Robeson and His Plunder. From ih Su*U Zaltutig. The veil which covered Robeson's nd ministration has long since been re moved. lie was for eight years Secre tary or the Navy, and in this period ex pended monev to Che extent of $182,- 490,033. At the same time he sold ma terial to the nmount of $100,000,000. This makes together in round numbers $282,000,000, or more than $35,000,000 a year. When Secretary Thompson en tered the office its inventory stood as follows : a. A debt, justified by no law whatever, amounting to $7,083,502; b. 48 permanently useless ships, carrying 024 guns; e. Two inferior sailing ships, with 8 guns; d. 24 temporarily useless ships, carrying 200 guns; . 43 useful ships, with 225 guns. Out of 117 ships, there were but 43, and out of 1,057 guns, only 225 that could be used. These figures are by no means invented. They rest upon facts which Mr. Thomp son, himself a Republican, has confirm ed. Thus, in the eight years of Robe son's administration, the money of the people was squandered in the basest manner. During this time an army of otlioials and contractors were fattening in the Navy Department u|>on the sweat of the people. Materials for shipbuilding which, according to tho testimony of experts, would have brought to any bus iness man $20,000,000, were disposed of for less than $2,000,000. Over SOII,OOO, 000 were employed in the building of new men-of-war, and from this sum sixty to seventy men-of-war might have been furnished ; but the great part of tho money found its way into the pock ets of greedy favorilies of the Secretary. In the purchase of materials and new engines the highest war prices were paid ; in the sale of superfluous articles, prices ridiculously low were taken. One man bought from the Navy Department the ship Delaware for $5,175, and made by turning his hand over, out of same ship, $25,000. So from one year to another the business was carried on until nearly $200,000,000 und a navy also had been lost. A number of laws of Congress, enact ed to govern the business of the Navy Department were violated in a flagrant manner. Corruption and illegality went hand in hand without punishment. A party which tolerates such things and endeavors to cover them up when they lie clearly before the eyes of every man, cannot endure. Such a party is all the more dangerous in pnqtoriion to the number of intelligent members in its ranks. THE reform which is ateadily making its way in the matter of expensive, use leas and vulgar funeral pageantry might well be introduced to the modi fication of the custom of making wed ding presents. A gross abuse has here taken root and flourished. The husi ness is entirely overdone and has 10-t whatever of significance it ever poaaeaa ed. The custom has degenerated into actual trade and barter, and most sen sible people will sympathize with that courageous Boston girl who, being about to be married to "a man of limited in come," as they say in Boston, requested her dear friends not send any wedding presents. She was afraid she would not be able to reciprocate in kind. This wise girl of Boston struck the key-note of the bridal present movement. She would be expected to keep uu inventory of gifts received and a list of the do nors, and when any these had a wed ding in the family she must give some thing at least nearly equal in value to those she had, in each instance, re ceived. We have heard