Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 09, 1879, Image 7

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    ®lie Cento jgmwat.
Thursday Morning, January 9, 1879.
IntporlAiil now* •n||lt
<*l AH v |rt of th*t county. N<
f- ItwrtsHl unl"* *ccviu|utnll by th< rl nntu< of lliv
L rib>r.
Ilemocnttic County Committee— 1H79.
Bs'l.'f.>ulr Ben,.. N. rlli Ward...lk X. KUU
Wat - ...WILLIS M iiss-ss.
Soulli " ...Asrnes Hs.m*.
Milrsliti's Horn ALSTIS IM'LAI*.
I nl.mslllr lloru, A T. UAIIIRAR
IMIIII|.|.SUK H irtv 1.. U. I.ISULIL
11. nun Tuwnslilp, SL Ysssl.-s.
Us>sas " .lustra I. Nstr.
Msir 11 m.ls* " IHu'SS IIeLT.
A I '..lira*. " Mi.'HSI.L QSOVS.
% CuMln " WlUlsu Mtsa.
FptgOMiD.nM Precinct ALMS' 11" V
" it'sr |rsH*nci r ....J 11. Nsiteioi.
Ur'SK Tuwiiltli> WlLl.isa A Kuna.
II," Julia C. Aroma.
llairutsnjn " . JoUS W. MILLHt.
liar,is " Ftiut s l*nrrsK.
Howard " WILLIS* VlASiet.
Itonsteu " lUntu Isris
l.llwrly " s. 11. iltsbsis.
Mai|..ll '■ t s. I'astsa.
Miles " ...~. l ist s lIKI m.ISSD.
Palti.u " Aiissr SSLI SSS.
Ps-liu " P. I' >!•>■,
lA.ttcr, nerlli Prschu t Jons gnssi.s.
•out It Precinct.. WiLUta Ksuti.
HIIAII Towiulitp TJ. lii 'SLC.
Allow fl.us " J. II llotr.
A|.rlii|l " I'ISST tiISTIKL.
Tailor " KsMl'iL lluorcs.
I'ulou " .Joils 11. STOVSR.
Worth " lieu It. WILLIAMS.
Walker " A*t SL Dt. sss
I) r. roav.SKY, CUairmaa.
Loral Department.
—The festival at the "Wigwam" last
T Thursduy evening was a pleasant affair.
—Have you yet broken those good reso
lutions you made at tho beginning of this
—Most people of late have seemed to
think that a death by suffocation is prefer- i
able to one by freezing.
—On and after this date, overcoat* will j
bo sold at cost at Newman's Kaglc Cloth
-3 I
ing Hall. Ketnctnl>er this. 2-tf
—No meeting of tho Young Men's Chris
tian Association will bo held to-morrow
night because of the week of prayer.
—Try Isaac Haupl's two for 5 cent
cigars. Those that have tried them say
they are equal to any & cent cigar in town.
—Mr. Edward Garman is attending
Crittenden's Business College, corner
Twelfth and Chestnut streets, Philadel
—Wo are informed by Mr. Leonard
Rhone that the Centre County Pomona
Grange will meet at Centre Hull on Tues- !
day, January 14. There will bo three
sessions, viz: at 10 A. M., 2 and 7P. M.
L —lt was the universal opinion that Fri
day last was the coldest day ever cxperi- .
enced; and we shall continue to think so,
all assertions of statisticians to the contrary
notwithstanding ; yea, even if our worthy
Pilgrim fathers should rise from their
graves and tell us that the Mayflower saw
colder days.
—The musical convention and concert at
Jacksonville lost week is reported a success.
The unusual severity of the weather pre- :
vented the attendance from being so large
a* it otherwise would have been. The
programme for the Saturday night concert
f is spoken of with enthusiasm by those who
had the pleasure of hearing it.
—The Presbyterian Sabbath-school of
this place is in good circumstances, po- I
sessing Building Association stock and
having a balance of over $4OO in the
treasury. On last Sunday it voted $-'<o to
the Board of Publication for the purpose of
buying books and other necessaries for
Sunday-schools not so well situated.
—The collections in the Presbyterian
Sabbath-school of thia place during the
present month are to be devoted to pur
chasing necessaries for the needy in our
midst. A commendable object, and parents
sending their children to that Sunday
school and who possess the means should
see that they are well equipped with small
—We venture to assert, without having
been present, that cz-Sheriff Shaffer's
hospitable home, in Jiittany Valley, was
the scene of a* much innocent hilarity and
real happiness on Christmas day as could
have been found in any other home in
Centre county. A twenty-four pound tur
key, as we learn from "M. M.," in the
Clinton Democrat, furnished the feast.
—We direct attention to the term* of the
Harrisburg daily and weekly Patriot , pub
lished in another column of this paper.
Persons desiring a newspaper from the
™ capital of the State cannot do better than
to send for tbe Patriot. It is an ably
edited journal, always filled with fresh
news, and, during the session of the Legis
lature, contains full and accurate daily
reports of the proceedings of both house*.
—WilUarosport is happy over it* Loan
Art Exhibition. Among the novel and
curious things that attract attention we
notice in tbe Gazette and liulletin a refer
ence to a piece Of a tree, called tho iioly
Cross Tree, in tbe centre of which is the
perfect form of a Maltese Crose. The
specimen on exhibition was sent from
Brazil to Capt. I). B. Else, by Mr. Clar
is ence Johnston, well known in Bellefonte.
