Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 17, 1879, Image 8

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Thursday Morning, April 17, 1879.
CoMNPaffPKKrK.rontnitihiif Important no**,
rl from ad y jn%rt of tin* county. No rotuiniini<atloni
hi-ssTtvl uuleM *4 < uiii|Mttiir<l try tho h-aI name of the
Local Department.
—Altoona expects to have tho State Fair
noxt fall.
—Sou advertisement of feebler & Co
on oth page.
—House-cleaning nnd garden-making
go hand in hand.
—Yesterday was one of the most lovely
days of the season.
—The llellefonto public schools close two
weeks from to-morrow.
—Howard Is preparing for the advent <>f
a Grange store at that place.
—Now is time to look at the comet. In
a day or two it will be receding from our
■ —A profusion of flowers have been col
lected for Mrs. Love's entertainment this
—JVork bo* commenced on tho building
for some time in contemplation at Valen
tine* Forge.
—1). M. Butts, F. q., of this place, last
week, vi.-i'.ed friends at Williamsburg,
Blair cunty.
Miss Emily Nat'., who for some time
past has been at l'iltsburg consulting an
experienced oecutist, bus returned to her ,
—Hon. Jaincs Milliken was ut iiis home
in this place last week. Much of the pn-t i
winter has been sj-ent at Hot Springs, Ar
—The Ladies' Missionary Society of tho
Episcopal church will meet this afternoon
at 3 o'clock at tho residence of Mrs. Thomas
—One day Inst week, while a little son of
Mr. D. S. Kerstetter, of C'oburn, wn en
deavoring to climb over the garden fence,
he had the misfortune to fall and break hi*
—Friday last was a general holiday, and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brew, and that dear
little baby, came to town to spend the day
at their old homes where they used logo
—lt was cold, it snowed, and was gen
erally disagreeable, and did not prove to be j
*uch a Good Friday, after all. Services j
were held in both the Episcopal and Luth
eran churches.
—A new and substantial board walk, re
cently laid before the elegant residence of
I)r. Thomas K. Ilayes, on Linn street, will
make promenading in that ]>opular locality
still more agreeable.
—Mis* Bertie Alexander, under tho core
of her mother, Mrs. Senator Alexander,
returned to her home last Friday. Miss
Bertie, although much better, still looks ,
pale and interesting.
—The grounds surrounding Gen. Bea
ver's magnificent residence arc being sod
ded, and what wa* one year since confusion
worse confounded will soon be the roost
delightful lawn in town.
—What, never? Well, hardly ever,
have we seen any business place which has
enjoyed from the start such a splendid run
of patronage as has root our friend of "Th-
Bee Hive," J. 11. itauland.
—The dedication service* of the now '
Presbyterian church at Philipsburg will bo
performed next Sunday. Rev. M. N. Cor- '
nelius, of Altoona, is announced to preach
the sermon on that occasion.
—A little ton of Mr. John Griffith, of
Pleasant Gap, died on Suturday morning
last. Tho derased was a bright, pleasant
lad, and his death will, for a while, be
sorely lamented by hi* friends.
—Tho Rrpubliran think* the name of
"Stormitown" is preferable to "Half
Moon." Well, there • no accounting for
taste. Tbe next thing the editor of that
paper will be <aring that he is handsome.
—Scolder A Co. are under the impres
sion that spring is at hand, and to ward
nwav the burning sun have extended the
awning tmfere their store door so as to in
clude the butcher shop, which is just next
—lt wa* announced on Sunday last from
the pulpit of the Episcopal church that the
Kt. Rev. I)r. Howe, Bishop of the Diocese,
would visit the parish in this place, on Fri
day the lfilh of May, for the purpose of
—The elegant new organ for tbe Epis
copal church will arrive this week. Dur
ing next week it will be placed In position,
and by Sunday tbe 27th of tbe present
month will be pro|red to give forth its
sweetest notes.
—The parties who are practicing "Pin
afore" have not worked very asdduoudy
of late. But now that Miss Emily Nalt,
who it the chief spirit of the affair, baa re
turned, new vigor will be infused into it,
and it will doubtless soon be brought to per
—Mr. William Levergood, adjuster for
tho Lycomjng Fire Insurance Company,
waa in town last week, transacting business
in reference to the recent loss of the house
of Mr. Blackford, of sH ileaburg, by fire.
