Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 27, 1879, Image 1

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    2fljr tfrntre tlpinocrat.
®he titntxt fJmomtt*
Terms #1.60 per Annum, tn Advance.
e. T. SHUQERT is* R. H. FORtTER. Editor*.
Thursday Morning, February 27, 1879.
BY coucurreuee of the House in tl e
Senate amendments, the anti-Chinese
immigration bill has fiually passed,
and now goes to Mr. Hayes for ap
proval. It is believed that the Presi
dent will either veto the bill or per
mit it to fall without a formal veto.
THE nomiuatiou of ex-Governor
Pollock is still hanging in the Senate,
waiting the pleasure of Senator Don
Cameron. He will no doubt be con
firmed, as no objection can be urged
against bim, only that he is a chronic
office hunter and supercedes oue of
Don's henchmeu.
ZACH. CHANDLER'S credentials were
presented to the Senate on Saturday,
and he wax sworn in as Senator from
Michigan to fill the vacancy occasion
ed by the resignation of Senator
Christaincv. He occupies the same
seat he did when in the Senate some
years ago.
THE regulations of the Post offi<*e
department, heretofore requiring un
paid letters to be retained in the post
office, have beeu c hanged. Hereafter
they will be forwarded to the pst
mastcr, at the office to which they are
directed, who will collect the amount
due. A new stamp has beeu ordered
for the purpose.
IT is understood that Maj. Keno, of
the Seventh cavalry, on trial by a
court of inquiry for cowardice in the
battle of Little Big Horu, which re
sulted so disastrously in the massacre
of Custer aud bis command, will ra
port that the evidence adduced against
bim will not sustain the charge with
sufficient clearness to warrant a trial
by court-marshal.
THE LIE GIVEX. —The lie puenl
between Senators Conkling ami Burn-
Hide in the Senate of the United State*
on Saturday last. Of course great
excitement prevailed in that dignified
body. Conkling paid Hurnxide did
not tell the truth, and Burnside in
pure Anglo-Saxon raid Conkling lied.
No doubt both told the truth, for it is
not to be supposed that either of them
would lie on Washington's birth day.
The recollection of that affecting story
of the halchel, would restrain them,
on that, if on no other day.
meeting of the National association of
the Mexican war at Baltimore on the
22d of February. He spoke of the
Mexican war, of which he said no
faithful history had ever been written. |
He declare*! it a campaign which the
world had never equalled in success.
The brave old veteran knew whereof
he apoke, for he wa* a most active and
gallant participant in that camfsiign.
The association appointed a commit
tee to visit Waahington, and pre#
upon Congress their claim to be
placed upon the Pension bill, justly
believing, that they are as much en
titled to this recognition of the
government an those who nerved in
other want.
Tm annual report of the bureau of
statistics of labor of Massachusetts, is
published. Amongst the many sub
jects discussed, the following facts in
relation to liquor statistics are given.
Under the prohibitory legislation of
1874, there were 28,944 arrest* for
drunkenness, 23,981 convictions for
drunkness, and 3,644 judgments on
complaints for illegal sales in the Btate.
Under the license law of 1877, there
were only 20,657 arrests for drunken
ness, 17,862 convictions, and 1,693
judgments for illegal sales. These
statistics do not present a hopeful view
of the radimi legislature on the sub
ject of temperance —or perhaps, that
the efforts made to obtain refoim are
not as well directed as the might be,
The Forty •Sixth Congress.
The probability of an extra session
of Congress recalls the speculation
and conjecture that has IXH-II rife upon
every hand, as to the numerical
strength of the different jxditical par
ties in the next House. Before the 1
people had rightly gathered themselves j
up after the shock of the November
battle, there was rather a confused
idea abroad that there were enough,
of what were by courtesy called
Greenback members, elected to hold j
the balunce of power, and, through a
combination with the Republicans,
coutrol the organization of the House.
