Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 25, 1861, Image 1

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    Volume 27,
®{je Centre Democrat.
Ojfi.ce in Reynolds' Iron Front, Second Floor.
TERMS. —$1,50 if paid in advance or within six
months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari
ably be charged. No subscriptions received for
shorter period than six months and none dis
jontinued, unless at the option of the editor, until
all arrearages are paid.
We are out on the ocean sailing,
Homeward bound we sweetly glide
W. are out on the ocean, sailing
To a home beyond the tide.
All the storms will soon be over,
Then we'll anohor in the harbor;
We art out on the ocean sailing
To a Lome beyond the tide,
Millions now are safely landed
Over on the go'den shore :
Millions more are on thoir journey,
Yet thoro's room for millions more.
Ail the etorms, do.
Com* on hoard, and "ship" for glory,
Be in haste—make up your mind!
For our vessel's weighing anchor;
You will SOOD b> left behind.
All the storms, 40.
You have kindred over yonder,
On th%t bright and happy shore ;
By and by we'll swell the number,
When tht toils of life are o'er.
All the storms) 4c.
Spread your sails, while heavenly breezes
Gently waft our vessel on ;
All on board are sweetly singing—
Fret salvation is the song.
All the storms, 4c.
When we all are safely anchored
Over on the shining soore,
We will walk about the cit/,
And willsiag for ever more.
All the storms, 4c.
The East Tennessee Convention.
This Convention did its work nobly. It
Wai unawed by tbe threats of ibe State au
thorities, and bo.diy declared that under no
• ircumstanoas would Teu.tessee support Se
cession. It put forth a Declaration, that
rakes Secession through aud through. Toe
Declararatioa lays the following, among oth
er things, at the door ef Secession :
It was utg d forward by members of Con
gress who were sworn to support the Consti
tution of the United States, and were them
selves supported by the Government.
it was effected without consultation with
all the States interested in toe slavery ques
tion, and without exhaustiug peaceable rem
It has plunged the country into civil war,
paralyzed our commerce, interfered with the
whole trade and business of our country,,
lessened the value ol our property, destroyed
many of the pursuits of lite, and bids fair to
mvoive the whole nation in irretiicvahie
bankruptcy and ruin.
It has changed the entire relations of States
and adopted constitutions without submit- j
ting theut to a yote of the people, and wuere j
such a vote has been authorized it has been 1
upon kite condition prescribed by Senator
M aeon, of Virginia, that those who voted the
Uuion ticket " MUST LEAVE THE STATE."
It had advocated a constitutional monar
chy. a King and a DictatoT, and is, through
the R'.ol m >nd press, at this moment, recuui
mending to the Convention n Virginia a re
striction ol the right of suffrage, and 'in sev
ering oonuectiou with the Yankees to abol
ish every vestige of resemblance to the insti
tutions of that detested race."
It has formed military leagues, pissed mil
taty bills, and opened he door for opj ressive
taxation, without consulting the people, and
thn, in mockery of a free election, has re
quired theui by their votes to sanction its
usurpations tit djr the penalties of moral pr> *
scription or at toe point ol bayonet.
It has offered a premium for crime in di
recting the discharge of volunteers from
criminal prosecutions, and in recommending
the Judges not to ho'.d their Courts.
It has stained our statute book with the re
pudiation of Northern debts, and has greatly
violated the Constitution by attempting,
through its unlawful extension, to destroy
the right of suffrage-
It has attempted to destroy, and, we fear,
soon utterly prostrate the freedom of speech
and of the press.
It has involved the Southern States in a
war whose success is hopeless, aha which
must ultimately lead to the ruin of the peo
Its bigoted, overbearing, and intolerant
spirit has already subjected the people of
East Tennessee to many petty grievances;
our people have been insulted ; our flags have
been fired upon and torn down ; our houses
have been rudely entered ; our families sub
jected to insult ; our peaceable meetings in
terrupted ; our women and children shot at
by a merciless soldiery ; our towns pillaged ;
our citizens robbed and some of them assas
sinated and murdered.
