Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 03, 1879, Image 8

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    ®lt £ nitre sltmacr,it.
Thursday Morning, April 3, 1879.
ml front mi v |<!Ut of lli 0 nut jr. No t oiiiuiunlt ati<ua
Inatrteil uulmm accoutp*til*U ly lh rl uam of the
Local Department.
—March was a very pleasant month—
for March.
—Mr. Spcor moved from town to his
, farm last Tuesday.
—The rush at ''The Bee Hive" dry
goods store still continues.
—Hiram Young, of Curtin township,
will soon erect b now house.
—Large congregations attended tho va
rious churches last Sunday night.
0 —March winds and April showers, nro
said to bring forth May flowers.
—James 11. Pennington, of Fillmore, was
in town last Saturday morning.
—About one hundred students are at
tending State College this year.
A. C. Musser, K*q., of Millheim, has
broken ground for a new house.
—Senator C. T. Alexander will please ac
cept our thanks for legislative documents.
—Walter Bayard, this week, went to
Howard, to clerk for the tirm of Lauth &
Prof. Gardner delivered a temperance
lecture at Philipeburg last Friday eve
—The interior of the Bush House office
looks quite handsome since the recent im
Save an agent's proflt by buying „f
Bunnell & Aikena, corner Bishop and Al
legheny streets.
—Call at "The Bee Hive ' store and in
spect their goods. It is considered a pleas
ure to wait upon customers.
Mr. J. H. Kishcl, Jr., called on us for
tho first time on Friday last. Wo hope he
will find time to do to again.
—The trial list for coming court will be
found on another page, local pressure
being so high as to force it there.
Mr. William McClellan has removed
liis tailoring establishment from his form
er location on Allegheny street.
—The Centre Minstrels say they will
give another of their popular entertain
ments in the course of two weeks.
—Aaron Williams, Esq., makes a good
many visits to different parts of the coun
try. Last week he was at Baltimore.
—On and after this date, overcoats will
ho sold at cost at Newman's Eagle Cloth
ing Hall. Remember this. 2-tf
—Mr. Louis I>oll w iff soon move hisshoe
storo into the room on Allegheny street
just vacated by Mr. William McClellan.
—We understand that John ileston, Esq.,
of State College, conducted the services in
the Baptist church last Sunday evening.
—Out of twenty-three applicants for li
cense before the last term of the Williams
port Court, Judge Cummin rejected nine
—Gen. James A. Beaver conducted the
exercises in the rooms of the Young Men's
Christian Association last Sunday after
—Tho moon will be full next Sunday ;
most persons on this mundane sphere will
be in n simitar condition on Saturday
—The Missionary Society, in connection
with tho Episcopal church will meet this
afternoon, at hnlf-past three o'clock, in the
parish rectory.
Kx-Senator Robert P. Allen, of Wil
liams port, was in town last Friday morn
ing. He is a handsome gentleman nnd a
good lawyer.
—To ladiea—Send to Bunnell A Aikens
for your pattetps. SSOO worth of Buttrick s
and SSOO worth Mme. Demorest * always
on hand. Catalogues free.
Robert P. Hinges, who formerly acted
as clerk in the drug establishment of .1.
Zeller % Son, has just graduated from a
Philadelphia college of pharmacy.
—Rev Howard Malcom, one of the
most noted divines in the llaptist church
and at one time President of the Lewis
burg University, died recently.
—The beautiful new sign before the store
of Joseph Bros, is one of the prettiest on
Allegheny street. The letters are of white
and a deep red on a blaek ground.
—The great spring rush for job printing
at this office has commenced in earnest.
Persons wishing work quickly and neatly
executed will please bring it in early.
—Mr. 11. A. Campbell, a former citizen
of I'hilipsburg, has removed from that
place to a farm about one mile and a half
distant from Bigler's Station, In Clearfield
—Rev. Yocum, of the M. E. church,
preached a good sermon on that interest
ing subject, "Getting married." It was
listened to attentively by the young folks,
of course.
