tCrnfre jOrraocrat. BELLWFONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and Beet Paper I'UnUallKD IX I'KNTH* COUNTY. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT is pub llh~l ararjr Thurlsjr morning, st Bellxfuuts, Csoir* countv, PA. TKK\te~C*h in idfunr* $1 BO If not pn(D In A*IVAII**. 2 OO Payment* nu*! within Ihrftsiuanlhi will b w atlcr*4 in advance. A LtVft I*APfcß—devolatl to the Intermit of Uie whole people. No paper will b tlitt ofitiitu ol until arraarageA are paid, except at option of publisher*. H|M>ra going out of the county ont b paid for In f dnnre, Any psrxoa pmenrtn* n t<-n<*sh sutwrlbsrx will In snt • cony frs uf chrs.' OSTSStsMV* . IrrnlslWn rok-- Oils ||wr sn nn iisuslly rwllwl.le nrf proftubls milium f..r snrrH.liiii Ws hsr thn m 4 00 ' as On $S Oil 112 <> 2 Wrwks. 1 Ml 3 00, 4 ISI .% Oo{ 0 00,11 o(i 1 Vrwr, 12 IS> IS (*' 24 uo 2H 0.1 42 is) * tXluo 00 AilrrrtlsruirnU srr rslrolstsol by lb* Inrh In Inngth of ruliimo, snO nny loss spm-w Is rstr.l us full Inrh. Forrlgn sdsrrtUrnisuts must hs psl'l for hsfforr In ssrllos, vienpt on yrsrly roiitrwrlr. wltsu hslf yrwrly iwinsnts In sitxsnr* will ho rr<|ulril. biLtrtrsi XffTiriw, I,' routs f—r lln-oorh Insrrtlun. Nothlus insrrtnl for loos thsn to ronts. Brsisßss Norlf rs. In thr nlltorlsl columns, 16 rruts nor lino, osch Insortlon. UICIL NURLCTS, In H'*l colnmns, 10 rents pot lino, AxxotxrMtXTS of nuneo uf rouJl.lstro fur offlco, 63 rorh. AxxorxcsssxTs or MASSIAOSS X BSATHS Insortnl fnw; but oil obttusry notices will bo charged 6 coots prr lino. SPIUU Nortrss 25 pr ronl. shoro regular rstso. THE Potter committee having found out who did not steal the Presidency, the Washington Poet suggests that it should now bead its energies to the work of discovering who did. IT is said that the Hon. Bchuylcr Colfax is suffering with an attack of acute erysipelas at his home in South Bend, Indian. Fears are entertained j that it will prove fatal. A CONSTITUTIONAL amendment has been passed in the lower house of the ! Connecticut legislature, providing for biennial sessions. If it passes the Senate the question will he submitted to, and no doubt ratified by the people. ' CAMERON, "I own Pennsylvania." > Chandler, "I own Michigan." Grant, "I own Cameron and Chand ler." Courier Journal. And who the d—l owns Grant ? Is it Beelzebub or Jay Gould ? IN four days more the present Con gress will cease to exist. Whether the business yet undisposed of will require an extra sowion will then be deter mined. The new members elected lat fall will come in if an extra session Is . called. A JURY in Baltimore have rendered ( a verdict of 410,000 against the Northern Central Railroad, for killing a Mrs. Barns, who was run over by a train of cars on that road. The suit was brought for the benefit of her minor children. LYCOMING COUNTY HONORED. — "If I vote for Cameron, I hope God Almighty will strike roe dead." Such, it is said, was the pious pledge of John Gaus, the Greenback representative of Lycoming county, in the House of Representatives. And yet, John Gaus did vote for Cameron, and still lives to represent Lycoming county! IN Reading the coalition of the Democrats and Nationals resulted in success, and that city has now a Demo cratic Mayor, ami a decided majority in the Council against the Republicans. It is worthy of note that the Democrats nominated and elected J as. Muhton, a worthy colored Democrat, to the office of Constable. THE Philadelphia elections have terminated in the usual result, a de cided victory to the Radicals —the usual amount of prosecutions for frauds and repeating, to attract atten tion for a few days and then die out, and all arc serene. Next comes the usual amount of growling by the peo ple when called upon to foot the bills, and they are again happy and pre pared to turn in and renew their al legiance to the rings who control and halter them. THE only indications we* observed in this place on Saturday last that Washington still " lived in the hearts of his countrymen" was the closing of the banks and a few tunes played in the street by our excellent brass band. One through patriotism to show their appreciation of the great character of the " Father of his country," the other from necessity, perhaps, it being a legal