Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 23, 1879, Image 5

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    ©fc Cfnta Slewflcrat.
Thursday Morning;, January 23, 1879.
CoatiitoifDtiiri,containing Important nnwa, •ollrlt
from anj part of thr county. Mo comtnunlcalloiia
liufftal unlaaa nccompanlad ly the roal name of tho
Democratic Count) Committee—lß79.
BcMi fiint. Bum.. Nortl, W>,il...D. 7. Kusa.
WMI ...WILUAN II tarts.
South " ...ABTIIVS Haoaa.
MllMliura Rom Aesris UrCLsi*.
B'oliHtrlll. Uuro, ......„A. T. L*AIMI*
llowar.l Uor<> HOWARD BaicmLsr.
l*lilU|Mlntrx Boriv- L. (). Ijnu.
Hcmi-r Town.lii|>, YAASK*.
Bo**" Jouara L. Nsrr.
Hiirnald. " OKU lloir.
t'ollsf. " MH-XALL Oaors.
t'urtiu " Wiuua Km.
Vergil.on, old Prr.im-t ALatST HOT.
•' NOW Prtalie 1.......... J. H. NBIDIOM.
ttroax Townhl| ......WILLI A. KSRLI*.
H.innom " lOHS W. MILLAR.
Harris " flam s Porta*.
Iluwud " Wit.i,AM YRARKK.
Hoiuton " ....... Ptsin. lAris
Utterly " Wis. 11. USAASAA.
Marion '• I. H. TBAISS.
Mll*s " ...... Crsrs Bacauaia.
I'siion " Aostw.saLi.ias.
S'-iui " ............ P. P Mi'tsaa.
Pottsr, north Prsrlm-T Jons SHAKO*.
south Precinct.... Witusw Kaow.
Hush Township T.J DL'SRLR.
Snow Shoo *■ J. II HOLT.
Spring " PAAAT (itststt.
Tailor " SAMISL lloorta.
Union " Jous H.STotta.
Worth " ito. It. WiLUswt.
Wslkrr " StM rti Plot it
D. V. PORTNKY, Chairman.
Local Department.
—Governor Iloyt.
—Court on Monday.
—Ex-Governor Hnrtranft.
—Kobbers ara operating in I'nion
—No Murphy meeting was held last
—A very large amount of snow full
during tho night of January 15.
—Snow-balling is in order, but do not
shy any in this direction, if you please.
—At is an old saying that "When the
snow leaves with the sun it will soon
—We do not see exactly how the inaug
uration of Governor Hoyt can cost less
than §15,000.
—His Honor, Judge Mayer, presided for
Judge Cummin in tho Lycoming county
court last week.
—On and after this date, overcoats will
be sold at cost at Newman's Eagle Cloth
ing Hall. Remember this. 2-lf
—Mr. Edward Muiris in Philadelphia
attending a course of lecture* on Pharma
cy and also clerking in a drug store.
—The "bold soger boys," after waking
things up generally in HarrUburg on
Tuesday, returned yeeterday morning.
—Hon. Andrew Reed bas been appoint
ed attorney of the Board of Commissioners
in Mifflin county, vice T. M. Uttley.
—Tho next regular meeting of the
Centre - County Medical Society will be
held at the Bush House, Bellcfonte, Janu
ary 29, at ten o'clock A. K.
—Augustus Hoover and wife are expect
ed home this evening. They will lo
cate in the house formerly occupied by
Mr*. Martin on Spring street.
—lt is probable that Rev. 8. A. Taggart,
State Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., will bo
in town on Baturday and Sunday next
prepared to conduct meetings in some part
of the county.
—By reference to the card of Montgom
ery A Co., tailors, it will be seen that they
have made a still further reduction in
prices, their elegant all-wool suits being
reduced to $16.00.
—Wo are rejoiced that pedestrianism has
become the rage. It is a stylo we have
always followed, and we consider it far
more healthful than riding—when one has
an empty pocket.
—Go anil hear Hon. Schuyler Colfax at
the Court House Tuesday evening, January
28, 1879; subject, "Abraham Lincoln."
Lecture for the benefit of the Young Men's
Christian Association.
—At Millheim they are debating a
question which may well make the Solo
mons of that community scratch their
beads and think, viz: "Rtrnthed, that
animals possess the faculty of discerning
right from wrong."
—Our friends of the Zion Evangelical
church are now in the midst of a grand
musical convention, to close on Saturday
night. The big musical guns in attend
ance are Prof, J. W. Ritmeycr and Misa
A. E. Fiedler, the latter of Madiaonburg.
—Mr. A. D. Hamilton, in company with
Professor John Hamilton and M isa Lizzie
-Cooper, all of fitato College, were the
victims of an exciting run-a-way the other
day. But Mr. A. O. Smith proved himself
tbe hero of the hour by valiantly stopping
the prancing steeds in their dizzy flight.
—Orders for eight loads of cool were
drawn to the order of tbe Presbyterian
Sabbath-school last week, and distributed
where it was moat needed. Tbe school also
voted another check of §SO towards tbe
erection of a chapel some place In China.
—No weddings seem to be exactly cor
rect without the aid of J. Wesley Gephart.
He bas now acquired such a degree of
proficiency that be seriously meditates
getting up one of his own, as he has a
desire to try bis skill In the principal roU.
—The "Potter-Sommorville" alliance,
to which we alluded last week, was folly
as pleasafft an affair as was anticipated.
The numerous relative# and near friends
composed those in attendance. The bride
and groom are said never to have appeared
to better advantage. Tbe presents were
costly and of aa axoaedingly useful nature.
The happy pair are now safely entcoonsed
In the groom's former pleasant home on
.Spring street, where all mores as merrily
as a marriage bell.
