Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 10, 1879, Image 8

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    ®ltt Crntrt gfmsant.
Thurslny Morning, April 10, 1(179.
('iiauKJUn.no - r, li|.'tiitm iittas. solicit- ;
r 1 ft..ti .m> |*tt > t I! • uily. \. i ..iiiiiiiiiiitatioiii
)t,M*r(r<l cco!u|itttiiiHl l> Ibu uml nuitio of tic
i rttrr* j
Local Depart mcitl.
—To-morrow is Good Friday end a legal
—Soehler'* new advertisement is on the j
fifth page.
—Good white shirts at Newman's for j
fifty cents.
MilHintown must want lecturers had
w hen they get Theodore Tilton.
Mr. Witliam Hippie, of Pine Glen,
wits a caller at our sanctum last week.
-—Nave hit agunl's profit by buying of'
Bunnell A Aikens, corner Bishop and Al
legheny street*.
—The champion essay on "Moving Day',
wa* written by the "local" of the Philips
burg Journal last week.
—Tho Philipsburg Journal say* that
snow fell in that place to the depth of
about five inches last Friday.
—We have tho pleasure of recording a
visit from Associate Judge Franek, of lte
ber*burg, on lu.-t Tuesday afternoon.
—Spouting is being put around tho build
ing known a* the "Arcade." It is an im
provement which bus long been needed.
—Alexander Green a colored man of
this place, died quite suddenly at about
half-past five o'clock last Monday morning.
—Holy communion wa* administered at
the Episcopal church last Sunday and will
ho celebrated again on next Sunday morn
—Go to llume*' Hall this evening and
hear the genuine Louisiana colored singers,
whose voices have been trained by skillful
—To ladies—Send to Bunnell A Aikens
for your patterns. $5OO worth of Duttrick*
an<Fssoowvorth Mm*. Demorest's alwny*
on hand. Catalogue* free.
—Newman ha* for sale tho Fully Sus
pended or Argosy Brace, which is a novel
ty and said to bo *uporior to anything of
the kind in use.
—The choir of the Protestant Episcopal
church has been practicing new music,
which will be rendored at the morning and
evening services next Sunday.
—A prominent official of the Pennsyl
vania railroad says that if business contin
ues a* good a* it is at present, the wage* of
employes will be increased.
—The friends of the venerable Richard
I'atiow, of Uniunville, assembled at his
homo on the first of April, and gladened
Lis declining years with a brief season of
—Oh !oh! oh ! prepare to defend your
self ! TUe Republican say * that it ha* re
ceived private advice that a European na
tion is just ready to commence war with
this country !
—"Slang" ha* been well define.) a* "a 1
cheap substitute for witand anyone de
siring to bo <iu fait in every variety of
slang need only consult the column* of
the Republican.
—The meeting of tho stockholders of the
Bellefonte Library Association, which met
nt their rfiDms on Monday night last, was
adjourned to meet again on Monday eve
ning next at7:-<0 o'clock.
—The houe of Mr. Mam. Blackford, at
Central City, wa* entirely destroyed by
fire lost Maturdny night. The surrounding ,
projorty wa* in much danger, but by the j
exertion of great effort the fiame* were j
prevented from spreading further.
—Col. W. W. Brown, formerly of thi*
place and now of Lincoln Centre, Kansas,
had to lose almost every
thing he had accumulated since hu resi- I
dence there, by a prairie fire which occur
red on tho IHlh of last March.
—Walker it Martin, w ho at one time con
ducted a green grocery in this place, were
the recipient* last Fri< lay of a check for
$175, paid by tho railroad company to re
pair the loss of a market car which wa*
wrecked one year ago lost August.
Dr. Calder, President of Mtate College,
and Ma*ter Leonard Khone, "the big Pa
tron of Centre county," were announced
to lecture before the Patron* of Hushandry
of Clintondale and Malona, of Clinton
county, on Friday and Saturday night*
—We recommend those who w'*h Us
purchase good groceries—cheap—to go to
the store of S. A. Brew A Hon. They
deal fairly, have the largest, purest stock,
artd the mo*l accommodating clerk*. A
person who purchase* there once is sure to
—A lecture will be delivered on Satur
day evening, the 2lth of thi* month, (or
the benefit of the Episcopal church, by
J. W. B. Bausman, of Lancater—subject,
"Over the Ocean." Mr. Bausman is an
eloquent speaker and ha* a thorough un
derstanding of hi* subject.
—ln whatever occupation you msy bo
engaged if the clothes you wear do not
fit, you cannot work well. Therefore, go
to J. Newman, Jr., and his experienced
tailors will make up for you a suit of
clothes which will (It most exquisitely and
enable you to be at perfect ease.
—"The Bee Hive" exclusive dry-good*
•tore has, since its recent opening, won n
patronage equalled by no other business
place in. this town. It is altogether im
possible for any other store to sell so low,
as J. 11. Bauland has facilitlea for purchas
ing at much more reasonable figures than
any other of our merchants.
—The thoivc* who lutcly troubled the
people of Centre Hull havo evidently deem
ed it vviso to change their scene of opera
tions and are now imposing upon the good
fid let in the vicinity of Millheim. On
Sunday week, a* Mn. Christopher Moyer |
wan at church, the rascal* entered her j
dwelling and dialing a suit of clothe* that
seemed to suit their las lea, appropriated it,
and then vaniahed. They thought it
would be cruel, however, to leave without ;
visiting aotno one olao, and so their
respect* to the residence of .Mr. Win.
Mee*o, and took a suit of clothe*, an over
coat and a shirt. Dame Fortune thought
tin* was mora than Mr. Moose could lose
all at once, to a* he had a child nt home ;
who was not very well, she quietly told
hiin to hurry hence, which he did. tin
approaching the house lie aw two men
near tiio window of hi* dwelling, who, on
seeing him, ran quickly away, leaving the
overcoat and shirt behind them.
—Only $l-0 of the entire $l,()O0 now
remain to he contributed toward* the new
building w hioh the employ eesof Valentine'*
Iron Work- propoio to erect for their mu
tual benefit and improvement. The pro
prietor* of the work* have themselves given
$ JIX) toward* iho object, Samuel Miliiken,
Esq., ha* given $5O, and the remainder
!iu been raised by the combined efforts of
the employe*, all of whom deserve great
credit. We anticipate that it will not he
long ere the entire amount will he forth
coming, when operation* will be commenc
ed. Contributions may be sent to Alfred ,
NicholU, of A'aleiitiliea store, who is the
I'rof. George Sliadman's School in
Ferguson township closed on Friday.
March 2H, with appropriate exercises of
reading and recitations. The pupils all
did themselves great credit and the excite
ment ran high when the school journal
entitled the Slrr/y llJh.tr yintlicafor was !
read. The Washington Cornet Hand con
tributed its assistance to the general jubilee,
and the entire performance was one long
to be retncmlicrcd.