As soon as this rather hasty conclusion
had been arrived at, the chiefs of the
new purty swooped down upon the
capital of the nation to look uj>on
their possessions. Do Matyr hur
riedly cut short the doxology and
without tarrying long enough to an
nounce the usual weekly prayer meet
ing hied himself to the seat of gov
ernment, the world, the flesh and the
devil. Forgetting the circumscribed
limits of his Indiana pulpit, his en
raptured gaze fastened itself upon the
luxurious chair dedicated for ull time
to the comfort and convenience of the
Speaker of the Representative branch ,
of the American I-cgisluture. De
wees and Crandull, modest and uu
unas.suming gentlemen as they an-,
quietly took possession of all the ap
proaches that led to the marble pal- 1
ace on the hill, which was to be
their future resting place. A'arv was
on hand because it was lively an op
portunity would present itself for
somebody to make a speech. Yocuui
aired himself on Pennsylvania Avenue,
and passed as "the man that beat
Curtin." Altogether things wore a
rtweal hue, and the future, from a
Greenback standpoint, wat reSfiTenditft *"
with the promise of official favor and
rich in tempting emoluments. Just
at this juncture, however, some fellow
of a practical turn of mind suggested
the propriety of inspecting the roll of
returned members and ascertaining ex
actly how many representatives of no
body they had to go and come on.
Imagine their dismay when it became
evident that the Democrats had a clear
majority over both Republicans and
Nationals. Home figures will lie, hut
these wouldn't, and these anxious
statesmen awoke to the fact that they
had come within a stone's throw of im
proving upon the handiwork of na
ture when she made fools of them.
There is not a man in the country who
can count his fingers and toes who
does not know that there is a decided
democratic majority in the lower
branch of the Forty-sixth Congress.
And yet respectable newspa|N-rs do
not find it out of their way to occa
sionally assure their readers that the
political complexion of the next
House is in doubt; that there is a talk
of a fusion Is-twccn the Republicans
and Nationals to elect the H|ieakcr,
and that William I). Kelley is spoken
of as the coming man, and more of I
the same nonsense. The s|x>ctar|e of
James A. Garfield, the embodiment of
the Hhermau idea of finance in the
House, rising in his place to vote for
the veneral member of the 4th Penn
sylvania district for Hpenker, would
lie one the country would never for
get. Visions of the Banking and Cur
rency Committees and that of Ways j
and Means in the hands of Mr. Kel- j
I ley's friends, would prove too much
| even for Garfield, and he would be re
luctantly compelled to fall back on the
Rebel Brigadiers and beseech them to
protect the Treasury. It may as well
be understood first as last, that tho
Democrats will charge themselves with
the delicate duty of electing the
Hpcaker, notwithstanding the evident
willingness of their opponent* to do it
for tksm. Never before has their ex
isted so many potential reasons for
harmony of thought and unity of ae
lion among the leaders of the Demo
cratic party as confronts them now.
The jarring elements must cease to
mukc war with one another. The dis-
cord of contending factions ami tin
struggles of individual ambition must
be unheard as the iuqierious necessity
of the hour asserts itself. The pres
ent House has beeu fettered to a very
great extent in its efforts to cut down
the enormous expenses of the various
departments, by the devotion of a Re
publican Henato to the old-time pro
digality which is a part of the policy
of that party. With the Senate ami
the House both in the hands of the
party of the people, u new era of
economy uml enlightened statesman-
ship will dawn upon the country
Gentlemen, to your |M>*tN.
till EMS. —Senator Beck made a strong
effort on Monday to get Ibe S'liatc to
put back the army bill, which the
committee struck out, prohibiting
military interference at the polls.
Every Democrat voted with him, but
the Republicans voted solidly against
him, uml hi* proposition failed bv oue
vole. The nugget of the clause is OH
follows: "No military or naval offi
cers, or other person, engaged iu the
civil, military or naval service of the
United States shall order, firing, keep,
or have under his authority or control
any troojw or armed men at the place
where any general or special election
is held in auv Suite, unless it be ne
cessary to rejiel the armed enemies of
the United Slates." Senator Beck
says the House Democrats will insist
u|N>n the retention iu the bill of this
clause, and u deadlock is ]M*<*iblc
over it.
CIL —A meeting of the Greenbackcrs
elected to the next Cougress and other
gentlemen connected with the Green
lack or National partv, was held in
"Washington ihis w4l ' 'riie iTiijixt of
the meeting, no doubt, was to ascertain
their power, by fusion or otherwise, to
control the organization of the House.
