Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 12, 1861, Image 3
Cjje Centre Jtmnorat. THURSDAY, SEPT. 12 1861. CORRECT LIFT OF CAPT. WOLF'S COM PANY".—The following is a correct list of Captain Jonathan Wolfs Company, (E, Ist Regiment, Penna. Reserve Cavalry) which left th is place sctne weeks ago for the seat of War. Thej r are now stationed at Wash ington, and are in the best of health : Captain —J. WOLF. Ist Lieut —R. LIPTON. 2d Lieut— S. T. MURRAY. John A. Bayard, James Keys, Henry Atkins, Mortimer Kress, Jerry Newman, Levi Kline, Ilenry P. Boell, S. S. Krotzer, Samuel Lipton, Charles Keyse, Wm. C. Murray, Descartes Kelly, Jesse Fry, P. B. Kerrins, Charles R. Fell, Harry Klapp, A. S. Keyse, Wm. Lowrie, Wm. C. Wilkey, Tamar Latnan, Wm. Wilson, 1, Walter Lint, Wm. Wilson, 2, F. A. McMullitf Samuel Derr, H. H. MeOullotigh, Joseph Shook, Samuel Mills, John Cheseman, Bernard Morrison, Ilenry D. Sands, Hugh Martin, Pavil Tate, John Null, Thomas Wilson, A. B. Nvrnan, j Thos. R. Anderson, Milton Nyipan. j. O. As-key, Finton Pheion. Wm. 11. Buck, Reuben 11.-cp. George Bruss, Jacob Raymon, C. L. Buffington, Valentine Reese, Wm. T. Buck, Wm. Summers, John C. Bradly, John C. Strublc, Henry Checkman, Timothy Saxon, John Craft, John 11. Thomas, Eli Mercer, David R. Wiser, James Miller, Win. Witheright, N. Esworthy, Stanley Watson, T. B Fenton, John Williams, John 11. Fox, * Philip Winterode, Michael Fausey, James Fulton, Wm. Garret, Wm Shirk, Peter Gisewitc, Roland Grassmite, Thos. W. Grant. John O.sborn, Wm Grassmire, Joseph Parr, J.is. M. Ilowe, Alfred linger, Amos M. Derrick, James Rider, R. Hollabaugh, Arthur Swisher, F. Ileckendon, R. D. Stratton, Ed. B. Holt. David Smith. D. M. Hunter, C. Swietzer, Joseph llatter, Calvin Wolf, George James, John W. Ward, Wjjfjam Wyland. •Deserted at Camp Curtin, Aug. 12. FROM WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, SEP 1 5. Respectable gentlemen, who have arrived front North Carolina by a circuitous route, say the Union prospects in that State are of the most encouraging character. The acting Governor is a reliable Union man. Secret f Leagues of Loyalty" exist in every county, and are rapidly increasing in strength, al ready numbering or,.a holt cf the voting pop ulation. A Provisional S ate Government will be put in operation in a few months. Two full brigades of loyal men have been enrolled.— The "League" have made extended arrange ments lor electing a member of Congress from every disttict. Four were known to have been elected on the 21st of August ; and the latest news js that the entire eight are elected- each having received a large vote They are among the best men in the State, who will insist upon a vigorous prose cution of the war. Their certificates ol election will boar the signature of the Gov emor, and the broad seal of the State. Since the engagement at Hatteras Inlet, the North Carolina troops haye been withdrawn from Virginia. Many of them are dissatisfied with the war and those who entered the service for the term, refuse to continue in the Confederate employment. The pay-rolls of the Pennsylvania Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twtlf-h, Twenty-third, • Twenty six Ji, Twenty Seventh, Twenty eighth and'lji rty second Regiments aye in the hands of the Pay master, and the men jvill be immediately paid up to August 31st A soldier arrived to-day froinGen. BANK'S column, who had pa tof l.is blouse shot nway by a stray cannon ball, fired across the Potomac by the Rebels. The Southern papers received here of late dates, all abuse RUSSKLL roundly for bis ac count of the Mahasas battle. .They boast - that thoy had masked batteries and did make infantry charges, and they pay be has insulted all whose hospitality he has enjoyed NtfLh and South. The troops at Forts Hatteras and Clark will not be permitted to suffer from lack of ireemen's. E h hundred troops were from here on Suuday last, and others are te follow. CAiRO. Sept. fi. General G'ant this morning telegraphed to the Kentucky Legislature that the ilebel forces, In considerablenunffers. had invadid Kentucky, and were occupying and fortify ing strong position at Hickman snlChals lilulFs. This a't.Tnoon he received a reply that his message, with one from Gover nor Harris, of Tenne-see, to Governor Magoffin, had been referred to a special committee. Governor Harris, in his mes sage, says that "the troop. that landed at Hickman last night did so without my knowledge or consent, and, I am confident, without the consent of the President. I have telegraphed to President Davis, re questing their immediate withdrawal." Hickman, formerly Mills Point, is a thriv ing post village, capita* of Fulton county, Kentucky, on the Mississippi river, thirty five miles below the mouth of the Ohio, and three hundred and twenty miles YV. S. \Y r . from Frankfort. It has an active business in shipping produce. It contains four churches, a newspaper office, and a Bank. The accounts from the Rebels in South east Missouri are conflicting, their numbers being variously estimated at from 0000 to 20 000. Capt. Goruch, who headed an expedition for carrying off arms to Elizabetlitown for the Rebels, has been arrested. QUIXCT, 111., Sept. 4. Gen. Pope arrived here last night. He will leave this evening to take the field in Missouri. The Rebels have torn up the railroad track and cut down the telegraph poles between Hunewell and Shelbina. Martin Green was between these places yesterday with a force ot two thousand well armed two pieces of artillery. Gen. Hulburt is represented to be west qf • Shelbina with twelve or fifteen thousand of lowa and Illinois troops. The report that Gen. Fremont had disap proved of and countermanded Gen. Pope's orders regarding the policy adopted by him in Northern Missouri, and particularly with regard to levying contributions in Marion county and Palmyra, are without tounda tion. The trnth is, that Gen. Pope will proceed immediately with such a force as will insure the complete execution of his jiolier. gyff*- " The Life of the Flesh it in the Blood," was