WHEREAS, IN AND BY AN ACT OF The General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an 'Act relating to the elections of this Common wealth" passed the 2nd day of July, A. D. 1839, it is the daty of tbe Sheriff of every oouDty within tbe Commonwealth to give Public notice and to enumerate : —lst. Tbe officers to be elected. 2nd. Designate ihe f laces at which the election is to be held. GEORGE ALEXANDER, High Sheriff ot Centre, do hereby make known, and give this public notice to the electors of the said county of Centre, that on the second Tues day of October next, (beingtbeßch day of the month) a General Election will be held at the several election districts, established by law in the said coonty of Centre, at whieh time district and ounty officers are to be eleeted as follows, to wit : One person tj represent tbis Senatorial District in the Senate of this Commonwealth. One person to represent the county of Centre in the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Two persons to fill the offices of Associate Judges for the county of Centre. Ooe person to fill the office of Treasurer of the eounty of Centre, Goe perton to fill the office of Commission er of the eouoty of Centre. One person to fill the office of Auditor of tbe County of Centre. In pursuance of said act I also hereby maxe known and give notice, that the place of boldtng the aforesaid General election in the several election districts within tho said county of Centre, as follows to wit: The electors of the county of Centre will take notiee thaat the said General Election will be held at the following places : For the toweship of Haines, at the public house of John Russel, in the town of Aa ronsburg. For tbe twp. of Halfmoon at the School House in Walkerville. For tbe twp. of Taylor at the School House near Hannah Furnace. For the twp. of Miles at the School House in Rebersburg. For tbe twp. of 10'terat tbe House of Geo. Oienkirk, Potters Fort. For tbe twp, of Gregg at the house of Geo. Miller. Fur the twp. Ferguson at tbe School He use in Pinegrove. For the twp. of Harris at the school house in Boalsburg. For the twp. of PatUn at the house oi Peter Mur.ay. FL r the Borough of Bellefonte and Spring twp at the Courthouse in said Borough. For the twp of Walki r at the school house in Ilublersburg. For the twp, of Howard at the house of Mrs. Eliza Tipti n Fur the twp. of Rush at the School House in Philipsbnrg. For twp. of SLOwshoe i t the school house near the house of Samual Asky. For the twp. of Marion at the school house At Jacksonville. For the Borough of Milesburg and Boggs tp , aithe school house in said Borough. For the tw of ilustjn at the former place of ho'diog election*. Fo- the twp of Penu at the house of Wm. L Musser. For tbe twp, of Liberty at the school house in Eagleville. For ihe twp. cf Worth-at tbe school house in Port Matilda. For the twp. of Curtin at the school house of R )Lt. Mann. For the Borough of Unionville and Union twp. in the school house in said Borough. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. " That every person, except Justices of the ''pace, who slia'l hold any office of profit and trust under the Government of the Uni ted Siates, or of this State, or>if any city or incorporated di triet, whether a commission ed officer or agent, who is or shall be em ployed under the Legislative, Executive or Juiiiciarv department of this S:ate, or of United States, oi of ary city or incorporated district ; and also that every meuiber of Congress and the State L n gislatnre, aDd of the Select or Common Council of any ci y, or any Commissioners of any Incorporated District, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office of Judge, lospec'or or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and no Judge, Inspec tor, or that no other officer of such election shall be eligible to anyuffice then voted for." And tbe said Act ol assembly entitled an "Aot relating to the elections of this Com monwealth," passed July the 2nd, 1839, provides as follows, to wit; That the Judges and Inspectors chosen aforesaid, shall meet at their respective ph.— ces appi ioted for holding the election in their distiicts to which they respectively belong, before 9 o'clock otr the moroiDg of the 2nd Tuesday of Octobtr in each and every year, and each of the said t Inspectors shall appoint one Clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of said district." In case the person who shall receive the highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day of the election, then the person who eha 11 have received the sec ond higheßß number of v< tea for Judge, at the next preceeding election, shall aet ns In spector in his place, and incase the Judge shall not attend then the Inspector who has aehieved the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge in hie place ; and if any vacancy continue in tho board for tbe space of an hour alter the time fixed by law for