Cfre Cciilte jpmiocrat. "BELLEFONTE, PATT THURSDAY, JAN." 31 "1861 AWT FIROWN, I - ASSOCIATE EDITOR" No Civil War. The doctrine of no civil war, says tbe Xew Yoik is good doctrine. We are not likely to have war unless it be made upon the sea against er Home Squadron. Pro viird always, that Ua.itd States prop<-rly be not withheld from its lawful owne? and Uni ted States authority be not oor rested in the ferti'Oi ivs. tud elsewhere within its juris diction. The United States own forts and ! arsenals at various points nn the coast. As ! tbey bough: the sites, and erected the forti- ; fixations, it would see'm to admit of no doubt j that they belong to tlieoi, and to ifobody e1. j If they be seized, and attempts be made to j h.*bd them, Tio one can be presumed to sup- i pese that the United States ought not to le take then. Ir. doing ibis, they make no war on anybody, they simply recover their prop erty. Ia expelling Ifcoeo who have taken ana attempt to retain it, they exercise an uu- ! questioned right for which nobody can find a pretense of blaming them- If war is to be avoided, let those who have seized the Sorts and arsenals simply surrender '.hem on the demand of their rightful owners. The Uni ted Statos will not invade any State or at tftcx its peop'e. Tuey cacnot dj this. They will have no occasiuD, unless invited to put down rebellion or insurrection. How of the Territories'? Of course the United States wiil retain and protect their Territories, as they should. They bought them, and have paid for tbem, and own them. They have always governed tfeeui tnd granted them protection. Why should they not continue to do so? It is a plain duty. But the seceding States will claim to have an interest in thorn. Of course they will, and the claim will bo cheerfully rscog uizod. Every other S cte will claim the same right, and Lav* it accorded to thc-m.—- But what is that right ? Simply the t ight to go in penesobly and occupy the land, by paying therefor. All wiil have that privi— lego. Seoeding St-tes, loyal States, or the people tbereot, white and black, native and foreign, will all et joy equal privileges. As to carrying slaves there, the Congress of the United S:ates will xegulato that, as tkey al ways have done. But the eced : pg Stales will send in an army and try to conquer the feiritoiies, or a portion of thcut, and establish Slavery therein by force of arms ? If they should do this, that would bring ou war in the Territo * Ties, But it would net last long, as the ex perience of Kansas shows. And it would net take much of an army to keep Slavery out. Slavery cannot be extended at the point of ite bayonet against a froe people who cVject earnestly to its spread. Audany war on this continent, or at lea*t tb s por tion of it. fur such a purpose, would be very brief. The struggle would soon be over ar d peace restored. We canne Presidents— Jar. Alexander, Union . das. G. McAlroy, Spring ; Lewis Iless, Pot tery J. G. Goldman, Halfmonn ; Thos. Iles lerinan, Haines; Henry McEwen, Walker; J. McCalmont, Marion ; Ira Fisher, Boggs ; Jas. Dunlap, Ferguson ; WIN. Marshall, Benner; A.N. Russel, Unionvillo; John Adams. Huston; Samuel Osmtrn. Worth; John lrvin, Howard ; Maj. F. Burkert, Miles'; Geo. Boa), Harris ; Jeremiah Mayes, Patton ; Jaccb V. Knoll, Curtin. Secretaries— W- Jl. Longwell, Bellefonte ; Jesse Conily, Spring; J, lrvin Gregg, Walk- After music by tie Bellefonte Brass Band the meeting was opened with pr tyer by 'he Rev. Thomas Sherlock. The President then stated t! e olj-ct of the meeting, after which the followirg Ci mmittee was appointed to draft Re-o)utieris : A. Boyd Hutchinson. Chairman ; 11. N. McAllister, Hmry MiEwen, John E. Ilodg er. ond'C. G. Rjman. Durir.g the absence of the Committee, Col. Brown sddresied the meeting in a speech Of over an hour in length, in which be took strong grounds agaiDst compromise mea sures. At t'oe conclusion of his remarks, Mr. A. B- Hutchinson, Chairman of 'he Com mittee on Rrsolutions, came forward and an nounced that the Committee could not agree and therefore a maj-iri'v end a minority re port wi uld be submitted. Mr- Hutchinson, in behilf of the mojori.y, submitted the fol lowing Resolutions : Resolved —That we, the members of the Republican Party of Jentre County, here as sembled, adopt the following as the declara tion if our political sentiments, in view of our present national disturbances. FIRST— That we are now, more than ever before, firnilv