Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 24, 1879, Image 8

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    Silt tfrnirt gtraoml.
• ■■ ...
Thursday Morning, April 24, 1879.
CoßUktroMOKftCß,containing |m|Hiruut nnwa, •ollcll
*l front Niiy |*rt of tliv county. No <*oiu(niinit-*tU>UO
tinu*rtml tin! VAN ACtoUipßliittl ly tile LAAL it A 111 C of tli
Local Depart incut.
—Don't forget the 15.-.nd's benefit.
—Centre Minstrels next Tuesday eve
-—Tho moon again renewed itself Inst
—William Shortlidge, Esq., was abtoiH
from home last week.
Rev. R. Crittenden was at Wilcox,
F.lk county, last week.
to Harris' hardware store and toe
the new churn —Beat* then all.
Mi* Carrie Vosburg departed for
Philadelphia last Monday morning.
—Work is being prosecuted vigorously
on Dr. Dartl's new residence on Allegheny
—The new organ in tho Episcopal church
will be iu position and ready for use next 1
—Miss Bertie Alexander left town last
Monday morning—returning to school, we '
—A new barn is being erected in the
rear of Mr. Isaac Mitchell's property on
Linn street.
—Mr. Amos Oberdorf,'of Hublersburg,
called in to pay us u brief visit on Saturday
afternoon Inst.
Mrs. Lawrence Ilrown and little baby
were visiting her former home in Hunt
ingdon last week.
Mr. James McClure is erecting a new
residence for himself on Logan street in
the rear of his father's property.
—The blowers, pipes, Ac., of the old fur- I
nacc situated at Mill Hall, Clinton county,
have lately been shipjied to Howard.
—The Odd Fellows of this place will
celebrate tho Sixtieth Anniversary of the
existence of the Order next Saturday even
—Tho Lewi*town True Democrat ha* l
been investing in "literature,'' and now
advertises one hundred novels for sale at j
6 cents each.
—Homer I). Cope, who recently gave j
such satisfaction in his reading before a
Bellcfonte audience, promise* soon to visit !
—Altoona is to have a grand celebration
on the next Fourth of July and invites us
all up to sec it. Hurrah I Thank you>
we will come.
—The last snow of the season fell on
Thursday night last. On the following j
morning the surrounding mountains were !
covered with it.
—For all the enjoyment of a trip "Over
tho Ocean," without any of the accom
panying danger, attend the lecture at Rey
nolds' Hall on Saturday evening.
—The Centre County Sunday School
Convention will tnoet thi* year at Madi- 1
sonburg some time in the month of June,
the exact date not yet being fixed.
—One of the brightest young ladie* now
attending Wilson college, at Chambers
burg, is Mi** Mary M Kee, of Storms- j
town. She spent Raster at her home.
—Henry Ward Beecher is again hover- !
ing around in thi* vicinity ready to givo j
any audience a good lecture for the money.
Huntingdon will have him on March 6.
—A statement of the condition of the
finances and success met with by the Li- 1
brarv Association may be found on the
fifth page, written by a member of tho As
—A good whitewash brush at Harris'
hardware store for 10certts and everything
else in proportion. They can't be beat in !
price of hardware, paints, oil* or anything
cite in their line.
—The firm* of James Hsrri* A Co. and
Lyon A Co., on Allegheny street, have
recently placed new sign* in position. The 1
sign* are each in the same *ty!o—black and
yellow letters on a white ground.
—Gen. James A. Beaver wa* in attend
ance upon, and delivered one of his bril- 1
liant sjxieche* before, the reception given j
to Gov. Hoyt by the Union League Club j
of Philadelphia one evening last week.
—lt i* the intention of Mr. Gottlieb
Hoag, of Pleasant Gap, to erect a store
building near hi* hotel at that place,
lie will keep a first-class store, and, of
course, create a sensation by selling goohi
—Mr. James Montgomery will conduct
the Young Men's Christian Association
meeting next Friday evening. He ho* a
Bible reading exercise which will lie given
on that occasion, and it will refiay all
young men to be present.
—The noble willow to the north of Mr.
Curtin's residence, on Allegheny street,
lost its beautiful upper-growth one day last
week, it being eliminated no doubt for the
good ol tho tree or tho occupants of the
house. These branches, however, will
soon spring forth agai.j.