tbe opening of the election, tho qualified voters of the towoship, ward or district for which such officers shall have been elec ted, present shall select one of their num ber to fill such vacancy. " It shall be the duty ef said Asssessors, respectively to attend at the placess of hold ing every general special or township elec tion, during tbe time the said election is open, foa the purpose of giving information to the Inspectors and Judges, when called on, in relation to the rights of aDV person assessed by them to vote at such election, or suh other matter in relation to tbe as sessments of voters as tbe said in*peetors or judges, or either of them, Bball from time to time require." "No person shall be permitted to vote at any election as aforesed, other than a white freeman, of 21 years or more, who shall have resided in this State at least one year and in the election district where he of fers to vote, at least ten days immediately preceeding tbe election, and within two years paid State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before tbe eleotion, but a citizen of the United States •vho had been previously a qualified voter of this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in the election district and paid taxes as aforesaid shall be entitled to voto after residing in the State six monshs, Provided. That the white freemen citizens of the United States, be tween the ages of 21 and 22 years, and in the district ten days as aforesaid, shall be titled to vote, although they have not paid taxes." "No person shall be entitled to Tote whose name is not contained in the taxable inbabilants furnished by the commissioners unless, first he produce a receipt for the pay ment within two years, of a State and ccun* ty tax, assessed agreeably to the constitution er gives satisfactory evidence, either on bis oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid such a tax ; or failure to procure a re ceipt shall make oath of the payment there of or seoond, if he claims to be an eleetor between the age of 21 and 22 years, he shall depose an oath or affirmation, that ha resided in tbe State at least one year text before his application and make such proof or his resi dence in the district as is required by this act, whereupon, tbe name ol the person as admitted to vote, shall be inserted in tbe alphabetical list by tbe Inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing tbe word " tax," if he shall be permitted to vote by reason of having paid a tax, or the word " age," if he shall be admitted on account of his age; and in either case the reason of such votes shall be called out to the clerks, who shall make the like note in the list of voters kept by them." " In all case where the name of the per son claiming to vote is not fouDd in the list furnished by the Commissioners and Assass ors, or his right to vote whether found there or not is objected to by one qualified citizen, it sha;l be the duty of tbo Inspectors to ex amine snch persons on oath as to bis qualifi cations, and it he claims to have resided within the State one year or more, his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof: but he shall make proof by at least one competent witness who shall be a qualified elector, that ho has resided within the district for more than ten days next immediately preceding said* ejec tion, and shall also himself swear to his bona fide residence, in pursuance of bis lawful call ing, is within the district, and not for the purpose of voting therein." " If any person shall prevent or attepmt nr prevent, any officer of an election under this act from holding such election, or Uce or threaten any violence to any such office, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of his duty, or block up or attempt to block up the window or the avenue to any window where the same may be holden, or shall riotously disturb the peaeeof 6ueh election, or shall use er prac tice any intimidation, threaten force or vio lence with the design to irfluence unduly, or overpower any elector, or to prevent him from voting or'o restrain the freedom of his choice, such persons on conviction, shall be finid any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and be impriaioued any lime not ex ceeding twelve months, and if it shall be swown to the court where the trial of such offences sbab be had that the person offending was nut a resident of the city, ward, district or township -where 'he offence was commit ted, and r . f err I tied to vote therein, then on conviction, fie shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less* than one hundred, nor more than one t ousnnd do'lars and be imprision ed not less than six months nor more than two years. " If ar.y person or persons shall make any bet or wnger upon the result of any election whithin this Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or wager either by verbal proclamation thereof, or otherwise, be or they