convinced of the necessity and perpetui'y of the Ueput'hcuti Par y. That we believe its principles as laid down in the Chicago Platform to be just to all s< crior.s of the country ; right in themselves, and en tirely conformed to the letter and spirit of the Constitution. SECOND —Thai W9 will firmly resist any change or amendment of the Constituii in of the United States, believing that cur past prosperity has demonstrated its wisdom, and that our Fathers made all the concessions to the Slavery interest which security required or justice would ftdtpii, THIRD— That we totally deny, as ridicu lous ami absurd the charge, that the Repub lican Party is responsible for the troubles which have fallen upon the country ; that we believe they have had their origin in the treasonable schemes of ambitious men ; and tiieir aid and comfort in the imbecility of our Executive Government, the unfounded prejudices of our Southern brethern, and the stud'td misrepresentations of an unscrupu lous partisan press. FOL-RTH —We totally deny the exieter c# of any legal right of any S;aie, under any cir cumstance/, to resum" 'he powers t.nco dele ga'td to the genetal Government, or in any way to seperate i self from the Union. FIFTH—WE are opposed to the repeal of the so-called L bony Bill of Pennsylvania ; be lieving that it was nor. enacted in a spirit of retaliation towards our Southein b:eme hackneyed notions of his childhood, or to have fx en de'ared, at some period of the pas', hy some chimney corner c> unc i of literary ow's, to be founded in her esy. Nothing bespeaks the gentleman, the scholar, the man of travel, so quickly as a willingness, at all times, to submit his opin ions to the inspection of those from whom he differs on nil imaginable subjects if there cannot be found two leaves of the forest pre cisely alike—if two human faces cannot be found to correspond—if there be a shade of difference between even two blades of grass in the field—if there he not two lilies in the valley which the delicate pencil of nature has fashioned precisely alike—-if evfih two drops of water will not balance in the miero seopio scale —if, in short, contrast, and not uniformity, is-the universal law of nature, why should we erpct a Procrustean bed upon which to rack the opinions and sentiments of mankind? We are to day what our fathers were a ft-w hundred years ago. Thty believ ed the earth to be a fiat surface and the great center around which the Universe was proud to revolve ; they believed it proper to destroy even their own fathers, and motkers, anil children, when they as-umed the f rms of witches and wizards, and, instigated by the d'vil, passed through ky holes and toimenc ted trie r neighbors' dreams and killed their cattle by the me-e exercise or Will ; they be lieved, in Old Virginia, as late as the mid dle of the Beventienth wr. right to bring a man to the whipping post, or take his life, if he nbs> n el hiwue f 'rum chutch Wo now our fathers, hut our chil dren in turn will criticise us, and will laugh as heartily at" our foilios us we now laugh at fulbes of those that have gone be'ore us. But we must reply to the q lesrio i of our correspondent: "WE AT WIULD BE TEE COST UF COERCION ?" / In the first place, let us remark, however, thtit by the phrase ''bloody coercion," we did not intend to convey the idea that we do not tleprecate as a calamity of gigantic dimen sions, the necessity of resorting to srnied fi>rce for the purpose of preserving tie Union. We had fondly hoped tli/.t such a necessity would not arise, and that tiie " sober-second thought" of the people would he on the side of law and order. We sincerely trust, even yet that our brethren in the North and in the South will be able to settle the questions which distract them, and that they wiil, ere long greet each other not es enemies, but as friends —friends linked together ly conid erations of interest, happiness, admuutl safety, altogether to> exnl'ed to he sacrificed upon the ignoble alter o f pers >nal prejudices and partisan ranc ir. We believe, however, as we have be ieved from the beginning, that the laws must be executed. that St c B.on and Nulhficati >n, which are identical in otigin, principle and effect, must be met (if the dis ease cannot be reached by the mild argu ments of reason) by the itr .rg arm of mili tary power. This is precisely the view of this question taken by Waehinittoii, Madison, Monroe, Jefferson, Webster, W infil l i Scott, Wool, Stewart, and