holiday, and did not permit of the cent per cent, business. All other business active and enjoyed as usual The County Statement. Our neighbor of the Watchman, takiug exception to our remark* of last week,says: •The "organ" In the Rush House bsse ment says that It "*• a desire to econo mise that induced the present Hoard of Commissioners to publish the annual County statement in away that the few e*t number of tax payers would see it." Now, in that a fair reading of our article? We said no such a thiug. What we did nay was that the Com missioners, desirous of economising the exposes of the county, hud fixed a stated price they were williug to pay for printing the county statement, and authorized all the newnpaper* in the county to publish it at that sum. Had the Watchman complied, its 1,- 000 or 2,000 readers, if it has that number, would have had the full bene fit of the iuformation the statement coutains. We did not hesitate to sny to the Commissioners that the hum fixed was too low, and unrcrnuuerative in price as an advertisement, but rather than stand in the position of comhiuiiig against the finances of the county, and preventing the publica tion of the statement at the time re quired by law, we would insert it, and did so. Could not our neighbor have afforded to do the same ? Most as suredly lie could. For many years he has drawu largely from the fumls of the county for printing the annual statement, and at this time of financial embarrassment in the public and pri vate business of the people, did the Commissioners place too high an esti mate upon the liberality and patriot ism of the editor of the Watchnum to believe that he would publish and give this statement to his readers at the sum allowed? It was certainly reasonable to suppose that he who had been so liberally remunerated in the might, iu one^i"stance at least, second their efforts to relieve the burdens of the people. As to the Wateh man* fling at our lo cation orjhis misrepresentation of our circulation, which we are happy to in form him is increasing daily, we pass with the simple remark, that those who "attend to their own business will find sufficient occupation " —a truclsm long taught, and may eventually commend itself to the obtuse mind of the editor himself. With kiud feeling for him personally and otherwise, we did not refer to this subject last week to pro voke controversy, but merely desired to do justice to the present Board of Commissioners who were wantonly charged with a design to prevent the public from investigating the official act-? of the Board, which they could have no motive whatever in conceal ing. TIIK Chicago Tribune doc* not cm to be greatly alarmed at the Istgan itcs' threat* to read it out of the party for it contumaciously remark* in the course of a single column: "The Grant movement will not 'i>oom' so much if liobeeon goes to meet Belknap." "In view of this row about the trifling sum of $6- r >,000,000 which Bobcson is said to have poured in and around a hole, the next House may want to know whether he is a fit man to be a mem ber, particularly if he is indicted, in accordance with the recommendation of the committee;" and yet again: "It should be a consolation for the loss of the Republican majority in the Senate that with it will go Hpencer, Dorsey, Patterson, Conover, Sargent, and a few more of that stripe." BEVKRAI. REPUBLICAN witnesses, .lack Wharton in the foreground, ex amined by the investigating commit tee week, established the fact that Wells, of the Returning Board, tried to sell the electoral vote of Louiaiana to Tilden, and did not succeed in mak ing the sale. The market in that quarter was not good, and Hayes be came the purchaser and took possession of the Presidential office. The rascals are now in ftill possession—purchaser and purchased—in Washington and New Orleans. THE American minister to England has written a letter to Secretary Everts that he cannot reside in Lon don, in a style befitting his position, on a salary of 117,500. Well, per- Uap he ain't, but a number of good men have done so, and a great many others are willing to try it. Let him come home. Our Hartmn/f w only drawing the {my of a postmaster now, and be has aspirations for diplomatic life. Thk Philadelphia Times