—Mince Mrs. Nannie Orblson has come
into possession of hr present residence on
Hpring street, it bas been converted into
one of the most pleasant little cottage* in
town. A neat picket fence has Just been
addesf, and it is now % most attractive and
inviting place of residence.
—Tho Bellefonte and Lewlstown turn
pike bas an admirable superintendent in
Judge John liwin, who frequently ride*
its entire length and is very assiduous in
his efforts to keep it constantly in the best
of repair. It Is now receiving the usual'
' attention which i demanded every spring.
—Tho military festival of Company II
ban boon postponed until some time In
—The death of Henry Pennington, Esq.,
of Pulton township, occurred I tot I .Satur
day. He WAX 7-1 year* of age.
—"Over the Ocean" at Reynold's Hall,
Satunluy evening, at 8 o'clock. Nearly
all the rexerved svat* have been sold."
—The ltov. Dr. Knight, of Lancexter,
will preach for Rev. John Hcw flt in the
Episcopal church Sunday morning nest.
—The Rcllefonte paper mill is again in
operation. The member* of the present
firm are P. B. and I*'. W. Crider and 000.
—We *OO it stated once again that thin
world will come to an end on the I lib day
of next July. Well, if we are able to cele
brate another Fourth of July, wo do not
care whether school keep* any longer or
I not.
—The new good* which Mr. J. H. Ilau
land, of the "Bco Hive" dry-good* store,
purchased last week, have arrived, and the
clerk* are now engaged in putting them in
| |Hiilion. They are handsome and cheaper
j than ever.
A lecture will be delivered in the M.
i 8. church, on the 80th of this month, by
; the ltcv. W. W. Campbell, of Cnionville.
j "Suns, Moons and Stars" is the suggestive
title of the gentleman'* deliverance, and
: the merits of the lecture are doubtless a*
iiigh as are the subjects of which ho treat-,
[ —As will be seen in J. 11. Haulund'* ad
vertisement, he will open bis second grand
I invoice of good* next week. Ho direct*
1 the attention of the Indies especially to bis
black and colored silks, napkins, toweling,
table linen and domestic goods of every de
; scrlptton. His goods were purchased in
New York, and consist of the very latest
; novelties.
Mr. J. Irvin Ilagerman discovered,
j on Tuesday, a piece of charcoal which he
says was coaled almost a century "go. He
found it amongst the ruin* of the old -tone
building on high street which is now being
demolished, and it must have been there
I since the day* when charcoal wa* minu
| facturcd on that spot.
—The Ladies' Missionary Society of the
i Episcopal church is requested to meet this
| afternoon at the residence of Mrs. F. P.
| IJlair, for the purjxsse of sewing the carja-t
I rags which have been collcct<-d toward* the
Y. M. C. A. carpet. They are requested
| to meet at 2 o'clock r. v. instead of 3 30,
i a* formerly, so that there will be more
; time to devote to this purjiose.
—Forward became with a pompous tread,
With head erect and an air well-bred.
Twas easily seen tho clothe* he wore
Had been purchased at Newman * cloth
| ing store.
■ "Oh, ' said each girl with a heavy sigh,
, "How heartily I wish that I
Had a beau who always wore
' Clothe* purchased at Newman, Jr., store."
—Tho Wlliiarosport Hanner gravely in
! quire* what shall be done this spring with
the old rotten Nicholson pavement in that
city? Well, a* the aforesaid Nicholson
wa* one of the big enterpri*e of Peter,
and largely helped to swell tho city d"bt,
the creditors might be pleased if you would
•et your bead* together and pay for it.
Where $-'-00 dollar* can be raised in these
days off a walking match, a few thousand*
might be collected to pay a debt.
—Misses Irsie Routh and Naomi J. Gram
ley, of Itebersburg. are ready to challenge
any j>eron in Centre county to a spoiling
contest. If it it any encouragement to
those accepting the challenge, we would
mention that Mite Booth hat the record of
spelling eight hundred word* without ono
mistake! and that M i*s Gramley. in a sim
ilar trial, only missed three in seventeen
hundred ! —and Kebertburg young ladies
are subject to bad when they enter
a contest.
