Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 30, 1879, Image 8

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    ©lit Centre Dtflwrrat.
Thursday Morning, Jannr ry SO, 1679.
&miifMNHXci,eoQtalnl!ii; tßiporUnt ncw, toll' li
l from any purl of tho county. No cotnittunlettl.>o
u*firtKl utiluHt tceomptoioU ljr tho v*l mum* of tliw
ncruscratlr County Committee— IS7IK
En'l.-feutsi Dew., X rtli Wi.1...p. 7. Kti*.
West •• ...WiLUAa llsarsa.
Soutli " ...Aatuva llsuw*.
Mllwhur* LLOW, AVSTIS JM'LSia.
L'uhintllle Uoru, - AT. UAIIILSS.
II .went Hon. Ilw*si> Rau'Slrr.
Plilll|Ml>UßlS Hon 1., tl. I.ISULS.
tSrniier loseshlii Ssai L """ a.
Ito;,*. •' lessen L .Ssrr.
llunwMa " <•
Cdllw, "
fur tin Ws.
Ferguson,Old Prwlnel At. :ST Itoi
11 new Prwinet. I- II NSSI.KiII.
Township,. WILLI*, A KssLia.
" JoimC Srovra.
Itsirmoou '* • Juiis W . MiLLsa.
Harrl* " - FraoeS Perrs*.
Ilowsr.l " WILLI*, T assies.
11. u.loll " PS1I. Isvis
Liberty " '• U.OisDMia.
Msrion '■ - I. . rals.
>i,l < " Crscs ni o*k.
i'silon " Aossw Ssu.sas.
|> en „ o _____ p |. Mcsfsa.
Poller, north Preelnrl Jons Sasi
•• south Piodnct... WILLI*, Fan,.
Rii.h To* n*M; T J Diss It.
SUEI. SLEJE " ....J. II llnLt.
Spring " Psnar Otstisi.
T*lor " S,i SL Huo*.a.
t'nlon " J o ''' l lltW°*ea.
Worth " lira. U Wliu*l
Walker " ScrrtDtcasa.
I>. F. FORTS KY, Chairman.
Local Department.
—Sunday next i * St. Candlemas day.
Tho churches were crowded lied Sab
—The meetings still continue in the M.
E. church, of this place.
—On nnd after this date, overcoat* will
be sold at cost at Newman's Eagle Cloth
ing Hall. Remember this. fi-tf
An old colored woman well known by
the name of " Louisa Gray " died 1' riday
forenoon of last week. She was buried on
The item of lo* to th Pennsylvania !
railroad is said to havo boon less last yinr I
than for any former twelve months for '
years provlous.
—Tho Home nnd Foreign missionary !
society in connection with tho Kjiiso ipa!
church socks out and rclleres many dii- '
treating cases of poverty.
—Francis Sjxxjr has sold out his nice ;
little stationery and cigar store. Wo learn
that the room will henceforth be used by !
Dr. George Harris for an office.
—Our former townsman, Wn. I*. D in- !
can, Esq., of tho l'hilipsburg Steam Flour- I
ing mills, was made Chairman of tho In
surance Committee at the late Miller's
Convention held at Lancaster.
—The Supreme Court has decided in
regard to public roads that if a jury believe
a road unsafe for travel, let the cause b"
what it may, it is an evidence of negli
gence, and tho township is responsible for
—We think our readers will find our
agricultural columns of unusual Interest
this week. The Intelligent and competent
agriculturist who edit* it will endeavor to
make thi contents of each succeeding
nnmbor fresher, brighter and more attract
ive than the last.
—That swoet trio of young ladies, the
guests of Mr. D. G. Hush, Mi-.es Annie,
and Maggie Callaway and Mia Laura
Stockham, are not only ornamental but
useful. On Sunday evening last they all
sang in the choir of the Episcopal church,
and the tnusic was very much better than
—Wo acknowledge the receipt of a tick
et and invitation to attnd a grand concert
held at Fillmore la*t Saturday evening.
Although wo found it impossible to be
present, wn hope it was in every way suc
cessful. Mr. O. W. Rumbergcr and the
committee he represents will please accept
our thanks.
* —The largest number of falls of the
season happened Thursday afternoon last.
This is, of course, accountable to the fact
that people were looking in every direction
to see from where tho latest wedding
• rarty was coming, and generally the
only thing they saw was themselves rapid
ly descending in tho direction of trra
—We are pleased to note that Mr*. D.,
G. Bush and her son George, each of
whom were injured a short time ago, are
getting along finely. George it still at bit
hoarding-school at Germantown Mr. and
Mr*. Bush will soon close their resi
dence and spenif the remainder of the
winter at the Bush House.
