Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 26, 1861, Image 3

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    C(je Centre Democrat.
Thursday Morning, Sept. 19 '6l.
J* v Wo call upon you to pay your License oil
or before the first day of October, as after that
time all accounts will be left in the hands of
the proper officer for collection. .Pay your li
cense and save costs.
Co. Treasurer.
To All Whom It May Concern.
The Books of J. S. A J. J. Brisbin, having
been left in my hands for collectii n, 1 hereby
notify all Subscribers to the Centre Democrat who
have not yet paid their s übscription for the year
1860, that they are indebted to tho amount of
$2,00, which if not paid immedia elv, I will be
compelled to collect according to law. The a.
mount can be sent by mail and a rec .ipt w 11 he
sent by return mail, for all money paid. Persons
knowing themselves indebted will save trouble
and cost by attending to this matter immediately.
Sept. 12th '6l. Justice of the Peace.
Thursday, our publication day being a day
of Humiliation and Prayer, we do not issue our
paper until Friday.
|Y Our good friend Thos. J. Taylor, who is BO
well known to our citizens as a Photograph Artist,
this week, arrived in our town, with his mammoth
Picture Car, which now occupies a place on "free
school hill." His car is a magnificent affair.—
Being new, large and light, and having been built
under the directien of Mr. Taylor, himself, it is
better c alculated for taking pictures in, than any
place we ever saw. Mr. Taylor has made arrange
ments by which he is now ready to take good and
durable pictures of all who may favor hi m with a
Col. Blair an Abolitionist.
We have a word to say t the honest mass
es of Centre county. The Watchman last
week charges ua with being an Abolitionist.
We have not room nor space to answer their
scurrilous attack. We do not wish to stoop
to personalities. With a man's political
character, and tkat only, have we to do. In
answer to their charge we say that the only
Abolitionist now living in this county, of
whom we know anythirg, is Col. Blair the
traitor Breckinridge candidate for the Sen
ne, lie was a member of the first and on
ly abolitionist society ever organised In this
county. Ilis name stands recorded as Sec
retary of the organization. We dare and de
fy Col. Blair to contradict it. Honest Dem
ocrats of Centre, can you trust him? If he
were an abolitionist once, what is he now ?
We hope yon will answer at the ballot-box.
He hag been an Abolitionist, a Whig, a Dou
glas Democrat, and lastly a Breckinridge
Democrat, what be will be next we are not
prepared to say. Let us not trust him. Let
us work like men to keep him at home. He
is better here than in the Senate.
Henry Johnson, Esq.
This gentleman, the competitor of W. n.
Brair for the Senate, is now visiting our
county. lie is a most excellent man —a
good Lawyer, and will, therefore, make a
first class Senator. Mr. Johnston is the nom
inee of the true Union party of Lycoming
and Clinton counties, and will, theretore. be
elected by at least eight hundred in the Dis
trict. II jnest Republicans, Patriots, Union
men of Centre, if you would sustain a relia
ble and efficient man, if you desire " a reliae
bits" man f. r the Senate, vote for Henry
Johnson. If you would maintain and up
hold the State and National Administrations
vote for IleDry Johnson. If you are in fa
vor of the war and its speedy consummation,
vote for Henry Johnson. If you desire to
put d'iwn speculators and peculators in the
State Legislature, vote against W. 11. Blair
and prevail upon your friends to do the
same. He is a speculator. The record of
the Court will prove what he will do to make
money. The heirs of a cortain man in Bald
Enc'.s Valley will testify to the fact of
his tfving to cheat them ont rf all they were
worth. Repudiate him if you loyu honesty,
virtue, manhood and principle. Vote for
Henry Johnson ,a reliable man against whom
even the traitor papars of the district dare
not sav o word.
M'Culloch Marching to Make a
Junction with Price.
News from Lexington reports that Col. Grover
of the Heme Guards was killed from a wound in
tee thigh ; also Lieut. Col. White, of Stickle's St.
L. sis raiment, was killed by a musket ball.
Amm •• j Eldridge, a rebel from Lexington
ut hern under arrest as a spy. ITe was sent down
here by G,n. f'r'ee toltarn the strength of our
forces, Papers were found on that
cur fsreeat-i. Louis is only 40,000.
McCatloeh marcbfpg rapiuly to forma junc
tion with .'lies, with alg*g 9 , well trained force.
and a g .od supply of artillery. Uf>i new near
Mil o . '3 total loss at Lexington was po| fifpy
' .0, simtof thprtbels not more than 300, /
From the Muncy Luminary.
Henry Johnson, Esq.