In conclusion the Convention declared the
acts of State (JovernmeDt unconstitutional
and illegal; that East Tennessee would not
submit to them ; and taking tbe secession
animal by tbe horns demands the right to
seoede from the State and remain in the
Union. A Commission was appointed toad
dress the Legislature on the subject, and ar
rangements made to organize a local govern
ment far East Tennessee. The Secessionists
have stirred up a hornet's nest in East Teu
SOUTHERN THREATS.—A cotton state paper
•ays " the southerns will soon settle, strike a
balance with the north, for tbs injuries
heaped upon them by the black-hearted
abolitionists." It is about time they struck
something— tbey have kept a running ac
count long enough.
% JTaatils Briwpaytr---jjjettolcb to politics, fcinptranrc, literature, Science, ®|t |,rts, lltecjtaitics, gricnltare, ®|t Itarkets, iimcatian, Amusement, (general Intelligence, etc..
Political Revelations by Hon. Ed
ward Everett.
This distinguished gentleman has recently
written a letter explaining his change of po
sition, or why, from being a National Union
candidate for Vice-President, he now sup
ports the Government under a Republican
Administration. In duing so he makes some
important political revelations, gathered from
his long acquaintance with leading Southern
politicians. He thus explains why he con
sented to became a candidate for Vice-Presi
dent :
1 pursued this course for the sake of
strengthening the hands of the patriotic
Unitm men at the S.-uth ; although I was
well aware, partly from fats within my per
sonal know edge, that leading Southern pol
iticians had, for thirty years, been resolved
to break up the Uniou, as soon as they ceas
ed to control the Uui'ed States Government,
and that the slav.ry question was but a pre
text for keeping up agitation aud rallying
the South.
He continues:
I certainly deprecated the choice of a Pres
ident exclusively by the electoral vote of one
section of the country, though consenting
with the greatest reluctance to be myself
upon one of the opposing tickets. It was,
however, fully in the power of the South to
have produced a different result. But the
dieurtionitys were determiued to have their
own candidate,-though mistaken, I trust, in
the belief that be shared their disloyal views.
I make this charge against tbvm without
scruple, justified by subsequent events, as
well as bv the language of the entire Union
press at the Ssutb during the canvass.
Alter the election was decided, the disun
ionists would i>or wait fur overlacls, because
they knew none could or would be commit
ted. i'hey knew that there was an anti-Re
publican cn.j rity in the Senate, and that
there would be one in the present House.—
They "precipitated" the rupture of the
Union, because they knew that if they wait
ed, even tire pretext would fail.
There is the history of the Sece-sion move
ment in a nutshell. As soon of the Cobbs,
the Floyds, the Wises, the Rhetts. the Yan
ceys and the Wigfalls and the P yors wore
deprived of the control of the United Sta'es
Government, they dissolve the Union and set
up a Southern Government they could con
trol. Office ! i ffice ! office 1 That is the key
of tbe wh.de D.sunion movement.
Mr Everett truthfully etates that thev pr -
cu<itnd hi i-cfc-liiuu, previous to tiie inaug
uration of Mr. Lincoln, because they knew
that under his administration the pretext
would fail; tK-at with Congress against them,
Lincoln .md his party, were tbey so dispos
ed, couid make aggression upon the cunstitiA
tioriiil tights of tie South. Three mouths ol
the new Administration would haye satisfi d
the peop'e ol the South that the r n-lineal
leaders had deceived and betrayed them.—
Hence the precipitancy of the Section
movement, committing so many or the S u'h
ern Sta es to Disunion before the people
could ascertain the deception of their lead
The cour-o pursued by tbe Secessionists
fully confirms he declaration of Mr Everett.
They have trampled upon the rights ol the
people until, as Mr. Russell says of New O -
leans, n >t a shadow of libei ty of opinion or
real freedom exists among them. Having
this crushed out all semblance of freedom,
all uieaDs of communicating the truih to the
people of the Southern States, they hope to
keep up the rebellion until tbey can secure
the interference of a foreign power.
Mr. Everett, who touk a great interest iri
tbe Peace Congress, explains its failure. He
sayß ef it:
These conciliatory demonstrations bad no
staying the progress of Secession,
because the leaders of that revolution were de
termined not to be satisfied ; and to maintain
their policy, which, in the light ol the Con
stitution, is simply rebellion and treason,
tbey have appealed to the sword.
