®he (Centre Jprjunrral. BELLKFONTI, I* A.. AiaHICTJLTVIIAL. NKWH, FACTS AND SINK JEBTIQHS. TIB TUT nr TBI DtTMU *W*SI TM* ISTUJJ asxca ** muaruiitv or TH KMU. Krery farmer in hit annual eseperxcnee d'fenoer* something of ratue. WriteXl ami newt it to the "AgrCmttuml Kititorcf the. DEMOCRAT, Itellei'onte, J'eaa'a," that other farmer* may hare the benefit of it. Ioneut as The Husbandman ami we congratulate the farmers of Chenmng county ujion hav ing in their midst so valuable and well sustained an institution as this club. WILMER ATKINSON, of the Firm Jour nal, has placed us under obligations for a neat little pamphlet on the '"Culture of Small Fruits," a copy of which he will aend free to nny one sending him their add res by postal card. Care of Poultry ia Winter. Wc are almost afraid to write what we know on this subject, for two reasons. First, the careful poultry keeper will baldly believe we are stating facts; while the great majori ty, whom the shoe may pinch, will scarcely thank us for exposing them. This matter, however, must lie re formed, and the sooner we begin the better. Too many farmers take so little interest in their poultry, as to leave it to take care of itself, for the most part. These arc, universally, the ones who declare poultry-keeping does not pay. Hut, we protest, these men are not competent to give an opinion, if it were possible for their fowls to rise up in judgment against them, they would be condemned. To force fowls to bunt their own living; to expose them to all the vi cissitudes ut the weather; to chase theiu out of the liam or stables, when they have crept into them for shelter, or to lind something to eat, is sitnply to abuse thern, ami the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals should look after their owners. When, after being thus abused, they are slandered, and declared worth less nuisances, it is adding insult to injury*. On very many farms the fowls may be seen, this cold weather, huddled on the sunny side of a building or straw stack, with frozen combs and wattles, wailing for the warmth of the sun to give them some comfort. They may steal as much as they can tit as long as the pigs are fattening, if they be not shut out of the pen, but, after "butchering" is over, they live a more precarious life than the ""tramp" in the highway. Tlu-re is a fietter way to care for fowls. No one should keep fowls who is not able and willing to pro tale some sort of shelter for them, ami give litem a reasonable amount of care. As we have stated already in these columns, the accommodations iwftl not be ex|iensive, but they should le comfortable. If nothing U*twr can be had, a "lean-to" may lie Imilt apdiist a building, or bank, or fence, with rails or |>olcs, ami neatly covered with straw or corn-fodder. .Hake the covering thick enough to lusrp Ule wind and rain out, and put encngh [H-rclics in to accommodate nil the occupants. Make W>c place large as will he necessary to give l-h-tiiv of room for all the fowls, and with reasonable rani in feeding and wotormg. they will do very well, pro vided tiiey have not been too much aimsed In-forc being put into such quarters.