DEATH or PH. MCCOY —One by ono,
our old and most worthy citiaona are dit-
Appearing from our mldt. To thoao who
have boon o recently announced, wo aro
now pained to add ono moro to the liat and
announce the audden death of nnothor o'
our useful, enterprising and respected clli
r.ena, Dr. John M. McCoy, of Milesburg
Iron Works, who died suddenly, at hit
ruaidnnce, on Sunday morning last, of heart
disease, aged about 04 yeara. Dr. McCoy
was a native of Miillin county, but located
in this place, after graduating nt the Uni
veraity of Pennsylvania, in the practice of
medicine, and for a number of yeura pur
sued his profession hern, in which ho at
tained a creditable eminence by hit skill
and intelligence, and a boundless popularity
by bit kind, genial and pleasant association
with tho people. Many years ago, how
ever , ho abandoned tho active duties ot hia
profession, except ao far aa tho poor requir
ed hia services, and associated with Mr.
Jumea 11. Linn in tho purchase of the
Mileaburg Iron Worka, which they con
ducted jointly until the 3eath of Mr. Linn,
in 187<i, when the entiro management de
volved upon Dr. McCoy. He was equal
to the accumulated duties thrown ujion
him, and notwithstanding the severity of
the timos, has carried on these splendid
works, adding much to the neatness and
beauty which surrounds them.
Dr. McCoy was a member of the Pres
byterian church for many years, ever wil
ling to contribute liberally of his means l
the funds and charities of the church. He
was also n member of the Masonic Order,
who will hold his memory in pleasant rec
His funeral took place from his late
residence yesterday morning at 11 o'clock.
It wa* one of tho largest that ha* ever
occurred iu ihi* county.
ty-eight years ! It seem* a long time ; and
yet is ju-t tho time, we aro informed, that
ha* elapsed since Mr. James Hamilton and
wife, of Pleannt Gap, firt commenced the
journey of life together. There is somo-
thing very majestic in such an advanced
age * thi* fact in'imate* they have attain
ed, and in a couple walking together in
happiness for so many year* of their llrca.
Mr. Hamilton ha* been long known a* one
of our mot worthy citixons. Hi* good
lady i* a grand-daughter of the renowned
•ten Philip Benner, one of the earliest
settler* of thi* county, tin thi* occasion
the many relative* of Mr. and Mr*. Ham
ilton resolved to assemble at their home
and make it an occasion of festivity. Over
forty in ail, both great and small, met at
the borne of the Hamilton*' on Saturday
evening, and several hour* of unalloyed
pleasure was the result. Old and young
alike yielded to tho prevailing enjoyment.
The Pleasant Gap band was in attendance
and discoursed the most plea so of music
under the direction of its efficient leader,
Mr. Lot Struble. Tho members of this
band are all noted for their pleasant and
social qualities, and f-w can furnish better
music, so it may he inferred what a valua
ble addition they were to the entertain
ment. May thi* happy couple livo long
and enjoy many more such happy anni
versaries wa* the wish of all a* they sepa
rated, which we cordially endorse.
Turner* or Kr.srxrT.—At the annual
meeting of the Farmer'* Mutual Fire In
surance Company, of Centre county, held
at Centre Hall, on Monday, January 18,
1875', the following preamble and resolu
tion* were unanimously adopted :
WIIKREAS, It ha* pleased an all-wise
Providence in remove from our number
our lato brother director and faithful co
worker, Mr. J. W. Campbell, of Ferguson
township, therefore,
HThat in his decease the family
have lost a kind husband and father, anil
the Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company,
one of It* mm| devoted friends.
Ilttolreii, That we deeply sympathise
with the family of our deceased friend, and
hereby tender them our hcarlfcltcondolcnce
in their bereavement.
Iletolred That a copy of these resolution*
be sent to the bereaved family, entered
upen the minute* of this Company, and be
published in the county paper*.
PUTKK llorrr.R, > OimmitUt.
flrmifo ELBCTIOBS.— The election for
township and borough officers takes place
this year on the 18th of February. It is
exceedingly important to the people that
they be represented by good and competent
officers, and we commend the subject thus
early to their attention. Our people are
oppressed by taxation almost beyond their
ability of payment, and they should be
careful to select such men only a* will
enforce the most rigid economy in our
municipal affairs.
A CARD.—The gentleman whose name
is appended to the following letter asks us
to insert it and thus vindicate him in the
eye* of hia Centre county friends. Hoping
some of our readers are better acquainted
with the circumstances than we are, we
give space to the letter, as follows:
WK*T NEWTOS, Jan. 'JO, 18*6.
A cornopondont from Wnt Newton ten I
notice to the HeUtfonte Jifpubtimn elating
that 11. C. Potter, former)/ of Centra coun
ty. WM arretted for panting counterfeit
money. Lot m<- ay to the public that the
report to without foundation and rotd or
truth, aa I have never engaged In anj un
lawful transaction, and whoever cent It to
the Rfpohluan It not a gentleman, ,
H. C. Port**.
—The Mifflin count/ Court Houne hat
beer* extensively repaired, and Judge
Buch.r now claim* that he ha* the beat
Court room in the Stale. 80 be ought to
have, for Mifflin county baa one of the beet
Judge* in the State.
r tt.l .
ABRAHAM LINCOLN.—- One of tho finest
treat* ever offered to the cltixciu of Uetle
fonto will be afforded next Tuesday ovo
ning lit the Court House. The Y. M. C.
A., as wo notk'od last week, have ur-ceod
ed In procuring tho services of Hon.
Schuyler Colfax to open tho course of lec
ture* in contemplation by them, and who
will upon that occasion deliver hit beat
lecturo entitled, "Abraham Lincoln."