—ln that interesting book called "Thad- \
•ieu# of Warsaw," it it related that while
Thaddeu* wa* revting in a London Park,
some impudent scoundrel, admiring the
elegant fit of the garment* Thaddeu* ignrc, I
impertinently asked him where he pur
chased them. "Where I got my sword,
sir,' answered Thaddeu* with dignity and .
walked away. It wa* never certainly
known where Thaddeu* did get his clothes,
but ten chance* to one he purchased them
t J. Newman, Jr'., Kegle Clothing Hall
on Allegheny itrect.
—Thieve* are yet operating in the *ur
roundihg country. On a recent night the
mill of Mr. Krtle, in I'enn township, wa*
robbed of ome flour—the thievo*, no
doubt, thinking that this substance
would best cover their dark deed. Mr*.
Stover, who reside* near Millheim, had
compassion on a stranger and entertained
him over night. In the morning she found
to her grief that he had entertained an
"angel unaware*ono of those dark
spirit* from the nether realm, who had
searched through her precious trarrt, and
departed, luckily, however, not discovering
anything of sufficient value to carry away, j
-—The Clearfield Rrpuhliran desires ex
changes to notice the fact that Dennis
Gctte, son of Anthony CJetle, of Coving- -
ton township, Clearfield county, a young
•nan, aged 2H years, of unsound mind, and
subject to frequent flu, left his father's
home on Sunday, Fvb. IfJlh, !!, and
nothing ha* been heard or seen of him
since the lHth of February last. lie wore
light penU and checkered flennel shirt.
Ho is about six feet In height, had reddish
whiskers, and woe very sirnplo in bis talk.
Any information as to his whereabout*
will be thankfully received by his father.
Address, Anthony tiette, Frcnchville,
Clearfield county, Pa.
—lt i* not ii title choton with ruforunco
t< it* eloganco which the Republican bo
tow* upon u* thin week, yet it contain* an
unexpected and w<i hope not an unmerited
compliment. .The word* u*d arc, "per
lOIIUI puff machine." Now the word
"puff," we believe, in the appellation given
by *ome peoplo to the art of (peaking well
of an object, und a* the word in thia in
(tance i* limited by the ndjeetivn "pornoi -
nl," wu up|HiHu the Republican demrea to
limit it to perron*. I)id our good friend of
the Republican never hear the old raying,
that "when gentlefolk meet compliment*
will par* ?" and we are pleated to be able to
uy that when wo ue u "perronal" it i* al
ways to speak well of the individual. In
deed, if the Republican doe* or ray* any*
I thing good, we ahull bo happy to apeak
well of it. Why ahould thia not be ' We
have nothing again-t any one in thia wide
world, and if we apeak at all why not do
*o in a complimentary manner? We
thank the Rrpublican for alluding to thia,
i and hope that before long it will be able to
! dUcover inure of our merit*, and nothing
i to condemn.
j —The Centre Min-trd* once mora put
; forth their claim* to the people of 11i-Ih--
i tonte, and invito them to attend their on
tertainrnent next Tue*day evening at Key.
nold* Hall, 'i hi* ia a company, a* all w ell
know, whit h travel* or rather, (a* it re
-1 main* in HellefonU',) 'pre* enlerlainmente
on it* merit* and claim* notice on that ac
count. Thi* time the member* intend
to be o gem rou* a* to devote what they
make to the liellefonto band, an iii*lilution
which, we are told, ba* never before re
ceivtd favora of thi* kind from the people
of Ucllefonle. We all raw them parade
laat Saturday afternoon arrayed in their
elegant new uniform*, and the apootaelo
wa* certainly rufllcinnt to make the bo*om
of the people of Ilellcfonte *well with ad
miration. Hut we know it take* considera
ble money to put on style of thi* kind mot
tliat we ever tried it ourselves; arid if a
large audience attend* the enterluimcril
nevl Tuesday evening, it will go far to
ward* replenithing the lrea*ury of the
—The icho d children who are ttudying
McCiah * Logic have now a genuine rau<-
for complaint again*t I>r. McCouh, Preai
dent of Princeton College. It i* a very
excellent text-book, and generally adopted
by our schools, but all who have bad ex
perience in tilting up until twelve oTlock
at night pur./.ling over the major and
minor premlte and the argumentum ail
bomnium, know how many angry word*
have gone out aguin*t the learned gentle
man for writing urh a book. Hut now
we *eo that the Dr. ha* b'-en im|oing upon
the children all thi* time, and wa* not a
citizen of the l.'nited Stale* until Tuesday
of |a-t week, wle n hi* naturalization pa
per* were i**u<d by Judge Nixon. Jul
think, scholar, bow much brain work you
have put forth in trying to comprehend
thi* individual, who wa* himself an unnat
uralized— Philistine.