And so it is srill. The Secession leadere
will not be satisfied with any terms of peace
except such as will restore them to Federal
power. What folly, then to talk of peace.—
Toe easiest and only mode of effecting a per
manent peace is to conquer it. Drive back
the armed rebels, push them from State to
State, and as you do so, spread light and
truth among the deceived and already wretch
ed people of the Si uth. Push forward the
Star Spangled Banner, with the sword in one
hand fur the rebellious politicians of tbe
South, and the Constitution in the other, for
the people. Hang the leading traitors, and
welcome baok the deceived countrymen with
a brother's love.
Jefferson Davis in 1858.
In tbe summer of 1858 Jefferson Davis in
a speech at Faneuil Hall, Boston, uttered the
following language : " Among culprits,
tbere is none more odious to my mind thun
a publio officer who takes an oath to support
the Constitution—the compact between tl.-e
S'ates binding each other for the common
defence and general welfare of the other—
yet retains to himself a mental reservation
that he will war upon the principles he has
sworn to maintain, and upon the property
rights, the protection of wbich are part of fine
compact of the Union, [Applause.] It it a
crime too low to be named before this assem
bly. It is one wbich no man with self-respect
would ever commit. To swear that he will
support tbe Constitution—to take an office
which belongs in many of its relations to ill
the States, and to use it a6 a means of injji
ing a portion of the States of which he is thus
the representative, is treason to everything
honorable in man. It is tbe base and cow
ardly attaok of bim who gains the confidence
of another, in order that bs may wound
Bellefonte, Centre County, Penna., Thursday Morning, July 25 1861.
The New York Observer, in reply to a cor
respondent who is iu great straits about the
war, and asks if a Christian nation can be
come involved in war without great sin,
says :
" Doubtless God is punishing us for sin.—
The whole nation deserves punishment, the
whole nation is now suffering. Some parrs
of the nation, and some individuals, are
specially sinful, and we may be sure that a
just God will rightfully apportion his judg
ments in the end. We are assuredly called
to humiliation, repentance, and reformation.
But the fact that we are now auff-.ribg the
just judgments of God for mutual national
sins, constitutes no reason why we should
permit our Southern brethren to commit, un
-1 existed, the greatest national crime— the de
struction of our nationality. That this crime
is one of greatest magnitude is seen when
wa consider the origin and end of civil socie
.ty. The State cannot be regarded as a mere
voluntary compact between individuals, 1 av
ing no higher law than the will of its mem
bers, no higher eud than their earthly wel -
being. Its origin is divine—the will of God ;
its ultimate end—his glory Hence obeui
eDce to civil government is demanded as a
Christian duly. Upon ttiia basis does God
h mseif place the question of obedience to
civil government. Let every soul be subject
to the higher powers, for the powers that be are
ordained of God. Whosoever, therefore, re
sisleth the power, resisteth the ordinance of
God: Jur he is the minister of God to thee for
good—a revenger to execute wrath upon turn
that d-eth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be
subject not only for wrath, 'but also for con
science' soke. Tuis obedience to e-tablisn au.
thurify required as a Christian duty/must be
yielded to every command Dot iu itself sin
ful. Submit yourself to every ordinance of
man for the Lord's sake, FOR SO IS TIIE WILL
OF Gun. This is authoritative, decisive, it
places the obligation uf civil obedience upon
a reason that binds the conscience. W hat
God enjoins, whether iD h's w rd, or by the
officers of civil gov rnme.lt, which is of bis
appointment, every Christian must obey.—
Hence those w bo have almost without a shad -
ow of excuse taken up arms against our equi
table and beio fident government areguitiw
ol treason to God as well as to man. Tney
sin not merely against human law, but
against law vivified by the mandate of Jeho
vah 1 To permit the rebellion now inangu
t atrd against national authority to go for
ward to an unresisted and th* r.-tore success
ful conclusion, would show a sinful disregard
of God's ordinance."
