Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 11, 1861, Image 1
®hc Centre lemorrat. % JFamilg Itefospager—setoteb to politics, Cmgfranre, literature, Science, ®jje Utecjrcnics, Agriculture, ®|re ©mention, Amusement, intelligence, sc., J. S. & J. J. BRISBIN, VOLUME 27, Sjjt Centre §emoerat. •2PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. BY J. S. & J- J. BRISBIN. Ofllo* in Reynolds' Iron Front, Second Floor. YBBHS. —SI,SO if paid in advance or within six months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari ably be charged. No subscriptions received for a shorter period than six months and none dis continued, unless at the option of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. BUSINESS CARPS. SJ. MURRY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, A BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. Office on High St., in the building formerly occupied by tne Hon. James Burnside, deo'd. [mar. 14, 1861. —tf. Ti/r'AIALISTER & BEAVER JYJL i'TTORNEYS-AT- LAW, BELLEFONTE, FA Vffi ce on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10'69 J? M. BLANCHARD- ATTORNEY PI . -AT-DAW, BELLEUNTB, PKNN'A. Offioo formrly occupied by the Hon. James Burnside. Jan. 19, *6o.—tf. TOT W BROWX-ATTORNEY-AT- V? * LAW BELLEFONTE, FENNA. Will attend to ail legal business entrusted to him, with prompt ness. May, 5 '69. TAS. H. RANKIN, ATTORNEY-AT ty LAW, BELLEFONTE.JPA. will attend prompt ly to all legal business entrusted to him. Office next door to the Post Office. [S spt. 20, '6O, tf J. HOCKM AN , SURVEYOR AND . CONVEYANCER, BELLEFONTE, PA., will attend to and correctly execute all businesi en trusted te him. [June 14,-'6O, —tf. C*£o. T. POTTER. HI. D. OFFICE on High street, (oldoffice,) Bellefonte Pa. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, and respectfully offers bis professional Mrvioes his friends and the public. 0ct.26'58 H A. FAIRLAMB, H. D. JAB. A. DOBBINS, M. D FAIRLAMBL BOBBINS, i \R. FAIRLAMB has associated with him DR JL/ I- H. DOBBIN''.in the practice of medicine lffice as heretofore on Bishop street, opposite the Temperance Hotel. March 19,57. DR. JAS. P. GREGG, respeictlully offer his professional services to tho people of Milosburg and vicinity. Residenoe, Daniel R. Boileau's National Hotel. Refer to Dr. J. M. McCoy, Dr. G. L. Potter, Dr. f. B. Mitchell. [Nov. S, IB6o.—tf. WM. REIBER, SURGEON AND *V PHYSICIAN, having permanently located •ffew his Professional services to the citizens of Fine Grove Mills and vicinity, ana respectfully ••licit* a liberal portion of the public patronage. [Feb. 16, '6o.—ly. J. J. LINGLE, Operative JwresaSßL and Mechanical Dentist, will prac- T r tice all the various branches of his profession in the most approved manner. Offioe and residence on Spring St.Bollefonte' Pa. [Mar. 8.'60. tf. TAS. F. RIDDLE. ATTORNEY-AT LAW, BELLEFONTE PA. Will atttend to all business entrusted to him with care and prompt- Bess, Refer to Gov. Pollock, Milton Pa. and Ron. A: G. Curtin, Bellefonte Pa. Office with John H. Stover jan. 6, '6O. w. whiter DENTIST, has per -0 manently located in Boalsburg, Centre €ounty Pa. Office on main St., next door to the More of Johnston A Keller, where he purposes practising his profession in the most scientific ■kanuer and at moderate charges. mar. O. FUR ST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW • BELLEFONTE, P/.. , will attend promptly to •11 business entrusted to his care. Office eu • orthwest corner of the Diamond. Will practice in the several Courts of Centre mid Clinton counties. Jan. 24,'61 -tf. IRA C. MITOHELL. CYHOS.T. ALEXANDER MITCHELL & ALEXANDER. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE PFNNA. Having associated themselves in the practice •f law, will atten 1 promptly to all business en trusted to their care Office in the Arcade. [Nov! 1, '6o.—tf. * CONVEYANCING. DEEDS BONDS, MORTGAGES, AND AR TICLES OF AGREEMENT neatly and cor rectly executed. Also, attention will be given to the adjustment of Book Accounts/and aocounts f Adminstratiors and Executors prepared for filing, •fice next door to the Post Office. Oct., 19th, '6B, AVM. J. KEALSH. JOHN H. STOVER * TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW J\ BELLEFONTE, PA., will practice his pro fession in the several courts of Centre county.