An insurance of SI,OOO existed on tbe
house and content*.
—The entrance to Reynolds' Oper*
House has received a fresh cost of paint,
as the writer discovered somewhat to the
detriment of his overcoat last Satgpdnv
morning. It will, however, be perfectly
dry thi* evening and persona can attend
Mrs. Love's concert seithout any fear of
undergoing a similar experience.
j —Ono of tho moat delightful meetings >f
Easter Sunday was tho young nmn'a meet
j ing hold lit 4 p. M. in the room of tho Young
Mon * Christian Association. Tho topic
was, of course, ono suggested by tho day,
and by a singularly fortunate cireum
slnnco tho lender was John Mason Duncan,
than whom none could bo better calculated
to bring out the beauty and imprcssiveness
of tho subject. The half-hour talk which
he gave the eighteen or twenty young men
who wore gathered in the room was gjie of
tho liest ever delivered in that place, and it
is to lie regretted that tliero \y is not a
larger audlenco to listen.
—Wo glean from the Altoona Tribune
I lint Anna Heddignn, a young girl flftei'n
years of uge, residing in Altoonu, wa ter
rildy burned last Friday afternoon. Sortie
Imivs were playing with a lire near which
Anna was standing, when her clothes
caught fr< m the sparks. She was terribly
frightened and ran away, which only made
the flames spread the faster. A gentleman
saw her, ami hastening to her 10-i-tanee,
was aide, only after much i Ifort, t>> quench
the flumes. Anna is in a precarious condi
tion, hill there arc hope* that sire may re-
—The descriptive circular issued by the
Bush Mouse for tire prc-ent season de-cribe*
fully tire many and superior advantages
po-e.-cd by Hellefonto as a delightful
summer resort. This fH<t i fast Incoming
known, not only by trnn-ient travelers,
but by ail those who desire a pbnnnt
boarding place with ail the comforts of
home. If extended experience is of any
value, the present management of the hotel
should make it a great success. The terms
of the Bush House are extremely reasona
ble, being only if'. 1 jer day, or s'. to per
week—children and servants half price.
Mr. John Mason Duncan, the retiring
teacher of tirade No. 2, ill our public
schools, KBS just been appointed the re*i
dent agent for Centre county for the Key
stone School nnd Church Furniture Com
pany of Philadelphia. This firm are the
successors to the world-renowned Bancroft
Furnishing House. Mr. Duncans office
will be in the public school building until
July 1, where samples of d<-k, globes,
maps, etc., may be seen and examined.
—lf any ono seeks a solution of the beau
tiful smile which now illumines the coun
tenance of our brother in the faith, Mr
John Linn, they can find it in the fact that
Miss Constance Richards is so .n expected
to return to her home. She has been ab
sent visiting friends at Harrisb irg, Phila
delphia and Hoboken, ever since tbe out
rageous and extravagant display was made
in the inauguration of Gov. lioyt at the
former place.
—Tho Centre Hall Reporter inform* us
that Mr. D. F Lute, of that place, has in
vented a hydrant which is closed by the
pressure of the water nnd is not calculated
to become leaky or wear out. One is now
in operation in front of the office,
and gives satisfaction. Mr. Lute is an in
ventor who will one day become famous,
as hf has made valuable inventions before,
some of which were on exhibition at our
last county fair.
—On last Friday morning Mr*. Surnh
Itvchin, relict of Jqhn C. Rechm, died at
the home ol' her daughter. Mrs. Miller, of
this place. She was 78 years, 2 months and
1-1 days old, and was much respected. Her
funeral took place at hor old home in
Pleasant Gap on Sunday morning Mrs.
Reehm leave* la-hind her a large family—B
daughters, 42 grandchildren and It great
—A concert, prepared under the skillful
direction of Mrs. John G. Love, will be
given this evening in Reynolds' Hall. Past
experience has proved that whatever this
lady undertake* will i-e well done, and
therefore all can attend with the assurance
that what they hear will Iks fully worth the
admission fee—adults, 2-"> cents; children,
20 cents.
—Our mercantile friend, J. Newman,
Jr., has some very good specimens of
ready-mode clothing at hi* Kngle Clothing
llall for two ilnllarn and forty rente. If your
clothes are wearing thread-bare call in and
purchase a couple of suits. For leas than
rr*ntrrn dollar* you can purchase a suit
for every day in the week.
