Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 25, 1861, Image 3
Cjjc fotre Democrat. THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1861 PROL 0. J. WOOD'S" RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR. IS precisely what its name indicates, for while pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhil erating and strengthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates and renews the blood in all its original purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of dis ease. It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. So chemically and skillfully combined as to be the most powerful tenic, and yet perfectly adapt ed so as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of nature, aud hence soothe the weakeit stomach and tone up the digestive organs, and allay all ner vous and other irritation. It is also perfectly ix - hilerating in its effects, and yet it is never fol lowed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thor oughly combining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and consequently can never injure.— As a sure preventive and cure of Consumption, Bronchitis. Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Loss of Appetite, Faintncss, Nervous Ir ritability, Neuralgia, Palpitation of the Heart, Melancholy, Hypochondria, Niyht Sweats, Languor, Giddiness, and all that class of cases so fearfully fatal called FEMALE WEAKNESS, ANV IRREGULARITIES. • THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidney, or any general derangement of the Urinary organs. It will not only cure the debility following CHILLS and FEVER, but prevent a'l attacks arising from Miasmatic influences, and cure the diseases at once, if already attacked. Travelers should have a bottle with them, as it will infailiably prevent any deleterious conse quences following upon change of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the di gestivo organs, it should be in the hands of all persons of sedentary habits. Ladies not accustomed to much out-door ex ercise should always use it. lUothers should use it, for it is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. There is ro mistake about it. 'THE CORDIAL 15 ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT! ! MOTHERS TRY IT!! And to you we appeal, to detect the ilnless or decline not only of your daughters before it he to late, but also your sons and husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up with tho excitement of business, that if it were not for you, they too, would travel in the same downward path until it is too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you wo confidently appeal; for we are sure your never-failing affection will unerringtv point you to PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE COR DIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as the reme dy which should he always on hand in time of need. 0. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo , and sold by all good Druggists. Price One Dollar per Bottle; [July 11,'61. ly. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING~IM LIIE Post Office at Bellefonte, June 30th, IS6I. Armer, James Hile, Curtes (J, Atkinson, Dr. A J. Kerr, Daniel Apt, Miss Catharine Kahn, T. M. Bargue, Edward 2 ' Leitzell, Noah 2, Burns, Patrick Lotzcnbizer, Fred'k Bichanan, Evan M. Leech, James Barthgate, John 0. Mussey, Joseph Bathurst, John S. Mitchell Ezerith Corl, John • Moss, Sarah Croker, John Mi'ler, W. S. Camel, Miss Lizzie Parry, Dr. 11. B. Clark, Mrs. Catharine Pair, William Carr, Patrick Reynold', B. M. Coleman, Micheal Seyler, Sarah Clark, Mira Stranton, John Doilan, Martin Sherman, Lewis C. Dale, S, Shearer, Jacob D. Davis, J. A. Sharer, Mary J. Eastman, George R. Spellaum. Peter Eisman, Charles Slade, George P. Evans, Samuel Teare, Margret Graffis, Hester Thomas W'm. B. Gillespie, Barney Thompson Sydnev Geary William Thompson, A'lick M. Goldman, Mollie Witterbatom, W. W HowcTick, Morris T. Ward. R. Hull, Albert AVeller, Michea' I Hudson, Levi Wagner, Thomas Hoover, Dr. George Wetzel, I tmes 2 Houek, Samuel Winslow, T. B. 3 Hoy, Jerry All persons calling for letters in the above list, will please say they are advertised. WM. COOK, P. M. July 11, '6l St. WORD TO THE PUBLIC. Whereas the Spring Creek Woolen Manufactory, during jhe present season, has been patronized to the full extent of ts producing abilities, and in anticipation of a still greater patronage the coming season, the proprietors have been induced to add more new machinery of the very latest improvement'. This j machinery will facilitate our operations very much Rnd. at the same time will improve the real value I of out cloths at least ten per cent, while our pri ces shall remain as heretofore; it being our ambi tion to build up a reputation for this estabiish men , that will add all things thereto. From the facts here n set forth we confidently believe that wool growers and all other good peojle can now deal wilh us very much to their own advantage.