In discussing the war, and .its probable re
-•'- tu regain io tne status of slavery, the
Western Advocate sayt:
" Constitutionally, no change is contem
plated ; though, should the war be protracted
and vislent, very git-at changes iu itie actu
al stats of slavery may be eff.-cted during its
o.mtinuance by military proceedings. But
apart from such a contingency, it must be
evident that things cannot return to the con
dition they were iu previous tj the war : that
is, the state of the ' peculiar institution' must
be greatly modified bv the things now trans*
piring. It will probably be tolerated—mere
ly tolerated—but clearly discountenanced,
and politically dead. The influence of the
government must be openly and effectively
against its growth and extension. No more
siave territory, must become the practical
law in the case. Emancipation by compen
sation, partly from the national treasury and
partly from the state, should be encouraged
in alt the border stales, and a decidedly anti
slavery attitude must be maintained by our
government in all its foreign relatione. With
these conditions of security agaiubt the re
currence of another pro-slavery rebellion, the
nation would be safe till the changed state
ot things, politically and financially, would
wholly eradicate that which is manifestly the
source of all these troubles. Let the Amer
ican people lay this to heart: that chattel
slavery is incompatible with the perpetua
tion of our free institutions, and asli them
s- Ives whether it is not better to now provide
for its ultimate extirpation. This will be
simply carrying out the known and oftre
t-ea.ted doctrine of the fathers of the repub
Zion's Herald thus descants on what it
deems the pr jUuble upshot of the war :
" But what will be the result of this con
troversy ? God only can read the future.—
We can only draw conclusions from the
past. We cannot and do not believe that
there will be any arrangement entered in<o
by which a separate slave holding Republic
will be allowed to exist on our Southern bor
der. No ! tbe edict of Heaven is against it.
Humanity, Civilization, Christianity, the
spirit of the age forbid it. If Slavery sur
vives this shock, it will be becarss the South- I
eru States speedily yield, and claim the pro
tection of the Constitution. Should they do
this, protection would be granted them and
Slavery would survive, but it would be a
survival only to be followed by a gradual and
rapid decline. The shock it has already re
eieved is a death stroke. It will never rear
its head defiantly again. It is pale and sick
ly and ashamed of itself. Its constitution is
thoroughly broken, and there is no riDg in
its voice, no power in its arm. Had its ad
mirers not rebelled it might haye lived per
haps a century more, and in some places
with all of its pristine vigor; but they made
the mistake of thrusting it out bead first
against the Constitution of the United Statee
and it has already received such a blow that
no amount of nuising can ever make 'it
breathe easy again. One effort of this re
bellion then, will be either tbe peaceful or
violent extinotion of slavery."
JQJ* The mortality of soldiers depends up
on their constitutional strength, their man'-
ner of living, and tbe climate in which they
are placed. At the Cape of Gcod Hope and
in Africa, the annual mortality among the
English troops amounts to 450 per 1000, or
45 per cent. In Great Britain, tbe mortali
ty among troops is only 15 per 1000 per an
num, while, among civilians, it is only 10 per
t&" A young gentleman from the " rooral
distriets," lately advertised for a wife through
tbe papers, and got answers from eighteen
hutbandi, stating that he might have theirs.
Battle between the Rebels and
Union Troops.
Another Masked Battery.
Our Loss Thirty Killed and For
ty Wounded.
The first engagement of any character in
Eastern Virg nia during 4iis campaign, took
place at Bull Run, four rjiles South of Cen
treville, on yesterday afujrnoon.
Yesterday morning, previous to the ap
proach ofcur army to C-otreville, the ene
had retreated to Bull ru , a few miles fur
ther South, and and hau sook a strong posi
tion, near Manassas Juniition.
The Fourth Brigade of Gen. Tyler's Di
vision, under commaud of Col. J. B. Rich
ardson. of tbe Michigan Volunteers, consist
in r of the Second and Third Michigan, the
firkt Massachusetts, and the twelfth New
York legtments led thero>.rob in the advance
of Centreville, just after the occupation of
the place.
They were escorted by two hundred cav
alry for reconnoitering pirpOses.
OH arriving at the height opposite Bui]
Run, in the rear of Centjeviile, they found
a long slope intervening, tad in tiie distance
on the edge of the woods, the enemy could
be seen.
Gen. Tyler sent for an artillery force fr
the purpose of dislodging thorn. When the
guns arrived, they were rapidly served by
Lieutenants Babbit and Benjamin. The first
vhell dislodged a body cf cavalry from a
grove, a mile and a half distent. Another j
of our batteries soon carat up and aiuod our
The action commenced ac half past twelve
o'clock, but the enemy end not reply lor half
an hour, though they could be seen concon-
forces from Mauassas.
Tbe rebels had two batteries of eight pieces
in a position commanding the road. They
used their guns well, except that they fired
sometimes too high ; but were galkntly fac
ed by our troops.