—John Mason Duncan, Kq., during the
summer months, will continue his head
quarters at tho school building, where ho
will give instructions to two young gen
tlemen who wish to continue their studies
during the summer, and will keep on hand
a full stock of school and church furniture,
for which be is agent.
From the Miliheim Journal, wo learn
that a man by the name of Jobsnn, on a
recent Sunday, borrowed a horse and sulky
from Mr. George Gentr.el, of Spring Mill*.
On the return trip a run-a-way occurred,
•mashing the buggy beyond repair, and so
injuring' the animal that it has since died.
—Gradually the earth it being covered
with a garment of green.— Republiran,
From which wo infor that tho editor of the
Republican has began to spread himself
over tho earth, for he would produce that
effect belter than anything else we know of.
—A new engine has lately been put in
the M'Calmont ore mines, In Marlon
township, by Bernard !**uth, Ksq., pro
prietor of tbe Howard Iron Works.
—All wind cassimer suits are mado to
order at Newman's popular clothing house
for $12.00 All work guaranteed to bo of
tbe best.
tlmo In thn pant has thu joyful occurrence
of F.astcr attracted more universal alien
tion tlinn it did HH tlio nnnunl revolution of
lime brought again to our mind* tiii* year
• the memory of the resurrection day, Homo
ol th braiu-hr* of tlio great body of Chris
tiana observed tlio day with special and
beautiful service*, while, almost without
i exception, all made some incidental ullu
\ "lon to it in tho |e**on* which the pallor*
( brought before their (looks. Perhaps the
| most elaborate jirepurationa for the event
| had been made in
HT. JOIIN'a KI'IKCOI'At. Cllt'Kl 11,
which was tastefully decorated with flow
or*, donated by the various member* of tho
j church and arranged by Misses Mary
Thomas, Jennie Reynold*, Kate >laekon
and other*. Tho fount was lilled with
llower* and vine* and on it was erected a
beautiful croM. All exquisite bouquet Mood
at tiie foot of the memorial to Rev. Mr.
\alt, w bib* two, equally lovely, were jduced
on the altar. A *jd> ndid scarlet lily Trum
the residence of Kx-(loV. A. G. (,'urlin
stood within the ehancol. Tho text in the
morning wn taken from Revelation 1:6--
i"And the flr.t begotten from tlio deud,"
and at the close of the Aiming service the
rite of Holy t'otumunion was i • b-brated
with all tlio Raslcr-duv sb rniiity. At I
p. *t. a children's meeting wa* held in the
church, with an addr. • by tho rector. In
the evening lie v. Hewitt preached from
the clause ill the Confession of l'aitll, "I
believe in the resurrection of the dead."
Tho musical programme wi* a* follows:
Itinm to.* - *mii|l t i Monk.
luui-r Aallona CfcafeK
Qldli* I'nti t
Ti IMmi !•■•.
JuMUf N IT, lintlM Book
Hnaa i |. v. * I ri
M.sri* Tlt.t _ .V- 1 *rt .<• 11*..k
H MM M . .. M MTt
f intiiM Rjwwd, M
T n**u 'i, Iftttittal (•. M
torn* :
; 1 rm In v.x -!•!• J* J.I
Anlhrm. 1 0(l !• ll* *lWfl I>r Cul# lt
l'*l' ' INI., N !•* lioM,
•- :• hw.,uriK. H
npi im
n . ...
"t'hrUt • Iw Tr, ' ...
LL'TiIKRA* lit IU 11.
At this church the approach of Faster
wo* heralded by four days of service of a
very impressive character. Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday each had service*
apjiropriato to tho occasion. Saturday
afternoon eight accessions wi re made to the
memliershiji of tho church, and two more
■n Sunday morning. Fotir of thoo re.
I reived the rilfl of Confirmation. The Rev.