—lt i* refreshing and pleasing to the
eye to behold the mountains of clothing
and furnishing goods at Newman's Kngle
Clothing Hall. He has g-xals piled up to
the ceiling, tail" has the largest stock
brought to Bellefonte for fifty years, and
at price* that none of his competitor* can
comj>ete with. Newman ay* ho can't he
Mr. Francis M|cr is now n young
attorney-nt-!aw in embryo. Mince his papa
ha* removed to the farm, Francis has taken
up hi* headquarters at the boarding-house
of Mrs Butt*. During the day ho is in
the legal otllce of Clement Dale, Esq., un- >
der whoso instruction Francis has already
reached the fourth book of Black stone's
—l'rof. L. O. Foose, some years ago
principal of the Aaronsburg academy, in
this county, ha* recently been elected
superintendent of the public school* of tin
city of Harrisburg. Mr. Fo*e ha* had
large experience a* a teacher and will no
doubt cuake an cfiieient and *urrs-*fu!
superintendent. *
Edward Speor, wh haa for ome time '
l>ocn with Operator Mai in at tit in place,
receiving instruction* in the art <-f tele
graphy, ha* gone to York, Pa., to amme
charge of an office of hi* own. He ha*
been an apt pupil, and, although young, is
considered abundantly comj-etent to fill
the position.
—Fine clothing matin to order at New
man's cheaper than any other place in the
Fnited Htato*, by the best tailor* in the
country. Mr. .lack*on, Newman'* hand
tailor and cutter, is acknowledge by every
one a* one of the best cutter* and tailor* in
the Stale. Now i* the time to call at
Newman's for your fine suits.
Wonderful reduction ! Newman had
reduced his suit* of clothing to s(,<>o, but
wishing to lay in another stock, he has
•till further reduced these elegant suit* to
he, Jnl/urt nnJ nrrrnfy firt rtnfs. Call
quickly and elect from hi* handsome stock.
s tore on Allegheny street, near Ili*hop. If
j —Yesterday was All Fools' day, and the
crop in this locality was prolific.— RtlU
font* Republican. "A frank confession is
good for the soul," but we did not expect
•o unblushing a confession regarding the
[■eculiar character of the community in the
' above office.
! —Tho Grammar school at Aaroniburg,
taught by A. W. Heigcl, closed on Tuesday
the 25th ultimo, with a successful enter
tainment. The other two school* of the
place, taught by Mrs. B. O. Deininger and
' Mr. D. H. liote, also closed about the same
- ... •
—"'Her Majesty'* Ship Pinafore" is soon
to be produced at a private concert in this
place. If it results successfully we hope
the "cousins, uncles and aunts" of the par
ties will prevail upon them to give a public
—At tho music store you can buy a new
Domestic sewing machine of Bunnell it
Aikens, corner of Bishop and Allegheny
streets, for $3O. Ib-sson—no agents.
—Tho Altoona 7Vi5 mentions Lieu
tenant Williams, of this place, as one of
the visitors at Altoona on Friday last.
—On and after this dale, overcoats will
be sold at cost at Newman's Eagle Cloth
ing Hall. Kememher this. 2-tf
—JohnHhook, late a resident of Farmer*'
Mills, ha* removed to Harrisburg.
Goon Krioat—lts History.—To-mor
row will bo Good Friday, the day on
which 3<H) millions of tint :F>o million* of
Christian* in tho world commemorate tho
j crucifixion of Jc*u Christ. It is called
| "good," perhaps, because lie who gave
] Himself up to death on thi* day, did so
for the ijoml nt' alt mankind.
It i* not therefore a day of man's insti
tution, but wa* consecrated by the Lord
Josu* Christ Himself. The anniversary of
Hi* sufferings could never liuvo punned by
\ an u common day in those limes when tho
memory of them WHS yet *o recent, and
when a daily fellownhip in them wu* so
continually before the eyes of Christians
\ in tiie martyrdoms of Hi* faithful servant*.
There may he just doubts about tho true
date of Christ's birth; hut there can he
m> doubt uhout the time of His crucifixion ;
tho Jewish Calendar fixe* that.
Teftulliun, who wa* converted to
| Christianity before the end of tho *ccond
century, ill speaking of the obsen an o
of the day, lulled It the Paschal Day.
Litter it wa* called the Day of our I-ord *
Passion, but it* present beautiful- uppella- !
tion i* the one by which it has now been
known for many centuries.
With tiie Passion of her Lord in view,
it ha* always been the object of the church
to muko tho devotion* of Good Friday '
such a* should help Christians to realise
lin* magnitude of the sacrifice that He of
fered—of the sin* by which it was made
necessary, arid of the mercy which moved
him to offer it. Say* Tvrtullian : "On tiie
! Paschal Day the strict observance of the i
I fast i* general, and as it weru public," not
restricted to those who professed to lead a
life of closer devotion than other* ; work*
! of charity were permitted, even to the ex- '
lent of the rich ploughing the land of the [
poor, but no uthur lubor wa* engaged in \
oil this huly day.
In thi* State, where there i* a popula
j lion of about three and a half million*,
not more than one-fourth |>art of the |>eo
;>le are professedly Christian, yet to great
it the infiuenee of Christianity that a law j
ho* been pa-sod by the legislature making !
Good Friday a legal holiday. Tho litur- |
oie of the Lutliern, lb-formed, Episcopal
and Roman churches ail contain special
forms of religious worship for Good Fri
day, and we presume that there will b j
public worship in the churches of eo< h of
1 'die denominations named, both in town
and in the country, to-morrow. Of course
the hank* will be closed.
Tint UmVBRMTY MIXOKKa Til la KvBX- j
tso. A treat i* in lore for all those who '
will attend the concert to he given in
Hume*' Hall thi* evening. There is every
reason why people should be present. No |
better cause can be conceived than that to
which the proceed* of the concert will bo :
| devoted, and the music itself will beexeep- ,
1 tionaily fine. Thi* band of colored lingers
are endeavoring, with their talents, to ave
an institution which ha* done and is still
doing gri st good, and which boar* an in
teresting history. Mhortly after the close
of the war an Orphans' Home was estab
lished at New Orh-sn* into which wcro
gathered the children of deceased soldier*.
A French gentleman donated ten thousand
i dollar* toward* thi* object and Plenty
thousand was raised by private subscrip
tion. Bishop Himpaon, of the M. E. church,
say* that thi* institution ho* 1-een instru
mental in doing more fur Protestant Chris
tianity in Louisiana than any other agen
cy. By an explosion in the boiler of the
Sugar House and other rauses, a debt of
ten thousand dollar* bos accumulated and
now bang* over the institution, and must
be met in some way. It mut be apparent
to all, then, thai it will he an act of genu-
J ine charity to attend the concert this eve
niag. The ticket* are 'for sale at Illair'*
jewelry store at 35 and 50 cents, and seats
can i>e reserved during to-day without any
extra charge,
Grbvt Kb is verm*.—A reduction in
everything just now seems to W the order
of the day, but we doubt if any establish
ment can equal the big jump downward
whi< h has just taken place at the clothing
j tore of Montgomery & Co. They are now
prepared to make up serviceable suits for
the low price of $12.50, which we doubt
if any house in the In ltd Mute* ran
equal. All good* purchased at this estab
j lishment can lie had at price* corre*|iond
-1 ingly reduced.
Dry for tub AYBet.—On Tuesday
afternoon last a large party started to the
AY eat, among whom were the following :
Joseph Peter* and family, of BoaUburg,
to Mt. Joe, Missouri; Mr*. Allison and
family, Cllntonvllle, to Ellsworth, Kas;
B. F. C'orman and wife and Mr. Lodor,
1 of Jacksonville, to AA'ahoo, Nebraska ;J.
11. Shank, of Howard, to Kansas City,
i Kas. ; Solomon Zerby and family, of Dak
i Hall, to Nlies, Michigan; two other per
i sons whose name* we did not learn.
