t|e Centre Democrat. BELLEFONTE, PA7 Thursday Morning, Sept. 19 'Ol. J. J. BRISBIN, EDITOR & PUBLISHER. W. W. BROWN, ASSOCIATE EDITOR. PEOPLE'S COUNTY TICKET SENATOR. IIENRY JOHNSON, OF LYCOMINQ CTUNT^. ASSEMBLY. SAMUEL McWILLIAMS, OF FERGUSON. ASBOCI.VTE JUDGES, PETER WILSON, OF GREGG. JACOB BAKER, OF HOWARD. TREASURER, C. G. RYMAN, OF lIILESBURG. COMMISSIONER, THOMAS HUTCHINSON. OF POTTER. AUDITOR, J. 11. McCLURE. OF BELLEFONTE. \ T OTICE TOMERCHANTS~ JL W We call upon jrou to pay your License on or before the first day of October, as after that time all accounts will be left in tbe bands of the proper officer for collection. Pay your li cense and save costs. W. W. BROWN, Co. Treasurer. To All Whom It May Concern. The Books of J. S. & J. J. Brisbin, having been left in my hands for collects n, 1 hereby notify all Subscribers to the Centre Democrat tho have not yet paid their subscription for the year 1860, that they are indebted to the nmo'wit of $2,00, which if not paid immedia ely, I will be compelled to eollect according to law. The a. mount can be sent by mail and a rec ipt w 11 be sent by return mail, for all money paid. Persons knowing themselves indebted will save trouble and cost by attending to this matter immediately GEO. H. WEAVER, Sept. 12th '6l. Justice of the Peace. The Maligners of Gov. Curtin. The Democracy of Fallon county held their Convention on the 17th of August, and pass ed a series, or platform, of resolutions, the most treasonable and contemptible we have ever read, with the exception of those passed by the democracy oi the Wild Cat" Dis trict. They falsify history, they slander and traduce the Republican, Whig and all other parties, or mon, who have ever opposed the corrupt Democratic organization. Gov. Cur io, of course, comes in for bis full share of buse. We have only room to copy the ris 'ution referring to Guy. Curtin, the others, owever, are like unto this one- You can ead it and then judge uf the rest: Resolved., That Andrew G. Curtin has shown imself to be the mist shamelessly corrupt levernor that ever disgraced the executive chair f any Slate, that the facts prove him to be a mere .bber of contracts framed to enrich his personal •rorites at the expense of the tax paying citizens 1 Pennsylvania, that by his barefaced robbery of •ldiers of the State they were made the Uu ghing ock of the army, and utterly prevented, by the aracter of their clothing and equipments, from oiug put in any position where they might have ad a chance of vindicating the prowess, and iai:itaii.iog the honor of the State, and that now, eserted, and cried down us he is, by the part/ urnals which supported him, he has justly he me an object of contempt and utter loathing to t outraged people. Republicans of Centre county, what do you ink of that ? Friends, relations, old clients Gov. Curtin, fellow-citizens of Centre, you 1 know the above resolution to be false— eanly false—indicted and written by men hose hearts were as black, wicked and ma gnant as that of the father of lies. We have .elievsd for several years that the leaders of he Democratic p uty could beat Beelzebub imself, when it come down to real dirty lit- Is lying and meanness. Look at some of hem, the old leaders we mean, WICFAIL, IHSTT, YANCU, SLIDELL, WISE, JEFFERSON 'AVIS, Steveßs, Letcher, Magoffin, Harris, '•reckinridge, Vallandigham, Ben. Wood, "088, FI.OYD, and a host of others that we ;igh; name. But let this'suffice for ihe pres et. The honest Democrats of Centre may fink this a little severe, but God bless you, you are a true patriot and Union man it oes Dot affect you in the least. Is it not rue? Tbat is the question. Look at their istory. Have we falsified tbe record? Have hey not all been lauded to the very heavens •y the Watchman and all the leading Deroc ratic journals in the whole oountiy ? Did it those men destroy the country, its eredir, s commerce, its peace and prosperity, and nsequentiy brought on the war ? The his rian who is now writing the history of the mtbern rebellion will pen do.vo, and our lildren will there read tho facts, and the imes of the vary men we have named above i the chief OON.-PIRAT,LRS and TRAITORS. Ilmest Democrats of Centre, when your trty leaders an] your most influential pa rt would applaud such men as honest and i ust worthy, and influence you to .give them j ur hearty and cordial support in the past, j JW can you believe them any longer ? How .n you believe the Fulton County Denaoera- ' ; or the old partv hacks and leaders of your vn county? lias the party, by res lu'ione Jopted at any of the : r Conventions in this tate, or elsewhere, repudiated these old jaders—these old robbers ar.d disturbers of he public peace ? If they have, we Lave tever been able to fiod them. lo the reso lutions adoptei at the Democratic Conven tion at the August Court repudiato them ? No! They profess to sustain the Government and the Administration w'tii a' the same time they endoise the Watchman and its course, notwithstanding it was presented by the last Gand J'ur# .lur advocating treason and re t üblishing