of a young lady who was endowed on her wedding day with fourteen silver butler knives. Reserving two of these she put the rest away "in lavender," and when her turn came to contribute, to the general jov of her friends, she faithfully return ed the twelve butter knivea to the twelve families from which they came. In this case wo must suppose there was nothing said about the loss of interest on the original investment. Who shall tell what heart-burning*, jealousies and mean ess are represented in the glitter ing array of bridal gifts? The tender ness and grace of the good old custom have quite departed. I'nles things change for the belter well-bred |>eopie must print on their wedding invitation cards, "No pfesenls." AUoona Tribune. Carlyle ia beginning to feel bia age. and ha* been com|>elled to give up In* midnght wandering*. He lies an in come of $9,000 a year from hu booka and refuaea a title. .1. 11. HA VI.ASD'S " Hrr-Hire" Storr, Allegheny Strrrt, Utilefout r, I'a. G-IR, A. IST ID DISPLAY, AT tttttt mm mm kef.eb bbbbb meek kkem mm imn inn vvv vvk kkkkk T T T II II K K B B K E K K II II II V V K K T H II K B B K R II H II V V K T llllimil EE 8888 F.E EE 1111111111 II V V EE T HUE B B K K II II II V V K T H II EE B B K K K E H H II V V EE TTT mm U Hli KKKKK 88888 EEKEE KKKEK lIUII lIHH 11111 V KKKKK ONE PRICE, EXCLUSIVE DRY O-OOIDS STORE. * I have j unt opened a new and com pitta lino of DRESS GOODS in all the latest Spring styles, BLACK GOODS AND SILKS, SHAWLS, the Latest Novelties. Curtains, Lace and Cloth. CARPETS, best goods, all choice patterns. TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS AND TOWELS. HOSIERY, GLOVES AND UNDERWEAR. RIBBONS, TIES AND CORSETS. NOTIONS and TRIMMINGS, &e., &e., WHICH I WILL OFFER AT PRICKS NEVER BEFORE EQUALED. A call at the BOEaB-XIXVE will convince you that it lath* CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE COUNTY. Your*, raapectfully, , USE PRICE ADD THE VERY LOWEST, THE BEST OP HOODS, ADD HO MISREPRBSESTATIOX. The Issue Raised. From lh WMhlngt late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives in this way every winter, while had Hntchre'* Oerman Syrup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a Doctor been avoided. For alt diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Orrnutn Syrup has proven itself to be the greatest discovery of its kind in medicine. Every Druggist in this country will tell you of its wonderful effect. Over 980,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. Hold by F. PoTT* (SREKX, wholesale and retail. 20-eow-ly A* THIS !• the w>.mn when cdd* arc mxt likely to bo taken, a word of advice to our reader* would bo in eaw>n : Firtt, thon, keep your foot dry ; woar flannel nott your *kin ; do not tit or tand in draught* of air, and upon tho fir*t irmptom of a oold or a cougn call at fJroon'n Drug Store, in Bu*h Houro Itlook, and procure a bott'e of hi* "Compound Syrup of Tnr, Money ' and Bloodroot," which will giro yon alm*t inatant relief. It i* a p/enaanf and rjfri-tunl preparation, containing the virtue* of Tar combined with *ome of the boat rrpftorant* and oaodvae*, allaying *1 thoae di*treing eymptoma which if not 1 promptly arretted will too frequently re *ult in that fatal diaeaae, Consumption. Price, f>o cent* a bottle, or til for $2.60. 