—Some of our sportsmen have shown
evidence of extraordinary marksmanship
during the past season, but we have heard
of none more successful than Mr. George
Gross. lie, with his equally celebrated
setter dog, "Sport," ha* killed eighty-two
pheasants and thirty-five rabbits. He is
not SBtitfled with killing these animals by
the dozen, but, true to his name, he liter
ally destroys them by the pro**. We
M advise i'aeee poor creatures to band together
into an alliance offensive and defensive,
and when this natural enemy of theirs
comes around armed with his gun and
accompanied by this famous dog, to scam
per away as fast as possible.
vtLi.R. —Thdhrin house on one of tho farm*
belonging to the estate of the Into Thotnna
Huston, A short distance above Jackson
ville, burtoni on Friday night last and
camo very near consuming with it the
entire family of Mr. Andrew McClintock,
the occupant. Mr. McClintock retired
about the usual time, but Mr*. M., on
account of the extreme cold, remained up
an hour or two later, keeping the (ire*
going. Soon after retiring and getting to
sleep, Mr. and Mr*. M. were both awak
ened by the smell of smoke, and found the
room and entire house tilled with it. Has
tily waking their two little children, they
gra*[H<d the clothing on the bed* they were
occupying and groped their way through
the smothering smoke to the open air just
in titno to avoid being cut off by the
Humes. A boy who was sleeping in
another part of the house, started for the
stairs, but was met and turned back by the
tlamcs, and nrndo his escape through one
of the second story windows. None of the
party saved any portion of their clothing
except the night drosses which they Wore.
The cold was fearful, and in a few mo
ments—almost seconds—Mrs. McClintock,
while trying to wrap her two little girls in
the bedding they had brought nut with
them, ami thus protect them, had her feet
terribly frozen. In a short time help
arrived from Mr. McCaimout'a and other
neighbors. Horses were bitched ami the
chilled sufferers taken to the hospitable
homo of Mrs. II"Alley, where they were
kindly eared for. The building was lulully
destroyed, and was, wo are informed,
without insurance. Mr. McClintock lost
all the personal and household effects of
himself and family, and is left literally
naked in the world. Ho bad an insurance
of sf>oo upon his property. The entire
family are now at the hoii " of Mrs. \lc-
Clintock's father, Abrnm IVifer, Esq.,
near Howard, and it is hoped that with
careful treatment Mrs. M. will in time
I recover entirely the use of her feet. We
learn that our townsman, Mr. John Mason
Duncan, who was visiting at Mr< Bral ley's,
acquitted hinucif nobly in Ruining to care
for the sufferers.
Tabernacle which our Hebrew brethren
URII to tote around with thotn entirely
disajipoared over a thousand years ago;
but the one .Mr. Hewitt had on exhibition
last Friday night ia brand new. Weibould
judge by hia remark* that it came a* a * -rt
of an elephant on hi* hand*, and so he, las'.
Friday night, politely invited everybody to
the Court HOUMI to "ace bia elephant"—for
twenty-live cent* per head! At the time
the Court Houae bell called the people
together the thermometer indicated 100'
below aero and atill a freezing, and so
many people preferred to remain in their
own comfortable "tabernacle*" at borne.
But thoae who safsly renohed the Court
Houae were amply repaid for their effort*,
for was one of the tint warm place* we
had encountered that day. How the man
ager* ever uecc*ded in making that Court
Hou*e no comfortable on a night like that
ia a wonder even to wt*e fellow* like our
aelve*. Wo were al*o*urpried at the iae
of the audience, which mint have number
ed two hundred. But thi* grateful heat
was not the only thing which repaid thoae
who attended, a* Kcv. Hewitt had a really
One model of that ancient structure to
exhibit. Ho placed the varioua part* of
the Tabernacle in their proper poeition
in view of the audience, offering a he did
*o an explanatory lecture. He *howed how
every part of the Tabernacle I.* *ymbolica!
in it* minute*t particular, and how inter
e*ting and in*tructive a study it U to search
out their different significations. But it
would take many night* to thoroughly
understand so intricate a subject. Lecture*
and exhibitions of this character are pier
hap* tnore beneficial in every way than
any that could be placed before the public.
Death or a Cektkkxariaw. — On
Tuesday morning, December 81, 1878, the
venerable Mrs. Jane M. Burroughs <lio<! at
the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Koliert
Irvin, in Lock Haven, at the remarkable
age of 100 years, 6 months and 7 days. The
following extract la taken from the notice
of her death, which appeared in the Clinton
Democrat of last week : "It will be remem
bered by our readers that her 1001b birth
day was celebrated on the - Ith of last July,
when the pretty and venerable old lady
was called upon by many citixens, and
received with evident pleasure. She was
born at Yardlcy ville, Bucks county, IV,
July 24. 1778. Her maiden name was
Jane M. Matthews. She married at 19.
Her husband died many years ago. They
had seven children, and there are sixteen
grand-children, thirty-six great-grand
children, and four great-great-grand-chll
dren. She had three daughters living in
the same house with her—Mrs. Irvin, In
her 61st year; Mr*. Dalrymple, 64; and
Mrs. Wilson, aged 75.
—What might have been a serious run
e-way occurred just as the afternoon mail
train arrived on Saturday. A team of
horaea belonging to Mr. Michael Grove
and attached to a light sled, took fright,
probably at tha train, and rushed rapidly
down High street and out Wator, dragging
behind them the sled, occupied by a lady
and gentleman. The animals were brought
to a halt when they had reached the spring,
and after the occupants had fastened the
harness and gathered up some articles
that had fallea along the road in the rapid
flight, they onoe more resumed their seat*
ana drove on their way rejoicing ft the
fortunate escape.
tI '
s mk §, •
M i'it I'll v Mkktimo.—Thn meeting of
the Murphy Temperance Society, lust
Thursday evonlng, wiu one of unusual
interest. Owing to tho extreme severity of
tho cold the attendance was liinitral, hut
thoM who wcro tbero worn amply repaid
for their trouble. Tho meeting win called
to order by tho President, Judge Orvl*.
Tho devotional exercise* were performed
by Sir. 11. V. Htitxer. Thatult was call*.!
end minute* of lh# last mooting rer.d by
the Secretary, Mr. I>. Orny. IJy vote, tho
hour of meeting wit* fixed at 7 : -iO P. tl.