—lt i already quito certain that a large
audience will attend the lecture of J. W
B Itaunnan, K*q , next Saturday <*Vning,
at Reynold* Hall. There | a •mall mm
needed to complete the mu*ic fund, which
wa* devoted to the purtha** of the new 1
pipe organ, and it i hoped that the lecture
Saturday night will reult in duing thi*,
•o that when the organ i flrt used it mar i
also be *aid that it i* all paid for. The
price of admission U very low—twenty-five i
cent* for regular admi**ion and thirty-five
rent* for reserved seat*. The lecture ia on
a popular subject, and will be given by one
of the beat lawyer* of I.ancoler. who ha*
personally viil.-d the (conn* which he will
describe. If will be advisable to enter the
hall quite early to *cure a good oat.
I)ear ladie*. ilear ladiea, the next *un- ;
ny day,
l'lea*e walk out on Allegheny troel wav.
Many store* you will fltid before you walk
Hut one amung*t them i a bright |<arlicu
lar *tar.
"The Hee Hive" 'li* called and a very good
It* proprietor, J. 11. Hauland, i* f**t rlaing '
to fame,
He ba* ribbon* and dreazgoodsof moat rev
ihing kind,
And tho nut exqui*ite clerk* a* you
quickly will find.
A Porri.aa Soxo. Tha mimtrel and
concert troup* are all *inging Will L.
Thompson* new *ong and choru*, "Golden
I'rttri are f'acting Ry " There i* now urh
a mania for thi* lieautiful piece that dealer*
can *carcely get tliem fa*t enough to *up
ply tho demand. Kvery lover of a pretty
nng will want thi* piece. Bend HIS cent*
to the publisher*, W. I*. Thompaon A Co.,
Ka*t Liverpool, Ohio.
—For all kind* of grocerie* go to 8. A.
Brew A Son, on Allegheny street. Tliey
have the bc*t and cheapest and give the I
mo*t general *ati*factlon. Their tea*, su
gara and coff<w* are raid to lie superior.
They alway* keep on hand a large aupply
of nute, raiain* and Iruila, and evening or
dinner partie* can lie aupplied at abort
—The atore of Mr. William Tlmmpaon,
of Potter's Mill*, wa* entirely destroyed
by fire j>n Monday morning la*t. Mr.
Thomp*on barely o*raped with hia life.
—A largo number of vehicle* were on
dlplay In lliia place tho flrat few day* of
thi* waek. Moat of them were the manu
facture of Cincinnati flrnu.
mo*t thoughtful and deeply interesting dia
cour*o*, of the many which ltev. John
Hewitt, of the Kpiicopal church, I* accus
tomed to givn hi* hearer*, wa* deliv
ered la*t Sahliath evening to a large con
gregation. The lubjnet wa* taken from
tho tio|H>| according to St. Mark, It 1-3,
und wa* of course upon the subject of the
Tramflguralion. The three npoatle* ao
conipanying Christ up the mountain were
the three who had witnuaacd the raiting of
Jairuv' daughter and the tame who were to
view lii* ugony. That it should lie MOMS*
and Klia* who ahouli) meet Cliriat at thi*
place we* wonderful—one wa* the typo of
John the Hapliit and the other of Christ
himself. They were also figure* of the
"quick"—or living, and the dead Klia* of
the "quick ' in that ho had ascended to
Heaven without dying, and MOM-* of the
i dead, a* h* had met his death in full
view of, hut before reaching, the "prom
ised land." Thi* incident wa* an answer
to the prayer* of lioth Mow* and Klia*
.Mote*, after 1 /A>o year*, wim in the
{ "promised land ' whieli he had longed so
much to see, and Klia* now saw in reality
what 1,1)00 years before had been to him
' but a shadow. They each witnotnod the
, ushering in of the new di*|>nsation. We
should not, then, complain if we wait for
I year* in answer to prayer. In the fact
that Peter recognized thoae two we are en
couraged in the belief that we will recog-
I nine one another in Heaven; and it will
lie Heaven inde<>d where friend* in heart
will he in companionship and we ihall
know a* we are known. Many other line
joint- wore made which have escaped our
O?Rit Wit* Mnit or SCHOOL Teach
er* and *cholar of our public schools who
will soon be released from the duties whieh
have told rather severely on *<> me of them,
will rejoice one w<-ck from to-morrow when
they dtshand for the welcome hoi idays.
