Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 29, 1879, Image 1

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Slu (frnttr §mo ttai
Term* tI.AO per Annum, la Advance.
S. T. SHUOERT and R. H. FORSTER. Editor*.
Thursday Morning, May 29, 1879.
WHILE II: ye continues to hold a
stolen office the stalwart leaders of the ;
Republican party should not prate
nlmut the purity of elections. It does
not become them to do so.
lias introduced a hill to regulate the
use of the army. It does not autho
rise the troops to he placed at the
polls to regulate the election*. Kd
iuuuds, lilaiiio and the stalwarts gen
erally, do not seem to like the hill, J
and will probably vote against it.
THE riot damages hill is dead, at j
least for the present session of the j
Legislature. At the request of Mr.
McNeill, who introduced a new hill
into the Senate after the $4,000,000 |
hill fell in the House, it was stricken
from the calendar, and so will be
heard of no more this session. May
it rest in js-ace.
WE desire to call attention to the \
able and eloquent plea of Mr. Corli-le,
of Kentucky, to be found on our third
page. It*is an unanswerable argu
ment in favor of the repeal of the tin- !
just and obnoxious laws to control the
elections of the country by military
interference and partisan Federal mar
shals. Read this speech ami he con
vinced. Its logic is irresistible.
WE frequently meet with remarka
ble phases in public opinion, but the
most surprising of all is the unmiti
gated contempt with which the jieople
regard the late and prospective vetoes
of the White House Fraud in Wash
ington. Whether lie succeeds or not
in retaining the villainous enactment*
to coutrol elections will !>e of little
practical importance. He will not
dare again to put them in operation. .
The people are the sud'creA, and will
speak in tones that cannot he misun
THE tidewater pipe line, from C'or
reyville, in McKenn county, to the
city of William-port, will lie complet
ed in a few days, and oil will lie flow
ing through it from the wells to the
receiving tanks at the latter place. A
dispatch to the I'hiludclphiu newspa
pers of Tuesday says that the last
joint of the pipe has been laid, und
the pipes to convey the oil from the
tanks to the railroad are being put in
position. The construction of this line
will probably mark a new era in the
oil trade. It is now greatly depressed,
and if the completion of this new out
let to the markets of the east will in
any degree relieve the producers from
the exactious of the .Standard monopo
ly, that now holds every person en
gaged in the business at its mercy, its
benefits will be incalculable. It is to
lie hoped that all the good results ex
pected from the openiug of another
outlet may lie fully realized.
THE chairman of the Democratic
County committee, I). F. Fortney,
Esq., ha* issued a circular to the mem*
liers of the committee, requesting them
to convene at Bellefonte, on Saturday,
the 7th of June, for the purpose of
transacting business of im|>ortaticc to
the party. A time must be fixed for
the meeting of the County convention
to elect Representative delegates to
the State Convention which meets at
Harrisburg on the Jflth of July. It
will also be necessary for the commit
tee to make a new apportionment of
delegates to the County conventions
based upon the vote of each district
for Governor at the election of last
fall. Under the rules of the party
this apportionment will continue until
the next election for Governor, and it
is therefore, especially important for
every district to have a representative
present to look after its interests > this
meeting of the committee. We trust
there will be a full turn out
Shorman'e Bid.
The last hid of John Sherman for
the Republican nomination for Presi
dent in 1880, is a letter addressed to nil
unknown war Democrat, of New York,
which will be found in another col
umn. In un article upon this letter
the Philadelphia Record pertinently !
"It would scarcely be jiossiblo for the
seeker after a nomination for the Presiden
cy to more openly declare bis plans and S
purposes, whilo avoiding modus of ex- j
preasion that would give offence, than in
this letter. Kvidontly the sanguine Mr.
Sherman has come to think that the White
House is fuirly in sight, and, with this in- i
viting outlook, it is not strange that he
should turn down the Ohio Governorship.