— Practical Farmer. T.dlow for wagon grease—saya *"lJr4{ier .lames"—-and there is noth ing 1 s-i.u-r or cheaper. Melt the tab f .w slowly in an old pot or dripping |CUK putting in enough to make it ••wwthird full or less when melted. FHT the vessel with coal-oil and set it mof doors to cool. Pour off what *l I—III I lis on the top, and you will (save a splendid grease, for all kinds of wagons, and of just the right eewsiatewcy, whether the weather be cwld or hot. It will take much lesa esal ia summer than In winter. Itc anas to use enough coal oil to have a little renming on top after the tallow seettan to the bottom. In summer, thaod should he poured off on a cool naming or your grease will be thin. rw Journal EDITORIAL ROTES. OEORCK SI.AUOIITKR, a farmer of Orange -county, N. V., found thirty eight of his flue flock of sheep dead one morning lately, umt of the remaining fifty-five but five or six were uninjured. I Another farmer, in Carroll countv, < >hio, 1 lost one hundred and eight bend of sheep between June 28 and December 4. Dogs-did the business in both cases. One of the crying needs of the farm ing community just now is more dogs. Sheep see of no account anyway. THE Patrons of Cayuga county, %*. V., have a "Tire Ilclief Association" which conducts its business at a cost of less than a one-tenth of one per cent, on the amount of property insured. This looks as though "administrative abili ty" and "business capacity" were *iot altogether wanting, among even farm ers. As an evidence that the business, or profession, or culling—which ever yon please to call it— of farming is rapidly taking its proper place of mi|>ortanoe in all the world's affairs, we notice that even the great magazines of the country, *up|>o*ed to be devoted chiefly to matters interesting to literary or scientific people, an* giving a generous share of their attention. The October number of Harper's contains a descrip tion of Mr. Starr's celebrated butler farm, known us "Echo Farm," iu Con necticut, and the January numbtr of ScrUmrrs has an illustrated article on the Pull's Head, Cattle and Horse Mar ket of New York, containing a deal of information and numbers of hints of great value to all thinking farmers. AT the late Birmingham, Eng., fat cattle show, a single animal, across be tween a Shorthorn bull and Called cow, and weighing twenty-five hundred pounds, took not only the "first prize in the class of cross-bred," hut #'.'2o in special premiums, "besides the Hiking ton Challenge Cup." That is making boef to some purpose. And only to think that the happy winner of all these premiums had ail that mountain of beef left to dispose of at fancy prices. THE terrible "cold wave" through which we have just pasted will, we fear, tell with adverse effect upon the com ing wheat crop. Wherever we went we saw wheat fields blown almost or en tirely