Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 24, 1861, Image 3

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    JWI gtpdnmit
THURSDAY, JAN., 24 1861.
The Inauguration Trip.
At a meeting, on the
8 h of January, the BeUefonte FenciWes re
•olved to attend the Inauguration of Gov.
Curtin. Accordingly, on Monday the 14tb,
the coropauy composed of iif'y fi ? e neo. un
der the command of Cap** Mitchell, started,
for Harri-tburg. During the day snow con
tinued to fall, rendering the trip between
this and Lewistovvn very disagreeable. e
arrived at Lewiatown about G o'clock, and
quartered at the Lewistown IL>use, whore a
tuost umptU"U>upper was prepared tor us.
A' 11 o'clock we took up our line of inarch
h.r the Depot. After waiting for half an
kturoui cars were greeted by the welcome
aound of the whistle, and when the train
flopped we were ordered into our " special
car.'' We found, upon entering, neither
light nor fire. T.iis, ol course, was very
agreeable after having ridden thirty miles or
more through the storin and cold. Wo came
to the conclusion if that was traveling in a
"special car," Wc would, hereafter, pay our
fare and ride comfortably. A pleasant and
cheerful trip of about two hours brought us to
liarneburg. Here we thought to fi.id rent :
but were again doomed to disappointment.—
IV a found every Hotel full—no rooms, to
beds for the Feooiblos We stopped at the
U. S Hotel, and were turned loose into the
parlor, whore we Bought rest upon the floor.
Morning soon dawned, anlwe were called
to prepare for the pleasures of the day, which
consisted in inarching tc and fro through the
joy streets of that great city.
At 9 o'clock the companies were ordered
cat and formed into procession on .Market
Street, and took up their line of march, halt*,
ing at the residence of Gov. Packer, to take
up his Excellency", and at the Jones House,
for Gov. Curttti arriving at the Capitol at
12 e'ciock. While I'JO processiou was in
motion a salute of tlurty-thico Runs was
fired front Capitol Hill.
At 12 o'clock, the Governor elect, the reti
ring Governor, the Heads of the Depur -
merits, ut.d members of the faeoate and
House, appealed on the platform orec'.el for
the occasion, in front of the Capitol. Toe
Inauguration services wets then conducted
m the regular manner. The Governor then
proceeded to ueuver b:a Inaugural Address,
which .was listened to with marked attention.
After ibe delivery of the Address, the pro
cession again furrued. and proceeded tu Mar
ket Square, where the military were review
ed by Guv. Cur. in and then dismissed. Al
together the day unusually lively.
At 3 o'clock on Wednesday morning, we
took ill a cars for Lcw'.rtowD, wbe e wa ar
rived at day-light. We tarried there a short
time and then st&rteJ tor hums, where we
arrived ip the eveuitig. Since the trip,
Btany of those who wont from this place
bsve been very unwell, from the undue ex
pcct'.re to which they weie subjected.
A few Y3"rds to our Frionds.
- Now friends
•what ; vre hav* to say. is simply this. We
fci4V9 weighty obligations to west r>'o.t
and ia order to meet them and pay our debts
we mu: t make one mighty effort to raise
money, and in this wcrk you have the prin
cipal part to perform. We know that the
flutes are hard and money scarce, and tup.u if
tho very reason why we need money. The
very reason. \i y we are obliged to call upon
you. We hope that our friends, who expect
to come to town next week, will call at our
office and pay at loaet a portion "f their in
Wd hive now fairly entered upon nnnthcr
rear, this being the fourth numbet of Yul
utne twanty-scven. Our friends who arc in
the habit of paying us in advurce, will cot.-
(er great favor by paying us Dcxt week.—
And to those who hav not paid us lor lat
year we would say, that they are justly in
deb'ed to us to the amount of two dollars,
according to our teime, but any such who
will, during Court, pay us the sum of three
dollars, we will give a receipt for two years
in full.
Now friends, p'-easo remember us next
week. By attending to this you may save
us much trouble.
The power of popular music was well
illustrated in Ilartford, Conn., on Christmas
Eve. A supper was given to the children of
the " Morgan Street Mission School," aud
the press says everything passidoff ns deco
rously as a Sunday School should, until,
•whilst they were devouring the " goodies,"
the har.d struck up " Dixie." In an instant
the boys were singing, at the top of tbsir
"l wish I was in Dixie—
Hooray! Iloorsy !
In Dixie's land I'll take my stsnd
And lib aud dig ;n lijxie'?; land I
Away, away, away duwn souf in Dixie."
The teacher's tried to look grave, and said
" s-s-h-h I" with a warning finger lifted ; but
St was uo use ; they gave it up, and joined in
eong and the general amusement. It
was.'not ezaotly a Suuday School song, but
seemed to do the boys a '* heap o' good." -
Said a grinning little darkey, rolling the
whites of his eyes up to the city missionary,
"Wc couldn't help it, Maasa. If dey didu't
want us :o sing Dixie, de band no business
to play such jolly tunes 1"
A Warning" to Euchre Players.