Keuntrk* for the good of the temperance
cit'.iao then being in order, Judge Orvi*
proceeded to give omo fuel* in relation to
llio liquor traffic ip our town, which are
in their calculation*aituply appalling. The
Judge had promised to show by statistics
tlmt tho liquor traffic in Bcllefonle cost
more in it direct nuirim-r than the total
amount eijionded for the pour, for school
pui poses and religion, including chit relets
and Sunday-schools, and ho abundantly
demonstrated it to he a fact, lie said that
the amount of the poor tax levied in the
borough was $1,600. Add to tliin the
relief afforded by charitable citizens to the
poor outside of the poor lux, estimated at
$4,600 mora, milking in nil $9,000 for the
relief of the poor. The amount of school
lax levied i* $9,000. Add to this $l,B >0
mora expended in prirnlo schools and by
sending children uwuy to school, and we
have $13,600 devoted to school pit rpu .-•■*.
Estimate the very liberal amount, $22,3(81,
fr the support of churches and .Sunday
schools, Including all expenses, and we
have a total of sl.i,(XK> expended for thc
three purpose* —poverty, education and
religion. By carefully gather - I data taken
from thu account* of the different licensed
bar* of this borough, tho Judge clearly
showed that the cost to the consumer* of
; the malt nnd spirituous liquor* lold in these
eight licensed place# in our town is
, $J4,430. Add to this the direct losses to
the community of the labor, grain and
other valuable* u*-t<-d in its manufacture
and sale, which amount to $19,000, and w
have tho direct expenso of the liquor
tratfie in Ilelh-foiito to tho consumer and
tho community generally, $6:1,000, or
$8,600 more than is cxjvcnd<*d for charity,
ed ucatinn arid religion. Tho Judge did
not take info this account any indirect
losses in Court expense* arising from the
continual criminal ca*-* brought on by tho
use of infoxiraling drink, or other conse
quential damage fo the community from
the same source.
Upon motion, the Judge was unani
mously fi-quested fo prepare these slati'tlcs
in pr<q>er form for publication in the
various newsjapor* for the enlightenment
of tho public upon this question, which he
promised fo do at as early a time as hi*
duties would allow him.
This week being the week of grayer, n
meeting of this society will be h- Id until
Thursday, January It.
Jon* Ardell's Lcmdkr Opkratioxs,
—A gentleman who lately visited the
lumber camps on Youngwomsns and Ket
tle creeks has given hi* observation* to the
Kenovo Accord. In relation to one of the
operations of our enterprbing and energetic
fellow townsman, Mr. John Ardell, Jr.,
ho speak* as follows: "The next camp
coming in order is Mr. Purseley's. Wo
arrived there after a hard and tire#ome
tramp. Tho camp was nearly vacated, th*
only persons being there wcro Billy Me-
Kwen, tho cook, and his assistant, who
were preparing the evening meal. The
contractor on this job Is Mr John Ardell,
Jr., a gentleman well known fo all lumber
men of tho West Branch. He is putting in
at various points 24,000,000. Mr. Purse ley
is tho general superintendent of this job.
Ho is getting in 8,000,000. He I* about
half done, and has good prospects of fin
ishing up at an early date. This job is
farther north than tho others on tho creek,
where the snow lasts much longer. Mr.
Purseh-y is well and popularly known all
along the creek. He i voung*, active ami
full of pluck, and knows no such word as
fail, lie is ably assisted by his brother,
Mr. Win. Reed Purselev."
Tho third annual anniversary of the Cen
tennial Temperance Club waa held last
Wednesday evening ir. the Court Houie, in
Bcilefonte. This club BOA formed in 1876,
and if composed of men who bad been in
temperate to a greater or lea* degree within
six month* of the time of their Joining the
organisation. Tho exercise* commenced
about eight o'clock with a aong by the
choir, followed with a prayer by Rev.
Yocum. After thU followed the report of
the Secretary and Treasurer, allowing li8
member* in good atanding. Two hundred
and lift/ dollar* haTe been di*bur*ed by
the club in the internet of the good cause
•ince the first organisation of the club.
Ninety-nine dollar* in the treasury, and
not a dollar of indebtednea* exhibit* a fi
nancial condition which might be co. eted
by any organisation. The annual addrm*
we* delivered by Rev. Yocum in excellent
stylo and was well received by the mem
bar*. Following wara five-minute *j ee he*
by Judge Orvl, W. F. Ralley, Col. Blair.
Stewart Lyon, Durbin Cray and Rev.
Laurie, after which the meeting ad
journed with prayer and benediction by
Kev. Laurie. Tho attendance was not
so large a* it should have been owing to
the fact that prayer meeting was held in
many of thachurches, and sermon* deliver
ed in other*. The Centennial club ha*
reason to be proud of t|* mimpla Urn past,
and deeervae the hearty go-operation of our
citisen* In It* effort w "rescue the per
t'ourt Proceeding*.
At the argument court, which convened
on tho 'list of December last, and continued
up to the fith in-tanl, the following case*
wcro disposed of in the several court* of
Centre county :
In tiik Oi.eif axh' Court.— ln the estate
of Samjul Walter*: A rule was granted on
r tdoinoii Vi.otoda, sxlministrator, to show
causa why an atlachnient should not issue,
In roi,sequence of hi* failing, neglecting or
refusing t<> file hi. account such admin
istrator, in pursuance of a citation so t" do.
January lid, 1H79, attachment awarded.
In the estate of Klizaheth llarthntumtw,
deceased.—A rule on J ease Swartx and
Henry ISurtholoiuew, administrator, to
show cause why an ntta< htnent should not
Issue, In consequence of their fulling, ne
glecting or refusing to file their account us
such administrators, in pursuance of a cita
tion so to do. Jaiiuury 3d, 1879, attach
ment awarded.
J n the matter of thu exception* filed to
tho Auditor's report, ill the estate of l'cni
iiali K qihart, deceased. January fid, IH7'I,
exceptions disintasod, because liol filed lu
time, and rc|H>rtconfirmed.
