Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 03, 1861, Image 5

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    C|e Centre democrat.
Thursday Morning, Oct. 3rd '6l.
ggy* We purpose issuiug two ball-sheets
this week.
Keep It Before The People,
That Wm. 11. Blair is the choice of the Dem
ocratic Convention that heartily endorsed the
Watchman on the same week that it was pre
sented by the Grand Jury of the county, for
Keep it Before the People,
Tljat Robett Barron is hostile to the present
Administration and all its measures; and
that ha has never taken up arms, written a
letter, or made a speech in defence of his
country and its outraged laws ; but that he
is, in all things, just such a patriot as suits
Jeff. Davis and his horde of Southern trait
ors and Northern peace men.
Keep it Before the People,
That Dr. Samuel Strohecker says this is " a
tarn Abolition war," and also keep it b'fjre
the voters of Centre county that he has held
back the pec,pie of Miles township from go
ing to the support of tbe Government, and
baa thus done all that he could to prolong
this wer, and add to tbe taxes of Centre
Keep it Before the People,
That Proud foot says that it be had a dozm
eons he would have sent them to fight for tbe
South, against the Government, and remem
ber that when he said this be was a sworn
officer of the Government ; what a qualifica
tion perjury would be for a judge ; and he
now says that as soon as tbe election is over
be will sell out if he cnafind apurchaser. and
be will move Soutb. Poor fellow, he thinks
the obances for being elected Judge are
small , and be wants to go to a warmer conn*
Keep it Before the People,
That Dr. Mitchell went to the array for three
months, as Captain, because be fvared that
be would etand no ohanco for Tieasurer if
be backed out. Ask Sheriff McCoy if it ain't
Keep it Before the People,
That Amos Alexander refused to attend the
Methodist Church because tho Stars and
Stripes, the flag of bis country, waived over
the Methodist Chapel, and because he "could
not stand the Union prayers offered up there
for his country by the noble patriot, Findly
Riddle, and keep it before them, that he
quareled with his hired man becausehe went
to assist in raising tho flag of his country,
in Mr. Alexander's neighborhood ; and keep
it before the families of volunteers that they
may expect to starve or turn beggars before
the winter is half gone if they place Amos
Alexander in a position to effect it.
Keep it Before the People,
That Henry Johnson is in favor of the Ad
ministration and a vigorous prosecution of
the war until every reoel is subdued, buDg,
or driven far from the country, aDd fie ad
vocates the policy of raising an army ol suS
cient magnitude to crush the rebeis on every
field and in every State, in the shortest pos
sible time, aDd thus save the people from the
enormous debt and taxation of a protracted
Keep it Before tho People,
That Samuel McWilliams is a patriot, and
has both by word and deed done all he could
to sustain the Government and the Adminis
tration in the prosecution of this war, one of
his brothers is in the army, and bis whole
family are sound Unionists, while he himself
is devoted heart and soul to his country.—
Mr. Alexander has all the qualifications for
a Legislator, and the interests of Centre
county could not be placed in better hands.
Keep it Before the People.
That Jacob Baker is one of the very best
business men of our County' end serving as
justioo for a number of years, bas well quaN
illed btm for a seat on the Bench as associ
ate judge of the couDty, and every voter can
feel sure that in voting for him they are not
voting for a traitor or the friend of traiiors.
Keep it Before the People,
That Peter Wslson, tho old farmer, is a true
patriot and a well read, sound thinker who ;
would do benor to his county as one of her
Associate Judges.
Keep it Before the People.
That Thomas Hutchinson is one of our soun
dest meD, and patriotio all over. He has
sent two of his sons to the army, one of '
whom is now lying in bondage in a rebel oi- 1
ty, cut off from all communication with hi 8
friends and denied all means of ascertaining
the least intelligence of their welfare. Mr.
Hutchinson is the soldier's friend, the tax
payer friend, the friend of the soldier's 1
family, the friend of honor, honesty and true
patriotism ; he has served three years as
Commissioner with more credit to him.
self and the county than any Commissioner
before him ever has done, and the evidence
of it 1B that the people have taken him up
for re-election, and every man who wishes
to further his own interests will vote for him.
lie has never been the passive tool of other
men ; tut always thinking and acting fo r
himself, and bethinks and acts about right,
certain would-be click managers and leaders
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Keep it Before the People,
That C. G, Ryman will be cur next treasurer
aod a more noble, upright, moral intelligent,
capable courteous, efficient, and patriotic ,
I man could not have been selected ; he sus
j tains the Administrative policy of the Na
tional and State government, as eyery true
man dots, be his politics what they may.