bare, and the young plant* ex posed to the severity of the wind. The Fiction of the Bheep'i-Foot. The erroneous notion, still current in various quarter*, that something can come of nothing by the griciou* aid of sheep, i* successfully combated by a practical flock-master, who, writing in The CINCIA'UIO Times, presents in spright ly fabion a few truths for whom they may concern : Wc frequently see absurd state ments to the effect that "the sheep's foot turns all to gold"; and that there is no steadier or surer way to fertilize a barren-field than to put a flock of sheep to pasture upon the briars and weeds in it; that, in effect, sheep will live upon the |>oorest food and make the richest manure and are thus the very !est stock a farmer can keep on his farm. Hut those "who have been there" know better. "Sheep are always an unhappy flock"— ore* *emper infelis pent* —wrote the old author Virgil, and many a man who has lieen deluded into keeping sheep in the vain ho|e of finding gold in their foot-tracks, has found out "the truth about it" Now, having been through the mill, and having turned defeat into victory by disabusing my miud of the com mon fsllncies about sheep, I warn in tending shepherds that there is no other domestic animal that needs bet ter care or fowl for profitable thrift than sheep; that out of their finely grinding manure-mills eotucs noth ing that is not first put into the ho|>- l*r: that yet with proper care and | skill, a well-selected flock of the right kind of sheep, in the right place, can ! lie made to pay 100 percent, of their cost every year. It is true that a flock will clear a field of weeds, briers and rubbish, ami will enrich it; but it will not live upon these. To relish this rough heritage, the sheep must be fed liberally upon sup. plementary food, such as bran, meal, cut clover, grass or green corn fod der, and always a pint a day per head of linseed oil-cake meal, bran or oth er grain food. Then with this alloy, the sheep's foot will take on a gold en tinge, ami will edge with gold the farmer's pocket, by making his |ioor lauds rich; giving him at the same time a lamb or two and a fleece every year. A field may be enriched, too, by sowing rape seed, at the rate of a peek per acre, and when the crop is of thrifty growth, mav be turned in to eat it down through the late Fall and early Spring; thus fitting it tor a crop of corn, oaU or roote, next year. Hut the sheep must have their pint per day of bran or oil meal even then. The fact is, sheep are manure spreaders, rather than manure-makers. We feed them with the material; they Uke their jmy out of it, and give us hack the remainder, transformed in to 11 substance of equal value-be- cause it is more available—with that which they receive, and they get fat meanwhile in doing It. J unt an we give 'the mint a bug of gold dust and wo got hack exactly the same weight of gold dollars, while the corners are fed upon it—but without the dust we get no dollars. So with sheep ; if we