-- While there are many things alike in business of this kind, there is also much that is different. A word to the wise is sufficient, Give us a call and satisfy yourselves that this is the place the peo ple get the worth of their money. ROBT. KENDALL, SAM*L HOUSER. Benner twp., June 12, '6O, tf. AGENTS Wanted Everywhere, to Sell Sta tionery & Jewelry Packages. Both male and Female will find this a pleasant and profita ble employment. Every article of the Best Quality. We allow our Agents a larger discount than any house in the business They are now making from $3.00 to SB.OO per day. Send and get a circular with full description. Address STEVENS A CO. 37, S. Third Street, Philadelphia. June 13, '6l 3m. [Orwig. IRA C. MITCHELL. CTRCS T. ALEXAN DE MITCHELL & ALEXANDER. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE PFNXA. Having associated themselves in the practico of law, will atten 1 promptly to all business en trusted to their care Office in the Arcade. [Nov.' 1, '6o.—tf. CONVEYANCING. DEEDS BONDS, MORTGAGES, AND AR TICLES OF AGREEMENT neatly and cor rectly executed. Also, attention will be given to the adjustment of Book Accounts, and accounts f Adminstratior s and Exeqpfors prepared forfilin"'. office next door to the Post Office. pet., 19th, '6B, WM. J. KEALSH. G£U L. POTTER IW. D. OFFICE on High street, (old office.) Bellefonte Pa. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional services his friends and the public. 00t.26'58 SJ. MURRY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. Office on High St., in the building formerly occupied by tne Hon. James Burnstde, dee'd. [mar. 14, 1861. tf. tCCSS Y. E R Office on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10'5<J "VYTANTED—A hoy of industrious and moral M habits, to learn the mercantile business.— Nore will be accepted without being well recom mended. Apply to MARTIN STONE, Bellefonte, I Pa - [July 11, '6l.—2t. Ayer's Cherry PeotoraL i THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR YEARS, And grows more and more popular every day ! AND testimonials, new, and almost without number, might be given from ladies and gen j Uemen in all grades o f society, whose united tes timony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21st, 185 S. PROF. WOOD : —Thee wilt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, attended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence. I have not been able to abUin stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in conse quence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faithfully follow ed the directions and the bald spot is now covered i with bair thick and black, though short, it is also ! coming in all over my head. Feeling confident j that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I lee'l anxious to persevere in its use, and being destitute of means t purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents ior a bottle, and receive to thyself.the scripture decla ration—" the reward is to those tbat are kind to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend, SUSANNA II KIRBY. Ligonier, Noble Co., Intl., Feb. sth, 1859. PROF. O. J. WOOD: Dear Sir: —In the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the Stats and National Law School of the State of New [ York, my hair, front a cause unknown to me, com menced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, tho whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, ano much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head ehort'y after be came gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of In diana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a loss to' discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more intimate acquain ces were to recognize me at all. I at once made application to the most skillful physicians in the country, but, receiving no as surance from them that my hair could again be restored. I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1557, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable flair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing tho desired efiect. Since that time, I have used seven dollars' wor.th of your Restorative, and as a re sult, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have recommended its uae to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like effect. Very respect fully yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Brondway, and sold by all dealers throughout the world. The Restorative is put up in Bottles of three size.