—The Presbytery of Huntingdon, of
which the Presbyterian denomination here
is a part, will meet in the First Presbyte
rian church, Altoona, next Tuesday, April
8, at teff o'clock A. m.
—The solemn service of Holy Commun
ion, which occurs quarterly in the Presby
terian church, was celebrated last Sunday
morning. Bervices preparatory to that
event were held In the church during the
previous week.
—We hear that Mrs. Cameron Boak, a
lady in Hnow Hhoe, was, last week, lying
quite ill as the result of an overdose of med
icine containing belladonna, administered
by a physician. The lady, we believe, is
now recovering.
—Tho season fur catching tho "speckled
beauties" commoneod op Tuesday. Mr.
Van Trio*, l'mn Bigony and other votoran#
of tho art of angling took advantage of tlio
flr*t opportunity.
—Tho service* at tho Episcopal church,
and wo suppose at moat of tho other place*
of worship In our town, will commence
next Sunday evening at half-past seven
instead of seven o'clock as heretofore.
—The monthly meeting in the rooms of
the Voting Men's Christian Association, to
which persons of all ages, sexes, denomina
tion, color and condition are invited, will
be held next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
—A Rev. Sherrard, a talented clergy
man of Miillin, assisted Rev. Win. Lnu
rio in Communion services at tho Presby
terian church last Sunday. He inspected
tlio Sunday-school and tho udult Bible
class in the afternoon.
—lf that young Englishman they call
Howell would locate in this neighborhood
he might he utilized as a mail-carrier,
lie recently ran eight miles in tijty-threr
minutes. At lliut rate he could go to ('en-
Ire Hull nnd return in a couple of hours.
—The Wiliiamsport l'i|>e Line, although
meeting with every conceivable obstacle,
expects to finish tho laying of pipe about
the last of this month. A firm with
abundant capital has been organized in
\Y illiamsport to engage In the refining
—Tho Kxcculivo Committee of tho
Young Men's Christian Association are
requested to meet at the Association room
to-morrow evening. It will bo necessary
to make arrangements regarding the eon
duct of tho reading room during tho sum
mer month*.
—Tuesday was a delightful day for mov
ing. It requires a delightful day for that
duty, however, as it is by no moans a
pleasant ta.-k. We do not think there wore
as many |xxq>le who took advantage of the
opportunity to change their residence a* is
usual I r the case.
—S. A. Brew A Son, on Allegheny
treet, are among the roost fair dealing and
honorable grocery men in our town. They
always keep a large supply of fresh grocer
ies, nuts and fruit, and jx-rson* calling at
their store will bo certain to get the best
the market affords at the lowest prices.
—The Huntingdon Local Stw* *%\ that
eighteen societies of tho Woman's Foreign
Mission (Society of the Presbytery of Hunt
ingdon, composed of Gift member*, con
tributed $1,000.51 during the post year.
Tho next annual meeting of the .Society
will lie hold in the 2d church, Aitoona.
—Tho Centre Minstrels do not intend t
exhibit, but J. 11. Ilauland, of The Bee
Hive" dry-good* store, has on exhibition
beautiful goods, which he lakes pleasure in
offering to the people of Centre county at
prices so low that they cannot he equalled
by any other establishment in town.
—Wonderful reduction ! Newman hail
reduced his suits of clothing to $1 00, hut
wishing to lay in another stock, he ha*
•till further reducod these elegant suits to
two dollar* and tevenfv ftc* cents. Call
quickly and select from his handsome
stock. Store on Allegheny street, near
M r*. Harry Teats ts one of tho most
successful cultivators of house plants in our
town. Throughout this pa*t winter jx-r
--sons who passed her house on Howard
street could not fail to admire the profusion
of modest little primrose* which look inno
cently out from beneath the more preten
tious geranium* and larger rosea overhead.
—Centre Hail was the scene of a light
conflagration on the night of the 10th ulti
mo. Tho fire was caused by a defective
flue situates! in an out-house attached to
the residence of I). K.Geis. Atone time it
was feared the dwelling of Mr. Gef* was in
imminent parit, but upon liie timely arrival
of half a dozen men the flames were extin
guished without doing much injury.