The wily Secretary, in theovont of his noin- ;
ination, would seem to be unwilling to re- 1
ly for success iqwin a renewed a|q>eai to the
passions of the war as ordinarily under
stood. lis would modify the call of Lite
drum and fife by a specious ap|*>al to the
so-calbnl national sentiment, and seek to
draw to his sup|>ort tho War Democrats
who are yet ujoti the scene of action and
their disciples among the younger class of
voters. In conveying this ambigous plea
Mr. Sherman shows himself to be anything
but a tyro in wielding the language of di
Sherman is 110 doubt a clever jntli- I
tician, hut when he make* his ap|>eal
to " war Democrat* and soldiers in the
service who have been influenced by
jKilitical events to withhold support
from the Republican party," he brings
his wares to a had market. If this is
one of his chief reliances his case is
not a hopeful one. The war Demo- i
crat* and soldiers of the country will
not he likely to emlwrk with this
adroit |wlitical trimmer in his voyage
to the White House. Among the ex
treme ineti of the Republican party
no ouc has done more in the shaping
of " political events "that have " in
fluenced " these classes than the Oily
Gammon of the Treasury himself;
and it is scarcely to l>e expected
that they will now forget his past
offences and give him their votes.
To do so w ill not he among the possi
bilities of even the strange inconsis
tencies that sometimes mark the poli
tical movements of the present times.
.So John may as well look elsewhere
for favors.
Death of Wm. Lloyd Oarrison.
The great anti-slavery agitator, Wil
liam Lloyd Garrison, died in the city
of New York, after a long illness, on
Saturday night. He was born in Ncw
buryport, Mass., in 1801, and was
therefore about seventy-five years old.
Mr. Garrison was a remarkable man
iu many respects, and became notori
ous throughout the Union ns the most
j violent of the altoliticuists of his day.
He was a man of strong convictions
and no doubt entirely sincere in the
extreme views he held upon the qucs
| lion of slavery. He had no conceal
ments in the matter, and went to the
extent of denouncing the government
in the stronge; t words he could com
mand because slavery was permitted
to exist in sonic of the States. He
wrote and spoke ranch upon the sub
ject, and always with the greatest ve
hemence of language. In the days
when the anti-slavery agitators were
most active and untiring in their en
deavors to instil their doctrines into
the minds of the people of the North,
it was he who said the "Constitution
was a compact with hell, and the
Union a league with the devil." But
the great agitator has gone to his long
home, nnd he will now probably re
ceive from roost of those whom he de
nounced so bitterly while he lived, at
least the merit of honest convictions,
however indiscreet biul mischievous
his utterances often may have Ueo.
Rimiieroek, one of the Armstrong
county member* of the legislature,
seems to possess a mind always open
to conviction. He admits that he
went to Harrisburg in favor of the
riot hill, then changed against it, and
finally gravitated hack to his first
opinion in regard to it.
The Washington Capital intimates
of Conkling that the " greatest effort
of his life" is to use his official position
in the gratification of his malice, that,
next to an inordinate vanity, is his
chief characteristic.
Written Air Ciktm RAT
Decoration Day, 1879.
A aArrtfl duly mIU u forth to day,
On" whk'li It ii *|>t**atir to obey. 1
A wc|r..fi.. duly, for tt Bring* the thought C
Of all tlnae nobis* met) to oa have brought r
On wlmto green mounds r now our emblems lay. (
Nerd ws again rrvlva the horrid scene
Of hl<**ly strtf" width the thrice welroni* *< rsrn
Of ilitm>n yram ha* hlddfii from <ur eight f
N-d we o'er again the dread battle fight '
And t l**h a war of worl*ao sharp and
Korldd the thought ; for of the eerrlod low! I
That Centre r*>unty to this gnat rati** ran Iom(
That she ha* gltm with a willing hand,—.
Not one of all that bright and noble band
Who Would not aay thai thrjr love jrste thr U at. '
The faireat *>mbUm ie th* g nth- Bower
Which *|ekof |n-ar? and love The etlent power
W hldi le the me*H*g<- of our lieart-f*dt grief— I
Which by it* fragrance or IU pure white b-af
Can ne'er revive the horror* of that hour.
To-morrow let our orators proclaim
That thr great fight wa* won in freedom'*name;
That love of country *h"ub| our bu>m* All;
And thw whose h - lings these mem -flea thrill
Can now regard t*oth North and S-tith the same.
Fr our future glory we now depend
On those bleaa.tig* which p>*< • alone ran send.
luter Ine war and *trlfe we cannot bear.
Mutual •■* art I bleating* ea h must *hare,
And ew h Die other from all barm defend
Thru when to-day o'er Centre's hill and glade
Wr dw k tiea- niounde wbirh lie In eon and shad"
Let u to them With hearty rtghl g-*l will
Who live on B*>uth*rn plain and Northern hill
For t one God are our devotion* paid.
■ ■■ - ■ i
ON Monday night, savs the Harris
burg Patriot, when the bill appropriat
ing $173,000 to the Norristown in-ane
asylum was before the House Messrs.