Tho reputation of Schuyler Colfax aa it
atateaman and orator dona not require any
comment on our part. The pro#* through
out the country la replete with commenda
tions of this lecture, containing as it doea
o much that ia of Interest in our hiatory
aa a nation. It k hoped that tho good
pooplo of Itellofonto will endeavor to
make this effort of the Y. M. C. A.a com
plete success, at they aro surely in need of
funds to meet their current expenses.
Ticket* for sale lit the book store* of J no.
C. Miller & Co, and 11. Y. Stitxer, also at
the drug store of F. Pott# Green.
—Festival* are about a* numerous at
money it scarce, which it about a* strong a
comparison as occur* to our raoollection at
present. Those good people of the I'rct
byterian church at Hubiertburg have ar
ranged to hold ono in their church to
morrow (Friday) evening. If there it one
place more than another where they know
how to do thlngt up in style thnt place it
Hubiertburg. Oysters, young ladies, and
other attractions will b there in great
abundance, and it will be worth the while
oven of Ucllefonters to visit tho church
to-morrow night. It i* not likely the
articles of diot will he encumbered with
such difficult names as prevail at Delmon
ico's, but they will taste jmt a* good,
b-stide* the proceed* will bo devoted to a
good object.
—Tho general quiver of excitement
occasioned by the inaugural ceremonies
on Tuesday was most sensibly fell hero on
Monday, it being tho day when the many
participators in it departed for Hnrrisburg.
The cadets from the College, full of Ufa,
arrived in tho morning and boarded the
10:3 train. The members of Com|uiny 11,
National Guard, after airing their regi
mentals all day, decried just in the height
of the excitement at 6: 26, the 4 -.30 train
being late. Many private parties, know
ing the occasion was to be one of unusual
. rdat, accompanied the crowd to view the
ridiculous and sinful display, it any unnec*
casary expense made now certainly is. Hi*
1 Honor Judge Orvla, Mr. C. T. Alexander
and Mix Constance Richards were among
' thoae who vUitcd the Capital.
j —The people of J}<dlefonte are either
J very recktaie about the life and limb* of
their neighbor*, or *ie over-religious, a* an
| old lady we once heard of wn. In peat
j ing of the mow and ice upon her pave
| mcnt, *ho remarked that the Lord ptil it
1 there and ih* felt bound to wait until the
! Lord would take It away. It wat a won*
derful and credilablo reliance, prrhap*, hut
not entirely tafe or comfortable for thoae
who were compelled to rik their neck* by
the ue of the pavement. If our people are
' equally conicienliou*, they cao at leaat
prevent tho coasting which pre\ail* men
j tensively on the mst dangerous place*, by
a little ashes, or something equally effect*
! ive, judivdotuly iprinklcd upon tbc tide*
' walk*.
—Rev. Henry Ward Iteecher i* happy—
at least, he rbotild be. The rale* of *eat*
In Plymouth church la*t week, notwith*
•landing the dull time*, realized s*>,ooo
more than la*t year. For a similar reason
a certain merchant of our town nhould al*o
be in a very happy late of mind ; for if
the atore over which he preside* continue*
to *el! uch excellent ready*made *uiu and
hat* and cap*, a* have bee.i leaving hi*
! store of late, hi *ale will incrcas* per hap*
1 more than $5,000 over former year*. J.
Newman, Jr.'*, Allegheny street, i* the
—ln Huntingdon county the jury in the
ca*e of Hon. II M. Bpatr v*. Al. Tyhurt,
of the Huntingdon OloCe, returned a verdict
of "not guilty," the co*U to be divided
between the litigating partie*. In Centre
county the verdict of all the jurie* ia that
J. Newman, Jr., Allegheny street, make*
the bet fitting clothe* for gentlemen of
any Arm in town, and atraightway file off
and get measured for new *uit*. They are
I perfectly willing to bear the trifling cot
which it entail*.
—Millhelmer* are easily satisfied. The
Journal think* the Inmost craving* of their
*outa should be appeased If a turnpike i*
constructed from that place to the Fork*.
This the aforesaid journal antieipatea will
be acootnpllthed, after which those happy
people whose homo is by the mill will
forever be subject* of envy to their more
fortunate brethren In other place*.
—Friday's contribution to local excite
ment wa a small boy drevaod n la Indian
In war paint and feather*. Following him
appeared the "Wandering Nomad," who
ia about tha same aa ever, and say* that
Mr*. Captain Jones, of the Tyrone Harold,
can make better buckwheat cake* than any
other lady In thla country.
—An old and much respected colored
man named Frank Johnson and generally
known under the cognomen of "Old Frank
Johnson" died Thursday last. He wee
over seventy yean of age, and, we believe,
had alwaya been a resident of thi* county,
lie was buried on Saturday afternoon.
—During 1178, 4,0X7,885 ton* of coal
and coke were carrM war tha IVnnayl
vanla railroad.
—Our friends of the Luthoran denomi
nation will bo in a festive mood for two
long day* next week, and they threaten to
give our people nuch an extravagant feast
of good thing* a* to tax tho be*t skill of
our physioian* for tho next two weeks. On
Monday afternoon and evening all other
business must cease and every ono must go
to the Lutheran parsonage and partake of
tho elegant dinner and sup|ier prepared as
only Lutheran ladies aro capable of prepar
ing them. Take along sufficient cbangn to
buy soino of the ico-cream, cakes and
chicken salad, which will lie extra, —not
only extra in price, however, but extra
line, tin Tuesday evening they will be
prepared to serve out oysters and coffee to
all who will visit tho parsonage, and every
one who loves oysters and appreciate* an
elegant cup of coffee will do wetl to attend
It wouldn't bo a bad idea for some of our
famiiiv* whose maternal heads aro weary
of tho ceaseless round of pre|>nring break
fast, dinner and supper to d>> without cook
ing for th.we two days, amd just step over
I to tho Lutheran parsonage and get what
| they want.
