Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 17, 1879, Image 2

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ir *k lea ware bitter,
And fag* were fewer,
And fewer the storm* on lend and sea ;
W ore shiny summers
Porpetnal comers-
Whet a Utopia thin would be !
If life were longer,
Aud faith wore stronger,
If pleasure would bide —if care would fleoi
If each were brother
To all the other —
What an Arcadia this woold be '
Were greed abolished,
And gain demolished.
Wore slavery oha imd, and fruccui free
If all earth's trouble*
Collapsed like bubbled—
What au Elysium this would be 1
On a Biimmcr evening, years ago, a
man was found murdered in a field near
a certain town, in the west of England.
The name of the field was " Tardou's
The man was a small carpenter and
builder in the town who bore an in
different character. On the evening in
question a distant relative of hia, em
ployed as farm bailiff by a gentleman in
the"neighbor hood, happened to be pass
ing a stile which led from the field into
the road, and saw a gentleman leaving
theflteld byway of this stile rather in a
hurry. He recognized the gentleinau
(whom be knew by sight only) as a Mr.
They passed each other An tho road
in opposite directions. After a certain
lapse of time—estimated as lieing a
half honr—the farm bailiff bnd occasion
to pass back along the same road. Ou
reaching the stile he heard an alarm
.raised and entered the field to see what
was the matter. He fonnd several per
sons running from the further side of
Pardon's Pico© toward a boy whp wns
standing at the back of a cattle Rhed, in
a remote part of the enclosure, scream
ing with terror. At the boy's feet lay,
face downward, tho dead body of a mnu
with his lieud horribly beaten in. His
watch wns under him hanging out of his
pocket by the chain. It had stopped—
evidently in consequence of the concus
sion of its owner's fail on it—at 8:30. Tho
body was still warm. All the other
valuables, like the watch, was left on it.
The farm bailiff instantly recognized
the man as tho carpenter aud builder
mentioned above.
At the preliminary inquiry, tho stop
page of the watch at 830 was taken as
offering good circumstantial evidence
that the blow which had killed tho man 1
bail been struck at that time.
The next question was, if r.ny one had
been near the body at 830 ? The farm
bailiff declared that he hail met Mr.
Dnbourg hastily leaving the field by
the stile at that very time. Asked if
he bad looked at his watch, ho owned
that be had not done ao. Certain pre
vious circumstances, which ho men
tioned as having impressed themselves
on his memory, enabled him to feel
sure of the truth of this assertion without
having consulted bis watch. He wan
pressed on this important pobit, but he
held to his declaration. At 9.30 he had
seen Mr. Dubourg hurriedly leave the
field. At 8.30 the watch of tho mur
dered men had stopped.
Had any other person been observed
in or nfar the field at that time t
No#itness had been discovered who
bad seen anybody el.e near the place.
Hod tho weapon turned up with which
the blow had beeu struck ? It hail not
been found. Was any one known (rob
bery having plainly not been ibe mo
tive of the crime) to have entertained a
grudge against the murdered man ? It
was no secret thst he sssocisted with
doubtfnl charti ters, mole and female;
but suspicion failed to point to any one
of them in particular.
In this state of things there was uo
alternative hut to request Mr. Dnbonrg
—well known in aud out of the town as
a young gentleman of independent for
tune, bearing an excellent character—
to give some account of himself.
He immediately admitted that he had
passed through the field. Iltit, in con
tradiction to the form bailiff, ho declared
that he bad looked at his watoh at the
moment before he crossed the stile, and
that the time by it was exactly 8.15.
Five minutes later, that is to say, ten
minutes before the murder had been
oommitted, on the evidenoc of the dead
man's wstch—he had paid a visit to s
lady living near Pardon's Picoe, and had
remained with her nntil his watch, con
sulted once more on leaving the lady's
bouse, informed him thst it was 8.45.