Fenlon,Hherwood and Hewitt opposed
it with arguments that could not be
answered by its friends. Mr. Hewitt's
remarks were especially appropriate
and convincing. He declared that
had already been appropri- j
ato<l for the erection of this building, j
a sum sufficiently large "to complete I
nny asylum," and that the expendi- !
Hires of the commission had exceeded
that $200,000 for which not a single
voucher had Isoen tiled to show where
the money had gone. Mr. Hewitt
| said very logically and forcibly that "if
these commissions wilfully violate the !
lass they should not l>e encouraged
by putting more money iu their hand*
with which to experiment." It is a
good sign when those who *ha|>c nnd
control legislation set "their face 1
against a repetition of tho lavish ap
propriations which formerly drained
the treasury.
SOME time ngo wc noticed the fact
that scandalous charges wen- presented
to the Legislature, against the private j
and public character of Judge Hani- j
ing of the Luzerne district, and nrti
, cle* of impeachment demanded. Tho <
charges were manifestly tho offspring
of ill-will and malice, and ought to
have been treated with contempt; but
they were so far dignified as to be
referred to a committee to hear the par- ;
ties making them. The parties were
heard, and only succeeded ill showing
their own worthlessness, and the base
character of their attack ujmn the
IF the legislature will only con
tinue in the good work of paring
down the appropriation hills to pro
per dimensions the people will not com
plain. They may even lie constrained
to say " well done, good and
servants:" It is
two years for which made
the aggregate rA ,-tion thus far is
$360,000. This ha splendid begin
ing, gentlemen, hut do not weary of
well doing. Keep on at it.
Til a Democrats sro endeavoring to raise
the necessary funds to distribute political
speeches on "the issues between their party .
and the President. No use; the skunk is
dead.— Rtpubliean.
Docs our neighbor nylly mean that
Mr. Hayes is a dead skunk? It is
scarcely possible that he docs, and yet
it is hard to construe the above para
graph into anything else.
" No method of administration can
sanctify a had law or reconcile its vic
tims to its continued enforcement
There is no remedy but repeal." Ho
*api M r - Garlisle in his great argu
ment in favor of free elections, and
the country will endorse the senti
In his testimony before the riot in
vestigating committee, Secretary Quay
says the use of his name was unau
thorized. Modest.
CKI'HIIKK TO DEATH. —Accident* result- j '
inj from fulling troes urn of frequent oc- (
currence, but not often <lo we re*d of in- )
(Uncos of this mitiirn so fstal in their con- t
sequencosas was theunfortunatecataslropbe 1 J
on Saturday week, which caused the almost ! (
instantaneous death of Mr. Fierce Stover, j,
the particulars of which we ({lean from the j t
Millheim Journal. Fierce was a robust <
and (iromising youn({ man of twenty-one J
years of age, and son of Mr. Michael ' (
Stover. On thoday mentioned he, togeth- I i
er with five other men, were in the vicini- ! I
ty of Mover's Mill chopping down trees. | 1
They had felled a tremendous tree two (
feel in diameter, which in its fall had '
lodged, half-way. against another tree, and 1
thus hung suspended, the bae of the tree 1
rusting on the stump. The iu-u thoughl
it would remain in this position and ap
preached near it, when suddenly, forced j
by its weight, it starn-d backward, striking j
Fierce in the breatt, knocking bim down, ]
and literally crushing him by its immense
weight. The unfortunate young man was !
released front this fearful petition hy his j
companions, and curried to his home, j
where he survived but a few hours. The |
remains of young .Mover wore buried in j
the Keformed Cemetery, Aaronslmrg, liev j
J. f>. {shoemaker preaching the sermon.
tine and family were not very agreeably
surprisod when, on arising Tuesday morn- !
ing, they discovered that they had been j
visitcal during tiie previous night by indi- |
viduals who had made themselves unp leas
snlly familiar by roaming through the
, lower apartmenlsat will.andcarrringaway
I everything edible, together with a large
amount of silver. Among the arti< les
taken are a number of solid silver spoons
; and forks. The spoons were of especial
j value as they were the property of Mrs.
j Valentino before her marriage and were
| made of coin sent to the city by her for
the purpose. Some plated ware and some
solid napkin rings were untouched. That
they were hungry is evidenced by the fact
! that they appropriated a cooked ham, six
• ggs and several other things intended for
next morning s consumption.