Keep it Before the People,
That the Union or Republican Ticket will
be triumphantly elected, while the Secession
or Democratic ticket will be sentaway down
South to Dixie.
A Difference.
[We copy the following from one of our
exchanges. It meets the case so fairly, and
expresses our sentiments so well that we ap
propriate it without further apology.]
At the last term of Court at Bellefonte, in
Centre County, the Grand Jury, uoder their
caths and affirmations, presented the Demo
cratic Watchman, the Breckinridge organ of
that county, to the court, as being "in the
practice of encouraging the rehels now in
arms against the Government, by expressing
sympathy and agreement with them, the duty
of acceding to their demands, and dissatis
faction with the employment of force to over
come tnem."
During the same term of Court, and at the
same IOWD, the Democratic Convention of
Centre county, passed a resolution cordialy
endorsing the course pursued by the " Demo
cratic Watchman."
The case, therefore, stands thus: the Grand
Jury of Centre county says the Watchman is
in the practice of encouraging the rebels, &c.,
and the Democratic Convention endorsee the
course of the Watchman.
It ie only necessary to add that this same
Democratic Convention also nominated Wm.
11. Blair for Senator, Union men, which
will you sustain, the Grand Jury of Centre
county, or the Democratic Convention ?
Contemptible Employment.
The young man who is w-iting leitfrs through
the county to republicans ssLing them to vote
for Amos Alexander instead of Thos. IJutohinson,
should tell the men he writes to, that Mr, Hutchi
son got him appointed merchantile appraise r
over Mr. Burbete own Brother; and afterwards
at his solicitation gave his father-in-law the col
lectorship of his Township. They would ;hen be
qualified to judge of his gratitude and they would
understand that it is because he cannot, get some
thing else, that he is taking this mean and con
temptible course • but we have one comfort in the
reflection that this young man has always defea
ted or greatly injured every man he ever gave his
support to,
• Queer Indeed.
Queer isn't it ? that Marion township has sent
to the artny, from her Eastern s;hool district, tine
half of the voters, while the other three districts
of the township have not sent one tenth of the vo
ters. the only reason that can be assigned for
this, is the superior intelligence of tho Eastern
district ; the Centre Democrat circulates freoly—
while in the other di-'tricts they take Fred Kurtz's
large and extensively circulated German and Eng
lish paper, which is always full of all manner of
misrepresentation and falsehood, and that reckless
ly false sheet, the Democratic Watchman. Of pa
pers, as of individuals , it may be said, "by their
fruits ye shall know them."
Harper's Magazine.
This well known monthly is decidedly one of the
Institutions of our land. The October number is
one of tho best numbers ever issued. Indeed eve
ry number appears to excel its predecessor in in
terest. A number of it is a literary feast and its
readers are always happy to receive it.
The present number contains many interesting
articles, "Boquet'sExpedition." a bit of history
of early times, "Coast Rangers," a history of a
series of adventures in California, "Sporting in
Spitsbergen." "Seasons with the Sea Horse," a
splendid P' emby Alexander Smith, and a host of
other articles go to make up its rich treasury for
the mind. It contains a number of fine fashion
plates. Subscription Prise Two Dollars. Harper
Brothers, Franklin square, New York.
The Atlantic Monthly.
Tho American people are blest with good Mag
azines, and among the best of the good we find
the Atlantic .vl o thly, published by Ticknor and
Fields, of Boston. lis virtues are to " numerous
to enumerate." Alw ws on hand at the proper
time, and ever full of the meat excellent and in
teresting matter. Not filled up with light and
trashy literature, so common in our day ; but full
of.real solid instructive matter. " Near Oxford"
" Cyrie Wilde" " Journal of a privateers man"
*' Concerning People of whom more might have
been made." " A story of to-day." " What we
are comming to." " Panic terror" and a number
of otbei articles go to make up the October num
ber. Terms three dollars a year. Postage paid.
Petersons Magazine.
This magazine is published by Chas. J. Peter
son 306 Cbesnut Street Philadelphia. Terms two
dollars a year. This is decidedly the Ladie3 Mag
azine, being illustrated every month with a large
number of handsome and late fashion plates. Be
side the plates, it contains much interesting mat
ter. The present number contains several fine
Noveletts poems and other matters of interest.
SEWARD ON RUSSELL. —The attention of Mr.
Seward having been called to the villainous
letter of Russel to the London Times , pub
lishes a reply in which he says :
" The Government of the United States de
pends not upon the good will of foreign wri
ters or papers, nor even of foreign nations,
but upon the just support of the American
people. Its credi l, and its fame seem to me
now, more than ever heretofore, safe in tbeir
Charles H. Burnside.
