Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 22, 1879, Image 2

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    Mother's Work.
l>rar|mti<Mit woman o'er your children lion-ling
To Innvu a good-night kiss on rosy lip-,
Or list the -implo prayers to Ood ascending
Kra slumber veil them in its suit eclipse,
wonder, do yon dream that soraplis love you,
And sometimes smooth the pathway for your
That oft tlioir silvery pinion float übove you,
When lilu is tangled and its eross-roads meet?
Bo wan and tired, the whole long day > busy,
To laugh or weep, at times you Imrdly know,
So many trifles make the poor brain diray,
8o muay errumU call you to and fro.
Small garments stitching, weaving fairy stories,
And binding wounds, and Imaring little cures,
Tour hours pas-, nnhemlwl all the glories
Of that great world beyond the nursery
One sclns-Imate's |>en has written wonts o
Her poems sing themselves into the heart;
Another's brush has magic; yon have duty;
No time to s|sire for |>ootry or art.
But only time for training little Angers,
And teaching youthful spirits to be true;
You know not with wliul tumine woman
With art ulons o All her, watching you.
And yet, I think you'd rathorkeep thelmhies,
Alls-it their heads grow heavy on your arm.
Than hare the poet's Ihir, enchanted
The artist's visions, rich with diuczling charm
Bwect are the troubles of the liappy hours,
For even in weariness your soul is blest,
Ami rich contentment all your Isiing dowers
That yours is not a hushed nnd empty nest.
Mtirgarrt K. Sangslrr.
A large party is assembled to celebrate
the feast of St. Partridge at Ravelstoke
Hall, an old country house about two
ntiles distant front the northwest corner
•f Devon. The various branches of trhig
lisli society are very fairly represented by
its component parts. There are two
peers, three memls-rs of the lower house,
some guardsmen, some undergraduate*,
a clergyman, and a lieutenant in the
navy. But our hero is not a representa
tive man: yet he belongs to a class which,
railed into existence by the accumulnt<-d
wealth of the nineteenth century, is ever
en the increase.
Frederick Tyrawley lias fought in
more than one state of South America,
and has wandered for more than two
years from isle to isle of the Pacific. A
mysterious reputation hovers round him.
He is supposed to have don-many things,
hut no one is very clear what tfi'-v are;
and it is not likely that much informa
tion on the point will he obtained front
him, for he seldom talks much, and
never speaks of himself. His present
mission appears to he to kill partridges,
play cricket, ami dress himself.
Such as he is. however, lie is an object
of interest to the feminine portion of the
party at Rsrdllckl Hull; lor he i- rieh
and handsome, as well as mysterious, and
cannot bo more than two-and-tliirty.
There are blondes nnd brunett-s, and
pretty, brown-haired, brown-eyed girls,
who liover between the two orders, and
combine the most dangerous character
istics of both. who cap wear Ixith blue
and pink, anl who look prettier in the
one color than they do in theother; hut
wlto always command your suffrage in
favor of that they are wearing when you
look nt them.
And there is Constance Baynton, with
gray eyes and black hair. And the nicest
critic of feminine appearance might be
defied to state what sue had worn, hall
an hour after; for no one can ever look
at anything except her face.
Yet Constance is three-and-twenty. and
still unmarried. Alas, what cowards
■ten are. The fact is that Constance i*
very clever; hut as Mrs. Mellish (the
widow) says, 'not clever enough to
hide it.'
In Mr. Tvrawley she affected to dis
believe. She stated as her opinion to her
frienils, that she didn't believe he ever
had done or ever would do anything
worth doing; but that he plumed himself
on a cheap reputation, which, as all were
ignorant of its foundation, no one could
possibly impugn.
There i reason to believe that in this
instance Miss Constance was not as eon
neientious as usual, but that she really
entertained a higher opinion of the gen
tleman than she chose to confess. He
certainly was not afraid of her, and had
even dared to contradict her favorite
theory of the general worth b-ssnes* of
English gentlemen of the nineteenth
The dav lingered on. after the usual
fashion of wet days in September in full
country-houses. There was a little
dancing after dinner: but all retired
early in hope* of a finer day on the mor
Tyrawley had some letters to write.
So that it was past two before lie thought
of going to bed. He always slept with
his window open, and as he threw up
the sash, a fierce gust of wind blew out
his candles, and blew down the looking
' I'leasant, by .Tore!' he soliloquized.
*1 wonder whether it's smashed—un
hn-Vy to break a looking-glass—l'm
hanged if I know where the matches are;
never mind; I can find my way to bed
in the dark. What a night!'as a flash
•f lightning illuminated the room for a
moment, nnd he Is-nt out of the window.
'The wind must be alsiut nor-nor-wnt.
Cheerful for anything enming up to Bris
tol from the southward. I wonder what
• Storm is like on this eoat. I have n
great miod to go and see. I shall never
be ahie to get that hall door open with
out waking theni up! what a nuisance!
