boyish aoula What el*e c* n you I-X/M-1 And etill they tang their roundelay, 1 l.e circling girl# MI *wet ami gay, I Al*iut their king, Uieir Kingot May' Hark' 'llie king i*t|xwking. llie eager girl# prn n*u. He mya aloud "I'll doit'" In ringing voice, *, clear. And from hi* |Kicket. a* lioin a socket. Slowly he drew lorth— Hi looked to osurt, he looked to vroat. He lanku! to couth and north— Ilie "i.if- their Ideal assurance gave, I wa tiohle to lee kind and brave. He drew it lorth; he gave it (ever, A* though he • te each matilcn't lover, A* though it won- hi* life, fin thing they d I,egg Oil her hour* and home 1 o cut the Muj .|*ele vine* and flower#— l liat little raw#!'# knile' Ah, aee therri' M-C them' well-a-day* How gleefully they *kip away, la ing alone their King of May, ' Hi- I'lii ! reign ended WeH-a-d*y' —SI .Viz-Mat. The € nler i,l!l*r* % able. ' "See. my kilt," said a farmer one morning, "the eaU-rpiiiar* have liegun to ltuild a rn-at Ujain a hran< h of our fa e'orite apple tree." | "I II put a *top to their work to-mor row," said Uit* boy. A week went hv. " M> win," said the farmer again. " I notice that our friend*, the caterpillar*, have built an ex ten* ion to thir house." " I'll burn tleni down this very after* noon." was the taiy'* reply. Another week went by. and the farmer called hi* son and showed him how the iterpiliar- hail not only inclosed the en tire iimh hut even begun work on another Iwiugh. i " There'll lie tin fruit on that branch I thi* year, my witi," said the farmer calm ly : "your indu*triou< little friend* have eaten every loaf." And obM-rving that hi* son's face w.-ia red with shame, the father thus eon tinucd •. " 1 shall not regret the loss of the lieau tiful 111 V son. if you "in only henceforth lw-ar in mind the lesson you have learned. Each day ha* its duties, and it is always a dangerous thing to put •If attending to even the smallest of them until the next. — Atnrruvin liurtil I loins. I/ohrtrr* m ri) thlnt. Not long ago. m Sweden, two girls used to watch for an old iioatmnn who, in the season, would bring up the fiord or i reek a whole boatload of iolister* at a time. Then the girl* would bog their nurse Johanna to let tlom play with the queer things. Generally leave would lie riven, and the sisters would fetch in j doors with great glee as many of the lobsters as they want**!, and stand them up all around their tlay-room. stroking such on the head as they did to. and thus } putting it to sleep. I They had to keep a sharp eye on the i creatures, though, and. as soon as one threatened to wake or waved its terrible claws, they had to run and tickle it on : the head—when it would go off to sleep ; at once! Idcxie says it was funny to see these play-soldiers—" marines," she calls them —standing up stiff and straight, as though thev were on their best liehav- I ior at parade drill! Itefore you try this game he sure that you have the tight kind of lobster* to deal with, for it would he awkward if I hey should turn on you and give vou tit for tat by " stroking " and " tickling " you in their fashion with their claws Sf .Vt'eWrt*. Per Ha*-#. You were made to be kind and gener ous and magnanimous If there is a hoy In the school who has a club-foot, don't let him know you saw it. If there IS a poor hoy with ragged clot lies, don't talk nlxiut rags in 111* hearing. If there is a lame boy, assign him some part of the game which does not require run ning. If there is a dull one help Igm to get his lessons. If there is a blight one, lie not envious of him; for if one hoy is proud of his talents, and another is en vious of them, these are two great wrongs, and no more talent* than before. If a larger or stionrer hoy ha* iiyurwl you. and is sorry for Tt, forgive htm and reauest the teacher not to punish him All the school will show by their coun tenance* how much better it i* to haves real soul than a great fist .—/ferae* Mann. The myal plate at Wimhur is reported to lc worth £ I,*(10,000. it include* a gold service ordered by George tV., which will dine 140 persons, and the same monarch added to the collection one of the finest wine coolers in the world, a shield formed of small boxes, worth tXOon. and thirty doscn pistes, worth £10,00(1. There are also a variety ol pieces brought from abroad and from India. The latter Include a peacock of precious atones of every kind, worth £30.000, ami Tippoo's footstool. a tiger's head, with rrystal teeth and asolid ingot of gold for hi* tongue.