Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 04, 1861, Image 3
TT/WAHD. £"* V" MANUFACTCREK OF A DP.ALF.R IN femi Straw G-ood-s, Ses, 103, 105 and 107 North Second St, PHILADELPIi I A. WE are now receiving our SPRING STOCK, which will comprise a large and defiruble assort- , IBect of all kinds of STRAW AND LACE GOODS. Also a large assortment of Ladies' and Children's HATS. Our stock of FLOWERS and RUCHES, will be j unusually large this Season, and we would in vito your special attention to that department.— i Please call and examine them before making your i purchases. 11- WARD, Nos. 103, 105 A 107 N. SecrnJ St., above Arch, mar. 21, 18 •! —4t. I r<LEI\MECHO NiILLS, ! VJ GERM ANTOWN, PA. McCallvim cto Co. MANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS AKI> WUULKSALF DKAT. BS IN CARPETINGS. DRUGGETS,! OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &C. '' Warehouse, No. £O9 Chestnut Ktrcct, Opposite the State House, mar. 21, '6l, —ly ] PUH.ADEI.FHIA. I j? E2 JVC C V-A 3La.- ii*. & jr. aMJLE.y A' is no. Resptctfully inform their friends and customer? that they have removed from No 2-10 South bee- ; ond Street, to their NFAV STORK, No. 1209 CHBSTNOT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Where they will have always on hand a Sne as iw>rtme-t of Jtoaswood, Walnut asid Oals yurniturs, which iiiey will se 1 at less than tneir former pri- j ccs. in consequence of having greater facilities for ! business and being under less expen.se They re fP'-ctfully solicit a oil b.i'orn purchasing else where. [mar. I'd, '6l.—3m.j Cr r . JiEELEFON'IE JCADEM Y.' FjMiK Kelielnnte Academy will re open onWed -1 nesuay the 17th ot April". Wiih the assis tance of a successt'u tea? her I li"j.e to bo able to nfluid greater facilities fir the acquisition of it thorough education than heretofore. be terms are low, and no deduction wiii bo made for absence after the opeulng of school. Common'Eng. Bran has. $ t.bO v xtra '• " and Mathematics, s.oft The Classics, ft 00 ' Contingent fee, 25 A. M. WIIITF, Principal. mar. 2i. 1861.—41. • JUST EECEIVEIT - A l.Alili E LuT Or' WA. L P • PER, of the J\ Latest Styles, w b a will he sold ftt the low. eft possible prices. Nor.e need look elsewhere as | si v taste can be suited lroni our largo and new tUok. We have also a fine assortment of SHAKERS, i pa'm ami willow col T--O and white. Persons de firin" goods ot prices io -nil the time? winiii Hod it to their aJvatifgo to buy of the undersigned who have a choice stock of all go Jla generally found in a country store. par. 21, '6l.—tf.] XONNER t STEEL. J D...WIXGATE," ' iience on the North side of tb> l ob- . lie Square. \V I. pay pc■ ti odor attention to the . preset v.-iti.n of the natura teeth. Artificial leetb inserted on tnv oI ihe approt cd styl, s. At home s.xeept two .weeks, commencing with the ffist Mon- : ilay of each un*utb. [Rellelonte, mar. 21, '6l.—if. * UDIfOKA NOTICE. J\ The undersigned an an- j ititor appoint* 1 by the O.rpi no's Court of Centre county, to make distriLu. .; of the balance iti the bands of-he A '.rainjstrctprofi the Estate ot James A.dry, B'r , Lo anil among those persons legally entitled to receive the s line will attend t • the dti- | ties of his appuiniius n <>u Thursday, the lSih day j of April 161,at the offico o< Curtin A Rlancbard, }n Uellof-in-o. EVAN il. BIANCUARD. , J mar. 14, ISo 1. .d ] Auditor. (~uriioN.—! J All persons a' hereby enuiione.4 | against meddling with the following uutu-.d prop- j trty now in ihe nands of Isaac Walker, as I Imvo 1 purchased the same at 3-her,ll's Bale, and Iqilged them to film during my picture: Nice head tf Young Cattle, 1 Cow, 2 Bay ITor ss?, 2 .-ets Horse Gears, 8 llo_s, 2 Tons of Hay. HI Busiel ot Wheat. 7ft Bushel of Rye, 1 Yoke j Work 3'ittle, J f 13 Atr.s Rye in ibe ground, 5 1 Of2o Acres Wheat in the ground. mar. 14. 'ol.—fii.j .JCN'A. BULLOCK. LIME ; Li-MEi: LIMEI! ! The subscriber re— j spcctfnlly informs the public that h > has erected a ; 1 iuic Kiln near ihe Borough of Beltefuot ". where 1 be is m ik'ti.g Lints of a superior quality which is • acknowledged lobe a? white an I pure a? the Ply mouth lime. All be asks is to give it a tiial, .god he :s st'i-fed the purchaser will come back again. j mar. 21. Isfil.—fim.J ],EON MACKALL. j \ITANTEf). — A young man froin the country. ' unacqnaintrii' :tb city > iees, to engage in the Commi-ei".! l..i?un .s. <.>n- who -an comm ind from SJOi to $1,06, ami furnish outisfue.tory rei> 1 crccees will find a permanent si nation at a salary of $35 per inontl, for first s tx m -uths. For par ticulars, ad drifts (JEOKGK i'. MONI'EATII, t 'otniaitsiun Merchant, 411 W inut Street, Phil adelphia. Pa., [Feb, 58, 1860.—3 m. \ GENTS WANTED.— }Va want an 4gen; in every mtv. town and county iu the United c-inies and Conada. to sell a new patent a - tilde j Ist invented. It it-quires a capititl of fr<-m $1 to J-i. lied to perso'.s? out of euiploycnt it offers great iu duoemenrs. For full particulars write immediate 1 by, and yen will receive our letter hv return mail, j SEAT OI.DT A CO., iZi Wjtlout Sr.., Feb 2S. 186ft.—3m ] Pbiladi Iphiu, Pa. TUil BOOUfWiJil* THIS wonderful anjo-Je, ju?t pntcuted, is some thing eittiie/g new, never before offer-d to , sg-.nts. who cro wanted cvervwheie. Full par ticulars sent free Address SJIAW A CLARK, Bjddeford, Maiue. March, 1,1861. ly. PoilS FOR SALE.- ~ , Tha urderaigncd has on ; h: nd and for sale a large supply of Posts of ail ! kin 1. which will be soft in quantities to suit pur- ' el sears and at reasonable price?. Porsons wish inn to buy will please call on the'subscriber at his yesidenee in Miieshurg, or upon Mr. Wagner at the Vli'esburg .vlill. JAMEs BROWN. Jau.l7, '6l. LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of , Frcti'k, Shank, late of Howard twp., di-c'd , granted to the undersigued who requests all per sons snowing themselves indebted to make im mediate payment, ahd 'hose have claims to pre sent them duly authe:.t.,e.i'cd for set.lenient. 1 CHRISTIAN SHANK, Adm'r Jan. 24, '6l. 6t. