Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 17, 1879, Image 5

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    New Telegraph Lines*
From ilU|Nt li t P!iilt))'l|ihi Tlmfi.
W AsniNOTox, April ll.—The army
hill came up for consideration in the
Senate to-day. The paragraph authoi
izing railroads to transact a general tele
graph business was adopted without ob
jection. It is understood that the
Western Union company canvassed the
ground very thoroughly and finally con
cluded that any attempt to defeat the
proposition would bo utterly futile, •
penally as they had been thoroughly
beaten at the last session of Congress.
A veto of the entire army biil on ac
count of the political rider is now hoped
for by the Western Union, to save them
from the new competition to grow out
of this paragraph referring to tele
graphs ; but oven in the event ot a
veto this provision can, without ques
tion, be enacted in a separate measure,
it having already twice passed both
Houses of Congress within sixty days.
Mr. .1. C. Kieff, of New York, who has
f;iven special attention to this telegraph
pgislation, says that commercial and
|>ross messages will'be sent over certain
important railroad wre.s within thirty
days after the army bill shall become a
The Senate ndjourned over until
Monday, when the debate on the poli
tic-Hi features of the hill will no doubt
begin in earnest. Wallace and Blaine
are both expected to speak then.
A Crowinu I >oo.—The St. Louis (7IA,
Democrat says: There i- a curiosity ,>>
the little village of Brandon, North
Texas, in the shape of a crowing dog.
This canine is the property of a citizen,
J. B. Brandon. The animal has gener
ally made his couch in the chicken
house, directly under the roost. h
seems that the dog has become suae
customed to the periodical nocturnal
crowing of his friends, the roosters,
that through sheer imitation, he has got
to crowing as regularly as they. At th*
midnight crowing the canine begins
with his feathered fellow-lodgers, and
crows as long as any of them ; and so
accurate an imitation does he make of
it that his master, Mr. Brandon, though
standing right over him*, cannot tell
his crowing from a real cock's. Tho
perfection of the dog in his new role is
quite atonishing.
Considerable alarm exists among cat
tleowners in the vicinity of Wilkeiltarre,
owing to tho prevalence of pleuro pneu
monia. < hie veterinary surgeon ol that
place has charge of eight cases. Sev
eral cases have resulted fatally.
Philadelphia Markets.
TCPY, A R-Tit t.v.
Fctß tin Mttl—Floor U doll, hut -in- 10.n.<-l in
pri '-. Sal*, of so 1 barrel,; tuHttdla. Mtuasww r .1-
tn, 1,.i1y, Rood Rod hnrT, l( W -S. Peaniyltrittl.
do. Jo., Rl f4.6-.o; W.-trrn d > do It SVtr.6, eol [ ,
t.nt *nd other high gride. "I Jfifi-t,*. Kyi flour i,
■bwlr it lUßsl.aT l r Corn tue.l i nominally ut>-
litis—Vhist la ai"l unit *tendr. R.le. of 4.01,1
ho.li.li; MiHrr l'*-ftii,il*.nii red, e • jr. p.,,t,.
ivlrinli sod Sou th--t it imher, tr*> k ait -1 el.rit-r, it
fl 1 l>-j/,el 14 a- in-l hjf> J tVctern red. Meritcr, it
(1.13. Kyr l |ntt. We |it..t it MV,XI.. for South
ern, ind 37f't.X*o for Wt.h-rn ind Fetirwyltitiii.
Core—The tn.rk.-t rnnlltiitei 'joiet hut proee rale
Arm; .lie. of 4,000 ho.li-W, iltrlitijitiir rejerlej, if
4o'fclPfe; steamer, it llAi.iitr; Southern yellow, it
4lK4lr,Mall, eleritor, it lit',- 'let. ire unlet
in.l ttrelt: mlei of 4.'lit I n-h-te, to- lading *t.ior-1
it .ntr tlitp, mlfed it 31 i.'.'Jt , Slid vhite.it .'-k it,.
Sr, o-—Tint-.thy in.! Fits wed in fltslit ir,.| nn
rlitnrel. Clorrrue.-.! I, dull it 11 I,'V for #..nituoo to
Bcillefontff Market*.
Iliu.tt•<*?l, AprU IT, IET 9.
WkilH vhmt, pf t*uhl fl no
H1 wh*at 1 ffc'
Ky, p-r t>uh*l. 6o
Corn, cot*
Com, iblld 46
(MU... .6
Flnur, fHUll.|*r Urfl.. 3 Vt
Flour, wbolAl 6 W)
lUf. ctioii-P tlrnotb>, |*r tn .f 10'
)U, witfl.i-r lon I ui
rjr bun<tl*d, p r I n fi 64
Sbovt itrw, pr I'm 6 .'*o
Cafrif*. ffonrwl. per ton $ o On
.Non tbotin, ground. |r ton 10 uO
Prowltlon Market-
Corrected weekly hy Herper Brother!.
Appl*. drt*l. \>+t i*otin<l *
• ItsfrtK, drf#*l. |svnl. 10
llwti* p*r • 10
Fr*h buttr j-t piuntl 16
rhiokom j*r |mhint 0
(It***# p r p><inl ... H .... H 16
' •ninlr; bm lima*! lo
Iftmi, diinr l'J
I • u T
l-in! |--r p"nn4. MM ... h
Etfn p*r ..... 12
F<ttf* |T l.qihel lJi>
Im.wl m
rnn**l raa...~. ... ~liv<f 15
l*rn<n* p*r loi .. .. 26
lirMis#tci*ni p*r p*und.................. n
•/. //. It A VL.t X It'S " llrr-Hi vr." More, Allegheny fttnvt, Jlrllrfimtr, I'a.
T T T It H K K. • H B K K K £ II II II V V K K
T 1111111111 KK 118811 RK KK IIIIHIT II II V V KK
TTT 111111 111111 KKKKK 88888 RKRKK KKKKK * 111111 lllili 11111 V KKKKK
I have ju*t opened a new and complete line of
DRESS GOODS in all the latest Spring styles,
SHAWLS, the Latest Novelties. Curtains, Lace and Cloth.
CARPETS, best goods, all choice patterns.
