Term* 51.50 per Annum,ln Advance. S. T. SHUGERT and R. M. FORSTER, Editor.. Thursday Morning, April 24, 1879. THE Greenbackers are about to es tablish an organ in Washington city, under the editorial management of Col. Lee Craudell. MR. RAINY, the colored ex-mctn ber of Congress who was an applicant for a Bureau appointment and was dis appointed, has survived his indigna tion, and concluded t > accept t'. ,# clerkship tendered him instead by Mr. Sherman. NEITHER a revenue bill nor an ap propriation bill has yet even been con sidered in the House at Harrisburg, much less passed ; and yet the legisla ture has been in session over three months. These hills could all have been passed during the month of Feb ruary, had the majority In en so dis posed. THE radical majority in our State legislature arc determined to stay there as long as they can draw ten dollars a day, and then to leave the legislation in such ail unfinished shape a.* to re quire an extra session next year. 1st the people of the State mark the men who thus disregard their wishes and retire them forever. SENATOR BRUCE, got his investigat ing committee, and promises thorough search into the Frecdman's bank swindle. He has a very prolific field of villany to explore, and if he pur sues it with vim he may benefit his swindled race a- well a- uncover the most systematic robbery of the age perpetrated under the sanctity of religion and pretended philanthropy, i GEN. REAVER was a guest nt the reception given hv the Union Isngue of Philadelphia, to Gov. Hoyt. Does the General a- a Christian and a pa triot approve of the violent sjieeche* j or the genernl inebriation that was made and existed there? General, if I you must familiarize yourself to such scenes, in order to make the notniua- j tion for Governor in 18*2, will it pay? | MR. RAINEY, the colofed ex-Con gressman from South Carolina, was an applicant for the office of third audit orship in the Treasury Department.; Secretary Sherman on Thursday la-t offered him the po-ition of assistant ap|>intment clerk in the Treasury. ' which he presumed would lie suffieio.it to bold the allcgiunce of a darkey, however exalted his position or com latent to dcschargo more important duties. But Mr. Rainey declined the clerkship iudignantly. THE people of Philadelphia, the tax payers and business men, are now hav ing their annual groul. The men : they elect to the Legislature in obedi ence to the mandates of the King who control and enthuse them once a year, have again touched their pockets, and demanded their diviet. These chronic growlers may as well possess their souls in patience, pay the taxes, and prepare to enthtue again to swell the triumph of their oppressots next elec tion. MR. WOLFE, of the House of Ueje rcscntativcs, made charges of bribery and corruption against the friends of the Riot Rill, and demanded investi gation. A committee has been raised of which I)r. Gatchol! is chairman to investigate the charges, which were general, and not sjeeific against par ticular individuals. Mr. Wolfe pro fesses to have abundant evideuco to sustain his charge, and is anxious for the encounter with the corniptionists. We hope, however, for the credit of the Legislature that Mr. Wolfe's charges are inspired by suspicions en gendered iu the heat of contest, and not by anything real or corrupt on the part of any of the advocates of the bill. "mi AI. AMI KXACT Jl'hTli K TO ALL MKN, OK WIIATEVK.iI HI Alt; oil I'KItNL'AHIOK, HKI.IOIOIK ok POLITICAL."— JiflirK.n Till-: Republican member* of Con gress hold a caucus on Friday night lust und determined upon a general j course of obstruction in the 1 louse; i tlint they will filibuster against any legislation upon the bills proposing any change whatever in existing laws, | and insist upon the regular appropria tions. That,is, they will vote to up j propriatc money, but w ill resist arty en actment that will eliminate from the statutes any of the offensive measures they have heretofore enacted to ob | struct the balls of justice or to control : the ballot of the people in the interest lof fraud and tyranny, il they fancy j they can win upon such an issue, and I having no honest one to stand upon, ! they should hnve the opportunity to j try their hand. The people are pretty j well informed now of the effects of j these measures, ami w jll he prepared Ito give them aw arm reception. Ao bayonet* at the poll* will be irrc.