referring to the honorable position assumed by Gen. Harlow of New York, in the mission to Florida, to which he wan selected by Gen. Grant, to insure a "fuir count"of the elootorul vote, says: ''The republican organ* are devoting themaelve* jut now to outbursts of in dignation and censure in view of the conduct of General Harlow, of New York, who went to Florida a* a visiting statesman and became convinced thai Mr. Tilden and not Mr. Haye* was en titled to the electoral vote of ihat>Stale. Their "amazement, their distress it is not easy to express." General Harlow was one of the eminent gentlemen sent Southward by President Grant to insure "a fair count," and he committed the gros* mistake of taking the President at hi* word. As long as he believed that Mr. Hayes was entitled to the vote of Florida he labored to secure a decla ration to that effect, but when he found that according to the law and the testi mony the election hod gone the other way, he frankly told l>r. Cowgill, a member of the Returning Hoard, that the law should be faithfully executed, alike against republican and Democratic irregularities, even though the success of Mr. Tilden might ensue. This was an unpardonable offense, and the charge, now revived, that he was be traying his party, was freely made. Mr. Chandler tried to ease the weak conscience of his associate by the char acleristicargument that they were down there as counsel for the republican par ty and must therefore make out the best case possible for their client, but General Harlow's eye* were sharp enough to see through tills shallow artifice and he stuck to his position under pain of being given the cold shoulder by the rest of the visiting statesmen. The same Chandler now sneer* at General Harlow's course as treacherous and holds up his clean hands in holy horror thereat. It is a new view of the duties of these visiting statesmen that they were there as republican council. Here tofore their conclusions hsve been put forth as those of strictly impartial ob servers. and certainly their commission from General Grant was intended to convey that idea. If they were em ployed in that capacity pcrh*|s zeal in behalf of their client is a fair excuse for their extraordinary course; but the country will none the less honor the man who, ascertaining the facts, refused to be retained for the prosecution of a cause that hail no foundation in law or equity. Arresting Miner* by the Wholesale and (ailing Unt the Militia. Pirrsat *O, Pa., February 20.—Consid erable excitement and uneasiness exist at Ifrownsville and other towns along the Upper Monongabela. owing to re cent outbreak* and threatened violence by striking coal miner* in that vicinity. Nearly all the coal mines have been shut down for some time. The original cause of the trouble was a reduction in the price paid of digging. Within a few days past several ot the mine own ers have attempted to start up at re duced prices with freah hands, but the old men have become so violent that new men are afraid to go to work. The former employes in some instance* have taken possession of the mines and threaten dire vengeance on any one going towork. OaTueeday night Sheriff Work, of Washington county, assembled a posse of deputies st HeaHsville, and at 10 o'clock r. a. he, with one hundred and eight men. mounted and heavily armed, marched on Brownsville, arriv ing there at 4 o'clock Wednesday morn ing. The Sheriff immediately went to work srresting coal miners, in many case* taking tbem out of bed, and a large number of the slnkera were imprisoned in the jail. In addition to the one hun dred and eight men from Beallsville one hundred and twenty-two from Cali fornia and Greenfield were sworn in. They joined the other party at Browns ville, making the entire number of Deputy Sheriff* 230. They are encamp ed in Brownsville and Weat Brownsville and made many arret* to-day. Browns ville is in Fsyetie county and what au thority Sheriff Work ha* is not known. He telegraphed Sheriff Dean, of Fayette county,at IJniontown, yesterday,aaking his help in securing the arrest of the leaders in the strike, hut I>ean refused to give, saying be bad no authority to make arrest*. I iovernor Hoyt hat placed Company 11, of the Tenth Regiment, under Work's