A young man
in Rochester, who is very find of euchre,
and also very fund of the daughter of a pil
lar of one of the churches, was taking tea at
the house of his adored a fhort time since,
and had some fruit cake offered hint. Reing
somewhat confused on account of his situa
tion, as the cake was held out to him, he
cried out, "I pas?.'' Tha father hearing
bim, and having pJajed some in his younger
days, wis horror struck at his infaruaiion for
the game, and thought he would teach him a
lesson. He spoke bluntly—" You pass, do
you! then I order you up—And there's the
<>E*jr } I pbetl oreke match t* '
A Sopg for tiic Times.
The following song,
though written years ago, soils the times so
well that we giye it a plaoo in oqr col
umns : y
The blood that flowed at Lexington,
And crimsoned Lake Champlain,
Streams still along the southern gulf
And by the lake# of Maine ;
It flows iD veins thatewell al-ore
Pacific's golden sand.
And throbs in hearts that lore
And grieve by dark Atlantic's strand.
CHCIBUS. —Then who will dare!
Then who will dare ?
Then who will dare to sunder f
Then who will dare?
Then who wilt dare ?
P.e-ccbo it iu thuuder I
From where Columbia laughs to greet
The smiling western wave,
To where Potomac sighs beside
The patriot hero's grave;
And from the streaming everglades ;
To Huron's lordly flood,
The glory of the nation's past
Thrilis thro' a kindred blood 1
Cauftrs. —Then who will dare ? Ao.
It is a sacred legacy
| Ye never can divide,
I Nor take from village urchin,
Nor the son of city pride ;
Nor the hunter's white haired child,
J Who finds a fruitful home,
' Where nameless lakes are sparkling bright, ]
Where lonely rivers roam!
CIIORIS. —Then who will dare ? Ao.
Green drew his sword at Eu,Uw' field
And bleeding Southern feet
i Trod bold across the Lola Ware
| Aturd the suow and sleet;
• And, to !■ upon the parchment
Where the natal reeord shines,
The burning page of Jefforson
Bears Frank'in's calmer Hues.
Ciionirs. —Then who will dare? Ao.
i Say, can the South sell,out her share
In Bunker's hoary height ?
Or can the North givo up her bones
Of Yorktown's closing fight ?
Can ye divide *uh equal hand
A heritage of graves?
Or rend in twain t'.e starry flag
That o er them proudly w -ves ?
Cnoßt'B.—lheu who will dare? Ao.
We are in
formed that the, Cameron Infantry rnot at
1 I? alsburg. on Saturday last, and look action
:on the present national excitement. They
' resolved to offer their services to the Govrrn
cnent, and whon the vote was put, be it said
| to their credit, every man in the company
| voted to go and serve his country. This ia
| a move in the right direction, and vre
I disappointed if their < sample is not followed
! by every company in the County. Fhe Catr.-
i eron Infantry is a fighting, not a fancy e.itn
-1 puny. Most of the u,ec who now compose
the "Infantry" were members of fhe "Penns
Valley Cadets." when we had command of
that company, and they are as brave a set of
fellows as ever carried a musket. Capt. Mc-
Farland is full ol pluck, and should the "In
fantry" ho accepted, they will do their full
share ef the
Bellefucte Fenciblej>.
The Lock Haver,
Watchman, ol last week, contains a scurri
lt us anitle oo the Felicities—it is a t'esue of
I'al.-ebonds from beginning to end. The big
gest coward in the company has more cour
agj than Dunhatn. The Fencibles are ready
and every man will march in defence of bis
j cocrrry, should his s> rvices be needed. Mr.
| Dunham, you have acted the blackguard by
S reflecting upon the courage of our fellow cit
' izens. To say the least of it, your attack is
ill-natured, unjustifiable, and untrue.
Wc desi>-e to call the attention of
iur readers to the Dental Card of our friend
•J. J. Lirigis. Mr. Lingle has long been en
gaged in this profession, and is acknowledge
ed to be skilled in his business. Persona
wishing new teeth inserted, or old ones re
moved, can nut do better than to call at his
Office ou Spring Sireet.
IVlarblo Work*.
We have heretofore neglec
tod to notice the fact that the Marble Works
of Mr. V/m. Gahagan, have been removed to
the Northern part of Spring Street. See ad
vertisement in another eolutnn.
FotatoesS ant eA.
We wish tfcat some of our
patrons who are indebted to us, would bring
us a iot of potatoes. We care rot bow maDy.
Sind them in immediately.
Tit HE following accounts have been examined
X and passed by me, and ketnain filed of rec
ord iu tliis office for the inspection of Hairs, Leg
atees, Creditors and a 1 others in any way inier
i ested, 6ml will be pv3euted to the next Orph lis*
i Court of Centre county, to be held at Belletonte
on Tuesday the day of January next, for al
lowance and confirmation :
Ist. Tile account of T. M. Hall' Adm'r. of Geo,
Swaitz. of Spring township, dee'd.
2d. The account of E C. Hunics. Executor or
John Seibert, late of Benrier twp , dee'd.
3d. The aeount of Jacob S. Siiopo and Eman
uel Shrozer, Adtu'rs. of Adam Shrozeh, lute of
Boggs twp„ dee'd:
4th. The account of John Ruble. Adta'r. of Juo.