•Stay, eapital idea! I'll go by the
Before starting on this expedition, he
•hanged the remainder of his evening
dress (for he had been writing in his
dressing-grown) for a flannel shirt nnd
trousers, whilst a short pea-jacket and
glazed hat completed his array. His
room was on the first fhior, and he had in
tended todrop from the window-sill; but
the branch of an elm came so near that
he found It unnecessary; as. springing to
it, he was on the ground, like a eat, in
an instant. He soon found his way
across the country,' lik- a bird.' to the
edge of the cliff. The sea for miles
•ceiitcd one sheet of foam.
But a flash of lightning discovered a
group of figures alx>ut a quarter of a
mile distant: and In- distinguished
shouts in the Intervals of the storm.
lie was soon amongst them, and he
found that all eye were turned on a
vessel which had struck on a rock with
in two hundred yards of the cliff. It
was evident that she would go to pieces
wider their very eyes.
' Is there no wnv of opening communi
cation with her? ho asked of un old
coastguard num.
' Wlty, ye nee, sir, we linve sent to
Bllford tor Monhy's rockets, hut she
must break up before,'hev come.
• How far is it to BilfoidP'
• Butter than seven niile, your honor.
'lf we eouhl get n rope to thorn, we
might save the crew.'
•Everyone of them, your honor; but
It ain't possible.'
• I think a man might swim out.'
'The first wave would dash him to
pieces against thocliff.'
' What depth of water la-low?'
'The cliff goes down like a wall, forty
fathom, at least.'
'The deeper the Itetter. What dis
tinct) to the water?'
'Good fifty feet.'
' Well, I have dived off the main yard
of the Chesapeake. Now listen to me.
Have you got some light, strong rope? 1
• As much as you like. 1
'Well, take a double coil round my
chest, and do you take care to pay it out j
fast enough as I draw u)iou it,'
" You won't draw much after the first
plunge; it will he the same thing as
suicide, every hit.'
' Well, we'shall see. There's no time j
to lose; lend me a knife.'
And in sin Instant lie whipped off his
hat, lioots and pea-jacket; then with the |
knife lie cut off its sleeves and passed ,
the rope through them, that it might .
chafe him leas.
The eyes of the old lwiatman bright- ■.
encd. There was evidently a method in
his madness. ' You are a very good ■
swimmer, I suppose, sir?'
' 1 have divi-d through the surf at
Nllkuhevu a few times.'
• I never knew a white man that could
do that.'
Tyraw ley smiled. 'But whatever you
do,' lie said, ' mind and let me have plen
ty of rope. Now out of tin- way. my
friends, and let me have a clean start.'
He walked slowly to the edge of the
cliff, looked over to ss- how much the
rock shelvt-d outward; then returned,
looked to see tlint there was ph-nty of
rope for him to carry out, tln-n took a
short run, and leaped as if from the
spring-board of a jdunging-huth. lie
touched the water full ftve-and-twenty
feet from the edge of the cliff. Down
into its dark depth hi- went, like a plum
met, hut soon to rise again. As he
reached the surface he saw the er<-st of
a mighty wave a few yards in front of
him—the wave that he has hi-en told
was to dash him lifeless against the
cliff. But now his old experience of the
I'aeifie stands him in good sti-ad. For
two moments in- draws breath, then, ere
it renehi-s him he dives below its center.
Tin- water dashes against the cliffs, but
tin- swimmer rises far beyond it. A
faint cheer rises from the shore as they
feel him draw U|n the rope. The
wavi-s follow in sttei-i-ssion. and he dives
again and again, rising like an otter to
take breath, making very steadily on
ward, though more ls-low tie- water than
above it.
We must now turn to the ship. The
waves have made a clean breach over
her Istws. The crew an- crowded
upon the stern. They hold on to tin
bulwarks and await the end, for no boat
can live in such a sen. Suddenly she is
hailed from tin- water. "Ship, ahoy!"
shouts a loud, clear voice, whi< h makes
itself lieanl above the storm. "Throw
nu- a rone or a buoy!" The life-huoy
was still hanging !n its accustomed
place by the mainmast. The captain
almost mechanically lakes it down, and
witli well-directed aim throws it within
a yard or two of the swimmer. In a
moment it is under his arms, and in hnif
a minute he is on Itoard.
"Come on lioaril, sir?" lie says to the
i captain, nulling one of his wet curls pro
fessionally. The captain ap|M-ari-d to Is
regarding him as a visitor from the
lower world ; so. turning to the crew, he
lifted up the rope lie had brought from
, the shore. Tln-n for tin- first time the
object of Ids mission flashed ttjx-n tln-ir
minds, and a desperate cheer broke forth
from all hnnds. instantly re-eeh>ed from
the shore. Tln-n a strong cable is at
tached to tin' small rope and drawn on
i board; tln-n a secondhand the communi
cation is complete. But no time is to (>
, lost, for the stern shows signs of break
ing up. and tln-re is a laily passenger.