said by inspiration long, before llarvoy's dis covery of its circulation had brought to li -,ht its purposes and uses. Now wo know not only that " life is in. the blood," but that disease inhabits it also. Many of the disorders that prevade the hu man frame, have tie r home in it, thrive and grow in it. The celelr i Br. J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, has had regard to this important fact in making a Remedy to cure t se disorders. His Extracts of Sarsaparilla .rt ou the impurities of the blood and induces a I at 'lon. in it that en pels disease. This •ks reasonable, and it is true, for we know by our own experience. Sel dom aa we take any medicine, wo have neverthe less several times b ;en under obligations to the Skill of Dr. Ayer for the relief which his remedies never fail to afford us when we are obliged to have recourse to them. — Catholic, Halifax, N. S. jgjfr- As our readers know, it is not often we notice patent medicine of any kind, but there is something so good in the Restorative Cordial of Prof. Wood, and it is so pleasant with all, that we step aside from our usual practice to recom mend this scientific tonic Cordial to our readers- It will no doubt do all '.hat is claimed for it. The name and world-wide reputation of the inventor is a eufficieu t guarantee for that, but we have tried it, and know it will exhilerate and strengthen by toning up the weakened organs, and enabling them to perform all their function-. Reader try it, and we fear not your verdict. See advertise mint. have you seen Prof. Wood's ad vertisement in our paper. Read it; It will inter est you. ITC. THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS OF CEN . TRE CO.—Jacob liouser, of Harris two., of fers himself as an Independent candidate fur the office cf Associate Judge at the ensuing election if they think' him capable, and worthy of the of fice, he will be very thankful fov their support. TO THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS OF CENTRE COUNTY- I respectfully offer my self to your consideration as an InJipendent Can didate for the Offiee of Treasurer of Centro Coun ty at the ensuing election. If elected I hereby pledge myself to discharge the duties of said offiee to the best of my ability, and to oontribute the one-half of the usual per ecntage accruing, to said officer for his services to tile soldiers relief fund. Fcr the faithful performance of all which I am prepared to reiderto the proper authorities the most ample security. JACKSON LEVI. rg'O THE TAX COLLECTORS ft And Tax Payers o r Centra L'county. County Commissioners' Office, BELLEFONTE. PA., Septombcr 9th,Jß_6l. J The Collectors of Taxes fcr the different town- | ships of this county are hereby notified that the I funds of the county are entirely exhausted ; that j the Soldier-' Relivf Eani has no means where with to meet the demands upon it for the next etui-monthly payments," and that the families must have the support provided for by 'w. The j Coilee'tors are therefore instructed to adopt the i most prompt and energetic measures for the col lecting and paying over, within the next two weeks from tao date hereof, of ell the money eot ec! able. t .Wc must have money ; and this urgent necessi ty induces the Hoard of Commissioners to appeal to the tax-payers to pay up immediately, and thus relieve them from their embarrassments, and the humiliating necessity of turning poor women away ! without tho means of si pport which they and i their children expect to receive, while their hot* bands, ant brothers are defending tho liovem inent of our Country. By order of the Commissioners. S.M.IK WIN, Clerk. Sept. 12, '6l 2t. Pi M PIILI : •WS FOR 1-61.—Notice is! hereby , • the Law.- ol Pennsylvania i tor the year Lit now ready for delivery.— i Those persons entitled to receive copies of the- j tame, wi I Iv supplied by calling at tin Prothnn- j otaiy's office in Eellefoiite. JXO. T- JOHNSTOW. Pro'ty. Sept. 11 th IS6I 3t. I A DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE— J\ letters of Ad- ! ministration on the estate of John Rrnper, late | of Pine Creek. Haines twp., have been granted to the undersigned, who rogue t all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate t make im mediate payment, and those having claims to preseut them duly authenticated fur --tilctnent. HE KEY SPiKKR, Adm'r. Sept. 5, '6l. fit. AUDITOR'S NOTICE— Tc the Orphan-? Court of Centre county. In the mutter of the E.tu.'e of Jitirta Ardry. dee'd. The Auditor appointed tc ni:.ke distnbu'ion of the balance n! the u n,-y in the hands of A R. Barlow and Jis Ar try, Adiu'rs. of the estate of i James Ardry, dee'd- art a-..- -<i the persons legally put it led the- . "•;! meet all persons in terested therein for t 1 - rj. o ~f his appoint ment on Saturday. <, ; p . a to. 1-31, at 10 o'ci'k A. M., at his office in £ I nt- A. 0. FUR ST, Aud'r. Sept. 5. '6l. 4t. ■ STATE" OrfHOIfION I THE VERY LATEST NEWS ! ENCOURAGING FACTS! NEW GOODS! AT BARLOW'S NEW STORE, | At Storm stown Centre Co., Pa. j rjIHE undersigned has just returned from the I East with a gcod assortment of tho Latest Styles of Goods, which, owing to tho present gen eral depression in business, induces him to offer his goods at a very small advance of CITY COST, FOR CASH. Persons wishing to purchase at the above ratis will do well to call and examine (or themselves,'before purchasing elsewhere, at the New Store in Stormstown. June 13, '6l, — tf.] A. R. BARLOW. ~VOLUNTEERS WANTED?" LEWISTOW.V. PENN'A., Aug. 1, ISGI. HIS Excellency, the Governor of Pennsylva nia, has tend red to me and 1 have accepted tile command of one of the ten Regiments of In fantry recently required of this State by the Pres ident. Etch of the companies will be of the maximum standard authorized by law, to wit, . One Captain, one First Lieutenant, one Second Lieutenant, one First Sergeant, four Sergeants, eight Corporals, two Musicians, one Wagoner, ami eighty-two privates. Captains of companies desirous to be mustered into this Regiment will report at the earliest day possible, to myself, at this place, or West Chester, Pa., or to Lieut. Col. William Brisbin, Wilkes barre, Luzerne county, or to Major T. M. Hut lings, Bellefonte, Centre county. WILLIAM 11. IK WIN, Col. Pa. Volunteers. Glen-ECHO mTLLS. VA GERM ANTOWN, PA MoCallum efe? Co. MANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CARPETINGS, DRUGGETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS r &C. Warehouse, No. 509 Chestnut Street, Opposite the State House, mar. 21, '6l.