This gentleman, who, as will be seen by
the proceedings of the Conferee meeting,
which we publish to-day, has been placed in
nomination as the Union candidate for Sen
ator, has for the last twenty years occupied
a prominent position and taken an active
part in the public affairs of this county and
State. In these times of national peril, the
people will put to a searching investigation,
the characters and claims of all candidates,
and especially of those who are named for
the responsible position of Legislators, to be
entrusted for the three ensuing years, with
the destiny, in part, of this great Common
wealth, and through her action, of that of
the great Confederacy, of which sue is the
Keystone. It has been the custom in past
times, to confide with great reliance, upon
such persons, as by their ancestrial relations,
are supposed to be more intimately connec
ted and associated with the struggles and
hardships of the Revolution. And if ever
these were justly entitled to consideration,
they appeal with peculiar emphasis, and
pre-eminence of that liberty and indepen
dence which the revolutionary war establish
ed. We subjoin, therefore, the following
memoir of one of those distinguished soldiers
who largelv participated in that eventful era,
contributing much to the gl >ry of his native
§tate of Pennsylvania, and to whom, when
in extreme peril, the settlers of Muncy Val
ley, were as it will show, greatly indebted.
It is taken from De Mass's History aad In
dian Wars:—
It has with much truth been said "that
the history of the Revolution, is not written
and cannot be, till the biographies of the
men who made the Revolution are complete.'
This is eminently true of the great struggle
in the west. The conflict here was with
the tomahawk and scalping knife, united to
the arm of scientific warfare. It was one in
which the remorseless savage stole upon the
infant settlements in the stilloess of the night
and dealt death .in all the horrid forms of
his peculiar and revolting warfare. It was
a war terrible indeed to man, but more ter
rible still to gentl* wo i," and most terrible
to helpless infanty.
To defend the conn ,y „ unst the ravages
ofsuchawar, required men of iron nerve
and determined will. To lead on these men
to victory and success, demanded others of
no ordinary character. But there were men
fitted to the task : men able, ready, and wil
ling to lead and to strike. It was to the
energy of this defence; the skill, bravery
and consummate judgement of these able of
ficers, and experienced frontier soldiers, that
the West was saved from the diabolical sys
tem of subjugation, meditated by the Bri
tish ministry.
One of the men most prominent in this de
fense. and one who contributed greatly tow
ards breaking down power of the eavoge,
and humbling the dominion of Britain, Was
Daniel Brodhead, the subject of this memoir.
Gen. B, was a man of acknowledged abil
ity and great energy of chaiaoter. He early
gave indications of much promise and fore
shadowed the career of honor and and use
fulness, which he afterwards run. Scarcely
bad the news of the battle of Lexington ceas*
ed agitating tho people, ere Gapt. B. muster
ed a company, and marched to the defence
of the seaboard. He joined Sullivan, and at
the battle of Long Island, his brave " Penn
sylvania Riflemen" literally cut their way
through the ranks of the enemy.
In the fall of 1777, information having
been given that the Indians meditated a
united attack upon the settlements along the
upper Susquehanna, vigorous efforts were
made to resist them. In the spring of 1778,
Fort Muncy was evacuated, as well as Amis'
and Horn's forts above, the inhabitants tak
ing refuge at Sunbury. The savages destroy
ed Fort Muncy, but did not penetrate near
Sunbury, their attention having been direct
ed to the memorable descent upon Wyom
ing. '• Shortly after the big runaway, (as it
was called,) Col, B. was ordered up with a
f rce of 100 or 150 men to rebuild Fort
Muncy. and guard the settlers while gather
ing their crops, which servioa he performed."
—Historical Col. of Pa., 452, Shortly after
this Col. B. was ordered to Pittspurgh to
relieve Gen. Mcintosh, in command of the
western divisioo of the army. Ilis appoint
ment was communicated in a very compli
mentary letter, from Gen. Washington,
He again wrote to him, ncder date of 22d
same month, that an incursion into the coun
try of the Six-nations was in preparation,
end that in connection therewith, it might
be advisable to have a force ascend the Alle
gheny to Kittanning, thence to Venango,
and having fortified both points, then strike
the Mingoes and Munceys on French craek,
and thus greatly to aid Gen. Sullivan in the
decisive blow which he was to give by his
march up the Susquehanna. He further
directed Col. B. to notify the western Indi
ans, that in the event of any troubles on their
part, the whole force of the United States
should be turned against them. On the 21st
of April, however, these orders were coun
termanded, and Col. B. directed to prepare a
rod for the savages north and west of the
Ohio, and especially to learn the best time
for attacking Detroit. Whether this last ad
vice came too late or was withdrawn again,
we have no means of ascertaining. Brod
head proceeded, as at first direcrpd ; march
ed up the Allegheny, destroy'. 'ho Indians'
crops, burned their towns, eii-
Tbe immediate effect of tins pr. mpt and
energetic movement on the part of the west
ern commander was to bring Dalawares,
Wyandotte, ShawaDese, &c , to a treaty of
peaoe at Fort Pitt in the month of Septem
ber, to which reference has already been
It had long been apparent to Washington
aDd tbe Board of War, that the possession of
Detroit and Niagara by the British, enabled
them to exert a controlling influence over
most of tbe Indian tribes occupying the
northwest; and thus greatly to annoy the
frontiers settlements of Pennsylvania and
Col. 8., soon after assuming the duties of
commander of ths ffsstern division, clearly
saw the absolute necessity of striking an
effective blow against these two strong-holds
of the British. In a letter to Washington,
dated Fort Pitt, Jan. 23d, 1781, he writes
thus : " The whole ol my present force very
little exceeds three hundred men, and many
of them are unfit for such active service as
is necassary here. I hope your excellency
will be pleased to enable me to take Detroit
the ensuing campaign ; for until that and
Niagara fall into our hands, there will be no
rest for the innocent inhabitants, whatever
sums may be expended on a defensive plan."