Kxaminations commenced lat Monday
morning and will continue through thi*
week, and they show conclusively that
genuine progress hat been made during tho
winter, of which all have g'xxl reason to
he proud. No part of children* Intlruc
. tion ha* boon omitted in the corriculum,
and tho variety of the imtrueti.in add*
■ •e*t and thoroughness to all that i* done.
The opening exercise* of the morning arc
pleating. All the *ch>ol it gathered into
two large room* —the older scholar* on the
' firtt fl'et and a perfect tea of little children
on the second floor. In the lower room a
chapter from the Bible is r<-ad alternately
by the teacher and the school, one of the
teachers leads in prayer, and a choir of
well-trained voire* lead* the school fin the
• inging of some lively aong Thi* is all
done with an aim to correctness, and forms
a beneficial and inspiriting exercise. The
-mailer children have boon Instructed,
with folded hand* and bow<<d heads, to
reverently chant the Lord • Prayer. They
ting a number of song* in concert, and
with such vim, that the volume of sound
fill* the room and can be heard from a
great distance. One character song, es
pecially, is very amusing and demand*
close attention. We forget the title, but
it is in illustration ef the working* of an
old clock, all of which is represented by
the children in nppropriate gesture* of the
finger* and hand*. Altogether, we think
th# winter of 11*79 of the Itollefont* public
schools ha* been satisfactory to j* rents,
teacher* and pupil*.
A HOL T A LITTLIE Banr.—A one-month
old little crying l>*be, who wa* left at the
residence of a Catholic priest, of Altoona.
hat, for the latt week, created an unusual
excitement in that city Clues to the iden
tity of it* maternal parent have been, a> i*
thought, successful, but the efforts to dis
cover its father have not been satisfactory.
In brief, the story seem* to be this: Some
time ago a handsome woman entered the
tervtce* of one of the flr*t families in Ty- |
rone. She remained there for a sboi t lime,
and at last, with a week's notice, quit, and
WAS next seen, boarding the train for Har
rishurg. Like a fleeing spirit, the next
flits across the threshold of a Harrisburg
hospital, bearing in her arm* a tiny infant '
A few week* pa, when Wednesday night
of last week, from the depth* of a ba*ke| on
the sloop of the aforesaid Catholic prie*t's
residence in Altooria, what It up|osd to
he the voice of thi* identical infant i* heard
crying for admittance. A name is now
found for her*-Klsie Viola—and she is
kindly received, admitted, baptized, and
take* up her residence with Mayor Hurd,
of Alloona. She ha* since been adopted by
a Mr*. Stover, of Logantnwn, where we
hope be will live happily to the end of the
chapter. Tho mother'* name U thought to
lie Mary Dolan, and tl* Altnona Tribune
is of the opinion that she wat originally
from Centre county.
At least the manager* of the West Branch
Camp Meeting Aeeociation cam# to that
sensible conclusion at their last meeting.
The ground* are henceforth to he fenced In
and none but regular occupant* of the
grounds admitted from Saturday night
until Monday morning. AH except regular
occupants will be charged an admission fee,
a* follows: Mingle admission tickets for
families of three or more, and for children
under twelve years, 6 cents; single ad
mission ticket* for persons of twelve year*
and upwards, 10 cents; single admission
tickets for season, 80 cents ; family admis
sion ticket* for season, $l,OO.
—Rev. A. C. Clark, a Mhamokin divine,
was lb* guest of John C. Miller last week.