In the matter of the exception* fie-d to
the Auditor's report, Hi the "stale of Jacob
Stover, deceu'ud. January 3d, Ih7J, ar
In tho matter of the exception* filed fo
the Auditor'* riqort, in the estate of J
Honk, deceused. January bib, 187'.', ar
Jn the Court of Common Pleas, the fol
lowing i uf< were dl-posed of: Will. Wil
iner vs. II Pennington. Kule on plaiotifT
to show cause why judgment should not be
opened. Dec. ft I si, Ib.fi, rule discharged.
John Jamison Vs. I'uter Keichilne. ltulc
on piitiuiiil to show cause why judgment
shouid in.t Im satisfied. D coluber :ilst,
1873, rule niß'le übsolubr.
A. W. 11 a ft-r v*. North British and
Mercant.lo Insurance Company. Kule on
defendant* to show cause why the onh-r re
moving record b> I'niied .Sut* Court
slu-uld not bo stricken off. December filst,
1873, rule discharged.
K. r*. Dor worth vs. W. A. Young and
terr.' tenr.nU. Kule granted b> set aside
M-rxice a to J W. ung, terra tenant.
Kule mude absolute, January 2d, 1879.
In the matter of cxoepiiuru Us r*uion
strame to rosd in Spring township. Jaiiu
sry 2J. I "79, exceptions di*tiii'.<-d.
11. BriK-ki-rboll vs. D Johnson A S> ns
Kule granted on llrra-kerholT to show cau-<
why service of summon* should not h" a -t
*#?u i. Decs-miser 2l#t, 1873, rule mo-Je
Heitry Osmsn vs. Pdcr Soil. Itule on
plaint it!' fo show cause why judgment
should not he ojened and r"l(Kol. January
2*l, 1879, rule made absolute, uuh's* tl
inen agr<t* that the exception clause in tl,"
judgment ho stricken out, in wh.cia cao-,
rule shall lie discharged.
Daniel I>ur*t vs. A. Krumrine. Motion
in arrest for judgment and for a new trial.
1 Koootntsor 21st, 1878, reason* for n<"
trinl over-ruled sn4 judgment to he enter—l
upon verdict, uj<oa the payment of jury foe.
Overseer* of ,"*pring township vs. Dier
**- r# of College fown-hlp. ApJ- tl from
tsrfier of removal. January 2d, |B7'J, up
jeal sustain" I and onfor of removal re
versed at tho vol of College township.
Ilvefseer* of Potter foarnsbip Vs. Over
seers of Gr<-gg loan-hip. Ajqmal from
order of removal, argued Januarv 3d, 187'A,
G- A. V.
Overseers of H.irri* township vs. Over
seers ot l'"tb'r township— Appoul from
order of removal, January 161, |B7*.i. A|-
j-eal sustained, order of removal rev crn-d
at cost of Potter township.
In the matter of the rule fo show cause
why the Independent .School District in
Gregg fo nsbip should not lie abolished
Ikceuilser 31st, 1878, argued.
John Harrison vs. A. V. Miller and
J"*eph U---S, 4 Flu. Fi. Fa. January lid,
argued C. A. V.
J R Muffly vs. Cyrus Gordon—Kul* on
idainliff to strike off tran-fcrrrd record.
ISwremlier 81st, 1878, rule made absolute.
W. 8. Bu>rrett, garnishee f Simon
Frtrdtnan, plaintiff in error vs. Henry
Schmidt, defendant in ernr. Certiorari
to Wm. Kiddle and to J. F. Shoop. justice
of the |iea e. January 2d, 187t, exception*
over-ruled and proceeding* of justice sus
Overseers of llaine* township v. Over
wri of Penn townbip, apneal from order
of removal. January 2d, 18*9, appeal sus
tained and order of removal reversed at the
Co*t of Harris townhip.
A. J. Iligony A Co., v. Samuel Fletch
er. Rule on defendant to strike off appeal.
December 81st, 1878, rule discharged
Ibivi* Henry v*. Isaac iiaupt and Calh- |
erine iiaupt, bis wife. Rule on "Henry"
to open judgment as to Isaac Haunt and
strike off judgment as to Catherine liaupt.
Itecetnber 31st, 1878, rule discharged as
to I*aac iiaupt, but made ahaotute as to
Catherine liaupt and judgment against her
stricken off ami vacated.
11. Pnwem vs. (I. Horsey Green and
wife. Rule on plaintiff to strike off lien,
because of the defects in the Mechanic*
Lin as filed. January 3d, 18 7'.', rule made
absolute and lien stricken off.
In the matter of exception* to road in
Heine* township January 8,187f, argued.
COXTIXUAXI n or CAUSE*. — The follow
ing rule* of Court were adopted Decemlier
17, 1878:
No cause placed on the trial list of the
Prothonotary, and posted in his office in
accordance with rule 113, shall be con
tinued by consent of tho parties or j
their attorneys, without an order of the
Court or a Law Judge thereof, previously
had and obtained and filed with the Pro
tbonotnry: Provided, That before such
order shall be granted, it shall be shown
to the Court or Judge, that the opposition
party had notice of the intended applica
tion for *uch order.
No cause once placed on the argument
list, and set down for argument by the
Prothonotary in the argument docket, !
shall be continued by consent of the parties, j
or their attorneys, without an order of the
Court or a Law Judge thereof previously
had and obtained, and filed with tho Pro
thonotary : Provided, That liefore such
order shall be granted, it shall lie shown
to the Court or Judge, that the opposite
party had notice of toe Intended applica
tion for such order.
Jxo. H. Oitvi*, A. L. J.
—lsaac liaupt has added to hi* stove
and casting trade and tinware manufactory
a cigar manufactory for the wholesale and
retail trade. lie is also prepared to tell
chewing tobacco and coal oil as cheap for
ca*h a* at any other place.
—There will be a supper given by the
Lutheran congregation of this place on the
evening of December 58. The proceeds
will be for the benefit of the congregation
—The new Board of Commissioner* met
at their offiee on Monday afternoon and
made tho following appointment*: For 1
Clerk, llenrv Beck, continued ; Attorney,
C. M. Bower, Esq.,continued ; Physician,
J. It Dobbins, continued;. Janitor, B
Calhrvitb, continej. The now Instil of
Commissioners will meet regularly ni th. ir
ofllce on flic first ate! third Monday* of
each month.