—ly.] PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS Wanted Everywhere, to Sell Sta tionery k Jewelry packages. Both male and Female will find this a pleasant an profita ble employment. Every article of the Best Quality. We allow | our Agents a larger discount than any house in j the business They are now making from £3 On ItosS 00 nor day. Send and get a circular with I lull description. Address STEVENS k CO. 37. S. Third Stree f , Philadelphia. June 13.'61. 3cn. [Orwig. J" ' LCEIVEL). ALA It (i' I f j!' iVA: L P PER, of the La . .tick will be sold at the low est pos.- ih Vote need look elsewhere as their taste can be -lied from our large and new stock. We have also a fine assortment of SHAKERS, palm and willow colored and white. Persons de siring goods at prices to suit tho times would find it to their advantge to buy of the undersigned who have a choice stock of all goods generally found in a country store. ' mar. 21, '6l—tf.] TONNER <b STEEL. THE CEWPR.3EI I>EIII!!tOC]RA "3P • 'Conner it- Jlterl, HAVE OPENED The largest assortment of goods ever before offered for sale by fhein, consisting, as heretofore of all such staple goods as are usually kept in a country store, together with all the NEW STYLES IN MARKET. 233ELES03 GOODS. Black and Fancy Silks, Brocades, Madona's De- Beges, Btrnges, Iktrage detains, Delains, Challi delains, PopliDs, Lustres, Alpacas, Bombazines, Lawns, Ginghams. Chintz, Brilliants, ChalliCrape- Marets, Tanjore Cloth, Kobesand Traveling Dress Goods. ALSO, A large assortment of mourning goods. ALSO, Black Silk, Tbibit Cashmere Crape and Stilia Shawls, Mantillas, Cashmere Scarfs, and Shawl Trimmings. ALSO, Cloths, Cassimers, Satinetts, Cashmeres, Kentuc ky-Jeans, Drills, Ducks, Cottonades and KEADYMiDL CLOTHING ALSO, Ladies'and Gents' Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts, Ladies Collars and Under SleeYes, Lace 3 and Edgings. A L S O, Oiled Window Blinds, Plain and Ornamented, Li nen and Lace Curtains, Gilt Cornice for Blinds, T able Covers ana Floor Cloths. A L S O, Oakford's Hats always on hand, together with Straw Goods, Bonnets, Shakers, Ribbons, Artifi cials and Bonnet Trimmings, A L S 0, A very "arge assortment of Shoes and Boots for men, women and children. ALSO, Queenswarc, Cedurware and Groceries; ESPECIALLY WOULD , TONNES. & STEEL CALL TIIE ATTENTION OF , MECHANICS S BUILDERS To their much enlarged stock of H; .leare Sad dlery and Coa?li Trimmings. Bellefonte, June G, -6i—tf., NEW GOODS! It OFF EE BROTHERS, (Successors to G. W. Jackson,) U AVE j ust, received a large and extensive JLa Assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats Caps, WITH A LARGE STOCIC OP QUEENSWARE, IIARD WARE. FiSH AND SALT, I B I*.l ST M-: If, Fix O U 11 , Ac., dr. Their stock of Spring and Summ 0 * Ladies' fan cy Dress Goods, cannot be excelled by any other iiousa i Central Pennsylvania, and embraces ev ery variety of stvic and ouaPiy. The CLOTHS, CAS 3 DIE RES, VE3TING, U ;1 LlCUfci- A N D MU-bLI N S. are also very superior—while the supply of Gro ceries, Teas. Coffees, Ac, is worthy of the atten tion of the public and customer. opr 4, '6l: " NOTICE ! NOTICE ! f~ ITABE pleasure in informing my friends, that I hr.ve opened an offiee at No. 13 North Fourth Street, Phil'a., where I will attend to the purchase and sale of every description of Goods and Property eutru-t --ed to my care. My lons experience and thoaough knowledge of the different branches of Trade, will enable me to give abundant satisfaction to all my country friends and others, who mas faxor ;ne with thf.ir orders and consignments. I. shall be constantly in the market, poatce of all the styles and prices, and will give my friends the benefit of my knowledge and experience. I lecd n<A say to you that 1 shall be able to purr-hare goods at lower prices, and on mire fa vorable terms, than OHO who only occasionly vis its the market. Yip charges will always be reasonable and sat isfactory. I ma also agent for some of our principal Man ufacturers. and have constantly on hand GISGIIAMS, CHECKS, TABLE DIAPERS, I,INDSKYS, AC.'., AC. All Good.- consigned to me will be kept fally insvrcd. N. B.—l will also give Legal, Commercial or Private information, frie of charge. The money should accompany all orders for small parcels. Respectful!v Yours, pHAUNOV IIULBURT. REFERCES: —.it L. Ilallowell & Co., Garret & Maxlin, Shortridg?, Bro. A Co., 0. H. & George Abbott. Weaver A Graham, Philadelphia. E. C. ii-titicr. John Tonner, Beliiufontc. Phil'a. Aug. l'J. lbfil —3m. r ELIX ,R PROPYI AM|% During the pa i year we have introduced to the nctieo of the tncdic tl profession of this coun try the Pure Cryatalized Chloride of Propylamine, " a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM ; and having received from many sources, both ! from physicians of the highest standing and from patients, the Most flatteries: Testimonials of its real | value in the trsalment of this paintul and übsti j nate disease, we are induced to present it to the ' public in a fbrnt READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those ' who are suffering wilh the afflicting complaint, and to the medical pr.vctitionor who may feeldis ' posed to test the powers of this valuablo remedy, j ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above j spoken of, has recently been extensively cxperi i mcßted with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, md with MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from the published accounts in the medical jour nals.) It is carefully p U t up ready for immcdi te use, wilh full directions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and J at wholesale of BULLOCK k CRENSIIA-sy Druggists aud Manufacturing Chemist, ( | June 13,'61. —ly.] Philadelphia. HUGH B. BFtISOEN, gniggist, MANUFACTURER OF EXTRA LIQUOR COLORING, N. 11'. Cor. Third. <£.