By the report of the wounded at Lexing
ton, we find the name of our former towns
mao and friend, Chtries H. Burnside. When
we heard that Charley' had enlisted we felt
sure that be would never disgrace hie native
place, aod hia conduct in common with the
rest of Mulligan'* little baud, proved that
we were right.
k Faith in the Government,
The vigor and promptness of the Govern*
ment in conducting the operations of the war
are day after day securing for it a deeper
and deeper hold upoD the public confidence.
Many important things are being done, rap*
idly, skillfully, and efficiently, Administra
tive energy and ability are displayed in all
branches of the public service. We are not
disposed to lavish indiscriminate praise upon
all who are prominently connected with the
management of important public affairs at
this critical juncture ; but so touch has been
said in derogation of the action of the Ad
ministration, so many groundless and unjust
complaints have been made, that, at one
period," there was danger that the feeling of
confidence whioh should exist in times of
peril between the people and the Government
would be seriously shaken, and it is pecu
liarly fortunate that this evil has bepn aver
In times of peace, it matter# comparitively
little whether the authorities of the nation
command the aonfidence and secure the ear
nest support of ths great body of the citizens
of our country or not ; but in the hour of ex
treme peri), when the very existance of our
nation ie at stake, and when the destiny of
the present generation and of unborn millions
hangs trembling I'D the scale, it is vitally im
portant that those entrusted with the man
agement of public afiairs should feel, on the
one band, that they can securely rely upon
the faithful, zealous, and enthusiastic sup
port of the loyal masses, and, on the other,
the American people should feel that the af
fairs of the Government, iD which they have
such a deep and inestimable interest, are
wisely, energetically, and properly adminis
The vigor of our blows against the rebell
ion will be immeasurably increased by the
conciousness that they will be strengthened
and sustained, at all hazards, and in all con
tingencies, by the unanimous sentiment of
the loyal States. If the general determina
tion to overpower the insurgents remains
unchanged and unweakened, the suppression
of the rebellion is inevitable, and those who
seek to undermine the efface this feeling Are,
therefore, amongst the most dangerous foes
of the Republic. Some journals, without,
perhaps, being animated by mischevious
designs, seem to habitually delight in pub
lishing such perversions of the current events
of the day as lead unthinking readers to sup
pose that, while the people are busy in pro
moting the movements connected with the
war, the Administration alone, of all persons
not suspected of disloyalty, is comparitively
inatientive, idle, and indifferent to the suc
cess of our armies. Such writers appear to
imagine that everything is going wrong, and
that nothing is being done in a proper man
ner. Becanse the secrets of the Government
are not all blazoned forth so publicly that
every eye can read and every ear can hear
them, they suppose that few movements of
importance are beiDg made. That Euch
ideas are clearly unjust any man who, for a
moment, considers the real condition of pub
affairs, will readily perceive. The immense
army now iD and around Washington is, day
alter day, rapidly increasing in strength and
efficiency ; and, while everything transpiring
in our camps is not described with minute
ness, no one doubts that the activity and uo.
ceasing vigilance of General McClellan have
been attended with highly important results,
and that he has now under his command one
of the largest and best armies ever assembled
on this continent.
In Missouri, also, great activity has been
displayed, and all accounts agree in stating
that an array has been organized that will
not ODly be able to defend the State, but
whicb, when proper hreparations are made
for a descent of the Mississipni, will bo pow
erful enough to overcome the Secessionists
in some of their most important strongholds.
The aspect nf agairs in Kentucky is threat
ening, but the loyal Union men of the State
are daily becoming more willing to accept
the arbitrament of the sword as the only
possible means of settling our present nation
al difficulties, and if war must break out
upon her soil, a large proportion of her citi
zens may be relied upon as brave and deter
mined defenders of the Government. In
Western Virginia, General ltosecrans, not
withstanding the numerobs sensation reports
that have appeared, falsely declaring that he
had met, with various serious disasters,
bravely maintains his position, holds his foes
in check, and prepares the'.way, we trust,
for more brilliant victories.
At Fortress Monroe, under the skilful
management of General Wool, the diciplioe
of our troops is constantly being improved,
and it cannot be doubted that in any engage
ment in which thev may participate, they
will conduct themselves gallantly and effi
Meanwhile the navy, about which so many
complaints have appeared, is being strength
ened to an extont which few appeeciate or
comprehend ; and it is evident that the De
partment will soon have resources at its com
mand which will enable it to follow up the
victory at Ilatteras with other of a similar,
but still mure important, character; to en
force a comple'e blockade, to close every
important Southern inlet, and to sweep the
the rebel privateers from the sea.