While the captain is planning a sort of
• chair in which she might IK- moved,
Tyrawley lifts her upon his Jeff arm,
sti-mlies iiiniself with the right by the
j upper rope, nnd walks nlong tlie lower
a* if lie nail been n dani-er. He is the
first on shore, for no sailor would leave
: till the lady was safe. But they soon
follow, and in five minutes the ship is
clear; live minuti-s more and no trace of
her is left.
Ravelstoke Hall has been arous dby
tin- news of the wreck, and Mr. Itavof
stok'- has just arrived with blankets.
Him Tyraw\fj avoids; and. thinking lie
1 can Is- of no farther use. he lietakcs him
self across Hie country am more, and
i by the aid of the friendly elm regains Ids
chamber without observation.
The lady whom Tyraw ley had depoa
j ited in a cottage, with a strong rnsm
mendation that she should go to sleep
immediately, was soon carried off in
triumph by Mr. Ravelstoke to the Hall,
1 and welcomed by Lady Grace at half
past three in the morning. Titer* wera
very few of the guests who slept undis
turbed that niglit. The unusual noise
in the house aroused everybody, and
many excursions were made in unfin
ished costume to endeavor to ascertain
what was going on.
Breakfast that morning was a di-sul
- tory meal, People tini-led and talked
alstuf the wreck, and Itegan again. It
i seemed quite im|s>ssihle to obtain any
thing like nn accurate account of what
' had taken place. At last the captain ap
peared, and although almost over
whtlmed by the multiplicity of ques
tions, nevertheless, Is-tween the inter
vals of broiled ham and coffee, he man
aged to ehu-iil...e matters a little.
Then came the question: 'Who Is it
who swam to the vessel?' Tyrawley
had only la-en at Ravelstoke a few days,
and was a stranger in the nciglilmrhood.
, None of the servants had reached the
coast till It wa all over, so then- had
j la-en no one to recognise him.
' I scarcely saw him,' said the captain,
i ' hut lie was a dark, tallish man, with a
J great deal of la-ard.'
'Was he a gentleman?' asked Miss
Constance Baynton, who had la-en tak
■ Ing a deep int. i ■ -I in the whole affair.
'Well, d'ye see,'miss. I rnn't exactly
, say, lor lie hadn't much on: hut if he
isn't, he'd make a gts'd one—that I'll go
ladl for. He's the coolest hand I ever
saw. Stay! now I think of It. I shouldn't
wonder if he was a naval innn. for he
pulled Ids forelock, half-laughing like,
, and said " Come on lamed, dr." to inc.
when we pulled him up.'
At this moment—haff-iiast ten A. M.—
Mr. Tyrawley walked into the breakfast
' Now here's a gentleman, captain. Mr.
Tyrawley, who has been all over the
world, iiiul met wltli tonic strange tut ven
tures. I'll lie bound In* never saw any
thing to equal th affair lit.it night.'
' You'd n ni'iiri-il'i tiling of it, captain?'
Inquired Tyniwicy, speaking very tlow
!v. Ilia manner mm appearance quite
disarmedany suspicion the captain might
have liml of hi* ilortlty.
'Five minute* morr, air, nn<l I>nvy
.fniics' locker woulil linvo held us nil.
Begging your pardon, iniss,' apologizing
to ('"instance.
The ciiptnin had already repeated the
story a reasonable number of times, and
was anxious Ui finish his breakfast So
Miss Constance gave it all for the benefit
of Mr. Ty raw ley, dressed in herowu
glowing period*.
Tyrawley made no observation upon
her recital, hut took a third egg.
'Well, Mr. Tyniwley,' said she at
last, what do you think of the man who
swam out to tun wreck?'
'Why, I think. Miss Baynton—l
think,' 'said lie hesitating, 'that lie
must have got very wet. And I sineerc
ly hope he won't catch cold.'
There was a general laugh at this, in
which the captain joined; but it is to lie
feared that Miss Constance stamped her
pretty little foot under the table.
Tyrawley turned, and began to talk to
Miss Mellisli, who was sitting on ids
As lie was speaking, the door on his
left opened, ami I sidy Grace Ilavelstoke
entered witli the lady passenger. The
liuly heard him speak—anil there are
some voices which a woman never for
gets—and the dangerous Journey over !
tlie rOpe had not passed in silence.
Site laid tier hand upon his arm, and |
Hid t ' Oh, sir, how can I thank you?'
Tyrawley rose, as in duty hound, say- ;
ing, ' IHi not s|ieak of it. I did not know,
when I came off. that I was to have the
pleasure of assisting you.'
But the astonishment of the captain j
was beautiful to behold.
'Why. you don't mean to say,—Weil,
Inever: dashiny wig,—well I'm—lien-, ■
shake hands, sir, will you?' And he
stretched across the table a brawny |
band, not much smaller than a shoulder
of mutton.
The grip with which Tyrawley met
his seemed to do more to con
vince him of his identity than the lady's
riH-ognition of their preserver.