J. K Miller, of Centre Hal), was present
Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning,
on each occasion delivering excellent di
| course*. Holy Communion in this church
also formed a part of the morning devo
i lions. According to custom on such occa
sions, a *|>eeial collection * ICS taken on
Sunday morning, resulting in liberal con.
tribution* to lie appropriated to tlio
! "Church Extension fund. In the even
ing Iter. Samuel K. Furst, tho pastor,
[•reached from St. Mark I'. 'i—"He is
risen," Throughout the day the music
was unusually fine, the concluding hymn in
the evening, "All hail the powes of Jesus
name,' In the tuno of Coronation, being
ung in a spirited manner by both choir
and congrcgatfon.
was also dec. ral<d with fl..wrr# c'intributed
by Mrs. C. M. Rower. In the morning
the pastor preached froftx 1 Cor. 16:20
"Now is Christ rissm from tho dead
and liecome the first fruits of them that
slept" The evening discourse was also I
on the subject 'f the resurrection. The
1 music was all chosen with reference to the
Master tide, Mr Siney Huffer j r.siding at
the organ.
TIIR W. T. riirRCR
was will attended In the morning, Rev. j
, Yocum, the |.*t..r, [.reaching at the morn
ing service from Act* 12 4—"And wh-n he
had apprehended him he put him in prison,
and delivered him to four quartemions ol
, soldiers, to keep him ; intending after
, Raster to bring him fsirth to the |ieople." |
This is the only verse in the Bible contain- \
ing the term Raster. In the evening his
remarks were bai<l upon Numbers 28. 10. .
gave no referenee to the great holy day in
its ervices, hut Rev. William Laurie, the
accomplished pastor, gave hit congregation
I two excellent and eloquent discourses, a*
are all the sermons which he delivers. In
' the morning he preached from Matt. 18:11
! —"For the ssin of man is come to save that
which was lost," and in the evening he
took for the basis of hi* remark* the word*
contained in Coiossians 1:9-11, inclusive.
HAITIAT mi-urn.
Rev. W. A. Iliggerl chose for hi* text in
tho morning the words found in the 16th
chapter of Ist Corinthians, nearly all of
which concerns the resurrection, placing
special stress on tha word* of the 2tth
verse, " Rut now is Christ risen from the
dead, and become the first fruit* of them
I that slept." At the close of the morning
service the rite of Holy Communion was
church was suitably decorated with flow
ers. Manse* were said at 8 and 10J A. TF.,
and vesper* with benediction in the eve
—lf yon want to live in a proper way,
Twould be wefl to do jtial a* we say.
If you buy osicealM. A. Braw A Son '*store,
The next day you'll go and purchase some
There's one thing you will always find,
That bis goods are cheap and of the very
1 beat kind.
sure the programme which will bo render
ed this evening at Mrs. Isove'sconcert will
*ponk for itself in louder terms than any
thing we can say, therefore wo will give it
to our renders :
"I.* t I lift II ilia MIX! V ii|i-r Kk*>Ul)<l," —rt"Mla
Illl* lurila
' Ilhiftliliijr M Htmio*
liiali ■ in.-n lit I Qmrl<-tii, — 'Umitil MrliU Gt#ff ••it,*'
ky Ml'iifam-r n<i liolfs r, A lliwan
kU** MII J t -My, |IIKIM> 11. Jr.. Wu||-nluiii|/t
'Tlx- (tixl Hi*, |urV • H-njr, l> Mi* \W(ofin
l>••. Qi|)| |
fruin Ktln,"—j'liaiiisaJiy, \y ||lm Mmr< lil-
IrmUu Hfw
' II*MHt i f t|| .%|—tllljflll —Vm| Jlu Mfaa Jmiln iMf ••
MIII V I MI Cfiinile (ira*.
llflniirir Ket tie Aii'l T.tll<aii, ly Mini
II '* I 111 fill"'. I
"Tl l'i|M*rn," —I'Uno Suln, M"< Hr m
in ah .. Ki. baHi,
\i i•! r Ik.. IIMMI MMMIIIIMI Polka, I • IIIM Bllla
UHH-II aii'l \|r
I.tillnlfj',"—Hting (an 1 TiiMfati, lll4 I.title AIIh ll*,
dm Half.
"Oi'ffure Tutiern4l t " —liiiltuniotiUl Trk, l* Mi- a
l.jbii iik) Urniuml Mfi I*M ' /* rwj
Wlicte tie Diss l.llllc libra (xHH ,' >M at l^nnMrlU,
l> Mr. 11. a- I,bill, M.a Sal II" M- -ili-lf), M-wr.
H*ll* ssii'l K• 11 • r. J'is'iiii|<<<i!
"Kl'lell'i,**— guilit'lli' liars-1 hot* It.