Atone o'clock one of their batteries open
ed, and shell and grape shot fell thick
and hot among us. Two privates of Brack
ett's Cavalry were dismounted by the first
Col. Richardson's Brigade then began to
reconnoitre the woods, with a view to taking
the enemy's guns in the rear, if possible.—
The Massachusetts Regiment ltd the van,
followed by the Mieh : gin Second, the New
York Twelfth deploying to the extreme right,
and dashing into the woods from the slope in
beautiful style.
For a short rime all was still, and Gen.
Tyier thought the?nemy was retreating, but
in a few minutes terrific volleys of musketry
opened upon us.
This continued but- a few minutes, when
our troops appeared on the edge of the woods,
bringing out the dead and wounded to am-
Lulences in the field.
Cap'. Brackett says the firing of the mus
ketry exceeded anything he ever saw in
Our maiu column then advanced, firing on
the enemy with artillery at great disadvan
tage, while their shots told on us with fearful
effect. Four companies of the Massachusetts
Fifth Regiment, were exposed to the fire of
the enemy from three positions. Thfy stood
their ground until they got into the cross fire
of the Michigan Second, when they retired
in much disorder.
Two of our howitzers came to the enemy,
but did not fire, supposing them to be friends.
Our men suffered terribly from the fire of
our Own musketry upon them by mistake.
After the mistake watrdiscovered, the how
itzers were served until the ammunition was
exhausted. The arti lory was dragged out
ot the field by hand, all the horses having
been killed.
At half-past four o'elock, Gen. Tyler or
dered the troops to retire, it being necessary
to relieve Capt. Brackett's cavalry, which
had done the most effective service.
Our forces were fired on in retreating, but
Gen. Tayler, on the hill, covered the letreat
somewhat with artillery fire. The Michigan
Second and New York Twelfth suffered
Among the killed are the following:
Lieut. Smith, of company G. Massachu
se'ts First; Edwin Field and Sargeant For
est, of the Boston Fusileers.
Lieut. Lorin, of Brackett's cavalry is
amoDg the wounded ; a'so, Oliver E, simp
son, of the Massachusetts First, and Chap
lain Lancy, of Connecticut.
The total loss on our side is estimated %t
30 killed and 40 wounded.
The rebel loss is believed to be severe. It
is impossible to forward the names of those
killed and wounded. '
The day was exceedingly hot and the
horses thirsting for water, which could only
be obtained at Centreville. Only about
1,000 of our troops were at any time engas
ged. The rebel force is estimated at 4,000.
Our troops did not retreat, as represented
in some quarters yesterday, but ouly retired
to prepare for a more effectual engagement.
The Recent Achievements of Mc-
Clellan and Siegel the Result of
Military Education.
The movements of Gen. MeClellan and Col
Siegel are complete illustrations and justifi
cations of all that has been said about the
value of educated officers and the worthies
ness of uneducated ones. Here are two men
one said to be about thirty-five and the other
about thirty-eight years of age, who wfcec
placed in positions of danger, show them
selves equal to every emergency.
Of McClelten' much was expected, and he
has fully satisfied the public expectations.—
Educated thoroughly in every department of
Military Science, the acquirements of hie
professional industry are organized, vivified j
and directed by an original and suggestive I
mind, fie consequently posseses that com j
binatinn of high intellectual qualities, with ;
a mastery of minutest details, which is the ;
great characteristic of a great commanding
clficer. Every step of his dangerous prog
ress through the wilds and valleys, the woods
aud mountains of Western Virginia, has been
a complete success ; not a success due ot the
accident of superior force or the posession of ]
superior arms, but one due only to caution, !
judgmont and skid. Ilis strategy is ful' of j
genius. The posi ion he takes, the courses i
by which he marches, the divisions he iraxea
of his forces, his opening a road thrmgh a
forest—all shuw bis wisdom and forecast.— |
Ilis glorious victory at Bevorly consumates
his tnareh of conquest, and he now reports
that which he set hirnseli (odo is accomplish
ed, aud the object of liberating Western
Virginia is eff eted, Here n no half-way
business, but he has done his work artisti
cally and entirely. No blundering, no fal
tering, none of ibat mortifying gaucherie
which marks the mere apprentice band, dis-> ,
figures his operations.
No weakness, no contempt,
Dispraise or blame; nothing but well and fair. !
