Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 13, 1879, Image 5

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    'Jfoxt Crura*.
The Census Hilt passed the Senate
on Thuraday laat. It provides for the
appointment by the President, by and
with the advice nnd counsel of the Sen
ate, of a Superintendent, and also the
necessary clerks and copyists in his
otllce. The census to be takon on or
before the Ist of June, 1880. The fol
lowing ia a synopsis of the bill.
"The Secretary of the Interior is di
rected to appoint, on or before the first of
April, 1880, one or more Supervisors of
Census within each State and Territory,
such persons to We residents of such
State or Territory. The total number
of Supervisors is not to exceed 150.
The Supervisors are to apportion ten
districts,designate to the superintendent
suitable |>ersons to employ us enumera
tors, such persons to be selected solely
with reference to their fitness, and with
out reference to their political party
affiliations. Each Supervisor is to re
ceive $5OO upon the completion of his
duties. Enumerators are to receive two
cents for each living inhabitant report
ed, two ceuts for each death reported,
ten cents for each farm and fifteen cents
for each establishment of productive
industry enumerated and returned.
The sub-district designated to each enu
merator shall not exceed 4.000 inhabi
tants, according to the census of IK7O,
nor contain less than three thousand,
which from the last preceding census
shows tiie inhabitants thereof. The
hill further provides lor the punishment
of enumerators nnd others for giving
information to outside parties, neglect
of duty, etc. It is made a misdemean
or, punishable by a line ot $lOO.lO re
fuse to answer the questions of enu
merators, and officers of corporations
who refuse to answer them shull pay a
fine of not less than soiX) nor more than
$l,OOO and be imprisoned not exceeding
one year. All census matter is to pa.->s
through the Post Office free. The
schedule of inquiries is the snme as now
provided by section 2,206 of the revised
statutes, with various exceptions and
addition*. It further provides for the
employment of experts ntid special
agents to investigate, in their economic
relations, the manufacturing, railroad,
fishing, mining and other industries
of the country and the statistics of
telegraph, express, transportation and
insurance companies. The enumeration
i* to commence on the Ist clay of June,
1880, and be completed before the Ist
day of July following. In cities having
over 10,01)0 inhabitants the enumeration
of population shall la- taken within two
weeks from the first qf June. It limit*
the coat of the cen*u at $3,000,000, ex
clusive of $250,000 for printing and
other preliminary expenses. Any Kmte
taking a cenu* of its population ac
cording to this bill in 1885-95, etc.,
shall have half of the expense thereof
liaitl by the United States upon dej>osit
ing a full and authentic copy with the
-Secretary of the Interior."
A View of Havana.
•THE tOTMt.V IMSont'JA thvt r.sroi.Ds AS
f(Vkrr*spoa4*ics of th- N'-w T -rA Tlnu-*.]
The startling panorama of the city of
Havanna breaks upon the view like a
theatrical transformation scene; but
happy would be the manager who could
put such a scene upon his stage. The
city has been bidden by the castle.
Hounding the castle, the queer nfci
Spanish town is before you. The bar
Ivor ia full of ships, the streets are full
of life, and the sun is giving them his
first reminder of what he intends to do
at noon. This is line soil for forts here
abouts. They flourish without water
ing. Take a stone in your hand, blind
fold yourself, turn around three times,
throw the atone, and, five to one, you
hit a fort. And if tho same stone
doesn't knock down two or three ofli
cers and a priest, Allah has been good
to you. Just back of the Morro is
another fort that looks very much like
the high stone wall around a country
jail, dotted at intervals with stone
crosses and here aod there a rusty bell.
The use of this second fort is evident.
Should the soldiets ever have to de.-erl
the Morro they would have something
to run into, and, wearing very few
clothes, they ought to be good runners.
The castle and this second foit occu
py nearly tho whole of the hill oppo
site the city across the harlxvr. There
is one little college, southward, tliat
looked to tue, coming nut from among
the icebergs, like a vision of heaven.
It was small and low, and thatched
with tiles; two immense spreading
trees, greener than the darkest ocean
tint, fanned its root and almost hid it
from sight. Their foliage so darkened
the place that the man who sat in front
of the door and stnoked his cigarette
looked more dusky even than he was.
A row of palm trees, tall snd green,
stood guard a few yard* in front of the
cottage. We watched the man, and as
the sun came up higher nnd higher he
moved further hack into the shade, and
while we watched him a Hock of sheep
and goats, and a shepherd, with a crook,
carae down the hill from behind the
cottage in single tile, the shepherd
last. They frisked down to tho water's
edge and went in and t-athed. book
at this picture, Mr. New Yorker, as you
f villi on your ulster; shade, nnd green
eaves, and bathing docks; date, Jan
uary 2. To the left of this cottage, still
on the hill opposite the city, are more
small buildings, the homes of fisher
men and boatmen, built of atone, roof
ed with clay tiles, as indestructible, al
most, as the rocks they stand on.
Among these little buildings, painted
blue in front and red on the side facing
us, is a larger one. It was once the
Havana Hospital, but is now used for
cheap dwellings. Before the sun is
high, the front windows, which are
large and frequent, are all open, the
shutters have disappeared, and the air
has free course through the building.