don't fucd them with the materials needed to tnnkc fat for themselves and rich manure for us, they will be as unprofitable as Pharaoh's lean kino. TIMELY TOPIOB. Parrel a few long keeping apples and place them 011 the ice in the ice house for use next April or May. Tarred building paper, tied about the trunks as high as the full width, is a sufu and effective protection agninst rabbits. Study up the fruit question now. There is money in growing fruit, but brains are essential to success in the business, lirains arc un iiupoi taut as the trees! Farmers usually kill and market their earliest ami best chickens, sim ply becuuac they are the best and largest. This is a serious mistake. The very choicest of the whole flock should bo kept to produ.ee his next year's supply. A small amount of oil cjkc given to fattening animals will assist great ly in the fattening process. One pound to five jsjunds of corn meal will be found to have an excellent ef fect. It is a good way to feed it with cut straw or corn fodder. Mr. Charles Robinson thinks that if we are properly prepared we can make hotter as cheaply in Winter as in Summer. If properly fed and cared for a cow will do as well in the stable and u|tun grass. Even in the East there is yet much room for im provement in Winter care of ntock. The judges at a poultry show in Canada the other day were discourt eous enough to Mash nil the sable off the legs of liiack Spanish, and paint front the feathers of game fowls which an ingenious amateur had fixed up expressly for the oc casion with a nice regard to all the artistic points demanded by the standard of excellence for perfect birds. Farmer Meehi sjieaks of it as "an unprofitable mistake" to suppose that sheep do not need water. He invariably gives tlicm the op|>ortuni ty of settling that rjuestion for tiiein selves, and it is suprising to sec how much they drink, especially milk giving ewes, and ail sheep when eat ing cake, meal, etc., in addition to their green food. He attributes his trifling loss in sheep and lambs dur ing the past thirty years to their having constant access to wati*r. .Snow trill not answer ax a substi tute. I liavc found tliat bees in movable- ; comb hive* require more care in wintering than in plain hives. There is HO much more air space around the frames that the hives arc neccs- ; sarily colder than where the movable frames are used. The honey-board ought to lie taken oil" and a piece of wollen cloth or car|>ct tacked on the top of the hive. One or two strips should he laid across the frames to j keep the cold from them ; a news- 1 pnper folded neatly and laid over the t loth completes the preparation." ! Xrir Aitrrrtinrmrnt*. | \ F. FORTNGY, I "• ATTfISSSr \T t.*W. Hri.Lßrosra. r*. | Utt d*nr to th# L#fl In th# Cowri IIMW*. t-ly V. A. WAILS' • L t|BA j \\" A I. LACK A K HERS, f * attorkkt r VT-LAW, n.r.AßiiKi.n r \ Will tt#nd iml try mn##q t H#U#l*nt# wh#n p# flnllt r#tnn#d. I ly ETUNI FTELDING. ATTOSSST ST I.AW, u.b.Aaricu>. PA. Odlwrtlon# mod# and promptly nnlllwl. l-ly WILLIAM McCULLOI'OH, ATTOHNKV AT I.SW, r i./.A RHKI.D, r \. All bualn#i promptly ntfrndrd to. |.