command. They are now at Washington awaiting orders. Many miners have fled to toe mines, where they have provision enough to •land quite a siege, and fears are enter tained that a bloody outbreak may oc cur at any moment, New Liquor law. On the flth, Foust, of Huntington county, read in place a bill to "prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicat ing liquors." It provide* a fine of S2OO and thirty days' imprisonment for the first violation of the law, and twice the amount of the fine and twice the length of the term of imprisonment for the second. It creates the office of Slate Commiasioner of the Liquor Busi neaa, who shall hold the office for ten years, at a salary of $1,600 per annum, and wboae business it shall be to inves tigate all attempts to violate the law, and vigorously* prosecute all offenders. Liquor ia only to be sold for medicinal, mechanical and manufacturing pur poses, and then only by agenU in several districte into which the State is to be divided. In Philadelphia the agenU for the several districts are to be ap pointed by the Mayor, and in the other counties by the Hoard of County Com missioners. No person Is permitted to engage in the manufacture of spirits without first entering into a bond in the turn of $5,000 conditioned that he will not adulterate the liquor or sell it in less quantities than thirty gallons, to be delivered at the name time in a single vessel and not sell it in the State, ex -3d to persons authorised by law to re live it. It prohibits the sale of liquor on railroad trains, and when the person so selling cannot be reached the cor porstion ia made liable. It provides for the neisure of any liquor that may be kept for sale and the search of premises when it is suspected that any may be found, ANDREW GREGG. front tl>- Historical Mmvrao*ta of A. Born*- A gentleman saluted bis neighbors in tbn village of Mid* lb-to wit in 1782-M5. who subsequently became ol great political ami social importance. He kept store, as a partner of a relative whose name is on the tax list of 1782, heretofore given. Among his pnpers has been found this auto-biographical sketch. It has never found its way into print, and as a proper place to give it currency, 1 present it to tny readers in the hope that it will interest them as it ban me. If he made further note* of liia family or of hi* own distinguished cariM-r, they have not been discovered. It will be observed that this pa|>er bears no date, but it may be safe to it was written after IH'J.'I, when Anuhcw Gmzoo retired from this life. "Since the death of my parents, I have regretted that I neglected to avail myself of the opportunity during their life time of obtaining from tliein more and better information than I now pos sess of their genealogy, and of the his tory of the early part of their own lives. Erom such knowledge however no advantage is, or could have Wen ex pected, than arises from what I believe is a very general opinion, that people are pleased to look back through Gie line of their ancestors, to mark their progress through the world, th*-ir up* una downs, their good and bad fortune, until they have traced the examination down to the period of their own estab lishment. In accordance with that principle, I will now state very briefly, perhaps for my own satisfaction, than for any other reason, some informal ion derived from them respecting their families, ami also my own reminiscences of some incidents in their lives, and the time and manner of their deaths. My parent* were both native* of Ire land. My father whoae name w* An drew, wa* born in the lihertie* of Lon donderry, where the family renided. Hi* father'* name wa* John and there my knowledge of ancentry in that line slops. I never heard him *ay from whom hi* father had descended, but fie lieve that from information deriven my annwering in the affirmative, he aaid he had been led to make the inquiry, ntruck with the imponing likene** betwixt me and Colonel Gregg. who had been the op posing candidate to him at the late election, on my firt introduction to Governor Clinton, when he became Vice l'reeident of the United State*, he naked whether 1 waa a native of Pennsylvania. I told him I wa*. He replied, saying,"there i* such a striking resemblance