The secretary of the " Honest Money
League " has c hallenged Mr. Dewees,
the head of the Greenback National
Committee, or any gcutleroan he may
name, to a public discussion of the fi
nancial question. Whether the chal
lenge has been accepted, has not yet
transpired. Ijet our frieud Yocum
try hi* hand. His loug experience
and close connection with that party
would afford great advantage in an
intellectual tilt with the hard money
ad rotates.
Till: pRNStOM OFFICE. —The Sec
retary of the Interior in a letter ad
dressed to the Speaker of the House,
urging attention to some recommenda
tions of the Commissioner of Pensions
to facilitate the transaetion of businere
in that office, says, " that since the
|ouwage of the late act, the calls on
account of pension* h tve IK-CII more
thnn ten times as numerous a* for a
year previous, and averages not lea*
than I4G per day, coming from all
parts of the country. The same ten
dency Is also evidenced by the great
number of rejected claims, (mur* than
2,000) which have been railed up for
examination, since the 24th of Jauu
THE Connecticut legislature pro
poses to he somewhat severe ou tramps.
A bill is now under consideration,
which provides one, two and five years
in the States prison as punishment for
males over sixteen years of age fonnd
roaming and heggiug, entering a
dwelling or building a fire on the high
way, or carrying weapons. It also
offers five dollars a head for making
arrests. If this bill becomes a law,
Connecticut will not be a healthy lo
cation for this branch of industry aud
amendment to the appropriation bill
has passed the Henate, and only needs
the approval of the President to be
come a law. It authorises railroad
companies to operate their telegraph
line* in the interest of the public.
'fit *%'
thousand invitations for a reception at
the White Hons*! on Tuesday last,
were sent out by the President ami
Mrs. Hayes. The recipients of these
favors were the Justices of the Supreme
Court, Army ami Navy officers, Sena
tors and Representatives, Diplomatic
corps, and other notables. Contrary
to the usual custom of things, a sup
per was spread in the dining room,
supplied with the delieacies of the
season and a plentiful supply of trims,
which arc not now among the luxuries
inhibited at the Presidential boards.
A BIM. is in the hands of the judiciary
committee general of the State Henato,
having been recommitted on third read
ing last week, which provides for the
rc|nal of the law of last session in re
gard to requsitionii. The existing law,
which was brought forward by Senator
Grady, provides for the return of fugi
tives from justice from other States up
on requisition, without other formality
than the establishing of their identity,
but it i objected to because it puts so
many obstacle* in the way of such iden
tification that it lias proved, in many
instances, tnore favorable to the crimi
nal* than to the public. There is, how
ever, a pressure in behalf of the repeal
bill from a most suspicious quarter, and
it has become very plain to those about
liarrisburg who keep an eye open that
it is designed largely in the interest* of
Senator John .f. Patterson, lately of
South (arolina. but who desire* to set
tle down in Pennsylvania when his
term in the Senate expires, as it will on
March 4. Naturally lie ex|K?cU to be
pursued by the authorities of South
Carolina, and naturally he is very an
xiout that the great State of Pennsyl
vania should throw ila protecting arms
about him from the horrors of a South
ern Mr. Patterson's
brother, late Su|>erintcndenl of Public
Ground* at llarruburg, it openly lob
bying for the re|>eal bill, and he isn't
any too particular in explaining his
reasons for doing so. Perhaf* the legit
lators may reflect that this State has no
especial desire,to make itself an asylum
for the criminals of the country—par
ticularly as it generally raises enough
right at house to supply Use demand,
and what is needed is not facilities for
the escape of a particular offender who
cannot slip through the existing law as
easily a* some less well known. The
Legislature might profitably employ it
self in stopping up the holes in the law
as it now stands. For the real Massa
chusetts offer* protective advantages to
Patterson, and be will find other emi
nent South Carolinians there.—/'AtWW
phta Ttmrt.
The Potter I ommlttee's Keport to
mx aacvoxn ntricißNrr mix—a wo*
axao aoutirrxn— mom-nr or TBB
will* Hlftlrfftri PlfV4
TUB i-nrrxa ci'MNLRTCX'A airoar.