Here was what the defence called an
"alibi." It entirely satisfied Mr. Du
bourg's friends. To satisfy justioe also
it was necessary to coll the lady as s
witness. In the meantime another purely
formal qnestion was put to Mr. Du
bourg. Did be know anything of tho
murdered man I
With some appearance of oonfaaion,
Mr. Dnbourg admitted that lie hod l>cen
induced by a friend to employ the mau
on some work. Farther interrogation
extracted from him the following state
ment of foots :
That the work bad been very badly
dooe ; that an exorbitant price had been
charged for it; that the man, on being
rrmoortrated with, bad behaved in a
grossly impertinent manner; that an al
ternation had taken place between them;
that M/. Dubourg bad seisod the man
by the collar of his coat, sud bad turned
bim oat of tha house; that he bad aalled
the mas an infarnal scoundrel (being in
a passion at the time) and threatened to
" thrash him within an inch of his life "
(or words to that effect), if ha ever pre
sumed to come near the house again ;
that he bed sincerely regretted his own
violence the moment be reoovered his
srif pasMssion ; and lastly, that, on his
aath (the alternation having oeonrred
six weeks ago), be bod never spoken to
the man, or sat eyes on tho man since.
As the matter there stool, these cir
cumstances were oonaiderod as being
nJortanole circumstances for Mr. Dn
bowg nothing more. He hod his
M abbi "to appeal to, and hie character
to appeal to; and nobody doubted the
Tho laily nppearod an witness.
Confronted with Mr. Dubourg on tho
Question of time, ami forced to answer,
Hlie absolutely contradicted him, on the
testimony of tho ol<>ok on hor own man
telpiece. In aubstaiifle, hor evidence
wan simply this: Hhe looked at her
clock when Dubourg entered tho room,
thinking it rather a Into honr for a
visitor to call on her. Tho clock (regn
lutod hy the maker only the day before)
pointed to twenty, five minute h to nine.
Wootieal experiment showed, that tho
time required to walk the distance, at
rapid pace, from the stile to the lady's
house, was just five minntcs. Hore,
then, was tho farm bailiff (himself a
respectable witness) corroborated by
another witness of excellent position
and character, Tho (Slock on being ex
amined next, was found to l>e right.
Tho evidenoc of tho clock-maker pi oved
bliot ho kept the key, and that there
a>l been no necessity to set the clock
And wind it np again, since he had per
formed both those acts on the day pre
ceding Mr. Dubourg'h visit. Tho
accuracy of tho clock thus vouched for,
thct conclusion on tho evidence was irre
sistible. Mr. Dubourg stood convicted
of having been in tho field at the time
when tho murder was committed; of
having, by his own admission, had a
quarrel with the murdered man not long
before, terminating in un assault aud a
throat on his aide, and, lastly, of hav
ing attempted to set up nil alibi by a
false statement of tho question of time.
There wan no alternative but to commit
him to take his trial at tho nssir.es,
charged with tho murder of the builder
in Pardon's Piece.
Tho trial occupied two days.
No new facts of importHuce were dis
covered in the interval. Tho evidence
followed the course which it bed taken
at the preliminary examinations— witi>
this difference only, that it was mere
carefully sifted. Mr. Dubourg lad tho
double advantage of securing tho ser
vices of tho leading barrister of the cir
cuit, and of moving tho irrepressible
sympathies of the jury, shocked at his
position, and eager for proof of his iu
i OJouce. IJy trio end ot tho first day
tho evidence had told against him with
such irrisistible force that his own coun
sel despaired of the result. Wliph the
prisoner took his place in the dock on
the second day there was bnt one con
viction in the minds of the people in
eonrt; every body said, " The clock will
hang him."
It was nearly two in the afternoon,
and tho proceedings were on the point
of being adjourned for half an honr,
when tho attorney for the people win,
seen to hand a paper to the counsel for
the defence.
Tho counsel rose, showing signs of
agitation which roused the curiosity of
the audience. Ho demanded the im
mediate hearing of the new witness,
whose evidence in the prisoner's fsvor
he declared to he too important to he de
layed for a single moment. After s short
colloquy between the judge and barris
ters ou either side, the court decided to
ooutintio the sitting.
The witmse, appearing in thq box,
proved to be a young woman in delicate
health. On tin evening when the pris
oner had paid his visit to tho lady she
was in (hat lady's service as housemaid.
The day after she had been permitted
(by previous arrangement with her mis
tress) to take a week's holiday, and to
go on a visit to her parents in the west
of Cornwall. While there she had fallen
11, and had not been strong enough
since to return toheremploym- ut. Hav
ing given this preliminary account of
herself, the housemaid than narrated the
following extraordinary particulars in
relation to her mistress' clock :
Ou the morning of the day when Mr,
Dnbonrg bad called at the house she
had been cleaning the mantelpiece.