betwixt you and a young man named Jamet Gregg, who wa* a lieutenant in my brigade during the Revolution that when 1 aaw you my Brat impression* were that you must be hia brother. He wa* of a New England family, then settled in the State of New York." He then related the story, of ten published the newspaper*, of that officer having been shot, *calped and left for dead by the Indians, and re covered by a detachment nent by the commanding officer of the garrison where he had been stationed, conducted to the place where bis body lay by his dog. My father and Solomon Walker, the husband of their sister Rachael, not pleeaed with the prospect of a settle ment in New Hampshire returned to Itoston, and shipped for Philadelphia, but landed at New Cattle. I don't re collect the particular year of their ar rival, but know it wa* during the ad ministration of Sir Willam Kieth, most probably in the autum of 1722 23. The winter immediately succeeding their landing they spent at a furnace be longing to Keith on Christiana creek, near the town of Newark, in the state of Delaware. In the following spring they moved np the country, and com menced their settlement at a place call ed Chestnut Level, near tha southern boundary of Lancaster county. In making the location they were both un fortunate, but my father doubly so. Not being well qualified to judge of land by superficial appearance, their atten tion was arrested by the flourishing growth of the young chestnut timber with which that district of country waa covered, and tbey concluded that land which produced such thrifty timber waa just what they were in pursutof, and there they set themselves down. In proceeding onward, the fine, fertile valleys of the Pequea sod Omen log* lay before them, and a five pound war rant. followed up by settlement, would have secured them four hundred aero of land, which at the present time would sell at from fifty to one hundred dollars an acre. In addition to the in judicious selection made by my father in relation to the quality of the land, a warrant had been issued for it to Wil liam Metear, of a date anterior to liis statement. Ha continued, however, to reside on it until 1741, when to avoid a law suit he sold his claim to his ad versary. During the residence of my fsther at Chestnut Level his wife died, leaving liiin six children, two sons, viz: John and James, and four daughters, viz: j Rachel, Elizabeth, Margaret and Jane, ; I don't recollect ever to have heard him nay how long he remained a widower, but presume he became the husband of my mother in somewhat less than two years after the death of hi* first wife. My mother's maiden name was Jane Scott. Her father, Matthew Kcott, lived in the county of Armagh, in Ireland, trom whence he migrated to thin court i try and settled in Chestnut Level, short ! ly before the death of my father's first wife. His family at the time of his arrival consisted of himself ami wife, two sons, viz., Motws uwd Thomas, and ' four daughters, vis., Elizabeth, Margery, •lean (my mother), ami Fanny. Mose* settled and lived to his death near Newark, in the state of Delaware. He was a respectable man, ami possessed a good standing both in church and state, t He reared a large family, a majority ol them sons, but none of those that I knew ever attained to the same rank in society held by their father. Thomas with his family, which was not ourner , "us, migrated to and settler! in the western part of Virginia. 1 never heard anything further of thenr. Elizabeth was married to David Montgomery. They settled and lived to their death at Rockfish trap in Virginia. 1 remember Having seen them once at my father's on a visit, and some time after two of their sons and a daughter paid us a visit. The young men 1 well recollect bod a genteel apjiesrance, and the daughter wo* accounted a beauty, and nicknamed the "Morning Star," on ac count of the effulgence of her complex ion. Margery was married to Hugh Caldwell. They lived and died in I-an ■aster county near M'Call's Ferry. They had three sons and two daughters. Their eldest son. Matthew, was killed at the I rattle of 1/orig island. The second son, Samuel, was drowned m the Sus quehanna, st M'Call'a Ferry, in a manly attempt to save some of the passenger* in a sinking boat. He was on the shore when the flat went down, and being a good swimmer be plunged in, brought one person to the shore, but in a second attempt he failed ; two of the drowning persons got hold of him, ana all three sunk together. The other son and both daughter* were married and all dead long since. To that family and eipecially my uncle and aunt, 1 always felt a very strong attachment. 