A Hii.i.t Boast.—lt was a Huntingdon
paper we think that lost week put forth the
absurd claim of receiving more good* at
' thai station than i* received at any other
I point from Harrisburg to Altoona. They
' evidently overlooked the fact that J. 11.
Bauland ha* started Lit "Bee Hive" dry
good* store at this place and U every day
receiving as many goods as all the store*
and other businee* places and new Peni
tentiarjr et Huntingdon combined.
—The Pennsylvania Legislature hat
passed a law fining any person $lO for
having in bis or her possession a dog of
the Hpitx species. In default of payment,
threo month*' imprisonment is the penalty
RAUH. — The usual exercises worn hold nt
the Young .Mfn'i Christian Association
LAST SUN. lav ullcrnoort ML 4 o'clock. Our
young friend Mr. Lmtlsey conducted the
opening oxercisca, and WU followed BY
Gon. .Joined A. Heaver, Isaac Mitchell,
K-ip, Mr. Waggoner, J. W. Gephart ami
Chan. F. Cook. The Association ha* se
cured the room formerly occupied by
JUSTICE Httnkin, which they will convert
into a reading room and library and move
the carpet AT preaerit covering the floor of ,
the large room into it. To cover the audi
ence room about one hundred and thirty j
yard* of curput are needed and thu plan
ha> been di*cua>ed of (eliciting uiuitrihu
tloni of car|>et rag and having a iter view
able rag carpet manufactured. A com
mittee of llvv, however, was appointed
who will confer with the lady friends of
the Association and seek the excellent ad
vice which, la-cause ol their su|A-Tior wis
dom in such matters, they will be able to
A PEACBUI, ConactKKi'K. — Any man
who owes bis tailor cannot havo a con
science at rest, but the necessity of owing
for the clothes which we wear is now done
away witlF AS J. Newman, Jr., *<-11* his
elegant stock of clothe* so remarkably
cheap (hat the |Htore*T among us can have
a complete outfit lor a very small amount
of cah. lie purchased a new lot last week.
—J. W. Harris, postmaster of Lock
Haven, has received a letter from the Treas
ury Department designating him a "Unit
ed STATED Depositary of Public Moneys,"
in that city, and authorizing hiui to re
ceive and bold public moneys arising from
the sale of the "United Slates refunding
certificate*, " issued in accordance with
the act of February 20, 1879. These cer
tificate* are of the denomination of ten
dollars each, are nearly of the form and
size of a I'nited States note, bear interest at
4 |ANR cent, and are convertible, with ac
crued interest, into four J-r cent govern
ment bomls, in sums <>f fifty dollars OR mul
tiples thereof. Mr. Harris has forwarded
his bond to the Treasury Department, and
will In a lew days have a supply of the
certificates and be prepared T> issue thern
to JA-rsons who desire to invest in them.
-—The country will not be surprised U>
bc*r of the rcja-al of the Constitutional
amendment now that b- th HORNET are
democratic — Jirllrfuntr Hrvuhlvan.
Man, do keep your pant* on and don't si
pose yourself In this way. Clrarjltld lit
The danger of ex|.o*ure is imminent, and
we think tho advice of lbs CB-arfleld KT
publitan is judicious and well timed. The
author of the sensible PARAGRAPH in TH*
Beilrfoiita tUptMiean should not SI I- asf
wear a swallow tailed cat.
—The fame of the Centre Hall detectives
should at least reach a* far and i* certainly
as well d'-served as any the Metropolis can
produce, as THEY have lately ferretted out
a thu-f w ho abstracted funds from the mis
sionary box in the M K. Sunday -school
room of that place
— The immense flouring mill of John C.
Mot/., of Woodward, IT attracting great
attention, as it is, to use th* words of the
Miltheim Journal, "stocked with a splendid
lot of new machinery, and is TICKING as
good flour, and |<rrh*|* a little better, than
any mill in the county."
Now pick up the shovel and the hoe,
and lay down the fiddle and the bow, and
plant early onions in the— snow.
T — The I'enn Hall Academy opens next
Monday, with Prof I). M. Wolf as Prin- j
11l TTRorr-Ul NKt.K-At C*ntrw lUII Man b ft
Many K lImI, ul WilltkOMpidt. an 4 M nil#
•■I !.•* Innsni.l# (Vhtrs #awn<*
WMTO*- MKBNt MAN*—*ll lb# rr~b>i*tiari par
*<*•#'. Tyrwt##. Pa . • n wr*4*y, Man k I*7#.
\j *## I* M Mfsvr*. V I* Mr * P *•*•'•. <4
HarrVrsbiMl, #4 Ml## Kmh * M*f rynea... 4 IuUJ
Engl* Tftlky, l*a.
RRAKK-On U> X*H ..I Msrvh. at AAFT nswr. Mr.
Jbs Frank, bH 74 ?Hr>, I Mtli and Hi 4ay
l-AI V ML—AI <>44 Wrmm, bat t*hili)nt*wrf. on
Apnl S, Mr# P arak Jan* U*f, if*4
at* it N j*art
A>W Atlrrrtiarmrmla.
'V'OTICK in hereby given, that the
i. * 5.,|.._T N( AM4 ,WISOSM Ss*. *l-4 IWC pel-
UEAS Ssr liraas la Iks ■** ~F lb- lint at lbs IWI
'4 O ..IT.r a. MSI.es >4 the L>E. la M 4 u*
lb. T'oantf OF I'sair. AA4 aiais .4 T-.aas7t.SNSA, ae4
LHI SF.PT i-ntloa will ba will si lbs asil SmiS nas <4
SSS I K,M in (rsal IK* ssa>. 1
llsni-l itarman.—__.Tb.era—- IMMhal. An. -Wfb.
Jsmb I. Knnaan. Osteon Ore*tC Tnaasblji.
Reul— V -lisffer, __.TWr*,... II mH Rnmacb.
r-OJ H. Mover Tsssva_ ...Pwin T.-aosMp.
HI bar* LITRE.. TS.-va,... I"liill|e* r S>T..|K
llearr C. teser__ Halnna. Hell.Seal. Ruvngb.
Ranm-t II •(■. Ts.ern ISlerlt Township
IW.M J. M-fsr, „„.Tsvera - Poster Tnwastff
B4war4 Rr..wa,. ...Tsms,,,, RllHoa|. Hr mfffe.
fc*rt Tsrlnr,.„ Tssens. ...rbil.pslmrit hmaik
i.malbaa Setae, Tsvsvn. Mlllha.ta Ruvwagh
H<—l LorA. Ts.ssa... Hhil.|al.r( Rofwagk
r r.-1-ri S Klallb .....Osteon ReUekiat. IS r I,
J.ibn (I. Hole. Tavesa. .. aaoe Ste- T..an.k>
s. 11. (Mewktrk— _Ts.es,—Hassan Towasbia.
Hsnrj *M _Tsverw ...*>lke T.wnshln.
Uoslasb Wsag, 1 n i_.Tavesa. —Mtss Towashp
Jobn AsSirse Oslonn.. . ..Relief *. IS.ROUGH.
JMtrej llsjm. Tavsra. ...Hush Taaasb.ti,
it*l Kllna. Jr r _..__.Tk*is r ..Marion Tneashlp
II W" TSles. - IMM SW ken,b.
John lVeenhs.tr, Tsra__..TsiUe T.rwaaM|>.
Aeewstns Kmsa Tbn t . adl-f.esl* ket|k
Alois A K-blberkse. Tsveta af*- Townsbla.