How TIIXT , 1)1 ST I N<l 111 *ll IS D TllKM
HKl.vxa.—'The best and moat successful
concert ever given In liellefonto wif* that
of Thursday evening last, in Reynolds'
llall, by Mrs. Love and h-r intelligent
pupils. An immense crowd gathered in
| tho 11*11 a full hour previous to tho oj>en
ing of the entertainment, and from then
until eight o'clock the ru*h for tho heat
•eats was continued. Chair* were brought
into the aisle* and extra zests plated Sri
| every available *itualion. Hurrounding the
ilage were enough plants und flowers to
| convert a pantheon into a green-house—
the beet that could bo eolle-ctcd in Belle
finite and Lock Haven. J'otz of gloriou*
lilies and geranium*, bouquet- of fern* and
I flower*, canary bird* that warbled an ac
companiment to the muiic, and a vase of
gold fi-he* kwung in air made the ugc an
enchanted bower. Two of <'bickering-'
upright* from tho wareruom* of Bunnell A
Aiken* were placed at either end of the
• tage, A full orchestra completed nil that
could he desired in a truly rerbei cbr enter
Tho opening eboru*, "Let the Ilili* und
Vale* Resound," wa* magnificent, and
caused tho Hall it>-If to resound with the
gloriou* note# of the ojwning j ice. The
Instrumental Quartette, "(Jrahd March de
Concert,' evidenced that the ladies who
executed it were contributing their part in
the "Grand March" of Music in its onward
course toward perfection. Mi** Victorine
Lyon, daughter of our Jewish merchant,
followed with a lovely long • 'I rendered,
entitled "The Lover and the Bird.'" Mis*
Victorian ha* received musical instruction
for only one year, and has already reached
gr'-al proficiency. She may rest assured
that there were many of het "lover*" in
the audience. " Whisper* frem Krin" wb
the title of a piano solo by Mis* Mary
Crittenden, and if all her whisjzers are
that woct we envy theffellow who it fated
, some day to receive most of tbem. "Beau
tiful Moonlight" wa# a vocal duo by Men
' Janin Dare and Fannie Tuten, and moon
| light itself could not "bold a candle '
1 in comparison to the beautiful appearance
mads by thnsa young !adi< i n the stage,
and the manner in which it wa* rendered
gave honor to the subject that inspired the
song. The tableau and German song,
"Sell weitzer Ileimweb,' afforded Miz*R *-
ina Grsuer an opportunity to exhibit h<r
melodious voice and auunie a mmt pic
turesque attitude, but then it would be im
j**ihl fur Mo* Rosilia to ztrike any at
titude in which he would not form an at
tractive picture Tl.e rprighllinoM with
which "Annan Polka,'' an instrumental
duo, was rendered by Mis* Kllie Green and
Mrs Love drew forth great applause from
the appreciative audience. Then Mia* K •
ina Graner and fire or six other maiden*
• howed in aong and by action how they
intend to "l'addle Their own Canoe," arid
the *igor Willi which they "paddled"
cauzed u* congratulation that we are n r it
the "canoe." And a little six-ysar old
girl, Mis* Lillie Aiken*, in a song and
tableau entitled "Lullaby," *howed hw
a weet old grandmotlier zwing* the cradle,
in which a large wax d"B wa* placed for
the occasion. "Oh to be a boby again, juzt
for 10-night," waz our innio*t thought—
provided we could he rocked to le-p by
such a charming grandmother. Pcrhapz
the best performed instrumental compzzi
tion of the evening wa* that sublime trio'
ofCzerney s entitled "Overture Tancredi,''
by Misses Lyon and Green and Mr* Ix>ve
A rich quartette of *oico*--Mr* Brachblll,
Miss Bailie McGinley, Mez*rs Kddy and
Keller—aang. "We Shall Mi-t the Little
Onea There." Ye*, and when they do
meet the little ones there, it will be hlias
indeed if they can continue making just
such delightful music a* wa* given in thi*
sweet song. Thi* finished the first part,
with the rxrepiion of en instrumental solo,
performed by request by Mis* Victorine
Lyon, entitled "Rivere Romantic."
Part secoi.J opened with a felection from
"Pinafore," In which Master Waller
l-ambkey wa* Commander of the Queen's
Naner. and if this is a fair cample of "Pin
afore" in lota, it muit he a < harming pro
duction. A better commander could not
have been selected than M*ter Walter
An instrumental quartette, "Dance of tho
Fairim," wa# performed by tho Misses
Green and Misses Crittenden and Choez
man. Four genuine fairle* fingered the
key*, and *o inspiring waz the music that
the audience almost expected to behold a
bona title fairy dance. In a song and tab
leau Mia* Janie Dare and Mr. Frank Kel
ler gave a beautiful exemplification of
"Faith and Hope," and may the scene be
indeed typical of the spirit which shall
characterize them when they reach the age
represented in the tableau. Miss Salli*
Hoffer, a very pretty young lady and a
prodigy at mutic, but becomingly mode*t
withal, gave a lovely piano solo, entitled,
"Grand Wall* Brilliant." Mis* Sallie
bids fair to become an excellent performer.