21-eow PhllAdolphia Mark Mi. * Tosnday, March 26. Ftotm l.iK-al jobber* taught very •Daringly and the gcm-rnl market wan nitrouirlv dull but without de clilttl change. Hhi|>|htm were In ilia market for I'enn ■ylvniiitt at 64.m?|. but lint*of tt- irwk neutral obtainable under tK, and a*tual hualneea Mroita<|iifiitlv light. Halee of I.WMI harrele, in lote, Including u|HtrflfiH at 6276403; winter wheat •ttma at flu4; I'efiiiaylvatila faint Ilea at 64.76(416 fur fair mdrholfM. Ry Flour waa quiet ami steady at 12 76 fM*2.H6ae to quality. Corn M'*l wm quiet ami at***!? at V 2.60, f. o. b„ with aalea of BUO barrel* for tha Waal India* at that rata. \\ wan dull, both fbr rxport and borne nae rloa- I'.,- with |1 181 bid and fi I'•< naked i i lit Western March ; 11. 13 hid and |l.l| aekral for do., April, and |l.Ufi bid and H .KIU naked for May. On the open market tbare were aalea of A.UUIJ bu*hel In lot*, including I'-uu-vlviiiila amber. In elevator, at 61.144 L and No. 2 i*d Western spot and hi arrive, lit elevator at ll.LiJfof 1.131 a* Cuk* wti* steady bill dull at the lint rail, with 4'ijf. bid and 43|r. aekrd for Mil trilled, March; 46-t£r bid ami Al| a < aaked for Atull, and bid and 4.'lAjir. n-k-d for May, after wolch there were aalee of lO.iitn buahcde April at 43 , £ c ;26 <**• bushel* May at with that bid and -mJc. aaked for more, and lO.&W bushel June at 42|r. h ftEKUM—Clover wa* very dull and heavy at bintfyc. f fair, and nru f.'yr. fur good to atrntly chnlre, with a little <*r nothing on the market that would bring the outktde rate. Timothy waa quiet and steady at fLAlwo I4A for good to choice. Hat waa quiet and unchanged at i1.4U"&1.42 av hi quality. m • Me*—-- --- Bellefonte Market*. llllLip.ijiTl, M*rr|i iff, IMTW. QUOTATIONS, fflill. . li'-nt, i">r |1 on H.l wheat I OH Rye, |Her pmml |i Chicken# per fund.. r, Cheeae p.f pound 1* Cbuntry ham* |er r*unfl .... io llamv, augar c 0red...... |g Baron ; lard per ta and...... k Egg* |- r do* \i l*"tatHHi |ht huabel kn Dned Inef |k C*nud tornat'ee* per an |wr d*c 2-' tilled awee| corn per pound... h Arir A dvertUurin r-i /*. PXKCUTOKS NOTICK Let -1 J ler. teatallleiituT Ut—n the e.tatr of Solom-.1, H"beootd, dc* hmh], of Walker h-wrcbip. having l*eeti fraotal h. the uul-f*i k I ty the unty. be rejuHsi. n persona knowing them*he* hr Ul c. t to 4|.a*| bt t. nrnif forward an I make diate |.*t uier,t. and thnae bating rtalma agmn*t hitn h preaeut the Hut duly< ate*l f.,r M'tilemenl ADAM IONEADA. Eieout T Zhin, Centre < untj, Pa l.'^t ( \HI'!IANS' COURT HALE.— * J Will I— e*p>**d to public aale. • FHltlAY.lbe 261h la) ut APRIL at i o'rbirk P M .A. t> I*7ll. at the Cirt ll'w, in He||#f. nte. Centre county. Pa. the t • Boeing real mtmim mm th* pro|>ertir ef J w hn ffweitker. deceaaeg, tale of Het.ner anahlp. Ottlrc fuoiit*. Pa, and n..w occupied by tg* dearrload mm P iloas All tliat certain tefus* ut tetientrnl and lot niing at a corner *A land aurveved in the name >f Win iUr*>fi, Jr., mw VaJetiUtiM. then- - elng landa .f V.ifMiiiM, llr - kerb.-ft and other*, Jforth fi Wml ]|o I -en-he* w> •t/ne ; thetw* by tamla of |.tuU llaaa and other*, Natti *e kerhoff, MUi M degree# Ra •I TO lrf* he* f, at. ftr* , lhr|)T |l) lar*4 id tha late u* Jmm Una. onw Yalenttne*. North 46 'b .-ree. kad ML feicll-a U> lU* place of Iwgmning—nHktalaiag TU l.Nft I 14 4. V Klj* AND D'HTT IHo PlkfttllKw* and al|oeaaf , . a II uae at, I Harn and othef Impr*-*amenta, la< a4 to be Inn bra • the Terra* of aale (fee. third in hand n|-n t n of eat*.' -.third In on* year, and ••©e-ihlrd in lay yeara Ito r.