The apprehensions at one time expressed
about the National credit, and the fears that
the financial assistance necessary to secure a
vigorous proseeuticn of the war could not be
obtained, are rapidly disappearing before the
evidenoe afforded by the prompt action of
the banks and the numerous subscriptions
to the National loan, of the unlimited confi
dence of capitalists in the integrity and per
petuity of the Government.
Thus, with our treasury replenished, our
army and navy is a high state of efficiency,
the loyalty and patriotism of the people un
diminished, and the revival of business indi
cated, the aspect of affairs should inspire all
good citizens with hope and confidence.
Death of General Gibson.
Commissary-General Gibson, who died
here to-day, was aged about 85 years, and
loDg held that position. He entered the
army in 1808 as a Captain of Infantay, from j
A Good Example.
It is related of one of the bravest and j
most pious members of the great Muhlenberg !
family—beloved alike for bis patriotism and i
his many Christian virtues —that in the j
American Revolution, after preaching a j
thrilling sermon on a beautiful Sabbath
morniDg to his congregation, immediately at j
the close of the exercises he threw off his \
surplice and stood disclosed before his par
ishoners in the uniform of an American offi
cer. He then informed them that " there
was a time to pray and a time to fight," and
that, as the liberties of the couDtry were in
danger, he had resolved to offer his seivises
to the Government, and, to *bat end, would
commence enrolling his men on the green
outside of the churoh. This familiar inci
dent comes back to us now as a cbceriDg
reminicense of the first struggle tor freedom
on these shores, and as an irresistible appeal
to all loyal men at the present day. It the
men who moulded and made this great Gov
ernment—who toiled, fought, and died that it
should stand, like an eternal fortress, im
pregnable to tyranny through all time—were
inspired by such emotions, why should not
we, their descendants, catch war and ven
geance from their example ? If they were
invoked to battle by what they believed to
be the call of God and of tbe country, we
should remember that the appeal to us is far
morn solemn, and, if possible, more irresisti
ble. The? gave their lives and fortunes to
buil up a nation. We are called into battle
to save a nation. They left to their posteri
ty the seed, and from the seed that posterity
has gathered a harvest —yes, many harvestr,
abundant, fruitful, sustaining—seed that first
blossomed into laws, then into commerce,
towns, cities, and various industries, and at
last ripened into a civilization so perfect, and
into institutions so equal and solid, as to seem
to be beyond the improvement of man and
the ravages of time. Of a sudden this per
fect fruit of the labors of the heroes and sa
ges of the Revolution—after exciting the en
vious appetite of the tyrants of the old world,
and feeding and strengthening a shameless
oligarchy in the new—is sought to be pluck
ed from the tree of liberty. Traitor hands
are laid upon the branches of this tree. As
sassins seek to poison its roots, so as to de
prive comng generations ol the unnumbered
blessings of a civil'zed and generous Govern
ment. Truly is this a time when all good
men should stand forward in defence of our
rights and interests. There is not a citizen
that can do something for the conmon cause.
The clergyman, tbe lawyer, the professional
man, the artest, the mechanic, the farmer,
the laborer, should remember that.the tri
umph or the defeat of our armies will be tbe
success or overthrow of bis owe franchises
and probably tf his own personal freedom.
In every county in Pennsylvania the great
truths involved in this contest should be
preached from the sacred desk, from the
bench of tbe judge, from the bar, and from
the political hustings. Every newspaper
editor should devote his time and his talentg
to this holy duty. who cannot thus
addrsss the people, should apply themselves
in other modes to awaken them to a full con
sciousness of the work that is befire us.—
The ladies can now be most efficient instru
ments. From out of their abuudance tbey
may, in many ways, add to the comfort of
our troops, and those who desire to put their
gains at safe interest should set the good ex
ample of subscribing promptly and liberally
to the national loan. Should this spirit pre
vail, presently tbe citizen who refuses to be
animated by it will be a marked man in this
neighborhood. lie will be point, dat as one
who is blind to his obligations to the best
and most indulgent Government on God's
globe—deaf to the calls of a bleeding and
threatened republic— a sympathizer with
treachery and falsehood and ingratitude, and
a fitting candidate for tbe curses of bis own
and his children's children.— Phil. Press.
History of our National Flag.