-, viz : large, medium, and small; the small holds J a pint, and retails for one dollsr per bot tle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in proportion than tho small, retails for two dollars a bottle ; the large holds quart, 40 per cent, more in proportion and retails for three dol lars a bottle. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 4-14 Broad way, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Missouri. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. [July 13, '6D ly. C3-3ES. O"O"^LSi. DR. LELAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT AND NEURALGIA, AND A SURE CURE FOR ALL MKRCUITLAL DISEASES. IT is cenvenicntly a-rauged Band, containing a medicsted compouud, to be worn around the Waist, in habits of living is roquired, and it en tirely removes tho disease from the system, with out producing th injurious effects arising* iront the use of powerful internal medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medicinal properties contained in the Band, come in contact with the blood and reaches the diseas es, through the pores of the skin, effecting in every instance a perfect cure, and restores the parts afflicted to a healthy condition. This band is also a most powerful ANTI-MERCDRTAL agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the per ntctotts effects of Mercury. Moderate cases are I cured in a few days, and we are constantly receiv ing testimonials of its efficocy in aggravated cases of lung stunning. PRICE $2,00, to be bad of Druggists generally, or cau he sent by mail or express, with lull direc tions for use. to any part of the country, direct i from the Principal Office. ! No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & Co., Sole Proprietors, N. B —Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. Efif* Agents Wanted Everywhere July 11. '6l. ly. M. GRAHAM. FASHION ABLE BARER, BELLEFONE, PA. IT is conceded by everyltotD that is man enough to wear a hoard, that the place to get -have; easy, clean and neat, i at the Fashionable shop, just opi'o.-ite Isaac May's store, Good Razors, keen and sharp, kept constantly on hand, Haii Dressing, shampooing, Ac,, Ac., attended to in the most workmanlike manner, Tho undersigned thankful for past favors, solicits a continuan. e of the same, V M. GRAHAM. CURTIN & ELANGIZARD. ATTORNEY'S- AT LAW,3nun . NTE,PENNA The undersigned having associated them selves in the practise of Law, will faithfully at tend to all professional business entrusted to them in Centre, Clintion and Clearfield counties. All collections placed in their hsnds, will receive their promt attention. Office in Blanchard's new building on Allegheny street. Nov. 30 'SB CURTIN A BLANCHARU HUGH B.BR.ISBEN, gntggisf, MANUFACTURER OF EXTRA LIQUOR COLORING,, W. Cor. Third & Pojplar streets, Terms Cosh.'] Philadelphia. Oct.; 3, 1860.—1y. JS. s - <JOH33IKr, MANUFACTCRER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN BONNETS, BONNET FRAMES FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Straw and Millinery Goods in General No. 218 Arch Street, above S cond, jJune 6, '6l.—ly.] Philadelphia. **• J? IsIJVGLE, Operatic. and Mechanical Dentist; will pre tice all the various branches of hi profession in the most approved manner. . Offici and residence on Spring St.Bellefonte' Pa. [Mar. ?. '6O. tf. 1 O. FURSi\ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW J -A' BELLEFONTE, PA., will attend promptly to all business eitrusted to his care. Office ot Northwest corner of the Diamond. Will practice in the several Courts of Centri nd Clinton counties. Jan. 24, '61.-tf. THE UNION MUST AND SHALL BE PR! SERVED, and so everybody ought to pr< serve his health in this cold weather by going o A. STERNBERG & CO., Sign of the Red Flag, near Livingston's 800 l Store, and provide himself with a suit of warn clothing at a trifling expense. Overcoats sell ii.j at cost price. Knitted Jackets, under-clothiDg. Ac., Ac., cbeaD p * than ever. [Feb. 14, '6l, W\V BROW N-ATTORN EY-AT , LAW BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Will attend to all legal business entrusted to him, with prompt- i ness. May, 5'59. I "T3BEB CBCTTTIIB S^BI2IOORA I T , . AYER'S ||%3P CATHARTIC YWS PILLS. ! y> I Are you sick, feel)le, and 1 complaining? Are you out of order, with your system de i fST" —rouged, and yottr feelings un r J.R |r e gB&lh&j comfortable? These