Privious to this, Washington, in a letter to
Col. 8., dated April 21, 1779, in reply to his
request to fit out such an expedition, direct
ed him to make the necessary preparations ;
but, on the 4th of January following, wrote
to countermand the order, in consequence of
the operations in South Carolina, and bis
inability to reinforce Fort Pitt, in case of
disaster. Feb. 4tb, 1780, he again declined
a compliance with Col. B.'s renewed and
urgent solicitation, on the grouud that his
regular troops would all be needed to co-oper
ate with our French allies. The want of
provisions too, at that time, was greatly felt
which Washington alluded to, adds, "You
must therefore, of necessity, confine yourself
to partizan strokes, which I wish to see en
couraged, The State of Virginia is very de
sirous of an expedition against Detroit, and
would make great exertioos to carry it into
execution. But while the enemy are so for
midable to the southward, and are making
such strides in that quarter, I fear it will
require a greater force of men and supplies
to check them thao we, since the defeat near
Camden, shall be able shortly to draw to
The desire of Col. B. to undertake the re
duction of Detroit, was thus regretfully de
clined by commander-in-c! ief, and the wishes
of Virginia, and indeed the whole country,
In the SpriDg of 1781. Col. B. led an ex
pedition against the Indian towns on the
Muskingum ;a full account of which haying
been elsewhere given in this volume, it will
be unnecessary to notice further now.
Near the mouth of Broked straw creek, a
tributary of the Alleghany, stood the Indian
townol Buckaloon. In 1781, Col. B. attack
ed this etroDgbold of the enemy, and after a
hard siege, finally routed the savages and
burfied *he town.
We regret our inability to notice in detail
all his expeditions. They were numerous
and expensive enough to fill a volume. No
better officer could have been selected for the
arduous post of cemmander of the western
division of the army. It required a man
bold, cautious and sagacious, and Col. B. was
the very embodiment of all these. He prov
ed himself admirably qualified for the most
trying situations, and aquitted himself with
distinction, and to the entire satisfaction of
the commander-in-chief. In November,
1781, with the consent of Washington, he
re linquithed the post into the hands of Col.
John Gibson, a gallant Virginian, who had
done active duties on the frontier.
Col. B. negotated during bis residence in
the west, two important treaties; the one
was concluded July 22, 1779, with deputies
of the Cherokee nation. In this treaty, inti
mations were given out of a native represen
tation in Congress, and a new Indian confed
eracy with the Delewares as the head.
Congress passed Col. B. a unanimous vote
of thanks for the highly satisfactory manner
in which he had discharged bis duties on the
western frontier.
Gen. B. received many marks of distinc
tion from the State of Pennsylvania. He
was a surveyor-general for many years, and
filled other places of honor and profit. He
was a large, robust man, kind, genorons and
amiable. He died at Milford, Pa., Nov. 15,
1809, at the age of seventy-three. The por
trait which accompanies this memoir is from
a miniature now in possession of his great
grandson, Henry Johnson, Esq., a prominent
member of tho bar in Northern Pennsylva
It gives us pleasure, thus to recall the
memory of the great men of the "times that
tried men's souls Dot only for the purpose
of the ensuing election ; but because it may
serve as an incentive to the men, who are
now engaged in the field ; conveying to
them, as it does, the assurance that tbeir
memory will also become a part of the na
tional treasure house in the future.
llenry Johnson is emphatically a self made
man, haviDg none of the auiliaries of wealth
or family connections, to push him forward.