The history of our National flag is of ex
ceeding interest at this time, while traitors
are menacing its sacred folds. The banner
of St. Andrew was blue, eharged with a
raltier or cross in the for of a letter X, and
was used in Scotland as early as the eleventh
century. The banner of St. George was
white, charged with a red cross., and was
used iu England as early as first part of the
fourteenth century. By a royal proclama
tion, dated April I2th, 170G, these two cros
es were joined together upon the same flag,
forming the national flag of England. In
1801, when Ireland became a part of Great
Britain, the present rational flag ©f Eng
land, known as the Union Jack, was com
j pleted. The ancient flag of England formed
the basis of our American banner. Our
Colonial ancestors raised various flags, but
none of them were incorporated into our
present emblem. When Washington took
command ef the army at Cambridge, Mass.,
January 21st, 1776, he unfurled the new
flag of thirteen stripes of alternate red and
white, having on one of its corners the red
and white crosses of St. George and St. An
drew, on a field of blue. This was the
! standard borne into the city of Boston by
j the American army after the evacuation by
the British troops. It showed that the colo
nies claimed to be part of the British Em
pire, and yet made known the fate of the
thirteen colonies. Congress, on the Isth
day of June, 1777, resolved, '• That the flag
of the thirteen United States should be thir
teen stripes, alternate red and white, and
that the Union be thirteen white stars in a
blue field but it was not till the 3d of
the next September that the resolution was
made public, and the first flag of the kind
was made. On this flag the stars were ar
ranged in a circle. The battle of Saratoga
was the first action into which it was borne.
In 1794, two States having been added to
the Union, it was voted that the alternate
stripes, as well as the circling stsrs, be fif
teen in number ; and thus enlarged, the
flag was borne through the war of 1812.
After the war was ended it was found that
if a new stripe was were to be added for
each new State, the flag would soon become
so large as to be unwieldy, so in 1818 it
was enacted, that a permanent return should
be made to the original number of thirteen
stripes, and that the number of stars should
correspond to the number of States, thus
symbolizing the Union as it might be at any
period, and also as it was at its birth. At
the same time it was suggested that the
stars be made into a single star—a sugges
tion which we occasionally s§e adopted at
the present time. As to the arrangement of
the constelation, no particular order seems
to be observed ; it is sufficient if all the
stars are there.
The stripes of white declare purity and
innocence, the red gives forth defiance to
cruelty and oppression, the blue is embla
matical of perseverance, vigilance, and jus
tice, while the whole speaks for the Union.
" one and inseperable." The rules as to the
size of the flag are, that its length be one
and a half of its breadth, and the blue jack,
with the stars, be square, occupying the
space of six stripes. Of all the national
flags in existence, it is, to the unprejudiced
eye of taste, the most lovely banner that ever
floated upon the breeze. And long may it
wave, as it ever has since it was first un
furled, unsullied and triumphant.
Important From Washington.
Another Advance of the Grand
The Stars and Stripes Planted on
Munson's Hill.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 1861.
Gen. McClellan went over the river yester
day afternoon, accompanied by his staff.—
Immediately on arriving at Fort Corcoran
the centre and right wing of the army was
put in motion, and marched forwaid toward
Munßon's Hill, with batteries, cavalry, &c.
Brigadier-Geneial Wadswortb's division was
in advaoce, supported by Gen. Keyes' com
mand. The main body of the army advanc
ed on the road to Ball's Cross Roads. All
the avenues were filled with solid cavalry
and infantry.
The men were in a joyful mood, and those
who had been left as invalids in camp, were
up, and with their ribes following the army.
Upton's Hill, where fortifications had been
commenced by the Rebels, had been evacua
ted. The army passed on and took posses
sion cf Munson's Ilill, the enemy having beat
a retreat. Our men took possession of the
hill, and we bold it. together with all the ad
vanced possessions of the Rebels.
A detachment of the Fourteenth New York
Volunteers, Col. McQuade, bv a flank move
ment in the rear of Munson's Ilill, cutoff
and captured a mounted .fScer, a lieutenant
and six privates. The fficors and men were
brought in to Fort Coot ran, und one of them,
being wounded, was brougnt over to the
Georgetown hospital.
There has been a great retreat of the Reb
els from Munson s Hill, Uptons Ilill, Masons
Ilill, Perkins" Hill, and Falls Church are all
now in tha possession of the Federal troops,
and the American flags are flying from Mun
son's ilill and Fort Perkins. Upton's Ilill
is occupied by Gen. McDowell's Division ; a
part of Keves' Brigade occupy Mason's Dili;
Gen. Smith's Division is within a mPe and a
half of Falls Church ; the New Thirty-fifth
Regiment is picketing at Falls Church, nud
Gen. Potter's Division has been thrown for
ward as far as the Loudon and Hampshire
Melancholy Catastrophe.