.Willises a. I<nf Tata_ llsiae. T' SS.M,
laaer D. Hnjrsw, ....__.Tss<ea_....llslnes T. easblr.
P.I". W'eSwt, Htlnsw. ...Plsill|Weire Hnnmeh
Owsrx* I IRwkttA Mwe,—MMblkrnt|li
Jnlsn HiiaiAsli,..._...Ta.ns r ..Ph.Utwbert Weoaeb
W. T, Mnstar.. Tssmb. MtllhMia H.ewab
Jaasat Pae-asor., Tavern,. ...Pblt.twbare Pse.wwH
AI ee I Aaalh. Hake.*,. ...HsSliSials tbreeeb.
lis.M 11. Mil_ Ts.sen, ...Ixsse Towasblp
lien Mai A T.IIm, Ts.Mn, a-llsbniis Rasweeh.
Kbadrsrk Stafff —Txsea Psenswa T.amsbif..
C. A. Psalk.isr Tsvera, PWUffsS srg MM.
4. 0. HARPBR. Clark.
■ rwk-rbe* Row. Allswlsai t raws,
t-ty Pal Hunts. Pa.
k J .4 suudrr writs ..f P|.,| y w
V.|..|lll.|| Ksuiuas. lasws-t out of 11,.. ('..ml ~1 ,n.
l'l-sss..f ...ui.ir, M.il |„ .tir— i-l, i 11...
will le-s|Ka..| 51j.u1.1,.. S.I. ,1 11,. (iwurt 11,11.. In
..II MTI IttiAV, A I'll 11. A l>. Ja; •.
si ens ~ rlnck l< M . 11... rHloalaa .|.eille.| ~.a |
"Ull of fit# ll(i lIIIBISII, fit Mil ;
No. I.—All that certain lot or of
KDWIiil MIiMU lit Ui- Mot 'ttKli of |fs l|. f.rtifs I citlr.-
•ounly, I'st., ISSSIIIPIIWI sill : tllstssl less |*s kbit
>n lb# itorth l*y IIP Hrti in |Ho|*-ri y.tm (It# Mat I ,y m,
•llry, isu 1# til llt .y f|# Kfi#u<|# Cliuri | j.r-.jr.ii,,
Altl Oil lit** mI ly (lis- llwllle rui<- <*'lit,lt.| fig
•tin. 111 it.i gi r 1, auor# or IMM ; fltßtwiu rmlpil g iw
•lry ilMrlllitK ItUQM, I Io-Lry #• IMH>|
■fa'.l'* aiisf ofhs f (filll>ull'tillmm tak• it hi #*•'
ctilloti Mii-1 tn l# aol-l m tin. property >,l lis |l.-f.,nt#
A< iyl *uty.
No. 2—All llint certmin lot or |iic*9 of
arxiMKl altuala In 4'rrguMiffi l<.rialit|>, Onlr# county.
IVnn'M, le-eitrt U-l on tli# iHiftli ly Un l of f|*- Hits L r
lieira, Mii'l tli# #nr( t#y l.vit-1 of Jain** Matt, on llit*
•O'lfli |iy |||<u of Jolili Hholl, aii'l oil (|• West |.y )|| ( ||
'f Hatmi#) M< H llliMfisM. < •iliUtlilng Sill# l.tiii lfsot- au*l
tliiriy fi%# a'tiw, inor# of Imm, mISOUI OU# liun-lr#*! a t rr i
)#Mfd t|i#TMOM RfPi I|| two atssfy frufll# h'<ua#, | y 1
l-Mfll a I ill Ollief out i llll'llisK* J*# |/4 1, tk i-|| to .-g.w u
Uow, and tu I*# aol*l a til# prop#rty of Amlo w Hialk#r.
No. .I.—All th*t cor In lii 10l or pifee of |
|f"UH'l aitnat" In tin- to|| of Airulmlitiig, llano**
toWliMliip, < **itfi rounl), iVlilia. ail I lUfl/kwl hi lII#
g#nml plan of aaottoMu follow*, known u* |.>i K*i
b*ljoiis 11> it hat I'M Way. an I on tlo #A#i Aajon #
n*|iiar#, sin tli* aoutlt lot No, ;t>. on tb< •<•(, <HK|
ll#y on tl*# north, 's.iiUhi/ In to#llt
• Amowi Kspiar# fti l# t. aiol in <ipih mt ng
Ilk In I'M may •?■ f*#i tin r#*m #r# t#>l a two * Uny
I# fas| iffa|liliitgc aiol ator** lii*n#, a two *|s/ry dm#|lhiy
ly*M' Mud oll#r out hulldinir*
Ml that pwrt i*r porti'Hi of K#rUiti I• *t of yronn>|
•Ituat# in th# Uiwa of Aaron.nry. Oi.it.- .ointy.
Pa . aaid l*it tiunils#f#>i m th# grispnl p an <f aatd t'*w u
r.#., I* m tolas I rim] )##* rtl*d-s| Mlolhsm* iD-ytrinii./ at
th# aOMth w#*t rorn#r of h tNo. :0', U>#n- ahosg
Aar- i>* f.piht v • "•! it thai*aiong r#ao|i.# #f Ui
aani# lot N' T'sK" north f.<#t, th#n # wi c f,
lh#io U'kflh 11*> Iwl, th#to# #aat ! f#t, 110 Jo# fifth
f f#t Ls btrawlts-rry allry, lb#nr# alony * ( i 1 ali#y
l*'i • f#t Isj lot .No. 'Stlt, lh'l!(# ai dig RNi ] lo< m-'tili.
feii is* plar# if to*i;irtriifig. Therwon r!#d
tkffr it#nk • arn Relr#-!, talon In •amcuth# arid to
La as-.'l a* Ui* property #f I. li. H )r.
No. 4.—A1l that cs-riain lot or pitrce of
I' uo'l In tb# UfMiigii of H#l)*hfHt# a Ontn
fiunty. I'aun'a, boun4*~l and I*-Ilow* o
lit* • rtb by Ifeiih of John lltrru, * n tn# #*i t.
land* '4 A U. Car tin, ou th# arulh t<> an all#y. aod on
tl# m< #t lit iais'i* of JkUt. s llaJ#y, fi'juttuf ou SA. I gl
|#y aUrtit 70 f#-t, #*t#u ti I* !*• k alf*oit f# t |
iaiol* of John f llatn*. il#r- a out<d a two L t)
d-ioLfia (rani* bottaa, at*' 1# and othrr idlt
Mi#l, tak'n In #iKlb>is and to !■# add a* th# prop
erty of fatrhk Kll#y
N. 5. All Ihbt <s-rUin tra. t ,f un-'nU-d
land Ritual# In liam* 1 wuahip,('tttr# roaiitj , I'ewna
Rst#)#4 in th# irrat## uaui* of J -Uu frwm, ton
laiiituK 4 "J m rw*, iif-r# a Irm,
All thl rertala tra* t of unMMit"l lan J .!aat# In
P *tt#r t vn*lip, (Voir# fitil*. I'tnoa. iuf • y -J u.
th# warrwtil## nam# -4 J -hi. K rrui. nonlMlCsiistf 41#-
• r#a. w#r or |pm, tl.r# n •iml#sl a sbaiu #am mill,
fr' • t #ia<*-1 h"##. a tat-1# and oibr •ut litlkl.tii*
4H#I Upn in HiMfflil ti ai.*) to t# #4* l m* tb# jr j
#• of |a.a/ t i. Uf* -l and r(lawn Ulrr* r<! I %
•* ai it <>( J(*m> liidtrin' 4. dfowhol, Hiaart H Utile#
#.,e( •sdow, luv I || flMlssl, Jam. t. t'l#f as j.