shall forfeit nud pay three times the amount so bet or offered to be bet. " If any person not by taw qualifi-d, shall fraudulently vote at any election within this Commonwealth, or being otherwise qualified, shall vote out of his proper district, or any person knowing the wan' of such qualifica tion shall aid or pro.:" - such person to Vote the person or perso: s if tiding, shall on conviction be fined any - inn not exceeding two hundred dolla's, end no is>| risii n .d f< r any term not exceeding inrw; months. " If any person sto. : n mote than one election district or -a fraudulently vote and iO deliver o 1 ? spector two tick ets together, with tie i at to i,legally voie, or shall vote the same; or if any person shall udvise or procure annotber to do so, he or they so offending, shall on conviction be fi i ed in any sum not less than fifty r. r more t lan five hundred dollars, and be iruprieion ed for any term riot less than three nor inure tfcan twelve montlie. " It ary person nut qualified to vote in this Commonwealth agreeably to the law, (excepting the sons if qualified citizens) shall appear at aDy place of election fur the purpose of issuing tickets, cr of influencing the citizens qualified to vote, he shall, on ounvictio- forfeit and pay any such offence, and be imprisioned for any term not exceed :ng three months. ELECTIONS By MILITIA OR VOLUNTEERS IN ACT UAL SERVICE. 7-t. Whenever any of the eitiz n ns of tl i common wealth qualified as here in belore ilrovide, shall le in any actual military ser vice in aDy detaclimeDt of tbe malicia or corps of vo'unteers, under a requisition from the president of the United States, or by the authority of this commonwealth, on the day of the general election, as aforesaid, such citizens may exercise th? right of suffrage at such place as may be appointed by the com nianding officer ot tlie troop or company to which they shall respectively belong, as ful ly as if they were present at the usual place ol election: Provided, That no member of any such troop or company, shall be permit ted to at the place so appointed, if at the time of such election he shall be within ten miles of the place at which he would be en itied to vote, if not in service as afore said. 75. The proceeding* for conducting su.h elections shall he, as far as practicable, in all res; ccts the same as are hrreiD directed in the case of general elections, except that the captain or commaoding officer of eieh com pany or troop shall act as judge, and that the first lieutenant or officer second in ommand shall act as iDspeeior at suuh election, so fur as shall relate to such company or troop ; and in case of th neglect or refusal of sucti officers, or either of them to 6erve in such capacity, tbe officer or officers next in com mand, in such company or troop, shall act as judge or inspector as the ease may be. 76. The officer authorized to perform the duties of judge, shall administer the proper oath or affirmation to the officer who shall act as inspector, and as soon as 6uch officer shall have been sworn or affirmed, he shall administer the proper oath or affirmatiou to the officer whose duty it shall be to act as judge; and such officer acting as judge shall appoint two persons to act as clerks, and shall administer to tbem the proper oaths or affirmation. 77. The several • fficers authorized to con duct such election, 'hall take the like oaths or affirmations shall have the like powers, and they as well as other persons W'-o may attend, Vute or offer to vote, at such election, shall be subject to the like penalties and restrictions, as are declared or provided in this act, in the case ot elections by the citi zens at their usual places ot election. 78. Within toree days aiter such election the judges thereof shall resDectively transmit through the nearest post office, return there of, together with the tickets, ta.iy lists and list of voters, to the prothonotary of the ooun ty in which such electors would have voted ifnot in military service, and the judges shall transmit another returo of such election to the commanding officer of the regiment or batallion, as the case may be, who shall make a general return under his hand and seal, of the voters of all ine mm -anies or troops uoder his command, an 1 sha.l trans mit the same through the n s' •„ ,*t .ffice to the secretary of the commonweahh. 79. It shall be the duty . i the j-r .the—i tary of the county, > w . tarns shallbe made, to deliver t th • • > judges of the same county, a cony under bis band and seal of therm v fixes so transmitted to him ny ir - of the eleotion in the companies ops afore said. 80. The return judges of the proper coun ty or counties, in which the volunteers or mititia men aforesaid may have resided at the time of being called into actual service as THE! CEWTR3S BBMOCRAT aforesaid, shall meet on the second Tuesday in November next after the election. Any when two or more counties are connected in the election, the meeting of the judges from each county's all be postponed in such case until the Friday following the said second Tuesday in November. 