The day was as wet a* the preceding.
Half an hour after breakfast, Mr. Ty
rawley lounged into the ha< k draw ing
risiin. There sat Miss Constance Itnyn
lon. and. by the singular colncidenoe
which favors lovers or historians, she sat
Now Constance had decideil that slo
would compliment Mr. Tyrawley on his
gallant conduct.
She had, in fact, arranged n neat,
quiet, ttild, formal, appropriate form of
words, in which she would give her
views expression And how do you
tllilik slie delivered tbelli? Site got Up.
said. ' Oh. Mr. Tyrawley!' and hurst into
If a woman's pride is a shield to thee,
oil liuui, as well as to InT, against the
arrows of love, renicmia-r tlust if ever
slie throws it away—after lie lias com -
jielied you to acknowiedgv its value—you
are Isith left utterly defenceless.
Frederick Tyrawley capitulated at
onee. They are to la- married tliis
inontii. And if Mr. Tyrawley doe* not,
at some fhture time, achieve a reputa
tion which no mystery ean cloud, it will
not lie Mr*. Tyrawley's fault
A Fight With a Bear.
We make the following • \ tract from
a hunting story entitled " The Big B--ar
of Wannetola.'' printed in-St. .Vh-Aohw.
The incident took pliwe in the Iwwk
Imiltlry of Arkansas, in the year
sndthe hunters were Harvey Billiard
•orand the narrator, 8r,.1. Fh Naglo.
fhey were after a big bear, whose ijep
• station* hail made him tic chief topic
of conversation: and they started out
with their dogs i-arly one NotinthiT
.lust at daybreak, we enrac to a cross
ing of the liayotl where we felt "lire the
icar must pas on the way to his den
Harvey placet me. the dogs and himself
A fall. ■n tree was in my front, and
through it* interlaced n*it* I could wa
in every direction. Hardly had wo
completed or.l no 1 lll wlien a quick
movement of one oi tlie itogs start h-d
, me. But, in a moment, noticing that
his looks were directed toward the eross
ng, I. too, looked thither and heard the
| sound of a heavy animal sauntering
I slowly over UM* sodden ground and ap- '
proaehing my lair. In an instant a pair
of yellow eye* glared at tnc, and witll as
widen look of surprise a there was in
mine lU*-ovcring myself I linsi at tlie
monster, which appeared like a hugv,
animated idaek cloud as lie pise up be
fore me. Tlie tirutr <li*ap|M'Arcd with
the smoke of my gun. hut in a moment I
was startled by the report and *h* k of a
•eeond diseiiarge, Tlie other load of my
gun had la-en accidentally exploded. I
IsMikiiig in the direction the la-ar had
taken. I saw he had nm along the other
1 side of tlie fallen tn*- and met at the
further end the two dogs, when lie
turned nlMiitt and came toward me at his
most rapid speed and in savage humor, j
Then there was a fearful crash and rush. |
The black mass came on, with eye#
gleaming, and bewildering me with the
reflect ion of their glare in til* sunlight.
I was conscious that HIT gun was use
less, and so instinctively grasped my pis
tol, hut found it hopelessly entangled in
I my belt. For a w-eond. despair came
upon me. but a sudden revulsion aroused
every sense and prompted me to defene*
for life. Quickly drawing my knife, it
was presented at a thrust as the dark
mass sprang at me.
At tliis moment, one of tlie huge dog*
leaped at him so fiercely as to divert the
monster's attention from myself and
make him miss hi- idle, lie reared, and
as he again came down on his fore feet
and was in Jhe net of going over tlie
i I milk, I plunged my knife to the hilt into
| his body, in the region of Ids heart. He
turned and made a terrible snap at my
legs, hut at that moment I fell backward
over a bush, and so we nil went into
the bayou together, floundering in tlie
water and mud.
I scrambled to tlie edge of tlie slough,
i and watched with intense anxiety the
result of the battle. In another moment,
and when I lie tiear had nearly mtcheti
i th l ' ftirtlier sideof tlie pool, desperately
lighting with the dogs every inch of tlie
j way, I heard a rushing sound and the
: whirring flight of more of the park a*
they sprang over me. In the snmc in
stant a flash shot out from tlie brown
j barrel of Harvey's rifle, nipt the bear
, rolled over, though he still feebly fought
the park, and kept on fighting fo UM
last moment of Ids existetwe. To my
iiortlflratlon, an examination of tlie
uge er< ass showed tiint my shot had
not made any visible mnrk on the ani
mal, and that my knife had not quite
reached ills heart Harvey's shot
liad killed him. Tlie weight of Uie
savage animal was over fire hundred
Miss Virginia French, a young lady of
New Orleans, Wrote sneJi a pretty poem
for the /Vviyt/ue some time ago'that n
young Ti'iincaccan fell in love with it and
her. He went to New Orleans, pleaded
witli tlie IKmyunr editor (a Judy) for the
name of the poetess, got it, bobbed down
on Ids knees before Miss French, ami
before long made her Ids wife.
