2 lie lie litre SHE Deniernii, % Jfttmilj flftospaper— to politics, itmpcrantt, literature, Science, ®j)t- |jts, Uletjranits, Agriculture, ®|t StorMs, ©racafiim, Enteral Intelligence, St., J. S. & J. J. BRISBIN, YOLUME 27, ffiijt Centra Jemperat. S. PUBLISHED EVJIRY THURSDAY. BY J.S.&JJ.BRISBIN. OJfict in Reynolds' Iron Front, Second Floor. TERMS. $1,50 if paid in advance or within six months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari ably be charged. No subscriptions received for a shorter period than six months and none dis continued, unless at the option of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. BUSINESS CARPS. Q J. MURRY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN A. Office on High St., in the building formerly occupied by tne Hon. James Burnside, dee'd. [mar. 14, 1861. —tf. M'ALEIS TER & BE A VER -dXTOKNaYS-AT-IiAVV, BELLBPU-NTB, FA I on Allegheny Street. Bet. 10'59 E~ M. BLANCH ARB-^ttornex # -AT-LAW, BKLLEONTK, PENN A. Office ierinriy occupied by the Hon. James Burnside. Jan. 19, '60.-tf. W BROAVN-ATTORNEY-AT . LAW BKLLEFUNTK, attend to all legal business entrusted to him, with prompt ness. May, 5 'off. T AS. H. RANKIN, ATTQRNEY-AT LAW, BELLKFONTK. ,PA. will attend prompt ly to all legal business entrusted to him. Office next door to toe Post Office. [Sept. 20, '6O, tf JTHOCKM A A , SURVEYOR AND . CON VEYANUER, BELLEFONTE, PA., will attend to and correctly execute all businesi en trusted te him. [June 14,-'6Q, —tf. ii£U. L. POTTER. M. D, OFFICE on Ugh street, (oldoffice.) Bellefonte Pa. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional aervices his friends and the public. 0ct.26'58 G A. FAIRLAMB, M. D. JAS. A. DOBBINS, M. D. FAIRLAMB & DOBBINS. DR. FAIRLAjuU has associated with him DB J. H. DOBBINS' 5 , in the practice of medicine iffice as heretofore on Bishop street, opposite the Temperance Hotel. March 19,57. pv£. JJjLS. GREGG, respei ctfully offer JLy his professional services to tho people of Milesburg and vicinity. Residence, Daniel R. Boileau's National Hotel. Refer to Dr. J. M. McCoy, Dr. G. L. Potter, Dr. J. B. Mitchell. [Nov. S, IB6o.—tf. WM. REIBER, SURGE-ON AND IV PHYSICIAN, having permanently located •ffers his Professional services to the citizens of Pine Grove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully Mlieitg a liberal portion of the public patronage. [JTeb. 16, '6o.—ly. 'f' J LINGLE. Operative j : Mechanical Dentist, will prac- Tip tice all the various branches of his profession in the most approved manner. Office mi residence on Spring St.Bellefonte' P-a. [Mar. g.'6o. tf. T 4.5. F. RIDDLE- ATTQRNEY-A? tl UAW, IELLEFO.VTE PA. Will atttend to all business entrusted to him with care and prompt doss. Refer to Gov. Pollock, Milton Pa. and Hon. A- Q. Curtin, Bellefonte Pa. Office with John H. Stover* jan. 5, '§<). WW.WIIITE, DENTIST, has # maiiCntfy located in Boalsburg, Centre Sounty Pa. Office on main st., next door to the jiore of Johnston A Kelkr, where he purposes practising [lis profession in the most scientific manner and at moderate charges. A' O. FTJRST, ATTORNSY-AT-LAW • BELLXFtfNMi, PA , will attend' promptly to U business entrusted to his care. Office on Horthwest corner of the Diamond. Will practice in the several Courts of pentrg ,*d CI inton counties. Jan. 24, 'ol -t'f. IIIA U. MITCHELL. CYRUS T. ALEXANDER MITCHELL & ALEXANDER. 4 TTORNRYS-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE PFNNA. ■A B aviDg associated themselves in the practice of law, will a'ten [ promptly to all business en basted to their carp Office in the Arcade. [No7f 1, 'JO. —tf. CONVEYANCING. DEEDS BONDS, MORTGAGES, AND AR TICLES OF AGREEMENT neatly and cor rectly executed.' Also, attentipp will be given to Sne adjustment of Book Accouuts, ar,d accounts f.-xdmihstratior s and Executors prepared for filing. • Bice next door to the Post Office, get., 19th, 'SB, WM. J. EEALSH. JOHN H. STOVER A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ,'\ BELLEFONTE, PA., will practice his pro lusion in the several courts of Centre county.