all the lead ng statesmen and soldiers of the paßt and present age. If we are wrong, we enjoy at least the satisfac tion of Knowing that we are in the company of those whom the country, from its founda tion, has most delighted to honor. But we are asked what wiil be the cost of coercion. From this question, we infer that our correspondent believes that it would re quire an immense sacrifice of men and money to bring back the seceding States. Let u see. It will not be necessary, it is possible, to transport a single nan acrt ss the soil of the S "Uth. Mr. Jefferson believed the trup policy in quelling a rebellion like that of S uth Carolina to consist in tnc emplovment of the navy, instead of the nrmy. We ate compelled to maintain our Flops of war, and (m view of the rapid increase of the war na vies ot Europe and Great Britian) to cootin ualiv add to their numbers, whether any of the States of the Union secede or not. Has it occurred to our correspondent that it will cost no more to maintain these grim ocean giants off the harbors of Charleston. Savan nah, Appalachian)*, Mobile and Galveston, and the mouth of the Mississippi river, than it. will to support them in the vicinity of Long Island and Cape Cod ? Has it occurred to him that the South has not, and could not se cure in a dozen yeats, even if permitted to enjoy the advantages of uninterrupted com merce, the war vessels necessary 0 fnable her to contend successfully with the present navy cf the United Smtes ? Has it occur ted to hiui that the prizes alone which would be captured by our seamen, would be suffi cient to pay the expenses of a blockade from the Chesapeake to the Rio Grande ? Has it occurred to him that an effectual blockade of six months—not courting the immense loss es by the capture or prizes—would involve in bankruptcy and general ruin, all the Cot ton States of the Union ? Has it occurred to him that all the advantages of the carrying trade which the South has so long enjoyed, would, at once, be forfeited, and added to tbe capital stock of tbe North? It is not necessary to " coant tbe coet of Coercion." If not a soldier ehould be eeat to the Soatb, the South would still be the •at sufferer in ease of a separation. The ral effect alone ot the formation ot a South ern pro-slavery Empire nt the instance, and under the sole nusyices of o State like South Carolina, would be ielt throughout Europe, and the strong sinews of Southern wealth and enterprise wou'd wither and die under the blighting curses which weuld be instinc tively buried upon them from the'galleries of the civilized world. The right to coeree rebellious States into submission, is unquestionable ; the policy of bringing them to terms by immediately blockading their ports, we cannot for a mo ment doubt. We hope no blood will be shed, but, if treason cannot be suppressed without the shedding of Mood, we say, LET TUE WORST COME. — Cincinnati Tunes. What is Conservatism We notice that a number of Democratic sheets, and theif attendant demagogues, ore assailing the Republican party as lacking in conservatism, because its leaders refuse to ac cept the thousand and one plans of aee.-ui modati>>D prepared for them by the Consti tution-tinkers at Washington, Some have even gone so far as to aver that if civil war is the result of 'he present complications, the guilt ihereof v ill lull on the Republicans.— Under any other circumstances a charge of this character would deserve only contempt, but at the prrsent ii:ne the prevalence of such an idea, ridicslous as it is, may possi bly have serious consequences. Still, we have very little to say in reply, more than this: Conservatism is not cowardice—it does Dot mean desertion of fundamental princi ples of right and wrong—it does not imply the surrender of the Government-into the hands of a vicious and rebellious people— and than all. it does not mean a giving up of the future destinies of this greßt and free republic to the domination of a clique of slave breeding oligarchs. Bo far as we can see nohing less thar. entire and eternal sub mission wntlid satisfy the demands i f the se cession baders. They will have the wlmle or none. They will rule or mm. This be ing the case, we believe that thf Republi cans, and the more reasonable Dera c ats, are prepared to fully endorse the firm and inan'y position of their represi ntn'ivis.