Houdcr, lute of Marion twp. dee'd.
6th. The account of John Rishcl, Guardian of
Susuu, Anna. George and Mary Crawl, minor
children o' Win. Krawl, late of York Co-, dee'd,
6th. The account of John W. Sholl, Exec'r. of
the estate of John Sholl, late of MiloS .township,
7th. account of W. A. White, Exeo'r. of
Chas. Dingte, late of Walker twp.. dee'd.
'Bth. The account of Michael Uliicb, Guardian
of Mary and Rebecca Kunklc, minor children of
John Kunkle, late of Rotter twp , dee'd.
Bih. The account of Samuel Beackdel and Nel
son Askey, Exec'rs., of Christian D. Bechdel, late
of Liberlv twp., dee'd.
10th. The account of Robe.t Goheen, Adm'r. of
Jane Gohocn, late of Ferguson twp., dee'd.
11th. Tht account of' John Touts, Adm'r., of
David Bartholomew, late of twp.. dee'd.
12th. The final acconnt of Jeremiah Kline,
Adm'r., of Dauiet Kline, late of Gregg township,
13th. The account of Samuel Moyers, Adm'r.,
of Wm. Ii ilcGhee, late of Mifes twp., dee'd.
Wll.H. LONGWELL, Register,
Register's Office, BeUefonte, 1
Centre Co., Dec. 24, '6O. to. j
MHHnery Goods
ALARGF and splendid assortment of Millinery
Good? has iust heen received at fhe S tore of
- "MRS. E. H. GRAFIUS. "
Among other things, may be'found a fine assort
uiett of "
\ purchashed in tab city, and trimmed in the latest
i and most fashionable styles.
■ j Having employed a first class milliner from the
City she feels prepared to exeonUi all orders with
whioh she maybe favored.
. | Whitman's beA candies-for sale
RellMnpte 4 Vfrv- Is*—'o _—tf.
*S?*K3E3ES C~ < ."3gs'rer'nr a -g=s Tfss- 232S3XSO£€>O^S.-®i. , '^ il
Great Work on tlie Horse.
WILL TELL Yon of the Origin, History and dis
tinctive traits of the variooa breeds of
European, Asiatic, African and Amer
ican the physical forma
tion and peculiarities of the an mal,
and how to ascertain his age by the
number and condition of his teeth J
illustrated with numerous explanato
ry engravings
WILL TALL YOU ol Bleeding, Breaking, Stabling,
Ftediig. GrcoxniDg, Shoeing, and I
the general management of the horss.
will the best modes of administering
medicine, also, how to treat Biting
Kicking, Rearing. Shying, Stumbling,
Crib Biting, Restlessness, and other
vices to which he is subject; with nu
merous explanatory engravings.
WILL TELL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and
Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat,
Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, B.ron
ehitis. Pnenmouia, Pleurisy, Broken
Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring and
Whistling, Lampas, Sore Mouth and
Ulcers, aud Decayed Teeth, with oth
er diseases of THE Mouth and RespL
ratory Organs.
WILL TELL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and
Treatment of Worms, Hots, Colic,
Strangulation, Stony Concretions,
Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea Jaundice,
Hepatirrhoea, Bloody Urine, Stones
IU the Kidneys and Bladder, tn flu mo
tion, and other diseases of the Stom
ach, Bowels, Livur aud Urinary Or
W ILL TILL YUU of the causes, symptoms, and
Treat I.ent of Bone, Blood ind Bog,
Spavin R Ring-boDe, Sweenie, Strains,
~ Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder.
Sole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked,
Hoofs, Scratches, Canker, Thrush and
Corns ; also, of Megrims, Vertigo,
Epilepsy Staggers, and other diseas
es of the Feet. Log-, and Head.
WILL L ALL YOU ot Hie Causes, SJ iupioms, and
Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Gla
nders, Farcy, Scarlet "Fever, Mango,
Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism,
Crntnp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye A
Heart, Ac., i,c., aud how to manage
CA's\ratiou, 1 leeding, TFC phi MI ing.
Toweling, Firing, liefnia, Amputa
tion. Tapping, and other surgical op
! WILL TALL YOU of Kurey's- Method ot taming
Horses; how to Approach, Halter, or
Stable a Colt; Low to accustom a
horse to strange sounds and sights,
and bow to Bit, SADDLE, Ride, and
Break him to Harness ; also, the form
r.nd 'aw of WARRANTY. The whole
being the result of more than fifteen
years' careful study of the habits, pe
culiarities, wants and weakness OT this
noble aud useful animal.
The book contains 384 pages, appropriately il
lustratod by nearly One Hundred Engravings. It
1 I 3 printed in a clear and open type, and will be
J forwarded to any address, postage puid, on receipt
of price, half hound, $1 00, or iu cloth, extra, S 1,25.
prising men every wliere, in sei tug tnc above, ai.d
other popular works of ours. Our inducements
to all sucn are exeeeding'y liberal.
For single COPIES of the Book, or for terms to
agents, with other iniormation. apply to or address
JOHN E. PUTTER, Publisher,
No. 617 Snsom St., Philadelphia, Pi.