|jr t it ktiiAt. rr*n oomnow MURRAY A GORDON, ATTORXM S-VT I.AW. CL.L.4RTIKI.D. FA. Will tt#nd th# H#||#fint# C.mrto w|#n ap#* tolly #mphy#d. 1 )y I L. SPANG LEU, ATTOIISKT AT I.SW. RKU.KFOXTE. CKTTRROOOKTT, PA. SJIWUI .ilrallmi In r.dln^lnn.: |>fw|ln< In .11 Ih* (Vmrta; CMMBIUIWIB* IB II.IHI < * IMi. My r P HIPPLK. ■ • ATTORSRT AT-f.AW LOCK HAVKN.PA. All (m*iß*M t.romfitly ait. *M l My DS. KELLER. B ATTORNRT AT I.AW. (Wcw Smith wd* nf Utnamud, t n*ll.fimte, P*. A. MOW. I. WBBUtT ÜBUt. TAG AVER A GEPIIAUT. ■ ' ATTORSRYR AT I.AW. oar. Ml AU*ab*ay (te*t, tenth of lllgh, R*tl*- jnnl*. PM. * C. . tut HtftßU c. a . te>w*B \ LKXANDKIL K BOWER, _ . ATTORRRTE AT LAW. SrlUAml- P . may b* mnmlted la Kaglteh or Ore ■aa. Otr in Oanaaa'* fhritdtag. My QAKMAN'B HOTEL, OMwdi# rvmft II.HW*. HKI.I.KPOSTR. PA. TKRM* AMI PKR DAT. A md tdnry mwlml. J.|y A LBERT KAUTH, XL. RARRRT AMD CnRTKCTTOKKRT, Rtehoo Stfm. SO. J?™ 1 • mauup etrni BMirry, Wf SOU Mil, P. AVtfj AdrDrtinrment*. SECHLEIUCO.; G HOC KltS, KKUITKHS nnd CON K KC'TION KKH, Holiday Goods. HEGILKIC rCOBIHA ORANUKB, -rp Das Ba HKCULKU NKCHLKIt WHITK A I.M fell IA ORAPKR, llaa •SKCiILKIt dnml *aalit) 1iii,.,r1.l IHTATUKH. rlndra ataich, s np.l II I, r. It Irrtaut .IWnalji |„ r wlnlrr Uan— Kl'll.'llLKlt aouud aoJßiui. ML-1 <|> t L- I* Zvt- uiSu CttARBKIIRIKH. It,. 1,..1 Capa O-l Mil 111.P.1t and J.r.<. aurlaiira SKCULKK BKCHLEH ">''^P"*k' 4 ( RnsralfU, | y Itxtorim, Knllttia nnd < tl rB. SKCIILKK CHKiHK, |>rtta# mild, full cravat, II i'c !! XI T*—I 4 rlrwM |Ht|cr n|ielJ Mm'.n-I*, n "' l lll'l'lk I'hMM, Kliflluli \S nltiut* Hr-rll .HKriJLKU ritsiout. mi!t.fk , Fu SK4'IILKK IVfrl*Nii Alrii"i>d SKOIILKK CAXXKI) FBI ITS—• I'aa.baa, I'aarv SKCH LRU T'ik! , Mlr*%(srrrirs, r.ifvt. Piw BK( , H LKK A j'td 4 **- *4tiif u a lis, FMB K ,t,* h SK(*I!I KH a dm. .SKrJI LK)i LKMgSH, fli*f BPW fruit. kL'f 'll I L 4 1/ T14- Olltw, I'i'kid (lt*tpfp, >rA llldhK lUr.Uii"*. I 4 kl-. lletU, iu,kr t SKI 'II LKK J4*"dil, GeUllfif, t'!' nißftj|l.liiUCrl'h|4, KlGuvk'. f!fs ;. . (•(% HUidil, ftlUij' r NuU, Hi SKCULKK < L'i !i r'l'!i CFiNrECTIoXKIIV. Cbm-dal* Cat . unoo. Kimaled Almond. I. S KCII LKK Hum i iii., Bi SKCII LKK < >***4 Aim Ff-nrl. u*h, SKCII I Kit ,u '' * larUtir* of fun SKCULBIt SKCULKK KHfXK rruhtllfw, Vig*. fl*r KutiuM W*• lurf etef t thing tht III* Mißifkwt* ff< | |h OUt lilt* of I uih-4M. U tinpli tn BLI.UKrOMTK. PA. TIIK ost.r riMT-cUAM mm;:. is TIIKOTT. TMJM . J Item*, n.t* I (H IS ROLL, 1 J RASIILONARI-R |W*'T A HIOKMTKRR. upjtO.U fluh ll' mm, hrliiluAlf, I'M.. )-!♦ GREAT REDUCTION. ECONOMY 18 WEALTH. Tha iiuil (75 liicil;::; rtlizti U c&Ly (25. 81.50 PER WEEK. I li.i'kn iV NVimmi I Y>> t. "THE l AMILI" SHUTTLE COR SEW I Mi Wv MACHINE. M"(in(Ml q|>a on# phdiat#d .r 4W Mark vtlnul t*>p i UU* ftnd trmdlt, < will) • liMU §MAm*i •if nsitiM lhn *(•} mM Mn<. •• wiahea l w fr • lt*inr.fd nii lr* limn H)U tut rtlll Of any lit nwblMM n iA h#*rj •* *• Hl nt !