-fter ! Utter two paiftnentato laar Infer oat and hi be by U't>!a and ne itgaga tha nndeaaigned, oakbnt of Rellefonte, he ro|iat* all penama hr -arfng tbemeejraa Indebted b m l 4ec#-lent to cm* MkH and make immediate payment, and nil hating claim* againat him t> prveaot their trrauu duly aoih*nUl"f ' IS™*, • .ttwtll bniiy n. alMi-n* rur-M Tr* I*n'iul4* K .t Dr K- W. Ilm.w W. I> HAII.KT, -U i* lb. |miilM. f OUIS DOLL, 1-J PASHIONAHI.B BOOT A SIIOKMAKKR. opi-eiU Bw*h II- uae. Ballefonte, Pa. 1-ly S. ttit*•. o.fofl* r -( OKMIIt CAMMUDug. County i'iiniiiMoiirr~AAMil Gin MWAA, \ JA*irt ll"uc lUfcrtm taii'f M "f PutJk MKK.II -Prof !(**&) Mi ill. .V tmtU* I'nldl* KA" M HAFCL. U. W. I' tJifc, U C. < NIUIIAI, lUiUf. nU DIRECTORY. rKIJHYTKKI \ V htiuiH -u Ivring tlx! L.t "f II *AH BLWLL KNL *'. HTIRI'UY *1 1" A M AOD • ' " Pryrr BMihi|,VttiAlAytil r n>ut*d*y* -h d, 2U r. n In tl Wigw*m. t,< rihr*i ,- 4ft i,f Ipt %um Uubl Nm r.lti m ui u Ml Pptlng trt, to. nth of MwtbodUl I*T KflftOlPAL. tMuamd on*. • . • •, rig tovj ll'.war I tr* u *. dao'Uy, *1 ICJL A. • AIXI 7 r u MRMING, W U) , •I T r H PuotUy-fr haul. Son Jay r a., •f cbfifrb. Paat. r. B* A l>. Tut no*, rtaxUbt*, | 4'oMlo M( ■>( Nj rlag *T J * *IIN J* R'M4N CATHOLIC. fUfuafrd on 1.U1,'.|. A JIK-gln nf at4 i'mt fWr*t<*v •uaday a *i i lOJHI * M >IMI 7r. . ail Akt*x d*t. •* a V I'MIMI. K 1 A J il'BrWn. tiaMKK*, Mtk •44* of HIAI* ')• !(* Alkfkxif tlx! Paa, NT JIIIIa,I arf I/C *, r, ao'l MncUiarboul **t Uy it • . la l.ik*A*tit .J 'ho;*h RmV*, lUf, J"hn ll* aid. r• +l*Uu< + on Um> •!*( rati *4 Kf4av <§*al ( 1.1 TIIKKA3. I Aiiil.<*( < r-ivt *4 High Abi |vi,i. vtu .* 1" /' 1 a lUII T r m (•'Hid** In fx* lutr rrm <*/ 'horn PmiH MMilni Wdr*r-i*y 7 r 11 IVt -rJUi fUn. *•1 R For** . Mra. |l# nr.*f. All**gi>* ny I. OKIKHAK KLF'iMMF.I*. Sdoat#l < rw . f Lint* and f*;n*g Alr**U hr*|i. Paa n*. Ha* Hiram King; r**4ao* 00 atrwt, roar t4 rbavrH. HAITIJtT. Hitoa(*o r*n**r of High an I IVaw Atraou N**u.. Sotxiay l tfi A * **4 7 t . Ani. U* rh *l. Son Jay 2ft * in (hurh Paat.a, Ha* W A It £gri t*i.har < tn>i,( AHagbany OHilltof R|Aa IMTKH HRRTIIKRA. WlntH Smith High a* 4 Thmoaa •!••( Aiii4t at 10,* i 4 an I7 r a I'ni.f 7f. *. CA*- UT. H*-* NAKPD, rwi4p', ' antral t ity. AFRICAN MHIIIOI'ttT, * ((**! a*>itb arvl .f High SonJay lo u a a tad 7 r a Praya* nm4ig. H Mn**4y 7 F o SonAa* b *"l In 'horrh at iMi t lU*. ina. Tlt 'tnM Atrai IRIRRW. Sitoat*lUf I'ohmy. MM-tingm, Sot.Jay II A. M (Jn*d4y II A. M. T M C. A .. Pratr-r marling* ay* ImM a*ary SnnUy at 4 arl Frt*lay at 7 r M in th rv*m of Ih* Aaar.utioa thm tha P.o 7 t. © r .. a.l!lrfca, Kit- j BKCHLKK l-n*. B-f U Al*l. CARRRD rRI Pw*. i SK(. It I.KK TiMMhiM, Mimwfwrrtm, tinrn, Pin. BRCIILRK A|lkQil<,Ru*,Pui|WJ l'at*nt M"ll>ra * n. ■< , YIELDING, RIGLKR A* WIIX)N, ATTOKKEYS-AT LAW. H| C LEAEPIELH, PA. WILLIAM MK'ULI/>L'GH, '* ATTORSEV AT I.AW, CLEABriRLO. PA. I All l>ulM pronpliy to. |.|y * * r**n ma MMI, | MURRAY A GORDON, ATTORXEYft-AT LAW. [ i-LKARIIF.LD. PA. Will *ttrt,() lb.* Court* *b*ti lJly ' miptnyml. | }j I L. BPANGLEK, t# • I :.\n IT LAW HELLEFOXTK. CKXTRKOUI'XTY. PA. j ®l-.i*l to ' otlt.ttii. t-rvtv o >■ *ll tb. < "iftl. (Vonlbtl'W It** >t ti (M 1-ly T G. HIPPLE, * • ATTORXEY AT-LAW UK' K IIA VEX. PA. All ItMlnon prcmt t) mi.ti loi to. |4y I \ s KELLER, I '• ATTHRXRV AT LAW, fyiXFW-TIOXERT. BREAD. CAKES, I'IKK. Ac- Hiihafi Wml Bak*ry ( Ml BaJVpfewt*, Pa. |>rsil HOUSE. ■ > HI I.I.KPftXTK PA. TIIE ORI.T FIRRT-TLAW HOTEL IX Till CITY. ! Torm. L'|t 4*J U.arr *ttbod !l*-ul rmto. *l*n to uitnoM. *t>d Jino j OKI. Ilorm, Proj.