Ik (Centre Democrat. & Jitmib Itefospaper—scfiaitb iliiits, SDemptrante, literature, Science, ®|e Sltcjraitics, ®|e Uurftels, ©nmrfimt, Amusement, (general gnttlligence, tfc, J. S. & J. J. BEISBIN, VOLUME 27, 1% Centre gemacrat. tSfPUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY J.S. &J. J. BRISBIN. Office in the Arcade Building, Second Floor. TERMS. $1,50 if paid in advance or within six months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari ably be oharged. No subscriptions received for a shorter period than six months and none dis continued, unless at the option of the editor, until ail arrearages are paid. BUSINESS CARPS. Office on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10 59 MTBEAXCH ARD- ™ K offiee . -AT-LAW, BKLLBUNTK, BENNA. Office fermiiy occupied by the Hon. James Burnside. Jan. 19, 'fcO.-tf. W"~ \V BROWN- WTOMEY - Al ' . LAW BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Will attend to all legal business entrusted to him, with prornpt- May, 5 '59. TIC H R A TVK IN. ATTORNEY-AT- J "LAW, B* LLKFONTK, 4 PA. will attend prompt ly to all legal business entrusted to him. Office BSX\ door to the Post Office. [Sapt. 20, 'OO, tf T? J.HOCKM AJ* , SURVEYOR AND -Li. CON VBY ANGER, BELLEFONTE, PA., _ wi 11 attend to and correctly execute all businesi en trusted te him. [June 14,-'6O, tf. ~ VJco/ L potter M. D. OFFICE on High street, (old office,) Bellefonte Pa. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional services his friends and the public. 0ct.26 58 O B. FAIRLAMB, M. D. JAS. A. DOBBINS, M. D FAIRLAMB & DOBBINS. DK. FAIRLA.UB has associated with him DR J. 3. DOBBIN s . in the practice of medicine Iffiee as heretofore on Bishop street, opposite the Temperance Hotel. March 19,57. DR. JAS. P. GR2GG, resperctfully offer his professional services to tho people o MiUaburg and vicinity. Residence, Daniel R Beileau'f National Hotel. Refer to Dr. J. M. McCoy, Dr. G. L. Potter, Dr. 3. B. Mitchell. [Nov. 3, IB6o.—tf. ttttt REIBER, SURGEON AND VV PHYSICIAN, having permanently located offers his Professional -services to the citizens of Pine Grove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully •elicits a liberal portion of the public patronage. [Feb. 16, '6o.—ly. /• J. LINGLE* Operative jaSafflgeff 1 and Mechanical Dentist, will prac- tice all the various branches of his profession in the most approved manner. Office tad residence on Spring St.BellefonW) Pa. [Mar. t. 60. tf. T ts . v RfDDLE ATTORNEY-AT iViil amend to all business entrusted to him with care and prompt- Bess. Refer to Gov. Pollock, Milton Pa. and Hon. A: G. Curtin, Bellefonte Pa. Office w.tb John H. Stover jan. 5, '6O. MUFFLI," AGENT FOR TH- Y , WEST BRANCH INSURANCE COMPANY. PR eons wishing to secure themselves from losses by lire will do well to call upon him at the store of J. R. Muffly A Co., N. E. corner of the Diamond, three doors above Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Cemtreco,Pa. Mar; 15, '6O. lv. —— WW, WHITE, DENTIST, has per a manently located in Boalsburg, Centre County Pa. Office on main st., next door to the •tare of Johnston A Keller, where he purposes practising his profession in the most scientific manner and at moderate ohargjs. mir. A O. FURST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ii- BELLEFONTE, PA., will a ttond promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Office on Northwest oorner of the Diamond. Will practice in the several Courts of Centre asd Clinton counties. Jan. 24,'61 -tf. IRA C. MITCHELL. CTRUS T. ALEXANDER MITCHELL A ALEXANDER. ATTORNEYS-AT LAW, BELLEFONTE PFNNA. Having associated themselves in ihe practice •f law, will attenl promptly to all business en trusted to their care Office in the Arcade. [No*rfl,'6o. —tf. * CONVEYANCING. DEEDS BONDS, MORTGAGES, AND AR- I TICLES OF AGREEMENT neatly and cor rectly executed. Also, attention will be given to the adjustment of Book Accounts, and accounts t Adminstratior s and Executors prepared for filing, •ffiee next door to the Post Office. Oct., 19th, '6B, WM. J. KEALSR. JOHN H. STOVER a TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW BELLEFONTE, PA., will practice his pro fession in the several courts of Centre county.— All business entrusted to him will be carefully at tended to. Collections made and all monies promptly remitted. Office, on High st. formerly eponped by Judge Burnsido, and D. C. Boal, Esq. wherehe can be consulted both in the English and iathe gersaan language. May 6,'58 —22 ly. FAS. MACM ANUS. W. P. MACMANU J: & WM. P. MACMANUS. k TTORNEY'S-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA., J\ Office in the rooms formerly occupied by Linn A Wilson, Allegheny street. Jas. Macman us has associated with W. P. Macmanus, Esq., in the practice of law. Professional business intrns tedt o their care will receive prompt attention. They will attehd the several Courts in the Coun ties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield. Jane 21, '6O, tf. XT ALE & HOY. ATTORNEYS-AT XI LAW, will attend pro nptly to all business •ntru stedto their care. Office in the building fermerly occupied by Hon, Jas. T. Hale. A CARD. Messrs. Hale A Hoy will attend to my business during my absence in Congress, and will be as sisted by me in the trial of all causes entrustedto them. J. T. HALE. jan 5*1860 CURTIN & BLANCHARD. A TTORNEY'S-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE,PENXA j\ The undersigned having associated them selves in the practise of Law, will faithfully at tend to all professional business entrusted to them in Centre, CliLtion and Clearfield counties. All collections placed in their bunds, will receive their promt attention. Office in Blanchard's new building on Allegheny street. Nov. 30 'SB CURTIN A BLANC HARD. * BJIJYKIJYG HOUSE OF WM. F.. REYNOLDS