The advance of General Smith on Falls church
from the Chain Bridge was attended by events of
of the most deplorable character. Having passed
Yanderwrecken's and Vanderberg's houses, on
their way to the former place, when about a half
a mile from it, by some una countable blunder,
I Col. Owen's Philadelphia Irish Regiment, in the
darkness of the night, mistaking for the rebels, the
battery of Capt. Mett, whh-h was in advance, sus
tained by Gen. Baker's California Regiment, led
by Baxter's Philadelphia Fire Zouaves and Col.
Friedman's Cavalry, fired a full volley iuto the
troops last mentioned, killing and wounding a large
number. The California Regiment not knowing
whence the firing came, returned it with marked
effect. The horses attached to Vlott's battery be
came unmanageable, and the tongues of the cas
sions were broken, owing to the narrownes of the
road. Lieut. Bryant having command of the first
section, ordered the guns to be loaded with grape
and cannister to rake the supposed enemy, when
word was sent him that ho was in company with
friends. Considerable time elapsed before con
fidence and quiet was restored.
Of Mott's battery, one man was killed and two
mortally wounded.
Of Baker's California Regiment four were killed
and eleven wounded.
Of Baxters Zouaves none were killed ; but four
Of Col. Owen's Philadelphia Regiment one was
killed and two wounded.
Of First Pennsylvania Dragoons one man mor
tally wounded.
The Object of the Retreat.
Various speculaticns are rife as to the where
abouts of the rebel army as no traces of them can
be discovered, in large numbers. The most pro
bable theory; from what can be gathered is that
the rebels are making feints of retreat, as they
did previous to the battle of Bull run, with the
view of drawing our troo s into ambuscades.
R. 1., Thursday, one of the companies of
the new regiment was mustered in, but
several minors were rejected, because they
did not produce the certificate of consent
of their parents. One young man, whose
mother is a widow, had enlisted and went
to his mother with his certificate for her
signature. But she not being willing for
him to go, withheld her consent, but finally
after much persuasion, said she would agree
upon one condition—that her son should
I thrust his fingei at random through the
leaves of the closed Bible, and the language
of the text upon which it rested should de
cide her action in the matter. He did as
she requested, and his finger where the BR
ble was opened, was found resting over the
two following verses :
2d Book of Chronicles, 29th chapter, 16th
and 17th verses :
" To morrow go ye down against them ;
behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz ;
and ye shall find them at the end of the
brook, before the wilderness of Jerusalem.
" Ye shall not need to fight in this battle;
set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the
salvation of the Lord with you. OJudah
and Jerusalem ; fear not, nor be dismayed ;
to-morrow go out against them ; for tho
Lord will be with you."
The mother read and consented.
TLe Rebel attack at Great Falls.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.—The reoonnois
sance made by the Rebels this morning at
Great Falls, was made by eight regiments
with artillery. It was met by Gen. McCall,
who dispersed and scattered the enemy by
six rounds of shot and shell, from a battery
planted on the Maryland side.
Poem Delivered before the Pal Beta Ka
pa Society of Hayard University.
The drum's wild roar awakes the land; the fife
is callang shrill;
Ten thousand starry banners bluze on town, and
bay and hill;
Our crowded streets are throbbing with the sol
diers' measured tramp ;
Among our bladed c ornSelds gleam the white
tents of the camp.
The thunders of the rising war hush labor's drow
sy hum,
And heavy to the ground the first dark drops of
battle come.
The souls of men flame up anew the narrow heart
expands ;
And woman brings her patient faith to nerve her
oager hands.
Thank God ! we are nat hurried yet, though long
in trance we lay.
Thank God 1 the fathers need not blush to own
their sons to day .
Oh ! sad and slow the weeks went by ; each held
his anxious breath,
Like one who waits in helpless fear for some
sorrow great as death.
Oh ! scarce ly was there faith in God, nor any
trust in man,
While fast along the Southern sky the blighting
shadow ran.
It veiled the stars, one after one ; it hushed the
patriots song.
And stole from men the sacred sense that parteth
right from wrong.
Then a red flash, the lightning across the dark
ness broke,
And with a vaice that shook the land the guns of
Sumpter spoke ;
Wake, sons of heroes, wake ! The aje of heroes
dawns again ;
Truth takes in hand her ancient sword, and calls
her loyal men,
Lo 1 brightly o'er the breaking day shines free
dom's holy star.
Peace cannot euro the sickly time. All hail, the
healer, war 1
Tlis calling was heard by Plymouth Rock ; 'twas
heard iu Boston Bay ;
Then up the Piny streams of Maine sped on its
ringing way.
New Hampshire's roek3, Vermont's Green hills,
it kindled into flame ;
Rhode Island felt her mighty soul bursting her
little frame ;
The Empire City started up, her golden fetters
And meteor like, across the North, the fiery mes
sage sent ;
Over the the breezy.prarie land, by bluff and lake
it ran.