**# coat. twfw #*ailt. RWKfbl; nod f*#t#r, nn4 with In* labor or ttwnldr lban an; other marblnwn, iTAtI mn , #*•* 414 or rn do. It wfll •#* anything a frmdt* r* pf#cw. fhww lore or rwmhflr to hnrjr 'Mh or hamena. with any kind#4 thmwl. and run 4 tw#rty yard* |#r ml nut#: n##n a atronc. Mrl#hl n#odl#. mil i,nrf t*#*ka (hem. It nant mhw ir draft a atlfrh. raT#l r***k thn th#*4. The annnjdwinall; rWonlod if it will not oi'ttoii and t*vnJM any ma hirie at d alla Ih# prW. If you hart* any aihwr nun hln#. buy tbfw ami hate a lelt#r one. The *•*# and rapidity of lie motion and quality of lie **-r*k la Ita heat h><)m#mla Hon. It will hem, fell, twrk. braid, ant mmMit# #t#r Intwntrd. The PlT™* of rnir nawr tna. many am h Inferior and dd-atyl# mwlNiiM Mn|t offered aa new at rMwwl prtpd I" en. pul oC U> mmlrx, ha m.H. r Wow moot. lb. pltr. Nw; he, an.l w.f. Mlmp fw.r niw4, |.b pHrtln* of a TMMWa uuHauma lfcr patboiit t kill, of Ml OfMpt ef pile, tij Utlff. M.mf. OHM. OI IWalt. AfVU wanted lbfm('lMii lb. onanlf* (* lht, iWa h*a| .*l, wait Mltefw i i aad raald aallHig XKblb. !■ tho world. I'M l.teial Imhb iMm *AMII>V SIIRRTI.K MARHIXA on.. I t/ J?M Wrwdway. We* T.wli^ "VTOTICE U hereby glvnrt, tht p- It pHrallnti will Wa taadabo Iboard of /ardoi.. M Ute Vardoß af * W. UM. at BtoHfay of Mb* >aM Slid im (bo ArH Twwf*j jf Mrwri, M* j I MIW 111 ARN ESS MANUFACTORY A A tB Oanoßa'a Wo b, MRUirroXTK. PA WIJ TOB PUfNTfNQ of *ll kindsW O tj natebd Bl tfea KMOCIUT orftrt iv , | [ARDWARB. WILSON, McFATILANE fc CO. DKALKIW IN STO VE S ANI) I ANG ES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, RAKES, FORKS, OIR/.A.IDIYEjS So SCYTHES. SOLK AGENTS FOR .J OI IN SOX "K K A OHO MI NE. AM.BOUERT BTftKET, .... II(.'MM' BOWK. .... BKU.tr.JXTr.. rt OKLLKKONTK & SNOW SHOE Ml II K.—Ttlu*-TaU lii cffcM I ..u *u>l afi<-r iJa. 31,15T7 : tswia* Sou* Pli< 7. VI . arriin In Illtaf.,,t. Vpi a. 11-llifuoU 10. Jut. ii .uilikii Km,* SJaua ; 11.'>7 1. a IBw, Rbw 242 r w.mrrire* In IblUfoi.t.. 4 12 r ■>. l-aa.-a It. I! n f.r. t' 4 I- U Mfrll.* .1 Snu SI ~xr BXT r. a. IJAMI'I. kiioal'S, liMi.rnl Sujn'iinl^fi'l,.,,!. .Z--'. I>A I.l> EAGLE VALLEY HAIL- I > Iti I All -Tit...- Tutle, It 31. 1.77 I Ftp. M*ll WUTVARO. turtiln Ki|i Malt ' ■ * ■ ca. m . * f4 ft 10 Atrit> ai Trr-tie 7 o% % . 7 f * ft tfl la-str 1.4t Tjirndt !sf*7 1T ft t7 U b M M V*i| 44 710 ft 41 74H UUJ ...... 44 |UM £•! 44 ... 7X\ *47 7 .14 640 ...... 44 If At iik h 44 ... 7 .Vi UO2 7 '/ft b }| ...... 44 MatiMa M ... 741 ull 71* A2l 44 Martha 44 ... 7 b'i V 'jii | 7 &10 4 * JHlmk •' ... *Ol V ;>< ft 4* 4 " I h ion till* 44 . kll 042 t. 41 4lt ...... 44 ►♦*• "iioe In 14 it ;| 9 M 6Li 4 4' ...... 44 klii'wburff " ... **24 9 7*4 .ft 4V 44 It. IL f nfe 44 . .2 10 • 8 4 ..... 44 Vil-.1-ip*. 44 a4%10 1 ii * 4i ftmii i ii '■ "** 4 10 44 )*'. itit 44 M 9 (to 1' to ft <■ I r#2 ...... 44 ||.rd 44 ... 9 ENNSYLV ANI A RAILROAD. ■ —(Adikkßk an lEa i. PMAa) —On aa:(&• " I. - llai.n (i (' aln " to |M .rrlit-a at Kr|a . ; X'- j. ttt MAUAIiA i..i 1!.