NOTIONS and TRIMMINGS, &c., &c.,
A cnll at the SS&ZZTVE will convince you that it U the CHEAPEST PLACB IN TIIK COCVTY.
Youra, reapectfuily,
jr.. H:. BATjr,A.isrr).
Kew Adtertluemruts.
We have given very close and
careful attention to the selection of
good* for the Spring Trade, and
fvil justified in Haying that our
present Stock cannot he excelled
either in regard to Variety, t/uali
tg or /'rice, and we douht if it it
equaled in either of these respects
by any house in Centre county.
There are too many leading ar
ticles in our stock to make special
mention of them-all, but cull atten
tion directly to a few items that arc
now being sought after every day.
.tfackcrel are of good quality this
season an<l are selling rather faster
than usual at this season of the
year. lie have been silling noth
ing but full weights—-hi) lbs. of fish
in each quarter barred and 100 lbs.
in each half barrel. '/Vim/ have
better value for the money than
short weights.
Ijuki Herring and White Fish
are very fine this season and sell
ing freely.
Our Sugar-Cured Hams. Dried
Beef, Breakfast Bacon and Chcesi
arc all worthy of special mention.
Oranges and lemons are very
fine and the price low enough to
to bring tliein into every day use.
But the price on these goods trill
be much higher in a short time.
Our Meat Market, next door to
our Orocrry room, is always well
supplied with the choicest meats.
lit kill the List Beef, Mutton and
Veal that ran be found; dressed
in first-class style and screed to
customers in the neatest, cleanest
manner possible.
No house in the Grocery and
I 'rovision business in BelUfonte is
prepared to supply all the wants of
the Jnmily so well as ur can do at
Hu.'h House htork, Bellefonte, /'.
NOTICE in hereby given, that the
r llootnc name-l 1-rhave ftj.-l th4f peft-
I ti >• (■ r Li nv in th- office of the Clerk •' the.rt
"4 funeral Quarter Bewvhma of fhe |Va e tfcar.'l f t
the County nf eniM en I Ptefe f Pennsylvania, -!
that application Will )*• nw.l" Hi the n*lt f
NII 'I Court hi grant th <AID
nnl> I Uirtniß, . .... Tev*r, IM! font' Borough
Jacob I. Krman sal u, (it egg Tvi riili
Hen Lei. \ *haflr, T*on r Kor
Perry 11. Slotrr Tnini r ....P*iQ T?uitip.
Kalian! llifw, ...PhtlipvLnrg lbrough.
Ilanry C sal**m IWllofcnit* IWowgn.
Han.nel || KMON, ... Taffii, Liberty tuMhi)i.
J. T*trri,-..r Uer Ttnip
Llwur ! Br< wii.. Tavern, &,nt* IV.r ngh
Robert TevW-r Tavern. IV ROUGH
Jonathan Kreur,.„..Ti'wti,.... Millbein U rungh
j Kiel-*'! Ujd— TlWlll.... ThilifMi ti'i IV i<Ng|i
Frederick Bmith, -m B**|LmU Her ugh.
John fi. I'ulr .. Tavern. ...Pnow it* T -uhip
J. 11. o>litirk r . Tuirn I'aili'ii Tovmabip.
IIO.R K. hl. ..... Tavern —VI LKR T</*UHT|.
I hit lei h llaag. Ta ern, —Jtprlfcg Townetp
J..hn Anlrnn r sal . n. .... B lle'.Qt* B-.r ugh.
Jeffrey IU)N TAVERN. ... Kuh Town •hi;.,
Joel Kiln*. Jr Tavern,. .. Marlon Ton nhip.
• ieorge M--| PM Tavern, Bellefonte Ifc.r ogk.
Jahn (Vfenlntvr Tavern.. . .TavPr T -nnvhlp
AvcMlai Rfon Tivcti, MMbatilot < ;h
Al* I* A Kotillwlier Tavern. .It gg Twnahip 1
William 5. h.nf Tavern Ihlnn T":.bi;
laaa~ I
IVter Wilier, Aalwft... ridl'iaieirf Ik-rough
Hm fif# I IB*, kfon!.... Make n,... R*-ii. font* R--rough
John llainv-lal*,. Tavern, Phi It |at r< IV.rough
W. 5 V>.ve*r_ Tavern,.. M.l'!*eim It rough
Jamas Pawmnre,. Tavern. Pbilipet org Borough
Albert Kant 1.. "nloon,. . It* llef.nl* B>r-u|h
Itavhl II Ituhl Tavern Bolter T *nalip
llunaani A Teller,- . ...Tavefh,.. Ihl)(..ie finHiag h
shartrnrk st*fTjr. Tavern. Bfftiaon T ur.ahlp
C. A Fanlhnar,.-........Tavern, I'LTIUPVNRG him
J C HARPER. Clerk.
SUITS to order $12.50.
I Tats, Cops & Shirts.
1 J r/u>iit<>x*i.ie boot A miotmum,
ftrocki ih fi E>, Ai>g)*en y tret,
I-ly luio font*, Pa
Harry li. I tic hit. Hardware.
[Successor to T. A. HICKS A 8R0..]
7 7 7
Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond.
—AND- -
Hume* Ijltfk, next door to I'out Office,
A ft* n.w aelling gioda >Q (h#ir tin* kl mnrh rw>lur*J
prl' I < AMI In ficUtiK*' fi nil kinda
Th*y *rt> g'--le '*eti d*, *. that < u#P tn*r
can f#- 1 <■ *i%in f getting
rrui-: A\j> I ur.su coons:
Their tUxk it complete •> 1 w || fli led, Mid ri*igti
in | r t of
Light and Heavy Groceries,
Oraiurcs, Lomons, Nut> A. llaisini,
of #w*rw kit. I nnd ttriHy.
Hams, Sides, Shoulders
T'f thT vllh (h"lrt
perwti* wanting r>*k in their lint will find a |/
U#lr ndtnnUg# to gt* litem a (all.