Nov. 8, L. V 6O. 6M.
WARRANTED to be just what wo represent
them. Wo have the very best which we
warrant, and lower grades in all their varieties.
Leafiher of nil Description*!,
BELTING kept for Machinery. Any size
have not got I can get in a weeks time. ' Svld a
city prices.
Saddlery, Saddles, Bridies,
Halters, Cart Gears, Cart
Raddles, Harness Collars.,
Harness Lines, and every
article made and kept by
Iligest market, price paid foe HIDES, SKINS &
(JOME and examine ouf stork." We will show it
with pleasure, and satisfy you it is
THE PLACE to get gocd
Boots and Shoes,
and such articles in our line.
At Burnside's we study- to please, and give sat
£3S~ Please accept onr thanks for past favors, G
BcUofoute, Oct, Ifth J3GO.
CAN buy your ciotlnug for yourselves and your
boys, in evo-y variety, aud at low cash pri
ces by calling ct the - heap Clothing Store of A.
Sternberg A Co , in the Diamond, where vou
„. vr EJKrKJLJZ-*'
£5 Clothing and Furnishing Goods are to be
had at this Storti at the lowest cash prices, and
receive well wade goods. Would it not be
ter to
MUCH valuable time by calling immediately
and lay in your stock of Clothing tor the
VV inter, at this establishment, where you will cer
tain ly get the full Aalue of your
REMEMBER the place. One door above Liv
ingston's Book Store, in the Dimond.
BeUefonte, Nov. 15, 1860.
I LOIOV/V-/ On Tuesday, January 15th,
1861, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold without re
serve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, (Phil'a.,)
two Promissory Notes; made by John Fallon,
amounting to $143,50 U. P~ Sale
TERMS.— Ten per cent. of the purchase iponey
tube paid at the sale, the balance within three
days i'jcin sale. " 1
M THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers.
No. 139 A 141, Soita 4th St., Philadelphia.
Jan. 3,, 1861, 2 t.
partnership heretofore existing between Jo
seph B. Erß arid Chas. De inis, and Cading under
the firm of Jos. B. Erb A Co., has this day, Nov,
24th, been dissolved, The business, hereafter, to
be conducted undtr the firm of E. W. Erb A Co.
Nov. 28,1860. 6T,
FOR SALE.—Extra superfiine family
Flour for sale by
DEE. 18, 1860/] D. LEYDEV A CO.
Cluing €fliprram,
City branch of Rcizensteine Brothers, 124
North Third Street, Philadelphia.
THE undtrsipned Bffpectfully announce to
t he irb.-'Mtnnts ef Centre ceunty. and the
public in general, that tbev have opened at the
above nt med pluco, the most extensive assort
mety of
and Gentlemen's Furnishing Foods, that has ever
been exhibited in this borough, which thev will
sell ' 1' '
30 Per Cent. Cheaper than the Cheapest.
Our s .ock eu.b luces a lull uud ci-piplete assort
men of Fine Blai k Clolh Dress and rr< ck Coats,
Cassimere Business Coats Satinet, Tweed, Jean,
Fartueis' and Meciinnics' Cassitpere, F ro >-'k aud
Sack Coats, Pea Jackets. Ac., Ao
president and Moscow Beavers, Seal and Lion
sliin and Union Casslmerks, ribbed and plain.
and Do ei .kin, black Silk mixed, arid other fancy
colors, of the latest, syl s, as well as Satinet and
Union Cassimers ; Punts of strong aiid substan
tial material, for the farmer, laborer and me
such as Satin, Silk, and Silk-finished Velvett,
Grenadine, Valencia, Mattalesc, Cassimere; clolh
Satinet, Ac.
A ficneial assortment of Boy ' and Y'ouths'
Clothicg end Gent lemen's Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Cups. Undershirts aud Drawers, Knit Jack
ets. Fine While and Fnncy-b' mm Shirts, Collars,
Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stocks and cravats,
Socks and Gloves, Trunks, Valices, Carpetsbags,
Umbrellus, and, in short, everything usially
found in a well assorted store of this k' n< L
We a!sn keep a fine assorlinent of
such as Pocket books Portiuotinies, Pocket
knives and Razors, Corabs, and Brushes, Watch
chains, Keys and Guards. Firig'cr rings A Brentt
p is, Violin aud Guitar Strings, Pistols, Revolv
ers Percussion Caps, Spectacles, Spy Glasses.and
axrv.t. many other fancy and useful articles, too
numerous to dsscr ihe, all at" which fire will tell at
the Lowest Camh, prices.
VJ'e invite every person in need of Clothing or
any of the above lueutioued articles, to favor us
with a call and examine our goods.," and prices,
and we arc confident that We'cab give satisfaction,
and every person shall feel inclined to tell his
friends vhere Goods and Cheap Clothing can le
got. We are constantly receiving accessions to
our stock from RKII EXSTKISE BRO'S., Philadel
phia, wiih whom we are connected, and shall al
ways bo supplied with a good variety of all the nr
ticies in our line, which will surpass in style, cut,
workmanship and c/ifo;>s,those of any other es
tablishment iu this part of the country.