-i-tublc, and the stalwarts will he convinced of the fact if this issue is forced. It. STCM'KETT MATTHEW*, of Mary hind, has been nominated by Mr. Hayes to the judgeship made vacant by the death of Judge (iilcs, and the nomination will no doubt IK* rejected by the Democratic Senate as one unfit to lie made even by a fraudulent ex i ccutive. Matthews is simply a stal- I wart politician of the meanest strijie, ; without any legal qualification to coin | mend him for the duties of a judge. The Washington l'o*t says " he is a miserable parti/an -langw hunger. Not long ago, in a public speech, he gave utterance to the belief that ' Dcmo , erats were lice on the body politic and ought to be combed out and crushed under the feet of honest men." " The author of such a sentiment is hardly tit to drive hogs, and certainly is not the proper person to make a judge of." Democratic Seuators who would vote for such a fellow's confirmation would lie properly characterized by the ele gant terms this aspirant for judicial honors is pleased to apply to Demo crats generally. Ho is good for a re jection when the Senate act- U|M>II the case. Tin: Philadelphia I'rr** has lieen in a terrible condition for several wi-ek* bccauac it imagined that a citizen of this county, notwithstanding he was a judge on the bench, felt some interest in the Congressional contest going on in this district. The great danger to the republic from one who had sworn impartially to expound the law, taking any interest in questions involving the purity and honesty of elections is np paliiug to the editor of tluit sheet. But the same editor, without emotion or alarm can himself attend a beehauu lian feast where the Governor of this great state, who but three months ago swore to impartially execute the laws, in a state of bea-tly intoxication made an incendiary and revolutionary speech of the very worst kind. Is it , not os iin|Mirtant that he who executes the law should lie non-pnrtizan as he i who exftounds the law ? A COLORED emigrant agent from Bt. Ixmis, who is employed as a super intendent of trans|M>rtation of negroes to the city of Wyandotte, Kansas, ac knowledged to the Mayor in private ' conversation, that he was in corres pondence with Senators Windom and illaine, as well as Win. Lloyd Garri son and acting under their instructions as members of the newly formed Kmi grant Aid Society at Washington. So ssys the Kansas City Time*. Whether this great colored hegira from the South was the result of a wicked hoax as at first supposed, or is the inspiration of these political mountebanks above referred to for the purpysc of weakening the South by re moving its labor, the poor deluded creatures are terrible sufferers by the great wrong done them. They ought at least to make some eff >rt to protect their victims from the suffering and starvation so fearfully prevailing amongst them. BEEEEFONTE, l'A., THURSDAY, AERIE 21, 1H7!. "Tin: Commonwealth" a weekly paper published in I'hilndclphiu and claiming to be Democrutic, week alter week i* attacking Hon. A. <>. Ctirlin, tin- Demoeratic candidate for Con grew in tliis dint riot last year. The same paja-r is continuously assaulting Senator Wallace, and in (act nearly every prominent Democrat in the State. It also opposes the Democratic organization in Philadelphia and is try ing to get up an opposition one. The editor of this piratical sheet is the no torious Jlichurd I'iM.r an old hirnnrle on the Democracy of the (Quaker fity, whose administration of the mayoral ity ruined the party. Wiis compound of conceit and corruption now pro |Hises to attack every prominent Demo crat who will not pay him black mail, and thus live at the expense of the party which has given him prominence, but which in latter years has refused to respond to his cormorant demands. If Wallace or Curtiu would bleed freely for his benefit, Yaux would praise them. Some of Yaux'a friends are a|Mj|ogising for him and alleging that for the lost five years he lues Iwu laboring under an attack of "to/ten ing of the brain," nrxl that he should not therefore IH held accountable for his alterations. This would be a charit able view to take, hut even then he should lie committed to an insane ns syluni, where his ravings would not annoy the public. THE Republican Senators do not feel at all comfortable, and have some doubts as to the President vetoing the Army Rill with the refloating clause annexed. The. hill as it now stands, has an amendment that obviates tin objection urged bv Garfield that it prevented the President using the troojw on rtie constitutional call of a Ix-gi-lature or Governor to suppress insurrection. This objection bad no foundation in fact, but with the amend ment the excuse is disarmed, and the -talwarts arc loft