Hhe had rubbed the part of it which
was under the clock with her duster,
had accidentally sttnek tho pcndnlnm,
and had stopped it. Having otice be
fore dono this, she bad been severely
reproved; Fearing that a repetition of
tho offence, only the day after the clock
had l>eon regulated by the maker,
might lead perhaps to the withdrawal
of her leave of absence, she hid deter
mined to put matters right again, if
possible by herself.
After poking under the clock in the
dark, and failing to set the pendulum
going again properly in that way, she
next attempted to lift the clock and give
it n shake. It was set in a marble case,
with a bronze figure ou tho top. and it
was so heavy that she was obliged to
hunt for something which she could me
as a lever. The thing proved to be not
easy to find on tho spur of the moment.
Having at last laid hor hand oil what
she wanted, she contrived so to lift the
clock a few inches and drop it again on
the mantelpiece as to set it going onoe
I The next necessity was, o( course, to
more the bands on. Hero again ahe
wm mot by an obatiole. There u a
diflßcnity in opening the glaM case
wliioh protected the dial. After naelesa
-1 y searching for aomo instrument to
help her, she got frp tlm footman
(without telling him what she wanted it
for) a small ohiael. With tbia ahe
opened the easo afler accidently
scratching the bra** frame of it—and
net the handa of the clock by gnoea.
She waa flurried at the time, fearing
that her mistress would discover hrr.
Later in tho day ahe fonnd that ahe had
overestimated the interval of time that
had paused while ahe waa attempting to
put the clock right. Hhe hnd, in fact,
aet it exactly a quarter of an hour too
No aafe opportunity of secretly pet
ting the clock right again, had o en rr.l
until the laat thing at night. Hhe had
moved the handa back to the right time.
At the honr of tho evening when Mr.
Dnbonrg had called on her mistress ahe
positively awore that Che clock wan a
qnarter of an honr too faat. It bad
pointed, aa her miatreaa had declared, to
twaaty-flve minntee to nine—the right
time then being, aa Mr. Dnbonrg bad
nerarteJ, twenty 16 inn tea put eight.
Questioned M to why ahe had refrain
ed from giving tbia extraordinary evi •
dence at the inqtilry before the uagis
trate, ahe declared that in the distant
Oorniah village to which ahe had gone
next day, and in which her illnees bad
detained her from that Ume, nobody
bad heard of the inqniry or the trial.
Hhe would not have been tben present
to elate the vitally Important etronm
atancca to which ahe had jnat sworn if
the prieoner'a twin brother had not
found Lor out on tho previous day, had
ut questioned bor if alio knew any
thing about tho clock, and bad not
(hearing what sbo had to toll) insisted
on her taking tho journey with him to
tho court the next morning.
Tho evidence virtually decided the
trial. Thoro was a great burst of relief
iu tho orowdod aafombly when tho wo
man's statement had come to an eud.
She was closely cross-examine 1 as a
matter of course. Her character was
inquired iuto ; corroborative ovidenoo
(relutive to tho chisel and the scratches
ou tho frame) was sought for, and WHS
obtained. The end of it was that, at n
lute hour on the second evening, the
jury acquitted tho prisoner without
leaving their box. It was too much to
ray that his life had been wived by his
brother. His brother alone had per
sisted from first to last, in obstinately
(Unbelieving the clock— for no bettor rea
son than that tho clock was tho witness
which asserted tho prisoner's guilt !
He had worried t vorybedy with bin in
cessant inquiries ; lie hod discovered
the abienoe of the house-maid after the
trial had begun and he hud started off
to iuti rrogute the girl, knowing nothing
and suspecting nothing—sun ply d< tor
rained to persist in tho one everlasting
question with which ho persecuted
every body : "Tho clock ia going to
hang my brother; can you tell me any
thing about the clock ?"
Four months Inter tho mystery of the
crime was chared up. Ouo of the dis
rej ntablo companions of the murdered
man confessed on his deathbed that ho
had done the deed. There was nothing
interesting or remarkable in the circum
stances. Chance, which had put inno
cence in peril, hnd offered impunity to
guilt. Au infamous woman, a jealous
quarrel and an absence at the moment
ui witnesses on the spot—these wero
really the commonplace materials which
hnd composed the tragedy.
Polwoned by Chloride of Soilitim.