81. The return judges so met, shall in clude in their enumeration tbe votes so re turned, and thereupon shall proceed in all respects in the like manner as is provided in this act, in cases where all the votes that have been given of the usual place of e.ec tioD. And tbe return judges of the respective districts aforesaid, are hereby required to meet at the Court Room, in Bellefonte. on Friday next (October 11th) after ttie second Tuesday in October next and then and there after perform those things required by law. Given under m/hand, at Bellefonte, this 29th day of August. 1861. GEORGE ALEXANDER, Rent. 13. '6l. Sheriff. jSSt" Henry Ward Beecher, in his lecture on Extravagance philosophises thus :—" t is not ex travagiint to wear jeweles and precious stones, and to be arrayed in silks and satins and costly vesture, not extravagant to indulge in handso ne equipage and delightful parks and pleasure grounds. Not extravagant to have a luxurious home and costly appendages, provided always, the cost of them is within our means to pay for them." He is regarded as good authority on what is beautiful, and says that houses speak, from whieh we infer that walls speak too. These covered with tosteful Paper Hangings with neat appearance and inviting look, say, "We are cheer ful, come enjoy our association," while others hare or defaced, with repulsive look, repel, iPthey do not totally unfit one for business or employ ment Readers what is the condition of the walls of your home ? If you would have them to your taste, you cannot fail to find suitable Paper Hangings at the lowest cash prices by examining the cxtensiuo stock of Ilowell and Bourke at the N. E. Corner of Fourth and Market streets, Phil adelphia. JIZ&- As our readers know, it is not often we notice patent medicine-of any kind, but there is something so good in the Restorative Cordial of Prof. Wood, and it is so pleasant with all, that we step aside from our usual practice to recom mend this scientific tonic Cordial to our readers. It will no doubt do all '.hat is claimed for it. The name and world-wide reputation of the inventor is a sufficieu t guarantee for that, bnt we have tried it, and know it will exhilerate and strengthen by toning up the weakened organs, and enabling them.to perform all their function-. Reader try it, and we 'ear not your verdict. See advertise ment. have yon seen Prof. Wood's ad vertisement in our paper. Read it; It will inter est you. ■ ,V -♦ TO THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS OF CEN TRE CO.—Jacob Ilouser, of Harris twp., of fers himself as an Independent candidate for the office tf Associate Judge at the ensuing election if they think him capable, and worthy ot the of fice, he will be very thankful for their support. TO THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS OF CENTRE COUNTY-I respectfully offer my self to your consideration as an Indipendent Can didate for the Office of Treasurer of Ceutro Coun ty at the eusuiDg election. If elected I hereby pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office to the best of my ability, and to contribute the one-half of the usual per centage accruing, to said officer for his services to the sol-tiers relief fund. Fcr the iaithful performance of all which I am prepared to reader to the proper authorises the most ample security. JACKSON LEVI. TVOTICK. —THE PARTNERSHIP BE AN tweeu the undersigned being about to termi nate'-y limitation, all persons knowing them selves indebted to the firm of TONNER & STEEL are hereby notified to call and make tettlement. For the purpose of closing out as soon as prac- ' ticable the stock on hand will be sold at a low fig ure for cash. JOHN TONNER, Sept. 19,'61. 3t. JAMES STEEL. NEWGOODS! II OFFER BROTH EES, (Successors to G. W". Jackson,) HAVE just received a large and extensive assortment of DRY GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and. Caps, WITH A LARGE STOCK OF Q UEENSWARE, HARD WARE. FISH AND SALT, pL, T JF; JF, PROUST, Ac., Ac. Their stock of Spring and Summer Ladies' fan cy Dress Hoods, cannot be excelled by any other hoii-e i i Central Pennsylvania, and embraces ev ery variety of stvle and quality. The CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, VESTING, CALICOES AND MUSLINs. are also very superior—while the supply of Gro ceries, Teas. Coffees, Ac, is worthy of the atten tion of the puhiic and customer. Apr 4, '6l; STATE OF THE NATION! THE VERY LATEST NEWS ! ENCOURAGING FACTS! NEW GOODS! AT BARLOW'S NEW STORE, At Stormstown Centre Co., Pa. THE undersigned has just returned from the East with a u try one p ;kage lam safe in saying that you will ever tfterwards consider them indispen. Bible. You will find them at tho Druggists and dealers iu medicine. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, My signature is on each package. All others are counterfeit. A package will be sent by mail, prepaid on receipt of thirty cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York. SURE Nervous Headache <9jAd By the use of the Pills the periodic attacks of Nervous or SirkHeartache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack imme diate relief from pain and sickness will be obt in ed. They seldom fail in removing tho Nausea and Headache to which female are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Costireness For Literary Men, Stadents, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valu able as a Laxative, improving the apdetite, giving tone and vitfor to the digestive organs, andrestor ing the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHTLIC PILLS are the result of tcng investigation andcirefully conducted experiments having been in use many years, daring which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a de ranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composi tion, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change c f diet, and the absenee of any kisayreeable taste renders it casj to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! The genuine have five signatures of Henry C Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists aud all other Dealers in Med icines, A box will be seut by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE 23 CENTS. All ordrs shtuld be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New-York. From the Examiner, Norfolk, In. Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which they were made, viz.: Cure of headache in all its forms. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They have been tested in more than a thousand j cases, with entire success. jtSS"* A single bottle of Spalding Prepared Glue will save ten times its cost annually. -ggif SPALDING'S PREPARED GLEE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES! ECONOMY! DISPATCH! A Barren IN TIME Saves NINB.".®^ As accidents will happen, even in well regula ted families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furni ture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to bo without it. It is always ready, and up to the sticking poiut. " USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N. B.—A Brush accompanies each Bottle.— Price, 25 cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDAR Street, New York. CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public, imitations i of my PREPARED GLUE, I would caution all i persons to examine before purchasing, and see i that the full name, 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GL lis on the'outside wrapper; all others are swind lingcounterfeits. [Nov. 22, ISBO.I y. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR. 1 *TS precisely what its name indicates, for while 1 JL pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhil arating and strengthening to the vital powers. It. also revivifies, reinstates and renews the blood in all its original parity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of dis ease. It is the only preparaiion ever offered to the world in a popular forta so as to be within the> ; reach of all. So chemically nm" skillfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, anil yet perfectly adapt ed an aa to act in perfect crcoordiiuce with the laicm ; of nature, auil hence eoothe the loeakeet atomach and, tone up the digestive organs, and allay all ner- I vous and other irritation. It Is also perfectly ix ; hilerating in its effects, and yot it is never fol lowed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is ! composed entirely of vegetables, and those t.bor ; oughly combining powerful tonic and soothing 1 properties, and consequently can never injure As a sure preventive and cure of j Consumption. Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Lost of Appetite, Faintncas. Nervous Ir ritability, Neuralgia, I'ulpitation of the Heart, Melancholy, Hypochondria, Niyht Sieeats, Languor, Giddiness, and all that class of eases ao fearfully fatal called FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND IRREGULARITIES. THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and i Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidney, or any ' general derangement of tho Urinary organs. I It will not only cure the debility following | CHILLS and FEVER, but prevent a'l attacks arising from Miasmatic influences, and cure the ■ diseases at once, if already attacked. Travelers should have a bottle with them, as | it will infatliably prevent any deleterious conse quences following upon change of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the di gestivo organs, it should be in the hands of all persons of sedentary habits. | Ladies not aecastomed to much out-door ex crci-e should always use it. mothers should use it, for it is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. There