Bellcionto. Oct. 4, 'Ot tf.
Merchant Tailor,
THE undersigned must respectfully in
form tlie public that he will continue to car
ry on the Tailoring and Clothing business at tlie
Old stand, on the south corner of /7rokerhoff's
Row, where ho is prepared to make to order all
kinds of clothing in the neatest and mos't fash
ionable styles. He keep- on hand a large variety
of the most approved paterns. At his Establish
of every description may be found, which he is
now felling at reduced prices. Ilis thanks are
due the public for the liberal share of patronge
hcretorore bestowed upon him ; and fie bores by
strict attention to business, to merit a cuutinue
ance of the sums.
Bell ef'inte Jan 12th '6o—ly
o37ol3.€txA.'fc Tailor,
•"PHE subscriber respectfully informs the eUizens
-- of BeUefonte, and vicinity th.it he has just re
turned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of
which he is now opening at his old staud, or.e
door east of the Post Office. His stock
consists ia part of
Black, Blue,
aad Brown, . renoh
Cloths, Silk M'xed Coat-
ing, anu -Vkite Duck for
COATS; Blacls Doeskin'..d Fancy Summer
Qasslmeres, and L.t'-i a Dribs for
I'A NTS; Black "iriin, Fi
gured Silks, Mid
White and
which he will make up to order in styies to suit
the tastes of customers, ou short notice,
aud on the most reasonable terms.
Goods furnished by cus
tomers will bo made up to
order as heretofore. As
he will employ rtofie but experi
enced'workmen, persons may rely on get
ting their work yreli done at his establishment
'Thankful for the patronage heretofore be
stowed, he respectfully solicits a continuance of
the same. WM. S. TRIPPLE.
Behefonte, May 12 '59-21-tf.
JMI & SKinftr 600115.
HAVING returned from the East, invite the at
tention of the public and their old customers
to the large and extensive assortment of
which they are now opeuing and ready to wait
upon purchasers with the largest and best selec
tion ever offered to this community.
They desire to call particular attention t their
great variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, con
sisting in part of Cballies, Lawns, all wool De-
Lains, of different colors. Baroges, Dress Silks,
Mantil'as T.ssucs, Ac. Thedbbye goods were se
iec'i with great care expressly to suit the taste
01 the ladies. In addition to the above, are offer
ed a general assortment of Hosiery ami Govris,
Collars, Undersleeves, Dress trimmings. As.
of all colors and styles at very low prices, togeth
er with one of the largest anu best stocks of
Ready-Made Clothing,
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Straw
Bonnets of the latest fashion; also, shaker Bon
nets for "wives and children.
Builders will find it to their advantage in call
ing to select their Hardware, as our assortment is
large and complete : aiso, Mattresses.
Mack.arel, Herring, Cod Fish and salt. Sugars
Teas, Molasses from the cheapest to the best,
which cannot be surpassed in quality. Persons
visiting JTeftefonte froffi the country, wi 11 find it
to their advantage to cM before purchasing else
where, as we take p/easure in showing our goods
arid think we can suit them both as to price and
quality, and are determined to sell at the very
owest cash prices.
change for goods' . . > \
Nov. Bth I 860.
THESE farms are situated in Graham township,
Clearfield county, Pa., about' 3 miles fr6m the
village of Kylertown ; each contains 120, acres, of
which there is 60 or 70 acres cleared on each farm.
On one is erected a large iwoStary Frame House
and large Frame Barn, and oa the other a log
House and Barn. A young orchard on eaoh,bear
ing fruit* Terms made to suit purohase rs.
For further particulars address,
1 WM. 11. CAMPBELL, M. D.,
Moshannon, Centre 00., Pa.,
Aug .38,-18 WW.
fe'Sggg PiLLS.
i ' o3ra?J/Wsr> A™ you sick, fecblo, unci •
JR* 0 |B?SM cumplniuiugi Arojououtqf
y order, Willi your system <!-
RT —ranged, ami your feelings UB-
L J.Riccomlortublof Tlteao sytnp-
touiH are often Uie prelude to
ra '•• oil' sericua illiiess. Soiuo lit of
frit—tlA- " H.WMllfi sickfta-is is cieeplug u|wii you,
aiAl should la' averted |.y a
I H* timely ue of the rigltt lem- j
ciiy, Take Avers I'iiis, iiud <
vh'U'iae out the disordered lui-
I sGr*<•'■* —purify the blood,'ami
i h't the Uiiida move on imoh- i
!fy.' W,striictiMl in health again. |
1 tV,H".' Tlie.v stlimilate the fumiieas j
'"Aj of tit® body into vigorous no .
' Aesf :— =* *"* g],e obstructions which nmke
disease. A cold settles somewhere in the hotly, Hud ob
structs its natural functions. These, if not redeved,
react upon, themselves and tire surrounding organs, pro
ducing geaetal aggravation, suffering, and dmcaso.