When an infant, it was his misfortune, to
lose, by death his father and only brother,
lie was reared and educated by his now aged
mother, with whom and uis sisters, he re
moved and settled in the borough of Muncy
in 18141, and where continued with them to
the present time. They together wtti his
wife and two little daughters, constitute his
household, and the duty of guarding over
them has been the only obstacle that has
hitheito prevented him from entering tbß
ranks of the army; and we are assured that
if the exigencies of the war shall require the
sacrifice of these ties, be holds himself ready
and willing. Seldom has a lawyer hung out
his shingle with less to encourage and cheer
him. Without an acquaintance in the ooun>
ty cf Lycoming, with a cash capital of only
sl3, 84, and a library cons istiDg of MoKin
ney's Pennsylvania Justice, and Purdon'3
Digest,, but confident of his own powers, and
snd self reliant, he determined to carve out a
successful future for himself. With such a
spirit, failure was impossible. Tn the prac
tice of his arduous profession, though always
zealous aud persevering, in the cause of his
clients, he has probably given as little offence
as any other advocate, who has bad the man
agement of as much business, as has been du
ring a period of 20 years entrusted to
In 1848 be was placed on the Taylor and
Fillmore Electoral Ticket, by the Whig Scate
Convention, and having been elected, "enjoy
ed the high honor of giving votes wbioh re
suited in making two of the best Presidents,
the Union has ever had. His qualifications j
for the position of Senator are Dot disputed
by any one, and he is in every respect, up
to the standard contained in tbe resolution
adopted by tbe Union<Jonvention, which firs*
nominated him "entirely unexceptionable,
eminently patriotic and worthy of universal
support." To adopt bis own language at
this meeting, he is "for the Union, one and
inseparable, now, and forever, and if neces
sary to sustain it, for the expenditure of the
last dollar, and the sacrifice of the last man."
His selection by the great Mass Con*
vention, composed of the best men of
both parties, and from all parts of Lycom
ing County, is the best endorsement of his
private and public character, that eould be
given, and further comment by us is unnec
essary. His election by an overwhelming
majority, may be confidently predicted.
When Will This Rebellion End ?
To-morrow, if the Rebels lay down their
arms. It is a matter entirely for the traitors
themselves lo decide, and we firmly believe
that if there bad been no sympathy shown
for this outbreak by northern sympathisers,
it would have ended as Secretary Seward
predicted, in sixty days from its origin and
development. Its main strength and en.
couragement came from tbe traitors in tbe
north. It was encouraged to arms by prom
ises of assistance from the north, while the
very arms now in the hands of the rebels,
were either the voluntary contribution of
northern political allies, or stolen from the
forts and arsenals of the country during a
democratic administration by democratic
officials. The question then, of when this
war is to end. must alone be answered by
tbe rebels. So far as the government is con
cerned, and knowing the loyalty of those who
support and rally around the government,
we can safely declare that the war will nev
er be ended, except in the manner' we have
stated, the complete subjugation of the south
or the utter destruction of tbe powers of this
government, military and civil. There can
be no peace between these states until the
federal authority is restored upon every foot
of their territory. There can be no order in
this Union until all the lawß of the land en
forced among all tbe laws of the nation. —
When all this is done, the war will end
Until it is done, tbe armies of the govern
ment will te rallied for its achievement,
and a battle will be fought whenever there
is a rebel host to dispute their progress or
deny the authority tbey now seek to outrage
and disgrace, lay down their arms and re
turn to their former peaceful pursuits, the
war will end, order will be restored to socie
ty, security will return to business, and the
Union once more assume its proud position
before the nations of the world. To talk of
peace, and all this still unaccomplished, is
to make a mockery of the genius of free gov
ernment. To talk of Compromise, is forev
er to destroy the force and power ana ma
| jeety of the law. There wit! he no peace un
til traitors are punished to the full extent of
the law, and when this is done the war will
end.— Harrisburg Telegraph
Maj. John H. Stover.
We clip tbe following compMmentary no
tice of our fellow townsmen John 11. Stover,
a d our friend Col. Wise, from the Philadel
phia Evening Journal. We feel honored
ourself whenever any of Centre county's no
ble sons are honored. We rejoice in their
elevation. We hope our friend Capt. Stover
may prosper, live through tbe war, and than
be honored by bis countrymen lor his brav
ery and patriotism.
This regiment, now organizing at the buildings
of the old Pennsylvania Bank, promises to make
one of the most efficient of the Pennsylvania Reg
iments accepted into the service. Its officers are
Colonel, Peter A. Wise, of Willinmsport, Pa;
| Lieut. Colonel, E. R. Badger, of Philadelphia;
Major, Jno, H. Stover, of Bellefonte, Pa., all men
of military knowledge and experience. When
President Lincoln, in April last, made his requisi
tion for volunteers, Major Stover was prostrated
on a bed of sickness. Believing that " sick" was
" played out," and against the positive advice of
his physician, he raised a company, and proved
one of the most active officers on tho upper Poto
mac. Although sacrificing large business inter
ests, being District Attorney of Centro county, he
feels it his duty not to leave the service in this,
the hour of his country's peril, and we think the
officers of the Keystone Regiment did wisely in
electing him to the important office of M. jor.