— All business entrusted to him will be carefully at tended to. Collections made and all monies promptly remitted. Office, on High st formerly •pcuped by Judge Burnside, and D. C. Boal, Esq. wherehe can be consulted both in the English and inthe german language. May 6, '58—22 ly. ARB. KACMANCS. W. P. MACMANUS J:&WM.P. MACMANUS. ATTORNEY'S-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA., Office in the rooms formerly ooenpied by Linn A Wilson, Allegheny street. Jas. Macman iishas associated with W. P. Macmanus, Esq., in the practice of law. Professional business intrus tedt o their care will receive prompt attention. They will attehd the several Courts in the Coun ties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield. June 21, '6O, tf. TJALE & HOY ATTORNEYS-AT XI LAW, will attend pro nptly to all business entru stedto their care. Office in the building formerly occupied by Hon, Jas. T. Hale. A CARD. Messrs. Hale A Hoy will attend to my business during my absence in Congress, and will be as sisted by me in the trial of all causes entrustedto them. J. T. HALE. jan 5'1860 CURTIN & BLANCHARD. A TTORNEY'S-AT-LA W, BELLEFONTE, PENNA The undersigned having associated them selves in the practise of Law, will faithfully at tend to all professional business entrusted to them In Centre, Clintion and Clearfield counties. All •ollections placed in their hands, will receive their promt attention. Office in Blanohard's new building on Allegheny street. Nov. 30 'SB CURTIN A BLANCHARD. BJMJYKIJYCr HOUSE OF WM. F.. REYNOLDS & CO. BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PENN'A. Bills cf Exchange and Notes discounted ; Collec tions made and Funds promptly remitted. Inter, est paid on Special Deposits, Exchange on the Eastern cities constantly on hand and for sale. Deposits received. April 7 'SB WM. HARDING, FASHIONABLE BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER, BELLEFONTE, PA., Has epened a Barber Shop one door above the Frank lin House, where he can be found at all times.— Good Razors, keen and sharp, kept constantly on hand. Hair Dressing, Nhampooning, Ac., atten ded to in the most workman-like manner. He hopes by strict attention to business to reuelve a liberal share of publie patronage. Great Work on the Horse. THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES BY ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., PROPESSORTOF PATHOLOGY AND OPERATIVE SUR GERY IN THE CSLLBGE OF PHILADELPHIA, ETC. WILL TELL You of the Origin, History and dis tinctive traits of the various breeds of European, Asiatio, African and Amer ican Horses, with the physical forma tion and peculiarities of the an mal, and bow to ascertain his ago by the number and condition of his teeth ; illustrated with numerous explanate. ry engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL You of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feedixg, Grooming, Shoeing, and the general management of the horse, witi the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting Kicking, Rearing,Shying,Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlessness, and other vices to which he is subject; with nu merous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL You of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bron chitis. Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistling, Lampas, Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with oth er diseases of the Mouth and Respi. ratory-Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Bots, Colic, Strangulation, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea. Jaundice, Hepatirrhoea, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflama tion, and other diseasos of the Stom ach, Bowels, Livor and Urinary Or gans. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YO>I of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog, Spavin, Ring-bone, Sweenie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoofs, Scratches, Canker, Thrush and Corns; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other diseas es of the Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Gla nders, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye A Heart, Ac., Ac., and how to manage Castration, I leedine, TreDhinning. Rowellng, Firing, Hernia, Amputa tion, Tapping, and other surgical op erations. THE HORSE AND IIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of Rarey's Method of taminj Horses; how to Approach, Ha/ter, or Stablo a Colt; how to accustom • horse to strange sounds and sights, and how to Bit, Faddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness ; also, the form and law of WARRANTY. The whole being the result of more than fifteen years' caroful study of the habits, pe culiarities, wants and weakness oi this noble and useful animal. The book oontains 384 pages, appropriately IL lustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and will be forwardod to any address, postage paid, on receipt ofprice, half bound, $1 00, or in cloth, extra,s 1,25. SIOOO A YEARS". 