— Such submission as the South demands is out of the question, and sucb concessions as we c -u'd reasonably grant, without a sacrifice of honor or principle, wcti'd be unavailing therefore we must stand firm. If n -thing but a fight will answer the purposes of the rebels, much as all true patriot* would regret it, n fight they can have. If they must at tack Uniled States forts, ships, arsenals and custom houses, the Government must defend the national property and punish all rioters and tebels with due severity. * States, as S-ates, are not recognized in this quarrel.— There is nor, nnd cannot he, any such thing ns " coercion of a S'ft'e"—Go'.eriunen t da's altogether with individual men, nw ug allft giance to the United Stales. llamsbnrg Telegraph. C£s""Tbo indictment of Secretary Floyd by the grand jury of tHe District of C'lutn bia, f >r complicity in the late malversation of bonds in the Department of the Interior, will give universal satisfaction among honest m°n. It is humiliating to the national pride that one who has occupied ro high a position a member of the cabinet, and a constitu tional adviser of the Presid> ut —should be arraigned for an offence which, if provtd, would, according to law, consign him to the penitentiary. No such instance has before occurred in '.lie history tf the government But the higher the position the more degrad ed the net, and the worse the example, if the secretary is guilty, his condign punish ment will be a vindication of iaw such as will do more than anything else to re-estnb I.t-h the old standard of ollicial probity. If he is innocent, the trial will do bi;u g"od gerv'eo in relieving his na tie from one of the stigmas which rested upon it when lie left office. We do not say the worst stigma, fur even p"*itive swindling is. to our mind, a lighter offence than abusittg bis > fficial trus's in emptying northern aisenals. as he indis putably d d, for the behoof of those who, he knew, were designing a subversion of the government which he had sWorn to def-nd. Ju-tice, we fear, h is a long account to se'tle with the gentleman whoso vociferously har anguid us in Wall street in 1856! And if so, we hope she may get her dues.—N. I'. World. . Igy- We have this day stricken from our exchange lint The Cent\e Democrit and 7 he Central Press, both republican papers pub lished at Bc-llefnnte. Pa , their editors in their last issues having proven themselves liars, villiflers aud blackguards. Oh. Mr. Dunham, how could yon ? Indeed, indeed, we don't know what we tci<7 do if you stop tbe Where are we to get our blackguard articles if you don't send us your paper? You don't know how you will inconvenience you would not strike us from your books. Our family likes your paper, it is so handy. We have no* used any oologne about the house since we got it—the boys say it makes such good kindling and shaving paper, and then we have tied up all our apple butter crocks with it. Now, Mr. Dunham, don't be so heartless —dc send us the Watchman, or a lock of your hair. Fred Ku'tz The saucv little Editor of the Berichter, was in town this week, and d d not forget to pay our snr.ctura a visit. He looks fine, and is as full of fun as ever. Politically, we dif fer very widely with Fred, but personally we agree perfectly. We like him, for he is bold and manly. Mr. Kurtz is the only Demr* cratic Editor in this County, he gives hard blows and expects to get them buck, and when he gets a knock, (unlike the ninnies of the Watchman he don't pout about it) but strikes back like a man. Fred has got a young wife, and from the bottom of our heart we wish him joy. May his posterity be numerous., aod may he long live aad re pent of his poli ical atna before be dies. A PRATER FOR MAJOR ANDERSON. —An Indianapolis paper says that un lust Sunday, in that city, at the closing eiereises of a meeting at one of the Methodist Episcopal Churches, Bishop Ames, a man of strong Djuglus Democratic sympathies, though a patriot still, astonished and thrilled the con gregation bv the following payer : We thank thee. 0! God. that while trea son stalks abroad in high places, there is one man who loves bis country ! -one man whe will defend his country's flag! God bless and protect the gallant Major Anderson and his noble band!" The " amens" which came up from the brethren around, were loud and enthusias tic, and when .the congregation arose from their knees. > mi es and tears weie aejn Strug gliog in mat y a countenance. ®@- The Hudson River Riilroad has pa triot'oally refused transportation to all can non and