the sou'iments of the New Y" irk Oay Book, the Baltimore Exchange , &c., .hich have been compelled to suspend on ac junt cf the loyalty of the .Northern people. Now, the question arises, will you alhw ourselves to be misled and deceived again ? Vre Messrs. I'ruudloot and Strohepker true ,ni loyal men ? Arc their sympathies with the Pa riots or with Tories ? If they are can you honestly vote for Col. Blair and Dr. Mitchell, who are like the fellows pet sheep, found in very bad company ? Is either of those men in favor of protec tion to American industry, a Homestead bill, or " equal and exact justice to all men" as it was advocated by the immctal Jefferson or the illustrious Clay ? We say they are not. Are tbey true and unconditional Union men ? If they are they differ from the Fulton coun ty Democracy—the Democracy of the Wild Sat District, as well as from the Peter Cag gei and Ben Wood Democracy of New York. Can you trust them in politics ? If you can you can do more tbau those who know them best can do. Can the F.epublicans of Centre Ci unty vote for men who are for Free Trade, who advo cate prineiples and doctrines directly oppos ed to their interests ADd tbe interests of every farmer, mechanic and laborer in the coun try ? Can you vote for the maligners of Gov. Curtin ? Can yon, will you, vote fur the man who called Judge Hale, last fall a nigger Congressmen ? Can you trust men who have betrayed all tbe parties to which tboy have ever belonged ? Will you suffer Gov- Curtin to be repudiated, traduced and belied in his own county, his owu home, and then say that we*are too severe on such men as Col. Blair, Dr. Mitchell and others of the 6ame ilk ? Is it right fur Dr. Slrohccker's dog to bite us, aud we not " tie our dog loose" on. him ? Who made so muck fuss against Gov. Curtin on the Dutchman's dog stoiy as this game Dr. Strohecker 2 We have nothing personal against any of these men, but we are opposed to the falla cious doctrines they advocate, to their ter giversations in politics, and therefore we are compelled to ask the question—Who can trust them ? We cannot, and we are sure no honest Republican or Democrat will. Let a man stand by his principles, the Union aud the Constitution without if s or but's and wo will have nothing to.say ; but these men who are all the time shifting their positions in polities, from party to party, who have no fixed principles, we say are not the mon for the times, nor the men that the honest vuters of Centre will support. We ask the honest farmers, mechanics and daily laborers,we ask the Iron Masters, we ask the friends, the brothers, the relations, in short we ask every true patriot in the eounty who loves his family, his home, the glorious cor stiiution, unaltered and unabridg ed as our Fathers gave it to us; who loves his principles, better than he loves any man; who loves Liberty aud believes in no cliques or castes we aek you all to stand up for your noble Governor and by your votes show, that here where we know him best, the resolu tion of ihe Fulton Democracy is a malie'oua lie a wicked heartless slander. Treason in the WildCat District. If there is a place in the world where the people should be loyal it is in the " Wild Cat District." The very romance and high land character ol tffe country should make its people loyal. We bblieve they are. The masses of the people we know, of all parties, are always honest and loyal ; but there are always, in every community, a few design ing men, political tricksters and schemers, ready to deceive and mislead them. The people do not like to be led, but nevertheless they suffer it sometimes to be done without their owu knowledge trod almost without their will or consent. This we believe tbe leaders of the Demooracy in the Wild Cat District thought they could do, and bcnce they adopted in their Convention a series of resolutions, treasonable aDd false, which should not fail to sink tbe authors so low in the estimation of the loyal men of tbat Dis trict that years of rupnntanoa would never wipe out the disgrace or restore them again to the confidence of the people tbey have so wickedly betrayed. We are glad to believe that tbe game o( these leaders are played out. The free schools —the people's colleges are doirg a glorious work. They' are educating the masses —the young men uf the ccuutry— raising them above and beyond the power of designing men, and mere truckling politi cians and contemptible dishonest cliques.— " Equal and exact justice to all m°n," is the people's motto, and the mctto for the people. This they want, this tbey will have, and fur this thousands of cur sons, our brothers and our friends Lave enrolled their names under the glorious stars and stripes, left their homes and their comfortable firesides, aod gone to fight the enemies of the country who seek to abnegate this glorious doctrine, and place the laboring men of tbe free States upon an equality with their slaves. From such loaders, from such Democracy, we say, God save the country. Forney's Philadelphia Press —a Douglas Democratic paper— lD speaking of the reso lutions of the Wild Cat Democracy contains tho following strong, truthful and logical re marks : " These resolutio- s are most amusing spec imens of political literature, or rather they would be amusing under other circumstan ces than those which now exist. We hardly thought that there WHS in Pennsylvania a company of men degraded enough to print and publish such unblushing, treason as is here recorded. There seems to be no degra dation too deep for these people. They have lost every idea of Northern honor, and are anxious to yield to the most extreme and in tolerant demands of the Southern rebels.