1 think they were more dear to me than any relation I had, with the ex ception of our own family. Fanny, the youngest sister, was married to Andrew Hazier, who owned a valuable profw-rty in I-ancaster county, which he impru dently sold, and moved to North Cro iiaa, and was there inhumanly mur dered by the tones during the revolu tionary war. The family, 1 believe, is all extinct, with the exception of one son, who lives in Georgia, and who, ac cording to in formation recently reccivi-d, is a respectable, well doing man. My father having sold his claim in Chestnut Wrel, set out some time in the year 1748 in quest of another resi dence. He traveled up the Susque hanna river to the Swatara creek, and wo* nearly purchasing the plantation on the south side of the creek, where the turnpike road crosses it. Eighty pounds, l'ennsyivania currency, was set on the land, which was considered low enough ; however, for some cause the parties failed in completing a contract and he continue*! his course northwest wardly. He crossed the Susquehanna at Harris ferry, where the town of Har risburg now stano*. and traveled up the Cumberland valley. He met a cer tain Robert Armor, of Chester county, from whom he purchased a warrant tor three hundred acres of Isnd, including sn improvement on the north side of the Conodoguinnet creek. There term inated bis expedition of discovery, from here he commenced his return to bis home, followed up by all necessary arrangement* preparatory to bia remov al to his new purchase. My father was never a money making man, nor does he appear to have been very ambitious of honor, yet the two following instances, both on record, bear ample testimony of his goo*l stand ing both in church and state. On the settlement in Chestnut Level becoming sufficiently numerous, they formed a Presbyterian congregation, built a meet ing house, and invited Rev. Mr. Thorn to become their pastor. He accepted their call, and in organizing a session, my father was elected to be a member of it and continued so until bia removal, i Mr. Thorn's certificate of this eircum- i stance is somewhere among my papers. ; The second instance I would mention 1 is of a different character. It shows ; that he was held in esteem by sin* j who ranked bigh in the estimation of ; the government. When very young 1 had noticed an old fashioned sword and j an est-on toon laving up stairs among : other lumber, and on inquiry 1 recollect' my mother saying that her grandfather J bad worn tba sword in King William's ' *"ny at tha battle of the Boyna, and my father saying that he carried the ! esnontoon." Mr. Gregg came to Harrisburg in 1784, residing here about two years, where be met his future wife. Subse quently removing in 1789, to Penns Vsiley (now Centre county). He be came successively a member of both branches of the legislature of Pennsyl vania ; served in congress from 1790 to 1807 t chosen Cnited States senator in 1807, over which body he was vice-presi dent pro Um. for two years; then secre tary of the commonwealth in 1830 under Governor Hei*ter; a candidate for gov arnor, defeated by John Andrew Hbulxe in 1828. Hi* intellectual acquirement* were eareftilly cultivated and he kept them in constant training. He must have bean in bia early manhood an imposing personage, 1 remember him ae an aged man, thin in person, full six feet high, dreteed with scrupulous neatness, of very agreeable address, every way a moat courteous gentleman, whom the youngster* who had aecured hia ac quaintance esteemed highly. The temp lation MM great that I cannot conclude this notice without giving "the record" copied from that made by Mr. Gregg : " A hdr. 1875, at the Man sion houae, on the Conodoguinit, near Car liale. Martha, daughter of Gen. Jarnea Potter and Mary hia wife, wa* bom at the Man (iou houae, on Conocogeague, on the 10th day of April, A. I). 