- Poplar itreete, ! Terms Cash.] Philadelphia. I Oct. 3/1860,— 1y. CAME to the residence of tho subscriber in Spring Township, about the first of June a lied Heifer, wfth some white spots, a notch in the right ear, about two years old. The cwner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise, she will be sold according to law. B. CLAPP. Aug. 13th 1861; EM. BLANCH ARD- ATTORNEY , -AT-LAW, BELKBONTE, PENN A. Office | formrly occupied by the Hon. James Burnside. Jan. 10, '60.-tf. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR Y£ARS, And grows more and more popular every day! AND testimonials, now, and almost without number, might be given from laiiies and gen tlemen in all grades of society, whose united tes timony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald ai. l gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to oid age, in all its youthful beauty. Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21st, 1358. PROF. WOOD : —Thee wilt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head ■all fell off over tweDty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, attended with an eruption on the bead. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do them up. in con'e quencc of whicli my bead has suffered extr-imely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs A Hodges almost the last ce. t I had on earth tor a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about th# first of August last. I have faithfully follow ed tho directions and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short, it is also . coming in all over my head. Feeling confident tl at another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere in ; its use, and being destitute of means te purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not he willing to send me an order on thine agents or a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture decla ration —" tiie roward i- to those that aie kind to the widow and the fatherless." Tliy friend, SUSANNA 11 KIRBY. J.igonier, Noble Co., Ind., Feb. sth, ISSO. i PROF. O. J. WOOD: Dear Sir:—ln the latter part cf the year 18;t2, while attending the Matt and National Law t-chool of the State of New J'erk. ray hair, from a cause unknown to me, com menced falling off very rapidly, so that iu the short space of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was almost ntirely bereft of it- Fever ing, an i much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my. head shoit'y alter bp- j came gray, so that youv iil not be snrpri-td when I tell you that upon my return to the State of In- ; diario, my more casual nequ in Lances were not so mucb at a loss *o discover the cans* of the change in my appearance, ns my more intimate acquain ces were to recognize me at all. I at once made application to the rmst skillful | physicians in the country, but, receiving no as surance from them that my heir could again 1 e re.-torcd. I was forced to become reconciled t" my fate, until, fortunately, in tho latter part of t' c year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to tue by a druggist, ns being thv must reliable Hair : Restorative in use. 1 tried one bottle, and found : to my great satisfaction that It was producing the | desired effect. Since that time, I have used seven 1 dollars' worth of your Restorative and a- a re sult, have a rich coat of vesy soft black h.nr, which no money can buy. Asa mark of n.y gratitude for your labor and , skill in the production of so wonderful an artic' ;, I have recommended its u e to tinny of my friends ; and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform ! you, are using it with like effect. Very respect fully, yours, A. M. L.4TTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, -It i Broadway, and sqld by ail dealers : throughou he world. The Ro orative is put up in Bottles of three j size , viz . large, medium, and small; tho small • holds \ a pint, and retails for one dollar per hot- | tie; the medium holds at least twenty per cant, more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle ; the large holds ft quart. 4!) per cent, more in propoition and retails for three dol lars a bottle. 0. J. WOOD k CO., Proprietors, 411 Broad- j way, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis. [ Missouri. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy ■ Goods Dealers. [July IS, '6l* ly- XEW FIR JITNE WGGODg! WILSON & TATE. HAVING OPENED A NEW STORE AT TUE FARM SCHOOL, CENTRE CO., PA., INVITE the attention of tho people of that vi cinity to their large and well sclented stock o. SPRING <('; SUMMER GOODS. which they are now opening and ready to wait upon purt ita "rs with the largest and best selec tion ever offered to la's community. 5 hey desire to ■ particular attention to their great variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, con sisting iu part of Citaiiias, Lawns, all wool De- Lains. of d'ferent colors, Baroges, Dress Silks, Mantil'as 'i .ssucs, &c. The above goods were se lec<t with great care expressly to suit the taste a, the ladies. In addition to the above, are offer ed a general assortment of Ilosiory and Goves, Collars. Unrlersleeves, Dress trimmintrs. k a CLOTHS & CASSIMEUES, of ait colors ami styles at very low prices, togeth er with one of the largest ana best stocks ol Ready -Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, L;t4ies* Straw- Bonnets of the latest fashion; also, shaker Bon nets for wives and children. Builders will find it to tfeehradvantage in call ing to select their Hardware, as our assortment is large and complete : also, Mattresses. Mackerel, Herring, Cod Fish and salt Sugars Teas, Molasses from tho cheapest to the best, which cannot be surpas.