"Wlt. i, | hh a - Holt** t|s*r fr*n I'lhif re,
"|MII • -.f th Talrlsw - ln*trutit*at*l Q'urtrtir, l.y
>li*o tir*ef), |||AII*A A ; Mi.w# f'tit !• (m|
t*|i -"inf4. |'Uii 11.
*Ttn kutlirkjr, Hng bj Miai J• •• Dirt, A"itn
"fJluixl -sit/ lltilllanl/*— I'lAlt" try Miaa f4-||i*
II 11. ' W f
"Mr* rinllli, my |**tr llinra* t*r "■'t*4. ty Mt
Kim.ia A1 K• it* AI<) Maxler Walt* t le> tul K' ),
M atacta.
' Tl' Joyful I* aaaiit l'iati<- N>4", lf M • H" n
<f4|rr ... Unfit
Tall M•Min ir Ho fair lea ovi|| J |Hio m 4 Chonta,
ti;. wr
' Allfi;,"—liana |l|iUli,-PlMBr Bold, l#y Mi* Mary
ff is, Atli 1.
"(Uuladi AIL lla< ll* I. —Tlsafa'Tßß I#jr khsa
K11.1114 Akk'tt Ad'l Mn#t i Wa.lrr l/elltlal '),
'AJ- * f I fj*trum-ikt aJ fk. by June
Ikaf. ami Mr • !>*• ClutU<)ialk.
"I'll* ti<ll*M ami ' —Nni| ait<! Tal.| au,
"\!t**ya Oirr-tftil Walt/*-a ' QbiitlHtf Hr*u*a
"likt inn • inn - |f mM raUOk • 1 y
Wla* J* lils.- |>af . U<aai. I✓kfj nr. ! I*aki !, II T.
sionally there can IK- found insUfic.-t in
which persons, desiring Ui improve, make
ini*tiii.cs aiid render the result worse
than the beginning. This has given ri*e
to tiie warning not to "jump from the fry
ing pan into the fire," at the unlucky fish
have lawn know nto do. Then sometimes
iron will discard good narrow and take
houo-ly ones, generally for a bad [-urfeis*-,
though if the latter is not hit [irojK-r name
he changes it in violation of law. Fe
males, when thev marry, are excused from
doing this, as every other consideration
must of course be ulterior to the great bene
fit which the connubial state it sujq*(xi to
confer on them. Tho term "Half Moon"
had in it something of oddity, it was tug-'
gestive of that bright ruler of night
which we long to have with us ail the
time, and was eminently appropriate to
the region that bore the name. Hut now
come* the news that Half moon at a post
office is no more, that wc can no-linger
• mbcliUh our letter* with a 1 and then
follow with the beautiful figure of a cres
cent, that we can no more claim the right
of having at 1.-ast half a moc-n in Centre
county jierpctually. No, the postmaster
general has altered all this, and wo now
have nothing hut an unmeboltous, homely,
disagreeably-suggestive Storm*town jewt
oftlce. Of course, henceforth people will
have the right to infer that there it at
least one [.lace where it rains half tho
rotr round, and the remainder of the
time it *nw. Il is certainly not compli
mentary to the region which bear* the
name. However, wo will Kx>n got ued
to it and in "the meantime can at lout
practice writing the word "Storntntown"
and endeavor to make it a* preventable a*
(•oMihle, and thu* make the U*t of a ba<l
Ra'.a'Thi* i the quantity which the
Young Men'a Christian Association, of
thie place, have decided to a*k the go<*l
]rfv->p|e in thi* vicinity to contribute toward*
the magnificent new rag carpet with which
they contemplate covering their room.
The Ave gentleman appointed a* the corn*
mittee, have been, during the pat week,
endeavoring to internet a committee of
ladie* in each of the cburche* to aid them.
Thi* plan ha* merely been adopted aa the
tno*i expeditions way to secure the end
aimed at, but If there are any generous
individual* In town, who daeire to con
tribute carpet rag* all nicely ecwed Into
hall*, and hal! not he called upon by any
of the variou* committee*, if they will *end
their name* to Mr. Jame* Montgomery,
chairman of the committee, ha will be
pleased to place them on the liat of con
tributor*. It i* hoped that arrangement*
will all be completed by Thursday, the
(lr*t day of May, when the rag* will prob
ably he collected.