, The dog, which is generally kepit around
j the house at night, in some way was lock
; od in the store of Valentines A Co. the
previous evening, leaving them without
j their usual protector, of which the robbers
must have l>een aware.
A party of individuals on a similar
'-xpiediiion visit. 1 the re-i.ienco of Mrs
Gordon the saine evening, but they could |
| not have liked the appiearanoe of things for
I they departed empty handed
It is/puiet evident that there are persons
in our midst who are inclined to " wars
j that are dark," and efforts should be made
to detect them.
Decoration Day.
j The decoration of the soldiers' graves in
the cemeteries of Bellcfonte will take p lace
on Friday, of this work, under the direc
tion of the committee of arrangements *p
jsointod at a meeting of soldiers, lately held
at the office of Msjor Cheesman.
The procession will form on Allegheny
street, right resting on the north-east
comer of the Diamond, facing west, at 2
o'clock p. w., in the following order :
Cb,-f Msrshsl an*t As*ttats.
SnssUli. Ott Msi.'l
Militarr—Oc. B. Mb K-C M-nl
: DSL-XSUOSS R#J>R###utlo( ib Rtl.haih cb.Us— in
lays fins b
SOMORS <>f lb# I si# W sr.
I I'srrUo allb ORAL* MISI.T#,. •>( tb#
Lnps tits l'.ss|st; N.t I
VnJlsr Pit# (Vsnissi Ss. t
IMI.-BI of Hall'l i.l#
The Chief Marshal desire* all the or
ganisations that join the parade to be in
, promptly at the apipwinlnd hour. The
I >ion will move at 2j o'clock, arid
directly to the Union Cemetery,
the cemetery the order of
j exercises will be as follows: Ist, Charge; !
2d, Dirge lor the liand; 3d, Fraver by
Rev. John ifewitt; 4th, tble bv the choir; j
1 sth, Oration by Kov. W. A. Biggart; Olh,
Frayor by Rev. Win, Laurie ; Tth, Deco
ration of four spiecial graves; Plb, General
j decoration ; Wlh, Assembly.
After the procession has re-formed It
will move to the old Catholic cemetery,
on Bishop street, where Decoration honors
of a like character will be p>aid to the j
' soldiers' graves. At this cemetery an ad
dress by Rev. Father O'Brien i* exported,
after which those taking piarl in the cere
monies will be dismissed on Allegheny
street. The graves in the Friends' and
new Catholic cemeteries will be decorated
by details made for that purpose. Con
tributions of flowers are earnnstly solicited
Irom all piersons who have them to give.
They should be sent early in the dav to the
room next door above the office of Bush,
Yoeum A Hastings.
By order of the Committee.
K. 11. FORSTRR, Chief Marshal.
VANDALISM. —We have heard com
plaints that choice flowers planted in
grave lots in the Bellefonle Cemetery, are
stolen and removed. The miserable, dirty
wretch who would be guilty of such an act
is too mean to be even a thief. There is
one spx.t that might be hallowed, and free
from the vandalism of the most debased,
but If the graves of our dead cannot be pro
tected otherwise, let police regulations ex
clude everybody without a permit.
Only Loyal Men to Itule.
Fra lit# P) ilfls-li'l'U
The Maine Republican* ere out in a
call for the next .State Convention, to he
held in Bangor on June 25. They "insist
that the Government of the United
Stale* shall be controlled by loyal men."
This is, indeed, refreshing; but the sons
of Maine should haw been more pr
c se. In the absence of definitions we
are forced to believe that in their vo
cabulary "loyalty" implies allegiance
to the Republican p.arty. The truth is
that the Kcpiublican leaders have rung
the changea so often on the assertion
that their piarty saved the country that
the more ardent among them have
really come to believe that the country
and I lie p.arty are in .ill essential re
sriects synonymous, and this in spiite of
toe fart that something like a majority
of a quarter of a million people voted
against its candidates at tiie last Fresi
deutial election. If it be granted that
tiie Republican p.arty of the North saved
the country during the year* from 1W0
to DOG, it must alo be admitted that the
Democratic op.piosition prevented the
nation from going to pieces by the op>-
erauon of centrifugal force. The He
publican was tiie |>rop>elling force—the
sails of the vessel but the Democratic
p.artv was the quite a* useful ballast in
the hold, that kept the ship upiright
throughout the tempestuous voyage.
Truth For All Times.
I'f-a It' If-4li-lsfsturjr StsiidsH.