1 :?: 1 ,! prising men everywhere, in sel.ing the above, and other popular works of ours. Our inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal. For single cepies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Snsom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 8, 1860,—6 m. The People's Cook Book, MODERNIOOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES,i BY MISS ELIZA ACTON. CAREFULLY REVISE© BY Airs. S.J. HALB. It Tells You hotv to c'hoese all kinds of Meats, Poultry, aud Game, with all the various apd most approved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and Pork; also the best and simplest way of salting, piok ling and curing the same. It Tells You All the various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, with the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffiiugs ap propriate to each. It Tells You how t choose, clean, and preserve Fish cf all kinds, and how to sweeten it when tainted; also the various and most adproved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Fla vorings appropriate to each. It Tells You all the various and most approved modes of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game, and Vegetable Sonps, Broths, and Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings ap propriate to each. It Tells You all the various and most approved modes of cooking Vegetables of every description, also how to prepare Pickles, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Musbroons, Ac. Tells You all the varrious and most approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds af Plain and Fancy Pastry, Pud dings, Omeletts, Fritters, Cakes, Con fectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and,sweet Dishes of every description. It Tells You all the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muf fins, and Biscuit, the best'method of preparing Coffee, Chooolate, and Tea, and bow to make Syrups, Cordials and Wines of various kinds. It Tell You how to set out and ornament a Table, hew to Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh or" Fowl, and in short, how to simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choisest luxuries of the table within ev erybody's reach. The book contains 418 pages, and upwards of twelve hundred Receips, all of which are the re sults of actual experienoo, having been fully and carefully tested under the personal superinten dence of the writers. It is printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra ving, and will be forwarded to any address, neat ly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the price SI.OO, or in cloth, extra, $1.25. STI nnn A VTi 1 AI? can ma< * # enter- SP-I.UUU JA. A Xtixi-AL prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, our inducemese nents to all such being very liberal. • For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agints, with other information, apply to or ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 8 1860.—6 m. DLEYDEN 4 CO., have just received a fin # assortment of Fall and Winter Goods which ihey offer very low foreash #r oountry produce. Kerr. 9, 18W.— . f"WE STAND UPON THE IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE---NO EARTHLY POWER SHALL DRIVE US FROM OUR[POSITION BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY MORNING. APR., 11, 1861. From the Daily Telegraph. THE UNION. BY WEIN FORNEY. The storm is loud on the winter's breath, While howling clangors spread The seeds of an eternal death With the bodies of the dead. Her lowering clouds, portentous fling Their gloom across our path; And ever on our ears doth ring The strife of bitter wrath. Shall it be thus, that States like ours, Fraternal onoe and free, The envy of all earthly powers, The boast of liberty— Shall these be severed, torn or rent, Our banners trailed in dust, "" And we by passion idly spent, Deprived of Freedom's trust ? Forbid it Heaven, while hope's fire Glows beauteous and sublime, That we should build our funeral pyre On Freedom's sacred shrine ! That from our altars, whence the word Of truth, potential given, Shall ne'er again on earth be heard Until 'tis heard in Heaven ! The Union 1 Strike no star from where It gleamed so bright and long, Nor seek to 'scape a Nation's prayer, Or list a Nation's song The Union ! Not alone of Stat ss, Of rivers and of plains, But an eternal bond of fates— Of harmonies sweet strains ! God save the Union ; or if He, Ordainning in His power Has marked the limits of the free, And fixed their brief dim hour : So has He placed on all that live Death's dire and awful doom, But who, among us, would survive The Union in the Tomb ? Washington, March, 1861. W———^— The California