—On New Year's day, Mr. llopj.es, tho
kind-hearted host of tho Bush House, gvo
■A noble expression of sympathy for the
want* of suffering humanity by inviting
the member* of the Beilcfontc pre., gang
to partake of a dinner ut hi* admirably
conducted hotel. On the table around
which the hungry editor* were seated
appeared a feast 111 for kings The kind
entertainer had correctly estimated the
capacity of hi* guests, and tho supply
of good thing* was accordingly bountiful.
All did umple justice to the hoq-itality of
Mr. llopjies, and Voted the Bush House a
tlr.l class place for a good dinner.
Address of the Retiring Clinlnmin of
the Demogrgtlf Count) t'omnilltee.
T <> the Democratic r .trrs of Centre (canity :
At tho Democratic County Convention,
held in September, 1877, th" delegate# saw
pro|*T to select me to vrve in the position
of chairman of the county* committee, for
the year 1878. I*< q,tod the position in
good faith, determined fo dt" barge the
duties and meet the responsibilities of the
situation, to the best of my ability, nnd
with tlie ingh* pc.rpo-c ot promoting the
hi Ifare and succ-a* of our party. When
I • nlered upon the discharge of ibi-eduii-*,
on year ag0,.1 did let anticipate an un
usually exciting campaign, n >r an v unusual
di-nti. clion, nor fucUe'ism • ( in the party ;
and now, ill heikiiig back over the past
' year, i can confidently **< rt that nothing
which I. as chairman of the ooitnly com
i inittae did, is to any degree, < liargeable
with tin* di-i.tfei to n and f < luaiun -
j which exhibit ■ I thm-dves during the
iti- true that very lsrge i • unty and dis
i trict ticket* were to |m-:i initialed and che
( t'sl. and there were many candidates for
every nomination. The canvass pr< -r to
the delegate (-tactions, was long, zealot)*,
A:. 1 unfortunately, in somelnnianee-, lditer.
The consequence was that when the notni
i nations w-re made, Ita-re Were a large
numhitr of disappdnted aspirants, who, in
mar.y instan i-s. hud b >.i .• Into r against
tli-ir mc— ful comj- tit'irs, and *ome of
whom fell unwilling t> acquiesce iu the
decision of the CopV'-ntior. Th-' number
of candhkotes who thu- \ iota; i thidr pledge
to submit to the rub > of ti • party, w*s f .r.
Innately v< ry tma'l; most of the gentlemen
who failed to lunU ? the t -dilation* they
respectively aski-d. rlo- rfnily and usslnin.
1 ly supported the e„jiri- ti. kei, thus proving
Ihauisclve* worthy of the future confl
. J nee and siipj- rt of the party.
I would suggest that the party, as far as
jiraet able, d'countenance th" custom
which has lw me so prevalent, in th" last
f<*w years, of candidate* canvassing th"
i county f r Wcsekt is-fore the delegvl" eler
, lion*. It is a C"'*t expense and 1 ■•* of
time to the candidate*#, a source of infinite
j annoyance to the je-oplc ; while, in many
instances, the candidates when thus travel
' ling over the county, are not satisfied ith
merely advocating their own claims, bit
sp nd their time in deprecating the claims,
and assailing the chorncter of other candi
dates. thus laying the foundation for g"n< -
rl dissatisfaction with the ticket, when
nominated. The announcement of the
candidacy of a j*'t*on in the newsi*j<er# of
the county, should he sufficient. Whether
a standing rule of the party uj>n this sub
ject would be advisable, I am not pr<-j<ared
• to say.
The existence >f the Greenback organi
sation, as a third party, ij this ooun'y,
drawing a* it diJ some four or five hun
dred votes from our party, came near leav
! ing us in the minority : and gave a ■ banco
I to the op|<tllion, whenever they would
unite, to elect their candidate* The re
publicans were willing to seize this op.
("■rtunity, and sacrifice all their rrctended
principle f.,r the mew pun> ec of defeating
the democratic ticket. They thus sup
l*<rtel the greenhaik candidate for Con
gress, for Senator, for Assembly and for
county Treasurer ; hut owing to the gen
-1 cral zeal and fidelity of our people, this
(otuhination failed to carry the county for
j anything. A'et this combination of honest
money republicans, with inflation repudia
: tionisls, was strong enough, when aided by
the treason of a few pretended dem'tcrats,
and bv a corrupt u* of money, to defeat our
candidate for Congress. That these ailiea
of the anemr, who have heretofore oskiai
and received the support and recognition
from our fiarty, will hereafter he recognized
and trrated a* they deserve, I have an
abiding confidence.
To the corps of able young speakers, who
canvassed the county, and to the many
other xealous and faithful democrats, who
aided in the assiduous labors of the cam
paign, I am under many obligations. To
the member* of the vigilance committees
of the various suh-districU, and to most
of the members of the county committee,
I return my sincere thanks for their very
efficient labors. The very few member* of
the county committee, who hetrayed the
trust replied In them by the party they
professed to belong to, and treacherouslv
Jjare aid and assistance to the enemy,
race to the future tender mercies ot the
party, and to the pangs of their own con
Having, fellow democrats, discharged to
the host of my abilities, the trust you re
posed in me for the allotted time, I gladly
resign it into the hands of mv duly ap
poin ed successor, and bespralc fo? him
your earnest support and confidence.
J. P. Guru ART, Chairman.
Bellefonte, Dec. 11, 1878.
TIIOMPWrtJI—RROWm—At Uo V. K. psnra**# at
MllmbatX. . lUt i. R. oa th* 4th taMut.
Mr. I MA Tkaism, er C' sasst Orov*. ta Mas
J ranis Smttr, at Catae MtwUR twtß t Csutre
rnaat*, P*
MAtXORT—WfA*.—At lr tU|>tt |arma|s. fcr
Rr, W. A. Rl.eart, na lWslsi hoalrrll, l*}a,
Mt.OmxsM. Math"? *>*•* Etnaas Wtaa, both af
RrllrS.utr, l*.