The harbor Is full of ships; Spanish
men-of-war, English, .Spanish, French
and Qerman merchantmen. On a little
schooner, tied up to the wharf, float the
Sum and Stripes. Did It ever occur to
you, Mr. Traveler in Foreign Waters,
when you saw the Stars and Stripes fly
ing, to go over to the skipper and shake
bands with him, and ay i "How are
you, old boy T" And when you saw some
foreign Hag ut tho masthead to want to
vay to that skipper, "What are you
d > ng here, y< u old hulk f"
The Report on ItwhcHoii.
Washington, February fl.—The House
committee on naval atliiirs this morning
silopted the report prepared by Mr.
Whitthorneon the Kobeson investiga
tion. Tho rc|>ort has been very much
modified since originally drawn up. It
will he signed by the Democratic mem
bets. The Republican members dissent
and will submit a minority report.
Both reports will be submitted to the
House and ordered printed and recom
mitted. Two resolutions are appended
to the majority report, the first declar
ing that the nets and conduct of the
late Secretary Robeson ami the Chief of
the Bureau since 1872. as shown in this
report, and nil others aiding snd abet
ting therein in the unlawful disposal of
public property and money, and in the
method of making contracts, merit and
should receive the severest condemna
tion and censure. Second. That the
report and testimony, with the views of
the minority, be certified by tho Clerk
of iho House to the President, the Sec
retary of the Navy and the Attorney
General. The minority will take the
ground that tho <ti*jio*.l of old material
wn* sanctioned Ivy precedent, was within
the spirit of the law, ami that tho course
pursued resulted in a very large saving
to the government.
Bud for Senator lugalls,
St. I-ocis, February 6.—A Topeka
(Kan.) dispatch says: A resolution was
introduced in the House this afternoon
charging that bribery and corruption
had been resorted to in the late Sena
torial election ; that even members of
I tie House had oflered money for votes,
and calling for a committee of five to
fully investigate the matter. In addi
tion, charge* of corruption in office
were made against the recently-elected
Senator. The resolution was finally
adopted by a vote of 68 to 56.
To tue ciriier iicnters the testimony
produced before the Potter committee
in New York on Wednesday must be
extremely discomfitting. The cipher
dispatches of Mr. Smith M. Weed, a
prominent citixen of New York, have
been conspicuously paraded in the 7VA
unc's budget in the attempt to connect
Mr. Tilden with certain negotiations to
buy off the brigands of the South Car
olina returning bonrd. Mr. Weed testi
fies that when Mr. Tilden heard ot lhe-e
negotiations he immediately and per
emptorily broke them off. Said the
great nnd worthy standard bearer of
the Democratic party, "Never while I
live would I become President under
such circumstances." For such a man
who had been chosen by a majority of
a quarter of a million votes and had
receiver! a majority of the electors, the
Presidency as a purchase from return
ing board knaves who held the votes of
three Stutes in their hand* could have
no attraction. Mr. Tilden declared
that if the Presidency is to Ive sold he
would have nothing to do with it, "bo,
would not ransom it from felons," and
this noble and tnanly declaration of
the great Democratic leader will out
weight volumes of detraction and cal
umny on the part of his enemies. The
long cherished hope that Mr. Tilden'a
great name might be smirched in some
-vny in this investigation so as to cau*e
hitn to forfeit tho respect and confi
dence of the Democratic masses who
followed his banner in 1876 baa been
ballled and his enemies are overwhelm
ed and disgraced.— Patriot.
There never was such a really good,
substantial, satisfactory, and rapid-selling
first-class lyock Stitch S-wing Machine
offered so low a* the "N ew Familt Shut
tle," reduced to on It $25; more complete
with equipments, and lower in price than :
any other machine. It i elegant in work
manship anil finish, surpasses all others in
its work and fulfills all the requirements of 1
every family as a helper. Thoroughly
warranted by written guarantee for five
years, and kept in order free of charge. It
will do every description of work—fine or
nsrw-that any machine, at any price, '
ever did, or can do ; equally as rapid, cor
rect, >mooth, neat, and strong. Has ail the
late improvements, is easy to learn and !
manage, j, serviceable, don t wear out, !
always ready, and never out of order. !
Sent C. O. D. anywhere with privilege of ■
examination before pay nient of bill. Agents |
make money rapidly, supplying the great
demand for this the Chen;e<st Mm hine in
the World. Territory free. dd</r*s, for '
descriptive books, Ac., "Family" Shuttle
Machine Co., 756 Broadway, New York.