Pcny Express. Most newspaper readers have become fa milliar with the heading which makes its appearance throughout the country twice a week, entitled " Three Days' Later News from California 1 Arrival of the Pony Ex press 1" and with the announcement of an ar rival of a California steamer, being accom panied by the remark, "News Anticipated by the Pony Express." But, while a few may be acquainted with the nature of the enterprise which gives them the "News from the Pacific" so much quick er now than formerly, the great mass of the people are, probably, ignorant of the partic ulars of an undertaking which may be class ed among the most extraordinary of modern times. Fifteen years ago, before the gold discoveries, which caused such a memorable influx of population into California from all parts of the world, the only means of reach ing San Francisco, which was then a com paratively unimportant settlement on the Pacific coast was by sailing vessels, fitted out for trading voyages to that part of the world, and the passage from any Atlantic port usually occupied six months or more, according to the nature of the outfit and the number of stoppages necessary for commer cial purposes. As travel increased, howev er, other and quicker modes of conveyance were required than slow sailing ships to speed the gold-seeker to bis destination. A number of steamers were soon employ ed in the passenger business te Chagres, on the At'antic coast, and from Panama to San Francisco on the Paeifio, reducing the time of passage from Northern ports to forty days. But, during the last few years, the trip from New York or Philadelphia has been made in twenty-three days. This was considered very quick time, in comparison with former years, and the public were d : sposed to rest satisfied with it until the completion of a railrcad or telegraph across the countrv—although the date of such an event was so remote in the minds of most people as not to eater largely into the expectations of the present genera tion. This is an age of progress, however, and American enterprise is without limit. Mr. Russel conceived the idea of running a horse express from the Missouri river to San Francisco, carrying letters in ten days' time, and telegraphic messages in eight days. The route he proposed to use was known as the " Central route to California," shorter, by 800 miles, than the one at that time used by the Overland Mail Company, but passing through such a rough wilderness as to be considered impracticable for purposes of transport, even by old mountaineers who had, by a life-long experience, been inured to the hardships incidental to that region.— The idea becoming extensively known thro'- out the country, was ridiculed by a great many for its absurdity, and some of his friends remonstrated with him for bis folly in undertaking a project which, they thought, would surely entail upon him a large pecu niary loss. Nothing daunted, however, by the sneers of unbelievers or the remonstran ces of friends, he proceeded to carry into ex ecution bis favorite projeot, and, on the 20th February, 1860, despatched an agent to the Pacifio to stock the Western division, build -stations, and supply rations and forage from Sacramento to Salt Lake City, et the same tim 6 sending out competent men to make similar arrangements from St. Joseph, Mo., to Salt Lake City, on the Eastern division of the line; and on the third day of April, 1860, the worse season of the year in that section of oountiy, the first expresses started simul taneously from St. Joaepb, Missouri, and San Francisco, California, carrying letters to either point in the remarkably short space of nine days and six boors, thus making the first, or trial trip, inside ot ten days, and es tablishing, beyond question, the practicabil ity of the route and the enforprise, which old m r bad ridiculed. This great un dertaking was organized and put into execu tion in forty-three days from the time it was determined upon, and during that period the agent of Mr. Russell, who superintended the Western division, or Pacifie slope, travelled from the Atlantic to the Paeifio. The Cali fornians were exuberant with joy ; the pony and his rider, on their arrival at San Fran cisco, were received with the firing of guns and colors flying ; the ladies adorned the pony with their bonnet ribbons, and the peo ple generally congratulated themselves on the success of the project, which brought them so much nearer to toeir old bomeß, relations, and friends. The California Pony Express scon became a fixed fajt, for once a week regulary the pony departed and came, very rarely exceed ing schedule time, whioh was ten days, and often running