—A boy in Williamsfmri was run ove
i by a horse in August, 1870, the horse haw
j '"g been frightened by the noise of the
j Calliope, or "Dovilieon," as some term U,
• attached to Cole's circus. At the time, the
boy 's father was offered SIOO by the rnan
! ag'-mcnt of the circus, but refused it. He
then commenced a suit for SIO,OOO dai.iog<-s
against tho circus, and last weak, after
waiting two years, recovered $27.00.
j When the lawyers' fees ore paid bow much
belter off will the man b than wWn he
j began the suit ?
—Mr. Ilk-hard Harris, who at present
i is a guest at the Bush House and engaged
in the service of tho Valentine* at the
Forge, met with an accident ,n Tuesday
noon last. He was standing on the stoop
of tho forge office, just ready to jump in
the sleigh and accompany Mr. Amos
Mullen to town, when he slipped from the
jairch, striking his head n* a stone. The
wound inflicted wo* quite severe, but we
hope it will soon heal, and that Dick will
be able to puraue HU customary round of
i —The following were the officers elm-ted
by the stockholders of tbe Itald F.sgle Val
ley railroad at a meeting on Tuesday of
last wes-k : L. A. Markey, President;
Kdmund Dlanchard, Treasurer; Thomas
A. Scott, C. A. Mayer, A. G. Curtin,
James Gamble, John Irwin, Jr., and A.
jC. Noyes, IMrectors. A dividend of four
j per cent, was declared.
Mrs. Kdward Tyson received a very
serious fall Wednesday evening, January
IS, returning from prayer-meeting at tbe
Luthoran church. Tbe walk from tbe
| church is very step, and Mrs. Tyson
slipped striking tbe back of her bead. The
aid of a physician was secured.
—Whoever was so fortunate as to pas*
• long Allegheny street yesterday about
mem was forced to run a gauntlet of snow
ball*. School wr.s just out and the snow
was soft, and tbe well-packed missiles flew
thick and fa*t. He was fortunate who
escaped them all.
The Middle Penitentiary Commission
will m-ct in II inting lon on Tuesday, the
j 28th, wb-m they will either wake up those
! Huntingdonitr* or else leave the place.
—■' nil* shovelling is just now tbe most
profitable pursuit.
Mitv WILL Voc—Allow a cold to
I advance in your system and thus encourage
' mora serious maladies, such a* Pneumonia,
Hemorrhages and Lang troubles when an
immediate relief ran be so readily attained.
fi-aeheet Herman Syrup has gained the
largest *ale in the world foe the cure of
Coughs, Colds and the severest Lung lbs.
ease*. It is Dr. Boche<-'* famous German
prescription, and i* prepared with the
greatest care, and no fear need lie enter
tained in administering it to the youngest
EMU, a* per directions. Tbe **k; of this
D unprecedented. Since first in
ured there has been a constant iniroas
j ing demand and without a single report of
a failure to do its work in any case Ask
your Druggist as to the truth of these
remarks Large sir.a 75 rents. Try it and
be convinced. Sold by F. Pott* "Green,
wholesale end retail. 20-eow-ly
PERSON* who are troubled with weak
ness arising from a disordered state of the
I rinary and Pro-creative Organs, such a*
Indisposition to exertion, Losa of power,
or memory, difficulty in Breathing. Ner
vousness, Trembling, Weakness of Vision,
; Wakefulness, Pain in the small of the
bark, Muscular Lassitude, Hot and Dry-
Skin. Rruotipna on Face, Palo complex
ion, Ac., should at once procure a bottle of
Compound Fluid Kxtract of lluchu. A
judicious and prompt use of this preparation
, may bo relied upon to give tone to the Or
gans, restore their power and remove the
symptoms. Price one dollar—six for five
dollars. For sale at F. POTT* (IKXKX'S
Drug rttora, Bush House Block. ly-'JHeow
THE a* never was such a really (good,
substantial, satisfactory, and rapid-selling
first-data Lock Stitch Sewing Machine
offered ao low aa the "N aw FAMILT SHUT
TLE,' reduced to only $25; more complete
with equipment*, and lower in price than
any other machine. It ia elegant In work
manship and finish, surpasses all other* in
it* work and fulfills all tbe requirements of
every family as • helper. Thoroughly
warranted by written guarantee for five
years, and kept In order free of charge, It
will do every deecription of work—fine or
coarse—that any machine, at any price,
ever did, or can do; equally as rapid, cor
reet, smooth, neat, end strong. Has all the
lata Improvements, is easy to team and
manege, Is serviceable, don t wear out,
always ready, and never out of order.
Beat G. O. D. anywhere with privilege of
examination before pay men lof bill. Agents
make money rapidly, supplying the great
demand tor this the Cheapest Machine in
the World. Territory free. AiUrett, for
descriptive books. Ac., "Family" Shuttle
Machine Co., 765 Broadway, New York.
Letter from Kaneaa.
(WrtMsnSw Um-Oatrr IVm.* <.J
"ATCHISON, KAN., July 14, 187 ' J.