WASH IXOTOX, February 24.—-At six
o'clock the Potter committee went in
to secret session, during which it was
resolved to take no oral evidence ex
cepting Woolley's and Solomen's if tbey
can be brought here. To morrow the
committee nil! hold a long secret see
sion. at which certain ducumentary
evidence will be produced and the que*
lion of the committee's report upon the
testimony collected will probably be
discussed. The ducument will be short,
and will simply allude to the salient
|tointa of the testimony in order to sus
tain the position which they will as
sume, that the result of their labor*
thoroughly sustains the claim that Til
den carried the electorial rote of I outs
iana anil Florida. Tbey will submit a
resolution to this effect to the house
to be put on its |>assge. The members
of the committee last night admitted
that no other results can attend their
investigation, but they do not intend to
attempt to re open the question of the
title of Mr. Hayes, regarding that sub
ject as having been finally disposed of
by the hou*e at the last session. The
committee also ex|>ect to be able to con
clude their report regarding the cipher
investigation and submit it to congress
leforo adjournment.
The deficiency appropriation bUI, M
reporter! from the committee on appro
priation* thi* morning to the senate, is
amended by the addition of a large
number ofiiem* mostly small in amount,
but including the following of impor
tance, vi*: 8250,000 to defray the ex
penses of United States court* and alao,
for jurors and wtnesaes, and expense*
of auita in which the United State* are
concerned, of protection* for offence*
committer! against the United States,
and for the safe keeping of prisoners
and for defraying the expenses which
hsve been and may be incurred in the
enforcement of the act of February 28,
1871," (Theeo-cailed '■ Enforcement act"
for the protection of the right of suffrage)
* * * being a deficiency for the fis
cal year ending June.*), 1870: |U8,407
for transportation of the mails by rail
roads during 1878 and previous years—
•n addition to $166,392 granted by the
bouse to this bill for the same object i
|83,3,i.i to pay the Pacific Mail steam
•hip company for two round trip of ita
China mail nervine under the contract
of October, 1866.
The Duke of Newcastle is dead.
The Russian troops have evacuated
Mr. Elizabeth Cady Htanton i edu
cating a daughter to succeed her on the
lecture platform.
Mr. Wendell Phillip* has been im
pelled by the illness of his wife to can
cel his lecture engagement#.
China has purchased cotton machin
ery Hnd engaged spinners in Germany,
intending to start in opposition to Eng
land and Russia.
Mrs. J. .1. Astor, in ten years, has se
cured a home and the means of a liveli
hood for about 1 .'SI homeless children at
a oost of about SO7,(XX).
Mrs. Sarah Josephs Hale, long the
editor of the Lady's Book, and now in
her ninety first year, ia in very feeble
health t her residence in Philadelphia.
The Brooklyn Police Commissioners
have granted the application of the
Irish societies to puiitde on St. Patrick's
day. Ihe Mutual Alliance societies
will not take part.
It is rumored that Right Rev. Casper
11. Borgess, Catholic Bishop of Detroit,
forwarded hi* resignation to the Pope
about two weeks since. No reason lor
tin* important step is assigned.
Alfred Stanley Browning Tennyson
is a very young gentleman who has just
been christened in Westminster Abbey.
He is the grandson of Tennyson and of
Frederick Locker, and Dean Stanley
and Rob't Browning are his godfathers.
Governor McCreary of Kentucky,
has received a telegram from Jackson,
Breathitt county, Saturday, stating that
Alfred Gauibrel was sentences! to im
prisonment for life in the penitentiary
for the murder of Judge Harnett in
November last.
Mis* Chloe Lankton, of New Hart
ford ('on n., has ju-t completed the col
lection of one million cancelled |>o*Lage
stamps. Hhe began in October last, a
gentleman in Philadelphia having offer
ed her f2HO if she would get the stamps
for him, the money to be used in get
ting for her a life residence in a home
for the trieridle**.
1 lie df"l body of an Indian wa*
found on the ic near Sackett • Harbor,
New York, Sunday morning. He KM
l*t een alive al Hackett'i Harbor on
Monday when be started for (ialoup
ikland, about four mile* from that lilace.