A llßi.tr or THI DAY* or WAAIIIKOTOK
aolving inowi End *oftening of the froaen
earth combined with the piacatorial opar*.
lion* of Mr. Archy Bathurt,of Miliwburg,
have unearthed a treaturc which mud have
been 00-exldent with the day* of the
"Father of hi* country." Last week Mr.
Balhurd wa* fishing near the trestle work
of the Bald Ragle Valley railroad, not far
from where once resided the venerable Col.
Holt, when by aome mean* he discovered,
on the hank, a button fully one and seven
sixteenth* Inche* in diameter by about four
and one-half inchea in circumference. The
button U evidently, an amalgamate of ail*
vcr and copper and beer* the Inscription in
plain letter*, "long lire the President—
0. W." Of course, the button mud heat
least ona hundred yeer* old, and probably
was one of the treasure* of the venerable
Colonel. Mr. Bathurat la much platted
with hta discovery and will guard it care*
fully. He haa already refuted twenty dol
lar* for bia treasure.
DOIMOM or llixTasuoox J'ataiiri tux.
—From tho full rejiorl* of tho Trib
une, regarding the meeting of .the I'roaby
tery of Huntingdon at Altooiia, last Tuts
day, Wednesday and Thursday, wo glean
tho following facts of immediate interest
-Mr. K. (.. Humes, of this place, was one of
the elder* elected to attend the General As
sembly, which meet* at Saratoga Spring*
on tho 16th of next May. A call from tlio
First Presbyterian church of Iloulr-dalo for
tho pastorlal services of Itov. William
(Jommill was accepted. Ib-v. William
Laurie and Mr. Hamiil look [.art in tho
I ni-gativo discussion of tho overture sent
down from the General Assembly propos
j ing a mora extended attendance on that
body. Tiie overture iUclf was not ac.
.copied by the Presbytery. Mr'#. Gibson
"fid Hamiil each advocated a more liberal
subscription to tho Hoard of Ministerial
Relief. Rev. \\ illiam Laurie udviK-at*-d
tho passage of the rejK.rt which favored
.aiding the churches of Old Man's Choice
, Hnd R hclWburg t-i the amount of } , X)
Rev. Rolsert Hamiil, M. M , was ap[*jint.-I
to preside, [>ropound tho constitutional
! questions and make the ordination prayer
in the installation of 41 r Owens over the
Shade Gap and * >rbior!ia< hur IM . 1 l,ur
dav afts-rnoon ProsbyU rv adj->urncd, tome<-t
at Orbisonia, Huntingdon county, on the
-ocond Tuesday in June.
A GKAKII COM'-RRT.— One --f the best
j riiusi- nl entertainments ever given in this
[dace was by tho colored University sing.
- r# lat Thursday evening to a small but
delighted audience, which frequently man
ifested its pleasure by enthusiastic and j.r.s.
Lmgod H|q-laute. A numbir of negro mel
odies were rendered with charming natu
ralness yet with a studied perfection that
aoomed at times too intense. As their
repertoire in not confined hi these, MISM .
Jones and Parker and Messrs Alexander
and Hughe* were aide to irivc severe trials
ito their skill in more difficult selections.
M i*s Jones in a solo entithxi "The Return, '
and Mr. Hughes, in a hasso #*do, were the
best effort# of the evi ning. ' The Planta
tion Smg," acborus "Learning l*iSpell,
a duet; arid "Tho ProfeMor at 11.-me, a
quartette ; were all thoroughly rdishcd bv
the audience. One of their nurnla-r pre
sided at the organ in a very skillful man
ner. It is to he regretted, in view of the
object and merit* of the entertainment,
that the troupe was not greeted by a larger
At a meeting of the Library Association
last Monday evening J. W Gepbart, K-q ,
intri-luc.il a resolution to transfer the
rights and franchise* of the Association to
the Young Men's Christian Aaauciati n.
This he did, because be considered that it
would, in tbatcapacity, more fully meet the
yrants fur which it was designed. Included
in th* resolution was the provision that
three rooms be maintained under the new
a /re* reading room fur hays, a
second for adults, and the third for tha use
of the Association [.roper, A strcnu -fis
opposition was made Ui the passage of this
measure, and Mr Gepbart thought it ad
visable to withdraw his resolution Wc
sinceraly hope that the Library Association
may meet with greater prosperity and bo
come of more benefit to the masse* of the
inhabitants of this town. An institution
of the kind is eminently necessary, hut un
leas, in a little community like this, if
throw* open it# door# to all, it liecomos a
supernumerary institution. The Y. M C
A ~ of this place, were the originator* of the
Library Association, and the passage of the
resolution would have been a commendable
move. It is, however, lest to allow the
manager* to conduct it in the manner
thry think proper in the premise*.