30-1 y
The Death-rate or—Our country is
getting to he fearfully alarming, the aver
age of life being lessened every tear, with
out anv reasonable cause, death resulting
generally from the most insignificant ori
gin. At this seafon of the year especially,
a cold is uch a common thing that In the
hurry of every day life we are apt to over
look tho dangers attending it ahd often
find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble
has already set In. Thousands lose their
lives In this way every winter, while had
H .irhrr * (itrmnn Syrup been taken, a cure
would have resulted, and a large hill from
a Doctor been avoided. For all diseases of
the Throat and Lungs, RoscAre's (Jrrman
Syrup has prolen Itself to be the greatest
discovery of Its kind in medicine. Every
Druggist In this country will tell you of
Its wonderful effect. Over 960,000 bottles
sold last year without a single failure
known. Bold by K. Potts Grkk*,
wholesale and retail. 20-eow-ly
As this is tho season when colds are
most likely to be taken, a word of advice
to our readers would be in season i First,
then, keep your feet dry ; wear flannel next
your skin ; do not sit or stand In draughts
of air, and upon the first symptom of a
cold or a cough esll at Green s Drag fitore,
in Bush House Block, and procure a bottle
of bis "Compound Hyrup of Tar, Ifoney
and BbKHjroot," which will give yoij
almost instant relief. It is a pltmvint and
rffrrttud preparation, containing the virtue*
of Tar combined with some of the beet
rrptrlaranlt and enodgaes, allaying all
those distressing symptom* which if not
promptly arretted will too frequently re
sult in that fatal disease, Consumption,
Price, 60 cents * bottle, or tis for $2.60,
New Advertiaementa.
1\ TIKES t>r CENTRE COUNTY from Jttmarjr
l4, IHTH, to Jtiury lt, Ift7V.
D. A. MtJHIIBK, Tr#*uxtirr, of Ontrr county.
Jan. ft. 1870. DH.
To aiiilit. ouMtumllriK Ui J. 1. 1871... J 41.700 6H
To tax* a~"*l for 1878 42i7f
To rvh rw H*l of County OwiimlwliUMin 17.KJ1 68
To ain't, rrc'd for RdoM|itlot UA l-wmlx 4* 41
*' M uin on " I*A3A W
•• for UJ. UmlnaoM ..... -418 :4H
ToCoantjr Order for Iml. <tu Jan. 1,1878.. 1,100
M11W....W 844 '47
Total. #•••••••••* *. $117,1*70 71
Jan. ft, IB7tt. < R.
Hy halnm* at aetlUH<BAt Jail. 1, 1878 $ 1,190 18
Hy County warrant* |>ail 61,7ft*i W
By niiutainlliiic t*x-ft Jan 1. 1870.... 60,1.54 44
Hy rxoiioraliona to Collector* 744 *47
|{y comtiilaaioii M I,'JOH 8a
lly aalary V**> "
Hy fttntlotmry 10 4*'
Hy ain't. tniirfered to Attorneys tor coll*©*
lion Mi 42
Total I 117,070 71
Jan ft, 1870.
Hy llati( dtt* Treasurer at settlement.... |B'44 '47
D. A. MUKBr.R. Treasurer of fVnlre county,ln *c
count with tka Commonwealth of P*un*ylvan!a.
Jon. ft. 1870. UK
To |al. due flat* at e*tll"'t Jan. I, 1878... $ I,MS 43
To outiitafi.il UK taftoi Jail. 1, 1878 4,1012 ||N
ToUkwawMc| for I*7B. ... '4.1J8 m
To lal Htate tax ra 'd of Collartora for
187' J. - Ift 41
ToUl $ B.OOV 41
Jan. ft, l8o
To tialaiira ilar Hist* at fMltement 1-141 Jft
Jan.6, Hit t'K.
Hy oiit*taiillnK lax Jan. 1. 1870 $ 4.0ftl M
Hy Ktatc Trnaurrr rw4|;ta :,!■■ Mi
; Hy Traiurrr'io.iunii|fin fti Ml
Hy rxoii..ration u# Collcriora 107 In i
Hr rootniiaaiun a 144 Ift
HaUm* 4l 'M>
Total **...*....*• B,fltn# 41
We the umlarftlgnrd An lltora of Centre munty do
barrlry certify thai are ha** examine*! the *lmiv *r
count* of H. A. Mueaer, Trea*uier of Cutt* oouuty,
ami fin.l theiu rorre t
Wltucaa iMir hau<l ami nali thia 15th day of Janu >
ary, A.U. I*7o.
JAM W> T. BTCAHT, [B-al'l
ilKi It. WU.LIAM4, Ileal V Auditor*
T. B. J A Mil* 4 18,
ooHatxrtnxcaj' rat.
Andrew flrexK loalance 1*77, VI.
•errice* la;a, ftfkl'i 98 fftXVM
1 U A Mlngl* boUnra HTM.
wtl". I*7, A*LM... *>4.13
J. N. Il.il t-aloi..* 1*77, UM
r*i.*a |K7, AKMM 1..:u
J 11. Bn k, t\>niml*iooer' Clerk
•enters 1*7*....d .. 31 j
J rat fr'imiaatovraa
V J. M.lrhell, wrvkM .H. 941.14
11. K*ll*r. vr.kM *7 JO
11. IW.li, KTU.M m rl.rk JA— A3 34
Wm. MrfftiUnr. wrri<i.... H ... sV).on
A. J. Or!*at, *.r*k#w .*•<#
Juft (iilHUn-1 autW
JC. L Bafflttil 'ii, i*r.Mdrrk... auuu IJ*
mrMMXiir kMv xir.ia*.