—A Y. M. C. A. meeting was held at
UnionvilloSaturday evening,in which Rev.
8. A. Taggnrt, Gen. James A. Heaver, Chas!
F. Cook and others took part. At 2.30
Sunday afternoon a meeting was held in
Centre Hail. This was attended by Rev.
i S. A. Taggart, Mr. Isaac Mitchell and
minr others. We hear that they were ail
interesting and largely attended.
—And now they render us absolutely
breathless by hinting that Benjamin F.
Butler, Esq., will gaae with that single
luminous orb of his directly at a Baltefonte
audience as he tells them la eloquent words
what be knows aboat capturing Demo
cratic conventions, or some other equally
entertaining topic. The Grangers will
have the credit of bringing this to pun.
—Our good friend Dr. J. B. Smith, of
Pine Orove, wee la town on Tuosday, and
reported that en epidemic of something
like bfluent* of a very violent type was
prevailing la his neighborhood. In two
dayH the Doctor was called to treat nbuut
twenty-fivo casus. We regret to learn
thai among those very ill with this disease
are Mrs. James Sample and a daughter of
Mr. John L. Muaser.
THURSDAY. —The grandest social event
that has enlivono I Bellefunto for a lung
l Into was enacted <n Thursday last at I:30
r. M., in a wedding between Mr. Charles
Lord Callaway F Baltimore, Maryland,
' nnd Miss Llzr.io 11. Bw-h, of tliis jilaeo.
The groom is a handsome nnd itolisln-d
young gentlemen, who is calculated to
make friend.' wherever he goes, and u sen
of one of Baltimore's finest families. It is
hardly necessary for us to speak of the fair
young bride, who is so universally well
known; milieu it to my she is tile only
daughter of the Hon. Daniel CJ. Bush, n
gentleman who has done more than any
other to beautify our lovely litllo town in
theerection of hand.e iuo puhlic and private
It was a fitting crown for the many
other brilliant affairs of the sumo nature
that had been coming oil" in our midst,and
the flutter of excitement into which the
community h ul been thrown centered in
this grand all'a.r. When the hour arrived
for tliv ceremony, St. Joint's Protestant
Episcopal church was filled with the elite
of Belhfonto and several distinguished
gue-ts from a distance. Them were ail
shown to 'eats by the following gentlemen
who acted as ushers: .Mr. B 11. Hayes, of
Lock Haven; Cleorgo T. Brew, of Belli -
fonte; 1- (I. St. Clair, of Baltimore; T.
I), l'olk, of Baltimore ; K. Montgom
ery, of livllcfoutc, and J, Walt r Zicglcr,
of Belle fonte. Th cxijc: it-*y gotten
up young gentlemen, log thcr with Mr.
Bush and Miss Amanda Tome, a sister of
Mrs. Hush, supported the young couple to
the chancel, where the imprc ivo cere
mony of the Episcopal church WM |H r
furmed by the jatlished Res tor of that
church, Rev. John Hewitt. The bride was
elegantly at tired in a heavy claret-color d
mbresed satin, made with most elaborate
taste. She wore nn exquisite bonn-l of the
same material. The groom wis of court-•
slr -sscd in the usual dress suit of a gentle
man on such occasions, it n-t admitting of
much variety. There w. , u no brides
maids nor grooms-men.
After thy ceremony w- completed, all
parties bearing them*el vee with remarks
ablo euse nnd composiis( > , tho crowd re
entered their carriuges and were driven to
the handsome residence of the bride's
father. Here the guests thronged the
-pacious and elegantly-appointed rooms of
tie- mansion, alejut one hundred and
twenty-five in number. One of tho most
elegant and costly collat: til ever served
in Beliefonto was given to the assembled
gue.su. Many of tho cakes and much of
I the fruit were ordere 1 from Philadelphia.
Hero alto were on exhibition the rich
and tasteful present* presented to the
fortunate young couple. Thy consisted
mostly in articles of silver-ware, with a
proper admixture o( oil paintings, elegant
clocks and other ornamental articles.
Among the silver-ware wo noticed a mas
sive silver di.'h in the form of a chariot
and r -tingon silver whe.il*, th" di-h InWd
with gold. This was labelled from Mrs.
Horton and daughters, >..w York. Tho
six ushers, Mrs. Tome, nviher of Mrs.
Bush, and several more of the friends of
tho contracting parti"* were iepre<entesl
among tho gift*. Wo notic 1 the names
of Mr. and .Mrs. Mnlin nn.l score. of others
from our own town attached to handsome
present* The entire entertainment at the
house was pronouneesl exceedingly fine.