While in this condition, oppressed hy the dei'MUgfuieM*,
take Ayerk. I'iiis. and see how directly they restore the
natural action of tlio system, and with it the buoyant
feeling of hpallli again. What is true and so apparent in
this trivial ami common complaint, is also true in many
of tho deep-Keatuil and dangerous distempers. The sauna
purgative effect expels them. Caused hy similar obstruc
tions and derangements of tho igatpial function* of tho
body, they are rapidly, aod many of them surely, cured
by the same means. Nona who know ttei virtues of lliese
pips, will neglect In employ tirons when suffering from
the diiHkrtWiu I hey cuiv.
Sfafommit* from In uoino of the
priucipal eitiea, auU from otliur weii kaowu public per
From a Forwarding Merchant if St. Louis, Fh> 4, 185 C.
DR. AYER: Your Pills nro the LUIMGOTI of all that IS
great in uiotUciiie. They have cmvi my little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon her luiinh and fe*t that lnul proved
incurable for yearn. Her mother Inn been long griev
ously afflicted with hlotchet and piDiplesmi her skin ami
in her hair. After our child Awt* cuwd, she also tried
your Pills, auu limy have cured 'tor.
As a Family Pliyaic.
From Dr. F. 11". ("art might, i\civ Orleans.
Your Pill© are the prince of purges. Their excellent
qualities surpass any cathartic w possess. They ate
mild, but very certain and ©fTThml in. tboir action on the
bowels, which makes them invaluable to un in the daily
treatment of dise;ise.
Ueadacli e, Sit* kHeal<ctie 9 Foul Stomach.
lYom Dr. LdivarU Ikujd, Baltimore.
DKIRBHO. AVKIC I cannot answer yon what complaint*
I have cured with your Bills h't?>d' than to sav alt that we
ever treat MM tU a purgative medicine. ' I place great depey
den-e on an fib ftiiiil rallinrl-iu in my daily content with
(hsewHo, Mint H> that your Pills u fiord us the
ihi-st wa have, 1 of course value them highly: -
PITTS IHJRU, Pa.. Mnv h 1855.
DR. J. 0. AYER. SIF: T havo been repeatedly cured of
ilia uforsfc hetUfuche. any l.ndv can have hy a dose or two
of your Pills. It seems tw uriao from a foul stomach,
which they cleanse at once.
b Yours with great lespect, I'D. W. PliKUli^,
(leyL- of Steamer Ctnri >ll.
Billons Disorders Liver Coinplnlnti.
From Dr. Theodore. Ikll, of Nmo York C
Not only are your Pills aduiirably adapted to their pur
pose as an aperient. I ut T Hud their heiiOiie.ini effects upon
tho Liver very marked indeed. They liavo in iuy prac
tice proved mure oifrcLual for the cure of b.lions com
plaints than any one remedy I cau mention. 1 einceivly
rejoice that wo have at length n purgative which ia V(or
thy Uie confidence of the profeasion, aud the people,
D.-PAlirilEN'T CP TilK liMEHIOR, >
\Vas!iiiigtu!i f D. C'., 7tl Feb., Jj
Sin: I linve tisfil your rills in my general and hospital
practice ever since you made I hem, and cannot hesitate t>
tfeiy they aio the best eulharlic wo employ. 'Their regll
| laiing action on the liver is quick ami decide* coiiee
| quently they are an admirable remedy for derangement©
of th.it organ. Imb ed, I have seldom tVutid a case of
bilious disease bo i.h*iinato ll.ut \l ,;„i not readily yidd to
them. TralvriialJv 4Jrfl> ALU.N/J BALL, M. P.,
J'hgsiciuu of the Murine Hospital.
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Itclax, Worms.
From Dr. J. (j. (Jttcu, of Chicago,
Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and I
bold them in esli-eui as one of the host apeiienU I have
■ ever found. 'Their alterative effect upon liie liver makes
them mi excellent remedy, when given in small doses for
bilious dgsentirg and dbn rhieu. 'i lit ir sugar-coating
makes them vely acccplaMo and convenient Ibr tho use
of women and children.
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood*
Front I\k.V. J. 17 ilimes, Dustor of AdvaiL Church, Dusloii.
DR. AYI:R: 1 Imveuseil your Pills with extraordinary
success in my family and uniting those I am called to visit
in distress. To regulate tle organs of" digestion and
purifv the blood, |ley are tho very best remedy i have
ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend Iheuj to
ipy U'icuds. Yours, J. V. UIMD6.
WARBA\7, \Vyomhig Co., N. Y., Oct. '2l, 1855.
DEAR SIR: I ani using your Cathartic Pills in my prac
tice, and find Lht-m an excellent purgative to cleanse the
system and put i/'g the. fmidaittx if t'ie. htnnd.
Conntlpfttlrtii,CosUvciicsn, Sappicisieu,
Itheuimithni, Gout, Neurttigia, Drap
uy, Paralysis, Fits, etc.
" T\mil Dr. J. l\ Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.
Too much cannot he said of your Pills for the cur® of
crfiveHrss. T'fbfhera of our fraternity have found them
as etlicarbms iik I lcivV, they should join uie in proclaim
ing it fur the benefit of the multitudes vvhfx sinfer from
that com plaint, which, although had emmgli in itself, is
the progenitor of others tliat are worse. ] believe cos
tiveness to originate in t!:e liver, but your rills affect that
organ and cure the diecc.se.