A > IRK AKI) A lltSd ♦he Phili[it|>:irg
Journal gives the particular* of an unfor
tunate and disastrous fire which occurred
near that borough one work ago last Tues
day. A two-story frame dwelling house
belonging t" Mr. Jack Nason caught fire
from a defective flu. and, notwithstanding
the most tlrcntindt efforts of the cilixent,
was burned to the ground. The ciIiMUM
worked bravely, hut the hero of the occa
sion was our own fellow-townsman, Colo
nel n 11. Hastings, who added to the many
laurel* be has already won, by tremendous,
but alas! futile efforts, to subdue the
flame*. The Journal groan# for more—
yes, an entire company of just *uch fellow*
aa the' Colonel,—and, —and thinks if they were
there all fear from fire would he removed.
Well, the praise# of the Journal are well
deserved, and Centre county and Company
R can justly b proud of the gallant Colo
nel, for he is handsome a* gallant.
—The Rrjmblisnn darn* U> infer that our
compoailion la not equal to Homer, Virgil,
or Caviar. Granting hi# familiarity with
thoae ancient aagre, we would aak If he ha*
carefully compared it with the writing* of
any of the other ancient claaaical competi
tion*, for inatance, Salluet, Horace or Cic
ero? Or pcrhap* he can find ill counter
part in aoma of tha more modern author*,
aa M Tauter, Hume, Gibbon or Waahing
lon Irving? No, to And compoaition in
all it* modern elegance and purity we need
only refer to the following from the fit
p*Munn of February 19. For the ertm*
4tlm cerme of literature It will carry off the
palm. Ju*t read Hand *pend the remain
der of the day in digesting it: "May joy
and blearing* aa axquiaita and hallowed aa
then* engendered by n bower of roeea acat
tered down by the band* of the Perl from
the far-off garden* of Paradiae crown their
wedded future and Increase with the lapae
of yean."
KIVK (,'KNTS. —Tho Kpiaropaliaris strs- <•*.
jsccting to litre thcdr HIM? IM-W pipe organ
ready for use on Sunday llio 2711. of April.
On Saturday evening, the JfUth, H lacture for
the benefit <if the organ fund will be d<--
litcred In Reynolds' Opera ll<,ue, by Mr.
J. W. B. Bailsman, a bright r„J a bl
young lawyer of Lancaster. Thit lecture
wa recently given In Lancaster for the
beni?flt of the organ fund of St. Paul's It? .
formed church, arj'l in several other iargcr
towns and cltitw for the benefit of the
Young M-m'e Chritlian Association. It ,t
everywhere einphatically pronounced ari
"n .'-ruining lecture. At LM?FURE announced,
the title of the lecture Is "Over the ,s-a, '
ami it will I e found the cheapest trip ever
taken by all who will invert twenty-five
cent* for a ticket, which art? now for tale.
Captain Snyd. r hat removed hit tailor
•hop from iu former location on High
•treet to the KM odd story of Mr. K'Jward
Brown t hui!?ling oj, it in |< • j, street, where
hereafter hit former friend* can find him
at pleated to <-? them at ever, This change
it ruVJe because Judge John Irwin, the
owner of the building in whi<b he? wa
situated, deiiret to tear it down and l>uild
a new bri< k building on ita site. The r „ w
building i* d<.ign<-d f., r an office and will
run La.,: about tblrty-fivi f-et, making it
j convenient for mi office of airnott any dc
—An unprotested note it liable to pro
test at any time after 10 o • lock on the dav
it i due. jbe law, however, requires t#
hank P. ecccj t payment, if tendered any
time le-fore 3 o che-k on the DAY of jp*
maturity. I hit it a point, however, on
which difficulty it not likely to occur. If
payment t> brought within the business
hours of the day the notary will not be
found exacting at to raise any question
at to accepting it. In VS.* instance* in
1000 protests are after 3 o'clock, though
the liability to protest earlier exists— A\r.
Harry K He.., of the hardware
•tore. It, as usual, ah<-ad of all com}>etitorf.