V B|fKKR\H, the || ., (lailN A W*y*r. Pwt
d#nl <4 th* < -art >4* ■ mm m hew of Ju HmJ
ll#lr*t. DHttKtiiif it th* rcvntlia '4 IViID, llfr.t t
•d t 1 'rt*lA md the II "W H>. n| I'rank and Us*
l|.<n Jwhn IHui.. Aiwritl* JkdfM hi Cealt' ant;.
linvtnc im**-l tlt*u j-iwrj.t, l#nn( <Ut* Mh Amy *4
l*tu*ry. I*7w. I .* f f h- idle* a Cowrl <4
"T"' and Terminer and i"*r%i Jail li,i,n ai*4
'jwerter **•.. t4 lit# Pww# U H- Ufnte, 1r tl
oenty of t farre, and V nwtr*" • on Ik* F arili
M Hlay of April neat, 'ing th* 2Mb Ut of April,
I*7*, and t.. ritli <w tw.. w#-k# Jfollt* • h<-rd.(
! gleen b tk* C4 n*r Juetlrew >4 it* IWa, A Mermen
•nd CooiUMn f MH r. unty uf <>ntr. fk*i hy l#
L tfcen an I th*r* in th*lr ( <nnw. at |. rkwk
in the f..rr. .n 4 mH Amy. with their rr-.n|a. in qui
•tlh aa. *amliati r.a, an 1 tkrir aa
; tft it Ut -a thine* whhh Uj their "flk# appertain* to
to ii>•?<■ end tli i* wb ara t* un I In <w l*
j ri##-~nte iffvind the pr|* mere fh*t ara • *hall ha ta
tb# jail < 4 >nlra '<*mtj. then and tb're u> |<rm>
rwt# *g*ln*t them *a *h*H ha )(
<lUe wnd*c my hand at RatUf-nfa. the Mb day of
I'et rnar>. In Ike t ~*r .4 -w#r L.rd I ftp. and tka •
hundred and •*- and y-wr of the Irul* p*t)d*n* < f th#
1 nlld HUIN
I'M! JnllN RfARGt.RR Ukafiff
a \ teller* of AdminiMratkai on Ik# aviate of
J..hn •witter, a**a-|, lata uf Reana* T wnakip,
> • la-n franted hi tka un lr*tfn#*l. r •wider, t .4
Rei ef. nte.he r* ,naa* all |<arwin kr< wlnf themaeleMi
iMkhtel I. aal 1 Weahnl to on# f rwar l and make
Immediate payment, and all harirtff daim*
him to praaattl thHr arrmtnU. dnt> anthantirafad ft
MtWmmt D A KLINR. I' 4(
lU.lifaitp, Marek 4. |l7i. AdmlfiMmlitr
LX)K KENT—three (lc*irahle front
I roan*, aronf it ry. In h- aa ntnata on Ny.
r rnar of Nm -rd awlU' U f..r "Hh* atnall family
or aleaplnf room*. TeHk* r'an..i r Ma. Kn ,utr f |tr.
X H II tia, uf W D RAll.rr.
11-tf oft tka prenlaa.
S. !'• A. LOtCIt, General Merchant*, Alleyheny Street, JteUefontr, J'a.
< Xr \ I ni'R \ ALLEGHENY STREET, ,(C C> r V 1 orn
1 • A. 1A / { BELLEFONTE. PA.. (0 CV' .\, I / 1 J
Snr AdvertiHvment*.
. ' f . j ril. . f I I. t.iaii iu-lu ,n4
V.r.l.tl.rtil llt.iu. lu.l-t I f Hi* .rI ..f (V.lu
rr>.n I'lkm .f • tr* itdy, and t me difo I*4. th*r<?
will he etpcowl at p.itdii •!* at ih* r. url IIWM>. In
7H f .t* 4*n fATt'IIDAY. APR!I. '2* l. A !• IC .
at on* r.viork ' M. th* foil wing d^fii—l r*al
total* uf th* d*f*ridait*. In wit
No. I.—All thM i'l-rUiiri lot or • f
' I'f -M.I aitnata In tr,* J* 'toigh uf RelloA't't*. Centre
j 'trtinly, tMrtimli I ti. I lie rii ol m follow, b wit
j •!> Ih* north hy Ih* I'rt* in pmpettf on the ea#t lj u
aU*y, on th* w.uth l.y th■ Pi I • fhwi h |r j*rtt,
j atxl an tUr w**t hy the Haul* mUU, > i.tninlr g
J alwiUt t w-. ' r*a ti-.' * ut >•♦ . tkeieon eted at W
• *t.rj dwelling h *.a i two-atory ode* ! hwi ling*
' *ti.| atxl other oti uihliug* h* i' l. tk*u )&eg*
I nation and tn la odd a# th pnprty 4 B'll*fnnt*
No. 2.—Ail thfct (-eriain lot ,r |.WS'P of
; grouted ailnat* in P*tgu -n t'.w ml!; C*ttU* <inty.
I'enn'a. hound#*! on the not th hy land f th* R>h*r
..*,r art th* *•( l y land f Jm Ball, on th*
umth I ? lar> |i .f i ho Khidl, atid •> th* we*: hy land#
; rf haTi.u*) If-Bill aa*a. mntalbing -.u* hut 1 red aai
thirty 0*- n re*, w. r* • l ,•••. at> al •■* kwodrc-l •<*•
l*er*-d thet • *f * t#d t#. t f.-fci;.* hoe*. kg
>wrn and iMh*r owl huildiiig* Mi-4, takm In *•* u-
Uoti, and h ta #•! I a# Ih* | r rty c 4 An li** Balk* r.
No. 3.—A1l that certain lot r uf
growref ait'iat* In th*- t wt. f Aaron*i urg. || r.w
tiiwnaliip. (Vntce * utkty, penna. and marked in th*
„ - er • j let. It wu Hf ih"
•4it. a l>e4nltg Ka< ha*l'* B n.ai l i th* *a*t Aa*' . •
> ;*. . t * * 'j( Its. AJI, t. t y.e wwt. HI >1
■rtrawlwrry all*r •*• th* north. * i.tatng ta I r*a>lth
along Aaron'* vjatfe f**t. and in depth al-mg
IU hal'a way 4*D f*wt there i. a tw > et ry
le t*l Iwi! ! e.g aad •l"f* hunae, a twu atory dwtrl.mg
hone* ael other nut hwiidir*ga
All lhl I*ll T fill .!. A m rUI 1.1 • f friHalxl
■ tuat* in !•* t' wu f tar 4airg ( r.ir cv-uaty.