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letter? of i Administration on the estate of Elizabeth Johnston, late of llalfmoon township, dee'd., i have been granted to the undersigned, residing 1 in Bellefonte, who requests all persons knowing ! themselves indebted to make immediate payment, and those 1 aving claim? to presenithom duiy au thenticated for settlement. WM. GAH AG AN, Adm'r. i mar. 25, 1861.—6t. LOST.—A note drayo by RD. Cum- j mings in favcr of C. Campbell, was lost on i fc-mrdny last soma place in or about the Penn- ' eylvsuia Hotel. ADy person finding it is reques ted to leave it at this office, or with II A. Cainp- 1 bell, Pleasant Gap. Pa. [max 28,1861 3t. ; "VJ" OTICE Notice is hereby given that f!;.e | i.l account of Wharton Morris, Sequestrator of the Allegheny A Buffalo Run Road Company has - been filed in this office, and will be confirmed ab- ■ eoTutely at April term of Court next, jjnleas ex- j ccptions bo filed in thje m-antirne. JNO. T. JOHNSTON, Proth'y. Proth'ys Office, liellefoute, mar. 23, '6l.—3t. A. STERNBERG & j Sign of the Ked Flag, near Livingston's Eook 61 tore, and provide himself with a suit of warm e.ot'nirg at a tftfling expense. Overcoats selling 1 at cost price. Knitted Jackets, under-clothing, aw., Ac., eheapiex tban rwr. [Feb. 14, '6l, J, EAWLEY <2 CO., fraitical ferfvmkrs. 171 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. I\;tE propiietois of this estublishuiint fetj eon? fident that their preparations will compare favorably wiih any iu the world, either foreign or | domestic. EXTRACTS for the handkerchief of the 1 mo.-t exqui-ite odors. POMaDKS and Ou.B foi the I hair, of the finest texture ana the sweetest per fumes. | SHAVING CREAMS and TOILET SOAPS of the finest aud mo.-t delicate formation. Also, HAW LEY'S LIQUID HAIR DYE, isde -1 cidedly superior to any now in usa. A. HAWlby's Opp.Ava uf COCOA. —This prepi -1 ration is the jr'icle above {ill other.- for dressing ! the hair. It is exceedingly tin and delicate and rendeisthe hair dark, soft and glossy The odor i is delightful. No one should be without it. Pow j I)sits, EAWDOUXK, RorGE, Ac., and every variety i ot fine and choice pirlumery. j HAWLFY'S FRUIT EXTRACT.- fot flavoring pies. fundings jellies, confectionary, and Mineral \ Water Syrvjjt. All of which rival the best, and 1 are surpassed by none. A. HAW LEY'S SOLIDIFIED DKKTAL CREAM. , For Cleansing. Whitening ard Preserving tbo I teeth.'—This article is prepared with tin greatest oare upon seietifie. principles, and warranted no! 1 to i-ontain anyth ng in the slightest degree delet erious to tho teeth or gums. Some of our most I eminent Dental Curgeous have given their sanc | tion to, anil cheerfully recommend it as a pre ia ration of superior qualities for cleansing, whiten } ing and preserving tho teeth. It cleans them readily, rendering them beauti'ally white and ; pearly, without the slightest injury to tuc enam el. Ti L hea'ii.g to the gums where they are u! rented and sore. It is qlgu an excellent disin ! forte? for old decayed teeth, wl'irb are often ex ceedinglp offensive. rich and cietiuy inste to the mouth, cleansing it thoroughly, and | imparting a delightiul fraganee to the breath.— In short, it doe? all that could rens nahly b-. ex pert al of any articlr cf this kind 10 do. A fair i trial is all that is 'accessary the mos! tastidious or skeptical that it is au article qf superior merit. Prepared only by A. 11A\VLKY A CO.. 117 North Fourth Ft.. I'hil'a. [mar 7,-'6l. —om. A 0 ERIC AN LJje Insurance tb En/at Company, op; ICE, ARBhiCAN BUILDING? Wuhtut St, S. E coiner of Fourth,, Fit 11, \DEI.l J tl !A Incorporated LSoll.—Uh G tor Perpetual. Capital, SOOO 000 Paitl up, $200,000. ASSETS, January 1 1S6I ( T\T ONEY on DE OSI I' with the Company ail . ti.iA safely invested ill Reds, Mortgages, and other fust class securities, separate from aud not i included in the following item- :) | Fii.-t Mortgages, J{ al Estate, aud Ground Rents, amply secured, $1a0,542 31 L'Uiii, of City oi Phitnde'f hia. Read | irg Hailro'd First Mortgage B'nds, Sinn- of Tenres- e IJouus, M'youi ii-g I'anul Fifst Mortgage Bonds, | Bank and other Stocks, and Loans l pr Call, sc ured by ample collat erals, 4'2 10, fi'J Biiis rtceivtbl on Mutual Policies, 21 217 15 Cash in bands of Agents, secured by Bonds. ' 7 138 72 C'islion Hand and in Banks, 56,775 15 1 resei f Value uS Future Premiums calculated to December 31, iSGO, 1.185 64S 75 $1>71,127 of ALEXANDER VHILEDIN President. RAM I.'EL HOKK. Vice President. JOHN C Simms, Secretary, j J>.UN 8. WILSON, Treasurer. HOARD OF DIRECTORS. Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar J hompson, Bainu-l Work, % John Anspach, Jr , ; .John (' Farr, Jonas B, uoian. John Aikman, William J. Howa-d, Samuel T. Bodine. 11 11 Townsei d. Al. D-- 1 George Nugent, Albert p. Robprts. ; 11. 11. Eldridge, [tnar 7,-' ill —ly JOHN" MOJNTTGOMEEY, Merciiant Tailor, ALLEGHENY STEER I j L'ELLEIOXIE, PENN.V. I 111 IE undersigned would most respectfully in fnim the public that be will eon'inue to ear ! rv on the Tailoring and Clothing busi less • the Did stand, on Lhe south corner of /frokerhoD"- P.ow, where he is prepared to m ike to orhr ail kinds of clothing in the uentcst ami in 'St tasb j ionable styles, lie keep on hand a large variety 0 | :L O TffS. CA SSI VERS ARD YES TIX IS, jof the most approved patents. At his EsUiiUsh -1 ine.t RE A DY-MADE CLOTHING. of every description may be found, which bo is j now selling at reduced prices. His thanks are due the pi 'olio for ihe lib- ral share of ,oiironge I beret'role bestowed upon turn; and be botes by ' strict attention to business, to merit a continue !---<•• ofthe same. J. MONTGOMERY Belle! nite Jan., 12th 'fill —ly \V'~i:KRKAS flip Hon. Samuel Linn, Presi ? dent Judge hi the Court of Common Piens in the twenty filth Sudiei J Di.-irict, cuusiatiug ot ; The eoiifti sof Centre, f cm field and Clinton, and the tii-n. Henry Bm uharD sind Wm. Burchlicld, K.-qr s, Associate Judges in Centre Co., having is sued 11 s-ir precept o me directed for balding .a Court-of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Or . pliant?' Court, Lou.t of .Oyer and Terminer, aud General Jail Delivery at Leilcfi lite, for the eoun •y of Ceiiire, and to eommenceon the fourth Mon day of April, it being the 28th day,' ami con tinue one week. Noti'-e rs hereby given to the Coroner, Jijstiees | of the Peace. Constables u' the sajd county of Cen i tre, that they be then and there in their proper j p rsons, at 10 o'clock in the fV.rcnoon of said day with their records, in(|uisitioii?, ex iinirinrions and j their otber remembrances, to do the.