Extract from the Last Speech of
Stephen A. Douglas.
" The conspiracy to break up the Union is a
fact now known to all. Armios are being raised,
and war levied to accomplish it. Theie can be
buttro sides te the controversy. Every man
must be on the side of the United States or
against it. ihere can be no neutrals in this war.
There can be none but patriots and traitors."
Honest Democrats of Centre, we ask yeu
in all candor, to compare the above extract
with tbe treasonable peace articles which
have filled the columns of the Democratic
Watchman for the last three or four months,
and then ask yourselves the question: Who
was right? Stephen A.Douglas, when he
uttered the above language almost with his
dying breath, or these proprietors of the Dem
ocratic Watchman, to wit: S. T. Shngert, J.
T. Hoover, Dr. Strohecker, John Hoffer and
Cyrus Alexander —the last named g3ntleman
having claimed, last fall, to be par excellence
tbe disciple of Douglas. Mr. Prcudfoot, we
think, should also be one of the propri
etors of this paper. Can the clique not man
age in some way to get him in ? Further
comments are unnecessary. Hon. S. A. Dou
glas bit the nail on the head when be said
" There can be no neutrals in this war.—
The re can be none but patriots and trait
ors." Let the people be careful for whom
they vote.
• Important from Kentucky.
War Declared against the Rebels
by the Legislature.
FRANKFORT, Sept. 19.
War is declared. The Legislature to-day adop
ted resolutions inviting Gen. Anderson to take
command of the department of Cumberland, and
also passed resolutions that the invaders must be
expelled , that Gov. Magoffin must call out a suffi
cient force to do it, opposing the confiscation of
property and emancipation of negroes, and plac
ing the troops under the immediate command of
Brig. General Crittendon, of the Home Guard
The deepest feeling prevails, and excitement
runs high.
All the State arms, munitions of war, etc., will
be placed under the control of General Ander
If the Governor refuses to approve the resolu
tions it will only delay action one day.
Very affecting speeches were made, and the
tears flowed freely.
Unanimity of sentiment is all that is wanting.
Mr. Stanton, (Republican), Elected Gov
FORT KEARNEY, Sept. 1. —The Pony Express
passed here at 5 P. M.' with San Francisco dates
to Sept 7 th.
The markets are generally firm and healthy,
with no important sales since the election. The
immense Union rote has dispersed all fears of
any domestic disturbance, and there is every pros
pect of an early and profitable fall trade.
The returns from the State election are still in
complete, the vote of the whole State will be
abont 120,000. As far as lieord from Mr. Stam
ford (Rep.,) has 48,000 votes ; the Union Demo
cratic candidate 25,000, and McConnel (BrecK.,)
19,400. The balance of the vote will not materi
ally v try from the above proportion ate vote.
The United States Mai shall, yesterday, seized
the ship Henry Bringbam, which bad just arrived
from Liverpool. He also seized 200 tons of coal
on board, which were shipped on the owner's ac
count, as welt as the freight on *he balance of the
cargo, consisting of upwards of 800 tons of coal.
The ship is owned by non-residents, the brothors
Lathr-p, of Savannah, Qa., though in the Ameri
can Lloyds she is registered as wned by Natmaler
A Mulford, of that place. She was built in 1851,
by B. A S. Sprague A Co., of Boston, and was
then named the Telegraph. While at Savannah,
in 1859, she was burned, and there re-built, when
her name wos changed to the name she now be irs.
She is a clipper model, registered 1.009 tons, and
Tier value estimated at JO,OOO. Her 200 tons car
go, and freight money on the balance, after pay
ing seamec's wages, and probably captain's wages
also, are confiscated.
The ship Benefactor was alse seized, on the
ground that one-eighth of the vessel is owned by
parties residing in Virginia. She was, however,
promptly released on filling the proper bonds at
the Custom House. Seven-eighths of this ship
are owned by Lowe Brothers, of New York, and is
now under charter to sail for China, carrying a
large and valuable cargo.
The steamer Caraie Ladd arrived at Portland,
September 2d, bringing 27,000 in gold dust from
the Nez Perces mines. Tbe Indians are reported
as peaceable, and the recent alarm sounded about
the danger of Indian hostilities on a large scale
is evidently an exaggeration.
The correspondent of the Doll Mountaineer says
it is demonstrated beyond dispute that the whole
region of country embraced between the Cascade
and hocky Mountains is one vast gold field, and
only required development to revolutionize that
entire copst. An area of 32,000 square miles has
been sufficiently prospected to establish the exis
tence of mineral wealth. Exploring parties have
been fitted out for the Elk country and Bitter
Rooc valley, where large pr spects are anticipa
ted. The near approach of winter renders a post
ponement of emigration to that quarter advisable,
but in the spriDg these will probably be another
gold rush.