■ Early this morning a tr'rootidons com
motion won created in a lodging-hotue
on II street by an inveterate wag who
ought to bo care of at once. The
man wm in tho house, mui about
eight o'clock came down from hi* room
! and told the landlady that her little l>oy
i hod found o box of chloride of sodium
on bis wi.shfttand and had taken some.
" II you ran get a stomach-pump into
I him inside of no boor, he'll lire. Now,
' don't get excited. Keep cool. Put a
I mustard-plaster on his stomach at < nee,
! and send for all the doctors in reach.
! You'll be sure to find one at home,"
Ity thi* time the frantic mother had
! the tx>y stretcl.e 1 out on the bod, and
' was getting a square yard of mustard
plaster ready. At the name time she
dispatched three boys and a little girl
i for medical aid.
" Here," raid the wag, coolly. " I'll
i b-ave you the name of tho chemical on a
; piece of paper —chloride of sr*.'inm.
Make no mistak*; any doctor will know
] what to do the mitinte he see* the name.
It's nil right; now don't cry. It won't
j hare the slightest effect tinder an
• hour. Keep coul; don't frighten the
j child. 11l go down and send up *< me
doctor* myself." And hero the young
: man startiil at a brick pa<x' down town,
I and aoon bad aevoral doctors routed out
I of their office*.
Meanwhile the hoy, who was atxiut
niuc yrar* old, was bawling at the top of
hi* mice, and some of the ladies from
! neighboring house* came in to help hold
him on tho Ircd while tho mnstard-plas-
I tor was spread on hi* stomach. Every
woman trhocaran iu w* shown the name
j -f the jK.ison written on the paper, and
I they t jscnlated, " Merry on n* 1"
! "Gracious mo I" "Oh, my I" and
" Morcifnl heaven !" in concert.
Presently the doctor* began to arrive.
Dr. Hurri* came tearing up the alley
with a stomach pump, followed by
! Webber, Anderson, Conn, PriteharJ,
Grant, Heath, Bcrgntein, and, indeed,
almost the entire medical faculty of the
city, with me-licine-caaes, instrument*
and stomach pnmp*. At the night of no
formidable an array the patient (on
whom the plaster was drawing like a
ten mule team) net np a howl of de
" What has he taken, madam t" asked
Dr. Harris.
" Hero's the paper I" cried the mother,
a .bbing. "'J hat's the stnfT ho took."
The doctor read the inachption, panned
it to the next man, with s 'nugh, ami it
went aronnd the group. Presently some
jw>ne remarked •
"Salt, by gracious 1"
They explained to the weeping mother
that alio liad been made the victim, aa
well as themselves, of a cruel hoax.
There was a big laugh; but when that
wag gets home to his lodgings to-night,
salt won't save him.— I'irpinsa (iVtv.)
Word* of Wisdom,
Absence in the re*tost of evils when
it iin'ttho of remrdiw.
No one in more profoundly sad than
he who ia obliged to laugh.
When fortnno caresses n roan too
mnch ah" ia apt to make a fool of him.
, I<et smnsement All up the chink* of
your existence, but not the great rpa<*•
The moat convenient habit yon can
icqnlre ia that of letting yonr bnbita ait
looao npon yon.
People who fish for compliment* do
not need long linen. They will get
their boat bitca in shallow water.
Were there but one virtuous man in
the world, he wonld bold np hia bead
with eonftilenoe and honor; be wonld
shame the world, bnt the world wonld
not shame him.
How few realise that the strata* of
love and hate lie no close together that
it take* bnt little to bring the latter up
permost, when 'under the pressure of
unkindneaa or injnstioe.
In tinman life there Is a constant
< h#pe of fortnne; and it ia unreason
able to expect an exemption from the
common fate. Life itaelf decay*, and
all things are daily changing.
Things aro great or small according
to th end of the microscope through
which yon look. Some people manage
to look at their troubles the upper end,
and so incontinently magnify them, and
at their good forhine through the lower
end, and so minimise them.
The man who dreamt he dwelt ia
marble hatla wok* up to And that tba
bedclothes had tumbled off.
A Crlaa Pete
A little more than half way across tho
dreary Tartar atepiies, that extend nn
brokoii for eight hundred miles, from
the Russian frontier town of Orsk to the
great inland lake marked on Asiatic
maps an tho rea of Arnl, the endless
level is broken by a deep rocky gully
several hundred yards in length, on the
'brink of which stands a long low build
ing of sun-dried clay, surrounded by u
thick wall of the same material.