-ed in quality. Persons desiring to purchase goods of any kind wiil find t to their advantage to call before purchasing else where, as we fake p&uisure in showing our goods and think we can ruit them both as to price and quality, and are determined to soil c: the very lowest cash prices kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods- F. S. WILSON. June, Ifit'a '6l, 6m GEO. AV. 'l'AfE. WM. S. TRIPPLE, ~ I&E crciian e "jJzk I lor, N. E. CORNER OF THE DIAMOND. r pHE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens I of B-yilelotite. and vicinity that he has just re turned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of SPRING AND SCMMKK GOODS, which he is now opening at bis old stand, one door east of the Post Office. His stock consists in part of Black. Biue, and Brown, . reneh Cloths, Silk Jf'xed Coat ing, Cashmere ana -Vbile Duck for COATS; Black Doeskin' ,d Fancy Summer Cassimeres, and L " n Drills for PANTS; Black I -.tin, Fi gured Silks, ind • White and FIGURED MAHSArLLES BDR TESTINGS, which he will nuke up to order in styles to suit the tastes ot customers, on short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Goods lurnisbod bv cus tomers will be made up to order as heretofore. As he will employ none but experi enced workmen, persons mav rely on get ti their work well done at his establishment Thankful for the patronage heretofore be f .wed, he respectfully solicits a continuance of te same. WM. S. TRIPPLE. Rehefnnte, Mar 12 fil-21-tf. GBKEN'S DRUG~ AND VARIETY TUBE. JNorth-Last Corner oi the SJtatnoiid, BELLEFONTE, PA THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully in - form his patrons and the public generally that he has just returned from Eastern Markets where he has purchased and is now selling the largest and be t assortment of DRUGS. MEDI CINES, FANCY ARTICLES, <to., ever brought to this conn try. He has constantly on hand al the approved PATENT MEDICINES of the day. ALCIIOIIOL, BURNING FLUID, PINE OIL, COAL OIL, LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, VARNISH, Ac., together with a large assortment of the TOBAC CO Jt SEGARB, of the best brands. COAL OIL k FLUID LAMPS, HAIR. TOOTH, NAIL, CLOTHES, k PAINT BRUSHES, PERFUMERY <fc HAIR OILS. Also, a fine assortment of Plain and Fancy CONFECTIONERY, RAISINS. NUTS. &.C., &.C., TOYS of every description, also FANCY CHINA-WARE. Prescriptions and lamiiy recaps caretully and I promptly filled. Thankful for the patronage he has received du ring the last four years, he solicits a continuance of the sam, and from the experienco he has had he feels confident of giving satisfaction. Nov. 15, 1860.—tf,] FRANK P, GREEN. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING TEE BLOOD. Anil for the speedy cure of the following complaints: ! Scrofula and Scrofulous Affect ions,suck i a& Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, I Pimples, Pustules, iioiis, ClaiMS, and all hritiii Diseases. OAKLAND, I ml., Oth June, 1859. J. C. AY::R fc Co. Gents: 1 feel it my duty to so* knowledge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. I Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, 1 have suffered from it in varfciis ways for years. Sometimes it burst : out in Ulcers OL my lmuds and arms; sometimes it I turned Imnfrd artil distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out oil my head and covered my scalp i and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome j beyond description. J tried many medicines and several physicians, but without much relief from any thing, in 1 fiirt, the disorder grew vtorsc. At length I was rejoiced to lead i.i the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared j an alterative (Sarsaparilla), i r 1 knew from your ivputa- ; lion that any thiirg you mad • must, bp good. 1 sent to Cincinnati and got if, and used it till it cured me. I took ! it, as yon atlviao, in small doses of a <rv< r;• ni nth. and used almost three bottles. New an 1 healthy- 1 ekin soon began to form under Hie scab, which after a whi 1 3 fell off, My skin is now clear, and 1 know by my ; fe'elirigs tlait the'disease has gone from my system. * You j can wet. believe that 1 gel what J an* saying w hen T Ml i you, that I hold you to bg one of the avostles gftlio ago, I and reiuaiu ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRED B. TALLEY. | St. Anthony's Five. Rose or Erysipelas, j Tetter antl Salt Khciim, Scald Head, 11 iit g worm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem. N. Y.. 12th Sept., 1859, that ho has cured an inveterate case of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous Malignant Erysipelas by huge doses of the same; tsuya | h6 cures the* common I'raptCrms by it constantly. BroTirbocele, Goitre or Swelled Yeck, Zebu lon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : k * Three hot- J ties of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a — a hid eous swelling on the neck, which 1 had buttered from J over two years." Lencorrlnra or Wliilea,Ovnrfan Tnmor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. | Dr. J. 11. S. Changing, of New York City, writes ; " I raost cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in saving I have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for which wt employ such a remedy, but especially in Female Viteaaei of the Scrofulous diathesis. I have cured many inveter ate. cases of Lencnrrboea by it, andscfjue where the couv plaint was caused hj wide* ration of the uterus. The ulcer at ion itself was soon cured. Nothing within my kuowl edge equals it f r these female derangements." j.ihvard S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, " A dan geroiis nv.m'un t'ua< r on one of the females in my family, wliMi had defied all the remedies we could employ, bai at length been com lately cured by your Extract of Sar pupai ilia. Our physician tie night nothing hut- extirpa te n could afford relief, hut he advised 1 lie trial of you, Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting; and it proved effectual. After takiugymr remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. New Ort.f.ws, 25th August, Dn. J. C. ATFR: Sir, I cheerfully comply with tlio re quest of your agent, and report to you some of the eftweta I havw leaf:/. 