Kansas ia bound to be the greatoat
Stale between the Allegheny and Kocky
mountain*. She lias tbe so J, tbe climate,
and the men to make her sncb. The
•oil is a* rich a* the Garden of Wen,
audi oan bo bought for n aeng. Under
tho late decision of Secretary Hchurr,
over tm million arret of land in t hie State
ia now open to pre eruption at $1,25 per
ncro, payable in five yeans, without in
ternet or taxes. These land* are a* rich
as Bny in the world, and lie adjoining
the great line* of railroad, built by the
grant of government lands. In each
land grant there wa* is reservation in
tkaae word*: "And all such land* ao
granted by thin section, which shall not
IH sold by *aid company within three
year* after the entire road shall have
boon completed, ahull lit subject p,
•demerit and preemption like other
j land*, at a price not exceeding $1,25 per
| acre. —See decision of Secretary Hcburx,
July 23, 1878, page 2; We have over
21,000 tnile* of railroads finished in three
sear,, in this State, and the whole ten
million acre*, tlitis opened to pre-emp
tion, lie immediately along side of these
great railroadi. Congress gave these
giant railroad cor|>orktions. in all, over
two hundred and twenty five millions of
acre*. It was the biggest ewintlle of the
Nineteenth century, but thanks to old
I'omeroy, (who bad the above clause in
serted) ten million acre* will now re
vert to settlers, at #1.25 |* r acre. The
railroad companies have been selling
these lands from to sl2 per acre.
Never before in the history of tbe world
ha* there been MCII a chance for men
j who want to preempt land*.
Don't misunderstand me when 1 say,
"thanks to obi I'omeroy." I am a
democrat, without fenr or trembling.
5 e*. liere in Kansas, where it cosis
something to stand up for democracy,
for there i hardly a democratic county
or district in the State. But give old
i'om. his due. He did more for the State,
and th- |*oor act tiers by inserting the
afort-attid clause in the great land awin
; die, than was ever done by any other
j Senator from this State, and this ia one
: of the reason* why the moss of the peo
ple here cling io old Pom. •* with
hooks of steel. We elect a L". S. Sena
tor here on the 2*l li instant, and while
I do not think Pomeroy can be elected,
it is a'>oul certain, that he can elect his
man, hut I don't want to write politics.
Kansas if a great State and destined
.to be far greater. It took Illinois fifty
' years to get one half million of |>eop!e t
while Kansas, in one hundred days last
spring, received over three hundred thou
*and, and this st ring wo expect a half
million more The last monthly report
of the Suie Board of Agriculture, shows
that the total amount of wheat sown in
j this State is 1.522.787 acres, which it is
estimated will yield at least twenty five
million hu*hels. Tbe winter wheat is
in excellent condition all over the State.
; From data furnished by railroad com
l>aniea and land officers it is shown that
1 over sixty thousand settlers have pur
chased in tbe last four months over one
million acrea of land, aad this ia tbe
j fall snd winter-
Atchison, which hardly existed
twenty years ago, ha* now over twelve
thousand people, nine railroads, an iron
j bridge costing over half a million, and
j averaging over SSOO per day in tolls;
over one hundred new buildings, mostly
brich, have been erected in the last
year. Not an empty house, nor an idle
man in the city—none at lewst who are
willing to work. Let the thousands of
idle men in your manufacturing lowna
conte here. They will receive a warm
and generous welcome. We don't want
' land nor railroad boni
speculators, nor tax title speculator*.
W have a full stock of them now.
Neither do we want men to come here
• to loan m-mey at 3 per cenf. per month j
( but we do Walll <urr.Mf, upright, hard
working men, with means enough to
j make a start, and such are sure to win.
North eastern Kansas i* an Eden of
loveliness—hardly an arte of waste land
—the soil as rich as a garden, with
plenty of e'esr sparkling streams that
remind one of old < entre, 'Tinton and
Union counties. Plenty of improved
1 farms, within five miles of this city,
equal to any in Penns, Brush or Nit
tany valleys, can now be bought from
#7 to SSO per acre. Wheat i* worth 78
cent* and other grains in proportion.
Seventy eight trams, mostly loaded with
grain, imrk, Ac., arrive and depart front
here daily. Land is cbesper than It
will ever be again. Send them on at
' Well rn*— ifcf * <f M
<■# fnlhwra ffllOil Us- hoi;
Vrll IDAV- the WfUL • t|*t |H# £|*t,
Tb" hoMMlrikl %4 Uir ffr#."
i RMBI< R—MoRNIanM.—At llm r***r. M ll*
I BmUx-r, t nim i|l>. pa., an J.iiumi %
l.tMa II Cmllh, JO.-,. Ml Jkn M kmtfc A to
MJ*Aailt* I#. M-iilm, t|] "4 I't*: nttlt.
| A|i llif TrM'^NNiK
T|M'. IV. !h-< iolt lt. IC. l r
Rrt * M M<-f P l>. Mt W.ili.m A
aM Ml* hnli Ana Hark. tnrtk ot llail M—n. U
j lIHTKW), Pa
SI 11(11,1 —* KA VI.R -On Jannai, I. ll* Hntf* (f
ll* l.rM'a lanali. lit Bt *'. l Jtam
j *i Imll and Kiaiaa R. Waat*. kufk uf aw Fanatat'a
Mill.. IV
PRICR-fIAWYKR-Al ll* oflk* ,< r n. Ilanpi.
J. I". ami Up k.ta. i* ||* ii, ,-t J.„imrp, l*T,
William All-n W* I. hith II K)l< htm. all
r Rnve> lmMM|i
RATH I'RBT-ITR BARTER.-Jaaaar, A. IT9. by R#f
J. Ran** Ak.f., Mr. Aaattn H Ihur-t am Ml*
B I*l Ji* TrxaMat, kMk nt Kag'a In* Maria,
r.wra naatrtr. IV
1. IKIMKR-tu HRiTK -M tha MnUolial Raiwwen,
Aamtarj 1% lU.k Una anil Mr*
] ROMM A R—MB AV KR —o* iha Ilk <4 Janaart. la
IValra 11*11. I t Rat. W R, *!,*. Laarta R. U<—
■Ban ami KaMa Waatar, MA at mar Contra Mall
MUM-NtaM ILIIW. al Ik. t*Maw n I k>r
artara, Mia. A J. At, C, fa VawntKl.. Mo.