'># n I t4#rwood. W at*#r I rul#* #**•! Mary A W*
aisi It Way h#f buaisand and /. I bd#t a>4 and
v% .11 a R J I to'l'-r -I Istif* and I'a'al r#!*##-#* I. let is*
if Jhm.4-1 *ltv aid 4m##Wkß#d with noli*# t-> Ijk'it.#
J urn, N**| !i#tt lluu., bi#• and J*hn low Twrr* liti
So. ft.—All the right, till* iinl inltroi
of J4i f t*ray ■.# < f th# 4rf>a<Ui<t* in ar.d t that
'•fU ' M f pi##i# of gr fitui Riluat# in h* U-rxvgii <-f
Phi.ipßt ttrg, * #wtr# raautttry, l'#i.t a !..#.o-u-J at* i4#
•nW a# I'4l<#* t- mil na th# not tli I y haiir*!
•ir.ri crti th# -ai ly • nib Ontr* atr##. . tb*
• iih by l'f#ii# |*i# #Dh*i and <*n tl*# w## by I -t * f
V tlunwn and otter*. froutJiij t<* tb# iui! A*##apt#
Ui# •I * ##t a'foot f##t M4f-i *tl*w it* l.sßsk S4 1
tn #ald 1-anrH Mrr#' TV#t- n Hi*rt#*l a lar*:# tw and
a ball *Ut y t .** k d**lli*c km*# and tor# r*<*s. t tw#
d"j fram# t#uan( t •# ai.-1 u4br .u| ( oiklibira
vis! uk#*< In *ivin a an 1 la I*# l<# a*4J a* ln
I- i-ttf .( Jih R. bity.
No. 7 —All lhck several lot or pieces
of kwr-1 m* ■ ai# is tb# UtrvffWfti 4 lMM>%tr. two Ik##
of l*#giauit*x on Us* * wtb aid# of i.iit.t, *tr##L. tO
f#t #4at "f h* lisf wJi*y. th#*## Month I* eail *r*<
f# t la C"ls*ri Alley, fl#r # aloni; mM aJJ#y is rtli
*h~- #•! IMfr*l Ui * |*l UiNir* fsotth If R#*t _*>U
fM t t.i 1 f tin Mf##t. lis* (ere ai* r.|f m l *lt< * I a rtstb 7*
w*s#| 3* M Is. th# plw# f i#gulsiin- .Said lull
i#lwf •*#■' b U bed fiuii! on nil *lr#4-t. and #>t*tsdii.f
t*a< li M' f#t lo Mis] ali#y.
A LbO,
T** mwt# Usff'#*<filualH • tb# wis •xb -f I'or in
•tr##l *t tl*# pint of iat#r* ti--n f *as i
•if••#! Mil |n *t<<r wlUy, lh#iH ai>*n4 MII afiHt
###t If *• th a p **t. th*- - # is rtb 1? rii
An l##t to an all#y. tb*w# along miJ alb y * ulb 7*
•S Rl J fsss I I J'• a • r • . , SS
#utl. \l "k't A* 1 tb# |4a* sf I*#A dblti£,
s*a< it l4t I#-1 frual on aa 1 atrn#!. and #*lending I'M a
!•**! U aaid aily.
Tw- mara tbranf tk*gli4' t*f at a p#nt m tb* antili
ai-b of r*ftiu aifMl 4| frst ##*t -f I#- utt.r as- |
tip no ir>b| mhl tn*al * *lh > a*t Ui f<4 Its a
p *t, t'•** - north I** m ##t / fs.i U'Mallry, th t< #
•I ng mm*! atUy *#lli > *at 174 f<*H ts a f**#t
lb* auilk If ml hot Us th* |4m# of !#£**•
*ihl Ik* ••sum n#l th#tw 4 k4*ii k' M and 1 la#
'•tl### 74 f#*t fr-nl • a*d atr##l, and #w b ctimdinj
I In k JO" f#l Ui nabl all#t
A Wtpnr> t| n*i fh# -*r| M 4r i pro
p. mm*} m *4 lw**t4f All*} mi > f-mttl 21* f#*t
'-tl <f ClUft •tfO*t, tli-JWO tr ttld 7* wl ) )(•( u.
j •!•* 1J U-*i l<i a |< th'tv* *tftt iJf o*t I/*
(•! Ii |l, aurtitb?* il l€| |r*-| | anil
|* i.|aa*to-| - 4 |fc"rtr ftll#y. thovo r,j
•% liUf nftth lif <> l I I| U Ui< |4m t f U> .
i <••' "•
I *n* 'Hh M il • f4f>t 234 ,f> *l '*< o #
lh* *tu4 atlMHl"! i*t !**'ilir alift ! 4* hot t 11, i
<4 C<Utlß •tfwM. Mif n tilt m r-f tar cf • Urfft i
I trfl i.flan 4 pnr* n* thr ai<l W .;;* MrOolfn I
1 mm. • c-rtii t John H Aiitctd-fl from |>db A M4Vyr, !
i tho o olh 1/ Mkl lm* % U> I |al. Ibrt •
o nth t k I4i Ibl •" • |*i llirr. *■ Bnl 12
I •m 1) M I" • |ol, IIhm notthHHr r • %*t lUiil |
i lfr | th |4m • 4 hofttittiftc. • torod. t*h < n in m%
irml i mud u t* M 4 *• th* p*<u|-flj *4 1* iliuii M •
No. K All that certain Iwoptorjr build-
Ir.g rmn fining In front 31 •H'M In W-pti, |nl)
ln M M>4 Im 14 of p< of *m nh*<h tt.r
mm# In arwM nttk lh*fHtlip Mrirnuil ikfat-. J
, iMmU In MillhHtn cm (to "•! M# >4 North Hrw,
( MM. talM In HkiiU-i mnl u to ml'l a IH prop
erty f Ikii4 Millar.
No. P.—All thai certain lot of ground
{ n4 Mtnit# In (Htral Oty. ranii* c*moiy.
, pcnnn . UoiO'lml M4 4*-orrll*| mm Mtonr. to nit tan
j Ito 0"rOt hj (to liripk* on tJ .y |.<4 <4 Wn
(Jolt mlth. *m (to nrmth try hold KmU iVHi. on tto '
■ol hf lot go ll# toißf M go |M | th* fcfuaral
pi. A*4 Oof ml ni|. ll>4 in* Ito win* Wof gnunl j
tol E C- Hoo* atol A torn 11. * 44t*il<iHr|.fi rf
Jam*# T 11*1*. 4 r mo* 4. hy 4~m f dM till of May. {
ItM, noitafwl l AUiatoar S#Vi#. Tltro rto4
two Mart fhMo* 4o*lllnf h mm- no# "th*# ant 4*444
lot* Mr#4. UV#o in •tomtlan MHI to l# *44 mm \b*
I*..Ptty of A i(tod ft. hoi I
No. 10.—AH that certain rt#r# or lot of
grm>n4 totnot* *n Pit# atrot, In th* I**•**<, of Mil* .