-. Iran. I il.l to FAST I.IMi ).a. run I,|,.Via II 4- a in " lllt|ill|„_.. 2 ,V. y iri " W illian n-rt 7 Sin in " Mli'ia .1 Lw4 llavn . a ~ KAaTWARII. PAOrIC KXI'IIMS lai 1., t Uaa.ti .. CC>a n. - iama,.*rt 7 a arrlamial tlarrlaSnsvj* II V, , a, l'liltaiS.i|>l, l* i 4 , I- w :>av r.\i ni.-s i , .r, " I. 4 BMM 11 7"w \l : . 12 4la u, •m*a M llams. i; 4 1 |. m - rUUM|4iiia ; jt r> , l llir MAIf. !. . I! nr.,. r is* k llavan U4A m * 11,-a 1,. 11 II 4 - |iu : { " animal ll.t . ~.r jr. - esUaA. '(.1.1a 1 M a a FAST LISK laniM U.11i.u., ~1 Jj .an, " nrriinaalll - , " MUlmMpMn 7X.. . 1 r- !a.l W|. M...1, i:i|,. w,.i. 1... Ull , I B<<',t.inaBati'.ti H.-< i..| In, I . i ,n1- iwl -aal N.n11,u:,,1.,1.i. J ,l„ J. A ||. Ii K.'t.a .1 > ... , I'M.- Vail Mral S ~ nl, ||.| T,(, 1 l.! TV— I* . .1, al.il I. ■ a llao , A< "Uynolatini. U al. , tl ■ al iicu. -na|aa|f *Hu X C. A , Ir. . n-nil, Ijl' M..11 Slat, Vlajl'a ] ijana \l ..t, a:,4 f*aj J i;i|.|n.ri,l.l ,1~. ia*oU.al U-i. ll.ami 1 W .K I! I \ II I! If . Kila 44 1 r.a-t , i M .1 la, K'.* ntU, (rain, ' • n I. • a M a II II .1 I ~,1, II I A * \ H ! I: al i |>...1f1 nllt, 4 V II fl i Call.* ,< mil fan Philmni|.liU u>4 I Miliuam.,. .ll ■I, V.. a, a ) .. W ,t. Fj„. I.i, ~.. M..1, [1,. „},1 ( -a 1a,,.., K..1 ...I N< F.v. a, >1 ku4,, l"a,-f... r.a.l IW,4n| .ra or, nil MlllU-airt Ma A lltuaia, , Oml Safiw lalfiliat. I 1879. THE PATRIOT. 1879.; Got Up a Club aud Recoiv* Your ! Fapar Fro*. The DAIIT PATRIOT will be sent by i msil to clufw t the following trUs : if.XV pm 1.-J f |r Jem! In . rlnl, of Sr.. *!. M |r ,* ,aa, In ■ rial, of >. 0# |wr , ~ j i*. j *mt 1.. . ' *** p Ik' i lot,. ratna for j'Bila <4 a jam. The Wrkklt PATRIOT will be M>nl bv rnßil Rt the followinc rotes: W IS> |T annam lor aln*la fpy. tl .40 pm annum par n,.t to a rlnl- nf four ft JB par annum paa nnf, to a r|a4afS|lil It 4*i pat annum pat nop, to a > I al. of Mlaan. '■ *VOI P* innnm pa. cnf'T I" flat, of Iklrtj. *lA' par annum par o npf In a rial, of Wlj. ' ki74 par annum par rop* to a flat, of on. tmmtrmL ' Aa4 on. n0,., fp* (in- on. J aar In rtrr, ma. to palter ' npofifaK Thn esh mint seeempttiy all orders to f insure attsnlion. All money should be i sent by post otHoe order or registered letter, otherwise it will be nt the sender's ' risk. Address PiTfttnr Pt nt.Tsmxc Co., Hr.rrisburg, Ps. I OROCKERHOKF HOUSE, I > BKU.KriiNTK. rA Hor.SKAL & TELLER, Proprietors. flr-oA .Knrmptf -m on Pint f'l< r, •R-Tra. tMiaa la aoA from all Tralna. Sj.a lal raa to n lin.aap I and Jarors. 1-1 j ] LHNE CLOTHING. 