Jn-> I> Uil, IttiiiUr for tail ... t- •44
J BrfXrtu.fl, |**lnt ami ftt*JW
, for jail SU
U K. li-ia, ilf htnlDK road* C 11. '45.00
Uoak A h>xdr|er painting
dome Court lumw .. 14 Ml
A fttrauh, wl at Court U. 17 li
l*w|f Tale ** " 4 i
W. T. Tltrlrw, tlnnlnf - 17,7a
J. II Fe||f)l*tru. repaihag
I |X*r* for Jail 20 240 66
cor.T uruia
Jaror.' p*jr |3,om*
I i .i. ;j>l ti
J. II V<^.r, ( l'..un It.j.-ri.f Ir3'*>
J I lUjcrmM " ■ Itint
It. ilmtt.ith, O-urt-r1.r—........ IWI.I
jinllur<•>— (•; on
TtfMt.tM |*j.„ 3*l on
M J. I. l.n, .(-* t.l Mt|n~ IMill
L W I'uvrt
tinM W 00
L , IUA>> Ori
IV'f t. M< Knicht t*M IhII. t"f lew
•ad ii
J R.dC. T .... T.l 'i ,
J II l>U4n*. M.U. a.lioilwnkM. I-.J <•.
Aftvnlidtal avprafrlaMoa....- .. Itu <••
*"lm IVnM*ii.r; Ut hw[t.| t>tkl. 4*l 7U
limuw Am;lam. (matlll* * lnun> 3.1* 33
!"• |*J 1.3-'.* 31
K.w-1 *in A** ai
KlwlkM. rI|MM l,*t. It
tiuaraarw |uM UnMlnf* -ft I Tl
Tmhm loilMiil* ......... 7* w>
t|tw l|aur, haliK an |all ninlrvl—„ 7 yt
Hml |H kh.nr• Iw* an 3atn*
*-l|. pfmlnin* |>M .... IW, m
■ MS II j
tt*m>l Aaa>*c< |*l I" tovl * I|3m( ft- tri
hmilsa- w. (UlMtn... %a i ,
IWIIMU an <Swl UaltM.-....„ .IM 7|
i M !*.•, i •antim>a*r* Aii rw; . 7 u><
k'lnnmi ||m IIw *-((•,
Rarti.| *(►■! Saw, JM on
ll*>rw pail • fir* ai iv
l. A Hnwi, Tiwrf, Iml 4w> U*l ywf l.lrw (*
■ '•MmUrtiaii |aM All .rnjr -ft o3lm . m 04 44 !
lnt*r*,l |,> l <w> Uom 3,W S3 i
i waailMwMi M ki
| 1.. W- kuM*, IQorlS aa 7,U> *•
D. 7. M-Ullnf (Vmnlf nr~
j '"••U 33 00
II T Miliar. H4U>4r; QaiwlmM'
, "*> ..._ , . 811
I 1 I- R..~r lrn~fii li. I'* land tel.. 4 Ui
A'Unx rtBTMH Or. |wil rr*t(kt 3 *1
Tl.*. iMda. rHarMt tat >. I- A laMt (i
R J I'wk. paiatlag roar l-nr- r idk< Mi
A. WilliaMtt, blank bnli l*r Iltmt <fgrj
SW |r| 70 |
, A. WlllUma. alalaatrr; Mr froth } i*i> I". <■
' anwoial Mil Mm r. I*3 34ir :>■
I. A ftraah. i*|alrtn| OmnlalnMn raolt I li
J X. Rarhliaa, oalar ht (i II aad >all ~7 11. Ir.
f f Rtair.rhak hw t'..mt.iim4>.n.r*' nffrr 1 tO"
J. *. Ilall. >||*>W I. Mlllbatai luklfr 3 K
" Mltniif lupmiM 13 t
" riwiur 1.. M.wha*a> 1,1.1,* . A R
- w - * - l
" d*lirarlac *l*rtloa pofwra 3in
" *i|wr*** to Spring Mllla ... 3 uti ,
A or*gg,ai|*am h. f.,1 Manila hrtdg*.. Alt.
" 4rlltMg a*HMoi|i lill 3Hi
" * ■ I tw
" " daplMt**A Ht
" I, (W|M* 1.. X wlmttHoa hrt'lg* 3#4
■ a**lagrwU*rtora-. ... Ami.
t Rafaa-liag Ul ~,, 134 it
" nnmwtwl laada Mri uv
; R*d*mptloa " " * 34 >m .
i Mil* oral M, paid M
Brhlg, ■•* 71 •>
atuaua nmi.
: • Rmigor *agt**T..„ Iti 04
I 11. I). 1 **t*r mntrnrhit.... gri
Morrm;. Imugol A U> ... *3i in
■otititiu* taiaao.
' * Bntgg.r .nglnmt 1 X) ,
J. k |tp*rtqg natiwiio ... ho iti
traiaa niixt laiHt
S Rraig*r *ngla**r 7n et !
Xarraj, Umgal A 0 || tai 1
John IdUii* 0m1ra.ii,........^, w .... JM t>i !
naitiut tami.