Ho had a certain mission to fulfil, and in !
the words, " wa have routed the enemy and
driven him out of Western Virginia." we !
read the modest but grand announcement of
its completion.
In like manner, if we scan the recent ac
tion of Colonel Siegel. in Missouri, there i 8 j
the same reason fur congratulation All 1
that he does indicates a fertility of resource,
a radidity of action, n quickness of combina
lion, which disclose the practiot-d eye and
the fertile mind. The entire resources of
military art seems to be at his command.—
There is no rawness, but whether he advan"
ces, or retreats, makes a movement, or feigns
one, everything displays genius. His name
was not knowD to the public as McClellan's
was, but when we come to learn something
about his personal history, we find that he,
too, is a thoroughly trained and educated
officer, having enjoyed the advantages of one
of the best military schools of Europe.
Thus it is that the most splendid activ 0
displays, thus far, have been made by the
best trained men. It will be so throughout.
Such as these do not lose their presence of
mind ; they do not taint and fall from their
horses ; they do not have an inopportune at
tack of the diarrhoea. What would Pieroo,
or Price, Schenck, or Sanderson, or auy of
that ilk, or any civilian whatever, have bee n
worth in the position of MeClellan or of
Siegel? We draw the veil over great Beth
el, but we thank God for Beverly. If we do
not learn wisdom from defeat, let us be
charmed into it by victory.
Equipments of a French Soldier.
The New York Express gives the follow
ing description of the equipments of a French
soiuier lately received in that city :
There is now on exhibition at Tiffany's n i
whole set of equipments used by the French
soldier when in active service. The set was
brought here by the last steamer, and will
probably attract considerable attention from
those who take an interest in the welfare of
our troops.
The first thing likely to strike the eye is a
pack saddle lor either a horse or a mule.
It is a large aud rather clumsy looking
piece of workmanship, but on examination
turns out to be handy and convenient.—
Hooked on to the saddle are the c>icolets, or
seats, in which the slightly wounded soldier
is placed, and conveyed to the hospital.
1 hen there are also the litters, or ambu
lances, made of the shape and size of a bed.
These are also booked on to the saddle, and j
used when a soldier is dangerously wounded. ;
They can be covered, should it be deemed :
neoessary, to keep the sun or air from the
suffering patient.
Although the whole arrangement looks ;
clumsy, yet a minute examination will prove :
its great value in case of a severe action.
Upon examining the clothing, its superior j
quality is at once observ ible; The shoes
are stout and pegged with heavy nails, and
yet weigh lees than the shoes seryed out to
our swn soldiers. The leggings, pantaloons
aDd coat are of good material aud excelently
made. Their cost is much less, probably, j
than ours.
The knapsack of the French soldier is j
made of leather with hair on, and is prob ;
ably tha most complete thing of the kind
ever seen in this part of the world. It con
tains the following articles: Ono overcoat,
ODe pair wollen pants, one pair of linen
pants, one pair ot drawers, one shirt, one
cravat, one pair of shoes, one pair of leather
leggings, one waist belt, one catridge box,
one cap, one plume, one pompon, one haver
sack. one bowl, four brushes, one case with
thread, needles, &0., one bag to bold ooat
when folded up, one canteen, one pair leather
gaiters, one pair linen gaiters.
The tent is the next most noticeable arti- |
ale. It is intended for short expeditions, is
about four feet high, and can accommodate
I two soldier, who carry it iu equal units upon
their backs. Its weight is but a few pounds.
The small garaetle is a very conveuient arti
cle, made of tin, and can be used as a plate,
bowl arid ration dish. The larger gamelle
is a dish from which eight men are provided
with food, etc. It is all of solid tin, and
cannot be broken.
The lanterns—one for trench work and
the other for signal lights—seem peculiarly
excellent. The first throws its light only in
the trenches, and not out of them The
other, carried on the musket barrel, would
have prevented our troops firing on one an
other at Big Bethel.
Old Abe the Country Lawyer.
S'veral years ago. James F. Joy, of De
troit, was Attorney for the Illinois Central
Railroad Company. While acting thus, b
employed Abraham Liucoln to assist him in
some local business in aud about Springfield.