Pa . aald lot gtlkt#i to ik* g*n*ra. plan <•( aa.d ( w n
TM. Iuwtdel atid d**r r '•••! aafulh.ws Itegi i.lng at
th# e*uth wol o rtwr uf M X<> A!*•- * ahmg
Aaron* p 4 uare *at XI M. Iheoraal' t.g ridw* f tk
•am* lot No nf i. -rth fk feet, then • w*i fi f**t.
tUn*eti rth |P f**t. th*nc* eaet & f*el. th*n<* m-rlte
JC fe-*t h> PtVntrWerry alley thetW al ng aad all**
m4 12 feet to I--! N ' 3ci>. tb*n< • ahtteg aaid I t e utk
jo fut to place .4 l*i:inni*g TW*a erected a
larg* temk '•*rn here* :. tak*n la eieuUus atl l'<
U *rld ae the ;■* ty of Ll B.yer.
No. 4.— A1l lht ortAin lot or of
gr<tjnd eitratein tk* 1-jr .ugh *>( Inilet'-r t*. Outre
o uuty. I'ean a !• uat*4 and <l4niM a# Mlowe w
the r rth h* lan I# >4 Jhu llarrm, on the *w# hy
land* uf A. 4s 'a* tin, on tl.* •-•uth > an ail*y . *n-i .u
th# wig hy latele 4 Jaru*a If s *y, fr •Siting on ald al
Uy al*wt Ki iut. *ilending k at- •t Ju f- H t-i
land* 4 Jrthn P llnine Bm u t*4 a i* •:
double frame h-oee. atald* and i-theu ■ at hwildiitge.
Aetred, tak'n in egerwth b and to tw a44 a# the pr.p
erty uf Tatrlck Ktiy
No. 6 —All tht rrUin trsrt ef <in>!i
land eitnat* In Ytarrla U.wnahlp,Centre rowuty, I'unna
•ur**y4 la th# warmutew nam* uf Ma Irwta, •
taint tig D4> a< rw#, nv-r* or leaa,
All thai certain tract of ••* d land eitoate ia
Potter tewnehlp. OanltW nwaty, penna anrr*yel m
th* warrant#* nam* 4 J .hn J* arls. r..tainiug !•
am, mwv* or l*we, lhre are. ted a *t<awt •** m il,
fraui# tenant kv*w#a. etahl* at.4 other ut hwiid nge
tWir*d. uk*n in •* uth.u and tn lo wld a# the
•rty of |ae I i, larw*d aad Juaa t i< i.i
newt re Jew i n lerw -t. i|nr*a*l. B.aan R l'n l#r
eisd wWV.w. Ins l'n)#tw d, Jaaon i*adefw
Owen I wderwond Barn#* I nderw *t, Mary A Bay,
aal R. tl. * hr i.u' wndanl 7, I nt*rwsnd and
B iilAam J I n l*rw.*d h#4r* and legal rs.|u*entat4 *•
f.f I'D l#r w ♦*!, do**.*!, with notice to Piavin#
J< nea, W*|4i*ii llumphti e ami JAk Pow Twrre Tim
an la.
No. ft.—All tho right, title snd inUrwit
uf John P drat air of th# defendai.U tn and b that
*rtaia 161 er pi'** of gr wnd eilr.ate la th- tMin ugh <4
< *ntre r at,try, Penaa U.ui..|*l and d*-
arl'ed a# tallow#, to wit On the north ly laur4
street, oti tha ml hy N-atk Centre #iro*t. on th#
■•nth 1 y Pv*e 4 ae |a|e ri-wl aud >m the w*wt M ) | |
C Muwaen and otk*ra, floating oa th' aald l r-eje*
Isle etr##t alM.ul ih fe*t and ea neling Uk Ifptleet
to ald laurel street There a uert.4 a Urge tw*. nr.d
a half etory tmrk dwelling W *-4# •udat'.rw #•*, a two
etoty frau# tenant k.tt* aJI-l uth* r M! I uiidioga.
•died, taken in eerutloa and lo le 1# at 14 a# Ih#
property ef J4.n M. <#ray.
No. 7.—Ail IhfHw <>*orl lot. or jtioon.
of Hrt.l tituat* if, Ih* '*•' lhw
f h(laatn( , lfc . th .Mr of OaU* lu
frrl r.l of .1i,,. IhMw *lh 1/ rot ai*.
frr, ... tlrafrh Alt,,. IhM.ro oloatf o*f •!!,
TB° r.l )UU f.( U. • prat. It.MHW ► fth I#' rrt SB,
fr.1... ra.tlß ttrrr., H..io-r mi.l oir.r. •.oil!. TR
• rat in. loot to hr I 10. r ..f SoM Mo
(aing .orh k< f-r. ftußl OB ool'l iUOO4, Bad OlMoliof
lark #u foot lo 80. I olio).
Two no. thoroif ..loot, ob Ih. 8.-rlh Ohio of Chrtlri
oroot tagli.Blog o. U.. pint ,1 IMBO, .Bb of oo.U
MM on I looolM! Bllr, .honor ohn.g oohl a root
n ir.h TS° root I<> fo. t a p-ot, .hB<o n.,rlh IT- M
Ait, M to on olio,. Ihoßro ol.mg oold oil.; o.nth 7k
800, ICO, for. i.oolnr olio,, thor.ro 01.-hg o'l.j
ormlh 12 000. foot tn tho |JO0 ..f bogißßtßg. l"tg
Mil ku foot r,.0.l u oohl ot,oat, on,l oliorntillg liork
SiO hot to rol l alio,.
Tarn romo tt.oroof hoginalng at o |wfnt ua Ih- north
at.lo of Ortln atroot * M oaat .4 {Motor olio.,
thonto oi.mg oaM otroot in,rth Tk o*.t 114 foaM tn o
foot, .homo aorth I/' 000. *•' far. . oa alloy, Ih-aro
along oa!4 allot noatb 7•' ooot 114 100. . a (mat.