-e things which to their cilices appertain to be done, end those who are bound in recognizances to prose cute against the prisoners that are or shall be in j the Jail of Centre county, b iben and there to prosecute against them as sba 1 be jus:. Given under my hand at Bellefun.e the 21st day ; of March, A. D., 1861. and in ihe 85th year of ; the independence of the United States. GEO. ALEXANDER. Sheriff. 1 Sheriff 's Offi.e, Belicfoute, Centre 00., I Pcim'a.. mar. 21, iblil -te. J F A I RV! E W~S E mTNXR. Y7 JACKSON VILLE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENN A. I Rev. J 8 WKIkZ, Proprietor ancl Principal. Mr. V. I) WAGONER. Principal Teacher, Miss C. GIBSON, Assiaiaut. rpiIIS institution, under its new arrangement, | A will open on the lftth of April next. It-is : designed f. r young men and ladies, fee whoso moral ana intellectual improvement no pain-will be spared. The first term will consist of ten weeks | each, with tha usual vacation during harvest. I Terms as reasonable as at any other -pstji.utiou I ofthe kind. For particulars address, Rev. J. S WEIB-Z, | mar. 7,'.6l.—fit.] Walker. Centre Co., Pa. PHOTOGRAPHY in all its Branches, executed in the best style known in the art, at | C' G. CRAKE'S G! LL ER Y, £32 An h Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia Life Size in Oil and Pastil, Stereo scop ic Por/rat ts, Ambrotypes. Dayuerreo'ypes, dx„ SJS" Fpr Cases, Medaliions, Pins, Kings, Ac. March 7, 1861. ly i I AUDITOR'S NuTICE.— The undersigned p poinred an Auditor by the Orphan's Court ; ft' ' outre coujatv, to heay and report in the mat . tcr ot the exceptions to the account of Frederick 1 Krumrine, Adm'r of tha estate of Samuel Greiui, will mqat the parties interested at bis office ii; the 8.-rough ot Beliefonte, pn Saturday, the 6th day of April next, 5861, at 2 o'clock, P. M. JAS. H. RANKIN, Auditor. March 7, 1861. 6t. STATE ENAMELED MANTLES.— .danuf ctured by |us from Pennsylvania Slate. The most beautiful, durable and cheapest mantels sold in ibe country. 1 They are not injured by heat, coal smoke, oils or acids, are much stronger than marble, and are sold from 25 to 50 per epnt lower than marble. ARNOLD A WILSON, No. 1010, Chestnut street, Phit'a. Apr- 4, J361, — lm. Orwig. THU CEWTR® beimocrat. CURE j NervousKeadache fl CURE t* j By the use of the Pil's the periodic attacks <?j j Nerrona or Siek Headache may be prevented . and , | if taken at the eomme',; cinent of an attack iuime- : ; diate relief from pain and sickness will he obt in- i 1 ed They seldom fail in removing the Kausca and I Hiafaeke to which female tire so subject. T'hcy act gently upon the boweij,—removing (..•utircncai j For Literary Men, Student*, Delicate Females, j and all persons of sedentary habits. tWy are valq- I n- lo tis a Laxative, improving the updetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restor ing the natural elasticity and strength of the i whole system. The CKPHILIC PILLS are the result of leng i investigation undo .refully conducted experiments j I having been in use many years, daring which tiia? ; they have prevented and relieved a amount ; of pain and suffering froin Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a de ranged state of the stomach. ] They are entirely vegetable ill their composi ; tion, and may be taken at all times wi h- perfect safety without making any change t f diof, and the absent? of any hisayneable taste renders it casj tu administer them to chitdien. BEWARE OF -COUNTERFEITS 1 -The genuine have five signatures of Henry C j 1 Spalding on f ach Box • Spl-i by Druggists and all otber Dealers in Med- j ! iciues, j A box will be seut by mail prepaid on resuipt ; of the PRICE SO CENTS. All ordrs sh aid be addressed to IIENHY C. SPALDING. ! 48 1 edar Street, New-York. TUX FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENT OF | SPALCING'S | Cephalic Pills, j WILL CONVINCE ALL IVUO SUFFER FR | JAiiIADACIIID, I TH ?T A SPEEI) v ANp SI RE CUIiE I 18 WITHIN THEIR REACH, A* these Testimonials no-re no soiled...l by Mr. j •I'll.mVH they ojl'ord >t: ou *liol.obi> proof of the efficacy of this iru ■; sr e atjirdiscovery. | MAS? >, YILLK, Conn., Feb. 5, 1861. 51 It. BSALDINO Sin : T have tried your Cephalic Pill?, au I I libs j tin mso irtU that I want you to send me two dol- j lars worth more. Pari of these are for the neighbors, tq.whnm I gave a few out of tho first box I got frutn you. Seud LUo Pills by mail, and oblige Your o'o't Servant, JAM E.5 KENNEDY. . HAVELFOKD, L'A., Feb. 6, 1861. MR. SPALQTNG. SIR- r*\-. , 1 wish you to sen 1 ins one more box of your Cephalic Pills, / have remin d a deal of ben sit from them. " Yours, rcspc. Gully, MARY ANN SICHJvIIOUSE. SPP.UCZ CREEK. Huntingdon Co., Pa., 1 January 18, 1861. j 11. C. SPALDING. sir : . You will please send ine two boxes of your Co- ■■ phalic Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully yours. JNO. 15. SIMONS. j P. S.— l have used one box nf your Fills, and 1 jlnd Ult-n excellent. BI.LLE VBRSON, Ohio. Jan. 15, ISfil. ; I Ke:TRV C. SI'ALDING, E-q. Please fin-t iucios d twrnty five cents, for which 1 1 send me another box of your Cephalic Pilis. They i are truly the best Fills I hare ever trie-/. 1 Direct A. STOVER, P M. Belle Yeruon, Wyandot Co.. 0. j BEVERLY, Mass., Dec, 11, 1-6). 11. C. SPALI'TCG, Esq 1 wish lor some circulars or large show bills, to ' bring your Cephalic Pills more particular.y before : , tny customer-. If you have any thing t the kind, | please semi to me. Utte of my customers, who is subject to -evcrp j Sick Headache, (u.-u.ally lasting two days.) was ■ cured of an attack in one hour by your Fills, wh.eh i I scut her. Ke-pecttuily yours, ' W. C. WILKES, j K •. vsoi.nsßL'nG, E'ranklin Co., Ohio, ) j January 9, 1861. j IILNRV C. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar st.. N. Y DEAR BtR : Inclosed find twenty live cents, (25,) for which i send box ,of " Cephalic Piils." Fe.id to address ' of Rev. Wm. C. Filler, Reynoldskurg, Franklin i Co.". Ohio. Your Fills work like a charm—cure Headache ah/lost instanter. Truly yours, W-M. C. FILLER, -j YPSILANTI, Mich,, Jan. 14, 1861. MR. SPALDING. SIR ; Not long since I sent to you fijr a box of Ce- I phalic Pills for the c 4 'the Nervous Headache I a. d Costiveness, and received the same, anil they had so good an effect that I was induced to send for j i more. I - Pieasc'sond by return mail. Direct to A. it. WHEELER, Ypsiiant, Mich. Front the Examiner, Norfolk. Tit. ' j Cephalic Pills accomplish the ol.joot for which they were made, viz.: Cure of headache iu all its to. Dl!. Prom the Examiner, Norfolk, Ya. They have been tested in more than a thousand : cases, with entire success. : A single bottle of Spalding Prepared Glue will save ten times its cost annually. 4Jr2f SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES ! ] | ECONOMY 1 DISPATCH! fS£t~" A STITCH IN TIME SAVES As accidents will happen, even in weii rogula- i ted families, it is very desira >le to have snipe cheap and convenient way for repairing Furni- j ture, Toys, Crockery, Ac SPALDING'S GLUE i meet 3 all such emergencies, and no household can \ afford lo be without it. It is always ready, and up to the sticking point, j " USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N B.—A Bru h accompanies each Bottle.— Price, 2o cents. Adaress, HENRY C. SPALDING, ! No. 48 CEDAE Street, New York. CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons are to palm off on the unsuspeering public, imitations of my PREPARED GLUE, I would caution all persons to examine before purchasing, and see that 'he full name, SFAL DING'S PREPARED I is on the outside wrapper; all others are swind- , ling counterfeit*. [Nov. 22, 1666 ly, ' Conner & jlfeel, I . IIAVE OPENED ' Toe largest assortmont of goods ever before offered for sale by then, consisting, as heretofore of all such staple gijodeag are usually j kept in a country store, together villi all the NEW STYLES IN MARKET, I DRESS OOODS. ! Black and Fancy Silks., Brocades, Madrid's De Bcges, Bsntges, Barage delains, lJelain*, Challi • detains, Poplins, Lustres, Alpacas, Bombazines, ] Lawns, Ginghams. Cbint?, Brilliants, Ohalli Crape- Marets, Xaujore Gloth. liol-esitnd Traveling Drcst 1 Goods. ALSO, A large assortment of mourning goods. Black Silk, Thi'iit Cashmere Crape a,mi Stiib. . >h:.wlf, Mantillas, Cashmere Scarfs, and Shawl I Trimmings. A L S 0, Cloths, Casshvers. Satinetts, Cashmeres, Kcnruc ' i.y-denns. Drills, Ducks. Cottonadcs and I HEADY MADE CLUTHIAD I ' AL s A Ladies' and Gents' Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntlets and i Mitts, Ladies Collars end Under Sleeves, Laces and Edgings. ALSO, I Oiled Window Rlinds, Plain and Ornamented,Lin- j en and Lace Curtains. Oilr Cornice for Blinds,Ta- ! hie Covers and Floor Cloths. A L S 0, 1 Oakford's Ifats always on hand, together with i straw Goods, Bonnets, Shakers, Ribbons, Artiti j ciais and Bonner Trimmings A L !S 0. A very arge assortment of Shoes and Boots for men, women and children. ALSO, Queenswaro, Cedar IT are and Groceries, ESPECIALLY WOULD TOKNLR & STEEL CALL THE ATTENTION OF MECHANICS & BUILDERS 1 To their much enlarged stock of Hardware sad dlery and Coach Trimmings. Bellefonte, Oct. 11", —60—1f., WM.S, TIPPJ7E, MercYiant or, N. E. CORNER OF THE DIAMOND. ; 'l'lifc. subscriber respectfully informs the citizens 1 of Belletonte. and viciidty that be has just re turned froir Philadelphia with a full assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER'GOODS, which he is now opening at his old stand, one door east of the Post Office liis stock i consists in part' of Black, Blue, and Brown,, rench Cloths, Silk Mixed Coat ing. Cashmere una -Vhite Du k for COATS; Black Doeskin' ,d Fancy Summer Cassi meres, apd Lrm Drills fur PASTS.• Black I ..in, Fi gured Silks, vnd White and I FIGURED MARSAILLBS FOR VESTTNGS. which hp '.yill make up to order in styles to suit the tastes of customers, on short notice, and on the mostreasonahlc terms. Goods iuinished by cus tomers will be made up to order as heretofore. As he will employ Bone but experi enced workmen, perrons may rely on get ti -heir work well mine at his establishment ! Thankful for the patronage heretofore be- j I iwed, he respectfully solicits a continuance of j 4 e same. WJf. S. TRIPPLE. Bohefonte, May 12 '59-2!-tf. uKEEN'S DRUG AND VARIETY TORE, North-East Corner of the Diamond, 15KJL1, KFO NTId, P A i I 1 E UNDERSIGNED would respectfully in . orm his pa ions and the public generally that he has just returned from Eastern Markets | wher he has purchased and is noy spiling the , largest and bo t assortment of DRUG.-'. MEDI ; CINE 6, FANCY ARTICLE:-, Ac.. ever brought | to this country. He has constantly on hand a! J ! the approved PATENT MEDICINES of the day. j AT.CHOHOL, BURNING | FLUID, PINE OIL, COAL OIL. LINSEED OIL. PAINr-d YARN.'SII, Ac., together with a large assortment, of the TOBAC- 1 CO A StEtJAR-, of the b.st brands COAL OIL A FLUID LA.MP>, HAIR. TOOTH NAIL, CLOTHE*. A PAINT BRUSH La, PERFUMERY A HAIR OILS. | Also, a fine assortment of °Lir and Fancy | ; CONFECTIONERY, RAISINS, NUTS, &.C., ScC.. j TOY- < fivers description, also ! 1' A N C ) Y <J H I X A- W A Ii K. I PreJCiiptiOiiK and iau.iiv iccv.p> carefully and : promptly filled. I I hanktul for toe patronage he has received du i ring the last four ye > - h solicits a cuutiauance ' of ihe s BUJ', and fn in the cxperienco he has had j ] io; feels confident of giving satisfaction. I Nov. 10, 1S 60.- tf.] FKA XK P, GREEN IIONOII THE LL vTL ! i BKLLKFOYtL M .ÜBLE WORK , j 1 ] i VING just returned from the Eastern mar I i II ket wh re I have purchased a largeandex - ' tensive stock of marble at greatly reduced prices j I am prepared to fill all orders with which I may j be favored, with promptness and despotMy | stock includes the best quality of foreign and do ; mt.-tic marbles. I have employed in my establishment some of ! i the best and most experienced workmen in the ; ! State, and persons who have her fore patroniz i ed me can testily to the superio- workmanship ! bith in execution and design which I manufac ture. Persons who desire marble table tops, or anything into which the article cup be manufactured will do well to give me a call. ! All work delivered free of charge Shop on Spring street, North of the Presbyte- I rian Cu^rch. ®M. GAHAGAN. Jgp. 24. 