in lees. The number of horses employed in this service is about five hundred, chosen for their speed and endurance, and the riders for their light weight, as well as for their intrepidity and experience in the hardships of frontier life. The stations are built at intervals of twen ty-five miles on this side of the Rocky Moun tains, and west of that at intervals of ten miles. Each station has two or more occu pants, whose duty it is to guard the building, take care of the stock on hand, and have ready a fresh borse to take the mail on its arrival, and earry it another stage on the way to its destination. Each horse and ri der travel twenty-five miles at one time, at a rate of speed varying from ten to fourteen miles per hour. The riders are furnished with time-tables, and are required to use their utmost endeavors to comply with the schedule. If for any reason they aie detain ed on the read between stations, they are re quired to make up the loss of time by au in. crease of speed so far as it is in the power of the animal. The express has been run with great reg ularity considering the obstacles it has had to oonten d with. Last summer, about the middle of June, the Indians commenced to be very troublesome. They destroyed nearly all the stations west of Salt Lake City, kill ed some of the riders and station-keepers, and ran off all the stock they could find be longing to the company. From the first of July until about the commencement of Sep tember the express was, to a great extent, discontinued between Sfjt Lake City and Carson City, a towa west of the former place. Letters, however, continued to be received at the extreme ends of the routes, although in limited quantities, which accumulated at the above places ready for forwarding as soon as a cessation of the Indian troubles would al low it. or sooner if a rider could be found lold enough to run the risk of being shot or scalped by the savages, who were alaays on the watch for such an opportunity. A very thrilling incident oocurred during these troubles, at a plaoe two hundred miles from Salt Lake, which will serve to illustrate the danger then to be feared in that wild re gion. Feur of the company's employees were engaged in rebuilding a station which had been destroyed by the Indians. It was early in the morning ; two of the men were asleep in a but on the summit of a small hill, aDd the others in a tent at the foot of it. A band of Indians prowling around, chanced to discover them. Observing those in the hut before the others, they fired in upon them, killing one instantly and wounding the other in the leg. The latter immediately started down the bill, shouting to those be low to save themselves, as the redskins were after them. Jumping up and seizing their pistols, the three started for a run across the plains, with the Indians in hot pursuit and yelling like so maßy fiends. The pursued ran together for some distance, and bade fair to make good their escape, when the woun ded one cried that he could go no farther.— On# of his companions, a very powerful, ath letio fellow, took him on his back, and so continued bis flight, although at suob a slow rate that their pursuers were fast g lining up on them. The wounded man, seeing this, begged to be left te himself, as he did not wish to be the cause of the other's capture. He only stipulated for the loan of the pistol his friend had with him. Very reluotantly his request was complied with, when, with out a moment's hesitation, placing the pistol to his head, he blew out his brains, prefer' ring sucb a fate to the one in store for bim, as be knew it was the custom of those tribes to torture their prisoners before killing tbeaa. The remaining two employees succeeded in reaching a station about ten miles distant, where, with those already stationed at that point, they considered themselves sale against any attack from the enemy. The agent of the Express Company at Salt Lake finally raised a band of a hundred men, and being provided with arms and ammunition from ono of the United States Government stations started out to put au end to these disturban ces, and teaoh the Indians a lesson likely to last them until the General Government sent force enough to make it entirely effectual.