Q W. Parr*; "mlrtwlwr . 4mm ;
J.O. Jam*, plank'g for p.,1 Mali'>tabrMga Its *f
J. It. Kiwrlag rapairo Uuaaol dam - li An |
P. Naaman plank* " * 4 3*
Jn.. M.hoar* " In 44
J. I'. P Joaoa rnpoln at Mllmlmrg " M m
4W, ftatrn - f.,1 NaiiMa " 17 iti
H. Ir Tnagar falallag Purk* " 4 M
II a MnlUr r*pair* at llatrard <lam " (Ml
J. C r.*.k plunk Mr Jg eg
11. A Mlagl* *tp*m* to fhltlpabarg Id iu
iWl*rlng .innlkaiM M tt>
" rtprnw to M11hm...... 3 tai
Oeetmladonwi' *i(wnn to flilllpMr.rg .. Iw an
fWt M.tllla
•ad Ul Mad*n - M
llanr; Hark *ni*rlng ITS imn la Indltl-
Ik'ul l*nl iit - 8 8
" 4*ll* aria 3 anmaioll It AM
dallT*rtng dnpllcatoa.... 7 14
" Mt-gram aad W<RH ... I
far* 4, pri*oa*ra, Ac | 4a
U L Bnrk om/lagMgMrail.ma |g IN
Panna R. R Ca | yjf
0. Rr*.hart mpairtag to.r laOooauloMcm
at*' adba I W
!!•>• lWlt*r A C*. , owtlng f-.rhiraar* It All
Jantpk IV*ling rarMng ml* IM 4 AS
... " ttmk laV.A latad h00k..,. In t
Hoffrr A Ella* amp A, Corn 111. mat | 14
A Mna> grnma**.|f.,lW,rt llnmw ;aid (A
Jan Harrta A ft. iak* A, Otail 11. /org... 7t
Jam** Waifh A tia.. lkH), 3,
KoM- r !>,, fiv atomp far Tr*mmr*i .gRr, 1 as
Jn npaiigUr n*o id boas* h"Mlag Appula 3 W
M. It*.man m***l A, Jgr.tr* g 10
efefssssssE is
S. C A. tAt Kit, Oenmral Merchant*, Allegheny Street, lleUefonte, Pa.
S. &G -A.- LOEB
Know how to force their soles, and that they sell such large quantities
that they can
We charge less for Goods than ever known before!
Keeping up the quality,
Keeping down the prices,
Keeping things lively—and
Keeping customers satisfied.
We are bound to sell off our immense Stock, and
trust to low prices to do the business.
S. & A. LOEB,} AL^™ T A EET {S. & A. LOEB,
= —
! 11. J. Hfe'tit Ui !*•• 2 •
l'*t Krllrj (p|uuUlij( mlim t'. ||. ati<| j|| k Ull
< M H—l in*. *l.l •' I (iu
V. A. Iluaovr TcpMurrr xliKii4ln( V. H.
i Uu.U D<>l MIM lOO "0
T J lit# rp|lrthf luktOiKi II.HIM ~H , 1 U>
* 11* Hi A M< IwUI. tiaiU lof Cuurt Umuw 4 13
lrC. Miub-ll Ait *rt >•(< <• U U
K A Pmtlh r|-ulr M Court ll.um .......... I :<u
■ J. A P Mailer; r*-|*uiriii- *t* at Court 11. 73
K. I*. MuuM>r mikiui lui4iataa ....... 10 'W
U. A M u" r TrfU*iiirr 14* tra/U t'JI Ui*l
j •..).] v.Couftly 2*7 TO
l.oiaa A OMWIk U + |.r Court llnoar .... f W
Mm Maun <W**J !**• 13 Ti
( 1 K t#*ar uxk al <Vu** Cuurt Ift'uaaa. .... 2 30
l <%ru*ati <lhr.iiiK rl* (ten i|in. 4 •*
II llutnuti arul>Uii( •'lll'M 1 Ut
Win Mailt! A|>l*rralira
W. I |;--!r# . lark ('-.iiir.-oi uaJ mum* .. 4 (*
i I t' Mil'tf ' l ' • t 10l * 4 •
w. 11. HlUl (V(rnl"iiJ latum J*l*a. ... I Vi
W ; ll' rial 1 |f
W M Wn|f Jm-IW tal - li 10
K#t-*r au4 K-.uk In rl*rk g*ir ral rtv tiou
r.r.t .. .* 10 <oi
111. A O IllUni* at four t ll"Uf •* . 2 <*
J t* ratai*u* aala tv 1 (01
AA. Hfp A Mill t"f i*i-tt.f jail ..... 3OJ
Iftani**! JVrr pip"*. Hr. 4 1&
J A-ilar 0P- n Mil bialinar at )ml.. ... 2(W
1 ||<m*rl A lll*t tn*-al Atf Jurf A 3i
J M K** bltoa uatar tat C 11. ft*4 pel *74 l£. <ju
I •' Numl at|M>lw I*4 til) ( (ulladon ... 4 AO
V* A T<-UM A—i# fo kanmlH nHO*-. ■ AOl
Ji.l M In-rm-H rafaiflnn ru|t at .. fl •
Nura Mr AiMalaf ft*biD* I"* |(HMMM4 .. 1 M
Puna It M Co * Bra Uuk it jail 1 II
J Ra;n llaA Au* ftifUtrk " 2 iOi
M § ),* raith riMiftag MHi * 4 ub
ttilati A Mr farlaua uall l<uak M ft!