From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.
I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at tho
proper time,are excellent promotives of tho wdiirhl secre
tion when v.holly or partially suppressed, and also very
effectual to cVfUr/xc thu stomach and expel worms. They
are so much tho physic we have tliat 1 recommend
uo other to my patients.
From the Jiev. Dr. Hawjkes, of the Methodist Vpis. Church,
PULASKI lldusr. Savanunh, Gn,. Jan. 0. 1556.
HOXORFD SII? > 1 should be ungrateful for the relief
your skill lias brought me if I did not report my case to
you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru
ciating nenralf/ic paws, which ended iti chronic rheuma
tism. Notwithstanding 1 had the best of physicians, tlie
disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your
excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie. I tried your
Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. I'.y persevering
in tho use of them, I am now entirely well.
SENATE CJIAMRFR, Baton Ponge, LA.. 5 Dec. 1855.
pa, AYER: I have hen entirely'cured, by your Bills, of
Biltumatic Gvut —a papifid"disease that had afflicted pie
for years. ' VINCENT SEIDELL.
pf£F Moet of the Fills in market contain Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is
dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse-
that frequently FOLLOW its ijicautious UM*. These
contaiii no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 feoxes for sl.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE So CO., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by J. Harris & Co., Bellefon'e; J. Bing,
Unionville; B. D. Cumir<ihgs, Port Matilda;
Hebl r & Co, Storinstovvn ; H. FosUr, Millhcim;
D. 0. Bower," and Gross & Y> ariek, Aaronshurg j
I C. G. Ryman, Rlilcsburg, and by oco trader in
every village in the country.
Jan. 10, *l.—*.y,
f &/
I wLea DB E
iteVE.V ItßjhioSfS WHY IT IS THE L""ST
Ist, It is always use,
2d, It has no suiel',
3d. It polishes over rust.
4th. It is economical,
f th. It prodnces no dirt in polishing.
6th. It stand the greatest degree of heat.
7th. It is jus what every family needs-.
Stovss will last ono third longer t>7 ming tills
It has stood the severest tests. 1
Triumphant! Triumphant!!
Greatest Discovery of the ago ! },
Address, LEADBEATER & CO.,
(Sole Manufactures,) 1
So. 920 Market Street, Fkiladelpliia.
jggH 3'old By all respectable dealers, gYS~K
liberal discount "to ths Trade.
"Price, 12 and 20 Cents.
Put up for dealers in cases containing four and
eight dozen, " A, splendid Lithographic Show*
card accompanies each package. Every'
Merchant should make a note of
Nov. 22, 1860. ly.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
n growing lindcocy in this age to appropriate tho
uiLst expmeive words of other langoage*. and
after a while to incorporate them into onr own ;.J
thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, !
fifplfjing " tor the bead," is now becoming pop
oi|piaed "in eonnfctkn with Air. Spalding's great
Headache remedy, hut it will soon be used in a
more general way, and the word Cepalio will bo
come as c< n.mon aa Electrotype and many others
whose diniction as foitign words hss IK en w--rn
sw.Ty by common usage until they stem " native
and to the manor born."
Hi 'ad 'n'orrible'cadach'e'this balisinoon, hand |
I stepped into the hapotliecaries hand says hi to I
tbe man, " Can ycu iies.se tnc of an 'eadnehe?"— j
•• Does it hache ard/'erys 'e. "llexeeedingly."
fcysbi, band upon that 'e pave 413 a Cephalic i
Pill, band 'pen me'onor it cuicd meVo that-!
I'urdly realized I 'cd nn'eadtche.
HEADACHE is the favorite sign by which j
na'ore make; known any deviation whatever frotn j
the natural stute of the brain, and viewed in this j
Ught it may he looked on as a safeguard intended '
to give notice of disease which might other viae
escape attention, till tuo iate to be remedied : and
its indications should never be neglected. Hea<l
aches may be classified under two names, viz : I
Symptomatic and Idiophalic. Symptomatic Head- |
ticho is exceedingly common aud is lac precursor j
of a great variety of diseases, among which are j
Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and ail iabiilodis
eases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of I
diseases of the stomach constituting sick head j
ache, of hepathio disease constituting bilious head <
Ocue, of worms, constipation and otbei disorders j
of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine affVc- I
tions. Diseases of the heart are very frequently .
attended with Headaches ; Anaemia and plethora j
are aiso affection* which frequently occasieu head
ache. Idiopathic Headache it also very common,
being usually distinguished by the tame of ner
vous heudxehc. sometimes coining on suddenly in
a state of apparently sound health end prostrat
ing at ouce the mental and physical energies,-and
in othfr instances it comes c.P4.lowly, henalded bv
depression of spirits- or acerbity of temper.' In
most instances the pain is in the froDt of tfio head,
over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking
vomiting; uodgr-thi* class- amy also he named
Neuralgia ' " '
For the treatment ?f either class of Headache
the Cephalic Pills' have been found a ure and
safe remedy, teiieving the most acute pains in a
few minut'-s, and by its subtle power eradicating
the dis aso of which Headache is tue unerring in
dex. '
BRIDGET. —Missus wants you to send her r. b->x
of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills, —
but I'm thinking that's not just it r. ait her ; but
perhaps ye'll be aitber kuowing what it is. Ye
see she's nigh dead and*gone with the S ck Head
ache, and wants some more of thud saiae aa reliev
ed her before.