After the bride and groom had received
the earnest congratulations ..f thir many
friend*, they were driven to the deja.t
whore they boarded the westward boun 1
train, and will spend a few weeks of
happiness in a tour of the great cities.
They will settle quietly down in the City
of Baltimore, wheio wo earnestly hope
many years of happiness await them.
Among the visiting parlies who rime
from a distance to witness tho ceremony,
wo would mention, in addition to the
ushers enumerates! above, Miss Amanda
Tome and Mr. Tome, Miss Anna and
Maggie Callaway, of Baltimore, sisters of
the groom, and Mrs. Btockham and daugh
ter, of Camden, Jf. J.
The morning following the wedding
flattering notices appeared in tho Phi'adel
phia /*re#a and other city journals, an
nouncing the nuptials between tbe high
contracting parties.
—The (everal parti" who excited thin
quiet community by plunging head over
ear* into matrimony (bowed much eotuid
eration for the mcmorio* of our people by
having their wedding* all occur within
a few hour* of each other. Unlet* there
are *ome of which we have not yet heard,
the aecoad on the programme wai that of
Mr. J. C. Brachbill and Mia Maggie
Mulhollen, which occurred at the residence
of the bride'* parent* between 2} and t
o'clock on the afternoon of Thursday.
Rev. Mr. Yocum,of the M. E. church,
performed the marriage tie* in hi* own
graceful and impreative manner. The
groom, a* all know, la a pleasant, aflTable
young gentleman, and we are quite ure
that few wedding* have been graced with
more lovely bride* than Miae Maggie, or
by tho*) more true and womanly In mind
and heart. They departed on the weatern
bound train la the afternoon for a brief
wadding tour.
—Samuel Hankey, X*q., formerly of
Millhcim, but for tho la*t few year* a
resident of California, ha* forraken for a
abort time the land of gold du*t, and 1*
sojourning among hi* old friend* wiibin
the tbade* of bo*pitable Milibeim.
—Among tho ninny jilnnsnnt occurrence*
to coma off in tho near futuru wo tnko
pleasure in noting a grand dramatic enter
tainment to-morrow evening in the Armory
Hull of tho Btnto College, which hiui be n
fitted uji and comfortable sent* added, ren
dering it quite pleasant. Tho *.-vjrul
character* in tho pleasing piny fnumled on
CharlM Dickon*' celebrated lory of
"Oliver Twit," will he personated by a
portion of tho member* of tho College
Faculty and a few of tho student*.
Among the principal character* are l'rof.
.1. Downey and Mis* Cooper. Mir* C. has
chargu of tho ladle* In tho Colo go. Fiof,
D.'* name alone should bring a full house, r>
whatever ho doe* i* well done. Their lirrl
porforuianco, "Julian CV-ur," war good. A
rare, pure and pleaiing cntortainiuent may
ho expected, in there College boy* have n
faculty of excelling in whatever they
undertake. Should the element* ho projii
liou, a ride to the College hoaido u pretty
girl and beneath tho rliining moon, which
will then ho in lor glory, will make an
enjoyable event in tho curUUlp of any
of our young gentlemen, and may afford
tho long-wUhed-for time of proposing.
Any young ludy whose beau doc* not a*k
her to g<> may know that ho is falthlc**,
and doc* not wish for a liuio alono where
none will hear his vows of devotion Y-cjit
fair Luna and tho client star* which ever
remain the smite and reveal no ecrct*. To
ho practical, you can also do some good by
attending, a the leys will bo encouraged
in their laudable effort* to Improve them
selves in the art of characterization, and
also heip to purchase books for the College
—Mr. Amos Oberdorf, of Contra Hall,
ami hi* iauiiiy, who w.ro riding down
Nittany Mountain toward* their borne, on
Saturday met with a narrow escape. They
were riding along at their usual pace,
when, bearing a noito lx-liind them, they
saw a team f hors*-* attached to a sl<d
i :no tearing at a rapid rate down the
mountain toward* them. 1o escajxt was
ini|ioMihie; so commanding hi* family t >
crowd n* low as jKXible down in the be I
of the sbd, he grn; d th. rein* of hi>
own hor?c firmly, and await- 1 the on
coming event. Tho tongue of the sit 1
came j.rotniding over his own; and Mr.
tJln'rdorf, ladling tho frightened hnr*-
with all hi* might, succced<d in making
them stop before hi* own had in turn be
come frightcrxd. It wa* a narrow eacajse,
and shows how valuable I* presence of
mind in such trying circum*tanc<-. "Who
the runaway team belonged to wc did not
—The Mountain City Hand, f-r the fir '.
time in several weeks, on Friday evening
iast, made the air melodious with some of
th" beautiful music, which they ran r< nd*r
in *uch an exquisite manner. The jarti<-
especially fa vor<d on tbi* o;. As ion wcr.