-r M.J D. J, Ron, o.rlt j ( JAKMAN S HOTEL, V * " ami How, BhI.LKPOXTK, PA. j TERMS II V. PER DAY. A good Limy at tar had. 1-ly ! I 1,11 ■"* — I | s IKAUI> HOUSE, \* OORXKR COESTXt T AXD KIXTH FTBKETS, iWMwnv Tt>l botMF. fvoninmt In * city f.m>4 Snr It. ana- ; 1 f tui.l. bnUk. I. bpt In nj nofiwt oyaal v> *ny \ flnt rli. In th. rasnlfy. lining to th. .trim frmry of th. UnM*. th* prto. of hn*nl ha. Hum orlwK 1 In Tu MtUM pn Af. J MKIHRIX. 14M/ MnnngM. V \H. DOBBINS, ML P., 1/ PHTSfCIAX AXD SIRHKOX Mf "•'* BMhoy Strt, HoiM oit., P*. j - ■- - -- - , ■ ■ - I pOURT PROCLAMATION. V-/ WRRREAft. th. Ron tWHw A. Mayw, PrM* MM tkurmiti*HMlM* Plwif flwMtkJvllrW PWtW. mmMlii of th* maati** of CMtl■. HUM an 4 (TwflMd. an* th. Hon. SanoM Frank an* th. Hot*. John M. Aannrtet. Jmigm I* (YaMrn emnty, • hating Unn.l IhMr prteupA hmrtng Aa*. 'lk hi of ' FMnnary, IST*, to m**m in*. *™r Whin nCinrt of j ■ Oy>t *ai* Tmnlim an* (hintl Jnll Mlhij an* ' yon, tor SiMilin. of th* IW. la R 11. Ami*, h* th. ; owtt; of (win. and ta oMnnwnc* on th* Fourth Monday of April, hMng Ih. Sfllh Any of April. ' ] lW, an* to mnlhw I*l nwha. MnMr* la Iwrahy ! gitm to th. fVimnM. Ja. 1 Ida of Ih* Panm, A I*, tan 11 M* ConatahlM of aaM onnnty af Onlra, that that h. 1 thtoi an* tin** In thtor prop., pwninia. at l o'elork : In tha toiMM of aaM day, ntlh thtor raratMa, lagal i Mttona, .tanlMlkm, and IhH, own tnnaianhinniin. ; to do Ih* thing, "hit h to ttolr i*Bi 1 nitngtala. to 1 h* dm*, an* thna. nho *r> hound In nngniannoM to | p .- t- agnlnat th* prton" that ar* or .hall h* In 1 th. jail of (Wtra ormnty. h* thm an* than, to pan ! rat* agalato thraa oa ahall ha JM. Ultra nn*K my hand, at Raltofontn. th* Ath day af I r.hrnary. In Ih* yrar of our Lord MTV, and th* ana 1 hand rod an* tor an* yrar of tha In*, p.loll or of th* I'nitod Statu*. MR JOttß SPA WULRR. SflwrW. ITARNEBB MANUFACTORY A A In Oararan't Xtra Blork, BRLLKPOXTR, PA. |..|y TOB PRINTING of all kinds ncat- M ly aiwntn* nt tha DEMOCRAT UPFICA Hurry K. /tick ■*, llurtltrare. K. HICKS, [Successor to T. A. lIICKS A 11R0.,] HEALKR IM HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, PAINTS AND STOVES. _± L. EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT TIIK TIMES. Allegheny Strl, HELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. Xrw A tierrf torment*. CHEAP GSOCERT A*D PROVISION STORE. S. A. BKEW H SOX, Humes' Bloci, ncjrl door to I'oit Office, An < **A)lnr ir~0 In Mr Un* nl ntxh radnmd l-m* tit I'ASH r In i'hai>a* tat nil Und* nf OOURTRT PRODI"'R Tfcny m* rmWOns r~l' **rj da,. n tbai FRESH HOODS! ThWr mack i "cm.pint* nncl well •rlarAnd. nnd roraittn hi |rt at Light and Heavy Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Oraiws. lietnons, Not* k Raisins CANNED A>*D DRIED FRUITS of rrtry kind nnd variety. THE * VMCIN'iTOX RrTCtIKB Hams, Sides, Shoulders —A*D— BREAKFAST BACON. TofHliff with U> i huti—l DRIED BEEF. PtmnM nnUiHI Rwd* '• Ikdr Un* will and II In till ndrnnlnf* l<> gta* limn n mil t CASH PAID FOR POTATOES. 1879. THE PATRIOT. 1879. G.t Op I Clnk u4 Rntnltn Tau FnpnrlW W The Daiit Patriot will b mat by * mail to club* at the following rate*: Njj MO" par no*, pnr year to n