Ihra.o anuth II" ona. S> foot ... (ho plaro of hogla
mng. tha ooohon in-art Uiorof Ivfag (u M aatf .ho
n.hor *4 foot front. oaM aUaot, oad an. la riu-atliag
lark SOD foot to oold alloy.
Aanthor thoro..f hoglaning on (bo 000. oMo ,fa pru
pool oihaaha nf iHratar Alloy a.a p>Mat IS bat
north of t n.tta otroot, thoaro north 7*° raaat along on
alloy Id fro. 100 pat, thooro north lt° 000. lata
fro. h> a pnat, thoaro oaath 11° oat 102 fry. f,i aarn
protnioaj otlonotna of tfrro.nr alloy, thMbo along
aald alloy oath ir oaot Iflty fro. to Iho plaro of bo
Ona nfhor M logtaalng ala point SSI fro. oaat •'
Iho oaM otloaahw of fratoi alloy and 4M loot aorU,
of Cortln at root, bring north roof rorao. of a largor
ttorl of land pnrrboaod by tho aaM H lllinm MrOolioa
and a rottola John S. MtUholl fnoa Una A HKV.y,
thoaro a.uth IS® oaot ITP, foot la a pnot, tho no
math IS® * rot |S( fro. fr a pad. thoaro aorth IS®
•oat I2><4 fro. to a pal, Ihotrro north Sl® mat ahruii
1* Hot to tha plaro of hoglaalag. afraad, takon la o<-
arottoa aaad lo ha aaM aa U>a prvyrrt) of Wll tfrai Mo
Ctolloa. •
No. B.—All thst curtain lirostonr btilM
lag roatoialag la heat SI Ml fraf, Is daptk tvaa.y.
tt <i and the 1 t .r plwa 4 immnd •• nl.i'k the
MM kin'• J ai'h f, 11 la, R1 | IftftMl tl Sf kl
• duate i. lliilheiin , Ike wct *1 v f Noitk •liwat.
Re|*ed uk't Intl'mliTi and! I*a add a* '.he p-/j
--arty - f Itaanl klllJer
No. f .l —All that cvrtain lot ctf irrotinl
HI. I I in. * . i- ' ■ 11' r < t. • t' • !.t.
J nr.a .I w.dad and <i*wrtlHtd M hi. *• X*j nit • TJ
Ik* i r I%UM t iraplll I tka anal yMlof Hu.
tialtfnith. on i aonth ly Bald Ka*N rt~v on tl.e
woat It lot N 110 .. I C t N PM in the r el,ef lk i
J ' t "ftVntral Illy, itnl bdnx *h* atu* I t f yrrrund
:tat T. < lliin.ia and \ .an. II > AdmtMt'ai >ta of
Ja*na T. Ilale 4- w 1 I i d"- late.l tlal r>( Ma*.
nuH'' piL-- nere. n arnctnd
two *t't y fume ! Weill Of h*ua and utk-r ut Irtli d
, ■ liifii. Uknn iictkkM uM In In MM AO tip
j r '|#rly of AlfreS i hell
No 10.—All lit H! r*rUin |iorf r]t of
fr.nih'l •duate t, Pike #treat. In the l-tt(rk f '•
I urg * titr e on tit i IVtitta . t M .und* s at !<Wi|Uil
aa | . Wil I I |ftf|j| ' ' f. . • -i, I'll.
• frt'l. running tl,r ugh the name t*fe*dth v Mli
•lrt*t,l4)ojiiiii| hd f *.'. Rymatt'# '•♦ tat., on tl.'
aolltb ar.d i t f Alfta.l I* feet, of, |,e t.-Wtk Tall
fit (No. M ju th jlai. f aanl !• mmrh. ami tk
•am. tract r..n .d ? Aifra.l firw*'. an 1 if. hy <M
•tatad F' • tun |K7I, h tli- aaid At ram M. peW*.
(Vra.n ef < tel a ta t >\ frame tnitldiug at.t •
h-*aii t daelling a rod frame • tat>l* and
thar . nt Mil! ling*. taken la •t aud
f.. In a.| | a# the J„ J- Hp of 4 R (
No 11.—All thaat rrrtiin l*l or p%+c+o(
and • tuale t, |Vgg* |an*htp. Centr* emnly Pa
l r i'd and d-e< a* kdluw*. i it B* gtnnini:
at a lliekor y tt* mar k*"l a.a <. rnet. th tw hy land*
■4 A < Iddtt.r* totth ' a< t |>efh*a l<< •' h
k*a|. tkeaww hy k <!• <•( f.iet lietrit and land* -4
Jaina T Tniip.liit iKftli V naat J l-10 percfim t .
a *t*t,e ),•; 11. '• k* land# 4 ad T-*rtyuln* a*th
4.' na*t 11 [O'hH i Hon**, then e hy laid* of J kr.
M alter a t.tk V/ a-at .*J| hid |w-r .•• I* th* ; ae* rf
knginning mntiiliiif tau a *a aud dglil) Mfrkw,
I* th* MM; m <r+ "f lea* IV.f****, imtid a tvu
H*f knot Ml , ee. a ft * .• *t • at, 1 OMi
•ml htilldirg*. R*tr*d. tak n ih 'leuUia and To 'l*
n id a# th* j rofwrly ■ f Jaaae Pry and N*Jib*!. Pry
N<i. 12 All ttint ort.in I<>l or j.iw ..f
gt unl aitwat# in llartd* h wwai.tp, fVntf <mnty,
IVan'a, kwinM am th* north ly KitUa> m ur.taib
awl th* YaieWti r.* heir*. the <a*t I lan; *4 Jit
fitai .r. the a-'Oth t y laad* ••( J -)'• It'** and n the
aval t-y land* A Ja>a< M - ntaintng ninety
*"m. fic.o > !*a* TbffM) •rwrtfd a iatge l-rkl
da*.ling h n*a, tmnk wrr. and th*r out tmilding*.