1 with your SIINIIpari 11a. I have - cured with if, in my practice, most of ti.e com plaints for which'it is recnmmended, and have found its eff cts truly wonderful in die cure of Ymernd and Mer curial (Vjm ,f my patients had Syphilitic ulcers In liia throat, which v era consuming his palate and the top of itis mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in live weeks. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in his tiosc, ami the ulceration lmd eaten away a eoiisid'-niblo part of it, so that 1 believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But. it yielded to my miministrutiou of your h'arnapari 11c; the tiicers healed. amMie is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman who had been treated for the same dtsonW by niemiry wax suffering from this poison in her hones. They had become so sen sitive to the wval her that on a damp day she suffered ex cruciating pain in her joints and bones. She, too, was cured 'entirely by your barsaparilla in a few weeks. I know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must he a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have not surprised uie. Fraternally yours, G. Y. LARIMER, M. P. Xilieumnti&m, Gout, Liver Complaint* JNDEPENDENCti, Preston Co., Yn., €th July, 1859. Dr. J. C. A via: .Sir, 1 have been afflicted with a pain ful chronic liheinnatism for a long time, which battled the skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies! could find, until 1 tried yourSnnatparilia. One bottle cured lue in two weeks, and restored my general health so much that 1 am far better than before I was attacked. 1 think it a woi;derhil medicine. J FKKAM. Jules Y. GetchelJ. of St. Louis, writes; "J have been afflicted for year* with an off'rctinn nf 'the. J.iver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing failed to relieve me; and J have been a broken-down man for some years fiAm po other cause than derangement of the Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised mo to try your Sarsaparilla, because lie said he knew you, and any thing you made was worth trying. By the bless ing of God it lias cured me, and has so purified my Mood as to make a new man of me. 1 teel young again. The best that can be "fstid of you is not half good enough." ScliirriisJancrr Tumors, Enlnrgrment, Ulceration, Caries auu Exfoliation of the Dories. A great variety of cases have been reported to ns where cures of these formidable complaints have resulted from the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit them.' Some of them may le found' in our American Almanac, which the agents below unwed are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsls. Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia Many remarkable cures of these affections have been xqade by the alterattv< power of this medicine. It stimu lates'the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would he supposed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has long been required ly the ne cessities of the people : and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, DOTt THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Infiucnxa, Croup, Itrottthit is. Incipient Con sumption, and for flit* Relief , of Consumptive Patients f in advanced Stages of the Disease* This 13 a remedy ► universally kuown to surpass any other for the. core of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless h ;e t publish the evidence of its virtues. Jts unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful Cwes of pulmonary disease, have made it known throiv/bout ti*e civilized rations of the earth, i ew are the c iimiiin'illts. or even families, among them who have not some persona) experieuco of its effects some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too. the? effects < f this remedy, we nr-ed not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the mres which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER £ ■ CO., Lowell, Mass- Sold bv J. Harris A Co., Bcllefonte; J. Ring Unionville ; R. I). Cummings, Port Matilda: Ee bler & Co., Srormxto.wn ; IT'. Fr.-ter, Millheiiii ; 1). 0. Bower, ami Gross, & Yeariek, Aaronsburg ; C. d. Rvraan, Mile.iburg aril by one tr der in every village in the cuuutry. [Jan. 10. *61.-ly. ATT K X TION CO 31P A XT! IOK u A Ki> .M Alan ! 10 A. STERNB ERG £ CD'S CHEAP CLOTH ING STORE, in .he Diamond, end get a suit of Spring and Summer cl,-tiling at Reduced Prices. ' Hang the bn nncr on the outer wall, "That the people may know where to call. A. STERNBBERG A CO. is 'he place to buy all kin, sol Mens' and Boys' clothing cheaper thap at at other establishment in this vicinity. THE WAR MOVEMEN is driving numbers for Clothing, Hats, Cap> and lurni-'hing Goods to A. SIEUNBhKG <fc Co. NEW GCOD> received every week, and sol cheaper than ever ai A. STERNBERG £ Co, Bollefonte Jnne 20. A WORD TO THE PbiiLlH. Whereas the Spring Creek Woolen Manufactory, during the present season, has been patronized to the lull extent of ts producing abilities, and in anticipation of a stili grtater patronage the coming season, the proprietors have been induced to add more new machinery of the very latest improvements. This machinery will facilitate our 1 perations very much and at the same time will improve the real value of out cloths at least ten per cent, while our pri ces shall remain as heretofore; it being our ambi tion to build up a reputation for this establish men , that will add all things thereto. From the facts here n set forth we confidently believe that wool growers and all other good peojle can now deal with us very • uch to their own advantage.-- While there are many thiols alike in business of this kind, there is also n.uch that is different. A word to the wise is sufficient. Give us a call and satisfy yourselves that this is the place the peo ple get the worth of their money. KOliT. KFNDALL, SAM'L EIOUSER. Bencer twp., June 12, '6O, tf. J. J. LINGLE, Operative and Mechanical Dentist, will prac- I tice all the various branches of his profession in the most approved manner. Office and residence on Spring St-Bellofonte' Pa. [Mar. £.'6o. tf. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. HARDWARE, HARDWARE. B -LA. \<£ fl PEAT.FRS IN ' nxjfmmmE) A IvVcoiwrk/yF ' "jM:I.. in J" , J the citizens of (•' litre count;- t- tl.n; h..ve opened a HARDWARE STORE in the Room formerly occupied v Wit.-ih & Bro. on fbe Nortb wc t con -r of the Diamond. They have selected their stock wlt'i'u r at care, and .are j prepared to sell goods from ,Vtv to one hundred I per pent lower than can be hi i at any oilier place ' The ladies are partica lariy cited to call and ■ examine their assortment of cutlery. They ear- j nestly solicit a ilberal portion of the public pa j tronage. and will take every pa' is to please. They have constantly on lu.nd c variety of POCKET AND TAB I U CUTLERY, Riffles, Shot Guns, and L< cks of every descrip tion. CROSS CUT, MILL ANP CIRCULAR SAWS, And all vntrictfes of HAND RACE, SUAFTIS'C AND DARNEL SA ir.v. Broad, Hand and chopping Ax r s. Bm -l.ers claav er ami choppers. DRAWING KNIVES. HAMMERS IIATCII- F.TCHISLKS. and AIGIES. HAY, MAN U A'F. AND SPREADING tfOBK^. EDGE TOOLS OF EVERY I)E- CIII/'TIOS. < CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. TAINT AND DUSTING BRUSHES, ; NAILS, PAIN IS, OIL. GLASS & IT I. V, | COAL OIL ANl> '■ t.LL S. SADDLER T HARD WARE ' OA ON TRIMMINGS. Also, COFFIN FIXIURES, A d everything that is generally kept in a well regulated Haruware Store. Terms Ca.-b. BAN IRK.-tScR A CRIST. Bellefcnto., anril 20, 'tjO.—y. NEW m splendid SIOQF" OF ' eeofstßTiois AT EURNSIDES' WARRANTED to be just what we rep-esent them. We have the vory best which we warrant, .and lower grades in alt their varieties. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK A NT) SEE FOR YO'IRSEL Leather of sIJ Dcs-criptioas. BELTING kept for Machinery. Any size have not got I can get in a weeks time. Sold a city prices. A LARGE STOCK OF SHOE FIN DIGS DEFY COMPETITION IN HATS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Saddlery, Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Cart Gears, Cart Saddles, Harness Collars, Harness Lines, and every article made aad kept by Saddlers. WHIPS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, POWDER. SHOT. AND CAPS W4 TAR PROOF ROO TS, D O URI. ESOUL ED WAR RANTED, COPPER TIP EI) ROOTS AND SHOES FOR OIIFL DREN. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BUFFALO ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS, SLEIGH BELLS, FOX TRAPS. ,to. Higest market fir me paid for HIDES, SKINS <f ALL KIND.S OF FURS, Come and examine our stork. We will show it with pleasure, and satisfy you it is THE PLACE to get good Boots and Shoes, and such articles in our lino At Burnside's we study to please t give sat isfaction. #3!- Please accept our thanks for avors. Beliefonte, May, 2nd '6O. AMERICAN Life Insurance & Trust Company. OFFICE. AMERICAN BUILDINGS, WAT mil STS. E. corner of Fourth, PHII.ADE! I'fUA. Inccrporated ISaO.—Chirier Perpetual. Capital, £500,000 RAID up, £250,000. ASS E 7'S, January 1. ISCl" ("jl T"ONEY on DKI OFIT with the Company nil (LVI safely invested in Bonds, Mortgages, and other first class securities, separate from and nut included in the following items:) First Mortgages, lital Estate, and Ground Rents, amply secured. $!58,3!2 81 Loans of City of Philadelphia. Read ing Railro'd First Jllortgiige B'nds, State of Tennessee Bonds. Wyom ing Canal First Mortgage Bonds, Bank and other Stocks, end Loaus on Call, sa'ured by ample collat erals, 412.10199 Bills rteeivrhl. on Mutual Policies. 21,217 15 Cash in hands of Agents, secured by Bonds, 7.138 72 Cash on Hand and in Banks, 58,775 15 Present Value of Future Premiums calculated to December 31, 186Q, 1,185.6-18 75 $1,371,127 67 ALEXANDER WniLLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. JOHN C. Sums, Secretary, JOHN S. WILSON, Treasurer. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thompson, Samuel Work, John Anspach, Jr., John C Farr, Jonas Bowman, John Ailtman, William J. Howard, Samuel T. Bodino, R II Townsend, M. D., George Nugent, Albert C. Roberts. H. H. Efdridge, [mar. 7,-'6l. —ly. UP !UP :: UP I:: Walk T>, Roll Up. Tumble Up. Step Up, jjAimp Up, Climb Up, Run Up, Skate Up, Ride Up, Bush Up, Swim Up, Fly Up, Crawl Up, Fire Up, Steam Up, Tail Up, Push Up, any way so that yon GET up to A. STERNBERG & CO'S, Chep Clothing fctore (above Liviogcton's Book Store) in the Diamond, Beliefonte. June 20, '6l.—tf. New Store at Pleasant Gap. iTHE subscriber would respectfully in -L form the citizens of Cenre county that he has just received and opened an entire new stock ol fe 11 and winter goods consisting of HARDWARE, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, GROCEPIE'S, Ac. ' I also have on hanc s a good supply of Boots A Shoes, llats 5 Caps, Fancy De laines A Merinoes, Ladi >3 Furs, Hoods.-Scarfs, Cloths, Fancy Ulo< s, Khives, Breast Pins, Ac., le., Ac., all of which he will soil! s'ow and even lower than cor be had Anywhere else. J. M. CAMPBELL. PieeawsL Oar. A :t. 18, 69. —tf. READ! RKAD!! GREAT ATTRACTION!!! NEW AND CHEAP flolljiiig (Emporium, SOUTH SIDE OF THE DIAMOND, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A., Cits; branch of RcizccctciDcßrothcrs,l24 CfJorth'Thiri Street, Philadelphia. TIIK endusignrd 1.e.-j ectfu'ly announce to t to ii h I iim i- of Ccirtre county. and the public in tct.ru , that Hey bare opened #t the above na;.cd place, tit u est ex ten .