1778, V „ Andrew Gregg and Martha Potter '►ere joined in matrimony by the Rev. John Huge on the 70th day of January, A. D. 1787. Their iaaue 1. Mary, born 8 No*. 178 ft, baptised 20 No*. 178 ft, |,y It*-v, .Jarnea Johnston. Hhe w*a horn at Old Town on the Juniata (this of courae meatia Lewiatown). 2. Jean, born at the Mnotion houae in I'enna Valley, the 17 Feb rv, 1791, bap- UM-d 8d April, 177*1, by Re*. Jarnea Martin. 8. Martha, born 7 June, 171*3, baptised '"I "vpi'i 1 '"3, by Key. Jarnea Johnston. ■1 Kiir.a, horn 2 June, 1795, baptised 19 .July, 1796, by J lev. l>a*id Wiley. Juliana, learn 26 June, 1797, baptised 27 May, 1799, by lie v. Matthew Stephen. C. Andrew, born 80 No*., 1799, baptised 7. Jarnea Potter, born 28 April, 1802, baptiaed in October, by Rev. William Stuart. ft Matthew, born 5 April, 1801,baptued in September \jj the name. 9. .Sarah, born 28 January, 1807, baptiaed by the tame. 10. A daughter, born 4 May, 1800, died, buried at Sinking Creek meeting bouse, ( entre county. 11. Margery, km H Sept., 1811, Up. tln-d by Ker. William Stuart.'" Andrew Gregg died at JP-llrfiinte, 3> May, 1835. This u the United State* Senator. Andrew Gregg died at Mile*burg, 13 Mar, IWj". Tbi* i* the state senator. 1 be other two com removed to and died in Virginia. Martha was mother of Gov. Curtin. Juliana, married General John Irrin and died in 18&0, and in all her deed* in variably spells her name "Julvan," J Ci.w in the reflection that the hulk of tin* Republican cipher dispatches '•re destroyed, and the wont of them, the New York 7V.iW pilblilhet half a I doaen which it thinka will bear an in | noccnt construction, and makes an i other great cackle. This little tele graphic corre|>ondence, or so much of it as is g ven out, was between those pure-minded statesmen, 1). If. Cham berlain and John Patterson and J. Donald Cameron. Mr. Chamberlain, at ' olumbie. telegraphed to Mr. Patterson and Mr. Cameron, at Washington: **Sit uation alarming; Hayes' vote will be lost unless help oom<-s within twenty four hours; have Mackey sustained; nothing else will save us."' There were more dispatches from the same to the arrie, all l/egging for "help'" and urging "hurry," but, curiously enough, the TViAvkc gives none of the replied which wouM show, perhaps, the nature of tlisr i "help" wanted and how much of it was obtained. Certainly it was obtained, for '•Hayes* vote was not lost. Per ha|j it was troops; perbsps it waa money; perhaps it was both. At any rate the Republicans had the longest pole, for they brought down the per simmon ,—Pkil.iArtpkia Timet. The National Association of Veterans of the Mexican War met in RaJUmnre on Saturday, tieneral Denver, of tlhio. presided. The only business transacted was the appointment of a committee to visit Ms-lungton and press on Congress the equity of their claims to be placed upon the tension list. In the evening tieneral James Shields delivered the annual oration. ,Ycf A \ . —Come to the residence A 'JMlssTlUrt. Is 11 |vaabt|i. is Orl*r 'St- s aII' 111 Ilka. sappnst-4 ts W si—st two ymrs oM. n t:.> k. Tk ts U nnu, frw*r4 MMt4)ti| Is law. Ktm crwriK. HA UN ESS MAX UF A CTOII Y Is Omasa's Nrw Mark, BtLl.rn.tfTK. PA. My SECBLER4CO., CROC KRS, FRl* ITERS and CONFECTIONERS, Holiday Goods. SECURER rLOHPi ORAXOES, r,ry •- SECURER *—***■ SECURER WHITE At.WKRU O&APEA, lbs SECURER lee iaiit| iiwuifi rOTATOta, >M II Istrt ttsnrt; far wtatw ass— SECURER sasluJlra 2w! !!!'v!!' oukwreim,M cap. CM nac uiialt isi ism nittkM SECURER 1 SKCHLKR *t2K22£2a SET* - * V " SECURER SECHLKR CHKHMt prists aO4, Ml crsswu ?Knr , S M'Tlt Ik Is ~■■■ asyn .b.lUba mi Is, 25 „ Sstw, BnalMi Wslssts, Strut! SECURER Est*, ckatstit, Nnttett, ru- SKCIJLEK Aisssrt. SECURER CAR vast nutTA-tws-.. IW*. SECURER TMima. Stmbwiit, CWa, Puts SECURER A|^£rt^fc*,fcw.rrMb SECURER *" SECURER lrhokr.asas*(tali. 2SRSS-55 tbbts Bats, OtlWs, (MM OiaSiss, 5 •srWass, rtrkOs, Hart*, Crsrtar HKCHLKK*iiw. kxank. uvnltt'vo *ak Maw*. Ha*rt tea**. JTkwarfclL i nov-ItlißK Cftttjit Hiwnii Xvit. lekw SECURER sknni'eu OfMIWCTIOXntT. CVertsl. Own* * less I* *■• s-l 11)|la' SECURER Baa.UrtyaOMstb rilsf.asaw SECURER. S JTV SECURER *!**.* ****** " ss SECURER! SKCIILER ntKxnt r*r*iw, rvssrii-s, n*, t ns ttsttßt Awitia. Ws bass sssryUMsa