The telephone is beginning to misbe
have itself. A telephone wire inf'hi
cngo, tin* other 'lav, began a ill rial ion
with u streak of lightning, ami the offi
ces at ciu-li end of tlie wire were entered
by tlie lightning and tlie furniture de
stroyed. If a person were to g<-t a streak
of lightning emptied in Ids ear while
listening at tlie telephone, it would lie
very apt to embarrass him.
Cornell Cnlversity has just established
an experimental station, which is pre
pared to analyse different kinds of com
mercial fertilizers in the laboratory and
to test them in tli<- field; to examine
seeds that are suspected to Is-adults-rated,
and to identify and name grosia-*, weeds
or other plants. The tioard of control is
formed of several professors of the uni
versity nnd of the chief officers of several
agricultural societies of the State.
Tlw KKtllei "Horse Communities " ol
Utissia Moorish in all cities when- there are
universities. Most of the jioorer students,
who are tree from prejudices, live upon
horse-Mesh, which can he procured at one
fifth the price of I eef. It is the enstom of
soch students to ls,ard in parties of from
live to twenty, and heme the name of
"Horse Communities." Ho many Nihilists
have been found in these communities that
the horse-meat eaters are liable to prosecu
tion by the government.
The Mormons have planted a colony
of 150 is lievcrs on Little Colorado, An
zona. They are provided witli ma
chinery for a eoiiiph-te woolen mill, now
being erected. Til"' have sawmills to
build their houses and improvements,
flour mills and sugar mills, also a tan
nery, flis-ks of sleep, seeds ami funning
implements, witli food to last till harvest,
ami witli no lack of capital to att'-st an
earnestness that knows no failure. With
consummate judgment these disciples of
their modem prophet have select-si tie
in>"t desirable lands of northern Ari
zona. whim- water abounds for power
and for Irrigation—when-the climate is
delicious and the *oii productive.
Tlie Cherokees, with a population of
10,000, support two seminsrn-s, male and
female respectively, an orphan asylum, s
deaf and <fumh asylum and acvemy-four
common schools, having in all .'s,ooo pupils.
Tiiev annually expend for ;>ur|HH- of edu
cation $70,000, The seminaries and asylums
are in tri k buildings, with three stories
ami a I ase ucnl, ami are quite handsome
ami < om-iiodion*. Thev were erected at a
rust <•( >40,000 each. I"b* t 'reeks niimlsr
l4,'J'oj hare twentv-cigiit public school* and
two mission schools, with ),h* >o pupils, cost
ing tii-'I.OOO. The Choctaw*. numbering
I•',< ■, liave fiflv-fire school* and one
ai ademy, cf>*ting $20,000, with 1,200 pupils.
Tlie ( lii" ksaws, iiuiuls ring 5,W10, have
twelve put.lie school* ami one academy,
oting *21.000, with 4<' pupils. Tlie Semi
mdes have five schools, with an attendance
of I*o, for,which they pay annually F2.WSI
The " Ixiyal Hona of America" ia Un
title nf an organiiation whi'li was hiiimled
in I*7l, ami now laysclaim to ten thousand
members in different parts of the Union.
Tlie mends-re are all American-horn Liys or
young men ts-tween sixteen and twenty-six
years of age, ami Uieir protrwed object ia to
join the American youths t< gether "by the
golden hand of fidelity and love."' To quote
their constitution, " w hat we desire to do is
to organise in every town and citv in the
country a lodge where the strict principles
of justice, honor ami noble deeds will )*-
carried out, and prepare ourselves for any
position of trust we shall l- railed u|s n
to fill.' They hare a constitution and by
laws, and " wigwamsin New York. Brook
lyn, Boston and other large cities. Tlie first
wigwam waa established at Medusa, near
Cox-ackie. and the association intenda to
hold a grand encampment the next 4th of
A case in which a romantic girl played
an important part is narrated in the Mis
wouri pa|iers. ,K|,c, with other ladies, si re
visiting tlie penitentiary at Jefferson City,
when she was struck with the ap|waranceof
a youthful convict, ami his story was told
by the warden. When a Imv just out of
college he had become implicated in the
emlw-xxlement of trust funds, for which his
family disowned him. Believing him in
nocent, the story kindled her enthusiasm,
and an introduction was followed hy
promises to correspond. This she did in
spite of the remonstrances of Iter family and
friends, and Iwfore his term of imprison
mcnt expired she had engaged to inarrv the
convict. The day he was to lie liberated
she appeared in a carriage at the entrance,
and both parties were reade for an entranc
ing consummation of their fondest hopes,
when a horrid old unromantir otfiocr ar
rested theembertlcr on another indictment.