Mr. and Mr?. J*in"* Potter, Mr and Mrs
Augustus IT ver, ftrd Mr. and Mr# Tel
ler, the hajipp coi:jl' who ha\ :so recen'.lt
yielded to tiiat d- stiny which i-mi to
jurue us mortal* and joined their affec
tion* and their heart*. It i nerdless to
•ay thai in cn< h ra the compliment was
re.jKinded to in a manner 1 fitting the
• K'rai..n, and an increased estimation fer
all j irties was the result when the band
< -i>d it* mioic several dollar* rlrher in
jxH-kel and well provided with cigars.
—We notice that our g<>od editor! il
brother of the HrporUr inform- hi* many
reader* end the public generally that a
new and rxclu-lvoly dry good* '".ore will
he |icnn] in tiii< p'ai"*>me titno during
the month of March, in the (tore toom a*,
pre - nt occupied by Bunnell ic Aiken*. It
will be presided over by a brother-in-law
of J. Newman, Jr., th distinguished
clothier, and if he ha* even a final! part of
the business tart and energy that charac
terise* the transaction* of hi* relative here
the new enterprise will be an a*tired
success. The proprietor * name i Mr. J.
11. Daulatid.
—Many account* regarding greet endur
ance to the cold are afloat. The A Boon a
Mirror give* the following about W. I).
Cramer, of Mifflin station : "Train Master
W. I). Cramer, brother of J imn 11. Cram
er, of this city, whose headquarter* i* at
Mifflin station, is a man of wond rful en
durance, a# wa* demonstrated by the late
cold and snowy weather, when hi* presence
wa* needed on the road for eighty-four con
secutive hours, during all of which time he
did not partake of a moment's sleep or one
square meal. He froae both hi* heel* until
the skin cracked open. For a few day* ho
had a *< re time of it."
—Mrs. John T. Johnson was the victim
of the icy pavements on Thursday after
noon, and the fall might have resulted
seriously. The cirCt-na'ance afforded that
eve'r-gallant young gentleman, J. Wesley
Gephart, Esq., an opportunity to exhibit
another of bis varied accomplishments—
that of assisting ladies from uncomfortable
positions. No one is more hasty than he
in embracing these opportunities.
—Among the friendly callers on the
Dbmoceat this week, from Benner town
ship, were Messrs. B. F. Hunter, Uriah
Htover and James Henderson. May your
shadows never grow lees, gentlemen, and
may you live long and pro#per. Call
again, and you will be as welcome as the
first time.
—Mr. N. B. Lew, of the firm of Good,
lander & Lee, In the publication of the
Clearfield Republican, has withdrawn,
leaving Mr. Goodlander alone in his ardu
ous work.
- , juggktfW ' • I
TKBAHUBY. Tho report of the Slate
Treasurer for the year 1878 *bow* that the
following i mount* v-.-ro paid Into tho
treiuury of the stale by citizens, olilcial*
and corporation* of Centre county during
iho lkeal year beginning December 1,1877,
and eliding November 30, 1878:
11. A, Musser, fM*t#> Ins fi&.'nl *7
" ' 1 • J.I. ....
Li. ,'iison, 1... no 1.1 I* MI
" Mi'i'imn.miinplirtMn 7*l*i
" I*, IMO, CILLUIJC., .',*. CI
" I.'Kiiswi. It'/fco
" Ll drcm ,-.M
jntia ti. Mm inn. i,n •<•■, r< isiivt* a':
Anum WilUiona, Ins MI writs 4W1.11
W K Hnwaa.l l I-* nil, iii's
.olinl. I .1 iiiU.l IMIIU. - 1,0.4*7
N'.fnrv rtttill-r'.minisst'.ris 7?..fSi
>irsl lint, HI,SI 11. L, II. It, RUNIC, I>S on no- k TS.UISI
tv I n 'I. *c.., MS W taooan . . .1
IMlnAmli. L-.n.UFLI, Ls |.MB 21 7
it A * * R. Ik, tig mm at wagiaalss |,tm*
°* ns MI KOHI. rar*Sp4a M.N
las on U K L. isu VI
< cnlrc licit Wat. , W :I , ins MI ft -k. I I
Total. SIS,Xi v
In additional the above, the ri turn* of
tho 1 illowing com J ani . , whoso properties
lh) partly in tliis county, appear in tho
nerount of the stab trcu*urur, u* follows:
it. r. v. n it, .s . a .• ■ ■
I, ' A B.C. II K.Ms onsti.K 1007
T A 0. II 1.5.1..:- K.. I WOM,
Total f7.-so.i7
The following are the amount* paid out
of the state trx-usury to ciliz- n* of Centre
county during tho same period for the
purpose* naim d:
*! it- rs of UI. 1., >Mla>- 30
I'.-ll.fll .11 nc|. .| ii,. 111.in., ..f i ■ .-oeiq *,1*1.1,1
ttililnrr flii,|<i'lTN* |r | n.,K,i.tt <luli'jc
JHIU ) „ J.l-l . j
l'i*i|<w 317 is
Hiicsau. A|-|.R : .