synip c!Mliwaouit ' toms ar> ' often the prelude to P* vu- V" _* serious illness. Some fit of ' sickness is creeping upon you, | 'i, " ~ a,u ' should be averted by a i c <£. ' ' timely use of the right rom- ed T- Take Ayer's I'ili-s and ' . crU ''';\i cleanse out the disordered liu- I mors purify the blood, and 1 ' ' et f l6 ""ids move on unob- PJ °y Sexist . sdm. structed in health again. i . Of They stimulate the functions fc* of tiie body into vigorous ac yjff.' r'-L. tivity, purify the system from the obstructions which make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and oh j structs its natural functions. These, if not relieved, I react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro ! during general aggravation, suffering, and disease, i While in this condition, oppressed by the derangements, take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore tho natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent iu this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many of the deep-seated and dangerous distempors. The sauio purgative olfect expels them. Caused-Ly similar obstruc tions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who kuow tho virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders they cure. Statements fitun leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and front oilier well known public per sons. From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Fib. 4,1556. DR. AVER: Yonv Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her mother lias been long griev ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MOUG RIDGE. As a Family Pliysic. From Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans. Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass anv cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us iu tho daily treatment of disease. Headache,SlcbHeatlaclve,Foul Stomach. From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DEARBRO. AVER: I cannot answer you what complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to say all that we 'rer treat with a purgative medicine. I place great depeii 'vye on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with \ise, and believing as T do that your Pills afford us the t we have, I of course value them highly. Pirrsmrita, Pa., flay 1, 1855. DR. J. C. ATER. Sir: T have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache any body can have by a dose or (wo of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect. PP. W. PREBLE, Cleric of Sleamer Clarv.n. miious Disorders Liver Complaints. From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York Cty. Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur pose as an aperient, luit I find tlieir beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac tice proved more effectual for the euro of bilious com plaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor thy the confidence of the profession and the people. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, 1 Washington, D. C., 7th Feb., 1850. J SIP. : I have used your Pills iu my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to bay they are llie best cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action on the liver is quick decided, conse quently they are au admirable remedy for deraugemeiits of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of bilious disease so obstinate tbat it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, 51. P., Fhysician of the Marine Hospital, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms. From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago. Your Pills have had a long I rial in my practice, and I hold them in esteem as one of tho best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious dysentery and diairhcea. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable aud convenient for the use of women aud children. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Bloosl. F/'ori has. J. r. 1 limes, Fastor of Advent Church, Boston, DR. AVER: 1 have used your Pills with extraordinary success iu my family and among those I aui called to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, .L V. lIISIES. WARSAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y.. Oct. 24, 1 "55. _ DEAR SIR: I am vising your Cathartic Pills in niv prac tice, and find them nil excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the fountains of the blood, JOIIN G. MK.VCnAII, M. D. Constipation.Castiveuess, Suppress ion, Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop sy, Paralysis, Fits, etc. From Dr. J. I'. Yaughn, Montreal. Canada. Too much cannot bo said of