— S : ate Dride and national honor, nor even the pride aud honor of manhood, are nothing.— Every consideration of patriotism is ignor d, , and words seem to fail them in the publica \ tion of their infamy. This is etr ®g language, but is it not jus | tified f Le.t us set what these resolutions teacb. iUre are a few sentences; " We most solemnly, and in the name of humanity, justice, and Christianity, protest agniDst the late acts of the Administration, which have for their object the subjugation of the South and the betrayal of our brave sol diers into acts of lawlessness, and opposition to the principle and feeling which actuated tbem in their march for the defence of the national capital. " We deeply deplore the recent slaughter of Americans in Virginia. We pity the North ern widow and the Northern Orphan ; we pity the Southern widow and the Southern orphan. And we swear agaiD, that we will stand together, and strive by the use of all honorable moans to bring nbewt .peace, and •SPESaSS CSMTREI 3DE MOCRAT. restore to their friends our young men now sickening from the effects of a Southern sum mer. " The threats of Abolitionists pass us like the idle winds which we regard not. " We are in favor of a speedy settlement of the piesent difficulties by compromise. " The small patriot band of Senators and Representatives, in the last extra session of Congress, who dared to maintain the integ rity of the Constitution, under the menaces of expulsion and imprisonment, are entitled to the gratitude of every American citizen, aud impartial history will award them an enviable distinction. " The persistent determination of the ma jority of the members of the late extra ses sion of Congress to frown down every meas ure that had for its object the peaceful ad justment of our national difficulties, indicates a fanatical mania that would have much bet er become the crusaders of centuries gone by than the representatives of a free, intelli gent, and Christian people of the nineteenth century." Is this not monstrous? Could language be tortured into the expression of more deci ded treason ? Dr. Bove - and his clique seem to have been writing foi the atmosphere of South Carolina, rather thkn that ot Pennsyl vania. And yet, to show how utterly cor rupt and depraved the local Democratic or ganizations of many parts of this State have become, sentiments bear the unanimous approval of a Democratic Legislative Con vention, and Messrs. Early and Nicholson ask the suffrages of the people as their rep resentative. If we take this record we are to believe that the Democracy of four coun ties of Pennsplvania consider the enlistmeut of volunteers "the betrayal of our brave sol diers into acts of lawlessness the contest for the Constitution at MaDassas, " the re cent slaughter of Americans in Virginia the voice of the people, the threats of Aboli tionists the unanimity of the last Congress a "fanatical mania;" and such avowed and exultant ttaitors as Breckinridge, Burnett, aud May. " a smali patriot band." *But we do not believe it. We know the honest Democrats of Northern Pennsylvania too well not to spurn any such base suspic ion. When treasou was. in their organiza tion they rebuked it. When the machinery of the party was placed in operation to shield the infamies of an administration, and con sumate a great wrong, they protested brave ly and performed nobly. When othere fal tered they were true, aod it caniiot be that the men who were so prompt to punish trea son to a party should not be as prompt in the punishment of treason to the Republic. Democrats of Pennsylvania, your honor demands that every such expression of sym pathy with traitors be disavowed, and that every representative of it be crushed. You are fighting this fight nobly. Your brothers are in the teDt and field, aud many of them have given up their lives to maiDtaiD the Government, which the principles of your great party in other days did so mucn to strengthen. With blood they sealed the tes timony of tbir devotion to the Republic.