Then occurred one of thoee delightful little
character songs between Vl** Km ma Aik
en* and Matter Waiter Lambkey, entitled,
"Mr*. Smith, My Dear." Walter * coun
tenance wa* full of mischief and Mis# Km
ma behaved in her laucieet manner, and
it wa# a fair representation of how stunped
husbands may expect to be when the bill
comas in for the bonnet and gown which
the wife purchase* to wear at Saratoga.
Mis* Rosin* Grauer canted the piano key*
lo tell, In a happy (train, bow light U the
heart of "Th* Joyfbt Peasant," It wa*
rendered in a manner that thowed th*
heart of the performer wa* at cheerful and
light aa the pcoMßt- To the churn*, "Tell
Mr Where I)o j'a!rl-* Dwell? ' rn.t of
the eudieoce f It like rcrpitiridirig that nt
that moment limy dwelt on the tage. No
"Alice' WUH ever eo we-t * wi. the piano
aolo of that name given by Mic* .Mary
tireru. Little Ktiiuia Aiken* and Weil'r
Larohkey >|uarre|led end made up in nofig
in the eharactert of "Reuben and Rachel. '
MinJanie Dure and Mr*. Love made the
piano interpret a duo with the Spaniels
eounding title of "Ojo* f'riolea." A enrig
and tableau tanned llie audience to *ytni a
thixe with a little wait "friend l<v* and
alone, in the mid.t of a mow .lorm, on
the atreeU of a great city, and a* the scene
closed u|K'ii her death, it required one of
Strati**' "Alwayt Cheerful \Valtr.<. to
re.lore their ipiriu. The excrtiae* con
■ eluded with aolo* and choruwa, in whi< h
Mi** .lan e Date >arig, a. u.ual, 1 Like w
Fairy Creature," Me*r*. Eddy and Laird
singing liie remaining leiei in arlirtic
The gro* receipt" of the concert were
not 'jiiitn one hundred and ten dllat.
Mrs. Lore'* expense* vt.-r<: very heavy,
reaching over eighty dollar., leaving about
twenty dollar* for the benefit of the M. Ji.
church. She rnade present* to her prima
tiumir and a young gentleman who con
tributed their valuable service*. Mr.,
Love feel. Oil'* p]fa*cd with the re.ult of
the entertainment, and her many frond*
will be delighted to know that .lie endue d
the arduou. w rk which the dutie. ontaii d
without any aeriou* remit*.
TnaCot .M ii. Marrx aku ACT*. — LI. "I
Monday night the new council b<dd ita
ixond "*in and. among other thing.,
gave iU high .auction to the follow
, ing tran.action. :
The Water <'mrnittee reported ti nt
)coun< il direct Huje rintendenl Strn k.nnd to
j offer a reward of f'JO for the arret and
conviction in Court of (Quarter Session* of
any |*-r*on or {x-reon. breaking the fence
or throwing anything into the reservoir.
Complaint VM entered of the existence
of <erlain nuisance* along Spring (rick,
and the Nui.ance Committee wa. direct' 1
to proceed according to ordinance, which
mean, to al.uli.ii Ih'-tn.
The petition of Wm. Rt kley, W. A.
Morrison and other* for boardwalk ot
we.t .ide of a new -street near their rei
dence in We.t ward w referred V• street
j committee.
The bill* for the supply of hor.e, cart
and man for general hauling purjmi<* were :
Chatle. Itrown, $1 TOjierdav.
John McDerrnott I.7U|erday.
Alexander Mi CafTerty,- 1 70 per day.
John Bradley,„ I *S|reajr,
Nicholas li'Cding, 1 hO per day.
The hid of Nicbnia* itedding wa* uaaiii
mou.ly accepted by council.
The following hid* were opened and
read for lamp-lighter :
Bei jamin William*—?! 4 j.er month from
April to Octole r; $7 |*r month from
October t" April.
Thotna* I) McAllister,.. f COO per month.
I). A Kennedy, SO <*)j>er annum.