(MutKfiW fp|atrii ftua-a M | |i
I'at Mr||aa lHa..ilti| tab** - 4 t>
J A iv.o * at* r lark " ? AO
Ji. Dl> it* f'< InuUr tBo
A I* v (lr*o Hauling ptpm " 2 (*i
J Jf erk -H* r*ug- % <*•
Ailarua Ki Co. C O D. Mil Kukl ruCa A< at
J II fllaftlaMi l apftlrlits leak* at >ftll J Ut
I |H*|i*ar " aWklac • ) •>
Jta- M* <<rk at <a (m 4 " 4 <•>
Mr H (Aalbrattli lor pnftt4i| " T Mi
JftM M Uaf ftaot r*faalrti4t i.*a M 4 A
, J •- ll<M*r (Mkiitf lor prtaatfi M ? kT
W r lUfiMßArfur <! - r Ai
II A MiiUama itarlaiff * & M
io k-lTi i I-* ftork M 90
rkivn MIU
POny Mok UU^.— 14?
RTTutaft " ..—.... 214 OA
P Kr - IST A5
r I. Ilurtar 110 12
Marofaf A Wk ■ |3 U
Waltar A tMoiftfar \M i
lluH MarT.aa priftliftg M*rrfttila Ap
prataar a 4O 4O 00
Total Kpa*!itura Ail.T'O 04
I. W MCMIk'M. Pbartff
Jauua ty 1. IKTV MM
To C'mmty (Tim paal fxm 1W M
To aft 4 ruat <*4l-I*4. 112 U
fa u A3
To lalftpr* 4ft OaKly... w . N .. H .... |rO 24
My bftlarvra at Mtl*4ftaftl Jao 1 11ff1... $ #22 4*
My fa oft lAYflaiK*la paM A Ik
My Mil auu4rt • Mr >a*l .. 2a M
My laaarAtng frtatwrt 2Alt Up at 1,4 00
fly Oniftftauft rrallk rftata fftftl '!<* kt....-. 14? ?2
My Tumkay I-*
My roftaaytft# a fH-apo to paftitaftllary. 210 <4
Hy M 4 >• laftl* ll |tt) i<)
My MMkM*nala| M lartn at April. Au*
fu*t. liDtftlrr M January Ottu IV. 00
My i**4lfyiftg Trarataa linn not to onrua
<itai i a '
RY ri.K-WNI DAIM PR - Uw.lt. KM ..... IT) H
MM 2.1
Total.. ... ft .was, (]
# o
Cunt Cwiit |
* . ih. ■ln).wd, Aaßliin V CMilr. xatly, 4.
hM<j IH.I la R.rMNW o4 aa AH <) limr- ;
MY .allUad An A<l lo I'WIIIN'UI !• '
• l.'fa. •) (Vaiali o l Toanaalji l)ft<aa " W. all al
It., i taißlnliani <a.. MMap. .HI in. la lln■
•t*< la Jaaaary. IT. a4 414 .will and will*, .a) ad
;t1 lb. viml •<■* M MR la 111. Rd|>).|
la oil ton. a. bat. ImMlnirl oar b.al. .
i awl wai.. Ibt. Ink 4a> t4 Jmmmmrr, A l. I*T.
). T KtW.Rt, [ibwlll
(l> H Wiima.. [RM.II • Aat llora
T. P Jinnn tRal1)
rum OoCTTT. RA
* lb* an4*iM4ai 1. IVanMWM af C*aT.
. nanly >lo kafb; (ortlfy thai lb. RmyolM M a lm {
and Kwl <4 Ik. imWM. and l| alit.fw
nTa-ld Ooaaly. Imai lb. Ut. m( Jaaaari . IRTR. U> lb<
I 1.1, a( January, IH)
Ami* <•sua,
J.ooa litmu
( Albot
j 11. Hart. Clark.
11. Cartmi, BrUakuD* *1 ft -BR ft
J An Ward. Il.ir Noam.
l Btdd., Lllwiir —. II M —JI ft
nll Proon. **> *•
J.HMdi Rrm, Ryninc IR4 t
I) lhß>.ikK „...hii.h 13 M
InC Baartrk. Itwl -R,— Ift ft -tf i
J<a*ph |R>I. Mbßalß. ft* II
M l.lnua Ri I 11.-, ItdUpWHUm Md W
*D. Tidin. tHarr ft VJ
P KhiM CWrlta tft ft
W tUtam Own. Half Mima, * ft
11. N HIM, Baak M II
H. . Traar, Rano Mow, Ift -3* ft
rii.rl.. fcr.au, IWMklrtb.. 14ft ft
J. f ,.!. MlMmra, Bit M
11. U Rarahart. fc...„— U ft
John T. Ourti. ft If
11. B. w ii.ov Baft TR 14
Jaaiaa Waft*. Paow Rkoa, ft M —IPM 0
Jatrn 11. Morrßaoa. P.llrk al*..—„ ISII ft
T. M. Hall, Wllwkara, 144 ft
•W.C Mn iiarfc~H. Phlllyalmr*,... 311 HP
C. IPakl, H*ard Buaaw f* M
J. ft WTalkar. Bmv ft* M
William Waaa. l ariln. ...... |,'J ft
J. T ll.aarl. Il.rii. |4 ft
I •Jftia A pfciaar, Uiatlr,. 144 T*
p HnrVd, M.rkw. tft ft
HUam Wltaar. hWHb. s*l ft
*<* l UTO ~4M U
I 1077.
i *M. L. Mltlrk, MiMurg, ]U> 22
- *J U<rtoi ( Pbiliift4urg 241 0-
J *ll. C. It 4frr IIHBBI-1 Mony.n yil ir?