CORRXI.I—awARTX -At tbr mrt -wrvat MM- MAr*
aaabrr. oa llw-wln IS, IST*. I i R. t W. it, I !•.
Mr J. P. CWrrU, sf Rsatoa. Pa. aa4 KM tin Sir
Sraitr, ot llsUsnlwi, Cralrr nsutj, Pa.
RAII.r.Y -OkKfttt -Oa IS* *lB laoUnt. t f IV
Itassltl, Mr Ml Ralls; t. Miss Usai*. .I*asat*r at
Mr. Jaw* Alma,all at foils*- I ansl'T
BRATOR—Ow Owasa'sr ft. t?S, Mrs A Hatha
llrstnu. Vila f IU" ek U S>, *- 1 • l*S% t
atoulkl Met tt dsjw
eiIERIFP'B BALEB.—By virtue
• s 4 • iM.il ? y write i 4 Wlmii Wmr\m%, Parlo* f!
£(*.,*, tewed >mt #X ih# CoMt C#f Omu
•" Mi twu MbNl/, MI<I In wr HlfvM, lltefe
will I* ni <** ih'tc ml" hi ih< Gnnrt llffw, In
Ihll> Umu, ,u MTt Itl'AY, MNt/AKY 2*. A l I*ss#,
ftt i<ft oelfltk I*. 1 . fl# £stU*%*o#g dm rih*4 rnil
♦et M. oj 11— it'f.iMUnU, U* wit ;
1 —All that ecr'nin lot or of
pr>*M.| 111 ftw P*rt Hafibl*. Worth
I. . i-vie re •'* t*JtM><l fcfi.J <irxt
*• fllm: On ih" fi- lh by l-t Im. fc f inn. 4 ||m*
• It. t,u Utm n.t I rf no il<;,< ll*- */n(k t.y
I' 4ik tf,| |f *1.0*4 to Ihf *re-t he High li*
MOW i.-4*ig % oi i#ff Im.MiHf * -.luMiftir -hi High #treet
*• f—t Agi ft uplift* Wk l'ieftk ruJ Mtret
nU/Ht f#M . IbtfrM erele4 tUi'k IriM,
w Ml Mud Iw be ui<J O lk \-tt'l'- tl y *f
It l, C&nminism.
No. 2. —A1l (hat port*in lot or pi#** of
Kiuuinl •Hunt#. In BmUlOfg, llmr|* f*m t> IJp, <>olo
MNiuly, |* INI 'hew rli *<! m Mkii On
th? wt by Mill un III? ilh b)
•wi nt.ij Mflk by If no* yrl. nnUiiiloi '/W-( nb
MM, M.i/fp • |r.; llllifuH CfgrUil tVOftb* tf b'trh
t ligrdi I'lH.Jiug tbicd. taken in riorn %b>u •*'! tu
<•- • I'l *• property . 1 '/.t u * I kf*i "f U"
avUol lit I it I t tb'ftlftffrg-
So. X. All tb rigb, litl n4 inl/rn-t
i>f Md iu *:A b that I'tiMtU tia/'l or
pb* r of Uti'l iiluili in l.ilwrly tuvttiUf, (>bli "jcu
ty. I/umJ4 iikl 4Hflbud MI f>lV*ft. In nyl IV
s uniiiK at m |'.*t mi north l*i.k </ B*l<l Rial* r<k,
ib-i* < l y lno-1# of tli of Nunn- t R*IVI, 4>- 4,
|.rt!i iO'lt-g *••! :*f7 |4<ilt U< n femf* tkkftftrft >J"bK
Uo.U "I H < lih I ink 4 fM-rdin t W J"*f, lliF
*wlh 4M i • • ?t to (hid fxzlft <
UJ If* r4i< t|'*k by |1 f9f/Mp' US lb*
I''*? f KffU.U.fl*. * ..lMMl.lt* I'Jtl MM'* Mill
..t| Wtu* wiui liiituf Uum) hi
F U i f JIAN Uax<t oo i 'ink f Ao*u*t,
|K4I; tl.irwiti +%*€.>■< l • ffHif. 'lwi.li* UiOJt
Uniti uo'l olhrr oal/Ui , * ig
Al-MI, •
All tin? ricM, ttl int#*r#ti of th*
J- mUdti In ftuM ivflnJn u. t of bnibJ imwi titu
*t m UU-fly t UMMI>, (Ht 'vuttjiy, P., r* i H
untvt m iin.i.l yiiiiUii to Vim U)f, <onf*4nii.*
4"i iM-fm fi/#i- of !• **.
All th" riftiiJ, Uil Mr.fl inUT'**t of iho
!• f.i-Utit In th*.. 'iWA trtu i of uUM-ttl'*! Itm'S* uitn*
ah in rt/ t fViift - (wifilr. !'• . *vr**y~l
it til fa nMnn t giMioi to J -ini ur tini ub
! ' lUi Ml* Am Mi't, IfM/Tr r lw
tiUa m tM 4rti >n mu4 ot l* n44 a* tl*r yrup*rty of
fi* t mi l K I' J
No. I —Ail it.'; rijMu, utlo •.(<!
••f Ik* 'U iJoJ U$ nil that crrliain tfa/t or
I i. - nf lan*! MUnt# in Ff./■* Wif l.an*hip '-tiff**
"Ufctjr |*a, xlfaibiii# Un<U of A.# Mini* u. J< titi V
I KXl< • i'l ItN'U.f t:< *<w* Lst* i am.kintent.
• .Mmn<U£ I#' mm *. IfwH* of h **. a'/'.t IL a in* fiu -
'I itfi Üb'kf iVn '• w:thol lO.J- utilff rjli. i1 i
I .'-.on, Nfftl, toki-b i • i uliou ami Vi he >M a
Hi* t' ihrili II Crit iRiU
No. it. —Tb follt wing l.uild
ii. ll .. 5t.....! O. .t Tli I.