1 St ITS M ADK Til OBPKR. ft<: rAXTAIdXTXS.B4.nS HatiS| Oaps Shirts* MONTGOMERY & CO.. Tailors, BRI.I.KroMTK, PA. 1-lj EX-SOLDIERS ATTENTION. PnulnSi prnramd 4* mMlm nf tHa lata war. P. nldaal la anf nt Bp mumla. raplaim, dlsaaaa of an* Kind, nt bp aarUesUl iajonaa PKXSHJNS IX< RKAPKI* Alar*. anmWr of tbose aow ra..i,|( panalona al* aotitlad t an taraaaas mdar hit* lama. All sotdlm* dlanbsrsed bur Woesba, Rimiaa, or Macaasnai. Invar, .nUtled tn Kill l- unl, Atl Insliainaßam. bp tuonpendaafa. nam. na If m mere parsonnll.t pi nam. Wl.ar. tba noMlaf la 4m4 ttr. sMm nnd half* ars aatllW —All addtas* and IbHr asdona f •ha war nf UO am now ntltla4 to ■ pen.t-n 1 aim, preenr patanta fct la.anlom Iwrr eddter wbo sn t bis not Ir. tdianM arnd ma Ma afdnai am Pmtal mtd nnd f*na4n la ntrrt a Rurrvt Oert, Pass, .d lb. "RATIONAL CTTIIFR RoUltßlt." . • pnpst psUi.h, ! M ttr* RaManal Capital, fbhag nil tb* M*n Hi Soma iJ. a. abnM Piaaluii an.l tnmntp nnd Ib atl naMi.m and tW4t ii.ira C..rrnama4enea o.lMtadft.. all. Addmaa arltt, -famp, V XT, PTTROCRALtr. V. i, Claim Al(P'asfc ' : l-Jl u. m, WMb.nßt.4. P e B iu i s v * i ~ r j" , HK ( ENTUE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE HUSH HOUSE huh K, BBLLEFOXTE, pa., in how orricktxu GHK A T INI> UCI;M EN T S TO Tifo*e wiuiiso Plain or Fancy Printing We hvc untuual feciliti*,, for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, CIBCI'IAM. SIATKMISTB. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DE VISJTE, CARDS OK ENVELOPES, ANI) ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. Ok?" Printing done in the be*t *tv!e, on j .hurt notice and at the lowavl rale* £SaC' rdor* by ma:) w ill receive prompt i Attention. I KKMKMBKK TOE PLACE ! 'CENTRE DEMOCRAT OFFICE, />u*A J/outf Ultjtk, "trkkt. numtn, pa. [ J ARrER BROTHERS, rrniNo fritemr, Bii.Ltmmt. pa.. Hate their count r* ami thrive* filled with j NEW GOODS, ~ , , { RAN'KITOT HATES Parcnaeed at . BANKRUPT RATES (BANKRUPT RATES WHICH mn OFfLR At BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES BOTTOM PRICES. ~ „ , COXJISTtSO OF Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*, Ac, BOOTS and SHOES B< M)TS and SHOES at very low price. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latet ttyla* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Hair*, Umbrella*, Paraaola, Ladio." Cloak*, Carpeting, Gruoeric*, Queen* ware, d*c. CotoprMa. "'to lliiac 1kl mm to t.,oi tor Parma 1 * PUlle., .i Mtq.ll ~ (tr> to Intottorra., IW. !(.,. tb. r,wq,t oke. a4 *ll to lar*at>a. or PMmkU W. •fan ftmur* | n n<| •*tl k r t>rr4fn r,r,o Ffol. r| jrteto. otAoianl. on* alt olfcer *SST. Patoat Oflto. anal the e'T"! """J" 1 " "" ""totoa* "f "Jtotoacnl Ptoal tltorn-- W* bar* k*J lw fmn rnprrtamrw •* P*ti#l AltHn! THE B|tllaa ♦} wal fr**. M|W, adSmm vs |*iiu cars. XiCTT-XIiTTO ZUS #rA a. * A*acil|4ton t* em ta**aUaai. ft,taa friar T°"' "*a lu*tM% *a4 aw aUI fit. Ut •mtotoa . to tatoataHtltr, wtah toll toWrartfcw. .N.ttrln* ft.Ml.tn* tor nar mine.. Oar M. "Hew to precara p.urtta,** atont tto Patrnl La a*. Ptt*. Tf * Jhr, aeal fw* *a ADDRESB: E. a 4 A. p. LAOET, PATENT ATTORNEYS, No. 601 F street, W Anmx.rrov, D. C,, Mmrtr Oepmlto Nll (MKea Amara of Pay. Bounty and Prnaion* ■J-.iKV'ssaawacgrcr Rnaatr t" 4 Pa**.iaa A* ling a* to* .ni l. want pSw •e IS* IU A. P. LACItr VOTlCE.—Notice !U hereby given A, A Oatl Ik* a aal at Cat Mt ktataal. C,a s aa, to* at M* llrftfnam, *f Of*** to*a*b