The street railway system and tlieenrs
in use upon strut railways in Euromuut
cities seemed to have Invn generally bor
rowed front Ami-rica. Those in Use
upon tlie Inuna ay of i'aris are admira
bly arranged, commodious and mnrni
lent. Upon some of the lin-s tlie ears
are provided with a doubt* row of seats
upon tlie top, the passenger* sitting on
tlie top benches back to hack, and they
have conveniently designed stairways
for ascending to tlie top. The cars on
the principal lines sent twenty passen
ger* on tlie top nnd twenty-two inside,
and afford standing room for six jtersons
on the platform. The guaril never
allows a larger numlier to get U|-on tlie
ears. Tim fine* are managed witli great
system and run witli ■uumendalil"- regu
larity, and a marked regard i* shown
for tlie convenience of passenger*. Tlie
fare for any di*tan<-e u|mn any line or to
any point upon a connecting line with a
transfer Is six cents la-low ; for nny dis
tance upon the same line tlie fare on top
is throe cents. In kerning with tlie ot>-
servanee of the class distinction so con
spicuous everywhere in F.urone, tlie lop
was designed originally for the peasant
and tailoring population of I'aiis. In
graaUweuther, however, the deck seats
art- considered the most desirable and
are occupied by all classes of passenger*.
Numerous attempts have la-en madeo
late to show that tlie variations in tlie
number of spot* on the sun's face wen
1 tlie eanse of excessive rains, poor wlc-at
crops, commercial pan its and other ter
restrial tas-urrenees. Now comes Mr.
I). G. Jenkins, Fellow of tlie British
Itoyal Astronomical Society, who says
; that cholera, the black death and other
i plague* an- tlie effect of planetary influ-
I ences, ami particularly of those of the
four outer planets, Jupiter. Saturn,
I mnu* ami Neptune. Hi- goM luu'k lor
hundred* of years, assert* thai all tin*
plastic* which have swept over Euroix
/luring that period can la- ari'ountiil for
by the mov/-nx-nt* nnd position* of one
or more of t b/w planet*, and conclude*
with thuoiuinou* prediction : "I would
*ny that within tin- neat wven year*
there will happen that whh-li ha* not
happened for hundred* of yearn—all
the planet* at or near their tutor cat point
to the nun about the *ame time. It i*
true of the. earth that it* magnetic in.
|en*ity i* greater about the time when it
i near the *un; the Mine i* probably
true of nil the planet*; therefore we
may /-x|*-et extrieirdinary magnetie phe
nomena during the next seven years.and
great plagues, whieh will manifest
themsejve* in ull their intensity when
Jupiter is about three years from his
perihelion—that is, in |HH3."'
faithful I'nto Heath.
A touching story is narrated in con
nection witji the execution of Walter
Watson '/•Highland, Ind., for the mur
lIIT of Kara (Jompton. The parties Inul
tjuarreled al/nut tlx- charge of twenty'
live rent* for some soap made by C'onip
ton, who waa a storekeeper. The wife
of W at son, til whom he hail hi**n hut a
year married, endeavored to restrain i
him from the quarrel, hut her entreaties
failed. A week In-fore the exei Ution
Mrs. \V at son visited the governor with
her babe in her arms, and made a strong !
pjTsonal appeal for mercy, hut thatofli- !
rial deejlix-d to interfere because the
az-ntenee had been confirmed hv the Su
preme Court. Tlx-faithful wife was a !
daily visitor to her husband's cell, and !
joined him in fervent prayer* for for- |
giveneas, During the last night most of '
the time she sat on liis knee, breathing j
words of love and encouragement, or at
Ids fz-et, caressing his hands. He was
truly a penitent and expressed himself as
having made pence with H/xl. As the
time approached lor the execution sin
was for a moment overcome and fell on
her husband's neck in uncontrollable
anguish, hut suddenly she raised lor
flaxen head and assisted in arraying him
for his doom. Six- had contributed a
necktie and a pair of slippers and nut
tlx-m on him with a fierce determination
that overmastered !XT agony. Six
eontls-d his hair, and seeing all was
reiuiy, said six- would go with him. All
present rt'iiioiistratsl with |er, In which
tlx- minister joined, ller reply waa a
rebuke that few women would have ven
tured. "I should not have expected
this from a minister. When I was mar
ried I promised to cleave to my husband
for bz-ttz-r or for w..r*/-. 1 promised this
to a niinist<T. and I am going to k/-<-p my
word as far as (>oil will let nie.** tin
nwhing the gallows the pair soonfo Ix
und<Tf-d mounted tlx- *t/-p hand in
hand. They were seated side by side
over tlx- fatal trap. Six' agnin fz/ok Ids
hand and sohlxsl with her little .lead
resting u|M>n his shoulder, while tlx
minister made the closing prayers.