No place in this town can g'sodi of the
same value lie found which can b* pur
chased at the aim st n omnia I price of T,
cents He has a large table full of ute.
ful articles, such as dust pant, baby rattles,
etc., which can be bad for half a dime
Be sure to give him a call before purchas
ing elsewhere.
Among our death n"ticca may be
found that of M ► s Mary K. JXsugherty,
who died at the residence of her father in
Spring township on RatU-r Sunday. De
ceased was an estimable young lady arid
her death will cause sorrow among her
many friends In this community and also
in L?<k Haven, where the lives! for tome
time. Her funeral look place on Tuesday,
Mr. John Koiirbeck, of the green gro
cery , it in possession of a very elegant
fireman t badge. Mr Richards, the jeweler,
procured it for him in New York. It
represents a hose carriage and inwrribed bo
-1-w on a scroll are the words, "Lsgari
Iluse No 1." The w hole is solid gold anJ
very handsome.
—Tuesday evening last Mr. J. II Ilau
land was compelled to again go to lb" city
for a new supply of gossl*. "The B-o
Hive ' exclusive dry-goods store sells goods
so rapidly that iu proprietor is compelled
to lay in a fresh stork every two or three
A select sociable will le held to
morrow evening in Bush's Hall. Prof.
Young's string band, of Lock Haven, will
furnish music, and a walking match will
give variety to the enjoyment of the eve
lbs not forget the excellent cntcrUin
ment for which the Centre Minstrels are
now practicing It will be given in Rey
nold*' Opera House on the evening of
Tuesday, April if..
—Young men, it will be fully worth tho
; price of admission to see the pretty girls
and hear them sing "sweet songs of love''
at Mrs. Love's entertainment this evening.
—A large amount of new tyf# has been
added to mir already large stock, and we
are now I setter than ever prepared fof all
kinds of plain and ornamental job printing.
Mr. Cal. Lose recently returned from
Philadelphia, where he has purchased an
elegant barouche. It wilt soon appear on
■ our streeU.
—Attend the meeting of the Centennial
Temperance Club next Monday evening.
Important business is on hand.
IsV4s hihw.is April Wli. Hp Ro A. D Versus,
Mr Samuel A. WMsts.ll AN I Mis. KM. BETBNWK
KTKI.RT--n.LIAMa-AI Us. rsMnm at Use
brill"* m .tlset Is lls.ies i-.ts.Mr MsrrAs IK UtS,
BY Us. B.* W A Ri l*-. MR WM II fcekMp SAD
MI. Km. W W 1111.m.. all cf Mirth* Pars ST I. |
rOWTJlKT—HAjn.gr.—April I'SK. si Us. bsssoUs
biV4. bp Mst J A K?i. Mr. J"Ke P<.lsrt. tsf
Bnabsbwra. Ms Mas K J, Dsnl.r. i 4 Pise Owv. Milk.
Wll.t.Rlt-11 ARPSTRR -OaUse MoT AtUI. atOwtr*
IIMI. bp R.. M r l is. Mr. Mr. Jrry MiUw sad
Minn Msec!" Rispste. MK rfOstrs Hsll.
U*B— MrnrilT -Os TsmAsr. April t. IST. bp grv.
Ikentl Wtlsrsa. si tb. M a |>imi>|r la w—l desr
•slAMr A A tst, ol UsrtHt-s b-.ss.bip CWiMi
essstsrv. Ult Mis Msrp Morpbj, of Pis. tln-ss
Mills. iWwtr. ens sty.
MUM.—Aa lb* >h of April, la Miltbofaa, Matmm
U f, >H ?• pin. 1 awili, n4 I Aa* |
mUCT-flof Mtlri <Mi tb ataraint of lb*
.mh ol Mar. h, l*T. >1 ttt untfcara <4 bw mm. la
A)m* tn—iKlp, Oatr* aoaaty, H ' * |W, t
aiaih wt It It).
nnronmTT -tmiM April <*•
wa|tl(*. >1 ibr iAmw M W hllat la IpHf
toaaablm Mtaa Mar; K lb-a#bm;. aN 0 pMb
TAYIAML -AttAt) moral"*, April H. lata, ana at
Iran ami Kill* Tajb.f, at aaar McOnJ and Una i
/otjgr, *4*4 1 month* and 0 Abja.