with the naked pro position of demanding the use of the army to control elections. The speeches are now made more to influ ence the President ami force a veto, than to enlighteu the country. They prefer that he sacrifice himself rather than that they suffer defeat and loose the [ower they were allowed to wield by the bayonet. Tiik Riot Rill was defeat's! finally in the House of Representatives last week, but it seems the advocates of the great job are not content to submit to this decision of the Representative*, but have chosen to present the case in another form in the Senate, adroitly disguised to commit the State and in sure success hereafter. The hill a" presented by Mr. McNeil provides for the appointment of a commission of five to be np|miutcd by the Governor to adjust the losses and report them to tlio next Legislature, there being no appropriations in the hill, except to pay .the exjumses of the commission. It provides for the payment of the corporation loss by the State, and in dividual losses by Allegheny county, and designate* the riot as an insurrec tion. THE friends of Mr. Yocum admit that Speaker Randall appointed a fair committee on elections and that the issue between him and Gov. Curtin will IK? determined solely on its merits. This is as it should le. Under radi cal rule we had too many partisan re ports front that committee. If Gov. Curtin cannot show that he received a majority of all the legal vote* cast, neither lie nor his friends desire or ex pect him to get his seat. PIIII.A ITEI.rm A has a dog show, and it is said to lie a great success. A large number arc entered, embracing every species of the canine race, from the great raastifT to the diminutive |>oodle. Now, let them get up one to exhibit tbeir honest Iyt, Mi * I'otneroy and Mr. iloyl received in the adjoining parlor. Ity 11 o'clock the ailkir was one of unusual bii!! ; ancy. Among tin-noted visitors were lion. (ialiisha A. 'irow, Ifon. J. J. Cameron, Adjutant'icnersl l.atia, Iloyt's Stall' in full uniform, th" heads ol departments, members ol the senate and lower hou-e, besides a great number of ladies. The floral display exceeded any previous attempt at the Executive mansion. Numerous hoi house pi hil l and exotics were grouped in the pallors and through the house generally, and shed th'ir fr.igratj.-e in profusion. The beautiful callo lilly min gled with green leaves entwined itself HI and through the balusters and wound its way up the broad stairway. In the centre of the banqueting | trior stood a floral decoration al out five feet high composed of choice fl iwer. and foliage, tn tho western rami r was the Key tone in buff on as .lid base which attracted considerable attention for it* symmetry and perfection in design. In the rear of this room was the coat of aims of tho great statu of i'ennsylvanin. It was a master ptcce. a triumph of success. The shield was coni|>*ed of pink flowers with the ship of State in tho centre, of violets. The pain horses rampant were a mio* of white flowers, with hoofs of violet*. A fine little green spray repre sented the loom n in*, and the feathery painpo*, their flowing tails. Tho eagle was made up of heliotrope, and the words, "virtue, liberty, and independ ence,'' composed of all colored small flower*, were legible on a white ground. Mosse* an l green* hung heavy front the chandeliers and liouqui'U ami flower stand* peeped out of innumerable reces- M-S and corners, and seemed like the voice of sparing in "the lsmi of sun and flowers," breathing their silent greeting to all. Weber's string band furnished the music anil the house fairly vibrated a* the festive crowd whirled through the varying dance. The gar dresea of the ladies cut low in the height of the fash ion, "flowed f.iun-1 one in river# of white," and blending with the sontbte dre*s suits of tho gentlemen, made a pleading contrt. The entertainment consisted of coflee, chocolate and lem onade. Altogether, the affair was adc ruled auccers. M. A. J. ♦ TIIE Republican* are now making mouths at the Democrat* because ol the appointment of one of MoecbyV lieutenants to a subordinate position in the Capitol. It i* only a small off set to the ap|Niintment of Mow-by him self by Grant and Hayes to more dis tinguished position*. Tn* CIHNIR QI-BSTIO* lis* rather dropped out of putdic attention of late, but the negro exodus from the Mouth is beginning to revive its discussion in a new form. The Vicksburg Hem/,1, one of the leading paper* in >(it*i*ippi, in recent atticln reviewing the North ward movement from its section, plain ly declare# that if it