—On Saturday night, the 22d of March,
a general variety entertainment was given
by the home talent of Millheim in the ele
gant new hall at that place. From the
JournaVt encomiums, wc judge that it was
in every way a brilliant success. It is but
another attestation to the fact that the peo
ple of our county need not depend on any
outsido talent for their entertainment.
—A new floor has been laid in the room
formerly occupied by Dr. Kirk as a drug
store and to be used in the future by our
jewel of a watch-maker, Mr. C. F. Rich
ards. The skill of Doak A Lonberger has
been brought Into requisition to beautify
the interior with fresh paper and paint.
Mr. Richards took possession on Tuesday,
and it Is now one of the moat artistic little
jewelry establishments imaginable.
—Another comet is Approaching the
earth, but will not come near enough to be
of any benefit to the ordinary observer, a*
iu cloeeet proximity to our planetary globe
will bo about seventy-five millions of
miles, on the 10th of this month, and then
will require the aid of an opera glass to
discern It. It Is a comet, it seems, that
was first noticed only thirty-three years
ago, and since that time has approached
the earth regularly every seven years. No
fear need be apprehended, from It, how
ever ; and If we behave ourselves real well,
there Is no danger of it touching our pleas
ant little earthly home even with tho tip
of its long tail.
—lt 1* sometime* unpleasant that tholr
it tucb a tiling a* H moon in existence, and
wo fi ol turo tiuit if hII tlio truuble the moon
would cause liiul boon H|)|iri!h<>ndod it
would not havo boon created to " rulo the
night." The town council evidently bo-
liuvu that the mission of the moon mutt
not bo overlooked, and it conduct their ac
tion* ut night at rigorously at tho veriest
tyrant that over ruled In tho Roman Em
pire. For instance, if tho almanac an
nounces tho fact that a littlo rim of silver
light from the " new " moon will com
mence illuminating the heavens on a cer
tain night, just to surely goes the mandate
forth that on that night tho street lamp*
mutt not lie lit. It would be a horrid
crime, you know, for any artificial light to
take the place of the " fairy moon-light."
If such should be tho case, fair Luna might
lake offense anil depart and never again
cheer u* with her delightful rays. For in
stance, the usual almanac that hung in the
council rooms on Wednesday night of last
week must have indicated "new" moon,
and consequently great haste was made to
glvo the order " no street lamps must be
lit." Now, tiiu most respectable portion
of tbe inhabitants of this town are accus
tomed lo attend prayer meeting on that
night—in this instance they paid dearly for
tho privilege. On emerging from tho
church, the moon had long since vanished,
nastreet lamps were in sight, and dark
ness reigned supreme. In addition, tho
rain was coming down with blinding fury,
and pors'ins had to make their way home
a* best they could. Fortunately, we have
not beard of any one who was lost bo
yon 1 recovery, although several timet per
sons wandered a grout distance out of the
way, and many case# of miraculous e
! e#caj>* from dr iwning are reported. Ily
encouraging sbouls and help from those ac
| customed to "way* that are dark and
, trick* that are vain, everyone at last
i succeeded in reaching their resjicctive
j homes alive.
—The Philiptburg Journal gives the
| following account of an accident that bap-
I pened to Mr. James M. Kosemteel, who
i* connected with the extensive tannery at
that place : "On Monday afternoon, as
Mr. James M R-sciisleel, was loading a
car load of leather at tho tanm-ry, he met
with an accident, that proved comparative
ly slight in the injuries he received. Hav
ing twentv-flve side* of leather on a hand
truck he asi pushing on an elevated trestle
from the dry house to the railroad traik,
tho trestle having been disarrange Ihin
some cause and not being fixed immediate
ly, was forgotten, and therefore, when Mr.
Kosensteel was passing over it with the
leather it fell to tbe ground, a distance of
, about eight feet, throwing him and the
' truck upon the pile of timber- Fortunate
ly no bones woro broken and be escaped
with only some severe bruises.