nl* • *fc a* a* 'iaared Re|n*i taken rta uUon
and to la * -4M Ih* party wf M l> K-HM
N'l JS.—All tht <-<-rl*in building nd
lot of gt rnl tiuat* In W* k*r townflldp, Pawtra
nly. P*r.n'a lH*nt|ad toa'h hy i.ur #ad Ime'ing
through Nittaay rail**, *1 * y la t* f J. M (Jar
t.n k Mil D*ni' leak, and on the a th and wat hy
land* f Daniel
u'Hiw, I-utlt tr th* aha;>* of tka letter "I. ' fronting <>D
Puidh r m-l VifvwC hy .14 f**i 6 mU faring the .<a*t.
the atdth of tWe front titending wntk Mm If. ft—t
and Ih* (art ••* tending t4 U" wai Ixdng 'JT< fart, and
th* r**jti* l'tigth In th* ang'.e f. rnal h* the
Iwlldtng b*mg 21 f*at faring th< aouth and Id' f**t
far.ng the *t Rail-4. taken In te nt,ob and lo h*
a ■! a# the pr party d Di P. M Plato r.
No. 14.—A1! Iho coriM r*to, frknchi.e
right. llhrrtM# and | win lag aa •< th* a< I Th* B lla*
f ml* Car Mannfa unig . wjatu i 4 what kind and
rSewrtlptkm a -or And al that '*rtaln turwotf*
(•natn'Ma' I I d rw ptw id grxmwd ajtnal-1 in the
tarrrmgh *4 R* ll*loit* 4 1 'tittj f Otilr* and itat* of
Penney Iran**, t-mndad and dmrlla! a* f 'lnw* to
wit Ugnmg at ■ |*l in th* htwnakip hwl laniiitg
fr rr. R lief.ml" t . R.- |w rg tk*arr * ;th 'J*' AL ,
• itat M lot hi a pat, a'. g land b*Tnafl*r d*anritwJ
|*iT'ha'l uf Bm P Raytedda a- d '<k*f land a of
Mm P IDyn Ida. th*n'e w<otti R1 'V. **t Bht
to rtut. on right lank d R|r. g Or*all, U>r* up
right Iwnk *4 Rpong < r**k, armth • . *n*t tli Wt to
a pat, ihawn# • nth 14 wuat JD- f*' t lo tn* *.mlk-
WiatnarwaTof tha Ih lef mtw Pr*ea l nepany'* t uild-
Ing, tb#n#a a nan th* dam north, W IV, *n( to
ll,# <v.rnaa i 4 garden fern e A R. M Valentin* thence
ak.ag nan! Mk. TV rth IP 2M.', weal 21& fuel to a,;wt <*i
law! d D O .Ruak ■* In the p aaanaion '4 T J Kfratght
*hWf aatd land, north €7° kf,aaat Kfti
feet to a pint. the<* hy land of earn*, north th'. al
Itl (at h- n pal <n th* t'.w r.ahip road aft najd.
th*m * down aa. 1 rml nwth 3T *r. aa*4 .th" feet to
the |4are i f t-eglnntng f- > taming -ight atn* I* th*
•aw* more or lew, Irrir.g tk* warn* lot • r per* id land
wkkkD. t* R*h and wife hy 4**>d and dated Udh
day t4 Awgw*t. A t> . It7k. reodW tn CVnlr* ominty.
In tad |vA I, P St jwge JI4, granted and cwwteyed
to tk* a' 4 Th* R Ih tout* Car Menuta m: ir.g (\>m
puty. and a part •( tk* am# M d lan 1 •hh h ltd
muted Rlara hard and wife, |r*a M ltiai hard and
wif* K**fi M Valmttote and nil* and I Au*lin Rrew
atil wife hy deed dated the Rth dat .f May, A 11,
I*7A, re • td*l iu Centr* eownty.ln Pel B-.k I, No.
k ;age ftl. grnute.l and utnreyaf to th* aai J Th*
R< ||e|>nte Car MaualaKiini (>ei|aii). jarly of Ike
Rr*t part limdo Iflgttkw with the at*f | we* aod
pitll*gea in the dom on tk* Wilk*w tlank farm ad
joining th* al*r 4<arfiM rot of gronwd a* fully net
(..rth and 'rwrtM tn th* alwt* m*ntv u*4 deeda re
ference being tk* rwwwb had will iwur* full? and al
large a; ;*• Tk*n erected a owe rt-r? luirk haiid
ing u#r*l and w< wpiol a# a fuandry and Maeken.ith
•hop. ale. am4h*i nn*%t>>ry l>rb k t*itiding ou. ujaed a#
amm tilne *h<p and a |lt*ni ah..j., ale atoth t too
•lory hryrk hwtlditeg rr*pnl aa a planing mill. ala>
art' th'-r pfiMt n I rh k hwllding r and and ><rped
hy tk* Rranew Knitting Mar km* Ontopany. altm ne
..ther larmekoty hrbk I utiding ami and e< upbd a* a
dwellttig It rfie and •<•. ale. ..o* ..the* taowtory
fiaawe tuilMing kwowu a# the paint *h<g. htgethei with
all the ma. lute, ry vutnln*d In a4d lwihltr g belong
ing to the mid Th* Bdlefontw Cr Mannfadnrtteg
C.Mjwny. alao Iwmlwr *k*de, dry kiln and •Utile.
All that rertnlte meeewage. f nemenl and l.tnr ider*
of ground altnated In the hocngh of R*llh t.t*.
..iii.ty of tVntr*, and *<at* of IN nt.*ylanla, hownded
atxl IIMTUMI a* follow*. t#-w|l Imginnlng at a |*i
on lank of Pprlng Creek a r-minor, corner <4 lainU t4
Waa A. TtKUrwa* and B m P. lUynoWn, theme along
an id i reek, north *a#t feet to a pat, tb*n<
along land* of Ban A Tkomn*, aowth JBK. aaat lf> fe*t
to dead ptn# on left Wank of Logan Branch, thence hy
line along th* left lak of Logan Bran. h. aowth ttw
*aat Dot tn n put, tkean along <Hh*r land of B an.