After the work was done, Mr. Lincoln sent
in bis bill for §4OO Mr. Joy immediately
wrote that he " culd not pay it. The fees
were too high, such charges by a country
lawyer were outrageous." Mr. Lincoln
therefore sued Joy, and a jury awarded ki:u
a verdict for §SOOO. Old Abe, on the receipt !
thereof, took out his §4OO, and added §IOO j
for bis fee in the suit to recover Irom Joy, \
and returned the balance to the Company,
saying he bad oniy charged for prosecuting
at about tbe rate the jury awarded his servi
ces to be worth in the case, and iutimating
that perhaps it would be profitable for them
in luture either to do their own business or
pay little bills to country lawyers, and thus
save costs. Things are cuanged oow. Mr.
Joy humbly S dicits a United States Judge
ship from the hands of the western " country
Major-General Robt. Patterson.
General Patterson was born in Ireland, in
1792, and emigrated to this country wher
quite young, taking up his abode in Phil
adelphia. lie received a Collegiate educa=>
| tion, and early manifested military inclina
tions. After graduating at College, he was
appointed First Lieutenant in the 22nd Reg.
oi Regular U. S. Infantay ; in April, 1813,
| he was transferred to the 32d Infantry ; he
was appointed Assistant-Deputy Quarter-
Master General, with the rank of Captain,
and Captain-in-Line, in 1814, and there
upon relinquished raDk in the staff. He re
tired from the army in the same year, upoa
the disbnndment of his regimen*. He sub
sequently followed the profession" of the law
in his adopted city, and for many years was
connected with the military of Philadelphia.
In 1847 he was appointed Major General of
Volunteers, and proceeded to Mexico, and
assumed commany of hie Division. He was
actively engaged in the seige of Vera Cruz,
but shortly afterwards his health tailed, and
he returned to the United States and was
therefore unable to take part in the well
contested battles in the upper part of Mexi
co, which crownod the American Arms with
glory and conquered peace.
Major-Generai Geo. B. McClellan.
Gen. MeClelian has beer, represented as a
native of Connecticut. This may be possi
ble, but it is most probable that Philadelphia
was his birth-place. He is the son of the
late Dr. George B. McClellan, for manyyears
a skillful and distinguished physician and
surgeon of that city. The grandfather of
Gan. McClelen, was Dr. James McClelan, of
Woodstock, Connecticut, a physician of con
siderable celebrity. Two of his sons, George
and Samuel, entered the medical profession
and both settled in Philadelphia, where they
became eminent in their profession. Dr.
George was especially distinguished for his
ski 11 in surgery. He died in 1847. He was
a man of marked ability, of great energy of
character, promt aDd decisive in all his move
ments. And, in these respects, if we may
judge from his recent acts, tho son striking
ly resembles his father.
Colonel Frank Siegel.
Col. Frank Siegel, who so gallantly led the
United States forces against the Misaourians
at Carthage, is about thirty-seven yoars of
age. He is a native of Baden, and was grad-
the Military School of Carisruhe.—
He entered the regular army of Badeu, and
was advanced to the post of Chief-Adjutant,
in 1847. His sympathies with the first rev
olution in Southern Germany lost him his
Commission. lie was appointed General
in-Chief in the beginning of the second revo
lution, May 1848, and led the forlorn hope
of the Liberal party with great energy and
zeal. He came to America in 1850; was
Professor in Dr. Dulon's Academy, and mar
ried Mr. Dirion's daughter. He received a
call to a Professorship in St. Louis, where be
soon became distinguished by his great mil
itary talents. — N. I'. Times.
RK> DR. BELLOWS, of New York, lately
ventured to express to Gen. Scott, the hope
and the belief that, under bis direction, tho
war would be conducted according to the
principles of generous humanity. " Human
ity 1" exclaimed the veteran, " Christianity,
j Christianity, CHRISTIANITY, air," repeating
I the word three times in the most emphatic
manner, as he bent forward in his chair.
Numbe. 25,
wammmmmmmmmmmrn*- ***?
Our Commander-in-Chief.