—The Central Pennsylvania Conference
closed its annual session at Ilioomsburg on
Tuesday last the 2*>th of March. Rev.
Yocum, of this place, was in attendance
during the session. John 8. W. I)can,
Professor in Pennsylvania State College,
was made a member of tho llellefonte
Quarterly Conference. Among the clergy-
men appointed to the several charge* arc
the following : llellefonte, A. Duncan
Yocum; Milesburg and t'nionville, Jo
seph 11. Shaver : Penn's Valley, Walter
It. Whitney; Pleasant Gap, John A.
Wood, Jr. | Howard, J. 11 -nson Akers
and Asher It Cmnce: Half Mooo, George
W. House; port Matilda, Joseph R. King;
Pine Grove, Henry T. Crcighton; Snow
Shoo, Harvey S. Lundy.
—Part of the Vhoir in tbe Wigwatn
Sunday-school just saved Ihemselvea from
creating a decided sensation iast Sunday
afternoon when they rose from their seats
and remained in a standing (Kwilion while
th" others were sitting. Those in the
1 audience part of the room did not know
exactly what was the matter, and supposed
they had merely lisen too soon, by mis
take, and were too stubborn to sit down
again. The truth is, the seat threatened
' to give away beneath the heavy weight
upon it, and the choir w as Compelled either
to no or else take a lowly and uncouifort
' able seat on tho floor.
—Tho*a young ladie* who only rare for
their boaui for the ake of the elegant
buggy and f*t hor*e* that they own are
just now in a quandary. They do not like
to give them the " mitten," while, at the
um time, these beaux are worth no more
to them than *o much superfluous rubbiab.
In view of the preaent condition of the
country road*, it will be *ome time before
they ran take a ride with pleaaure, and the
aforesaid young ladie* ladies have merely
to " endure " these beaux until the weather
will permit yiem to be of some u*e.
—-J. Newman, Jr., king clothier, aay*
that he ia not trying to humbug the peo.
pie (or trying to run anybody out of the
trade) by telling that ho ia telling at
coat. Hut be poeitively doc* aaeert that ho
doea tell better good# for leea money than
thoee that advertiae to tell at coat. Ilia
good* are all new, perfect and regular. He
haa no ahelf-worn, thoddy or moth-eaten
good#. He ia perfectly reliable and what
be telle you, you can depend upon. He
haa pant* at 40 cent*, hat* at 28 cent*,
ahirt* at 26 cent*, and everything in pro
—At the music store you can buy a new
Domestic sewing machine of Bunnell A
Aikens, corner of Bishop end Allegheny
■treats, for SBO. Reason—no agents.
Next woek U tho latt week of Lent. It
hat boon obtorvixl by Christian* from a
vory oarly date at a limo of special solem
nity. From tho important event* which
occurred in tho latt weok of the Saviour's
lifo, it hat boon called from primitive
timet, Tho Great Wook, and Tho Holy
Week, and later, Tho Passion Week. A*
o as tho timo of Chrysostom, Bishop of
Constantinople, A. I). BM-407, there* wa*
during thit week a general cessation of
business among tho Christian part of tho
people. Fasting wan observed with groat*
er strictness than in tho other weeks
of Lent, and special act* of mercy and
charity woro engaged in by all, the Christ
ian emperors setting an official example.
Tho llrat day of tho woek is familiarly
know at Palm Monday, and is derived
from the custom of branch-bearing, which
was practiced at one of tho high festivals
of the Jewish church—tho Feast of Tab
ernacles—and was a reminder to the Isra
elite* of their going forth out of the wilder
ness. They woro commanded—"Ye shall
laku you on tho first day the bought of
goodly trees, hrnnchet of palm trees, and
the boughs of thick trees, and willows of
tho brook ; and ye shall rejoico before the
Lord your God seven days." (Lev. xxiii
-40.) And there seems to be a connection
between tho usage of palm-bearing and
the Divine ritual, both of ,Sinai and the
New Jerusalem; for John writes "Af
ter this I beheld, and 10, a great multitude,
which no man could number, of all na
tions, anil kindreds, and jieoplo, and
tongues, stood before the throne, and be*
foro the Lamb, clothed with white robes
and pnlmi in their hands." (Itev. vii-fi.)