It W ANIMPI fitau. I ritourilU !/J 17
•l* Hturrf, H iitr r. *V4 x.
•J. ( Wulkrr. H.*ggp J77 s.l
•t Mum* r. < <4l<*gr f.l? irj
C Pluypt, CurUu 170 4?
•W. 11. fry. PrffiißU, f
, P. D 11-ftt* rrttftii. Utßfg, r-a a-1 MOO ll
•Jobu MM Omii
(KiiPkitirr. Half Mixpfi. ...... 414 !4
W Kiltie. MuPt.rf, ■,* ??
M Kin... H'WHM in ki
•l>u*4 Kr44. (Co •!
•0. M <rrr. Marten.
J—l Mr Mi. M.lftß. JV? 49
•tt W y #ray. Pattou .M 0
•M m Kniith, prnt. ;Dk jk
•llrnrt huali. pa ;r?
V. II >•!• . Mt. 2.V; 2 4
•II J. TiUrlia. ItIO V 4
Jaryh lif.ujjftfui, *• Mkip |n ?0
kti, klllpf, lijU Z,\ tl
*J 7. Krunhlr Wftik-r.... ?U2 04
W' II Mii|iuup, llo f*—l3/74 I?
•M m Jiitna. 3410 24
K II OBCT. MUpuWit 4# 4*
K 0 Natlirti.
1 Hf< kUy. li ft** ! |V r 304 12
(IIBMp# INmiili Mr I nutmllr lot* iu
•Thxanaa P*rdu. Miifcpf,. IfW'.l 14
K J lUiM. Hurt* BMW, j n 41
J C, Walkrr. M>-2jr* 11'.?
•Ji*bn A Mupp. ( -IWgp-. '/tiij p.
. Il"ify 7hftl, 1 udiii. Mi
•Jobn II (kip* PpHfnu.ri, ?,44'4 ?4
•C P Uttxll, 2213 A f
•*' tl RsM, IMbm
•Jh 1 I art p r Jt . llaiTM Jkk7 14
•b4*M I.ytW Half M'ftiti l-iik <Ci
J-bu ( rate. lluaAoft. kr M
•J. M Mliuft. .. a|r. m,
•D M Martftw, Jr.. LiII;,. MWIM W*4 44
•Mm Ifft.a Mwri b. ixf? 14
•fUu'ftt. tinm MiWu. I.w? )|
•Mm Trpftwlpf. Patt'-n. ljiil •a
J" ho I) ViM'U pPtiU,.... /-ifij <7
•Jan.pft I IV1. P*AW. 26'Jk 31
P. 11. Mai*. Mraab. ?W
# A.J Part4L. flfprtug. x-tW'. 41
J<ta*|rb Tn apfiau. Kaua Bite* .K Al
)amu4-t ll.mrtftf. Tayj *r 424*4
Mm Kt-AW. l ika yx- K
klia*/Ja*rau. M alk*r, yat. 'A
•Mamuai Mtnai, Mtrrtk, XV" •*—4O74A 2
Total kta uatotaadlaf ftdlll .
Maikad • |aaid |M afc<* Wllno'l,l
" t " fa. I
PTXABCf At. XX 111 PIT, at I'iatr- natty
Jaaaary I, lT* tIX.
To MH and l-ond. uataundla. fttjj a,
To fcataan. da* p A. M wot . Tmn.urw ). y;
To baUma dm Mo'tay. Ir.inl A D 0... ini 40
To baiaaia daa A. II rmu. > •dnmtaaloa** IS t)
To4al rusil
To ialaar* da* .y raay |ru u
By ndm bald f y r-anndam ... . , sac ST
Py .aioaal fa band. ,d Allortwya fc-r n.llaa-
Moa r* T*
P} fat** onfataadlng Jaaaary I. IT (dill (M
By . o"o it t da* fit on bnruo.Ui and
taaab)|H H kny>.| mam., a*
Pblllnabaf* Boatol,l. Sift 22
Brna< r Tonnahlp 12* T
Tunn.btta ... ). Ml
mnoagh. /.)•
linal,* Tonaab'| MM n
Ml' ' Hit. Wat-neb Jllfl M
wtala T <*•
Pall Hi I"Mklft lo u
Taitt*iy 12> £>— BMTT R1
A won nl do. from IbarlbM ito ll*S nr.
Aantanl daa fntw Mairw I. an.biy.
PII <a<mlaanm Bn 00
Tata* of ran) natal, t.-o. t,< <n, at t.
j id tfalda 4*l •
Ratan.. daa front I. wr Matwta.
Pbarlt 2R2 24
i Pataata —ft|A So
T.dal —ftrms •)
nßi DOBtnrs. M. n.,
1 * PMTRiriAX AXif Pl'RifKtfX
Ml <HA Mtofenp (Mr*t. P*ll*4.uCr, Pu.