is no mistake about it. THE CORDIAL ts ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT! f MOTHERS TRY IT!! And t" you wo appeal, to detect the llnless or decline not only of your daughters before it be to j late, but also your SODS and husbands, for while j the former from false delicacy, often go down to | a (rcmaturo grave, rather than let their condition j be known in time, the latter are ofteu so mixed j up with the excitement of business, that if it were I not for you, they too, would travel in the same I downward path until it is too late to arrest their i fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you wo confidently appeal;-for we are sure your never-failing affection will unerringly poinr you to PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE COR DIAL AMD BLOOD RENOVATOR a- the reme dy which shonid be always on band in time of need. 0. J. WOOD, Proprielor, 411 Broadway, Now York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis. Mo., and sold by all good Druggists. Price One Dollar per Bottle. [July 11,'61. ly. AMERICAN Life Insurance & Trust Company > OFFICE, AMERICAN BUILDINGS, Walnut St,. S. E. corner of Fourth, FILL I, A DELPHI A. Incorporated 1350.— Charter Perpetual. Capital, §500,090 Paid up, $250,000. ASSETS, January 1,1861" (IVfCNEY on DEI OSIT with the Company all ( It I safely invested in Bonds, Mortgages, and other first class securities, separate from and not included in the following items:) First Mortgages, Real Estate, and Ground Rents, amply secured, $188,342 81 Loans of City of Philadelphia, Read ing Railro'd First Mortgage B'nds, Slate of Tennessee Bonds, Wyom ing Canal First Mortgage Bonds, Bank and other Stocks, and Loans on Call, se iured by uuiple collat erals, 412.104 89 Bills receivable on Mutual Policies, 21,217 15 Cash in bauds of Agents, secured by Bonds, 7,138 72 Cash on Hand and in Banks, 56,775 15 Present Value of Future Premiums calculated to December 31, 1860, 1,185,648 75 $1,871,127 67 ALEXANDER WHILLDIN. President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. JOHN C. SIMMS, Secretary, JOHN S. WILSON, Treasurer. BOARD OF DIRECTORS; Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thompson, Samuel Work, John Anspach, Jr., John C. Farr, Jonas Bowmao, John Aikman, William J. Howard, Samuel T. Bodine, R 11. Townsend, M. D., George Nngent, Albert G. Roberts. H. H. Eldridge, [mar. 7,-'6l. —ly. GR EAT OITRBT DR. LELAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT AND NEURALGIA, AND A SURE CURE FOR AIJL MERCURIAL DISEASES. IT is conveniently arranged Band, containing a medicated compouiid, to be worn around the Waist, in habits of living is required, and it en tirely removes the disease from the system, with out produeing th injurious effects arising irom the use of powerful internal medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medicinal properties contained in the Band, come in contact with the blood and reaches the diseas es, through the pores of the skin, effecting in every instance a perfect care, and restores the parts afflicted to a healthy condition. This band is also a most powerful ANTI-MERCOMAL agent, and will entirely relieve the system from theyier nicious effects of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in a few days, and we are constantly receiv ing testimonials of its efflcocy in aggravated cases of long standing. PRICE $2,00, to be bad of Druggists generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with lull direc tions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Office. No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITII & Co., Sole Proprietors, N. B—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. Agents Wanted Everywhere,^3® July 11, '6l. ly. MILLS, VJI GERMANTOWN, PA. ' McCallum cS3 Co. MANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX CARPETLAGS, DRUGGETS. OILCLOTHS, MATTINGS, &C. Warehouse, No. 509 Chestnut Street, O-pposite the State House, mar. 21, '6l.—ly.] PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS Wanted Everywhere, to Sell Sta tionery & Jewelry Packages. Both male ana Female will find this a pleasant and profita. bio employment Every article of the Best Quality. We allow our Agents a larger discount than any house in the business They are now ranking irom s3.oi to $3 00 per day. Send and get a circular with lull description. Address STEVENS A CO. 37, S. Third Street, Philadelphia. June 13,'61 3m. [Orwig. S. S. CORBIN, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN BONNETS, hONNET ERAMES FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Straw and MUlintry Goads in General" No. 218 Arch Street, above S end, Juno 6, '6l.—ly J Philadelphia. „ (i£'J L. FOTTER. 81. D. OFFICE on High street, (oitlofhoe.) Uellefonte Pa. Will attend to professional calls as 1 heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional services his friends and the pt-b.ic, c.ct.26's3