By the universal admission of his country
men, General Scott may be said more than
any other man to hold in his hands our Na
tional destinies. The execution of the Na
tion's will is mainly entrusted to him. He
is, just now, giving the highest proof of his
moral courage, in calmly oarrying out his
: comprehensive plans, without heeding the
: impatient clamors of the press. He may La
assured that the popular heart is with him,
and that the popular confidence unwaver
ingly attends him, notwithstanding the car-,
ping criticisms of some of our ambitious jour
| nalists. We have been surprised that after
i so many years of long aDd faithful service,
! our trustjr Commander-in-Chief is so little
understood by his own countrymen. The
' English appear to appreciate his tactics bet
ter than we do ourselves. For instance, the
London Morning Herald, at the first out
break of the war, thus wrote of him :
"Gen. Scott, the conqueror of Mexioo, has
been engaged for months past in preparing
for an attack and there is small probability
of the enemy taking bim by surprise. It is
understood, moreover, that tbe Cabinet has
resolved to carry out hie plan of campaign
against the secccded States ; aud Inasmuch
as no officer has been named to command
the Federal army in the field, it may be de
signed that the General shall carry out his
own plans in person. If so we must prepare
for much abuse of bim, both in Europe and
in his own country. Lieutenant-General
Wintield Scott is by no means a popular
commander until the CIOB6 of the campaign,
for he manoeuvres long, fights s little us
possible, and wins unexpectedly. It was so
especially during the war with Alexioo, and
wa should not be surprised, from what we
know of bis past history, to find the South
ern army lying before Washington for two
or three weeks to oorne, and the Northern
peeple accusing him of oowardice and the
President of pusillanimity. We have little
doubt, however, cf the final result, consider*
ing the relative resources of the contending
parties, the basis of their operations, and
above all, the oauses in which they are em
b; rked."
This prediction has the aconraey ef cur*
ent history. The period of Cavil and fau't>
finding is now past, and we are enteringTwo
'rust upon the last stadium of the summer's
campaign—that which will bring us decisive
Latest From Brownlow,
TUB Secessionists of Tennessee having
threatened to assassinate Mr. Maynard, a
prominent Union man iu Eastern Tennessee,
Parson Brownlow says:
" Let them, if they dare, do violence to the
person of Maynard, or any other Union man
of East Tennessee, because of his union sen*
timentß, and tbe consequences to them will
be of tbe most fearful character 1 Tne tool
who is used to assassinate a Union leader,
will not be sought after, but the instigators
aDd aotors in the dread scenes will have oc
casion, in the bitterness and anguish of re
pentance, to call for the rocks and mountains
to fall upon them and hide them from the
vengeance of tbe outraged Union men of
East Tennessee ! Let a respeotable Unionist
in Knox county be slam by a Secessionist,
and we can give tbe names of eight or ten
prominent Secessionists in the county, who
will instantly bite the dust. As certain as
there it a God in Heaven, they will have to
die 1 We speak advisedly, and reflect the
purposes of a large organization in this and
other counties. YVe speak the words of truth
not to intimidate men, but to let them
know what will be the result of any suoh
murderous assaults. Commit your acta of
violence, and then fortify yourselves with
regiments of troops. We tell you that you
will be met with opposing regiments, and
you shall be pursued to the very gates of
Hell, but what your blood shall alone for the
violence I
General Scott,
The Lord be praised for endowing one
man in this fast, and bustling age, with the
graces of silence and patienee. Even ths
Homeriek Jove iB cot more sublime than
Gen. Scott at this hour, calmly gathering his
thunderbolts. Said a gentleman the other
day, '• General, the people are impatient for
rosults." '• I know it" be replied, " but
they expect successful results. War is my
profession ; I hav6 made it the study of a
life, and I am now to old to learn. War, sir,
requires money, men, time and patience
And," with emphasis, "President Lincoln
has assumed me that I shall have these."—
Then more playfully, he continued, "to
march au army ang then retreat consumes
shoe leather, and that for a body of men un
der my charge, is an important one.
A Sharp Trick.
A special dispatch to the Harrisburg ZW
egraph states that OH Friday a suspicious
lookmg character was seen by one of M'Mul
len's Rangers to cross to the Marylaud side,
Tbe Ranger arrested bim, and finding im
portant letters upon his person, addressed ro
a lawyer of Hagerstown, conducted him to a
place of safe keeping. He was theu diges
ted of his clothing, and the garments being
donned by hisoaptor, tbe latter called upon
the lawyer, representing himself as the gen
uine bearer of despatches. Tbe lawyer fell
into the trap, and devulged important mat
ters to his supposed Virginia friend. Atter
everything bad been surely accomplished, he
was arrested, and subsequently sent to
Washington city.