Aaaalka law, arM W fnara, 9 Maßilta ami f Aa,-*,
MrCALMORT ~®a Bwnlar, Janaart Ik, <4 .naaaawi
aaatfOaa, Ml* Blt tk. Mai al*..!. aaklta at J,
Waait M.t Viw,, . t ,.i at.ml I* <•*,, Paaattd
joiftiUt at tVk**
g 1 7.KLLER A SON", j
R • l>Rt IMilfff*.
a! . M| ARrwtkrtWlßaw, , (
2, All Ilia Alaintam IVlral MtaHcMrnt ft
B.wrt,ttnnia *na lamllt MWaMj *
i*t|ari. 11 an**, >kn nU.t Rnnaa. 4< .At 3
vl . Mf i
MMW, flan, .•<. tm.
All nta4 Ua Alk-fV t>
R**atv* (WJU.II.
A a.I Allutt fnh-r*aty
Buy .i>4 Ml
On*. (MH>UI,
Ji A ist<r*. prmidrnt.
J. 1. VnnauT.CMM.r.
. e. hi MM, Kim'i. j r, HIHH. IMI.
Ktr**t. Ik-lli-h/nl*. Pa. (,
jc. t. ami anion. c.*. MIL
W-liwf.#l,l r, P# , iimt l r.AMiillMl In rriylofc r tir
inau. (ifllra in ikrvt<'i Uuild>M(. 1-1/
(JIIKIUKrS- SALES.*—Uy virtß*
A 7 uf am,dry iH> of Ki v I fWiftt. Lo.ii Porta* wl
t • IKtlllufll K| j..., IM.I ,-ftt „f -ft. fwtt f Ow
lamta I'l.-ft* "f l>nlr. <-Uhty. and U. to* liarufttad. Ihi.
<••11 U M iinMl- Ml. •( ik.r,gii ||nn, t>,
' •* rVlorh. P M, Hi. f.-llua-tog LwlM Mi
-tat. id lit. i!4i4>iih, l mi
No. 1 - —AI) Unit certain Jot or pirn - * of
1 groaud alt.,> it, UH aula*.d fill Matilda. WmtML
1 r..n*M,,, •> dr. uaoiity. pa, In ••*'! <4 and
>" f-4hio. -m lb* north by lob Mr. of <M. W |lo
; aun, d*t d. uai Ite *a.t \,y an A.j. on lb. aooth by
I'iaiik noil raroad.aad on ilironat I i High Hrw. i lu
nate. Mu a Mil M. and out wining n llteh m
•Mfaal and *<l*fttlto lank *'"ftg plank tmad aUart
■Hunt oi (i. ili*t*~ a ufaix-a loaga ftaid* terna!
l%< ' In *:* laUmxand to In 4>l w lb. )*<ir*lJ atf
11. Il I 'am wt.;.
No. 2.— A1l tJmt ci-rtnii. lot or fairo* of
d x.und • I*l. In IVuHai.iirg, Umol* I . u.lot'. I .of*.
oontilf, Pa .I. MMi inl an<! ilacriM .• Mbai: *to
lb'Ml by Mill .Irnl on vhaaootb by alaMt. <a* tin
0.-at and t.urib by grain ya l4. --a*. I.tirr', n fan nr.
fninrlb.; tb'lnott aran 1 .'1 a I.<br; lot*',
-iiuxb loll']iii| Mnt, nlra in **c*iiiuar u* a
I h* mid •* lb. |.i..|n.i, ,4 /Jon • I box n U Mot Una
s'liuat l.olb.rab < ob/f .goUub al li ..aktharg.
No. All the rttitit, title arid intmt
of ufd d.fr-tidar.u In and to Uiat r<-**ata t*.i or
|.ln. A land .itiuU In Lilnrly tnanalfti-, ualnna*
tj, I'm. bonded and dantailnd na f.ih.v* to oil Ma
11 Inning at a |.t on norU, lot of bald *•* comb,
il.. r,* I.* lamia of tin-bam* ,4 N.ian-1 Uo • I. oaa r.
H'fUi *0 <l.g ft .-at idT yi.|'.-a b. a (not. Ilnoa*. otaag
lan b "I M.I 100 I N lino k ♦ |arti Uo. k> a |-*aa. iban
ouialb Pi •><%. raid *:* in-xbt b. ItaU bod* liaaaA.
Ihaan < |i U>. aald rlot 1., ita aatatal ti.ynai.lb.
|An*a> of U binning, oonl-ainiftg aboui Inv an., ami
all.nan . ... g <La wnw Uwl ot Uud a
k II l.l*M ba J..bi 1.l ; ;.<t, on IV. IMb of 4w.
i-At lli. ro ti .-fv4o<; a lian.a dn.iilng '1 a 1. 000.
bun and ..that outbuilding?.
All lhi right, titlu apt ir,l-mat mf Uk
lift* labia in ll.al crflain tra I of uaoabf land an
al. .11 Infant to* Haiti,.. 1 . nix <"out,. iiaa 11 aod
nod'a a *arruat brai.b 1 V. Mm. lio>an, naniaiaanu
Pll ait .a num. of Iran.
All th<> right, tills t<l inlxmat of lh
I'd. ti-ia* t. tall. rotdain Ira. tOl na 111 a*ad 'r- f- naa.
atom I " it, (..at nblt*. (Vatx* faoiadf.pa an ill It
•ti l.fa oari.nl gaanixl I* J.ba flVidba tori.