15.61 _ ' PATRIOTS, AROUSI7I ~ O I\ 0E tt is evi idnt tuat a CITII war must en kT sue, let every Union and money-saving per -1 son call at the New Cash Tin and Sheet Iron | M nufaetory on Bishop street, where the under signed ventures to say that he can furuLli the cit | iz-ns of Bellefonte and the surrounding country, ; with ALL KINDS OF WARE, manufactured ; from the best material at VERY REDUCED PRICES, i at leaot .run 30 to ..<> per c ut. cheaper loan can j be purchashed etsewn r , to be assured of the ; above all be Uemauds is a call. JOHN S. LONBERGER. Jan. 10, '6l.—ly. TWO FARMS FOR SALE. ! THESE farms arc situated in Graham township, j 1- Clearfield county, l'a.. about miles from the , village of Kylertown ; each contains 120 acres, of which there is 60 or 70 acres cleared on each farm, j j On one is elected a large Two Story Fratue Douse | I and iarge Frame Barn, and on the other a log J ; House and Barn. A young orchard on each,bear- i ing fruit- Terms made to suit purchasers. For fu-ther particulars address, \VM. 11. CAMPBELL, M. IJ., Mushannon, Centre Co., Pa., - Aug .23.-1 S6oti. CHARLES McBRLDE, HAS JUST 11 EC El VEI) A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK 01 Dry SrOociQ. READY-MADE CLOTHIJYG, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. A LL of which he is selling at very reduced ux. prices. I Goods given in Exchange for Country Produce. The public are invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere; ! Bellefonte, Nov. 3, 'O9. tf. AUDIUOR'S NOTICE. lhe undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Centre co,, J to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the Administrator of the Estate of Henry Al exander, to and among those persons legally en titled to receive the same, will attend to the du- j ties of his appointment, on Thursday toe 11th 1 day of April 1361, at the office cf Curtin & Blan , chard, in Bellefonte. i EVAN M. BLANCHARD, Auditor, mar. 14,-1561.—- AVER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BL6OIX j An.l tor the tpecdy cure of the following complaints: ' Scrofula and Scrofulous Affect ions. MUU : a Tumors, l/lccrs, Soros, Eruptions, | Pimples, Pustules, Blotcfies, lioils, Ulaius, and ail Skin O \KLAN d, Intl., 6th June, 186?). •T. C. AriH & Co. Cleats: 1 feel it mv duty to ac. { • your has done lor me. ' iiaviiig iiihetiled a Scrofulou-i infet;tk'n. I have suffered from it in various ways lor years. Sometimes it burst j out in M ers on my in;mis and srnis: sometimes it ' turned inward Msfressed me nt the stumich. Two ; years ego it broke oirt on mv head and covered iny scalp ' | and ears with one sole. whiHi wras painful and loathsome hvyomi descriplitm. 1 tried many medicines and several j | piDsicians. but wiihout much relief from any tiling. Ju j laet, the disorder grew worst*. At length I wns rejoiced to read in the Aiesseuger thnt you had prepared ! an altera live iila. f:r 1 kuew from your loputa iion that any thiirx )cvu jiiado must be gooii. 1 sent to j ; Ciiiciunatiiindgot it, upd used it till it cured me. 1 took | it, as you advise, in syTall doses of a teaspoonful over a j j mouth, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy | skin soon began to torni under the scab, which altera i while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my j feelings that the disease lias gone from my system. You j can well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell j ; you. that 1 hold you to he one of the of the age, I i and remain ever gratefully. Yours, AI.PKKD li. TALLEY. ; St. Anthony's Fire. Rose or Krysinelas, I Tetter and Salt Itheum, Scni<i Head, : Hiiigworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem. N. Y., 12t!| ■ Sept., 1859, that lie lias cured an inveterate xttse of ! jjiopsy, which threatened to Terminate fatally, by the 1 ! persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, aud also u dangerous ! Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the same; says i he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bi'oiichocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck, /••billon Sioun of Prospect. Texas, write* : 44 Three hot . ties of your Sarsaparilla cured nm from a rt a liid j onus swelling on the neck, which 1 had suffered from I over two years." ! Leiicorrliopn orWlilles.Ovai lnn Tumor, Uterine Ulceration. Venial© Diseases. Dr. J. R. S. Chaiiulng. -f New York City, w rites ; ** I I tnot cheerfully comply with the request of your ng**nt ic I saving I have found yo\ir Sarsaparilla a, most excellent alterative in the liumeroiis complaints lor which wt \ j employ such a remedy, but especially in thmaty Disease: j cf the ycrofulnus diathesia. I have cured many invou'V- j j life cahos of by it. and some where the com* 1 j plaint was caused bv t t\m'> Um of the uterus. 'J'he ulcer • ation itself was Hoon cured. Nothing within my know] ' etlgc equals it for thceo female deraiigemenrs." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, " A dan gerouf? ovr an tumor en one of the females in my family.- | j eLv 'd had defied all the remedies we could employ, ha: , | at U i gMi tieeii compl t ly cuied by your Extract of Sur* i • sHpai iii.i. Pur physician th ought nothing hut extirpa- j ! could afford relief, but he advised tlie trial of you. ; Sarsaparilla as the last resort he lore cutting, and it j proved effect iml. After faking your remedy eight weeks ! no symptom of tl* disease remains." j Syphilis ami Mrrcnrial Disease* NEW ORLEANS, 25th August, Dp. J. ft. AYER: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re- • rim st of your agent, and r*p>rt. to you some of the effects ? ] have ii'.-tlizH with your Sarsaparilla. j I haw caued with it, in my practice, most of the com- I | plaints for which if is loconuucndnd, and have found its | ' effects truly wonderful in Hut cure of Venereal and Mer- 1 | curi '1 /t-seusr. One of my patient* had Syphilitic ulcers j J 111 i;is throat, which were consuming his palate and the I tip of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla. steadily taken, ! | pared him in five weeks. Another was attacked by sec- : J endary Symptoms iu Ida IIOMI. and the ulceratiou had j j eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I belie ye tho j I disorder would soon reach his bruin mid kin him. but it j yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; t!