your Pills for the cure of costireness. If others of our fraternity have found them as effleacious as 1 have, they should join me ill proclaim ing it for tho benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe cos tiveness to originate in the liver, but your Tills affect that organ and cure the disease. From Sirs. E. Stuart, Fhysician and Midwife, Boston. I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the proper time, arc excellent promotives of the natural srcre tii>n when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse tho stomach and expel worms. Tliey are so much the best physic wo have that I recommend no other to my patients. From lite Iter. Dr. LTaioJ.es, of llte Methodist Epis. Church. Prt.vsKr HOUSE, Savannah, fin.. Jan. fi, JSS6. lloNoßi.e SIR: I should he ungrateful for the veiief your skill has brought me if 1 did not report my case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru ciating neuralgic pains, which ended in chronic rheuma tism. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the j disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, l>r. Mackenzie. I tried your | Pill-. Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them. 1 am now entirely well. SENATE CHAMBER. Baton Rouge, T.n.. 5 Dec. 1855. DR. AVER ■ 1 have been entirely cured, by vonr Pills, of Rheumatic Gout a painful disease that bad afflicted me for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. Most of the Pills in market contain Mercury, which, although a valuabV remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from" the dreadful conse quences that frequently follow its incautious use. These contain no merenry or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for sl. Prepared by Dr. J. C AVER So CO., Lowell, Mass. ELIXIR WUMFET During the jasi jeer we have introduced to the notice of the medical profession of this coun ry the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Propylamine, as a KEMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM ; and haviDg received from many sources, both from physic ians of tho highest standing and from patients, the Most flattering' Testimonials of its real value in the trsatment of this painlul and obsti nate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those who are suffering with the afflicting complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel dis posed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. LLIXTR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above poken of, has recently been extensively experi men ted with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, nd with MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear rrom the published accounts in the medical jour ais.) * " It is carefully put up ready for immedi te use, with full directions, and can be obtained ■om all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, aud at wholesale of BULLOCK A CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, June 13, '6l.— ly.] Philadelphia. fJALiE & HOY. ATTORNEYS-AT LXLAtV, will attend pro nptly to all busines ntru stedto their care. Office in the building ormerly occupied by Hon, Jas. T. Hale. A CARD. Messrs. Hale ft, Hoy will attend to my business luring mv absence in Congress, and will be as •isted by me in the trial of all causes entrustedto he-n. J.T.HALE. jans'l36o POSTS FOR SALE.— ~ The undersigned has on .and and for sale a large supply of Posts of all | kinds, which will be sold in quantities to suit pur chasers and at reasonable prices. Persons wish .g to buy will please call on the subscriber at his residence in Milesburg, or upon Mr: Wagner at the Milesburg Mill. JAMES BROWN. , Jan. 17, '6l. lAMIROTYFI MS® P FOH |p| m •;/ P 9i l i g Having taken Rooms for a short time in the New Building nearly g || opposite the Book Store of Mr. Livingston, on Allegheny St. Bellefonte g Pa., would respectfully invite theattention of the citizens of Bellefonte g P and' surrounding country to his I BtlUtFUt, SHSAP $ tmm,S I 1 AMst®f?ps ramn, 1 p§ which can be procured at his room at the very low price of twenty-five g| 111 cents. He is also prepared to take the New Style of N F 8 i:C !, 3P"0'3F5.332 | g which can be enclosed in a letter and sent any distance without extra gj Sj postage ... . , . . . Sj Plis long experience in business will enable him to take pictures in gj jplj every style of the Art, at greatly reduced prices. A large assortment g \S of plain and fancy Cases on hand; Pictures inserted in Lockets, Breast B jS Pins, Finger Rings, &c., in a neat and durable manner. Persons hav- gj || ing old or poor pictures in good cases can have them taken out and || §5 new ones put in their place, for the lowest price. Persons wanting g g pictures will please call immediately and come early in the morning, fo g as it is the best time for pictures. g| Oil paintings, Daguerreotypes, &c., copied by this process finer than g § by any other known. Out-door Views and miniatures of deceased per- gi t| sons taken at the shortest notice. Likenesses taken equally well in g £5 clear and cloudy weather. g V Instruction given in this Beautiful Art for ten dollars. A good Cam- m; g era with all necessary fixtures, for sale cheap. He cordially invites ■>,?