— With blood they have written the loyalty of true Democracy at Pnillippi, Springfield, and Manassas. They are combating tbe in trigues of traitors in Virginia and Missouri ; will you perat't the intrigues of traitors in Pennsylvania? We write it now with con fidence, and let i; be a prophecy : tbat when October comes, and the issue is determined at the ballot-box, the Democracy of the North will overwhelm with unfathomable in dignation the intamous conspirators who still plot in our midst, and none more effec tually and anally than this pestiferous brood nestled by I)r Bover aDd bis patrons in Northern Pennsylvania." The Suppression of Conspiracies. It-was tbe custom of the Roman Senate, when their Republic was periously menaced by treason or sedit'on, to pass a stringent decree directing the consuls to " take care that the Republic suffered no harm," invest* ing them with absolute power, and suspend ing all the ordinary forms of law, till the danger was ovor. On several critical occa sions tbe triumph of the nation over its inter nal foes was pJtributable solely to the exer cise of authority of this character. Unfortu nately, we have fallen upon evil times, when a band of Catilines are seeking the destruc tion of tbe noblest Government tbat was ever devised by the wit of mars, and when those who are pecretly in league with the traitors are to be found Dot only in the ranks of the insurgent armies, and iD the seceded States, but thronging our capital, and seeking in loyal communities to undermine the seati" meDt of devotion to the Union which forms a part of the character of every true American. That tho nefarious designs of vhese conspira tors may be successfully combated is the prayer of every good citizen, and those who complain loudest of the energy which the Administration is now displaying in unmask ing and p-eventiog the machinations of trai tors, care least fur tbe perpetuity of the Re public and sympathize most deeply with its implicable foes. Thoso who are truly loyal can see no special cause for grief in the ar rest of men who aro industriously plotting the downfall of our nation, or the suppress ion of which delight in giving aid and comfort to the enemy. They expect the National Government " to take care tbat the Republic suffers no harm," and in view of all the dangers by which it is surrounded they are ready to applaud all reasonable and necessary steps it may adopt to deprive the allies of Secession in the North and the insurgent armies in tbe South of their pow er to injure the national cause. Cieero, in his first oration against Catiline, referring to the sympathizers with that infa mous conspirator who thronged tho streets ofßi'me, and the necessity tbat the friends and foes of the nation should be strictly known said, " let it in short, be written on t he brow of every citizen, what are his sen. timants about tloj Ilepuplic." It is equally desirable that the friends aDd enemies of the nation among us should bo pointed out v — There is no ordinary partisan question to be discussed and no ground for neutrality.— Men have only to decide whether they aro ior or against the Government whiob protects them—-whether they will side with the patri ots or the traitors in the existing war. Our Candidate for Senator, The Republican or Union convention which met in Lock Haven last week unanimously nominated Mr. Johnston of Lycoming coun ty. This is a nomination in every respect fit to be made. Mr. Johnston is a most ex cellent man and one of the ablest Lawyers ;n this Senatorial District. lie is a true patriot, sound for the UnioD, first lost and all the time. Let the Honest Union men of Centre vote for him, and rest assured you will have an honest consistent reliable senator. More next week- For the Democrat. MR. EDITOR:—Dear Sir. I deem it my du ty to my Country at this trying time of our national struggle With the monster rebellion, to ask permission ofyou, through the columns of your paper, to lay before the Union De mocracy of Centre oounty, a few plain facts ) unknown perhaps to a large portion of the Democracy in the upper end of the County, concerning one of the nominees of the Dem> ocratic Convention for the Associate Judge. Are we to receive the nomination of Samuel Stroliecker of this Twp., as the meat s of as certaining the secession strength of this Co? I hope not—nay, I feel confident that if the majority comprising that Convention that presented him as a candidate, bad been fa miliar with his secession proclivities, they would have enclosed him in a box, sent box and contents by express if such means ot transportation existed, labelled, — lo Jeff Da vis, Cotton Confederacy—Right Side Up With Care, sooner than give him a nomination.— I am mortifiod to see a man placed before tbe public for an office of hoaor aDd public trust, to assist in the administration ofjustice who is a more fit subject to occupy a seat by the side of Jeff Davis and other kindred spir its iD the criminal's bar, aud receive the pen alty from a righteous court, due to a man, who, I doubt not, judging by his sentiments, would, if an opportunity presented itself, sap the very foundations of our libeity and de stroy the last vestige of true Republican in stitutions. There is not a man in Centre Co., I veciuie to say, upon reliable authority, that has made more strenuous and vigorous efforts in his sphere ot action to create opposition and Lostiliiy to every measure of the Ad ministration designed to queil the existing rebellion, than Samuel