** ! ulcers healed, and lio is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman who had been j j treated for tfie same disorder by mercury was suffering j j fioin this poisou iu her bones. They had become so §e;j --i silive to the weather that on a dauip day she suffered ex- j cruciating pain in her joints and bones. She, t< o. was cured entirely by your Musaparilhi in a few weeks. I j know fiom its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from yopr h horatory must he a great j remedy: consequently. theSe tiuiy leiuarkuble results j with it have not surprised inc. Fraternally.yours, (J. V. LARIMER, M. P, i Rheumntisin, Gout, Diver COIR pip int. INDEPENDENCE, Preston Co.. V.. 6th July, 1559. Dr. J. C. AYER: Sir, I have been attlicted with a pain ful chronic Rheumatism for u long time, which battled the skill of physicians, and at in k to me iu spite of all the remedies I could find, until i tried your Sarcaparilla. One bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my general j health so much that 1 am far better than before f was j attacked* I think it a wonderful medicine. J. FKKAM. j Jplcs Y. Getelieth <>f St. Louis, pyrites: 4 . 4 1 have been I hmkted for yearn wit finn a/fiction of the Liver, which i dosiroytjd my health, i ti led every tiling, and every thing fijjlcd to relieve mD: and J have been a broken-down man ! for sc.me years Mt}4iO fiber cause than derangement of tJir Liver. Mvjjwytd pastor, the llev. Mr. l?spy, advised ; : flieHo try your Sarsaparilla b- cHUse he said lie knew you, > i and any thing, you made was w ortii trying. Ity t lia Mess- | { big of (bwl it has cured ni". and bus so purified my blood, • as to make a new man of mo. I fee! yddlig Rgofji. 'lb© , b'*st that can be said of you i not half good enough." St lrirrna,Cancer Tij;ior, Kiilnrsrcnictit, i Ulceration, Caries Exfoliation of < tlie Boncn* A great variety of cases have b"en reported to us wliero 1 i cpre? of ilicse formldahle c<mpiaiuts have resulted from 1 the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit j thrin Sine of them may he found in our American ! V limmac, which Hie agents below nauied are pleased to | | furnish gratia to ail who call for them. Dyspepfcln. Heart Disease, Kits, Epilep- I sy 9 Mclßsulioly, Many renin;kab)e cures of these affections hare been j made by the alterative power of this nu diciue. Jtstimu- j i 1.-'i s the vH-il fundi-us into vigorous action, and thus I j overcomes disorders whih would he supposed beyond its ! • re th. Such a remedy has long been required by tho I : cecities of the people, and we are confident that this will J | do for th m all that medioiae can do. | Iyer's Cherry pectoral, you THE RAPID CURE OP {'olds, Influenza, IloarppnetB, Croup. RroifecliMis. Tut ipieiit sumption, and for III© Itclitf j of Consumptive Patients < in advanced stages of tlie Disease*. This is n remedy so universally known to surpass any i j other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that, it ! j is useless lute tt pnldinli ti evidence of its virtues. its ' unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly . j wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. I Few arc tho communities, or even families, among them : u who have not some personal experience of its effects ! some living trophy in their midst of its victory oyer tho . I subtle and dangerous disoiders of the throat, and' lungs. ! As ali Know the dreadful fatality of these disoiuejand Hs fhcy know, too. tho effects of this remedy, we need Dot do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. j by Dr. J. C. AYER So CO., Lowell, Mas?. Sold Fy J. ILirris A Co., Bellefotre: J. Ring, ITnionvillo; R. D. Cummings. Fort Matilda; Hiilil r A Co., bloruistovrn ; H. Foster, Miilheim ; I) 0. Bower, and Gross A Y arirk, Aaronshurg ; • C G. Ryman, Mitesburg. and by one trader in every village in the count y. Jan. 10, '6l.—iy. b'EW AND SPLENDID STOCK OF M©fStSMl! AT BUKNSIDES' VY T SBR ANTED to be j UJ- t what we represent i 1 f T thctn. AVe have the very best which we warm rt, ami iower grades in ail their varieties. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND SEE FOR VO" fRSEL Leather of ell lleacriptioiis. BELTING kept for Machinery. Any size I . have not got I cap get in a weeks time. §cld a city prices. ! A LARGE STOCK OF SHOE FINJiJGS ! DEFY COMPETITION IN HATS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Saddlery, Saddles, .Bridles, j Halters, Cart Gears, Cart Saddles, Harness Collar^, Harness Lines, and every article made and kept by ! Saddlers. WHIPS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, POWDER, SHOT, aun ripj WA TA It PIiOQF 800 TS,' DOUBLE SOULEV WAll RANTED, COPPEIt TIP ED BOOTS AND SHOES FOB CHILDREN.'' A L4RGE ASSORTMENT OF BUFFALCJ ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS, SLEIGH BELLS, FOX TRAPS, AO. I Higest market price paid for HIDES, SKINS & ALL KINDS OF FURS, Come and examine our stork. We will show it with pleasure, and satisfy ycu ijt is THE PLACE to get good Boots and Shoes, and such articles in our line At Burnside's we study to please i give sat isfaction. Please accept our thanks for. avors. Bellefonte. Oct, llth JB6O. DLEYDEN A CO., have just received a fin . assortment of Fall and Winter Geods which j I h*y offer very low for cash *r country produce, j ' Ntrr. 8. IB6o.—tf. ' i NEW STORE f HARDWARE HARDWARE! \ riF VI KB- IN* \\V^3 /frfH/ffiDWARE!> |m€WTUoßyJ'^ ? f ' P IfE undcrsigni-i would rospectiully in r om. i I the citizens of L-'entre county thht they have ! opened | HAItDWARE STORE , in the Room formerly occupied by Wilson d P.m. lon the North vve.