He l*ud that be came Irom Water
town. When found bu coat wan ort and
■*—ptT whitky bottle km lying bv
bin tide.
i olonel .im I'. liarr. Mi lor of the
Pituburg /W, WKA attacked by hem
orrbage of tbe nose, Saturday afternoon,
and remained in the office all night. the
hemorrhage 'continuing until nine
o'clock Sunday morning. At that hour
it wa* stopped by means ola auoceaaful
though aevrre surgical operation. I >oe
time his life waa thought to be in dan
ger. but Sunday afternoon he waa much
better, and hit friends are hopeful of
hit recovery.
>n Sunday morning last, Pcale Jack
son, a noted colored man. a resident of
Sandusky street, Allegheny, died. For
fifty year* he waa a recognised leader of
the colored people of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny, and his whole life was devot
ee] to their educational and social ad
vancement. For twenty-eight years past
he had been a member of the Avery
College Trustee Hoard, and was,at the
time of his death, its Vice President.
•n Saturday afternoon, near Koor, a
village six miles west of Springfield,
Ohio, a man named Henry Williams,
his wife and little girl were drowned in
Mail river. They were driving a frac
tious young horse, and in fording the
river the animal became restless and
rushed into deep wafer, upsetting the
spring wagon in which the family were
seated. As none of tbem could swim
and as the water waa very deep and
cold, all were drowned. The bodies
were recovered.
A fearful explosion look place at
Stockton, California, Saturday last. A
crowd of more than two hundred people
had assembler] to witness the trial of a
new propeller pump, set in the Slough,
and run by a threshing engine. The
steam g*goe refuser] to work and after
the engineer attempted to fire it and
failed, he recklessly screwed down the
safety valve and went on with his work.
The explosion took place in a few mom
enta. The engine was thrown a distance
of 150 feet through the crowd present,
killing sixteen and wounding twenty six
persons, some of whom are not expected
to survive. Many were blown a consider
able distance and eeoaped uri injured.
Ilishon Foley died e few minutes be
fore 4 o'clock at Chicago, on the morn
ing of the 19th. lie bad been prostra
ted by a complication of disorders sine*
Sunday, tha 9th Inst., and since then,
although the physicians believed tbey
could control hi* disease, be ha* at no
time been out of danger. Soon after,
midnight a singular change appeared,
and it wa* immediately communicated
to hi* physician*, who found that,
weakened a* he wa* by dysentery of
twenty four hours' duration, the deadly
typhoid pneumonia would prove fatal.
His mind was perfectly clear, and he
prayed constantly while able to articu
late. As hi* speech began to fail h*
turned to l>r. McMullen and said : "I
appoint you administrator $ I have tried
to do my duty $ I bow to. the will of tha
Almighty God." These were his last
word*. Hi* lifs had been particularly
active, and his tender heart and great
administrative ability have secured him
an affectionate remembrance in the
minds of bis large (lock. The 6th of
March, proximo, would have been hi*
TKIt.MS: SI.MI |M-r Annum, In Advnnrn.
S7th birthday. The funeral services
were he|<J in Chicago on Ki i lay, after
which the remains were taken to Haiti
The express train from lioaton, due
Thursday at one o'clock, at Hartford,
(Vinri., a thrown from the track at
Vernon, There were four extra coach
es, containing the Kellogg Oj-ra Troupe,
and an extra baggage ear, making an
unusually long train, which waa running
about twenty five miles an hour. The
tender, it is thought, jumped a frog,
which threw the whole train off and
made a bad wreck, but no one was seri
ously injured except Knginoer Charles
Gates, who was thrown out of tha car
and broke his wrist and it is thought
dislocated his shoulder. Another train
was made up anil got the paaseugers to
Hartford late in the afternoon, with the
opera company, in season to apfiear this
evening. Repairs were made, so that
trains will pass all right to night.
flic Stale Prohibition Convention of
<hio, met at Columbus on Thursday,
about one hundred |<eronii being pro*,
ent, The following wa tho ticket nom
itiatcd : For Governor, Gideon T. Stew
art, of Nor walk •. Lieutenant Governor,
J. W. Sharp, of Delaware; .State Audi
tor, Michael J. Fanning, of Xorwalk :
Treasurer, Klia* I'.lair, of Crawford; Su
preme .lodge, J. Hardy, of Cleaveland;
Attorney General, S. H. Foster, of Lo
gan ; Member Board of Public Work*,
.lame* H. Morton, of Miami coun'jr.