continue* it will reopen the Cuinese immigration que*- tion with tenfold force; California may not want the Chinese, but "if the South i* robbed of her Ialor she will, and, what i* more, ah will have them." The Vicksburg pije-r even reporta that a movement i* already on foot to call a convention of leading men in tho Mis sissippi valley to consider tho question and declare* that the largest cotton producers, merchant* and business men of all sort# are in favor of starting a line of steamer* between New Orleans and China "that will tiring millions of laborer* here if necessary." It is hard ly probable that we shall see either block men leaving the South or yellow men coming in bv the million, hut such rt.icle a* the Ifcrjhf * are decidedly suggestive. o*l of the agents collecting subscrip tions to send the colored people to Kan ass recently approsched Senator Rruoe, and asked him if he would subscribe to the Kansas fund. "Which one!" quer ied itruee, "to send the emigrant* to Kan* AS or to bring them back?" "To send them there, of course," responded the other emphatically. "Well, no," answered the colored senator from Mis sis*! pi, "I expect to have to subscribe to bring them back, so 1 think I'll waif." Itruee says very posit ively that lie thinks that this hegira will indubitably bring disaster and trouble to the negroee. Ted Oaths rr Juror*# Kk-iii ]|.iii>).ur K I'.iriol. In reply io a correspondent the Phil adelphia I'rctt ptofca*es to give uu im- I'ount ol the mantling of tin-juror's test j ''"'lis and at tho ri-a#oti why it is the . (• ii.e of •• no touch debate in Congress." Phe Prut labors 1 1, prove tint this w retched miim bronUm in tha legislation ot the country ought to stand because '• the spirit of rebellion still lives in the *"Uth and because it i* a reiiiiti'ler to the people of that section of tho odious domination of the I 'nidi over the'lon fwier,*jf. I nPee reasons with others eijUßiiy potent uu I liberal are so worthy ola stalwart that there j. no need to quarrel with them, hit the Prttt has not been ingenuous towards its con lid iug corie-p.iti hut. It has not told him that th|> tet oatli for juror*, was repeal • *1 by a Republican I ingress as early as l s i-i hut v,as r* -enacted in the revised -tatutes by uu inadvertency. It was not the intention of Congress to re en a ; the test oath, but the section con taining it was taken up in a mistake bv the commission to revise the iaw-. and when the revised statutes were re enact ed 111 a I rely til- sections pr SCTibillg the jurors test oath was found among theiii. 1 his fact was shown so clearly in the Senate in the last session of Con gress that the repeal of the test oath was assented to in that body with scarcely any opposition on the part of the Republican majority. In the House the repeal was passed in the civil ap proj nation bill but fell m the disagree ment with the Senate which led to the extra session. 1 hss part of the history has been omitted by the /Vc-j in its ttc Count ol the test oath. So r has the I'rrtt seen fit to inform its corrosjsaiident that the jurors' oath is but a remnant of the t—t legislation enacted by Congress in 1862. All the rest has been wiped from the statute tsook which exelu fes a eiti/ n from the jury box unless he can swear that he lias never directly or indirectly given airna tor s ami members of Congii-** and there are fifty Representatives m the two Ifou-x-s of Cotigrew* who could not take it. I.x confederate* sitting as .judge* in the I iiitei State* couiU proscribe this oath to jurors when they cannot take it themselves. The postmaster general of the I titled Slates ami the solicitor gen eral with numerous other federal ofli cla Is, can nut lake this oath, Kxuon federates may .it in the cabinet snd p ' ongrcss. may we.,r the judicial ermine! may hold ingh and honorable diplnttia tic positions, but they cannot jK-rform the subordmstq duties of grand and pet,t juror, in the court* of the United •states, fsijch is the monstrous incon gruity and alisurdity of this jurors' test oath, and it is not strange that tin* /'rets has taken so much pains to con ceal its true character from an enquir ing correspondent. Nor h>t the Prttt mentioned the true reason why there is so much pressure against the repeal of this test oath from certain portions of the Republican party. It is to prevent impartial trial by jury. It is to pro scribe intelligence and integrity and pack juries with ignorance so that they may be nisd" fit instrument* of oppres •ion and injustice. The IVmocrals in Congress ami throughout the country demand