-t corner of the Diamond. Tlicy ' have .selected their stock with (rre.it cure, and are ! prepared to sell goods from fifty to one hundred 1 per eent lower than can he had at any other place. I The ladies are particularly invited to call and examine their assortment of rutifry. Thev ear nestly solicit a ilhoral portiup of the public pa tronage, and wilt take every pains to please. Thev have eonsfn.nt.lv on hand a variety of POCKET AS D T A I!LE CUTLERY. ! Riffles, Shot Guns, and Locks of every descrip tion. enoss err, MILL ANDCIRCVLAR v.i ir.v, And all vatrieties of LI AND-LACK, GRAFTING AND L'ASNEL I SA \ys. | Broad, Hand and chopping Axs. Butchers rdoav cr apd choppers. | DRAWING KNIVES. HAMMER*, HATCIj- ETtS, and ADZES. HAY. MAN (f/f E AND SPREADING EG HE* EDGE TOOLS OF EVER Y DE-C'RLDTIOS. ! CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, PAINT AND DUSTING BRUSHES NAILS, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS & K T. V, COAL OIL. AND LAM I S- T SADDLERY HARDWARE. COACH 'J'RIMVGI- Also, COFI IN FIX HIRES, • And everything that is generally knpt in a well regulated Hardware Store. Terms fla-b BAXIUKSSt.iI & <'|l IST. ! Bellofonte, april 20, 'till.—\. | READ! READ!! j GREAT ATTRACTION!I! NEW AND" CHFAP Clolljing Emporium, NORTH SIDE OF THE DIAMOND, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A., City branch of Reizenstcineßrothers, 124 North Third Street, Philadelphia, TIIE undersigned Respectfully announce to t he inhabitants of Centre county, and the i public in general, that they have opened at the | above rtu id place, the meat extensive assort ment of READY-MADE CDOTIIING, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Foods, that has pyep been exhibited in this borough, which they i7ll} sell i 30 FPer Cent. Cheaper than the Cheapest. ! Our s.ock embraces a full and ci niplete assort- I ! men of Fine Black Cloth Hi cits and Frt ck Coats, i Cassimore Business Coats Satinet, 'lweed, Jean, 1 Farmers' and Mechanics' Caesimere, Froek and I Sack Coats, Pea Jackets, do., &o. \ 0 V EEC OA TS OF I IKE CL 0 Til, Presidnnt and Moscow Reavers. Sea! and Lion j I ''kin an ' Union Cas-imerts, ribbed and plain. ' | PANTALOONS OF FIXE CASS]MERE : and Doeskin, black Silk mixed, and other fancy colors, of the latest, syi s, as well as Satinet and ' | Union Cuss inters ; Pants of str. rig and substan- I tial material, for the farmer, laborer and me- : j chauie | AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF VET SS j such as Satin, Silk, and Silk-Snished Yelvett, ! Grenadine, Valencia, Mattalese, Cassimerc: cloth ! Satinet, <tc. ] A general assortment of Boy ' and Youths' Clothing and Gi nt lemen's Furnishing Goods, ! Hats, Cap ' Undershirts and Drawers. Knit Jack ; on, Fine White and Fancy-bosom Shirts, Collars, i Neckties, Handkcmbiefs, Stocks and cravats, ■ Pocks and Gloves, Trunks, Valines, Carpet shncs, 1 i Umbrellas, and, in short, every thin; Ustally 1 found in a well assorted store <•; ins kind. We also keep a tine assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. such aA Pocket bo..ks Portmodnies, Pocket knives and Razors. Combs, and Brushes, Wateh ihains. Keys and Guards, Finger rings & Brcast p is, Violin and Guitar Strings, Pistols, K' ■' >'v. ; era Percussion Cans, Spectacles, Spy Glasses.and a t\. t many other fancy and useful articles, too i numerous to aescr ibe, ,!1 ol which we will sell at i the Lowest Cash Prises. We iuvite every person in need of Clothing or any of the above ineiitiuueu articles, to favor us with a call and examine our goods, and price. , | and we are confident that we can give srtisfaction, : and every person shall feci inclined to tell his • ! Iriends vhere Goods and Cheap Clothing can be got. AVe are constantly receiving accessions to our stoek from REIZEXSTEI.SE BROS., Philadel phia, wilh whom we are connected, and shall al ways be supplied with a good variety of all the ar-> j ticies in our line, which will surpass in ITYLE, cut, ' tevrk..UlU ,htp and chntpnv ".those of any other es tablishment iu this part of the country. A. STERNBERG & CO. Gellefonte,. Oct. 4, Gt tf. cr~ CAN buy your clothiug tor yeutselves and your boys, in eve y variety, and at low cash pri ces by calling of the -heap Clothing Store ol A. . Sternberg & Co., (a the Diamo"' 1 where you .'WIUL,'. SAY E at least lrum 2 > to 3U per cent. All kinds of Clothiug and Furnishing Gauds are to be ; had nt this Store at the lowest cash prices, and reeeiye well taa.lo goods. Would it not be bet ter to SA.V3Ei MUCH valuable time by calling"immediately and lay in your stock of Clothing lor thu \Vin>er, at this establishment, where you wii! cer tainly get the full Aaluß of your j MOPsrsj^. REUiukiotlv the place. One door •!. vc Liv ingston's Book Store, in the D.I:IOI„I. A. STERNBEG A CO. Bollefonte, Nov. 15, loot). Goods A LARGE and splendid assortment of Millinery ! -A Goods has just been received at the Store of MRS. E. H. GRADIUS. Among other things, may be found a fine cssort rnent of ~ „ VELVET, SHE AND STR All' RON NETS, purchashej in the city, and trimmed in the latest I and most fashionable styles. Caving employed a first class milljner from the Cit she feels prepared to execute all orders with wh h she may ha favored. ALSO : ! Wh man's best candies for sale ' MRS. E. H GRAFIUS. lefonte' Nov. Ist—'6o- tf. HUGH B. BRISBEN, ~ graggisl, MANUFACTURER OF EXTRA LIQUOR COLORING, N. W. Cor. Third DE Poplar streets, Termi Cos A.] Philadelphia. I Oct. 3, 1860,—1y. Great Work on the Horse. 1 THE HORSE illS DISEASES :■ . BY ROBERT JINMXi,.-. V. S . ! PROFESSOR OF I'.VIHOLOCY SFIt- CIIIY is mi t<u ce of i ji:iar EJ iuu,>.TC. ■ WILL TELL Y. n of the Origin. History and dis tinctive traits ol ihr various breeds of. Kncopean. Asiatic. African and Amer ican Horns. vv : ;ti the physical forma tion and j <-( uJim i' : c- .f the animal, ami how to ascertain his age by the number and ceml'ti of h's : illustiated with name ous explanato rv engravings. TIIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will IbLL You ot Bleeding, Breaking. Subling, Fcedii g. Grioming. tshoeiu/, and the general nymneeincnt ot the horsv,' will ill be.-; modes of administering loeiiieiiK. also, how o t eat Biting Kicking. Rearing, r-h'ing Stumbling, • lib Biting, licstle-snes.-, and other' v; -es'to which he i subject; with nu merous explanatory engravings. THE HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TKLL YOU ot the cassis, symptoms, an.l Treatment of Strangles. Sore Throat, Di.