The whole affair lias such u primitive
look that it might easily p: ss for a lmg<
cattle-pen, hut for the tw. guns which
peer watchfully over its irregular
sides, and the glittering hajwmet of a
white frooked Cossack, who is standing
sentry ou on angle of the wall. This
little nest is " Fort Karabnti'k," one of
Russia's Central-Asian outposts—a spot
so remote and d solute that one might
well suppose its garrison to have been
sent hither as a punishment for some
unheard-of crime.
At this delectable place do 1 halt
about four o'clock ono glorious June
morning. Lhammer lustily at the door
of a little mud-plastered log hut, which
has nothing but the black and white
stripes on its door-posts to show that i
ia a post-house.
My Tartar servant, meauwLile, assist
ed my efforts bv yelling at the top of
h.s voice, "Ot ! (horses).
At length, just aa we uro beginning to
loHe potienco altogether—for in the
Asiatic deserts every minute of the cool
morning hours is worth its weight in
gold—a long yawn from within, follow
ed by a drowsy •'xri-ft ha**" (directly),
announce a that the master of the house
ia beginning to bestir himself.
Just at this moment, my attention is
attracted to a "swinging cradle" of
genuine Lantern fashion, suspended
from the projecting eaves, in which lie
a brace of sturdy little children, brown
as hazel-mils, and round as plnros.
Both are fast arlcep, in those extra
ordinary positions which uonc but chil
dren can contrive to assume. lam atill
admiring the picfuresqnenoM of the
group, when I suddenly perceive that 1
have overlooked ono of its most import
ant features.
Hnngly cnrle<l tip between the two
sleeping children, in the warrneat (dace
| i'l all, lie* a round yellowish mans,
topped with a pair of pointed cars.
At first sight, its size and color might
make ono take it for a larpe cat; but a
oat it certainly ia not. Nor, a* I look
again, doen it*se m like a dog.
The ontatrt tchcd fore paws on which
; it rests, indeed, are sufficiently canine,
aud when I begin to care** it, it re
spond* by licking my hand in genuine
dog fashion; hnt that narrow head, that
sharp muzzle, that slanting greenish
yellow eye, surely never in long, d to
nnv dog since the "world began,
it i* thi* peculiarity of the eye
which, recalling my wintrr experience*
in European R r ia, at length let* mi
into the rtrr<-t. The bedfellow of the
postmaster'* children is a young wolf.
Just a* I have made this discovery*
the door of the but opens, and out come,
* big irowxy, shock-beaded follow, with
a huge red beard, who laugh* loudly at
my look of amazement.
" Aha, harm / ' (master) "you liaven't
seen many children like that I fancy j' l
" Where <>n eartl; did you pick it tip ?"
ask I, Ice.king wonderingly at the two
children, who are nwake at last, and In
ginning to pull their four-foot-d play
•nate in the moat unoerrmoniona fash
" Well, yon ace, last wintrr, a wolf
came prowling ronnd here, and I had to
give h m a taste of my hatchet. Ho,
when I'ds-ttled him, i I'-thought rnysel,
that the she wolf niight'r t be far c-fT, and
I followed the tiail through the snow
t:ll it brought me to the hole, and there
was the ol 1 lady, sure enough, and an
other tap of the axe quoted her, too.
"But when I saw this pc-t.r little hr.it
whimpeiiug over the body, I felt aorry
tor it, somehow, and I concluded not to
kill it but to take it home for the chil
dren to play with, and now it gets a
share of their bread and milk in the
ruorniug and of their blanket at night,
just like one of themselves."
" Hut yon surely don't mean to keep
it ?"
"No, I'm afraid that won't do," said
the giant, with a regretful shrug of hi*
lingo *bonlder*.. " When it gets bigger,
aud begins to find it* teetb, then '' — a
significant flourish of the great brown
hard completes tho nhfluisbed phrase.
When I return from Hamarcand, three
month* later, I And the sentence already
executed,— Dax-id Kcr.
*is kr siss.
No matter whether the steps be "one
hundred sud eighty," or leas, or more,
the asfe rule for s lioy to sttain emin
ence in the world is alwsys tho same.
Haid a father to his young soo, who was
complaining that he bad nothing to be
i gin with, aud shrinking from the " low"
|K>ition of errand-boy in s store:
"Wire yon with me last summer,
when we visited Baltimore and went np
to the top of Washington's monument ?