Till Kansas bent his arm, and laughed to find him
self a man •
Then on by cabin and by camp, by stony wastes
and sands,
It rang exultant down the sea where the Golden
City stands.
And wherosoe'r the summons came, there rese an
angry din,
As when upon a rocky coast a stormy tide comes
Straightway the fathers gathered voice, straight
way the sons arose,
With flushing cheek, as when the East with day's
red current flows.
Hurrah ! the long despair is past; our fading
hopes renew;
The fog is liftirg from the lint'., and 10, the an
cient blue !
Wc learn tho secret of the deeds the sires hive
handed down,
To fire the youthful soldier's zeal, and tend his
green renown.
Who lives for country, through his arm feela all
hir forces flow,
'lis easy to be brave for truth, as for the rose to
Oh ! Law, fair form of Liberty, God's light is on
thy brow.
Oh ! Liberty, thou soul of Law, God's very self
art thou ;
One the clear river's sparkling flood that clothes
the bank with green :
And one tho lino of stubborn rock that holds the
water in
Friends, whom we cannot think apsrt, seeming
each other's foe:
Twined flowers upon a single stock with equal
grace that grow.
Oh ! fair ideas, we write your name across our
banner's fold ;
For you the sluggard's brain is fire , for you thj
coward bold.
Oh ! daughter of the bleeding ! past Oh ! hope
the prophets saw .'
God gives us law i n Liberty, and Liberty in lew.
Full many a heart is aching "with mingled joy
and pain,
For those who go so proudly forth and may not
come again ;
And many a heart is aching for those it leaves
As a thousand tender histories throng in upon
the mind.
The old men bless tbe young men and praise
their bearing high ;
The women in te doorway stands to wave them
bravely by.
One threw her arms about her boy, and said
"Good bye, my son ,
God help Ihce do tho valliant deeds thy father
would have done."
One held up to a bearded man a little child to
kiss, •
And said "I shall not he alone for thy dear love
and this."
And one, a rosebud in her hand, leant at a sold
ier's side ;
"Thy country weds tho first," she said, "be I thy
second bride."
Oh ! mothers, when around your hearts ye count
your eheerished ones,
And miss from the enchanted riDg the flower of
your sons;
Oh ! wives, when, o'er the cradled child ye bend
at evening's fall,
And vcices which the heart can hear across the
distance call ;
Oh ! maids, wheß, in the sleepless nights ye ope
the little case,
And look till ye can look no more upon the proud
young face,
Not only pray ths Lord of Life, who measures
moral breath.
To bring the absent back unscathed out of tho
fire of death ;
Oh ! pray with that divine content which God's
best favor draws,
That whosoever lives or dies, he sate his holy
So oat of shop and farmhouse, from shoro and in
land glen,
Thick as the bees in clover time, are swarming
armed men ;
Along the dusty roads in haste the eager columns
With flash of sword and musket's gleam, the bu
gle and the drum
Ho ! comrades, see the starry flag, broad-waving
at our head.
Ho ! cemrades, mark the tender light on the dear
emblems spread.
Our fathers' blood has hallowed it; 'tis part of
their renown;
And palsied be the caitiff hand would pluck its
glories down ,
Hurrah ! hurraa! it is our home, where'er thy
col.ors fly;
We win with thee tho victory, or in thy shadow
Oh ! women, drive the rattl ing loom, and gather
in the hay;
For all the youth worth love and truth are mars
ehalled for the fray.
Southwaard the hosts are hurrying, with banners
wide unfurled,
From where the stately Hudson floats the wealth
of Half the world ;
From where amid his clustered isles, Lake Hu
ron's waters gleam ;
From where the Mississippi pours an unpolluted
stream ;
From where Kentucky's of corn bend in the south
ern air ;
From broad Ohio's Incious vines ; from Jersey's
Orchard tair ;
From where between his fertile slopes, Nebraska's
river's run ;
From Pennsylvania's iron hills ; fro.m woody Ore
gon ;
And Massachusetts led the van, as in the day of
And gave her reddest blood to cleanse the stones
of Baltimore.
Oh ! mothers, sisters, (laughters, spare the tear*
ye fain would shed ;
Who seem t,o die in such a cause, ye cannot call
them dead
They lire upon the lips of men, in picture, buit
and song,
And nature folds them in her heart, and keeps
them safe from wrong.
Oh ! length of days is not a boon the brave man
piayeth for;
There are a thousand evils worse than death or
any war—
Oppression with its iron strength, fed on the
souls of men,
And License, with the huDgry brood that haunt
his ghastly den.