— The expedition had fbe desired offset—the Indians were routed whenever met with, a great many killed, QDd finally they became so submissive as to cause no further appre hension. The express again resumed its trips, and has sinoe run with great regulari ty. During four months of the year, from De cember to April, the difficulty of traveling is muob increased by the heavy snows which prevail over a large portion of the route. Io some sections for several miles the enow is piled up to a depth of twenty-seven feet. To obviate this difficulty, the company all the winter long have tad on hand at such plaoes a sufficient force cf men and ox teams to keep the road packed. The method of doiog this is to turn on the teams after the SDOW has fallen about two feet and keep tbem traveling back and forth till it is packed hard and after two feet more has fallen to do the same thing over agaiD, and 60 on until a geod bard road is formed between walls of snow as high as a two-story house. When the enterprise was first started let ters were forwarded but once a week and the rate of postage was five dollars for one half ounce. Soon after, a semi-weekly mail was established and the rate fixed at two dollars and fifty ceUs a quarter ounce, at which price and regulation the express is still run ning. The title of the company that manages this enterprise is the " Central Overland Cal ifornia and Pike'e Peak Express Company, " and its main business consists in running a line of express and passenger coaches to the Pike's Peak gold region. Their starting points from the eastern end are Leavenworth City, Kansas, and St. Joseph, Missouri, and they take passengers through to Denver City in the remarkably short space of five and one half dajs, which is a strong contrast with the time wheu twenty days for the same dis tance was considered a quick trip. On the first of July next, or before, this oompany will start a daily line of ooaohee to Salt Lake City, carrying the United States Mail, where they will conneot with the " Overland Mail Company," which will run to PlacerviUe, in California. They will also continue their pony express, reducing the price of postage, however, to one dollar per half ounce, and making the time from the Missouri river to San Francisco in ten days, the whole year through. About the tenth day of April next the present schedule of fifteen days, from St. Jo seph to the Paeifio, will be reduced to the former time of ten days ; the rate of postage will also be reduced to two dollars for half ounce letters, postage pre-paid. A Hard Sentence. A few years since one Lindsey, ( famous in Illinois and Indiana as a bold thief and highwayman, and sinoe shot for insubordi nation in the penitentiary,) was arraigned before an Illinois Circuit Court to answer an indictment for highway robberry ; to which charge, there being conclusive testimony against him, he plead "guilty." The erime was a very bold and atrocious act, denoting great skill in that kind of 'rough gambling,' as well as a very abandoned and wicked heart. At the close of the term Lindsey was brought up to receive bis sentence, when Judge Davis, who is a great admirer of hon est industry, as well as an inordinate hater of such "larpins" as Lindsey, who subsist by thieving, proceeded to pass the sentence ot the law upon him. Ilia honor commenced by reminding the prisoner that be was yet a young man, possessed with a more than or dinary share of natural endowments, suffi cient, if well applied, to place him in the foremost ranks of honor abb society, lie next informed him that, by bis OWQ plea, he was guilty of robbing—in open day and almost in the presence of tbo whole commu nity—an old and helpless man of bis bard earned money—a crime recognized by the law ot the land as of the most abandoned and wicked character. In rehearsing this scath ing prelude to the sentenoe of the law, the Judge, as is usual in such oases, got him self very much warmed up, ao that when he came to olose bis remarks with the sentenoe, he found our State Institutions somewhat mixed up in his mind ; for said be, "Lindsey, I shall sentenoe yeu to seven years in the Illinois Legislature I" " The Penitentiary, your honor," sugges ted the prosecuting attorney, who was stand ing by. The Jud£e aocepted the correction of the prosecutor, muttering, at the same time, something about the "slight difference" that existed- A titter ran around the bar, when the matter was dropped for the present; but Judge Davis frequently hears of his sentenoe upon Lißdsey. PROTESTING. —Many of the newspapers in the Southern Confederacy are insisting that the permanent Constitution be submitted to the people for adoption or rejection, as they may decide- They deny the rights of the conventions chosen in the several States to act upon the Constitution. " For a conven tion," says the New Orleans Bulletin, "to at tempt to perform aots and exercise authority that were never contemplated by the elec tors at the time, would be neither more nor less than an unwarrantable assumption of arbitrary power, foreign to the genius of our institutions and repugnant to the