"Yes, father; yon recollect we all
went np, and little Fred was so tired he
oonhl hardly gain the top."
" Do yon recollect how we ascended t
Were wo lifter! from the street by an
elevator t"
" No, father. Don't yon remember
that a man let na in bv the door, and
we went up by the winding steps ? We
had no light only that of a smoky lan
tern, and it was a long time before we
reached the top."
" And wo got np at laat," said hi*
father, "after patiently stepping one
hnndred and eighty times, one after the
other; and were we not repaid at the
top with the magnificent view which we
enjoyed t"
"It wi* perfectly grand I" said
" Now, Thomas, as yon ascended that
monument, so yon must rise In busi
ness. Ton are now steading on tbe
lower steps—yon are on tbe steps—and
there ia nothing to binder yon, if your
health is good, from standing on tbe
The origin of electing members by
ballot oame from tbe Grecians. When
a member was to he elected, each mem
ber threw a small crumb of bread into
a basket, carried by a servant on hia
head, and whoever differed, flattened
the pellet at one aide.
Restoring Drowned I'erini by Ileal.
First—Know that a person recently
drowned in not dead, and will not Ire
for a long time. If not lively he is yet
lifefuL lie not, then, alarmed nor un
duly eicitod, but let "faith, hope and
charity" inspire confidence and i
cool judgment to aid with delilrerato
i haute in taking the drowned out of the
S water and in restoring him.
i Secondly—When ho ia taken out of
j the water turn hia face down for a mo-
I meat only, to allow any water in hia
note or throat to run out; then place
] him, out of currents of air, npon his
i back, Willi bia head very slightly raked.
! Do not roll him upon a barrel, nor do
anything < lse to "get the water ont of
l hia iunga," eince there ia none in them;
nor out of hia stomach, rir.ee what he
ha'< swallowed will not do any barm.
Hiir ly- Quickly determine whether
he must be carried to whoic heat ia, or if
i it can better be brought to or produced
near him. 11 the former, take him
gently, quickly and un near tin portable
in the above raid poature.
Fourthly—lf there must be delay in
applying heat, and dry prospective* can
be liral, take off hia wet olothon and
wrap the dry orticlca about him to pre
vent loss of heat, covering the head
particularly. The warm uuderclothing
jof hjataudera can be contributed. Bev
i eral tbtekn< ai.ee of aliuont anythii.g at
tainable ia better than one.
Fifthly— AH soon aa heat ia at Land
apply it oa ingenuity and circumstances
suggest to be most likely to quickly and
thoroughly warm the body. When that
ia aooompliahe i theory and faet agree
in HKHiiring UH that, if life yet persists,
the hcait will legin to heat, happily
1 soon followed by breathing, both feebly
and unfreqnently at brut, but more
atrongly and faster until they become
natural, when oonscionsn* wi will r
turn, if the heart given one l>eot, or
the laiiga one gasp, no more need to be
done; keep the per-on warm and he will
aon bo " all right,"
Sixthly—Suffocation in any other
manner ahonld bo treated in the came
way, except that in choking and in
Htrarigling the sulistsncea cauaing th<se
conditions should l>e first removed, and
in case of breathing poisonous g, or
smoke, artificial respiration should first
be tried until the gas or smoke has be* n
changed for good air in the lung*.—l>*.
T. S. I/amhtrt.
Smoking Out n Tiger.
The otuer cave was quite open in
front, and aevi-D feet high at the outside.
From the cave the hill doped sharply
down, covered with tree* and hushes.
tjome of the Bheel* advanced to the
month of the inner cave, and, looking
in, mv one eye of the creature, like a
ball of fire, at tbe far end of the den.
We endeavored to get a shot, hut
owing, I suppose, to some projecting
piece i>l rock, we never 0011 Id re- both
eyes at once, and two shots which I
lin >1 were without effect.
Meanwhile the I'.hc-l* had collected a
Urge bundle of graft* and sticks, which
wc rolled up to the entrance of the inner
cave; and having set fire to it, we ail
withdrew to the month of the outer to
n-atch tho result. There was a most
thorough draught into the cave, hut the
!w-**t m*le no sign, and at length the
fire died down.
We then haii another large bundle of
dry gross made np; but this time we
mixed with it green leaven. On this
Vicing fired, a dense, black smoke arose,
and was carried into the rave. It was
such tlist we thought no b< not could live
l in it. Hut agaiu the fire died out; aud,
though the inner cave was filled with
smoke, it* tenant made no attempt to
come ont.