-ire assort ment of READY-TJ IDE CUOTm> G, be , ..i.: < 1 iii t v.. i.. lb. -. w ill fell 30 Per Gent Cheaper thrai the Cheapest. ' Onr f ck embracer a full arfd ccirrplete as-ort-- men of Fire Btaek Cloih Dicss and Fr< ck Coats, CaSfitnere Business (.'oats Satinet, Tweed, -Tean, Farmers' and Mechanics' Cessimere, Frock and uck Coats, I'ea Jackets, Ac., Ac 0 VEIiCUA TS OF TINE CLOTH. President arid Moscow Beavers, Seal and Lion skin and Union Cnssimorvs, ribbed and plain. I'ANTALOONS OF FINE CASSIMERE and ]> esk'C l iaek Silk mixed, and other fancy color of the latest, syl s, as well as Satinet and union Cassimers : Pants of strong aiu substan tial mater iol, for tbo farmer, laborer and mc cbariic. .1 -V ENDLESS VARIETY OF VE'JSS such as Satin, Silk, and Si'k-finisbed Grenadine, Valentin, JVJauultse, Casiimere; cloth Satinet, Ac. • A general assortment of Boy ' and Youths' Clothing And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Undershirts and Drawers, Knit Jack ets, Fine White and Faney-bo torn Shirts, Collars, Veekiies, Handkerchiefs, Stocks and cravats. Socks and Gloi cs. Trunks. ValiceS, Carpctsbags, Umbrellas, and, in Abort, everything usiaiiy found in n well assorted store of this kind. We also kewr a fine assortment of ' FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, such as Pocket books Portinonpits, Pocket knives and Razors, Combs, and Crushes, Wutch hains, Keys and Guards, Finger-rings A Bren.-l --p is, Violin and Guitar Strings, Pistols, Revolv ers Percussion Caps, Spectacles, Spy Glasses.add a gr<. t many other fancy and useful articles, too numerous to descr ibc, all ol which we will sell at the Lowest Cash Pri'es. We invite every person in need of Clothing or any ol the above mentioned articles, to favor us with a call and examine our goods, and priced, and we are confident tuat ve can give satisfaction, and every person shall feel inclined to tell his friends vhere Goods and Cheap Clothing can be got. We are constantly receiving accessions to our stock from RBIZEKSTLINB BRO'S., Philadel phia, wi h whom we are connected, and shall al ways be supplied with a good variety of all the ars tides in u'ur lino, which will surpass in utylc, cut, loorknitannhip and ch<'.n)H "Si,thuse of any other e tablishuient iu this put of the country. A. STERNBERG A CO Beliefonte,. Oct. 4, 01 tf. GmSAT CU3^.ID, DR, LELAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND., IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT AND NEURALGIP, AND A SURE CURE FOR ALL MERCURIAL DISEASES. IT is conveniently a ranged Band, containing* medicated e nnpouud, to be worn around ins ttaist, in habi's of living is required, and it en tirely removes the disease from the system, wnh out producing th injurious effects arising train the use of powerful internal medicines wbbk weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief ODly. By this treatment, the medicinal properties contained in the Band, imni-j in contact with the blood and reaches the disc ■ es, through the pores of the skin, effecting in every instance a perfect care, and restores ibo parts afflicted to a healthy condition. This baud is also a most powerful AllTl-MfiftcirßiAL agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the jar ntcioun effects of Mercury. Moderate case.- are cured in a few days, and we are constantly receiv ing testimonials of its efflcocy in aggravated cases of long stanuing. PittCß $2,90, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with full d ire'e tions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Office. No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & Go., Sole Proprietors, N. B--Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. B©~ Agents Wanted Everywhere,°^s& July 11, 'CI. ly. PENNSYLVAjKTIA HOTEL ~ HAVING rented the above named Hotel,' the undersigned waul i respectfully inform the citizens of Centre county, and the traveling publift generally, that he is prepared at all times to sup ply those who may make bis house their Homo, with good substantial Fare, and accommodations equal, if not superior to many of the Oity Hotels. TTiH Ta"blo is always furnished with the very best the market will afford, and every effort will be made in this de partment to cater to the tastes of even the most fastidious. 33Zist UEJ^vsr will he found to comain an excellent assortment of liquors of all kinds HIS ROOMS AJTD BEDS arc clean ami good, so that those who wisn to en* joy them, may have nothing to do but to wrap the mantle of their couch abou; thera, and He down to pleasant dreams, and XXia; Stable is large and commodious and will be kept cur.- stantly supplied with the best of Hay and Oats.— His Ostler is attentive and accommodating, and plays his part o' the Drama well and with great credit to himself. P. B. KEPnART. Prp.r. April 12,—'CO. 1)00K STORE!"— ) Geo. Livingston, at his well known stand at (he North Eastern coruer of the Publig square, Beliefonte, keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of THEOLOGICAL. CLASSICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, A Nil SCHOOL BOOKS, Also a large variety of Blar.k Books and Station ery of the very best quality. Mathematical in struments, Ac. He still has the Depository of the American unday School Union, where any of their Hooks Can be had at catalogue prices. Books brought t order at a sn.nll advance ci city prices. Jan. 5 '6O ly." BELLEFONTE DISPENSARY Persons in want of PAINTS, OILS, VA'R NISHES, or anything of the kind, will ip> Well to purchase them at the Drug Store of J. A I HARRIS, Brockerhoff'a Row, Beliefonte. AGO. DRUGS, MEDICU'KS, < POCKET KNIVES, FANCT ARTICI.KV PERFUMERY, TOBACCO, SEGARS, LIQUORS, and all the Patent Medicines made. Surgeon's and Physician's Instrumcn '■ onnsta-tly on hand. Call and see them, nca i opposil 5 the Conrad House. January, 3rd 1861. E. C. HUMES, JAS. T. r. < i H. N. M'ALLISTER, A. Si Oi' liICS. BANKING HOUSE. Interest paid on Special lleposit HUMES, M'ALLISTEIi HALE & C 5 . BELLEFONTE, PA. DEPOSITS received, Bills of exobang' "" Notes Discounted, Collections mad . A proceeds remitted promptly. Interest p i ' special deposits for Ninoty days, and uu-ler .-!• months at tbo rate of four per cent, per : n • For six months and upwards, at the r. t • !i --per cent, per annum. Exchange on the l is c' stnntly on han 1. January, 3rd. fcr£U L. POTTER. M. T). OFFICE on High street, (old office.) Jlolb un. Pa. Will attend to professional nil's heretofore, and respectfully offers his pyolas ( services his friends and the publio, " O