In the ancient Knglish church on this
Sunday the Blessing of Palrns took place
before the beginning of the Holy Com
munion. The narrative of Israel's en
camping by tbe twelve wells and three
score and ten palm trees wa first read ;
then the account of our Lord's triumphal
, entry into Jerusalem, when the jseople cut
down branches from the palm treat and
spread them in the way. After tffis the
palm, yew, or willow branches were laid
upon tho Holy Table, and (lie minister
pronounced a blessing over lb<m. A ; ro
ccssion then passed round the church sing
ing anthems, and distributing tho branch
es. On this day the Lutheran, the Re
formed, tho Kpiscopal and the Roman
churches begin to set before nu-n the suf
ferings and death of Jesus Christ, which
is contemplated at least in their liturgies
or forms of worship, throughout tbe entire
—Tho name of Mr. Wtiliam Duck, a
butcher ia Hollidaysburg. disserve* lo go
down to fame. The Alloona Trtbun* says
of him that "twenty years ago be shut
down at one and the same time on liquor,
tobacco and profane language, without
ever informing his wife. Six months after
he connected himself with the church, and
soon after Started business with a Very
•mall < apilal, and has now * flourishing
and |>aying business established, and a
smiling, happy family to greet bitn when
hs goes home In the evening." The above
is a hard thing to do, and if you don't be
lieve it, try it yourself
—Tbe Centre Ifall schools closed on
Friday the 21st of March, on which occa
sion Mr. B F Arney, President of the
School Hoard, made the following promo
tions :
From Primary school to Intermediate
(trade—Amanda Krumbine, Anni-Mingle,
Klla Noll, Lir.rie Sweeney, Sadie S. Row,
Maude Neff, Samuel H. Snyder, James I.
Snyder, A. D. Gregg, Wagner Geias. Ed
die Wolf, George Krise, Wm. 1! Tobias.
From Intermediate to Grammar School
Elsie Geiw, Sadie Gfrerer. Katie Bech
dol, Robert Wolf, David Snyder, John
Farner and Harry Dinges*
—lt ha* now become among the pn**ible
event* that Rev. W A. Iliggart, of the
llaptit church, will remain with the con
gregation here. A trong effort i* being
made by hi* little lock to raiae hi* mlery,
which, if they tuccved in doing, will en
able him to remain, lloth the pa*tor and
congregation draire thi* mult, a* they are
dearly attached to each other, and the Rev.
iliggart * lebor* in hi* prenent field are at
tended with greater ucce*. than any one
who may succeed him will bo likely to
moot with.
Mr. John Coolidge, wt believe of
Howard, and who formerly read medicine
with our younj; friend Dr. Dartt, will
probably return to thia place during the
rummer and assist hi# former tutor in the
procecution of hia extensive practice. Mr.
Coolidge ha# recently graduated from the
Ann Arbor Unleereity of Michigan, and
wa# honored by the offer of the poeition of
Assistant Proftweor in the chair of Materia
Medica, tn the homoepathic department of
that aeat of learning.
—The Centre Hall Hrportf.r givee the
following as the result of a recent meeting
of the Bellofonte, Aaronsburg A Young
manstown Turnpike Company for the pur
pose of electing officers:
President—John Stoner.
Secretary and Treasurer—J. C. Mots.
Managers—John Stoner, J. B. Leilael,
Adam Weaver, John Frederick and Wil
liam Flchthorn.