9. Krymdda, aowth wwt. 17* feet tn a pat, on line
Iwtween Unda . f Bm Y Reynold* and D O Ru*h (now
Bellefowte t>ir ManwUrtaring C|nro t. tk*w* ahmg
aaht linn, north 3**4°. weal 370 feet the (dace <4 We
gining, contact ing one acre and I<M h**. le th*
aa ma more or I ma, Wetng tk* aama lot of ground which
Wm. P. Reynold* hy deed dated the !2th dat of Jwn*,
A D., 1*73, rwmrded ta Centre < -mnly in lUed Book
I, 80. 2, |wge DA, granted and oanteywd to (he aald
Tha IMtef.mt* Oar Manwfarinrtng (Ywnpany part* of
the Rrat part, together with all tha o.ryoraie franrhta*
rlghU. liturHra, fairilega* Impmremanta. hwllding*.
plaining mill*. Amndartea, hbw kawii h car work**
wufß khopa, lwBter aheda, dry kiln. Mhbte, machinery,
railroad track a. aiding*, water right# and |*lileg*,
waya. water mrae. herrdlUment* and apfmrtarmnra*
whaUoerer there ua to hekmging at in any wt** apper
Ulning and tha reatatena and remainder*, rent* tawaaa
and paoßta thereof and all the aatet* Hght, title. In
t*fat. pro;wrty claim and demand wkataper* <4 tha
mid Tim Balli Rim* (hi Mannfartwrlnc ( mnug l
law OR etharwlae. how**or, of, MIM te tha
aama er any larl thereof Belaed, tokwn ln,e*coMon
and to he aold M |k property uf The Bellefonta Car
Rfifhtiwltf Oonpuiy.
N Ail tUI i tir j :iy-ti of
(touiKl .11 .i1 U. 1. r . ~gi, •( P|,il fan,,.
' ' * u ' ' • hamm <>o £ W HII,
■ —•*> ' •■—* ; f h.ll -"*4>|ril on tb.
nnitl, a.,1 bo.| h, |.,„|. „ f , M ,, , m
•aid-vi-ill, #~. ~,| ,t,r.< „„| .gi.nding
l. I V." fnat. tbrti-n. fra—a
'liuirh !,n: ~.r thiiod. Uk™ In >n<i to
to kMu thr property f II "lit} W. W ihr i.
16.—AiUht right, till# knd inW
rt i f J 111, M M Klr It, n1,,! U. Il.lt inrtain mm
• .o timt f 1.1,11 iliuat. i„ ||...h„, t/,bnbt|,
• -..1t. titinn P.b,..,!.u ....
I • run I*.■ ! '*■ by l.i. l of Jin | M iil,aui. aootb 471 ■
.-l ba. t, thanm l.j land. ,4 , mw
tit I, ...1 *Vi [-til .1. f..t fliMtt. In land. f
61 ...i '. 41#i -
' • 11-.t.' I 1 lit! 1t . | ~ £f ##., HO pO., but
I IMM by of .Mb. Mtbll, X7 ..1 41
~r , h.-.1 -.at. 4.-b.to „fj, Ww" t,mb
• "* l *■< o. | at, tb.t, - by IM,4.<ffK,.j4t
M ilium, i.ft. .| . , i., . ....
1t,:,,. I.v 1,1.1. f . ,11, .a, ,,( K4 ).„!,, to
-1,-r, • I T t"<Hk Al on* t part*—
1 <|,iM It, lOTi Ihw* "1. ~<4 ruti 1,4 -lio, ti, ~it
ti.nr# by Mil) Ui. l. ..I Bn#*a and M.K.1..- .nib
61 ...< • |-.b-. b. pa*. that,,. w ,,4.
""''lt |-*"l" ' fl. tb.bri- by 1,1,4. ~} mm.
r, rib M , ul ( |.nl.b to run. tb. i.i. uj mi : rti.
I*""* •" ""'l tb. |iU/. ,4 togim.., g. ootitulniiig
.I. . MTf ft.lt,. db.lllng hobb .1,4 ihto
at baililtiig. HrltM. Ukm In t~btn,ll u4 t„ 1.
M th. |.rojn rlj of John I|, hrlr.j
No IT. —All That f-ruin lot or of
4-n >. ! In tb, txruurh of <Vtt.
coantf Prubt) 1 1 una lubb4bl on th. nortb I 1-4 f
R.4tr,t k tb. ..H I t Nt.ti, j,4 on
tb. atb I 1.4 of Mt* *4.r, at, 1, u tb. i,
v -t*. Pi-at Hint, fr •. tin >rU, r.t,t
fct.ibl 34 ftrt M,l Iltibdliif t4 alntil 24/. fnof 1,
•bid Nottl "" oo'l tttol , tbrtnon rt~ U1 , t.„ ,U
dilt4t •*• ahM* ~ 4 ntbnr out Imil img.
, A J. ! 'ibrt "I U<! atuatoit lb. Inniuh
Of (Vntr. r,nly p., I.imilml on tl,.
ut.tb t,j lot ,4 M,. N.ib,,. tot 1,. „th ...t<4 Kbb
*"l "> ~' u " ' l<4 of J -rpl, H.ino. fctid
"® * *** t"? I r <1 Mjmpl (|,t,Uh| ~o titf
Ibid !V..tb front .1r.,1 t.4it/<t fibi .nd ,it.,,dine
b,4 bt. M | |.
fI tiilOihx t*-tj au • a| t ,
, mml J *!,.£ lihum '
All tbal trtu.t. lot • !„ of rntttbd i<lml. In tb.
Itoroiifb ( 11.11,j,ba, J (JU* r**bnt*,p.t. r„*lruii,
bWM on tb. „ 41b I > Pin. rft, ,h. ,T"
Mof Vt. Pmltb, on tb. ~ n j ,
11.1.M m.4 „b tb. t I , lot ,4H„ bvib,n \Ld
l "" ,r t-ng on laid P,t>. tf*t l.ul 2* (,bt and
•mt.ndlof bat .'.mtW! (bl, tb.r*. o ..nd,,.,!
bT 1 "" l w - • u:i *"'
All tint rortain bd or |4.t. of en nn ! . tu.t. In tb.