Un.(Vtrv r -cinty. P i.i.a . Imii44 an I HmtiiM '
mm Mlono, to HI: fronting to-nty h~i on Pifc#
•tmt running thrnfth IK# mm* **•*! ji, to Mill
•u*t.*4Httof M 4 C. < ft) !'• ouu <• th
•Mill. twf Nof Alfro4 flfron th* north Mn| port
of t4 (Ma. 1A) in Ito pUn of u4 borough. m<l Ito
mm* Iml .n*oy*4 p. AIM Urooo and nth hi 4*#4
4*l *4 IV ru*ry m IV7I. to (t* aaid Al rati P. r*lA
Ttofon *r*iM • faro ttoty fr*ao* Iil4fn( ftlW>
tona* ftil 4v4llh| foatldM t a gan4 fram* alal ia n4
Othor hailfiap Atft*4. hah* it lo rtartDnn aa<l
to ho tM mm Ito pmpottp of A. K Mar*
No II —All tht certain lot or* f.l*v of
IwC Ct*t. la Kan. MnaMf, Oaalrr (oanlf. N.
IW *M iliami' m Mtowa. to 11 - Ifc alnnln.
U a lloki fj In. aatrknd at a eurar. Hmni M Ua4a
of A.C Maiti mtK IC.nl 11 pi'liw to >t.*
Ho.p, iW.or. I*. I .ail, of KiCf Bnrli l.ntl. Nt
1..1U T. fnk)la., atalK IfmW MO |i.Ka l.
a Miat Ham 1.. Ua4> •* mH T.rMjttiuanatli
W IWI 11 aan 10-t a> a'nw.. llmk. h. l rt. S Jftia
* allot MV ml n H" .n.to. In itn plan* <4
blnlaa. nmaialai l*° itim ami .4c1t17
to Ito mam aar* nr to. Iktfna .r<. t<-4 a in
•lor. (ton* 4t.111n. limk, a torn. .| nthw
oal t'.IMIa.. MtoMra hninHn aa4 In to
•oM M Ito |II i.arlj of Jan frj anil Baamaah ttf
No. 12.—A1l that certain lot or pir of
aroaal Kiwi, (a Hartto loaatliln. Cnatr. noaaijr,
rva.'a, 11 ants I m ito aarth W. K ilmn t Mtmun
and Ito V.lnnUn. toir.. am Ito ml to I.ad of M.
a Baal, on ito math K. taad. mf M. Ito .ad on ito
ml by Wad. 4 Jaa. M Raa, raaUIMH ft la. I.
am. anl. ar to. Ttonoa narlnd . top M>
4IUa. Wan*, toak torn and otto, aal (talldlaa.,
74 arm atoirnd Mud, 14m la rarrattea
and in to add aa Ito to firly nf W. t Bom.
No IS.—All that certain hutiiting and
Wl 4 enfaad 41 aal i la Walkn. M*tohlt s tiualia
nt .nlPaa'. Inauli d aartk by aaMtr l Inadiag
tkroigii Bliiaa. *allr, an by Wad. at 4. M. Oar-
Vnrk aad IWaWI l.a>. and na Urn >*ih and t hp
Wad. aCllacM Itdab. II I. alm Wnry fraatr dueH.ti*
ton, kaHl la Ito Oaf. <4 Ito Mm "1 ftaallag on
I'iiMl* r>Hul 30 f**t by ,-j$ $ inch** f*ir>K tit* rant,
th* width of thm fr*ut t* !* nling auufh b*|ir tf—•
■it') f)t p* rt •Sfwodlbjr in Uik w*at ItH.j: /ii (tH.Mii I
th* r|% t' t<jrtit lit lb*. atigl* f'limH by t,
I'llildJitK In-ill |f 21 Wi (riftK t)** a>Hj|h <t*| 14 . |
in* *l w#t P*la*4. tk**n iu •>*-. tii' ii (i<| in |,
•old ■ lit* prufmrtp n( Dr, f h fi*h<r.
No. M.—All Oit corootau, fmrnhi o
rlk-lil, and pr iff fag#* >4 th*- •■• ) Tlm
f<Hit* (at Ma/mia* tiring <-* nipay ,( ol ||| r ,i n, ( .|
t|t*- riptlnfi imh *••. Ah I alo lit i it..i( in*-*<>£*
t*iiaffj<>ft( Hit'l I' ' '/f |'li* '( gr<Himl •i'u-t; iu tii
ltt>r>taxh of B*ll#ftrtt(*, "iiiiily •/ (Vnif# mti <ui> ~f
{'••Iiltt)irlil, liliHr*| u<l tl**< fil**! M follow*. f*>-
*!' I • /iltit.J ht nj' '*t ri !.*• 1-.* nh>;
f f offl It* ll'foltfft ti K"UJitt|f| tIt*►•- i/t|(h 'ifH' tw'
*aat ftH to * ill iijt land hrraaftar d*w-rilad
inn* li-w-i! of in C (U)itol U and '/tint Uni* f
Will C lit f||'.l<l tbftfl *- Mitll II •lII', ■Hi 7S fwt
t< tit*-rit* ti riifht I'tnk f ff|>iinx Or*# li IHt-u- *• uf<
right Iniiili "I Hpriit k <>**k, aoutb mm! /)4 Iml fa
H |"ft. t lt-l.* *- HOtll fl U V/. U*.| ifi t I,** HOlth-
W#t ' 'lTflftf llf tll lllf ffW# f O fIJMT * |rttii4-
inif. Of it •- 1 '** th* 'Urn north. •'.Z > IV. • *•! JjfA I t
th*- • lltrr t It till tfUrm <#f |i. If Yal# aUn. th?r
■l' 'i, mi I fwit< ifiili I*/ Hi*, nt-ii 2iS (***■• (/m
Ittlt'l t.f If I# linh fti in |)t (tf T J Straight
A <V, Ikt if t- Hi'l Uiti), iKtrik €7'' J*/, *••! lUI
f. l'. h |-<*t, tii'-u'' by Urn! if tout**, tit'flli X£>' # w*wt
'• I'm f*o t t ' H |ft"t *l*l lII* PWf|#|i||l I'H't fe|t'tl-MM),
thfif •- down Mt-I ru*d Mirtli .11'' *r, **t YAO fM t'
llt pla<-* /f . rtt|itliiif • ighl ■* !< b* lit*
■■lit*- rit'.i- .r >•#, t * 1* if fit" mui* |#t or (til** of In, !
fcfc I. li * is krfj • . it *4 Hit t (AMI IM
'Jit.l f A . ut A D., ifi.i, i<-' <ml*l ill f antra i.tiKil) ,
ill fi-t'l If-* k I No - |f, •')■', |lii(*l tili<l rititif) I
t l)i- in J Ti.w If* If* "fit* < Hf Mi iii*lu Iftr * -hh
|"Ul>, tiJ • I*4t of ill* *Alfi* t>4 <4 iit 1 Hilitii fc*j
itiuittl liUu Jt-tf l Hfi'i ttifr, K'ii M kUiMittfi 1*1;!
vift . Kfii M 1 almitfti* hit I i(' aifl H Au*fiti Iff*
K, I tiff It; d' tlaM tti* 241! i <Ur >4 iter A.U..
1*7.1, I••**I'IhI iii t.-ittfi < "Out;, iit It* I Um-'H I. Itiu.
>I Hi •' I HI. . '"II •!,. 1... 1 J .