Meanwhile the culprit -at in his chair,
unmoved. A heart-broken wife was sob
bing on Ids ho*om, strong nun sobbed,
but tlx man alsiut to la- hanged scented
an uniritop-*t<-d spectator of tlx- ab
sorbing scene of which he waa tllC OCn
tral figure For fully five minut<-* be
sat then- without tlx- leant |*-rt-eptib|e
twitch of a muscle. Then- was no bra
vado in litis composure; it was ml her
the calmness of resignation. At the
close of tlx religious exiTciaoi Uie two
stood un. and lor tlx-last time she em
braced per husband, kt**/-d him passion- !
nt/ly, and with "Hood-bye, Walter,'
stepjaxl Iwu k aixl fill into the arms of
tlx- gi**i ('hristian ladies who were there
to rci-e|vc IXT. The last words of tlx
Unhappy man wep- a fi-rv> nt pravcr for
mercy ami for Ix-avenly aid to his poor
wife. At tlx- slx-riff"s liousn she saw tlx
remain- ol IXT hu-bami iirhisonflln. and,
kissing Ids lips and arranging the hair,
turned away with a look of w-<w and
said: "i can cry no more; I have no
more tears H/xl have merry on me and
my little baby!"'
< An lxur '.-iter the coflln was in an
F.ast-lsiund tmin. a/com panted by the
wife. At Richland, a bleak station s-vm
miles from this point, it was deposited
on the liarpri ground. an<l as tlx- train
inovisl on only one other person Ix-slde*
tlx- widow was in charge. Tlx- facc that
bpiken-heart<*l woman turned up to the
oceU|iant* of the passing train, most of
whom ba<l sni tlx- hanging, will haunt
many in their dp-am*. hiUiniorr Atntri
ran. ______
A great deal dependa upon the lime
chosen for needful exercise. When it is
properly conducted, the effect on thedi
got ire system is very mnrkesl. The ap
js'tile is iix n-aseil. and mom fond i taken
in nnler to supply force necessary for the
mainl/tinnce of the mechanical fon-e. j
This Increase of appetite is especiallv
noted when the exercise is taken in the
open air. When exen ise j undertaken,
however, without due preparation, or
the bodily powers am exhausted by fa
tigue. tlx- power of being able to take
food is diminished. This condition, if
the exercise is continued and the power
of taking food remain* impaired. is one
of considerable danger, and the health is
often greatly affected, the fon-e of the
In-art U-ing much reduced. It is of great
imjH>rtajxs-. moreover, when great fatigue
has ls*-n undergone, to ace that the bodily
powers an- tlx/roughly nrvniit/ri by rest
la-fop- an attempt is made to take'fond,
otherwise then- will be no inclination to
take if, and if forced down it will not 1
digest. An hour's mst, with a cup o(
warm tea. will do much towanl n-stor- i
ing appetite in these cases. Indeed, it
should I*' a rule in all cases that a period
of mst should intervene between work j
and food.
The Health of Prin'ent.
In the course of a lecture on the " I.fleet* j
of < trcupations upon Health," recently cie
livered at Lwipsic by I>r. Heubner, he drew
attention to the frequency of lead-poiSoning
among typefounders, composilnni and pie**- -
men. In I/eipsic itself, the great metropolis
of the Herman hook trade, seventy-seven
per cent, of all who am thus affected belong
to the trade* enumerated. Typefounders
are poisoned by inhaling the fumes of the
metal, while compositor* and pressmen in
hale minute particles of the same material. |
Fraught with still greater danger is, how
ever, the frwpicnt practice of compositors of
hr nging tlx ir type-stained hands in contact
with their lip* or keeping eatables in com
posittg-fooms, etc. The great preventives
against all such chronic poisoning am clean- j
lift/-**, both of |siwon arw In the woik-mom, ,
and ample ventilation by the frequent open
ing of windows, etc. As rcgapls Inng
diseases, too, printers compare favorably
with oust other trade*, the proportion of
deaths fn to this cause being exceptionally
large. The one safeguard against this
danger also i* ventilation, which, a* we all
know, is sadly neglected in printing-offices
generally by reason of the almost universal
dread of draughts.
The lotnlcal Craw.
"Osw! nw!" muik it crow on tlm f Ige nl u
I li/i 001 a ihul yn 1 "jvz* iin in /v/ii?z*rfiil
lint why 'lon t y ow l/iy it Ui<-r' ,il fit 4 Jif-wji?
Yzei wittier it rotttvl itii'l yim j,l/iut it to *t#-'y
(iootl fanntr, lt'| lireemiMi to fliiil it, yon
Sni'l till* comical now.
" Cw! raw! Voa liave trot/lied, in a zig
"Mocy way,
A string round your ai re* I er it to-'lay.
'They'll think it a snare,' mud you, fhif klii>(
Your cord in no use, air, an I'm not a kite
f-.uoet farmer, I'd liave yon continue to M
Hniil thin comical crow.
"Caw' caw! You have set liule boy*on the
They shout and amuae tis—our Joy i* intense.
You give you reel! plenty of trouble lor tie.
We're only plain folk*. I'ritbee, don't make a
Kiwi farmer, we're not used to much of a
Said 1 liia comical crow
Caw! caw! You have put an old coat on
wmie sticks.