1.-tou*!. <4 I tulijabiirff, Ibntr. lao.nl*,
U-abdo.lonibr n.irtb I, Pit,.. ,tr.-i. , b . wl t . |,. t
■4 in Tb ti.M, .„U. b. M„( d.a. l ,n Hon.. m.4
1 If '*• •• hmith. fronting as pis* Knit
iL T\*, -*'..bn l A tf. ft. „ Unbltbc.
h')i.l, ulm In a*rnt4on nbd to b* old a. tb. mi.
■ rt) of Kicbaid 11aa y., '
No. 18 All thnt OTUin lot or T.iere of
cnmnd atl'ial~l in p„,.b Kb - toarsabib, Cmtr,
i-tnnt*, Pranaa Iran,., 1.., it, m,i <bw ,Ilbd a. f,,),
lorn. ..n tb. I, rib by Front atrart on tl*. ...t IV
P< amorr .tt.t, on tb .ntb by lot 4 tb J I'-
ll mn and on tb< ~t b Wt. ,4 tb. ftsob N,.
Uld Ab.,.t1,, "obtaining b. half .n or
Ibrtaon t lal a taiM*.*y frntb. dnalUbg hobn.
am a oa.bt.tr,i .bo. .bop and Mbrr ~nt Itnildiar..
l.km in .t.ntln, and to l. ad.l a. tb. t rot,-
.rty of P. I Viayn.
N<*. 1 '.i. All thi wuin lot or plpop of
grobbd atta.lod In 4b hnvaifb rrf lUt|.„nt. tV.tr,
0-ainty. Iron.} Iranla, Iain4r.l on tb. north by an
aib t. on th. m*i t.t hod. ,4 F,1,-ar.l Hr an, on tb.
btnlll l l lot of P.t.n t V * .ttrM, Mid on tbr .I*l by
Allnghrny .Part, fr.btnng said Alircbaa, .trart
f-t and .Handing lb. , JO f4. tb.rta* rrartad a
t,—t.rr frant. dar ling btma. and otbtb out lauld.
'"* takMi in r* uU and In 1, a,bl a. tb.
p"l.ity <4 Martin Krrta.
No 'JO.—AII tbr right, tillr and intfroit
•tf A. Tl.oba* in and to tbr falhotbg daa/ritbd
raaf huta to bit all that rartaln trart of had ron
taining in# a m moo nr lam. • tuai-d In Taylor
tobnalili fVntrr ronnty, PannvvHanla ali.onlnv
I.n u of llanry M.11a,, vilanllt r #n,nXaaT!rnl
T l.yn A (V. Mra Huffman at. 4 th., land, of J W.
JVbnK., b.y|,.g tb-oam ara tad . lat g. frain* lmi„.
tb .mall log b-ov* and i-lkr, mil bntlding-* Alamt
I"*™* tb. trart w rt—Pii| and In a giail Mat. of
A Lao,
An tbo imrral of 1.r.,1 rm tb. n M idt of All—bo
ny mimataii, aaar Km Kb. i..y. l„ Tailor
OuUb roasty, Pmib.i i< *nla norm,mg ]o# arr—
mora or la. adj dning land. .4 Mm M Lyoa At
Pdmmarman Mann A th.. ami otbor bunt, at 1 W.
Ibofnaa Arii-I tab,,, , n rtarbUon and to b* nold a.
th. pptpatly ,4 J. M Ib.tmaa
Tnu Pm. drad. bill !-■ atbnooladgad till
tba pnrrbaa. m,may I. pail in 'nil
AOllff PPAMOLER. ffbarfff
/ ilti'iiA\ s COURT BALR—
—.a "i'l ••• RIHA T, tb.
th day of APRIL, at 2 ttoHt P M , A. I HtTP, at
It* H"ba. ln Rrtlaf bt.. (Vntr. r nnty. Pa.,
tba Wlobing ml mtala . tba prybrtr af .l„hn
fiHlwr, da*tt|, tm of Brnn.r t, . nti.ii , Oantro
i i—My, Pa., and nob rmnpfral by Only, nW. I tort,
dabrrlltod a. 14lob. All tbal rartain maaauag. or
tanab,, nl and W to Mara <4 land iflnata In Urn arr
Tobnablp. Omtly of Ontrn, Pa Rag.t bug at a
corbar of land —rtayad In tb. nam. of M m Inrrnn,
Jr ,Mb \ alralln.a , lb.nr. nlobg land, of 6 .Imllnaa
Rrrmkriboff and Mbar., ff..rth 76 4—ma Mart lib
|f haa to ttnbb . than-* by land, of Lonh I lay and
■ 4barn, Aoblh Ad—ram MVat la, jmHio to a port bjr
ApHng rm*; lb-nr. to land narrayod fro rtanirl
Tn—, nob Nrorka.b.4l booth S* d—ram Card ill
mmrbto to atonm. tbam. by land af Rrnrbarhofl,
Abth A# d.gT-i.a Mart 7g p.win • h..tomb . ttobrr byr
land of than lata Ito*. Jim Una. mar Vatanttb—,
Mnrtb 4# dagma bat My narrbm t„ tb# nlatb af
I—inalbg-robtotalng TM KRTV til R ACRM AMI
P'ITfTWO mi'llD and alb-ban r. . I bo—on a
11.-aa. and Ram and >4bar I—iiuiMiib. Maoaatd to
to I,on On on tb, fni—tam Tan, of —la Oba
tbird In band ny* conlmmth* of tab.third 4b
on. y—r, ami Oba ihird in mo y—r> ibmanlW—tba
lattar tbo par—mm to torn tattoo* and to to an a rod
by bunda and aactg—a on tb. protnimb
UAt R E. KLINK, Admlntatr.h r.
Kd to— Itotam.ntary bp* lb. Ibtat. af hd-OK*
RotooeM, dtobtobM. af Mai bar toondila baring to—
grab tod to the bbdordgtiM by tto Ragi—y of P. Mr.
fh.aty. b. to—to*a aU ptmi ltmbtm tbamml*m
Indabtod to d-od.bt u. r-*,. b-roard abd ma*, hr.mr.
dmta pay man I, abd tb.b. bating rlnlbu acalnat bi
te prto.nl tb. —m, da I- —that Oral- ttoMttomrat