If. Il*f*fit*- ' MtiinUrlHiinx <** mjthit* |hrlr /f tli*
(iit part lii*t*t ft* gf th*-f hltit tli* %t*r u t
|*flvii**jt" ta IU (.Hiit . ii tlt Mult/* I'.tftk imitu *l
- it htH.a'•'Jt*rJ.tt uf ktvuiklm fully **-t
( ullt hini in Ik* ■t'ti* iihiiUoih4 <I*•'!• r*-
f"IWICf l*ilt| IiIHVUIiUt iltKt will ItM'l* fully H ll'l ht
laif* ■! f*r. Tli* i*•**l* ■ (.in- *ivf) i.ii. k Ulikf
-1114 W S hlt j r - upfw! HM % I mii'lry ■!*) Itbu k*ttilt
• li-'ft, hi* * b'*tt**-r "tio-ftt -fj ttitrk Uiii<liU| <t tt|ti*] *h
h IMClillit ili ( m(I*1 • |*htt>rft !*• p, hlt Huuii.t i >•
• tori .fik buil'lM'tT ' ■ ji' i ** ■ pUltirK UillJ, hi*'#
••Httlx r ii*.t it I n k I ulftl.tig I'm1 •i*.l
l y lit- Utaiihoii kitiiUi>x Mhiiiit* O'tttyai y.ito' <**•
ili* < l(*.! '! I i k I-. Mluy (**•<) hud i(ii| ] u •
i <iHltit|r It "** •!! .flt Him" <<u+ '#t**f t.-t**y
I fihtuf t uiM.H| km*ati •• tli* (taibt it "j Vif (l**-r uj'.i
' nil Ui'- into lii it i I'tulhitjnd In *h)'l kiiil'liux* Itciottx
, ITIK I i til* Hii'l lb* |wlt**J Ht* ht Mt ftt/lunuK
j i i.ui|t*tiy, hi*-! iutfiiH-f at*.-*!#, dry kill* hw. •** !*.
Ail tl*t r rtain mw-.tf* 1 , t ii** *• <t mil I'd t pi ft.
of gr.'Utt 1 itiuiM In ti boroagli ut htlMuid.
' uuaty <4 Oat#- hi*'. t*i i I'M-. •tWai.iA.
•ni <f*-M < it•* 1h !*• wit tylteL.lii4 ** * |*"t
(•a lnk of r iit#r • ' • -mut ft txttu+t <4 Ut.'u .4
Vi iii A llf rtm t<J Vf ui I U' } ft|(li, 11*.-tf ui t|{
■il'l ' it* , tM/flli OtJ | , -*ftt .IUI |ti to I p nl, tiiilt't
lk'i|( Ult'toui Hit. A Ht 'lhM WHitti iM |ui f.-. t
I• '1 piu* .1. Ml >hu.k >f iWihtlt, in*<M • t y
itiift mi'-t.g t i IHI imitk *4 Ifii.ti I.ran' u. *"utl*
fthfti T^ , j!htt t• | .i th. n Hijf itftf latt'l fV* i*
I k' 111 i 1, "l.|it lA I ftl Itf Iftft tM • p*l, U|| i|||ft
I" tm % 'i Ui..* '(Mni.f . !U;ii 'i4ftUi lii ti bu*h iio
It* i#•' .itlft t Mitittfi' l* ti.jm ( tti*(*' *•) .it|
•iU'l iift. Koilb . u.-ftt I*hh I • lb pUf-* of I* •
l ihMf: nuolui lx 'ti* ( ti4 K*4 Jftf b*, Ut tin
auift i'.. r. in I*-**. iMHi.g lit milt* luC f KtoaixJ wl.xti
Vol y it. i .i i :..4'Ut-i ti**- i.'il.'Ut .4 Juim.
A.11., St7 if or4ft iln (ftiitif u*utt(; lo ln-t I k4
I J |ag(" .If, ,-i*hl4' ! ar*) < .u%*>*al I*l th- *; i
T*h* |t Irf i,t ra* If toaufa* t t.i jc 1 -n.paiijl parti -f
>ii fi t , i t it'X< f)t*i villi *K ilif coip'Oift it*t' iii**
hi., it ' |Hi*.t Hi., itupf*. tiMfttit*. t.oii . j,.,
| Iftlt.it f tni'l* im.t '3 ii. *, 1 ia- k*t* h ab<*f. **f * ri
work • • pft, I <. *ftt* <lm kllu. .U ! liih t.iifsry,
r. "•*! It. kft. ft*at*r tifbt* a->i jfttint;.*,
**l. Whit; j ft. I. ;t iii atu* til* hit-J apptirt* lihit ••
vkniani' r tb'f fttitit . l*-i j- wx -<r in atiwft
thi.iia# an 4 th* mnu-'ia ai J (*malit4*i, r it*, iwuai
ifl jh f.in th***-*-! ai*4 *ll tit- <uu t 4,1*1 t.ti* t*t
i*i "♦ i , r j ny < lain k !'*af'i w hot i < f f .
•hi 1 Ti l • II" iM 'tr <a M#fjlh/lttfli.|f < -tiiphi i in
I law it) t < ti.hr •i* hiVfo-r, itf, in •.* i the
aat.it "f ■•.j pmi tn*...* p+ig*4. i-k*. i:., *• *uit t*
.. 1 • > :'!.• |• | Hat f I'J t Ij • . ' It ;
If ftwofh- iitMui; ' t.jMjij
No. l.i.— All tiit cwrlJiiri lot "r jlc* of
ft uiid Mt'iai' lin tb* hnt'ugU f K)Ui|i*A*tirf, OwU
(M*iirity ftUtft .4 I 'liHiita. t u tl*r boftk
|.y ait all.-j '• li.'' r-hftt ♦ j N nth •" • 'n4irt. m th*
•< lb hi. 1 l la itf# ft M it.*" i. froi.Ubjf • u
| •ml N Oth fi-- "ti(| htr**ft(. a.. ui l*f (-. t • *<l *•*; *!*•!; i|f
\>H4 ft al* t i 1n t th tt- it ti *■ it 1 a ' ti' +i ij frain
kaitk i'liiifiay K-r*t, I k.ii l. at-- lUoa and to
' a.*.d t'.' p 1 tjrtty -rf ii nry H. Wilou*.
No 10 \!lui*t right, nd inter
*t of J 4it M M kflraj la and U> that **tlhitt in*-*-
•Q*xr of tra*t of ItA'i vdtmat* it* !!!* tt h-aalip,
C-t'lra f*mM hr.ruiiiMin, !■>, t.itUf it a *lii*- n
th# run. Ib•-*' by Un-ta uIJ * I V* illtama, aoa.k 47 , 3
■ V pa < It"* it Wiiia, lltftM • by land* <4 tun*.
ft *a(b bit . W'Hit JO ymkM t" tbaawr# l#y fat* 1 4
Jhi.-* A try. north 11 a.ftt '•* 4-11# i*t !•*• I*, wl.ita
•ak , Ikwii'* uj liit.i* of aaa.ft, aoath U . *m\ wj |rr*-ti*a
t ut#, tb* r. l*y land • ( rati • ft it!. .U . i-aftt 4
p t, |# t pit t> * >*cw t j lan l* f John Mtftna
ft a* t yotltw lo pat, th*n<* l<y lar*l* o( N<>.l
m tiui i,.*t 11. .> - at .. |*i I.H, ! ■ ••i i ■ at.