Ohii 4'
T Ml (39,4t"7
From the<- statement*, compiled from
tho official rejiort a* carefully as it could Ix
d ne, it would apje r that ..ur county bad
(lightly over-drawn its account. Other
comnariic* and corjioration* of the • nly
may ! :.v paid taxes int . tho treasury. If
-, how. \er, th y could not he recognize]
by their name*, an 1 lo< alitics are not
—lf there isoue thii ; more than another
in which people ran late their choice it is
ir. f -•tival*. Of course, If any thins; is;- ling
•>n the Pleasant Gapers are sure to take
I part. Now thai excellent band called the
| i*leaant Gap Silver C-.rn'-t band anm i.n
--| • " that they will hold a JrtUral in the
M-tle diet rhunh of Pleasant Gap, com
mcncing Friday afternoon, and terminat
ing on Saturday. \V had occasion last
week to say that when the." Jx-Oplq UI der
take anything they generally excel, ami we
an assure all that in festivals they are not
one whit bchind'hand. The barel is well
known, not only for it* good music, but f.r
tlii pleasant and jovial qualities of lu inrui
her-, and its many friends will be sure to
remember it next Friday an I Saturday
by attending the festival am! furtsking of
the g.snd things f..r sab , and quite likely IK.
entertained by excellent music.
—A loquacious correspondent of the
PI ilad dphi* Sunday 71ino, who was pre*-
• •nt at th > Inauguration and gave his t
--' •ei,4l. n pvrthularly to lb<> manner of
n. rchlng and genera! appearance of the
soldier* on parade, afl*r indu'ging in IOUK
remark* about 11.0 Fifth regiment which
w are quite sure are not worth repeating,
jays th- following de,< rvcd tribute to the
College cadet*.- "The cadets fr->m the
Pennsylvania Agricultural College brought
up th re*r of tho brigade. Th- ir mar. h
ing a v> ry lornrnendahle, step even and
in g'K-d cadence; alignments and distance*
we|| preerved—altogether made a \ <■xf
creditable display."
—Th man who wa* considered the
ti ■ t handsome of any at the Inauguration
Ball wa* from Bellefonte. He i# modest,
and would not like hi* name to be made
public. But we are permitted to *ay that
laifore going he arrayed himself in new
under garment#, new suit and new bat at
J. Newman, Jr.'* fine clothing *tore, to
which ho give**!! the credit. J. Newman,
Jr. considers hlm*olf a public servant, and
I* willing at all time*, for a trifling consid
eration, to a 1 list in furnishing Republic
with handmmeclothing.
—Mr. George HofTer, who has taken
charge of the hotel at State College, has
been improving and remodeling part* of the
buildipg. After every thing ha* been
repaired, which will be in less than a week,
it will be a pleasant and comfortable place
for person* visiting the College to stop.
With the desired improvements together
with his attentive and obliging manner
success cannot help but follow.
—Edward, a little son of Mr. Daniel
Rhoadca, on Friday last, met with quite a
severe nerident while coasting in the yard
of his father's residence. 110 and bis
younger brothers had banked the snow
pretty high near the fence, and on one un
usually awift descent the sled not only
went up the bank, but on ovar the fence-
The lad had ona of the bone* in his arm
either broken or dislocated. Dr. Dartt at
tended to the patient who la doing reason
ably well.
—We learn of the death in Philadelphia,
a few days ago, of Mr*. Mary D. Valentine,
mother of Georga and Jacob Valentine, of
this place, and an old resident of Centre
county. Her remains will be brought to
this place and Interred to-day. From
Wedneeday noon until Friday morning
the large stores of Valentin as Jt Co. will
he cloeed.