will of the people." The Utility of Refuse Things. The prussiaie of potash is made in large quantities in Cinoinnati.from the boofs, horns and other refuse of slaughtered grunters. Cow-hair, taken from the hidea in tanner ies, is employed in making plastering mor tar, to give it a fibrous quality. dawdust is sold for sprinkling the floors of markets. It is also sold for paoking iee far shipping. The rags of old warn out shirting, oalioo dresses, and the waste of eetton factories, are employed to make the paper upon whioh these lines ere printed. Old ropes are oonyerted into fine note pa per, and the waste paper itself, which ii pick ed up in the gutters, is again reconverted in to bread, white Bheets, and thus does duty in revolving stages. The parings of skins and bides, and the ears of cows, calves and sheep, are careful ly oollected and converted into glne. The finer qualities of galantine are made from ivory rappings, the bones and tendens of animals. Bones converted into charcoal by roasting in retorts afterwards employed in purifying the white sugar with whioh we sweeten our coffee, &o. The ammonia obtained from the distilla tion of ooal in making gas, is employed for saturating orohil and cudbear, in making the beautiful lileo colors that are dyed on silk and the fine woolen goods. Carbonio aoid obtained in the distillation of eoal tar, is employed with other acids to produoe beautiful yellow eolors en silk and wool. The shavings of oedar wood, used in ma king pencils, are distilled to obtain the otto of cedar wood. Brass filings and old brass kettles are re melted and employed to make the brass work of printing presses and pumps. Old copper scraps are used in the construc tion of splendid bronze chandeliers, for illu minating our churches and the mansions of the wealthy. Old horse shoe nails are employed to make the famous steel and twist barrels of fowling pieces. The Toilet of Beauty; Without whose aid no lady can be dressed with propriety and graoefulnees. Otto of Rose, warranted to retain its fra* grance in all climates—Virtue. Beautifying Lotions—Tenderness and con stancy. Bssl Lip-ealvs—Smile of benevolence. Elixir to preserve Memory—Gratitude. Cream of Sweet Almonds—Kindness and good nature. Sal Volatile—Wit. Cold Cream—Prudence. Pomade Divine—Contentment. Essence of Jessamine, apt to evaporate, therefore to be kept close—Friendship, A Lotion to prevent Wrinkles—Cheerful ness. Best Court or Sticking Plater—Faithful ness. Simple Anodynes —Patience and industry. Best* Patent Pins—Repartee- Fine White Paint—lnnooenee. Wash-ball for preserving white Hands— Purity. Dye for Eyebrows—Contemplation. Best Rouge—Modesty. Crystal Vase—Truth. A Mirror—Reflection. Fine Eye-Water—Sensibility. Essence of Roses, Poison, to be used with caution—Love. AD excellent Bloom to preserye the Com plexion—Early rising. Drops to remove all Stains—Honor and rectitude. Essence of Violet—Humility. Drops to prevent Ennui —Employment. Baujne de Vie— Religion. A Fresh Water Spring at Sea. Mr. W. A. Booth, tbe coast pilot of tbo rev enne cutter Harriet Lane, reports tho discov ery of a boiling fresh water spring at sea, off the ooaat of Florida. He says the opting ia situated twelve miles, north by east, from St. Agustine, Fla„ and eight miles off shore. It boils up with great force, and oan be de cried at a distance of two miles. When first seen it has the appearanoe of a breaker, and is generally avoided ; but there ia no danger in the vicinity, as there is five fathoms of water between it and tbe shore. Ten fath oms of water are found to the seaward, but no bottom can be reaohed with tbe deep sea lead and thirty fathoms of line at the spring itself. The water in the spring is fresh, and is by no means unpalatable. One peculiarity about this phenomenon is, that when the St. John's river is high it boils up from six to eight feet above the level of the sea, and pre eeats rather a forbidding appearanoe. This spring has doubtless deceived hundreds, wbo have hastily put abont from, as thsy thought imminent danger, and reported seeing a " rook with water breaking over it." The Harriet Lane has passed through it several times, and water has been drawn from it by a buoket thrown over tbs side, and whe a drank no unpleasant taste or smell baa been found. Its position and harmless character have been long unknown, but now the suppo sed danger has beoome, at it ware, " a well of water in a barron land," EDITORS & PROPRIETORS. NUMBER 14 A Secession Incident. A well-known merebant of thia-olty, wb 0 was in New Orleans on the day Louisiana passed Secession ordinanoe, and who wit nessed the illumination in honor oi that trea* sonable act, has related to as, with a request thai we would suppress names, the following raoy incident, which alike illustrates the traditionary 'when a woman wont, she wont' characteristic of the sex, and the faot that the Union people of the South have, at this time, no veioe in the newspaper reports of the disunion section. It so happened that on the day of the illumination the oaptsin of a Mississippi steamboat and bis lady were stopping at ifce St. Charles, and occupied a front roam, OD the third floor—the first floor of chambers—exactly in the centre ef the hotel. The captain was a Union man, and— as ths sequel will show— ao was his wife.