Humr*' Block, ttcji door to l'ott Office,
Af Btia wllinii (wal. in thafr If a* at marfc radatatd
pil't. for CARII t la aiidwae* P* all klada
Tby ara mwfila, (nop. aaaay day. an tbpl mat*una*
ran fWd enrtaJn td gal liar
Thadr dak ia raw|drt* and nra|| aftwßatl, and naridi
In partuf
L : ght and Heavy Groceries,
(Iraitftm, Lemons Nut* A Rabins
of awry kind Mid aafdady
Hams, Sides, Shoulders
Tftatbw with Iba rbat rial
Pwwm. aaatlaf rd. la thadr Ihw dill Bad II ft
Ibadr adanntaf* ft ftra ibam . aail.
Xeu< Advertisement*.
;• I ZEI.LER k SON, a
- *' • DR too lain,
Xo 6 1b..-k*rb<,ir Hum. g
g All tb* PUicUr-l I'vUiit Kmli.d.m fr*. •
T TiptUm* *4 L*tiult KK I|K kntui; H
* pr*-fid. Tru***, WKSIHH Ax .Rr 3
4lf I
• jcvii.ftv. k-r.
' All work ** ut*v| (* AlWfh*D mtr*+t,
Of t*f Hf*r k'f h llotiw, 4.||
'■"> d™ to lb. l*fl In lb. Conn lion**. Hp
* whcmr 1 1 iun.
Will attend .nil 07 turn at ihllrfunt* bn, *■
( dillf rU4uJ j.jy
A Troll NET AT t. AW
4 1. RARE I ELD. PA.
i O'llarUona mad* and proMptl. ruilttod. |.J,
j All haainoaa pnointdlp attandod to. |.|p
j f ■ WAAaP. rrum mki
Will attend tb* RrilefoLl* Coarta whet. kmvi.ii.
I *lt.|d<rp*L I If
A|*rial illnllM to t ~I lo th*.; ptvlho la nil lb.
Wt. (oovulutkiw* i t|man R g)M. |.jy
, All l.ttalnto. |-TCn|.tl* .lU-kJ.I to. ~|y
Utar* Booth atd* of Dtu....d.
I 7 IWbdbnta. Pa.
Hint uita. ; .tut aaraaAT.
1 <m-rrn All.jh.rij Mnt, n..rtb of llljh, Ml..
I""". Tn ,_L
( t lUiuMi t torn.
! 1.7, . - _ ATTUAXETS AT LAW.
| H*H*l.*t*. IN .MJI. r.noottad I. Kalh* ,a CO*,
•nan Ota* In iiwnultu.Miftj l-lp
Ri.h 'l Btr*t Bakorp,
! ' D IMMbnt., p.
T " r ™' * 2 '* p"* lP- Li*rj attach**.
T—"Oil rata# fitrrm to Olmm ..I inrora
Ono Hurra. Pn>. M.j D. J. ha. Ow*
V ' OHdt* C.-rt Horn*. RKLI.KPOXTE. PA.
A good liraj attar hod
I oris DOLL,
Rnh ll***. Botletoat*. Pn j.f,
o. *?*. f :~""Pr* *• **>■•. tb.t th. imp
•""dtlp latelt **b*i*'t l-Anern Reft.ard Unit,
! Alraandn II Nmk. Mml C TV rum and R A*
ThrawM. lal* of tb* fit, of PbttadobdHA. damaaodl
ottdrr th* Arm ttonw of Untb. Ttaraw. ACo |. th.
In* Inrlo* ktMM .1 Utrai Otm
.r* " R- b dnj f Joooncj.ltCb.
dlwdcod hp nrafnol ownt All d*h|i no In* to lb*
Kid j-rto-Mf • ta h* Mtat*d bp <of bonH
Untk. ond all d*ataado oa a.I I puttaiklr an M bo
pr***ntad to alta f-.r [•o.t
lIOBERTC Till •* AH.
] *-<1 Ebnrattor. if A I Th-tuM, do. 'd.
TV... homo prntalß**! la • rltp faiad loc It. - M
Aiftntd* Wbh ta k*f4 la ot n 1 |ll■■ I ooaal ta up
: And Han. Mdt In tb* oambp. ttmn* n. tb* on*,
(urj aftbrUtaaMbaprlapaflward b. bo.* r*4wod
! ta man huui pat dap. J M EiRRIX.
l-*dT iKtaWW.
1 rot THR cwwrr or CENTRE
E*tu if DATIR Lue^PAW.
TV* AbdWoc iMdbli'l bp tb* Onrt at lb* natal at
all th* parttn latarohd M lb* aaM ataafa, ta krar
pa. trpo* aad d>t*nafa* lb* nnptm. IM, and
r~t.tr th* MMaal of Ta. AHfau. *>n*Wo f ,v.
law otll and I maul at at lb rid Utah ta. a~d taa
Ahd bp lb* aatd In AlM** I aad a*k. ftacthmtaa
of ik* hal.ara ta and aawaf than bull* **utbd
tt.rr.tr.. Oil! ana* lb* panl*. im**m,m ha th. wr .
mama of M. appHolt**! * THCRSIIAT March Ah
mi. a,..