•' When men vote, and telrn thrir rhot'n
a 'hem n,"'. to r0t,.1w.( (l.r aft u-s of thrir l'o
- l,ral {SorrmtnraU % no toldtert tan inlerfrrt.
T/.i* lirn.t to ifwir anlijon tiin n ■ polihral
j party ran ta/ely pott."
So said William M. Krart*. at a mass j
meeting of the px*.p.J of New York, a
doxen years ago, when a yet he bad
never dreamed of linking hi* political
fortunes with thoaeof the then unknown
man Hayes.
"An armed fore* in I l.r n. < (
tKr pol'i is a'mctt of nrrrtnly ,i mrnaee to thr
totm an/i on vntirferenrr with their freedom
and lodrprmlenrt. '
So said Geo. W. McOrary, in hi* book
on elections, before ho had lent hirnaeif
to Hayes.
"(\vtl liberty and o it-m f.no army far On
purport! of riml poltre Kate never yrt t'tad
10-jtlhrr, and nrttr ran ilanj taottXrr."
So said William H. Seward, sp>eaking
witli the same wholesome ai.horrence of
military interference with tiie right* of
the citisen to circumoeribe within the
narrowest limit* Lth tiie HIS and the
functions of the regular armv.
l'.ut we now see Hayes, in his veto,
marching beyond that limit in party
maneuvers which Mr. Kvarts once de
clared unafe to |>a ; insisting on that
right of using troop* at the p>ojß which
Mr. McOary declared lobe a mena.-o
| to the independence of voters ; and in
j tending to make that use of a standing
army as a police which Mr. Seward de
clare-i to be inooinp.atiblc with the con
tinuance of lil>erty.
California's New ( (institution.
The Ixindon Timet in an editorial ar
ticle aays ; "The adoption of the t'ali
fornia Constitution is a surprise to the
world. It is the most astounding in
strument ever framed for the govern
ment of a community, if all the no
tions of the reformers who put forth
their pianaceas for the regeneration of
the human race during the Fans Com
mune were embodied in a document,
they would not appsear wilder, more ab
surd, more menacing than many of the
provisions of the Constitution which
now regulate** the existence of dwellers
in California. Kverybody ia to be pun
| ished and restricted in some way.
Those persons only are excepted who
have nothing to lose. The Constitu
tion, as a whole, is such an extraordi
nary instrument that the peopde of Cal
, ifornia might well Ire stupifted when
they learned thai Kearnev had carrier!
his point. We do not fancy that his
exultation* will last long. The mis
chief which haa been wrought may pro
duce a reaction and an effort may be
made to revise a Constitution which
must produce widespread ruin."
Tiik Ohio Legislature had to take it*
turn at the everlasting color question
the other day. The House nad got
a* far along in its work of codifying the
laws as the sections relating to schools,
; and the committee had p.reserved the
' old provision, that the school board in
any district may organise separate
school* for colored children whenever
they deem it advisable. The KepuMi
' cans, who some how or other have never
changed the law when they were in the
majority, apparently thought the occa
sion a good one to make a little party
capital, now that they are in the minori
ty. and a motion was urged to amend
the hill by striking out this section.
The debate showed that public senti
ment on this question varies widely in
different parts of the State. The city of
Springfield, a Republican stronghold,
insist* upson maintaining septarate school*
while the reliable Democratic county of
Stark haa always educated whites and
blacks together. The Ifemocrata gen
erallv advocated the maintenance of the
old law, which i* permissive, not manda
tory. and so allows every locality to set
tle the Texed question for ilsalf, and
the propoaed change was defeated by
the votes of all the IVmocraU but one,
whose loaa wak made up by a Republican.
Miramax roars for rain.— Bottom Pad.
Itoea it want the water for the use of
a howling Zachariah.— W<uKington Cap*
TKItMH: #1.50 jkt Annum, in Atftanre.
NO. Tl.
The fire-brick work. at Clearfield
are crowded with order*.
Col, John W. Forney ha' been secur
ed for the Camden orator on Decoration
Mr. Jacob I.abe], the market clerk of
Sun bury, wan arretted and fined $5.55
for .wearing on Tuesday of la.t week.
H. P. Iteatty'a flour mill* at Daven
port, lowa, were burned Thursday night.