—The Phllipsburg Journal is authority
for tajring that the College cadets, before
leaving for HarrUburg, were compelled to
' take a temperance pledge for three day*.
How Aan ITHMH.—Tho smokn house of
Harvey Miller, living on tho farm of
Samuel Jl< bor, wn* detroy<l by fire about
five o'clock Tms-lny morning. Camo
supposed to ho a coal among tho ashes in a
—Several of our oldest and most respect
ed citizen* are on the sfck list—James
Heverly, P. W. McDowell and Abram
Peifcr. Mr. lieverly is dangerously ill,
havli:;; uff"re<l severe hemorrhage*. Tlo-y
arc all under the care of Dr. Ilerwyl, and
thl augurs well for their recovery.
—Tho dam question, which has *o long
vexed our jieople, senm* at Ial to have
b . n amicably eltl<.d, and the dam will
remain, much to the satisfaction of the
community. In connection with this,
rumor ho* it that Mr. Lauth has purchio' d
ti;" Inter tof Dr. Peacock and tho Thomas
■ stalo in the iron works, and that after
Aj.ril next the work - will be conducted by-
Mr. Lauth alono. Dr. Peacock will be
mi**<Ki from among us, hut wo are glad to
have .Mr. Lauth remain.
—A musical convention, to last during
thi* we opened herelast Monday evening,
under the cmj.et.-nt leadership of Prof.
(,'rDjven, of Salona. It will close wit', a
concert on Saturday evening, February 1,
which |.roinise to be a great suceoM.
Mr. .1 Deitz, who enjoys the r<q.illa
tion i,I being one of the best corn raisers in
tbi ■ ti- il, lis. l-< i. taking advantage </
'.lie fine sledding, by bringing large quan
tities of linn t<.no fr-m Nlltany valley,
1 which lie will burn tnd us on his corn
; land next sj.ring.
- We learn with j.leasure that the musi
i < al and dramatic entertainment to tx-given
..I th<- State CYdlego to-morrow (Friday)
evening will havo the lx-mfit of uiusic by
our gifted neighbor. Mr. l! J-autli, and his
' accomplished daughter, Mr* Comerford
Mr. Lauth and bis daughter are musicians
J of the highest order, and we eongratulaU
| sb manager* of tbe entertainment upon
i having gained their consent to (day fur
j litem.
Mb*"* Dornblazer and Conley, rej.r- -
sentatlve* of an inv-rs-sting young Indie*'
I lit- rary society in Nlitany valiey, glad
i dened us by their j re*< nee in town during
the cariy j.art of the week.
—Our latest s*x ial event of imjorlancc
was the marriage, last w k, of Mr. A. J.
, Wt ber, juni< r member of our leading and
1 no t i titerj-rising butii,c* firm, 11. Weber
A t'.j., to Miss Mrxire, sister of our puju
--i iar young druggist, H. A. Moore, Ksq.
41 r. Weber is one of our most sulistantial
and reliable young men, and, with his
fair bride, very jsojiular.
—Mr. Thomas Duller, the fortunate
jxfsscMtor of one of the finest field* of
"b"lti>m" land along the Flahl Ragle creel.,
ha; maJc use of the good load* nffurJod by
the snow to haul large quantities of stone
to be used for ditching j urj**es, and tsi
fill upa small portion of thcold crock b--d.
which had a course through il, prior to the
•Iraight'-ning of tbe crock by the slate,
many years ago. Mr. Iluti- r made an old
fa-hion<d "frolic" last week, which was
well attended by hi* neighbor*.
A FESTIVAL.—^Wo wish to direct the
esjx-cial notice of every one to the fart that
a festival will be held to-night in the va
cant room* in MeClain'* block, Just next
'to the Watfhmnn ofllce. T! is festival iato
l>e given fur the !x>nefil of the African M.
K. church, and should o inmend itself to
J every one. There will no doubt be good
! things , n- ugh on hand to repay all for go.
ing, and the small amount that will be re
quired in payment. The liost skill of some
of the old colored folk* will be emjdoyed,
and thuM who attend can, for the time be
ing, fancy themselves on an old plantation
in the South. No worthier object than
■this can he presented, a* It will enable a
'truggling denomination to j*ay off acme
of the old debt*. Those who wish to aid a
good cause and the same time want a good
meal, should certainly attend.
—The taking of testimony in the con
tested election caae of Carlin vs Yocum
began before K. M. Wane hard, Esq., as
commissioner, on Friday lest. <ci ffw.
II Blatr, assisted by W. F. Keber and (too.