Ih* If * !•% IftWl* 4 ftftiU', r Hill -*♦ , i-**t M Jintiti* ir)
p fti.ikftiir* l.y Iftti4 o.'aam* t**itb <1 *iftt 1* pn b*
U • -a** in tan, tltrw •up Mil run M pwrrbwa t pal.
thftii 1% aabl land# .4 and M< Krli* i a atS
SI , •( i |*ri l.n t*. pal, tuatx* I Ittbdt ' ! wat,
w*at*fi Jn |at < it> k* i**l, tiieiHi hy land* .4 *a.
t*.rtb SI *-aftt '• (an tit* t<> run, tkrwa op a*i4 rua <4
j* r i UftHi V t"ti*ft tb* pla*♦ *4 I.*f inilitik < - tiUui.li JC
J'l *rftw .fttt, I* lb* ainft "t uf i*B . tin ■ Xi
• rt'**l a lw. i (H * Jr *in # d wall* m h-nia* an.) • llwr
owl haildii**;* p. iiuhJ , tak** in HrntUva an 4 W •
*old aa lb*- |dptly c*f Jhn D' Hrliftj"
No. IT.—All (hut (orUin lot or f.iftcft ..f
gt.utid *,toal* if* tb* Ift.r. ttft-b .4 |*bllijat i CVwtrw
oRty, r#nntiai.ia. I'-uudi I on t|> i*atb I * M <4
H>*lm'tl IJcid, <• th* -at l y kwf'lli i>ii4 itint. n
Iba a utU I } M THra. ilyar- and •*. Iha M I *
\<aib Ik al fUftfti, ItiHilihf <-n N..ilk Irani ithftt
hlft.ut if. M and •tiftulltif I auk ntait Mm Ml It
■tatd Knrlk !W- *tij ftit.-rt tb'fHoii *UI*I rfiMf
fraa*ft dw-wii.a' bau. UI'l and <:h*f Hit hoiM.a^-
A H that ttalw trarl <4 land ulaiM in (W Kurt|rb
<4 rbiltfhi* fg. ivatra nmbljr. I'd, (ft.uti'kad 1l*
t ttb i y lot of Mr* XwSnu*. waal l * Uitn wi of M h
. ar l lUj'H, (*ti IN* a .nlh ht 1-I of J-aph ltaiiw at. !
** tlft w *-* I t Vnk I r "lit atf**rt, ftotitiiif '* tba
! aaid >- tbliont tnftt at Hit bi and -it*td*ng
} th>k al><il l*i tffi , t bar won artrUd a two ila.y
, frarttft ImMu-x and 'crtpiwd a* a i*(i>*i ah- p
' at, 1 dw #4ll t.f Imw.
! All that * attain 1-t at |4ftft ff Ktoiad liluitr In Ik#
j br-r mgh f I*l. ' piaift, iVofrr ooui.ty, rftni>*t lvama,
U-firtft.i oil tilft l> -nb hy l*lt fttiw*t. I ft tbft a#t hy
Mof M'• ymi(h. < lb*- ft-nMb. hy bf of J'**#t4i
l|ki:fp and (a lit# ww| hy J t <1 Mn, >*l*ll and
•th- r# fMRtiRf m aaid Tiro Itfftft abut 2* ftt and 1
•tl'udntic tuik a 1 mtt k® faot tb#-rw.i ftwHlltf
•t n fihiM' hutldinA oa*d n<J m*rajdnl a# a l i.liatd
t.Httri. dWal'iof h una. A*
All that rrrtHtn lot <f piwrw of £**tti<) • toat# In tb
b- ugh >4 bf.iiijnlmrg.Caw.tfw CHmnty. I*ftf.aylanla,
tr*uit4*d oa tk# n-tib hy Pi at ft* I. >4l lb* #a#l hy ht
*4 Mia tk' nu. a*nib i i bd nfAatad ttaioaa and w
ih# awl Pa ht of Mr* wiiiik, fnwiiiif oa INn* ntnat
12 t*wt ami f*l#ti'iin4 *rk t* k> PwiUliaifa.
Mini, lak • u in •inaUo# aa<l In ia *UJ aa lLa pip
•t ly of Kb bald liana
No. IK—All tbt Cftrtftlft. lot jt pioo. of
gt ft>nd ailnatod In Sr.* fih ** P *rt.ip. Oatr#
(Maty, fMamyltuiif, I naaidad an** tbadM a# fP
lowa ow tli* n-.ttb P% final '*w-1 n tb* *%! hy
' RioaanTft ►lrH < on tb* * *itb by M <4 Ik J.
(limn and'ft tb* a*l f y labia -4 th* S#.*w Win
latmi AaawnatPwi. <Hr baif mi.- onr* •*
Iwa. t li* i H*t (tar* ttlit ajury trawtft dwaiiing 1..w
r (Hkmlm* ,ut an I "ihr. >*it hutidiita*.
to . . *n in #tnwh>* mH to I# aa tb* |nf
•itf of f l Yic#r.
No. 19.—A1l that certain 10l or of
grownd aitnatftd la tk# Uftwngk *4 fWll*f*Ma, 1
r*wntj. !**•.r,ft% Jftaina, iwanbd • tba m*rtb ly an
•Hftf.'on lb#- *a*t hy lathi* <d LltrtH Bo*ww. <m tb*
anith Py lot *4 Pali l k Mt aP*t ty aw-1 m tba wrM bp
Alb-gbray atiaftt. fhWinu; on aaid Al)ngbft-ny 4r#H
M> f.ftt and #lk4l| bark A&O faat, tbrwa #4art#*i a
tao-*tHy frant" dwr l.ne bat* ard tdbar "Ut tail Id
lag*. Mi4. takftt* ia ruoilaa and lo I* add a* tba
p..y*ty td Martin K din.
N<v 20. All thn rtght. tilln and itilpmat
of J * TVU Itl nn-l to thr Mli'Ctnf <HW
ml out* to *11: *ll that r-ru> tf< lof toad
Ulatu W mat* M Im. MtlH t" Tafli*
tooMltp Ortlt' fnMliwta, afJiUlol
lattila of floor* Mltlot Val*ntlnt Moafamtin, *.
V l.i o | (It. Xn lluflfM* mil <*kr load* of i. W,
Tfaoataa, hiii| tkiouD inxlol ■ tars* (rotor lorn,
tiro HMlt lf ktoo and thffa( tnlMitur* A liot
ltt vim of U utkt la ftaaiot Mot la a ("of aaoto of
Aaotho* portol of laat on tko aaat *k of Atlnoko*
at u-f> attain ant I. ml at.* Oaf. Ha tail .* ton na*i<f\
CUtrr waalj', Po*ioittnolo, mataiaini 1* m
to.** or Iron. adjoining 1.n.1. of *o M L)oa A Co.,
Aim (notation Hontt A oa.aaf ntkor lamia of J. *,
1 b.oaaoa (Mao*. Ulna to otMoattoa oanl to ko ooM no
Uio fntottf of J. W Tkonao*.
Tro • l ino H Ma otll ho tilt
tko rarrkaoo atiutoa Is aM ta 'all.
J lata* haMHOknaMa Iko ootol* <4 lobaa.*'
lk.lnio.hi, iiiiinonoA, of Wnlltnr tono-hlfv knaiu toon
ttanlari k tko tafnoaiaot. by Iko lajWat of Coat tro
(tamtr. ko roqanota oil frnuan 1t0..0 a tkoaaooirro
Infakf I In k'oliot to mat* Maalf no.I aa.nl r lotnao-
Hoto fna.t at'-ot. nod tbonr hattna rlalaao ngolaat hita
arononl Iko an Nan fait aalkot t.mttnl far oral loon, nt
Uc., Contra (\-nnty, pa. IMt