Ladies Knitting Association.
Pursuant to notice the officers of the Bellefon to
Ladies Knitting Society" met at the residence of
Wm. Humes Esq., on Monday evening 23rd inst.,
when the followirg resolutions were unanimous
ly adopted.
Resolved . Ist, That we do hereby call upon the
Ladies of the different townships to form knitting
societis to provide socks for our brave soldiers
as the State authorities are unable to meet the
demand in time.
Resolved, 2d. That wo do earnestly request the
co-operation of the Ministers of the different con
gregations in the county, and that they assist us
by speaking of the matter in their pulpits on the
coming Sabbath, and urging upon their congre
gations the importance of dispatch.
Retolxed, 3d. That a'l ladies who feel able and
willin.', are requested to furnished yarn and knit
socks (one pair or more); and any who have not
time to knit, to make donation of yarn or money ;
and any one who will knit but do uot feel able to
furnish the yarn, to apply to the President of the
society and yam will be given them.
Resolved, 4th. That the ?rst supply of socks
aiusfbe ready to be sent to the war department by
the first week of Nove nber, and the Presidents of
the different societies throughout county are re
quested to send their donations to Mrs. Wm.
Humes President of the Bellelonte society by that
Resolved. sth. That the President appoint com
mitties to wait upon every lady in our district to
ascerialn what assistance sho will render.
The socks are to be at least itb in weight, and
it is recommended that no white yarn be used.—
They will be sent to the military store in tlarris
burg and 25 cci ti per. pair will be paid to the
society. This sum will be placed i I the hands of
the County Treasurer, and he will credit to each
Township the amount due them, to be added to
the soldiers Relief Fund, thereby lessening the
tax let ied for said fund. The Presidents of the
different societies are requested to report to the
President of this, immediately after organization.
For any further information ladies are reques-
Isd to address the President of this society.
Secretary Pro Tem.
MRS. WM, HUMES, Pre ident.
Ecpcwtcd Sur render of the Gallant dulxi
CHICAGO, Sept. 22. —A special despatch to
the Times , sent troin Quincy, Illinois, at 10
o'clock this (Sunday) morning, says the mail
agent of the llannibat and Sr. Joseph Rail*
road, who arrived at 7 o'clock on Saturday
evening from St. Joseph, states that Colonel
Mulligan and his whole command at Lexing
ton surrendered to Gen. Price on Friday
morniDg at 5 o'clock.
The Beige continued from Monday until
the time of the surrender. Col. Mulligan's
men were without water all day on Thurs
day, and Friday morning found them com
pletely exhausted. They fought vailantly
and desperately, but were compelled to yield
to vastly superiors numbers.
The number of Union troops killed is said
to be from eight to nine hundred, while that
of the Rebels is estimated at some three or
four thousand and with a proportionate num
bor of wounded.
The report of the above battle and its un
fortunate result is fully corroborated by pas
sengers on the same train. The news was
brought by stage to Hamilton, which is the
nearest point on the railroad to Lexington,
being torly miles.
Of the fact of the surrender there can be
no doubt.
A special despatch to the Chicago Tribune,
from head quarters at St. Louis, received
this (Sunday) evening, says the surrender of
Mulligan is not believed there; but that re
inforcements were pushing towards him from
four different directions.
Nearly Two Hundred Rebels Kill
ed and Wounded.
KANSAS CITV, Sept. 20.—At headquarters it is
supposed that the force of Mulligan at Lexington
is 3,500, consisting of an Irish regiment, Colonel
Mulligan's 900 meifl Col. Marshall Illinois caval
ry 600 men, and a Kansas regiment number not
known, five hundred mounted home guards, five
hundred infantry, (hi me guards.) together with
three six pounders, one howitzer and two mor
Advice by prive letter from Lexington to-day
say Price attacked the federals at 10 A. M. yes
terkay, with a force of 30,000.
The federal forces are estimated at from three
to four .thousand. The federal fought them two
hours, when the secessionists drove them back in
to their entrenchments.
The Irish regiment then came out and charged
them at point of bayonet, scattering the rebels in
all directions.
Price was to attack them again this morning
with seventeen pieces of artillery.
Ko statement of lees on either side is given.
The Surrender of Lexington.
HUDSON, MO., Sept. 23.
The fort was surrounded or. Friday afternoon.
The men fought for forty-nine hours without water
and had only three barrels of vinegar to quench
; their thirst.
There are no wells or springs on the camp ground
as has been stated, the supply of water being en
tirely from the river
There were breastworks all around the camp
with the exception oi the portion next the river.—
It was here that that the hardest fighting was done.