K Barrett. Jr., appeared for the contestant,
and the contestee, a he is called in the
barbaric parlance of the law, was repre
rented by A. 0. Furst, J. <l. Love and D.
11. Hastings. The commissioner tils with
closed doors, no one being allowed in the
room but counsel, witneeeoa and stenog
rapher, and we are therefore unable to
give any of the proceedings to our readers.
We understand that Benner township is
now under consideration.
—l'rof. John Hamilton, who has for
several years back been manager of the
financial affairs of the College, has lately
had several hemorrhages. He has been
advised by hit physician, Dr. Dale, to take
a tripe to Florida. Wo hope he will follow
this timely advice and return home nest
fall fully recovered and able to take charge
of bit old place.
•—The time wtll toon come when it will
be necessary for gentlemen to lay off their
long Ulster overcoats. It would be well, if
when that time comes, they are provided
with a handsome, stylish new Nit, which
J. Newman, Jr., Allegheny street, Is at all
times prepared to make up for them in
first-class style.
—The Leek Haven Aswrewf say* that
the director* of the Wet Branch Camp
Mooting Association have sleeted tM fal
lowing offitnri t President, G. 8. Snyder j
Treasurer, W Hippie; Secretary, J.
N. Welllvi.-L Executive y.
0. Kress, L. AeSer,Wed 8. W, QuiggW *
HOOK.—LURT TUESDAY evening Kx-Vice-
I'resident Hehiiylcr COLFAX DELIVERED hit
fusion* l".ttir ON "Abraham LinoolB,"
in tho Court II ousts of this place, to A
large and very appreciative AUDIENCE.
Tho audience must have numbered AH..-'.
350. The lecturer WAN introduced in felicL
tiou* LANGUAGE by Gen. Jarne* A. Heaver,
an>] in the opening of hit remark* fir*L
complimented the beauty of Bellefonte,
referred to hi* former acquaintance with
the Smcnted Judge Hale, and then paid
A HIGH compliment to Gen. Heaver. The
principal part of the lecture >• devoted
to bringing out the characteristic* of tho
lamented Abraham Lincoln, which, owing
totheintimat. relation* hesuatained to him,
he wo* abundantly able to do. Tbi he
did principally by relating incident* in the
I'roident'a life, which, he raid, are more
potent than agurnent. lie showed the
President to have been what we ALWAYS 1/E
-lieved bins, a thoroughly original charac
ter—having *Uch a logical mind that,
though uneducated and uncultivated, he
wo* the inml capuhle man of hi* time in
laying down tlie issue* which arose ; bluut
to a remarkable degree, yet at heart a* ten
der SO a woman. MR. Colfax Laid unriecc*-
I snry streps on the merciful ride of Mr.
! Lincoln'* cliaractcr, and, were the char
i aeter he described true, we would think
I thl* mercy, which he represented a
I abounding in MR. Lincoln * nature, amount
ed to a weakness. WE do not tiiink Mr.
Lincoln wo* quite a* WEAK in mind a* we
would imagine from the KS-Vtee I'rc*L.
dent remark*, and do not think thia part
| of hit character, a* REPRESENTED, at all flat
, tering. The conclution of the lecture wat
j .'cry fine, MR Lincoln being compared to
I M e, a. he DIED with only a L'irgob-like
I glance Into the promised land to which be
| led the nation.
Mr. Colfax it by noti.eaui a fine orator.
Hit articulation IS very indistinct and it is
necessary for th<- listener to pay the strict-
JE*t attention. HO AIEAKA more rapidly
; than it agroeablc.
j WE are glad that in all ros|uvl* the lec-
J ture was tuch A success, and hope that the
Association realised a large sum from the
J proceed#, and that they may be able to
|.st.l!s, If. M|I.S, ( . J., Tu-ndar a*
J*. W) 21, Rtv.lfj KR. J N.AW.J.'SJ, \i\
•' <4 TLSL*.' T W!*I, TF II -WKT 1 1 MSNN
!V"' • I.I.:
U, I".' ~F F.
I lIAUPVET r.l T1.r.1; -<>B iktiary 1 ISI7II J I.r, c
*" CUrs N ball, ■. all .4 I*.a i* w W
< .SILRS C_ualy, r* R "
ri:l< r~* TW YPN .OS Jsteary L:, WIUUTTI
I *e " I '!"■ I'. IMtsb K t!l.n Haw; sr. all ul I. *l'S
1 MITEL — tin lbs 1M Itfual, MS. Julia W.
■ C, .11< t„ 51... Atokf. la O Ijul, ts.tl, I u „ 11(11.