— All the oity was agitated daring the after noon in prospeot of the grand gala night.— Ths St. Charles was to be illuminated, of course. Aoeordingly, some time during ths afternoon a servant knocked at the door of the oaptain's room, carrying all the necessa ry trappings for lighting np the ohamber windows. Mrs. —— opened the door, when the following dialogue ensued; Lady. What have yon got there f Servant. Candles, Misses, to light your windows for de'lnmination. L. Well, yon can retnrn them to where you brought them from, as I shall cot allow them in this roam. S. (Not to be failed so easily, resumed.) Oh 1 but maesa told me to put up de lights, and so I's get to put 'em up. L. Can't help that j this is my room, nnd I shan't allow the windows to be illumina ted for what I am opposed to ; so that ends it. This olosed the first aot. The servant re* ported to the proprietors, who immediately prooeeded to the lady's room with a view to' oenvinoing her of the iuportanoe of permit ting the servant te make ready for the grand evening light-op. Said they, " Thie room is the most oentral in the entire front, and not to illuminate it will bs to mar seriously the effect of the the whole," to which the la dy replied: " I am sorry, gentlamen, to cause JOB any ineonvenienoe, bat I belie?# this room for the time being is oura by right, aßd.*l mast pos itively deolino, in any way, to add eolat to a great outrage, as 1 conceive the whole disun ion movement to be. My husband (who was out at the time) is a Union man, and I am a Union woman, and thii room oannot be illu minated." A few more words were exchang ed, whioh ended by the lady politely reqeues tiog thejproprietore to leave her room. De termined net te in a matter of each grave, importanoe, ;tho captain was next foand and appealed te. He beard tboir case; said his wife had reported him oor reotly en the Union question he wonld go with them to the room aad see if the matter_could be amioably arranged.— Soene third enened. The captain's dispesu tion to yield was not to ba seconded by hie better half. They next proposed to vooate the best chamber in her favor, in some other part of thehonsa, if that would be satisfactory, but Ibalady's "No!" was still as peremp tory as ever. Her point waa gained, and the St Charles was doomed to have a dark front chamber. Pleased with this triamph, Mrs. de vised the following mancevre to make the most of her victory. Summoning a servant, she eent him out to procure for her an Amer ican flag, which, at dnsk, she suspended from hoi window. This made the fourth act in the play, and as the fifth is always indispen sable, it bad its place here. When evening came, the streets, an Dim a ted by a merry throng, were illuminated, bat, alas 1 the St Charlee was disfigured by its sobre ohamber, when suddenly a succession of lamps, sus pended on both sides of the flag, revealing the atars and stripes, were lit up, aad the ensign of the Union waved from the oentre of a hotel illuminated in honor of its overthrew ! The effect was, to give the impression that the whole bonee was thns paying homage to the Amenoas flag; and what is most signifi cant, is the foot the latter was greeted by the passing crowd with vooiferons applause.— So much for the .firmness of a true Union woman. S&" The well known Mr. Prioe kept a gc, down or ebop at Calcutta, where he told a gas to ae Irishman, who aooa returned it saying the barrel was much bent; "Isit t" said Prioe," then I oaght to hare charged tkee more for it. " Why so I" said the other, " Because these peices are oonetruoted for shooting round a oorner." " If that be the case," says " then I insist en retaning mj purchase." M&" The Times' correspondent says that the Qautemala mission pays $7,500 and 50 per eent, of the above amount extra for Hon* duras. " The duties are light—consisting of swinging all day in a hammock and running around at night to tertuhas, and flirting with the Senoritas." SGF People seldom love those who with* stand their prejudices, and endeavor to con trol their passions,