< -r.laitort* >a, iwa>. a.a. an In A naal.
tak ri In irll-tai and V. !• a .11 aa tlaa |aafa*d, wl
IV n|abiirr logg.it and t. It. Idgg.li.
No. \ —All the right, lltln and iMmot
"I liar r.danl la aad to ail I lor I laalnaa (an* on
,o*ta ad laud attuala In !>noa> Pbaa. • —-<--| • l.an
nnlj I'a . albnulam Jar laot A l llraln. J*fc. *.
I 111 a I .1. t.f 11, r,a Ma., la*lao.to
nnuluinc lb acraa. tana or bog aiaod llamrta .
ral atal trt.d.f ba. a dr.art aat .dim Taj r an 1.
IWatM* Mlfnd tak'h In .t arlbao nlbn aba.
. d Jural. II nuaiaaa
No. •*.—The (atllotring durrilml hntir.
1 lag and M of gonad, to oil Tlaa aanl tnddbo;.
IUC tralr- ant lb. unll. rod. i 4 1 ' dnagla A ana
| rngb <4 HadM'dilo, ua a I'd Irtraraiiaa t ail aa n n .
af*i l.a.ndnt o ibt aaoat bj lot ad It. II Ibdta. iQlla
a-tillr l.j an all'J and naad by bit of J a nana ■ 1 n* ft"
Jtai l boil-ling ta ■ too dm ,-tank lw I. ra a.a a
iAn l*'i |a ft.a.l and In bad d**|t rlm I. lakaau n
•ftlka a ft-1 to In *44 aa lb |.f afw r*j ad An* at**
a'tla na ri.r of x ,ail*-l on or* aad r aliota
No. —The following taw
nf rTubftd. ta oil Aaad bairldifta a.a I*4 Oa mm mm
. oargV I Ib-li. bnlr-xn lb. .-.IV •*> ad Lfta run *.
aald IV-nnid,. oa. a I'd adj.anit.g gr aaodad li. a. -
■ao* m lb. Ml aad load. .Iran*, aa* a Ifttb 0 Aa*-
j l<a.| .Inrt an tb. aid, and loan ibm on (I* * na*
and la a 100 altniod Inxo. boo, IkCl} -too ted tin a
an Unn atrart and twrtrli fan* ba d*f*V and aa*
j avnj bit*ban, a b*a lonMUai ka by toted. ma d
tak-a la (t*l|. and to bn *44 oa tb* ,11 wnaif *
Monro* A Mar no an, * rajoWn] uoan out an
No. 7.—A1l that mrtnin l.< Id |ak*ro ad
gnu ad ulftal. 1* Bur* baadug, lot*. ii.Jt
I.>id*d ru ihr tank by bltlanj tbonteanoadl an
Valmtiar h.lra. *a tb* aaat bj lank. .< Ma* tel
oa tb* aonih bj land* id Joba Kin.aadu Mount
bj I alula 11 Jan. . M Iban. muiain -ng on nu ai -
or Una; ib-m-n r*rt*4 a Utg* b-bk .>.ll Iban baa*
bank bark and oUtn* roitlulldx.ga aim to mama
iVaiod bated l -kan In MntUo aod to baaaAikte
tb* (OrgtMlj of V<. I>. Bo
No. *— All IhntrorUin 1-4 r)tera4
1 grtoibd uinal* In lb* Morongb ad - - - - _ (U*.
I i jontr. Pa. bound*] and tenlM 010 Wo.to **
<jn Itir nortb b; tb* It.-bidn iu tbi indbi
j allay, on tb* aonlb bf lb* friaid i t bonk ote aC
*d am tb. out by tb* li*.u te..
•btul low art**,tool* M l*u. riiuaaurldai*
< alufy 4o*tllng ha*, X toontor* arknte MMe
I afatd* and <afb*r --.tbtuldinga Mda-d. labm to n_i
I cation an! to br l td n lb* Ibilr!a *dur*.
No. 9.—A1l lbs right, tiilo j.b4 mit **!
! f P in w.'nt in and to Ibal r-*rtai lot or j t..1l
gxiand Mttulr In th* tkmugb of lln tyobntg. Cftnaaa
I i.Ufttj, Pa. In..in And al.d ibualla-d a* bdiaaaraa a* *b
ll* Ik* north by I'd of Kb hard llaa* nad aolaato a*
i lb* araal I y ptofib ran,,nd aln-n .ft, lb- —nab oy bdad
K-doftl Uoad.uft lb* o*al b* Hoik 11--.-I fttranc, loam
lag on lb* *aid Knrth I'xul atrora faaiMaui*l*a
I"B.lilag Int-k i*> (.-*1 • at—. - - ■ -<| 11. Ma a
"O *ra*d*d on* toootory tram* .lombaM * 1 A
laiokiaj log dopilmg bo*, fran* dakb.aat adte*
ontluidinga Maud, tab** la .xa-aKaoa and 1* te
aoW a*lb* i-xgau't of P>4*t Kate
No. 111. —All tbewe lt hat* f gfrnwaat
ajlltal..] In o-al-a *■ f ' idl fai I
4** ribnd aa Mloo a, to oil : Aa* tb. tad kaaaakd . *
tb* berth by SMI lint ,4 ll**b-p ftn.i , w aw nam Vi
l<4 r4 J. B. Balfl **■ l-l. a>r,'k ba I uo, aaa* * 1*
I-ad. .a*! I.y lot of ||. Mi.*kntft| ,m >-*. Nteftaaa
ra**tod a I * .*4- r y (raaa* dorlliau boa**
AnoUirl thi-rtoif h*.u 11,1-01 toarth An
t rn|4k*. on lb-oal by tb* b*tnn Harrta. baanail.