The rebels procured a large number of hemp
bales and rolled them in advance and under tbeir
cover gradually suceeded in securing a position
in the rear. They the cut off the supply of water
and had the fort completely surrounded.
They made but few charges upon the breast
works during the seige. Their objeet was to sur
round the fort and cut of the supply of water.
Having accomplished this, they ewaited until
I Col Mulligan was compelled to yield to a foe more
terrible then the 27.000 rebels who surrounded
him. Previous to the surrender he offered to take
a position on a level spot of ground and give Gen.
Price the odds of four to one in a fair and open
ffght, but no attention was paid to it.
Rout of the Rebels at Blue Mills.
KANSAS CITY, Sep'. 19. Fifteen hundred
men, under Col. Smith, overtook 3,000 seces
sionists as they wpre crossing at BLe Mills
Landing, on the 17th, and completely routed
them, between 150 and 2CO, and taking 12
prisoners. Fhe United States loss was fifty
killed and twenty five wrunded.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 21. Two fights occurred
at Blue Mills Landing, on the 17tb inst., the
first between 500 of the Third lowa Regi
ment with one piece of artillery, under Lieu
tenant-Colonel Scott, and 400 Rebels. Aftei
a desperate struggle of an hour's duration,
in which Lieutenant-Colonel Scott lost 120
killed and wounded and all his horses, be
retreated slowly lor half an mile, hauling
bis cannon by band ; then he took a position
on an eminence and waited an attack, but
the enemy dil not pursue. Not long ufter
Col. Smith's coaomatd. with four pieces of
artillery, approached Blue Mills by another
route and engaged and routed the Rebels as
they were about cros.-ing crossing they riv
" The Life of the Flesh is in the Blond,"
was said by inspiration long before Harvey's dis
covery of its circulation had brougEt to light its
purposes and uses. Now we know not only that
" life is in the blood," but that disease inhabits it
also. Many of the disorders that prevails the hu
man frame, have their home in it, thrive and grow
in it. The celebrated Dr. J. V. Ayer, of Lowell,
nas had regard to this important fact in making a
Remedy to cure these disorders. His Extracts
of Sarsaparilla purges out the impurities of the
blood and induces n healthy action in it that ex
pe Is disease. This looks reasonable, and it is
true, for we know by our own experience. Sel
dom as we take any medicine, we have neverthe
less several time 3 b ten under obligations to the
skill of Dr. Ayer for the relief which his remedies
never fail to afford us when we are obliged to
have recourse to them.— Catholic, Halifax, N S.
ffgf- Important to the Ladies—Soon "Old Bo
reas" will make us his aeeustoraed visitation, and
our lady fritsds will be devising ways and
means for the protection of their forms from thi
penetrative assaults of his chilling breath. Now
every lady will bear me but in the assertion that
nothing is more conducive to the comfort
fine appearunee of a female in cold weather than
a substantial aud foshionahle set of furs.
This being an admitted fact, it is with pleasure
that we direct the attention oi those interes ei te
the inducements offered by John Fareira. the fa
vorite furrier of 71S Arch street Philadelphia.—
His card appears ia this issue.
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership
heretofore existing between Jos D. Harris James
Soninierville and Jno. Harris, was dissolved on
the 25th day of Sept. 1861, so far as relates to the
said Jos. D. Harris and James Sorainerville.
All debts due to the said partnership are to be
paid, and those due from the same discharged at
the drug store in Bellefonte, where the business
will be continued by the said Jno. Harris
All persons knowing themselves indebted to the
firm of J. A J. HARRTS or JNO. HARRIS A Co.
will call and settle and thereby save costs.
By virtue of an Order of the Orphans'
Court f Centre county, will be exposed'to public
sale, on the premises,
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th, '6l,
at 10 o'clock of said day, the following described
property, being the Real Estate of Geo. Swartz,
dee'd., being and lying in Spring township, in
tho county of Centre, to wit: On the South by
lands of Geo. Hoy, on the West by lands of Jas.
McClelland, on the North by lands of Jno. Rock
ey, and on the East by lands of Jacob Gill and
James Gordan, containing
or thereabouts, be the same more or less,
lying at a distonee of about four
miles South of Bellefonte.
A ISO, that tract or parcel of mountain land,
adjoining the tract above described, containing
or thereabouts, be the same more or less. There
are thereon erected a large
a large and well finished
and all other necessary out-buildings all of which
are in the best condition.
The farm is furnished with excellent water
and contains a large thrifty APPLE ORCHARD,
and other fruit in abundance.
TERMS OE SALE : —One half the purchase
money in hand, and the residue in one year
thereafter with interest, to be secured by Bond
and Mortgage.