(s one and all to call and see specimens, whether they want pictures or g &lIJ not. Come quickly as he will remain here but a short time. He g studies to please. . C. S. EOSHOIJ, Artist. JfflX " msmm Conner & £tc& ' RAVE OPENED The largest assortment of goods ever before offered for sale by them, consisting, as heretofore of ail such staple goodsas are usually kept in a country store, together with all the NEW STYLES IN MARKET. X>33.3£Sks£; GOODS, Black and Fancy Silks, Brocades, Madona's De- Beges, Birages, Borage dela-ins, Delains, Chaili delains, Poplins, Lustres, Alpacas, Bombasines. Lawns, Ginghams, Chintz, Brilliants, Challi Crapc- Marets, Tanjore Cloth, Kobesand Traveling Dress Goods. ALSO, A large assortment of mourning good-. ALSO, Black Silk, Thibit Cashmere Crape and Stilla Shawls, Mantillas, Cashmere Scarfs, and Shawl Trimmings. A L S 0, Cloths, Cassimers, Satinetts, Cashmeres, Kentuc ky-Jeans, Drills, Ducks, CottnnrAcs and REIDY M ASMS CLOTHING | ALSO, Ladies' and Gents' Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts, Ladies Collars and Under Sleeves, Laces and Edgings. ALSO, Oiled Window Blinds, Plain and Ornamented, Li nen and Laee Curtains, Gilt Cornice for Blinds, T able Covers and Floor Cloths. ALSO, Oakford's Hats always on hand, together with Straw Goods, Bonnets, Shakers, Ribbons, Artifi cials and Bonnet Trimmings, ALSO, A very arge assortment of Shoes and Boots for men, women and children. ALSO, Queensware, Cedarware and Groceries: ESPECIALLY WOULD TONNEE & STEEL CALL THE ATTENTION OF MECHANICS & BUILDERS To their much enlarged stock of Hardware Sad dlery and Coach Trimmings. Bellefonte, June 6, -61—tf., STATE nF THE NATION! THE VERY LATEST NEWS! ENCOURAGING FACTS! NEW GOODS! AT BARLOW'S NEW STORE, At Stormstown Centre Co., Pa. THE undersigned has just returned from the East with a good assortment ef the Latest Styles of Goods, which, owing to the present gen eral depression in business, induces him to offer his goods at a very small advance of CITY COST, FOR CASH. Persors wishing to purchase a the above rates will do well tq call and examine for themselves, before purchasing elsewhere, at the New Store in Stormstown. June 13, '6l,—tf.] A. R. BARLOW. n.LEN-ECHO MILLS, VA GERM ANTOWN, PA. ' McOallum cfc Co. MANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CARPET INGS, DRUGGETS, OILCLOTHS, MATTINGS, &C. Warehose, No. 509 Chestnut Street Opposite the State House, marl 21, '6l.—ly.] PHILADELPHIA. JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE LOT OF WALL PAPER, of the Latest Styles, which will be sold at the low est possible prices. None need look elsewhere as their taste can be suited from our large and new stock. We have also a fine assortment of SHAKERS, palm and willow colored and white. Persons de siring goods at prices to suit the times would find I it to their advantge to buy of the undersigned I who have a choice stock of all goods generally found in a country store. mar. 21,'61.—tf.] TONNER A STEEL. LOCK HAVEN ADVERTISEMENT. Bomotliing 2 TO THE CITIZENS OF BELLEFONTE, AND of Centre and Clinton counties. As " hard times" and great " scarcity of mon ey" have lad many country merchants to curtail their business very much, or even to su.-pend making any fresh purchases at all, so that those who wish " things to eat and wear" to take old r/oods at old price*, or do without them at all. we deem it of great interest TO EVERY PERSON, RICH OR POOR, to know that ire have made large purchases,'avail ing ourselves of the immense and unprecemed ad vantages in this time of general Panic and Wreck of Prices, in the markets, where with the cash we have ob tained many goods at ONE HALF THEIR VALUE I Confident that we can save every one twenty-Jive per cent., we would most cordially invite all FROM EVERY SECTION, to call at the '•HIEITSTOJWE," which is now crowded with new and desirable goods consisting of Dress Goods, such as Mohairs, Poplins, Silks, Gray Goods, Lawns, Ac. 5.000 Yards Beautiful Prints, 2500 Yds Brown and Bleached Mnslins, Si'k Mantillas, Lace Mantillas, Lace Points, DUSTERS of Cloth and GRAY GOODS, SECAWLS. I Stella, Thibet, Broche, an 1 French Lace, at UNHEARD-OF PRICES, We desire to call particular attention to our Groceries, consisting of'• Sugar Loaf "and "Beehive" Syrups, White Clarified Sugar, Coffees, Spices, Ac. Ac, We have a rare quality of Brown SUGAR AT SEVEN CENTS. OUR STOCK Q 3F* O^.3ES.S= > S3 t 2?