—The term April is derived from aprri o,
to open. Figuratively speaking, smile#
end tear* alternate during this month and
it ha* been designated the *weete*f of the
series because it ushers In "delicate-footed
—TLI" southwestern heavens just now on
a clear evening present a magnificent spec
tacle, the Centre of which Is Orion, the
most brilliant constellation vouchsafed to
mortal vision, with Kirius on the left and
the l'|eiad<-s and below them Venus on the
right. Orion can he easily distinguished
by several stars forming a triangle. Tbe
three principal stars are sometimes called
the Three Kings, and are spoken of in the
book of Job us tho "Hand of Orion."
—A week's holiday, which commenced
at State College last Friday, it now Jut
drawing to a close, and to-morrow the
students will again commence translating
Luffn exercises and digging for Greek
roots. This recreation from study, coming
as it does after a long winter of hard la
bor, it very acceptable to tbe young gen
tlemen, and prepares them for tbe hard
work of the concluding three month* of
the year. *
Philipsburg ha* received several ad
ditions to its population during the last
woek. Mr. l'ottsgrove hat accepted a j*>-
sition in the extensive mercantile establish
ment of the Grey Brothers, of that pla- ,
and ha* removed there with hi* family
from Half Moon. Mr. Jona Dinges, the
engineer of the passenger train on the
Mothannon and Morrirdale branches of
Pennsylvania railroad, hat removed from
Tyrone to Philipiburg with his family.
Matters are announced to come to a
focus to-day in WlHiams|oft, ami tbe city
council must give the treasurer the author
ity to apply the funds now in the treasury
to tbe payment of judgments and overdue
interests, or the court will institute rnor<
decided and severe measure*. The city
council ami treasurer may be incarcerated
in durance vile, tho city itself put up for
sale, or something else ol an equally di
verting and entertaining nature.
—J. Newman, Jr., of the popular cloth
ing house, is meeting with great success
It has been sufficiently demonstrated that
he cannot be undersold by anyone Tues
day be started again for the city, for the
second lime lbU season, to lay in another
stock of goods. He is constantly receiving
now gi"axis, and tbe way they disappear
proves that the people know- where to go
Its get things cheap.
—Among tho various clerks now em
ploy <d at "The liee Hive' dry good* store
we m-ticc Mr Charley .McCiure, formerly
"f Valentine* store, and Mr. (si Mingle,
of Wolf,# store, Centre Hell. These at
tractions will certainly bring lb# pretty
girls, at Mr. McCiure * reputation as a
ladies' mm is well established, and Mr
Mingle, if appearance are not deceptive,
will be equally successful.
—X\ e wish to mention a few of the se
lection# that wiil be read to-night by Miss
Hulda Raker: "Ilurial of Moses, ' "Rock
of Ages," "Biddy McGinn!#," "Last
Hymn, "Dot I/vdie Looexa,' "The Fam
ine," "Fur a' That and a' That," "J. It
Gough," and "Fourth of July Oration."
Many of these have never been read be
fore a llellefonte audience.
—A memorial u addrnrd by the
(Quarterly Conference of Howard Circuit,
Ibi* county, to the late M. K Conference,
calling attention to the manner of con
ducting ramp-meeting*. The mbject wa
ditcuiocd, and by a vote of to 4'. it wa*
reaolved to requot the manager* of camp
ground* to hereafter clo*e the ramp* on
lter. Hilc* J'ardoe ha* loen tran*fer
red from the pastorale of the M K. Con
gregation of Pbilipahurg to one at Sunhurv,
I'a. The jioiple of Philip*burg very mui h
regret hi* departure, a* he he* labored
long and earnet!y in their mid*t, and ha*
been of great u*e during hi* rejourn among
—BtiU another young Centre county
gentleman ha* ju*t graduated in tmdicinc
from a Ilomoppathic Medical College in
Philadelphia, lie U F. P. Hoy, *on of
John lloy., K*q., who live* about two
mile* below town, and i* *aid to have taken
the aecond honor* in hi* cla**. The people
of Xaliek, Ma**., will have the benefit of
hi* Mrvicee.
—D. 8. Keller, Esq., a* will be oen in
the legal card on another page, ha* changed
the location of hi* office. He can hereafter
be found by hia client* and friend* on Al
legheny *treet, *outh tide of Lyon'* store
Wo hope the bufine** prosperity which lia*
been attending him will continue with him
in hi* new quarter*. ,
—The Altoona says that Ilcv.