Sirohecker. Thank God! his influence of late years has been meagre, confined to narrow limits. Ever since the commencement of defensive mili tary preparations at Washington city, he has been trying to create the impression araeng the Democrats of Milee, more than himself, it is a Republican party war, waged merely for the supremacy of that party. Ilia leisuro hours wore devoted to reading tbe secession news paper Etyled " The Day Book," com menting upon its truo Democratic principles enunciated as we termed the language of th3t instrument, and dissuading the sturdy sons of Miles from joining their brave and heroic fellow countrymen in upholding the supremacy of the Constitution and Union over rebellion, fc-am'l. is at piresent much displeased with tbe authorities in power of suspending the circulation of the Day Book and other secession Newspapers, (Union pa pers as he calls them,) and says that tbe Administration is makiDg efforts to compel all Democrats to read Republican News ta pers. There is not a Union UoviDg Democrat in all the county who does not rejoice in the suppression of such papers as the Day Book, and give vent to a spontaneous burst of amen! to all efforts put forth to prevent the distri bution of euch filthy disunion sheets, and give a hearty cooperation to the admininis tration in thwarting all efforts, calculated to grow disunion and discord and weaken the bond of unity, in maintaining our Republi can institutions in violate. I as well as other Democrats of Miles believe in true Demo cratic principles, and Sam'l. Sfrohecker not bving an exponent of such jr nciples, we as a union loving portion of this township, can not support him; and hope that that part of the Democracy of Centre county, professing loyalty and devotion to the Union as be queathed to us by our R-volutionary fathers, will manifest by their actions at the B rl'oi Box in October, that they are not controlled by petty distinctions of name, but cn the contrary, will stand by tbo Stars and Stripes, and give all secessionists, and secession sympathisers the rebuke they so richly de deserve, A JACKSON DEMOCRAT OF MILES Sept. 10th 18GJ. Senatorial Conference. The Senatorial Conferee Meeting, was held at Lock Haven, on Tnursday last. The Con ferenc was organized ty the selection of Col. Andrew Gregg, of Centre County, Pres ident and 0. K. H'o'den, of Union, and C, W, Wingard of Clinton, Secretaries. The following Conferences presented their credentials and took their seats. Union—Cuas, Gudykunst, F. Smith, 0. N, Word en. - Centre—Andrew Gregg, John Irvin, R. 11. Dimcen. Clinton—Q. C- ILirvey, C. W. WiDgard, Samuel Brady. Lycoming—James Wils in, Robert Mont gomery, L. G. Iluiing. Resolved unanimously. That the friends of the candidates here voted for, phdge tbem eelves to submit to the decision of this con ference, aod will use all honorable efforts for tbe electiou for its candidate. On motion the Conference proceeded ti make nominations. Mr. Irvin nominated Edward Blanchard, of Centre. Mr. Smith nominated Johnston Walls, of Union. Mr. Wingard, nominated Henry C. Dress ier, of Clinton. Mr. Montgomery, nominated Henry John son, of Lycoming. On motion tbe nominations closed, and a resolution adopted to vote viva voce. Ist bal. 2d bat. 3 i bat. 4th bat. Johnson. 3 5 5 7 Walls, 3 4 5 5 Bressler, 3 3 2 0 Blanchard, 3 J 0 0 Henry Johnson, having a majority of the who! , on the 4rh ballot, was declared duly nominated, and cn motion the nomination was make unanimous. A. GREGG, rres't, . WE have received telegraphic intelligence from Gen. Banks' command, stating that a detachment of Federal troops under Uol- Geary, were attacked by a large force of Rebels near Harpers Ferry, on the 16th inst. After a fight of about two hours, the rebels were completely routed with a loss of 70 killed and wounded. Our lo3s was one killed and eight slightly wounded. ON the 12th inst., a detachment of 300 men, from the Fourteenth Indiana and Twenty- forth and Twenty-fifth Ohio Regi ments, dispersed three Tennessee regiments under Gen. ANDERSON, on the west side of Cheat routing them, killing 80 and obtaining most of their equip ments. Our loss was 8 killed. From Missouri. Route of Gen. Green's Rebel Army. Capture of his Baggage, &c , &c. Reported flight of Martin Green's Forces. ANOTHER UNION VICTORY. Five Hundred Rebels Routed. Six Hundred Taken Prisoners. WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. The following dispatch was received to night at the head quarters of the army : ST. LOUIS, Sept. 12.— C01. E. D. Town send, Assistant Adjutant General: —A dis patch from Gen. Pope, received to-day from Hunnewell, on the North Missouri Railroad, states that he made a night march on tho rebels under Gen. Green, last Sunday, who, however got notice ot his approach, but he was successful in causing tbe dispersion of 3,000 rebel force, wbe left behind them much of their baggage, previsions and forage ; also the public property seized by Gen. Green, at- Sbellbina. Gen. Pope's infantry were too much fa tigued to pursue them. The horsemen, how ever, followed i