Los*. $BO,OOO to $100,(XX); one third in
1 he A1 toon a t'ar Work, were destroy
ed by flro last Friday afternoon. The
original coat of the work, itu about
Andrew J. Dunne]) ha. filed a notice
of action against the New York elevat
ed railroad to forclose a mortgage for
St. Louis freight* to the seaboard
dro[)jed to Bc. per barrel on flour to
New York, Lie. to Ito.ton and 15c. per
100 on grain to New York,
The way. and mean, committee ha.
reported Fernando Wood'* resolution
fixing the 10.b of June aa the dale for
the adjournment o! '"ongreM.
Miller A tiros.' candy manufactory,
at 313 Eighth Street, Northwest. Wash
ington, I', i'., wa burned Monday.
I/o. on stock and building, $30,000.
Insurance. fliUMt.
While John King and Walter Swan,
resident* of Lewistown, N. Y., were
crOMing Niagara river in a small boat,
Monday, they were drawn into an eddy,
the boat upset and !>oth were drowned.
Colonel J. N. Ihvion died at New
castle, pa., Monday morning of con
sumption. I hiring the war he waa Cap
tain of t ompany D, Sixth I'ennaylvanta
j Ite-erve*. The funeral took place at G
j I'. M. yesterday.
The boik-r in the Brook.ide colliery,
; near Tremor.it, Schuylkill county, i'a.,
'exploded Monday morning, completely
i wrecking the engine house and dam
i aging the foun<iations of the breaker.
| The firemau was slightly injuted.
The banking house of Drexel A Co.,
lof Philadelphia, has addressed a letter
to the city Controller, making an offer
I to take, at four and a half per cent,
i interest, the whole amount of a propos
ed loan of SIO.<JOO,(AX) to fund the float
| ing debt of that city.
It is stated that the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad Company in taking
charge of the North Pennsylvania road
will discharge a large number of tho
j hands, intending to work the road with
a much smaller force than that now eta
j ployed.
The latct development in the Colo
nel Dwight insurance case i*a wild story
that the man is still alive, a corpse hav
ing been fixed up to look like him and
j buried, while the real I'wight i still
alive somewhere, waiting to get his
quarter of a million insurance.
The railroad lines leading East from
Chicago have emt>arked on another of
their periodical wars and freight and
|ia..*enger rates are 1-eing cut unmerci
-1 'ully. It's not a money-making business
for the railroads, but it is fun for people
■ who want to send freight east or come
The statement of the business of tho
j Pennsylvania Railroad Company, of all
the lines east of Pittsburgh and Erie,
transacted during the month of April,
l k "9. as compared with the business du
ring the corn's ponding period last year,
show* an increase in net earning, of
The House committee on appropria
tions to day authorized a favorable re
port to be made to the House on Repre
sentative Cannon's bill, making addi
tional appropriations for the pay of let
ter carriers. The bill appropriates #131,-
'.XX) for the fiscal year of 18*0, and $25,-
I 000 to meet the deficiency tor 1879.
The Secretary of the Treasury has
thus far designated all public officers
| invited in circular of March 12. 1879,
who have applied to become United
State, depositaries for the sale of the
$lO United States refunding certificates
but as it ha* become apparent that the
| remainder, of the certificates unsold
j will last more than six days, applies
| lion* for designation hereafter received
will be declined by the department.
In the Presbyterian General Assem
bly at Saratoga Friday, the report of
the Board of Church Erection came up
las the order of business. It gives the
! gross receipts of last year a. $*7,450 63 i
i balance from last year. $12,3(13.74 ; num
| ber of churches erected during the year
by the aid of the board, 175, located in
I thirty-eight States and Territories, and
under the care of eigh'y-sis Presbyteries,
j To enable the board to do its full work
for the current year, $150,000 will be
j required.
Kx United States District Attorney
I D. T. Corbin, who is in Charleston, S C.,
I as counsel in the railroad cases, on trial
before Chief Justice NVaite, was held to
hail at the instance of the Attorney
General of the Slate, in a civil suit
(tending sgainst him for the recovery
of $24,000. The origin of the suit is as
follows s In 1875 the State retained
Corbin to proaecute a claim against a
phosphate mining company for phos
j phate royalty due the State. A judg
ment for S2B,(XX) was recovered, and
Corbin paid into the State treasury
$206, retaining the balance, which he
claimed as counsel fee*. Tho State con
sents to allow him only S3,(XX) and ex
penses, which was the award of a refe- *
roe as his fee, and the present suit
sgainst him was instituted for $24,000,
Mr. Corbin gave satisfactory bond to
answer the suit and abide the process
of the Court.