— All business entrusted to him will be carefully at tended to. Collections made and all monies promptly remitted. Office, on High st. formerly epeaped by Judge Burnside, and D. C. Boal, Esq. u herehe can be consulted both in the English and inthe german language. May 6,'58 —22 ly. iAS. MACMANUS. W- P. MACM4-HCS J: & WM. P. MACMANUS. A TTORNEY'S-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA., Office in the rooms formerly occupied by linn ntin ued discharging up watßr and stones, some of the latter weighing twenty-fire pounds, into the air a distaoce of one hundred feet. The stream widened out to the diameter of a barrel, after leaving the hole, and the' quantity was Buch as to raise the creek con siderable above its ordinary level, though it is here about twenty-five feet wide. After the flow of water subsided the gas was fjied, and au explosion took place which shbok the ground fob half a mile, and then contihued to throw a sheet of flame as high as the wa tef had previously gone. The flames could be 86sn for miles, and were filiimdtely ex tinguisad with great difficulty, " ft is thought that the oil spring, for such' ft proved to be, will be one of the best in the country.' A New Implement of War. Mr Vfm. McCord, of Sing Sing, has devo ted the last two or thee years to the invention aud perfecting of a gun to dischaige succes sive volleys without the necessity of inter mission for reloading or adjusting the parts g or for allowing the implement to cool. Thia< result be claims to have most sttccessfully ac complished ; and a number of military and scientific men who have witnessed its perforn maace, bear testimony to the amazingly de structive poworß of the new weapon. The piece is discharged by the turning of a crank; the loaded, with percussion caps attached,' passing into the barrels from a hopper, so'that the only labor ot loading, is to shovel'the kalis, like grain, into the hop per, It can be kept in aetien from hour to hour, or from day to day, like any other piece of machinery, and for ought we see, might be propelled by steam. The sample which has been constructed is certified to fire two hundred and forty balls (weighing forty to' the pound) per minute ; but the inventor is constructing larger peices, and expects to be able to discharge cannon balls of ample size, through with less rapidity. ' There is a con trivance which, it is said, effectually prevents the barrels from heatiDg. A Com(H)ical Panic. In the year 1712, Whiston predicted that a comet would appear on Wednesday, Octo ber 14, at fire minutes after 5 o'cloek, A. M.,' and that the world would be destroyed by fire on the Friday following. Hio reputation was high, and the comet appeared. A num ber of persons got into boats aud barges oh the Thames, thinking the water the safest place ! South sea and Indian stocks fell.— The captain of a Dutch ship threw all bis powder into the river, that the ship migh£ not'be endangered ! At noon, after the com et bad appeared, it is said thai more than one hundred clergymen were ferried over to Lambeth, to request that proper prayers might be prepared, there being none in the Church service 1 People believed that the day of judgement was at hand, and some ac ted on this belief, more as if somd temporary evil was to be' expected. There was a pro digious run on the Bank! and Sir Gilbert Ileathcote, at that time the bead director, is„ sued orders to all the fire ofiicete in London, requireing them to keep a good look-out, and baVe a particular eye upon the Bank of Eng land ! h • "• An Irishman got out of the cars at & railway station for refreshments, and unfor* tunately the train left before he had finish" ed his repast. *'ll6uld on !" cried Pat, as he ran like a madman after the cars— •' hould on, ye murtherin' ould stams ingino —ye'vef got a passinger'abootd that's lilf ba hind I" A SON or SENSIBIUTT. —A fellow entered a hardware store in Cleveland last week, and seeing a buzz-saw suspended against the wall, remarked: " I had an old dad ripped to pieces one day last week with one of tbend fellers." CAN'T FORGET IT.— " I forget many things which happened," 1 said a little girl, the tears running down her cheeks ; "but I can't for" get the aDgry words I spoke to my D EA ' mother, who is now dead." " S&" The persons most anxious to add to their wealth are generally those who don't know how to make any good ues of what they have already. *> ' f S&" If you respect yourself as much ae you do others, you will be as careful to do nothing mean when alone as when in pany. " fifc£f"Tbe use we make of our fortune da. teriaines its sufficiency. A little is enougl ji used wisely -too much if qsea fa^fcj^L