We had just marie up our mind* that
he h*d die! in the hole, whn from the
inner cave came a sudden rush of smoke,
a* if driven ont by something advancing
rapidly. We stood ready, and tho next
instant, U rough the ember* of the fire,
oroe -not a hyena—l-ut a large tiger,
charging blindly with savage growl*.
n*yward carried a short rifle, with a
ball of some three ounces in weight, and
I ha<l s double rifle of fourteen Txire.
In the instant that elapsed between
j the tiger's emerging from Uie smoke
sud his reselling the entrauoe of the
outer csve, he was struck by the three
ball*. Two hail taken him through the
shoulder, ami one through his loins,
.lissbling his hind-quarters.
As be fell we could hsve placed our
gnus, on his head—too near, in fact, to
l>e pleasant. Our followers behsved
with grest steadiness, snd at onoe
handed ns onr sicond guns.
The tiger, thongh disabled, was very
savage, and had plenty of life in him,
an I crunched the underwood savagely.
I After some time we gave him hia
| qnietns, snd carried him homo to tbs
camp.—.S)xw< in India.
The (sure ot a Mine Explssiau.
Home peculiar features of mining
casualties were developed at s coroner'*
inquest on the bodies of William Crone
sßd Thomas Ticrnay. who died from in
juries received by an explosion of fire
damp, at the Lower Riusch Creek col
liery, near Pottsville, Pa. Theae men
were working with safety-lamps on the
bottom level of the mine, 1,900 feet
below the enrfacc. The vein in which
tbey worked made no g*s, but another
lieneath it, with about nine feet of slate
Ixrtween. gsvo forth gas iu qnantities so
great a* to force np the solid slate-oov
ering in tho centre of the breaat, the
pressure of the strata above, of course,
be] ping. The movement caused a
rumbling snd cracking, which the men
thought came from the roof, and they,
together with tbs fire boss, James
O'Neill, and a miner named Jacob
Imaoh welter, were watching that part,
when the noise became so violent that
tbey ran into the heading, fearing that
the roof would fall. The rotff, however,
remained nndistnrbed. The men had
scarcely left the breast when the floor
heaved up, opened, and a volume of
gae poured forth, whioh at once filled
the whole place. O'Neill and Imarh
weller. fortunately for them, darted
into the passage leading inward from
the bresat; but Crone aud Tiernay en -
tercd tbe "intake 1 * passage. Crone,
knowing that a string current of air
would force the flame Uirongfa the
meshes of hia tamp and set fire to the
Keh'elded hie lamp aa be ran. but
■nay neglected this precaution. The
gas ignited from hia lamp, and a terrible
explosion followed. Crone soil Tierney
were so bedly burned that tbey died in
a fow hour*, while the other*, 'being
behind the explosion, which always
takea an outward course, were only
slightly injured by being ilulii-d against
the coal. The wood work of the mine
WBS shattered for a distance of 100
yanla, and a lx,y named Grady received
fatal injuries from a door which fell on
him. The mine waa then being in
speeded for the third time that day (the
explosion ooenrred at noon;, and ifs,fi7o
cubic feet of air per minute waa then
paaaing through that portion of it. The
jury returned a verdict that "the de
oeaied came to their death* from the
' fTect* of an exploaion caused liy run
uing through the gnwith their safety
lamp* against, instead of with, the air
The War in Soulh Africa.
The character of the country in JS'iln
| land in tbua described by the Loudon
j Nru>:
Mountain-*ide> are furrowed by dark
fdeuH and gloomy " kloof*" or fissures.
Those merge downward into deep ra
vine*!, forming a' their banc ometime*
♦ho bed# of Hmall streams, sometimes
t those of roaring torrent*. These are
generally overhung by luxuriant vege
tution iu tropical profusion. The wood*
♦ hrough which these river* run are
formed frequently of tall and noble trees,
among which are met apes and baboon*.