John flwitaer, a superannuated member of
the Central Pennsylvania Conference, died
at hia home in l'hilipeburg on Tuesday
morning, March 26. He entered the trav
eling minialry in 1841, and waa a devout,
godly man.
—The general appearance of the build
ing in which the dry good* atore of Wag
ner A Son ia situated ia very much im
proved aiace the veranda haa been removed
from tha front. The ahow window* have
been enlarged and extended out on a line
with the street.
—The Girard House in Lock Haven
wu, on the flrtt of A preoccupied by Mr.
Devid Johnson A Son, formerly of the
Brockerboff House, thia place. Thia en
nxinfrment will be sufficient to attract
Beilefontera to tbat bote! on visiting Lock
—Operator Maitn waa delighted to re
ceive a vtalt from his brother, of York, Pa.,
who spent last Sabbath with him.
Mi* Mulda Baker, lb lady elocution*
lit, of Byra< u*e, N. V., itu in tbi* placo
evening and gave a parlor
recital at the residence of Mr. John 0.
Love, on Linn street. About twenty per
sons listened to the entertainment, end
pronounced it very fine. We learn, juit
►before going to press, that Mlm linker bat,
by request, returned t town and will reed
this evening in the Young Men's Cbrit
linn AMocietion r<e>in. The Muncy Lxt
minary bat tbi* to say of tier: "Miss
linker i certainly one of the rnott accom
plished elocutionist* that have ever vuiud
Muncy. Her characterizations were par
ticularly goini and were warmly applauded
by the audience. The whole entertain
ment, however, wan most enjoyable, and
all who were present were perfectly de--
lighted with her selections," Ac., Ac.
Adtniioion for to-night— Adulta, 2o cent* ;
children, 1.7 cent*.
Last Saturday Council No. HI of the
Junior Order I nited American Mechanic*
wa* organized in tbi* place, by J. C. flight
and Henry Kelley, Jr., of A1 loon a. The
j organization ttart* with fifteen member*
land the following officer*: Counsellor,
William Long ; V'ioe Counsellor, William
N^jaon; Uncording Secretary, William
•Savior; Assistant Recording Secretary,
( J C. Kinney ; Financial Secretary, Dawd
Hayne*; Treasurer, William 11. Brown;
Warden, George Dry; Conductor, George
Gintcr ; Inside Sentinel Jdfcn H.a ken
berry ; Duuide Sentinel, William WiUon.
—An almost incredible <-aca|M of two
how* occurred lately on the Dick * Hun
road, (irant Hoover, son of Harvey Hoov
er, wat driving the animal*, which were
atta< h. J t. a wagon, lie endeavored to
turn the team around, when, notwith
•landing ail hi* effort* to the contrary, the
how* backed over an embankment laid to
he almost eighty feet high, Grant escaping
bv leaping from the wagon. Wonderful to
relate, allbougb the wagon was entirely
demolished, the horses oh ajwd without
serious injury.
—On lal Tuesday the following person*
departed fr• m this place to seek future
bom'* in Kansas. Griffith Lytic and
family of three (-crton*, Mr. E. If. lies tori
and family of live, and Mr*. I'eter* and
three children, all of Oak Hall, went to
Ib-liot, K*. Miss Kate K. Krcpt, of Pine
Grove, also weritlo Buloit, Kansas. Anoth
er gentleman, wboe name we did not
learn, accompanied the party.
Miss Lydio Johnson, on a recent
Wednesday evening, entertained Muses
Maggie McMicktn and Lizzio Taylor,
who were gu'it* of M:* Lizzie Short
lidge, together with other friend*. A*
usual it wa* a pleasant affair.
Mr. Will I'etriken, brother of Adol
phus I'etriken, i sojourning in tivn, and
entertaining his friends generally with
vivid description* of Brazil from which
country he ha* lately returned.