The platform adopted favora law* giving
the laborer for corporation* the first
lien for wage*; for reserving public
land* for homesteads; lupprewioo of
gambling in *tock ; prohibition of labor
of children under fourteen year* of age
in mine* and factories ; universal suf
frage; i**ue of small interest-bearing
bond* ; compulsory education ; reduc
tion of official *alarie and local option.
While shifting the mail train south at
Cbambersburg, Monday afternoon, one
car containing about twenty-fire pas
senger*, left the track from some un
known cause and fell over an embank
ment about six feet high, turning over
on ita ide. Fifteen or eighteen persons
were injured, among whom were Hiram
Bixler of Fayetteville. leg broken ; Itev.
Mr. Stewart of Xewburgh, X. Y., arm
broken ; Frank Scbeibb , wife and son,
of Scotland, Franklin county, Pa , seri
ously injured ; Mi*a Miller of Greencaa
tle. Pa., shoulder bruised; Samuel Pra
ther of Greencastle, Pa., injured about
head —not serious ; two children of Col.
Joe Davison of Greencastle, Pa., slight
ly injured; Bishop Gloasbrenner and
Kev. Bulger, of the I'nited Brethren
Church, considerably bruised, but not
seriously. Several other* received cuts
and bruises, but were able to prooeed
|o their destination. The officer* of the
company and the citizen* have given
every attention to the wounded and all
are well cared for.
National Democrat i< Committee.
WAIHIKOTOX, Feb. 23.—The national
democratic committee yesterday de
rided to authorise the executive com mi ..
tee to appoint an executive committee
to act a* an auxiliary to the executive
committee of that body in all political
matters. The committee adjourned to
meet on February 23, 18*0, in Boston.
The executive committee met last
night and decided to instruct the con
gressional committee to appoint an ex
ecutive committee for the same purpose
the auxiliary committee previously
mentioned. John 0. Thompson, ser
geant-alarms of the house, was elected
assistant treasurer 5 General IHincan 8.
Walker assistant secretary, and Colonel
Isaac K. Kston. of Kansas, was appoint
ed to the vacancy on the national dem
ocratic committee caused by the resig
nation of Abraham S. llewiu They de
cided to locale their office in Boston.
The following is a list of the I>etno
cralic National Committee as far as de
termined :
W. A. Wallace, of Pennsylvania,
chairman; J. C. 8. Blackburn, of Ken
tucky. vice chairman; 11. It Banning,
of Ohio, secretary; James F. Farley, of
California; W. ft. Harnura, of Connec
ticut ; W. 1.. Grub, of 1 >elaware ; W. R.
Morrison, of Illinois; Joseph K. Mc-
Donald. of Indiana; It. F. Jonas, of
IxMiisiana; J. B. Clarke, of Missouri;
Augustus Schell, of New York ; M. C.
Butler, of South Carolina; Kppa Hun
ton, of Virginia; llenry G. I>avia, of
, West Virginia.
It is proposed to have a representative
on the committee from Maine, Ma—a
chussetts, Georgia, Wisconsin, New
Jersey, North Carolina and Maryland.
Tax Cincinnati OmuwrreW publishes
interviews with a large number of lead
ing democrat* in Ohio and adjoining
States regarding the relation of Tilden
to bis party since the investigation of
the cipher dispatches. The conversa
tions reported show a decided prepon
derance of opinion in favor of the renom
ination of Tilden for the Presidency.
Many express themselves in favor of
Thurman, but pronounce Tilden their
second choice, and admit that the
claims of the latter upon his party will
undoubtedly be sufficient to give him
the nomination if he enters the field as
a candidate.
The hoo|ikirt, latge and spacious, is
agsin coming, and as it is already bob
bing around in Ben Francisco R will
•weep this way ere many months. In
that city the Queen Elisabeth style of
padded hips are also in vogue and b
growing in favor fast. The new hoop is
■aid to be such as was brought into fash
ion yean ago by Eugenie, were worn
with short dresses, and are now to he
seen at all elegant evening parties
where dancing forms a pert of tee foe*