^ is excellent, and the prices are very low, as will satisfactorily appear on examination. As our business is EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH OR FARMERS PRODUCE, we have unusual facilities for doing a large busi ness at a smail profit, and we ask all to avail themselves of the great inducements we offer. Respectfully, MERCEREAU A CO. THE KEYSTONE STORE between the Fallon House and White's Hotel, Water Street, Lock Haven, Penn'a, June 27, 1861, st. NEW FIRM & NEW GOODS! WILSON & TATE. HAVING OPENED A NEW STORE AT THE FARM SCHOOL, CENTRE CO., PA., INVITE the s.ttention of the people of that vi cinity to their large and well selected stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. . which they are now opening and ready to wait upon purchasers with the largest and best selec tion ever offered to this community. They desire to call pariioalar attention tothe'r great variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, con sisting in part of Challies, Lawns, all wool De- Lains, of d'ferent colors, Baroges, Dress Silks, Mantil'- i-ssues, Ac. Tbeabove goods were sa le'' with great care expressly to suit the taste . i the ladies. In addition to the above, are offer ed a general assortment of Hosiery and Goves, Collars, Under b.eves, Dress trimmings. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, of ali coioro and styles at very low prices, togeth er with one of the largest ana Destsioeks of Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Straw Bonnets of the latest fashion; also, Shaker Bon nets for wives and children. Builders will find it to their advantage in call ing to select their Hardware, as our assortment is large and complete : also, Mattresses. Mackarel, Herring, Cod Fish and salt. Sugars Teas, Molasses from the cheapest to the best, which cannot be surpassed in quality. Persons desiring to purchase goods of any kind will And to their advantage to call before purchasing elset where, as we take pleasure in showing our goods ' and think we can suit them both as to price and quality, and are determined to sell at the very i lowest cash prices. 1 kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods* I F. S. WILSON, June, 19th '6l, 6m GEO. W. TATE. A NEW STORE!! HARDWARE, HARDWARE, *.rS&, v i>RuvnPT *' / rf smibmsel a SIwWTOERV^f undersigned would respectfully inform JL the citizens of Centre county that they have opened a HARDWARE STORE in the Room formerly occupied -by Wilson A Bro. on the Northwest corner of the Diamond. They have selected their stock with great care, and are prepared to sell goods from fifty to one hundred per eent lower than can he had at any other place. The ladies are particularly invited to call and examine their assortment of cutlery. They ear nestly solicit a ilberal portion of the public pa tronage, and will take every pains to please. They have constantly on hand a variety of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, Riffles, Shot Gups, and Locks of every descrip tion. CR OSS CUT, MILL AMD CIRCULAR RAWS, Andaii vatrieties of HAND-BACK, GRAFTING AND PANNUL SA IPS, Broad, Hand and chopping Axes. Butchers eleav er and choppers. DRAWING KNIVES, HAMMERS, HATCH ETS, CHI3LES, and ADZES. HAY, MANIIIIB AND SPREADING PORKS. EDGE TOOLS OF EVER Y DESCRIPTION. CEDAR AND WILLOW IVAKE, PAINT AND DUSTING BRUSHES, NAILS, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS & PUTI V, CO A L OIL A NT) T. A MPS. SADDLER Y HARD WARE COACH TRIMMINGS. Also, COFFIN FIXTURES, And everything that is generally kept in a well regulated Hardware Store. Terms Cash. BAX TRESS ER & CRIST. Bellefonte, april 26, '6o.