other warlike stores dsetined to South Carolina. Quite a number of cannon were offered at Troy oa Friday morning and peremptorily refused- They will otisee* quectly have to seek some other mode *f transportation t<> New York city. NEW STORE! HAEDWABE HABDWABE > | iVICDTOEBX/'* f \\x StLLtfONi i. y pfnn ' sir cf slliss 'IMIK undersigned would respectfully inforn. i. the citizens of Centre eouoty that they have opened ft HARDWARE STORE in the Room foimerly occupied by Wilson & Bro. l on the Northwest corner of iho Diamond. They have selected their stock with great care, and are prepared to sell goods from fifty to one hundred per eeut lower than can be had at any other place. The ladies are particT Larly invited to call and examine their assortment of cutlery. They ear nestly solicit a ilberal portion of the public pa tronage. and will take every pains to please. Thev ha*e constar.tlv on hand a variety of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, Riffles, Shot Guns, and Locks of every descrip tion. CItOSS CUT, Mill AXD CIRCULAR SA IP.?, And ail vatrieties of HAMD-BACK, GRAFTIXQ AXD PAXXEL SA WS. Broad, Hand and chopping Axs. Butchers lav er and choppers. DRAWING KNIVES. HAMMERS, HATCH ET f>, CHISLE3. and ADZES. HAY, MANfI/fK AND SPREADING KIRKS. EDGE TOOLS OF EVERYDE6CRIPTIOS. CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. PAINT AND DUSTING BRUSHES, NAILS, PAINTS, OIL. GLASS &, PUTi V, CO A L OIL AND I, AMI A'. DDLEII Y HARD WARE. COACH TRIMMIG Also. COFFIN FIXTURES, * And everything that is generally kept in a well regulated Hardware Stoie. Terms Cash. BAXIRESSLR A CRIST. Bellefonte, april 26, '6O. —y. Conner & 11 AVE OPEXED The largest assortment of goods ever before offered for sale by them, consisting, as heretofore of all such staple goodsas are usually kept in a country store, together with all the NSW STYLES IN MARKET. DIIESS GOODS. Black and Fancy Silks, Brocades, Madona's De- Beges, Bsrnges, Barage delains, Delaius. Cbaili delains, Poplins, L-stres, Alpacas, Bombazines, Lawns. Ginghams. Chintz. Brilliants, Chnlli Crape- Mareis, Tuujore Cloth. Robes and Traveling Dress Goods. A L S 0. A large assortment of mouruiug goods. ALSO. Black Silk, Thibit Cashmere Crape and Stilla shawl?, Mantillas, Cashmere Scarfs, and Shawl Trimmings. ALSO, Cloths, Cassimers. Satinet!*, Cashmeres, Kentue ky-Jeans, Drills, Duck;, Cottonados and READY MADE CLOYUIAG ALSO. Ladies' slid Gents' Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts, Ladies Collins and Under Sleeve?, Laces and Edgings. ALSO, Oiled Windew Blinds, Plain and Ornamented, Li nen aud Lace Curtains. Gilt Cornice for Blinds, T able Covers ana Floor Cloths. ALSO. Onkford'3 Hats always on hand, together with Straw Goods, Bonnets, Shakers, Ribbons, Ariiu ciais and Bonnet Trimmings. ALSO. A very arge assortment of Shoes aud Boots for men, women and children, ALSO, Qucensware, Cedurwure and Groceries. ESPECIALLY WOULD TONNER & STEEL CALL THE ATTENTION OF MECHANICS & BUILDERS To their much enlarged stock of Hardware Sad dlery and Coach Trimmings. Bellefonte, Oct. 11,-60 —!f.. Millinery Goods ALARGb' and splendid assortment of Millinery Goods has just been received at the Store of MRS. E. 11. GRAF!US. Among other things, may be found a fine assort ment of VELVET. SHE AXD STRAW BOXXETS, purcliashoJ in the city, and trimmed in the latest and most fashionable styles. Having employed u first class milliner from the City she feels prepared to execute all orders with which she may bo favored. ALSO : Whitman's best candies for sale MRS. E. II GRAPH'S. P Refer ft' Nov. Ist—'6o' if. HSSD QUARTERS. CENTRE BATTALION. Pine Grove Mills, Jan. 31st 1861. To the Companies of Centre Hat tat ion. In view of our present flisting National difficulties and in r.badiem-e to the orders of our commanding officer Brig. Gen Jonathan Wolf, you are hereby notified to be in readiness to march, at one day's notice to defend the Constitution and the Union,should the uov t rnment need your setvices- J.IRVIN ROSS. Commanding. STRAY. —Came to the residence of the subscri ber in Harris twp., about October last a yearling b o* twp., dee'd,, granted to the undersigned, who requests all per- Bons knowing themselves indebted to make im mediate pay mem, and all those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN THOMPSON, Ex'r. Jan. 24,' 61. 