Here and there may be observed the
bare and leafle** branche* of the eu
pborbiA, the cactu*, the aloe and the
mimosa. On reaching the. mountain
side, we are stili surrounded by im
penetrable bush, though of a different
kiud from that j tut described. Here
the thicket ie chi'fly composed cf the
mimosa and portnlaoca tril>e*, high and
thorny. Till* kind of bush i* even
more impenetrable than the ordinary
jungle of India, and cannot be fired,
owing to the number of succulent plant*
1 and parasites which it ooutain*. Huch
! i* the Caffre's never-falling place of
refuge in time of peace or war. "In
hi* naked hardihood " (we again quote
froia Colonel Napier's excellent book;,
"ho either, snake-like, twine* throngb
and creeps beneath it* deneat mane*,
! or, shielded with the kaross, *ecurely
defies their most thorny and abrading
i opposition. I'nder cover of the bn*h
in war, he, panther like, steals upon his
foe; in peace, upon the farmer'* flock.
.Secure IN lx>th ,L,*UU<V from puisuit,
he can, iu the bush,set Knropeau pow
er, European skill and European disci
pline at naught; and hitherto rain ha*
been every effort to destroy this,hi* im
pregnable atrongLold." Happily for us,
the OafTre cannot permanently ooenpy
the bn*b. He can only betake himself
there occasionally and for a abort space
of time. The bush supplies no means of
support for a single man, much leea for"
a nnml*r of men; and the Caffre is com
! elled to spend most of his time on thc-se
vast jdain* wSich support the staple
element r f his wealth—Lis cattle.
A* to the military performances of the
Zulu*, this i* said:
The Zulu* form in the impenetrable
bush a kind of semi-circle, with tLe
flank* pushed forward, arcum! the strag
gling column; and if the unwary col
umn advance* sufficiently far into this
fatal circle it* doom is sealed. It is at
t-iiclnd at onoe in front and on both
flank*, and the men from the rear are
"hot as they gradually come up, witbont
any hope of resistance.
While in the bush, or forming an am -
bu'rsle, tl.e Csflx* an-! Zulus are
fed and supplied with all necessaries f r
wsr by their women, who perform all
the dm 'gery of the most harsh and
cruel s-. ivitude. Three women, when
possible, hover about the enemy, aud
have frequently gained most important
information for their masters—cue can
bsrdly say husbands. To such an ex
tent was this system carried iu the last
Csfire wer that Colonel Na l ier r>roix.sod
to enptnre all women founa lurking
a'ont the line of march and remove
them into the interior of the country
where they could be apprenticed as do
' roestic servants to the farmers and other
j inhabitants until the end of the war.
To avoid falling into the ambnacades
laid by these savsges, there i* one, and
i one only way—the constant and careful
use of outposts, vedette* and spies. It
1 is mere madness to engage a naked env
age on his own chosen ground,the bush,
through which English soldiers,clothed,
and with kDsyaackin cannot clamlser.
He muat be enticed by whatever means,
or driven though hunger (by the cap-,
tnre of his women ) to take to the open,
and then his defeat is inevitable.
• Catching Cold.
"Onld*" are among the unsolved
medical problem* Tbey used to be
thought doe to ibe suppression of the
excretions of the skin ; bat this takes
place whenever the surface is expoeed
to cold, and often without harm; and
I oolds are sometimes taken when only a
few rqnaro inches of snrfaee are "ex
jxised. It is a fact, too, that men and
I animals may be varnished without pro
ducing the symptoms of a cold.
Still, the ordinary medical view is
that the passing off of eflete matter from
the skin being checked, the blood la al
tered in character. The oorroi ted blood
then in its ttim affects the neat regu
lating apparatus.
A cold is a slight fever. It begins
with s chilly sensation, followed by
heat The feTer rnua its course in a
day or two. Like other fevers, how*
ever, it msy have various complications.
Hence, rhenmatic pains, headache, nasal
catarrh, aore throat, catarrh of the in
testines, herpr lain aH> (eruptions
aronnd the month).
Sweating, whether by medicine* ad
ministered internally or otherwise, is the
main reliance for hastening sen re. Bat
the pores should be kept somewhat open
by warm elothing, or the beat of a warm
room for several days, daring which
there should be no exposure. Youth's
The American AgricxMvrU 1, in to in
< creating article on ibe TCIM cattle
drive, MJ: "The oattlr go to the river,
for water nt noon, with the exception of
a few, which remain behind to take cere
of the oalvee. One cow may often be
aeen watching twelve or fifteen oalvee,
w': ile their motbera have gone with the
remainder of (he herd to drink. After
the return of the herd the • watcher*'
Uke their tarn. This interesting fact ie
ronched foi by aererai old ranchmen."