that there shall be fair and im partial trial* by jury, that the juror shall not be excluded by prescriptive tests that are not required of the judge on the bench or the district attorney, and to tins end they insist on the im mediate rej eal of tiiefoul and infamous juror's test oath. Ir is stated that after the close of the war Colonel Aliston, of tieoigio. recent ly assainated, replied through the Ronton Herald to aspersion* against the honesty of the Southern people. Hi* letter attracted the attention of Rich ard Henry (Una. Sr., recently deceased, and he s--tt Colonel Aliston acLiwk for $l,OOO, accompanied by a leiter stating In* dosire to befriend the Colonel, but that gentleman returned it, remarking that, while his own personal indebted ness was $->."40, he could not think of taking advantage of Mr. Dana's gener osity. A short while afterward the I Colonel lecciveil $8,1240 from Mr. Dana. which that gentleman Iwj-ed Colonel , Aliston would snake use of. This be did, and two years Inter returner! the full amount to Mr. Dana. A warm |-er sonal friendship sprang up iietween the two gentlemen, and when, a few years afterward, Colonel Aliston wo* made a happy father Mr. Dana's cheek for $,- 240 again came to hand as a present to (lie new ts>rn child. A Sharon oorree j (Hunlent of the I'ittahurgh Or he note* | this as an actual occurrence. Jitstm k F*t sr. of Newark, N. J., Sun day evening, received one hundred and twenty-six complaints from tneai ler* of the Citizens' Protective Assofta tion against parties violating the Sunday law. The parties against whom com plaint* were made were chiefly berber*, milk men, cigar dealers, a few saloon keepers and some factoriea. Among the factories complained of as working on Sunday is that of Rlanchard Bros. A Dane, leather merchants, of which Mr. Noah K. Rlanchard. President of the Raw and Order Association, is a member. Severs! other prominent factories are complained of. A m il's head does not toiPaln a brain capable of culture and refined rearing, but it is wonderful to what an extent the other end can be reared. -*♦- —— TUB statements of the National bank* .of Reading, just published, show the 1 total of depoeiU to be $1,277,420.08. TEH MS: J*l..'o per Annum, in Advance. GENERAL NEWS. Two coal miners were arrested at b'ontiMUville, Thursday night, for in citing to riot. Several prisoners were detected on Wednesday morning in an attempt to escape from the Carlisle jail. The financial affair* of the M. K. church of ( learfield, have been put in to the hand* of the ladies of the con gregation. Mrs. Hannah Tyson, an old lady of W aiker township, Juniata county, was burn<*d to death by her clothing taking lit '• from an overheated stove. Cien. John A. Dix, of New York was lying mi his deathbed last .Sunday eve ning, his death ben g momentarily ex pected, (Jen. Dix died on Monday. Rev.' harle* West Thompson, for the , lu-t twenty year* rector of St. John's Kpisecpal Church of York, Pa., died • tiddenly on Thursday morning, aged 84 years. A canal boat containing eight men belonging to Ktchewen, (Quebec, while returning from (juebec Friday after nwn- was upset and six ol the men were drowned. A man by the name of Panchot is the champion j-e Icstnun of America, he having won in the contest at Gil more s garden which closed lost .Sunday night at 11 o'clock. Mr. William < > I'.rien, who mysterious ly i*fl M .i.ville,< .tub:.* county, the day be wa* to Ik* sworn in a* Purge** of the place, has turned up in Albany, New A ork, and say* that he was only f-oling. Considerable in-i has been excited among the temperance people , of H illiamsport bv the pardon ol flor * ernor lioyt of a liquor dealer, who had been convicted of violating the Sunday law*. While a young man was reading a newspaper in the dining room of an Allegheny City residence, thieve* en ter-< 1 by the parlor window and made : ol! with a large amount of money and jewelry. The boiler in Hawley dt Co.'* steam saw null at Shelby, Oceana Co., Mi< b., exploded on Thursday, killing the en ' gineer and eriously injuring two other l-erson*. The mill wa entirely dc -1 •troygd. A Scronton, Pa., dispatch say* that a -evere mow, hail and wind storm Friday s morning, prostrated nearly two miles <-f telegraph lin,-. interrupting commune cation with that city until late in tho , afternoon. M illiam J. Ha '--ly. the Ail-any. N. A*., lawyer who was assaulted nd cut with a knife several we--k# since by one of lit* clients named Hughes,died Saturday night. Hughes ha* been in jail ever since the assault. The body of Charles Huff, a Herman *h