6t. LETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of Eli jah Buyce, lato of Ferguson twp., dee'd., have bien granted to the undersigned, who re quests all persons knowing themselves indebted to make immediate payinen , and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. SARAH BOYCE, Exc'rx. Jan. 24, '6l; fit. IN UND In tbo Court House, on Wednesday . inorninr, a ladies Victorene. It is supposed someone lot it while attending tb® Concert of the Bellefonte Brass Band on Tuesdsy evening. The owner will please call at.thii,office, and after thaDking the editor for the notice she can have tha Victorene. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. D. S DUNHAM. AYER'S CATHARTIO Ara you slok, ftcMe, and l_V complain in*! Are yon out of v. /*eCr;"7T-—order, with your eysteu d*. Kg-~—Jmc&i ranged, and your feelings un. .' E U.RIPC coiulorUUle 1 These sytnp. cNllW'AUKt<'ins me often the include to m , A,.' ErML serious iiiues?. borne lit of rJfcfeWSzi'fiSWw sickness is creeping npim yon, ! aud should be averted by a U "U4. -V mSj.l'gla timely use of the right veia fiSsSifS cdy. Take A vera a*l { cleanse out the disordered hvfr morn—purify the blood, and 1u. ,0t t,l n,ove 011 uuo^ {' strnctcil in health again. rThey stimulate the fnucti*i 5 tt hotly into vigorous ac- tivity, puiify ilio system from the obstructions which lu&k# disease. A cold settles 9om struct* its nature 1 function*. Those, if not relieved, react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro* during general Aggravation, Buffering, and di.ieuaou While in tlii* condition, oppressed l>y Hi" take Avar's I'ilk nu'l ice how directly tlngr restore the natural action of tho ay *t>m and with it the buoyant fueling of healHi Hg.tiu. What i true aud so apparent la this trivia! and common coniplniut. u also true in man/ of the deep seated and dangerous dutempofs. The snuie purgative effect expels them. Ciuwjd by siuiiiar chut ruc tion* and derailgmneuts of tlie natuml functions of tho h.xlv. they are rapidly, and many of Ukmu mirely, cured hy tho sums inoaii". None who know tho virtu** of UJOMO Pills, will neglect to employ them trnou sua'eriug froui the disorders they otire. Statements from leading pliyaMans in some of t.i# principal cltios, and from other well known public yei)- sons. From a Forwarding Merchant < f St. Louis, M. 4,156 C. Ps. ATKR: Your Pills are the paragon of nil thnt U great in medicim*. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous toi*os upon her hand* and feet that laid proved iucnrahle for years. Her mother has been long griev ously afflicted with Idotciie-* aud pimples on lior skin ami in her hair. After our child woe cured, she alw Uied your i'ilis, aud they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDQB. As a Family PSiyeic. From Dr. K. W. (\irtwnght, Ntw OrUant. Ynur Pill* are the priure of purges. Their c- tice proved luoro effectual for the cure of 4 lions cm plaints tiinu any uuo remedy 1 can mention. I sincerely rqjoico that wo bavo at leugth a purgative which is vrw*- Ihy tire wuuSdouve of the profusion und lite po.-;;i. PCPARTMLST CF THE I>7*B*o6, > SIR: I have used your Pill* in my general end Lotpitnl practice ever sinco >ou made them, und caiiuot heaitme to aiy they are tho best cathartic wo employ. Their regu lating action on the liver is quick and derided, conse quently they are uu admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. JudueU, I lints n.ldmu foipul u cuee.of hilious UMUSC BO cbbiiimto that it did not readily yield la them. Araurnaiiy yiiiM, Ai.ONZ> UALi , Al. lV llt ys.cian of the liar in t UvyUJU. Dysentery, Diarrltccn, Uelux, Warm*.. Ft urn Dr. J. (J. (Ji ten, of Cmcago. Yonr rilU have had u long 1 riul in my practice, aud I hold them in I'ltevii) as one of the best per ion la 1 huve tover found. Their alterative tffticl upon the llvor makw them an excellent remedy, when given in email dose 9 for bilious dysentery and tli>tn'hoeu. Their nugur-coHlibg makes them very uccepUUe und convenient for the uw of women ami children. Dyipcpsla, Inipnrliy of the Blood. From Jit v. J. Y. Unites, i\istor of Advent-Church, Rosto*:. Da. Ateb: I linv# used your Pills with extraordinary tuccus* in my family uiul among those 1 am called to visit iu distress. To regulata tho organs of digestion and purify tlio Mood, they are the very host remedy i inure. ever known, and 1 can confidently rwcounucud tlit© te my friend*. Yours, J. Y. illMhci. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Oct. *D4, 1555. T)car Sih: I UM using your o*tliAt ti i'LLL* lu iny pnu* tice, aud find them an excellent to vlucnav 111# system and purify the fountain i of U>t bio ml. JOHN Ci. iiEALTIAYf, M. D. Confttlpatioß, CoMlvtiteifi, SpiuciAlo, llheuuinti*ui, tiout, IVclirblglit, Uaa>|i •y, Paralytic, PiU, etc. From Ft. J. J*. Yiwyhft, Muiitreul, Ca'iaua. Too much cannot be Raid of your l'llls for the cure -f cut''rent ss. If others of our fraternity have found them iw efficacious as 1 have, they should join me iu proclaim ing it fur the benefit of tho multitudes who suiter from that complaint, which, ulthough bad enough In itwlf, N the progenitor of others that are worse. 1 behove d/.v tt'vcness to originate i*i tlie liver, but your l'ills affect that organ and euro the disc:ud. Front Mrs. K. 8 unit, I'hysician and Midwife, Fc-stm. T find one or two large dopes of your Pills, taken nt tho proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural vers lion when wholly of partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse tlio tloumdt mid expel ivnrmi. Tiief are so much tin* l en physic wo hav# that i rccouimoudl no other to my putieuts. From the lie v. Mr. Uawkes, oflhe Methodist Kpis. Church. Pci.AMti Ifncse. Savannah, G*. .lan. 0. 1S&0. llojroTtr.D Sik: 1 should ho ungrateful f>r tin? relief your skill lias brought mo if i did not report tuy case to you. A cold sr-ltled iu my limbs and brought on excrur ciating nenrafov: joti of, w Inch ended in chronic rhenma* tism. Notwithstanding 1 hud tin* he.-t of pli tb# disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice cf your excellent agent in iialtiiuore. Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills, 'i heir effects were slow, hut sine, lly lajrssvering iu tho use of them, 1 iuii now entirely well. Spxatz Chamber, Pnton Pongs, LA.. 6 Dec. 1956* T>n. Aven : I have been entirely emed, by yur Pills, cf Rheumatic Gout—u painful diseaso that had aflllcted me for years. YINCKNT KLIDLLL ££%* Meat cf the Pills in market contain Mercury,, ythich, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, U dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse quence* that frequently follow its incautious um. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxea for sl. Prepared ty Dr. J. C. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Man. Sold by J. Harris A Co., Dellefon'e; J, Biogv Unionvillo; K, D. Cuminiag?, Port Matilda; Hfcbl.r A Co., Stormbtown ; 11. Foster, Millheim; D. 0. Dower, and Gross A Y*arick, Aarwnzburg; C. G. Kym&n, Wilesburg, and by one trader in every village in the count-y. Jan. 10, 'fil. —iy. HONOR THE DEAD? " BELLEFOXTE MARBLE WORK*. HAVING just returned from the Eastern mar ket v here I have purchased a lurgeandex trnsive stock of marble at greatly reduced prices I am prepared to fill all orders with which I may s he favored, with promptness and despatch, My stock includes tho best quality of foreign and do mestic marbles. 1 have employed in my establishment some of the best and most experienced workmen in the State, and persons who have her -vfore patronis ed ma can testify to the superio* workmanship bithin execution and design which I manufac ture. Persons who desire marble tombstones, tabic tops, or anything into which the article can bo manufactured will do well to give me a call. All work delivered free of charge. Shop on Spring street, North of the Presbyte rian Caurch. WM. GAHAQAN. Jan. 24, IS6I A O. FURST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, l±. pKLLtro-NTK, Pa., will attend promptly to all bu'iacss entrusted to his care. Office oa Northwest corner of the Diamond. Will practice in the seerval Courts of Centre and Clearfield ccuntie3. Jan. 24,'61 -tf. Axe Factory & Houses For Rent. THE Bellelonte Axe Factory, oapa bie 0 liiriiishinjj twenty dozen axes p%r daj now in the occupancy of Harvey Mann. ALSO, The dwelling house on High Street, with or without the frame building new occupied by J. V. Thomas, For partioulare apply to IVM. A. 1 IIQ.MAS. Bellefonte, Dec. 13, 'GO.—6t. LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of Fred'k. Shank, late of Howard twp., dec'tl., granted to the undersigned who requests all per sons knowing themselves indebted to make im mediate payment, ahrl thoso have claims to pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. CHKISTIAN SHANK, Adm'x. - Jan. 34, '6l. t- , : DLEYDEN A CO., hare just received a fine -j m yssor'inect of Fall and Winter Steeds whieh they offer very low for eeeh er country prodaew, < Nev. S, lggh. -tf, ,