A little girl, the daughter of K. A.
Smith, of this place, *!ightly injured her
right arm by a fall while at play with her
brother on last Thursday night.
—Jesse Dunlap, Esq , and son, of Farm
er's Mills, have returned from Kan*a>,
and do not bring with them very flattering
accounts of that Stale.
—The annual meeting of the stockhold
er* of the Ib llefonte Library Association
wil be held at their rooms on Monday,
.-April 7, at 7} o'clock r. m , at which time
an election will take place for seTcn mana
ger* to serve the ensuing year. Paragraph
6, section 2, of Constitution : "No member
shall have a right to'vote or be eligible to
any office under this Association w ho shall
le in any arrearage in the payment of, or
I assessments on capital stock."
By order of lioard of Manger*.
Jacon V. Thomas, Secretary.
—The Centre County Pomona Grange
meet* at Centre Hall neat Tuesday, April
8. Three session* will be held during the
day, via : At 10 a. m., and 2 and 7 p. M.
A full attendance of the order la requested.
I Grange will open promptly at 10 a. m
Lzowarm Kiiokk, Master.
M ARTIN—FRAP Kt. —On M.uh SO. by Res W tl.
KMixt*. Mr Ksitwns Marti*. <>f lew I, 1., WIN* I. Pa ,
to Mlaa Mar; K It.sal. of Philipsl-ar*. fa.
W AUTK—ftHRoTKR-Oa lira 27th alt, at Ik*
laMa'a knm. Mil-alar*. by Her. W A. Ht**arV Mr,
J..lin Swartr a<l Mir* Ml* ftbr'T-r.
ftAriVER—BKI.I. —AI th- r-Md-iwa *f Mr William
IMswart. Snow ftkoa. b H' t W. O. Wright. Mao I,
M, ITi, Mr. fhabn AA hsm <4 nraaa ai..|
Ml't km> (rll, of Manor liill, linusfSsi
eon lily. Pa.
; BTASTArB—KI.f.IHTT —On the Mof M.rrh, at Uta
rwal'l-or- of thrWdr'r par-nta, by J oh* I rat*. J P,
Mr llsnry SUnto* arc! Mlaa task EtlloU, all of
Rush v.wnaMp. 'Voter ronaty, fa
RRoWKR-HAVlttftoW -Oa tfc. ).Mk of Marvk. A.
11. I*7*. by N-v. J Katftsw. al kls r-*M-r at ftaesr
Sko* IslanwUM. Mr W. J, Be.war ami Mm* Ida
11. tSsvhtsow, hoik of Mart.*. townaklp, Oaali
eoaaly. Pa
SHARK* Skin TKKR -On Ika Hkk aHtwu. Mr.
Jacob Num. of lion, and Miar Kltaabath Agon
Smelt ret. of Mario* township.
DBtXINHKR—WOUF.—-Oa Ik# ZMk of Mar-b. al
Aarxsaaharf. by Rt Jidin Tnmllasost, Mr • O.
tMniser, *f Mrilkaim. w ilk Mlas Jalsa A. Wolf, of
at Ika rmldaaea of Mr. Willi**. W**fci*fti Batk
ana*, by In K 11. Ilay, Mr Wlllkun H hsa*ar
4**, of Plna flrmr Mill*. (Vats* maaly.fa. So Mlas
Mollla M. Jokastoo. of ,•! taste Ilaatladaa eas
MASPKS la I lb-Mr loaa ship, aa Ika loth f
Marvk. of drqpay, Mlas RlUabsth MnnSsn. a*-l as
OPM MO,—Mr*. SWsta. widow of Jstaas flasamn, mat
dsn! of W'alias* Rota, dapaitnl tkls Ufa Marvk I*.
jlb. im
MtA't.AMOKI -ot Mitmy, MUM* esaaly. Pa Mack
rs. I*7*. Mr* Man MvClaaw*!. rdw of Wax ft.
kiOsanlk • aif J*rk*iraaUS*,Or*tr*ea—ly,agsd
7* yaara and U V)*.