—y. new^goodsT HOFFER BROTHERS, (Successors to G. W. Jackson,) HAVE just received a large and extensive assortment of zojo.Tr o-OO:DJS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, anci Oaps, WITH A LARGE STOCK OF Q UEENSWA LIE, HARD WARE, FISH AND SALT, PSj.ISTFR, Flu OUR, rfv\, <?V. Their stock of Spring and Summer Ladies' fan cy Dress Goods, cannot be excelled by. any other house i Central Pennsylvania, and embraces ev ery variety of style and quality. The CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING. CALICOES AN IT MUSLINS, are also very superior—while the supply of Gro ceries, Teas. Coffees, Ac, is worthy of the atten tion of the public and customer. Apr 4, '6l: AUNG HOUtrE, Corner of Allegheny " and Bishop Streets, Bellefonte, Pa. Chickens, tripe, Beef Ae., served up every evening. Eatables to suit the taste and prices to suit the times, june, 27, '6l. HERBERT STONE, clerk. W W. WHITE, DENTIST, has per • luanently located in Boalsburg, Centre County Pa. Office on main st., next door to the store of Johnston & Keller, where he purposes I practising his profession in the most soiontifio ' manner and at moderate charges. i " They go right to the Spot. j INSTANT RELIEF! STOP YOUR COUGH! PURIFY YOUR BREATH I STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE I SPALDING'S I THROAT CONFECTIONS, ARE | GOOD FOII CLERGYMEN, : GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. GENTLEMEN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH j SPALDING'S TIIROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. They relieve a Cough instantlj. Tbey clear the Thaoat. They give strength and volume to the yoice. They impart a delicious amora to the breath. They are delightful to the taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any one. I advise every ona that has Congh or a Husky Voice or a Cad Breath, or any diffi culty of the Throat, to get a package of iny , Throat Confections, they will relieve you in- I stantly, and yru will agree with me that j " they go right to the spot." Ycu will find them very o-eTul and pleasant while travel ing or attending public meetings for stilling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try oue package I am safe in saying that you will ever afterwards consider them indispen. sable. You will find them at the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My signature is on each package. All others are counterfeit. A package will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of thirty cents. Address, HENRY O. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar Street, Neio York, CURE Nervous Headache By the use of the Pills the periodic attacks <■; Nervous or Sick Headache may be prevented ; a•> 1 if taken at the commencement of an attack frame, diate relief from pain and sickness will be obt in ed. They seldom fail In removing the Nausea and Headache to which female are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Costiveness For Literary Men, Stadents, Delicate and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valu able as a Laxative, improving the apdetite, giving tone and vigor to the, digestive organs, and re.-tor ing the natural elasticity and strength of fho whole system. The CEPHILIC PILLS are the result of investigation andoarefully conducted experiments having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relievod a vast amnuni of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a de ranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their comp*- tion, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change (f diet, at-i the absence of any kisagreeable taste renders it no, to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! The genuine have five signatures of Herrv ? Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers ia lie '* icines, A box will be seut by mail prepaid on re;s ; pt of the PRICE 315 CENTS. AH ordrs shtuld bo addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New-YovV. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. Cephalic Pills accomplish the object If - v.rr t. they were made, viz.: Cure of headache in ad. is forms. From the Examiner, Norfolk, T"u. They have been tested in more than a thoi sai cases, with entire success. 08B* A single bottle of Spalding Prepared (Doe wiU save ten times its cost annually. -g-B SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUT SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SAVE THE PIECES! ECONOMY: _ „ X'?*' •• \ STITCH • -.'.vu .••*" ■ ' As accidents v.ui uapp<- '< • vc! ' ted families, it is very dosiraoie . > i' v > cheap and convenient way for repairing - • ture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED OT T E meets all such emergencies, and no houser. • ' ■ afford to be without it. It is always re.' 1 v ■ ip to the sticking point "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUsE > N. B.—A Brush accompanies each H0... - p. ce, 26 cents. Address, HENRY C. SPA LD No. 48 CEDAR Street, New t a.. j CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons ore a'temp to palm off on the unsuspecting public, lnwruji >r of my PREPARED GLUE, Ivould cuuti-m . persons to examine before purchasing, 'iio that 'he full uamo, j SPALDING'S PREPARED f n the,outside wrapper; all oiui> counterfeits. [Nov. 2-, o- 1