• I.rft tit t i* 'Ut)j i<lc of Ijkfu l< tr#C In the iif
. I . . i t '..iti ' ,..• tf- •!.
ai. ilf ntM - MIU M.i 4 i'V M J M Ihitu.of) ik*
no.itil I ) htt ail. < iml ojot ly lot of Ji* l
I i' • ■ ®v *• a twoaUifjr j'taua tiafu** n KM. nifmt
I<iin it •t *,.J la ft o- -*|i. Mwf. t in a
-n *ni to 1.1- VI it the ff"peetj of I'tnJ A Kl-U
-rr.'t u n r, or tf*toi mud a.utia V/f
No. o.—Tl.f buiiditig nd lot
f y. Html, to wit Kai l IniMi*! I'fulftl In tS Ifcu
on/h of h ii'-onta .h the '* th iie of Uth in
a i-i i*h, <• a M *4 Jasw-* Av
'..r on lUe at• i Lanhffl;e4-t nb tl< *tath. •
I • 1 l: i n t'..' v i n>i I ♦t#'t i) the Urtrth,
ar#il it a li> itmlei ItvH* lam*, thirty kai Imoii
■ u UfMi linrt iii-1 lirtitt I*l It* <t* }4i , u*J at wo
*' iy lilt clean, a b.t k k ti:l4l * li hy ;4hrt.
iMkm tn i*vi.iiin uidta V -"Id a* to* fi'ifirtf ot
Miitr<— AivMft ubir, of i|niil n*tMf bri *• #•-
tjbct r.
No. 7. All that <*rtiin lot or plrc# of
mni -.it Mt m llh rli laamlnfv Ctilf* Crt#tjr, Pa
t M it*4*4 *m lli twrili hy hit*a y M"ontJn **4 tl*c
\ ai ittM lnir. ' t I4t* Uj >4 John ft. IVtai,
• ft the t*y iaft U <4 Jti-bb ).*••, l"! i* the r|
ht Ugh *4 itH M hn. iwiMtiti.s HO MTM fa-r*
..f lnm , II tl< l*l ft lbffC* hint .iweJllft* hoaee,
VUh tiftfb a7'l (*(M # .tf II 1- .' je, ftlemt *4 MfM
' lieiet fte-ifti 4, 1-ken ib tiix.Uva n-.tl In le a-4J n
the |n pit) f W. U. tt".
No. *t —Ail lh*i vert*io lot or of
rt"Ub<) wiiult in the d li M*nt . Obtr"
M*bly, Pa. 4 ** th~ ril-4 f4Ur 4 l nil
tn the worth Iff the |Mi'< tn K-iJftftf.tf* lit* •*! If mm
aflry. •* th* ouellt hy th fi t - • Ihaffk |*lirty,
•M Ib lilt *1 by tha II- n* wUla. < ntainln^
|wfc *■ imff r Im*; ikfte'b err M * ti
• Wry df.|tßff Imwo t e-ehtrjr • !#<•? Uiliitflfv
♦u* leaf. 1 w.t -1. iinjfft. Mn4, I*4< nin cie
< n> mu4 Ut \*> a 44 the tw.l VbLr A<*iemy.
No. H.—Ail lhf mi* ntiti nurt*t
Iff iMef * .ft xu<i t*' lltbl '*l U # Jtnew f
fft'tiuf fttfitafe n th t-*i..laf Ilm< }wlerjL <>itr*
VMM ty. Pa . hewn* 4 ajl dtaalwhl a# MV 1 **, to nit.
't* th* 1.1.1tn iy 14 (4 WWd liat* kid Mtfcfff. mi
the e*t Vi hiMth >- *m t'- . h tyM of
It'll -it Uw-•<.*• the ' t" y h".Mtli I t rtrert. fruMf
tn* n the m 4 S*iUt I t tt 'f♦ ft a jut f# iw4 m 4 et
t- if tig law k oUw I-1 hi -ll > atthfe* Mlreat . then
•• Hwtthl ufte l*ia4w| frn.e daeiliDf V*mw, a
towat -ijr !••* Heefiiff,* Voa ffb(t<e fttalV. b4*<l lAim
'fhai*4**£ft. Mn4 taken in rtf *ho| to be
• t , .t * t i t w ! -
No. 111.-—All lhtv4 twa lotl of proan<!
eituaiel n a* II I -Him, <>u f* < "Kb. Pa . b mixM an I
..iwrflM ■ {iiUum*. to •! On# til -fwl Uft4wl t4t
the vrtV be ait 10-i 4 4 i* iwv ftff tl* ntt Vjr
h4 trf J It Hnttn **i 1>- t. • ..<• t-y l>c*n etreet :n
bwt. i-wi by hH m. I Mt*n4ftn( 34 toot;
ere-tool ft t*eohiH-y ffbftn 4UmM kbNM.
An<-itj.-r tht-rcof bia<l<l north
t mjilki', on the m t by !W k4h f IhnK dtetMol,
e.*utli ty UWuuw. IneTMin enel#4 ft t*—eh-ry
' tfabi 4'lltfty l.'t w. 4- Ukfti it* ittrtttim
ftj. l In b- -< t4 ft* the fir pity *4 (Im'et lhp*a
N-. 11 .—All UiM cortnin tract of lsnu
• itoate in Mfto h*bh ft. tvtjfre M*nty, Pa.,
i le-o*wteJ HI the * -till by lin-V nf Jfiya <m
! the - wet by UmL I- Ix ffttiff W th* WUU ftf I
py kH aft l Att'Jr** mi tfc mmlh by Urnta
i f Ih 'fbft* f Patina ftf.4 lity Nvydm, and • the
'M by hu*.i* t*f iniifiothaa Mnaaev m l fletiiy fUnnm,
| iviotftfninft I4 ftrroa, b"M r la; thereon ieMb4 •
t..-ftbiy l*tvk b- oft. iatftk *<>4 ether uUaitM
l*r*. ftll ft 1 IO rl fttftte 4 < clUftftlieiß.