You want to delight ua Willi all wuta 0i trick*
Cmneritl kindness we tenderly
Hut why don't you leave till we finish our
"ear larrner, you're not in a hurry to go,'
Said Oii rotuira! crow.
1 "Caw" caw' You have brought out a neat
little gun.
You're going to shoot at the aparrowa, lor Inn.
<>h, fle' We -han't wait till you've loaded
it up,
'hit hie u away to the neat Held awl sup.
Ike! farmer, awl farmer, your end will I*.
Said thi* comical crow.
twforgi Coofrr
Thi May t'lawrri.
On unny hillside grew a little
colony of llay flow-m. Tln v had slept
'juietly through the long winter, tucked
up, -nug and warm, in their covering of
►now; and now the bright nun looked
down on them, and the wind stirred
them, and the birds called to them, and
Ih' V raise/1 their strong, hardy leaves,
and lifted up their stem it of small hud"!
and rcjoie/vl that spring was near. A
little girl came out among them. She*
said to herself: ' I am going nwav to
morrow. ] can't stay to s<-< the "dear
May flower" open, so r will take some of
1 litem with me, and keep them in water,
and they will remind m" of this beaut i
ful place, and |crluj>s they wil
'<>h.' aaid the Mayflowers, 'please
don't t ik< na " h
Hut the wind blew so that Marv. the
little girl, did not hear them, and "he
pulled stem after "tent, till she ha/1 as
1 many as she could hold in her small
, hand-. Tie n she l/sik<-d around h<r
at the blue sky. and the branches of the
Ins- again "t it, and the soft. dead leaves
flying in the wind, and the patches of
whit<* snow in the hollows; and away in
the distance the lighthouse and the
, blue water.
She said good-bye to it all. for she waa
afraid she might not see ft again soon ;
and the little May flower* said good-bye
to it, too.
The next day Mary tied the May flow
rs tog/-tb'*r. and wound a piece'of wet
i|r around tlmir stems, and th/jpr
lnrt/sl on their journey.
The cars w/re erowdtal and hot. and
Mary held tla*- flow it- v/tv tiglit for fear
of losing them, and the tall people rested
their elbows on them, and the stout ons>
puslc-.l against them, and they thought
they would /lie.
Hut soon the paper was tak'-n off. and
the string was untied, and they were
jiut int/i a vase of water.
The little May flowers drooped for a
• time, an<l could not hold up their heads.
Mary set them in the ojen window,
ami a gay bird in a cage sang to them : but
they moumol for ui/*ir pleasant home,
ana they did not like to stand with their
feet in the water, and they said :
; ' l/ct us give up in despair '
j Then the bird sang. 'Cheer up! cheer
; up! chirrup! chirrup?
They did not listen to him at first, hut
by-nnd-bye they said te him :
' Why do you say that to us? Do you
1 know that we H*v e been taken from our
home and our friends on the hillside,
j where the sun shone, and the birds sang
all around us? How can we lire and lie
happy here, and with our feet in the
Water. t/K>?"
Hut the bird said: 'Cheer up! The
sun is shining on you, and 1 am singing
to yon as well a* I ran, an/1 how ntti/ h
liett/T it will heforrou to blossom an/1
be Is/autiftil. an/I make some one happy,
than to do nothing but wither and be
thrown away. Do you think I like to
be here, shut up in this cage, when 1
have wings to flv? No! If this / age
door should lie left open, you would see
me fly up to that chimney in a second.'
' Could your said the little flowers.
' Yes, inn/s<d.' sai/l the bird. h
' Would you?" said the flower*.
'Yes,' said the bird, 'an/1 then into
that tree, and then away to the woods
somewhere. But while I am here. I
think 1 may as well sing and be gay.'
' Perhaps he is right.' thought the
flowers; so they lifted their head* an/1
lztoked up.
Mary gave them fresh water everyday,
and loved them dearly, an/1 talked to
them of the heautiftil hillside; and the
| eheerftil bird sang to them, an/1 at last
; the little buds began to grow and maka
j lite best of it.
t>ne bright morning, just two week"
' after they were gatlwve/i. the largest
; hud opened its petals, an/1 blossomed into
a full-grown May flower!
It white, with a lovely tinge of
l pink, and oh. so fragrant! Mary almost
/•tied with delight, and she kfsscd #<•
/tear flower, and carried it to every //tie
in the house to be admin*!. The bin!
j stn/id on tip-toe on his highest perch and
flapped his wings, nod sang his Uset
'Was I rightf'naid he. ' Did 1 give
' you jpo/1 advice?'
' Vjps," said the flowers, ' you wen*
right To blossom and le Wntltiful.
j ami make someone happy, is better than
to give up in despair and do nothing.'—
Annie Afonrr, an . Afafco&u.
Said a saloon-keeper to a reformed ntsn
h/rtn he met on the street "How drunk
v/,11 hare been in my place before now.'
"Yes," replied the other," but remember bow
♦ober I have kept out of it."— 1 Vseisaa
■Sum day Sight.