DAVID KAUFMAN, > Guardians.'
Sept. 19, 'Bl.- td.
Job Printing! Job Printing!!
Centre Democrat Office.
Centre Democrat Office.
Centre Democrat Office.
Centre Democrat Office.
Centre Democrat Office.
Neatly executed and promptly sent te any
part of the county, at the CENTRE DEMOCRAT
OFFICE. [Sept. 19.—'61.
J. J. EINGEE, Operative
(MHHL ar >d Mechanical Dentist; will prao
—L IT* tice all the various branches of his
profession in the most approved manner. Office
and residence on Spring St.Bellefonte' Pa.
[Mar. 8.'60. tf.
Jeremiah Tolen & Co.
mjn on the Northwest eorner of Alle-zfOtX
I J i gEeny and Bishop Streets, three doors
below the Iron Front, where, with increased bus
iness facilities, they are ready to accommodate
all who may give them a call.
They will havs on hand a large assortment of
and many other articles belonging to their busi
7R£f They will be thankful for a libf ral share
of the public patronage, promising that at al I
times to render full satisfaction to their patrons.
Call in and examine for yourselves.
Bellefonte, Sept. 19, '6l ly.
1 , / the Orphans r
Court of Centre county. In the mater of the Guar
■ 'lianship account of Joseph M. Wilson, Guardian
of Enoch and George Hastings,
The Auditor appointed to hear and report upon
the exceptions th the account of Joseph M.Wil
son, Gurrdian of the estate of Enoch and George
Hastings, will meet all persons interested for the
purposes of his appointment, on Saturday, Octo
ber 19th, A. D.. 1861, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
day, at his office ia Bellefonte.
A. 0. FURST,
*ept. 19, '6l. 4t.J Auditor.
Arch St., Above Third, Phil'a.
UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor.
by Passenger Cars to all parts of the citv,
and in every particular adapted to the comfort
and wants of the business public. JSS- Tiau,
$1,50 per day. [Sept. 19, '6l. ly.
The Union! The Union !
Are in Sight of Washington!!
To tlio H.esouo ! I
Is now raising a Cavalry Compa
ny, for the three years' term (un
less sooner discharged) to enter
the service as soon as the requir
ed number of men are enlisted.
Let those who wish to Serve their
Country come now to the rescue.
Are now in the field against the
Government, and Armed Patriots
must meet them, if we would pre
serve the Liberty left us by our
Meetings will be lield in different
parts of the county. Let men
prepare to enlist in tbe service of
the Union —under the Glorious
Old Flag of-our Country,
Sept. 19th '6l.
718 Arch Street, be
{Late of 818 Market
e.'! ( Importer Mauufac
ifsf: ft turer of, ond Dealer
I it "11 kinds ef Fan-
M 1 ' I IWMfMffnbb " cy Furs, for Ladies'
Misses' and Chi\d~
—iiui ; T Having now manu
'-IfeggjlppTactured *nd in store
my usual large and
beautiful assortment of all the various styles aud
qualities of Furs, adapted to the coming Fall and
Winter Seasons. I would respectrully invite an
examination of my stock and prices from those
intending to purchase, as I am enabled to offer
them very desiradle inducements.
All my Furs have been purchased for cash, and
made by experienoed and competent hands, and
as the presenet monetary troubles render it neces
sary that I should dispose of nay goods at very
small advance on cost.
1 am satisfied that it will be to the interests of
those who design purchasing, to give me a call.
Recollect the name, number and street
John Fareira, (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street,
Phil'a. [Sept. 19, '6l. sm.
And Tax Payers of Centre Ccounty.
County Commissioners' Office,
BELLEFONTE, PA., September 9th, 1861. J
The Collectors of Taxes for the different town
ships of this county are hereby notified that the
funds of the county are entirely exhausted ; that
the Soldiers' Relief Fund has no means where
with to meet the demands upon it for the next
semi-monthly payments, and that the families
must have the support provided for by law. The
Collectors are therefore instructed to adopt the
most prompt and energetic measures for the col'
lecting and paying over, within the next two
weeks from the date hereof, of "all the money col,
ftWe must have money ; and this urgent necessN
ty induces the Board of Commissioners to appeal
to the tax-payers to pay up immediately, and thus
relieve them from their embarrassments, and the
humiliating necessity of turning poor women away
without the means of srpport which they and
their ohildren expect to receive, while their husw.
bands, and brothers are defending the Govern
ment of our Country.
By order of the Commissioners.
S. M. IRWIN, Clerk.
Sept. 12, '6l.—2t.
Letters of Ad*
ministration on the estate of John Kremer, lata
of Pine Creek, Haines twp., have been granted to
the undersigned, who request all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said esiato te make im
mediate payment, and those having claims to
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Sept 5, '6l. 6t.