But like bright stars ye fill the eye; adorning
hearts ye draw ;
Oh 1 sacred grace of Libertv; Oh ! majesty of
Hurrah ! ihe drums are beating ; the fife is oalliug
shrill ; .
Ten thousand starry banners flame on town, and
bay, and hill ;
The t unders of the risig war drown Labor's
peaceful hum ;
Thaik God that wa have lived to see the saffrca
morning come—
The morning of the battle call, to every soldier
Oh joy! tne cry Is " Forward!" Oh, joy! thefo®
is near!
For all the crafty men of peace have failed to
purge the land;
Hurrah! the rank of battle close; God takes hie
cause in hand!
best piece of satire upon the leniency ob
served by the authorities in this section, in
reference to rebels found committing depre.
dations, is in the shape of a story which ja
told, we believe, by Governor Pierpont. As
the story goes, some, of the soldiers in Gene
ra! Cox's camp, down in Kanawa, recently
caught a large rattlesnake. The snake man
ifested a most mischeivous disposition,
snapping and thrusting out his forked tongue
at all who came near it. The boys at last
got tired of the reptile, and as nobody wan
ted such a dangerous companion, the ques
tion arose, " what shall we do with him ?"
This question was propounded several times
without an answer, when a half drunken
soldier who was lying near upon his back,
rolled over upon his side, and relieved his
companions by quietly remarking: " Damn
it, swear him and let him go."
YANKEE STRATAGEM. —Duiing the Revolu
tionary war, two brothers from one of tlia
eastern ports were commanders of privat
eers ; they cruised together, and were emi
nently successful, doing great damage to
the enemy and making money for them
selves. One evening, being in the latituda
of the shoals of Nantucket, but many miles
to the eastward of them, they espied a largo
British vessel having the appearance of a
merchantman, and made towards her ; but
to their astonishment, found her to be a frig
ate in disguise. A very high breeze pre
vailing, they hauled off in different direc
tions. Only one could be pursued, and tho
frigate gained rapidly on him. Finding
that he could not run away, the commander
had recourse to a stratagem. On a sudden
he hauled in sails, and all hands were em
ployed with setting poles, as if shoving his
vessel of a bank. The people on board the
frigate, amazed at the supposed danger they
had run, and to save themselves from being
grounded, immediately clawed off. and left
the more knowing Yankee ! 'to make himself
scarce," who soon a.i night rendered it pru
dent for hira, hoistecLgaUs at a sea two hun
dred fathoms denp.-M-NavaFAnecdote..
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership
heretofore existing between Jos D. Harris James.
Sommerville and Jno. Harris, was dissolved on
the 2.iih day of Sept. 1861, so far as relates to the
said Jos. D. Harris and James Somtnerville.
All dobis due to the said partnership are to be
paid, and those due from the same discharged at
the drug store in Bellefonte, where the business
will be continued by the said Jno. Harris
All persons "knowing themselves indebted to the.
firm of J. A J. HARRIS or JNO. HARRIS A Co.
will call and settle and thereby save costs.
By virtue of an Order of the Orphans'
Conrt f Centre county, will be exposed to public
sale, on the premises,
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th, '6l,
at 10 o'clock of said day, the following described
property, being the Real Estate of Geo. Swarz,
dee'd., being and lying in Spring township, in
the county of Centre, to wit: On tho South by
lands ot Goo. Iloy, on tho West by lands of Jas.
McClelland, on the North by lands of Jno. Roek
ey, and on the East by lands of Jacob Gill and
James Oordan, containing
or thereabouts, be the same more or less,
lying at a distonec of about four
miles South of Bollofonte.
A LSO, that traot or parcel of mountain land,
adjoining the tract above described, containing
or thereabouts, be the same more or lesa. There
ore thereon erected a large
a large and well finished
and all other necessary out-bnildings all of which
are in tho beßt condition.
The farm is furnished with excellent water
and contains a large thrifty APPLE ORCHARD,
and other fruit in abundance.
TERMS OF SALE: —One half the purchase
money in hand, and the residue in one year
thereafter with interest, to be secured by Bond
and Mortgage.
DAVID KAUFMAN, V Guardians."
Sept. 19, '6l. td.
Job Printing! Job Printing!!
Centre Democrat Office.
Centre Democrat Office.
Centre Demoorat Offioe.
Centre Demoorat Offie e.
Centre Democrat Offloe.
Neatly executed and promptly sent te any
part of the county, at the CENTRE DEMOCRAT
OFFICE. [Sept 19.—'61.
AVer's Sarsaparilla.