he. red taken ill iIH Wlift ftftd U> lift *4(l ftft the lftxifft
f| i 4 V |> IL
No. 12.—A1l thit (vriifen Hnildinff and
Mi 4 to —it IVM ki(h,
hft'tnc tumi • 4 tf*(y4P<l h-et **4 ft 4e}Hh .f
w tiftV-i* feat. Mtftftfe upft ft < ■ ttbfft h4 *4 ffiaibi in
Kaeh b'wnahif., i miff- wufy. Pa, VmnU cm the
aftik h| by Ui4f <4 AO.-rt ft heir*, m the tnoUi
fta*t by k4ki.fi> o4 I'hlltfftiHirg tmnf4ftei, MI th#
umlkeMt by U4 '4 U >JM I M r.-tianm. • < en the
inirth*nt by leu 4 .4 fftftt thai if >4l- u.kn
It* 'iftfiU 'S fti.4 Iv le<44 M th* y*v|i*tfty of Utnk i
N. Is.—All lh1 c-rtain lot or piooe of
tw.l iltnt. in *•< n: <<■—>tn|\ fWlw c—atj,
n . k'**d>4 fti4 4e lll'ftl •• V4'. '*r r|r lie* nnir*
•t a pine tree . the wmh mt (Mvr nf Sn.ul Jtb*
bit cm rowS Uw 'iitft ft* I'lrtftm of cat. tWe along wkl
hftd r fth 41 (hi . omH 14 forikm hi ft fttftke: thenm
moth I* 4e*. *> e-l )0 p n !'•• to ft itab m rtnft*;
thence nnifi Ml 4 * *4 14 |rr*b"l to t*ke "ft
t* aihe**t of fwniH hftotnei |b*te lot; thence ninng
ftftid lat ftmith T* 4e*. oet In per* hn tn the fUm nf
he*inning, mi tatni * mnt iwte. n.te or kn; thereon
ee.ited ft IftaeVny lrtwe 4eiUy \ afte, ft4 4bee
nnthnilifmirft P** e4. taken in \eitk*n t4 lo km
•oill *• the |r rfe r y 4 All Ct
No. 14. All llwtc-rtain lot or piv< of
la all IViinaH. (V*tm nwa
ij. I'.. *)l uiiM hriin—Oa It*
•a—it. 1 j MI —I. n y.i., n ili. • i j Ak
Fu—it 4ml oa Ua> a/n*a .y UafCU II i illayar,
aa4 tm tl. ai I,J aouth <V—lra miwi. IrofiUaf ua
11i ml Swatli Otnli. Mml * fti, al ni-'ijirt
lok 4ft la— 4. a.14 ft—Hi fti-rifc ami: IWm
ar.a4 t—a— M) fntmr 0 a all'a. Juwm, —alUaa.
c tlmr oali.'n'lln*. fti—ft. t.kr-i Ta oalioa a4 W
1- aoM a. lla- vi 1. A f aaa,
No. lo.—All ibat t-ortain M (T pim of
ptatnal -lo.ta ia r tWi IraaAlii, tt tvaiaty, r*.
lain4ol I.a Ik. a. lib ijr laa " of • liana Midiot.
an th. *< l<y lo<h of J.orj h ftraia. ..t, il.. ..Ik hj
It. h I M. A'at-w. awl .a. Ut. a.at bj la.t4.af
W tllhia Malharcai. nutdalaf ahaal 4 am Imrt or
lata; Iharaoi ara. 1.4 n RMMIJf foiaa b waa.aautll
hara aad ob) ■.ntloll.iiaf* (ta.nl.utaa ta atwa
tiaa aal ta ho -.'4 aa IHa nf J. ha ioothm.
No. lA.—All that c-rtain lot or ftlaca of
anoi.4 aitaaU In tha lho|b of VMtM., Ootr.
utaalf.Pa, Kjan4.nl oa -ha aartk If (hn— aUaf.
tm Ih* od lot-4 if 11. h Ilk It, oa It. aoath I t
Una attart. a4 <o th. ana. hi lw tf Uaer- Toflsar,
lilj. ted Una —not t< ( Sraa. ahf t—llt-v
lor* AM fa— to aaM i~Vao h alh < . IkiW IMN a
(<_)<—.frama 'la- I t., hnataanof othar ooO—fiftafa.
Mai oaf. uiiaa It. nti.ai ao4 to ha M aa tha pro
partr 14 Th -man A. Ilh .
Tia nam. V* ttaaft -tu It aiaoMftf Ml
th* lOßh atoaay I. wM ta 'all.
• foil- trAXOl.t*. MhtrHl
NOTICE U btrebv given, that a|v
(fftath— aIM ha mh la tha harf f Fufna •
for Ota pare- Ml W laM. at taarhaf of Ih* >44
Hart am lha am T..Ofay of Famar*.
hw V a una
NOTICE. —The annnsd meeting of
tha *<4l. hot l alMlaa o> 4 Uao A-oataallna
affl b- h—a la tha *o M —-nam htn. A Oiyhwt
or, (ha if dalutdar .4 .■•aoaty (llih la-UM>at 1 Iff
*.*. WM.r.t-I'XCAS.ewfaWy,
Jaaoary A Wl _ ____
NOTICE —Notice hrtvby given
Hwt Ik) aocwHit rf W Mm B*4, CiaM.
taa of j .:.a ih tt s. -r, -f iir ft-MU. O-lra
■ iy, IVntih, a 10-ains aa IW l-r 11. ta lokf U4
W r a-atrrk, afn int-. afc-a of. Uta m.4 inha
aialof owarnhha. h t—t ahnl In Ih* (4Bo* nf tha
Ihtai -, l try <f iha fvart of ihaaai Fiwtf Oat.a
rnwoia. aaf tlmt al4 aun,at nt ha |artaa(*4 ta MM
t MM* -ivaAra—tam at fxaaar. Tm ant
Iff A MIU PMWwoUry