Jams* Corneiiua, 7.R' per month
Signer Jl. I'hiliippi bo 00 ft annum.
Henry Ii• ffman, s'• VI yor month from
April to October , $* jtl frern October to
William S Tripple, f ft . r >o per month.
Bichard McC'afferly...... 10b (XI per year.
J. C. Deer 10.00 jx-r month.
O. At wood,- 10.00 per month.
Charlc* Brown 12. (J0 jir month.
The bid of Henry Hoffman wa* unani
m"u!y accepted. In accepting each bid
* it wa* provided that the per.on bidding
.ball perform the duty individually.
TAIXMKRT.— Kvery Thuraday evening for
a long time javt an exhibition of some kind
ha* been given Thi* evening i no ex
ception to the rule, anJ the Bidlefonte col
ored *cho<>i will occupy the board., and
give an exhibition in Reynold*' Hall. The
entertainment will consist of mu*ic,
•peechc*, e**ay*, and delightful little dia-
which the children will all do
thcuMclva* great credit. And, powibly,
the Reno wed Jubilee Singer* may help
by giving acme of their negro melodic*.
Be the entertainment what it may, we are
assured by our cuiorcd friend* that it i*
"grand, and *uc:h a wa* never before giv
en in Ilellefonle,'' and are nureelve* spiite
•ure that under the.kiliful direction ot the
young colored gentleman now teaching in
the school, it will be a very superior exhi
bition of it* kind.
nXV' lil'X'Al.ir.-o. th* Hah .4 April, L*TV,
•I ll. in VWi I r lUi I. 0 il. ' V Mr
H'.M R Cww.nl U>l Hatm, and MM Kllew K.
0 ill,will il. „l Sitl*nl Vlllnjr.
TVI.tR. '<h A|-ril llh. I*T, th. hew <>f
I the MM#. to R.. I. li ll~h. Mr. A4m C. T>l.
.♦ r*rtahit"llln, *ml Uiw M*t*h A. Row < Stttanj
j Vallrj-, Pa.
IV4VIKI H\ AS K.T —OA th* XAT M tUeh. 1M RIR-
I. MOuatwh Mr Jaw* |WM.| with MM llvnrt
I SitMnl;, hot 11 .A Ivan t. No.l|,
ri.tMlir.R-MIIRR - Oa Ihr L'Mh of VP.IL It Mo.
* SI RNWL'T. MR IHWLIL Nl*h, >4 ' ATE H.U,
I with MI- Mart A. ahltt.oT PotH-t > Mill*.
KELPLET. la L'li townnhlp. April IS, L*TW HJ K-t
IwtM r. Pnalh. II J IS I*l. a4 Miw
•if RE. t. Towliawaw. •< th <4 Aanwwhwrg, TVWTRE
ivwnt*, p,
ATHPRTOb At Phllipnl—fw, n. Miw-t.t etmlw*,
Ai'til It, IKt, iMl—tla A the. tow. ipM M jmw
IMMKI.-OW th. 11th .4 April, wt the twatJear* <4 hta
an* Ifi IVaa tewaahtp, ■l—oil lmnkri, a* 4 TV pan,
4 awwtb* aail I Uy.
OIVTIIRKMAR -ita the Tth <4 ApHt. at Tannww'
Milla Mr. Col.la CV4hniaa, agw4 >1 jean. It
month. aa4 * da*a.
Rt'RT/. Ow the lath wf Marrh. at UnrhfTwre Anna-
Hil|s ateri ■■.* eowaty, lllHmita, ami Saatnit .1
Oouw ewwt|. Pa.. Uh haita, a*i il M pawn ami
t month.
W BinilT -0w th* M af ApHt. I* Mile* towwahip,
William VSHghg aged 4 month. a*4 IX dap*.
IVVMR —On the IMh of Aptil. ta Mite, tow —Sip,
Anna hpt,adit4 hnwl Unset, dniwaid, a*ef
IH Sean, 4 m att., and ta das*.
TOXAttA.—Oa the Ulh ft ApHI. la Heine, towwahlp,
Pnaaa R.wif* <4 Rotwut Vnwrnia, a*e<t fi Jwaiw, X
m -ath. and JI data.
TIUIMAR-Ai Mttfwhwr*. ApHI 11th, I*T, WHlaa.
V, m wf William V. Vhowaae, aged I |wan,
1 month, and ami 4 da].