*"ih I.y tal*aailaa; llnana ■ r t*d a taa— tm.
tiam* dordlfnc I***-. A*. b*i*xl. r.i-ara ■ iinaa
and to b* *4.1 a* thr imgaarty .4 IVaab. Itoaa'
Na). ll.—All that iH-rtaia H1 ul tun*)
aitoal* in flftgnftar ftabffs I'.Uir iiatf. P..
1.-anitod (fta lb' i*.rtb by l*nda or laang baado.au
lb* **at by landa la4.ft.ging a- I to- aad*** *a baoi
bid and A tola** !Aona*an*b. a. tb. a auk byte *.■
"t Tb.nnaa f IViMa and ll*nay Mntdu, aod aa ab
o. al I.y lan la „l J -laaalliaa M war mad Hon ITI in
' raortaiving I'd an**. n*ft* an I***, rft.ii an aoodtod o
j l- .aftdfj lirbb Vftft. lonk turn and . Wax .id ill,-
1 lug., all rb.nd aaol m gnad •*. ad .otoonaaa*
t~i tml tab**! la iinaitiii owl to a* aftddaa tga* *a*
j Ml of tv D. is—
No. 12.—A1l that rwrtnitt lmiUing na>:
bit *1 gtauaad. oil: hob! bnitdifto. foal dial - togb
bating a fiaut id to*otyuan*n baft aid a 4**ab .
••'*nt.-*a bad. uiftftx aqaaii a*. aaaaa I.ft ,d gaaund to
Roab t-a.mklg Cauta* - ana,. pa, t mg a M aa*
outb-onat by Unda of Alb.ia u toftro. oa tb* out
, *wl by IMHdta *a*l I'lillii abang langd* w te
anatli-ftoa: it M d li.d* ft M., < anau. and na tla
; ft-irt!i-Oift! by Uod at l ad.r Mnallt ui I tofcau
; In ***ratUo aaol In te- *44 aa tb* |*d* t] at 1 I*ll h
| Waanliark.
No. IS.— AU tht crrttilfi l<H or pinw <4
I rr->nnd idtoat* Ik Iptai lnotolifyi. fulaa maatj.
; Pa., f.-uaobftl and 4am rttnd to fadk.a-a at* gagMaH
j at a |di to** Id tb* *-Jlk-*l nnm ad baanml Roa*
I'd —I r.-. I b .-ling a# IVfd-i . Ibrnt* *l*m ami
, iw*t norab *1 'bg . tad In futoiba datoi Ainu
i a.fttb J atog. oiftt In tomb** to a atoMa an tor.
I Own * *teb nt itog- "Id* Id Jul,tea to atob* ant
j ft.ftti.mfta ad aid-toft baton-! Ita*r Kd: tbitea akao
, aabt bd Mb At do* -a.l In t* nkft to Iba glaa* t
; I—a Inning iwktotnteg mm t*w. awo* aft ban; lln raaa.
|***<l*d a to,**tufa taofft* 4o4ttag kaat, and atea
•MtlftilMlbfa Mated, tah.-ft In aAaa-aMiin and in bar
44 a* tb* ytargony of A. H Own.
| No. 11- All thai xertnib lot or yuuto of
c utnato la PbaJip.l-i.-vb tttaiugb, Oantor aoou
ry. I~ . Iwadad W ..am-ittml •• bdtoaao On (te
a rib id d I, l -igfto, o ite aou by teotb
rnorth adraod, o Ite MUtb by hi ad P aa. (KrtHiagaft.
naad uo tb* ft .-at by Nulb Otetn alraft*. bnutl'u *U
tb* aoikl booth (Vartao fttrrvft aw teg. and i atiadtog
•oik Jfr ted b> t*4d Nmab T-oith art it; tbi mm
ftm*ftd * ktoftfttory f- <-* ♦ dootMng bwnaa. r nil sad
ntlar* oottedbktaga. Mud, t*k*r. to nll at tan wad te
b*4dnaltepx*>*a -ft I, A tlmaaoa.
No. K.— AH th At Cd-tnid latnfghterf
gtoaaad aiino* in Ph tm kno riabto, f tuboaaaMßg, Pa.
Iftwanhftl <ai Ite onatb by lata# .ft A 4Mate biitluggai.
an IV* mad by i-lada nf 4 a*,. . baroto. an aba ni tob te
ban kad Jul,ft ago**, -t! t '* ite oaat kg baaateto
Miliiaan Maiioa*** .uwaaiattotg ntent Aaa*M AnMnaM
t*or, tb* u tau-'*y toato* boOMvategW
tmra x f ,<t r.- i a,tiu:M(og* toaxd, tobte ba ttonM
tte. and t„ te aau.t a. ite yftft-curt j Mf J*bn 1 iton.
No. 16 — Ait llini " Ttniß lot or tritoa Mf
groom! adtteto <n tb* b - teb df IVdlaAtotov Onngte
nutt. P*, tetei no th* todtb by <Wb aMn.
■U lb* Mud ka In* ,4 E. Ik. llbta. < ika nmm, te
Unn tx. ■ ami na lb* Wank by hd <f Oteta* Pnlaai.
fteteing on mM t > . wrotd W) (tog. mSmSBS
hack *<r (<H t tobl Ibnrrb alWy: Haftteaateada
l>.>•!*< (raw* do. lima buna*and tote* nil nl iiumi
Mtod. tftk*n te tetteHiii* *rd tuteadM to4b* a*—
pan, .4 ~ u*. A IN. I. tedtete*-
Ttete llaa* K„ .ftada oiu bo ■ kill ladiiil 4Mg
tb* pom It .** an.i *y ta j* 4 in %|fcW
JOBS —r,m--rmr
. . - .
e. <- ... ' ■ -