K Ai rrVAJt -MCAFEE —4* U„ CM b,.laat,*tsV
It, . . I.y lUs J t.s> Swa. M' J.
ksuHmaa *r.. A I,is, „| seati. oe^aip.
lIJ IMII',. II J,, l.:f. luiir, I*, Bmlm
tl.-.fi>t<arb. a*ed flr. v, *• r, at *f. ds.vf
1 MILM.K —A! lot.p ,tm Janwn S lTJ(
• Nn. Owt-i an. Mlll.r. w,d<.a ,4 |sa.,.'l Mi |'
| dri-ased. .* SD #2 yaats, Bemtki and is days.
I * : LI ''.T 7- !? **" 1 "H IF -lanl. W*T lUT.,RJK,R C p„;IJ
j #l.tilts. wH'.n a*sd *3 >. )i> „ (is, I d>.
j KlJi:rr —<hi it- I.ut. at <Vlim Slatum.
*"•' •*' HF t', • J F AT*. 4 an SLTH* t 1 7 <J*JN.
: . 1-SV, XA LUT*fc FMDTIVR, *4 TH* UT.
| . R*F" Hi'ltm, *KD FTUNAT ',2 ynxr*
*OUDU)*6 -AS MILIBHN. at lb. Iak.i.F. <4 )„
S 'FI, twHafiar. W ..CLAP, ,* Ibsluolas, Jan 2*. ]T)I
J,J L, W.SNIT,K •• U, adsmnred a .4 BI
M.T.1.T,. lE—VUTW.H --ON Jannast I, IST* S.I
M.1, 1, -11. at BL. R5N.81.,, M ||.,..■ M l JT"
N.W11N51.,1.. N NT *, P.
Ms. Aldnsy. dan*hS.r <d Job a IMln.r, c 4 USKI.
UAI.E— On sa* NLI OF J. unary 1T, as T*ab Hal!
| KL.aa. .UUABL*! R.L A W. aad kal. !•'
Ial. APSD SS|BL snunlh* and TWSATYUARSSN days.
Bollefonte Marktti,
Rrujwoav*. Jan nary 3d, L*J.
j Wblte beat, par t titbrb... w,
! Bod bal • V w
n>. |R IWM 0"
C-DN. , -B . a,,
(W*, -.b.ltnd .
<>!• L AS
flnnr, rsdail. PO barrsl J M
NEAR, * b,l EKU# 4
flay, RBOTR* tibx-tby, psr UA.„ I 0 M
Hay, salted, prr *•_ * DA
lon* fir .nan. Inodlnd. Ii bo, _____ * Ml
*bnrt straw, PAR TO* JS SOM *0
IV*A, ftwtad. p S.m __f * (v>
BO* SDU. pnssd. PS* TOB 1* (*)
Prevision Market
OrdTWtad ewnltly by ttarywr Mmtbrrs
Applns dried. \—t fmsed.. ■ R
0brO, dried, par praad. -rilrl la
Baaws par yeart ______ 10
Pranb eatias par 3l
Oftrbsos per paead... *
ONNLI) FI.SNS parpaa'ad 1,1
itaas. nS> > nsi 12
M—S* - - , 1 - . J
lard psa Misd__ *
HOE pat do* ps
POTS!.- PAR 1 asbil ,0
Btiad baa*. ]*
Caaawi LOASATM par tea. .MAI*
tsasnas par da* *•
PHadawnatrora par powad I
A'er AritvrtiDrtnrnt*.
I " SHlP—Mntira it baraby pun, I kal tba fswt
narabip latnly BslsssUst batnsaa Ess aw d Uatb.
Alasaadst H Psmsi. habart C tVaass aad k E
Tb_osaa, Mia a* Uta City d Pb.ll * ilfbl a. daunt it.
aadar lb- Ural ssaasa <4 Lsnlb, Tbpsnaa Its. la lb<
Ima asaaabsrtartss* Iwstnias a* ■neard. t>a tr
ansmit. Pa, waa. aa tba Both day d Janaary. mo
ASS'TAUII^AS 1 *" < * H4>
Jaaiaa'di aa tald yartaarablp ara s* la
PR, " " I ' < "" 'SaUUEB UTCTH,
nogpno. TSOMAJL
aad dim M THO MAR, 1
B-ei Kanmbsrs at E B Rniasasi. Aar d.
Altaybaay arss*, Eilliduaia, R W
V (Wdira.
" J "' Aadltkfw taiarsad.
Bay and *! L
iX . Ua. Eafarttia*.
MT aad CViapii,
IMS du Baa via. Prssliaau
. 6. IMiIM, Oasbiat., ddf