-teinpur, Catarrh, Inlluerza. Bron chi!; Pnentuo.iia. Pieiirisy. Rrukgu Wind. Chrdnie Cough, Roaring ami Whiftling, liiiinpaf. >ore Mouib ami Ulcers, nifd D opiyed Teeth, with oth er discas.is of tlfc Mouth and Re-pi, ratorv Organs. TP HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Ir-vy Aou ol the causes, .-ymptoui.-. and Treatment of Worms, Hots, Go'ie, Strangul.iti n, Stony Concretions,' Ruptures, Pal.-y, Diarrhoea Jaundice, Hepatirrhma, liioolv Urine, Intones in the Kidneys and Bladder, lußauia lion, auii other diseases of the Sloi(.-' uch. Bowels, Liv rand Urinary Dr. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES It ILL ti Li, ! o'i ot tue causes, symptoms, an i Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog, Bpayin, Ring-bone, Sweeni'e, Strains, Broken jvn.es. Wind Galls, founder. Sole Bruise and Gravel, Or.iokeif Hoofs, Scratches, Canker, Thrush nn l l orris; also, of Megrims, Epilepsy. Staggers, arid other diseas es of the Feet, Legs, and Head • THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES V ILL A ELL lou of rhe Cftases f HyrapLomH, anti Treatment of Fistulu, Poll Eril.Glan ders. Farcy. Fearlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, R lieu in a tlstn,' Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye ifc Heart, ic., Ac., and how to manage Castration, 7 'ceding, Trephimiing, Koweling, Firing, Hernia, Aiupn'a ttou. Tapping, and other surgical cvarions. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES I MILL IKLL YOU of Karey's Method of taming Horses; how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; Low to accus,om a bursa to strangp sounds an.l sights! and Row to Bit, Saddle. Ride, and Break him to Harness ; also, the form and law of WARIMNTY. The whola being ;Jt6 result of more than fjftee., years' carelu! study of the habile, pe culiarities, wants and weakness ot this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages, appropriately il i lustrnted by nearly One Hundred Engravings. 1 is printed in a clear and open type, and vnfl be | forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt of pi ice, half bound, $1 Ofi. or in cloth, extra,s 1,25. !$ l (K)0 AYE All %?. prising men everywhere, in sel ing the above, and j other popular works of ours. Our inducements to all such are exeeeding'y liberal. Vor singlo copies of the Book, or for terms tc agents, with other information, apply jo'or ad'dresj JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Snsom St., Philadelphia, Pa, Nov. S, 1860, — Gin. The People's Cook JBook. jIODERNIIOOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, f ; BY MISS ELIZA ACTON. CAREFULLY REVISED BY Mrs. S. J. H ALS. It Tolls You how to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most apiproved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and, Pork | also IBS best and simplest way of salting, pick ling and curing tho same. It Tells You All the various and most approved* modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, with the differenj; Dressings, Gravies, and Stufliings ap propriate'to each. It Tells i r cu how to choose, clean, and presarva Ftsh rf ail kinds, and how to sweeten it wbeu tainted; also the various and most adproved modes of cooking, witlj thedifi'erent Dressings, Sauces, and Fla vorings appropriate to each. It Tells You all the various and wgst modepof preparing over fifty different kinds of Meaf, Fish, Fowl, Gmio, and Vegetable gtimp 3 . Broths, and Stews, with the jJelLhes "id Reasonings ap propriate fo each. It Tells You ali the various and most approved podes of cooking Vegetables of ever- Hescription, also how to prepare Pickle/, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mushroons. Jkc. | TeiL Youa.i 5e vaiiious and most approved J modes of preparing and cooking >itj kinds af Plain and Fancy Pastry, Pud! dings, Omcletts, Fritters, Cakes. Con fectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and sweet Dishes ot eyery description. It Tells Yu ifll the various and lijost approved modes ot making Bread, Rusks, Muf fins, and Biscuit, the best method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and' 'p'oa, and how to make Syrups, Cordials am j. Vines of various kinds. It Tell Y'ou hew to set out and ornament a Table, hi w to Carve all kinds of' Fish, Flesß or Fowl, and in short, how to simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the cuoisest iuxu ies of the table wi hin eir erybody's reach. The book contains MS-pages. and upwards u£ twelve hundred Ite.-d'p, lof which are thi re', suits of actu.ii experience, having been fully amj carefully tesied under the personal superintend ( deuce of the writers. It is printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate cngra' ving, and will bo furwaru.ed to any address. lic4l ly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the price SI.OO, or in cloth, extra, $1.25. latit 1 \ VP t 011,1 mado by onter- A 1 EAIt prisi „ g meu everywhere, in selling the above work, our indueemcse ncnts id ! a l l such .bejng ""'y liberal. For 'single"copies of the Book, or for terni3 to ag r.is, with other information, app'y to or ad dress JOHN E. POTTER. PnMjiW, P i , l . il , lui p.u.lV F.. C. HUMKS, OAS. T. HALS, 11. N. M'A LLISTETt, A. 0. CURTIS BANKING HOUSE. Interest Juiid on Special Deposit. | HUMES, M'AL LISTER HALE & CO., BELLEFONTE, I'A.. DEPOSITS recoived, Bills of exchange amj Notes Discounted, Collections made and | proceeds remitted promptly. Interest paid ort special deposits for Ninety days, and under six months at the rate of fout per cent, per ancm'. For six months and upwards, at the r. to cf fir* percent, per annum. Exchange on the East con stantly on hand. January, 3rd. 1861. BELLEFONTE DISPENSER?, Persons in want of PAINTS, OILS, VAR NISHES, or anything' of the kind, will d well to purchase them at the Drug Store ot J. AJ. UAF.RIS, B.""kerhoff's Row, Bellefonte. Alsc' DRUGS, Mkuiciks^ POCKET KNIVES, FANCV RETICLES, PEHFUMBRY, TOBACCO, SEGARS, LIQUORS, and all the Patent Medicines made. Surgeon's and Physician's Instrument* onnstantly on hand. Call and see them. netrP I opposite the Cenrad House. : ' w -■'l , January, 3rd 1861.