Druggist. —\'ou must mean Spalding's Ce-ihiilic
Pills. I
Bridyt. —Och!, sure now and you've sod it.
herVs the quarVaer hud give tic the Nil- and
don't ho all day about it aitber.
!No one d' ifie " many ills Gesb is heir to" is Sf '
prevalent, so little understood, and so much no
glected as Costivecees. JJltcn originating incare-
Ics-ness, or sedentary habits ; it is regarded as a
slight disorder of too litile consequents to excite
anxiety, while in reali.y it is the precursor and
companion of many of the most fatal and danger
qu,3 dv'ea.es. sod unless early eradicated it will
hfihg 'the sufferer to an untimely gruV .' Among
the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual
attendant are Headache, Colic, Rhou'mafisin, Foni
Breath, Piles and others of like nature, While a
long train ol frightful diseases, such as Maiignunt
Fevers Abcesses, Dysentery, Di inborn. Dyspcp
sia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria.
Hypochondriasis, Melanehoiy and Insanity, first
indicate their presence iu tbe system by this
alarming symptom, Isot'unfreqiienßy the dts.
eases named originate in Constipation, but fake <yi
an independent existence un'la.-'s the '-ase is eran
icatcel in an early stage. Frdjaail these consid
erations it follows that the disorder should feci iyc
immediate attention whenever it cccufs, and on
the first appearance of tbe complaint, as their
timely use will expel the insiduous approaches of
diseases and destroy this dangerous foe tb hitman
life, v m,v .
Phyaician. —Well, Mrs, Jones, how is that head
ache ?
Mr*. Jones. Gone ! Doctor, all goue ! the pill you
sent cured me in just twenty minutes, and I wish
you would send me moro so that I cau have them
Physician. —You can get them at any Druggists.
Call lor Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, ftnd
i recommend them in all dnses of liehdacbo,
Mra Jones. — I shall send for a box directly, and
shall tell all my suffering friends, for thoy are a
real blessing.
Spalding has sold two millions of bottles of his
celebrated Prepared Glue and it is estimated that
each bottle saves at least ten dollars worth of
broken furniture, thus making ah aggregate of
twenty millions .of dollars reclaimed from total
loss by this valuable invention. Having made bis
(Hue a hi usehold word, he now proposes to do the
world still greater service by hurl ng all the ach
ing heads with his Cephalic Pills, and if they are
as good as his Glue. Headaches will soon vanish
aVvay like snow in July.
FACTS WORTH KNOWlNG.—Spalding's Cephalic
Pills are a eertai cure for Sick Headache, Bili
ous Headache, Nervous Headache, Cosureties-:
nd General Debility.
Nervous Headache
By the use of the Pills the periodic attacks ef
Nervous or Siek Headache may be prevented panel
if taken at the commencement of an attack imme
diate relief from pain and sickness will be obt in
They seldom fall in removing the A'ausca and
Headache to which female are so subject.
They act gently upon the bowels, —removing
Fof Literary Jfea, Students, Delicate Fetp.tTos,
and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valu
able as a Laxative, improving the andetitel giving
tows and vigor to the digestive organs, and rearm
ing tbe natural elasticity and strength of the
whole system.
The CEPHILIC PILLS are tbe result of long
investigation and carefully conducted experiments
having beeniu use many years, daring which timo
they have prevented and relieved a vast amount
of pain ami suffering from llesdache, whether
originating in the nervous system or from a do
longed stals of the stomach'. ' '
They ahe'entirblj vegetable in their composi
tion, and fijay be taken-et pll times Wi'h perfect
safety without making any cliaDge tf diet, anil
the absence of any kisaymeable taste renders it easy
to adininister them to children.
The genuine have five signatures of Ile'ary C.
Spalding oh each Box'.
Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Med
A box will be seut by mail prepaid on receipt
of the .
All ordrs shculd be addressed to
48 Cedar Street, New^m.
Sov. as, 1580. TV.
The Poojiie'e Cook EocJl
• '*v % • * / * , •-
CAREFULLY 1.1. VISED BY ilre. 8. J. HA LB.
'I- A - ■ ...
It Tells T'o how to thoti-e all klude of Mi sir,
Pi ultry, end Gaoie, with all tio'ivi i--,s _
JSI.J miHit approved scoe.ee ef Cri. ing
rud cm-Mug Beef and Pork; e!.*<i th
l-t.-t and sij uwt Way of ettliicg, plvk-
Jing er.d coring the same. f , ,
It Tells Yon All tbe Milieus atiAsweat appr vo.l
modes of dressing, cooking, and fiecin-j ,
Vuiton, Lamb, Veal, I'onftr*,.' i .i.D
Game o> all kir.ds, with tbe diffcr-i-iyi*
Lrersiugs, Gr.iv'e*, and iluffiii.gs t.p
pri priate to each.
It 'fella Anu how to choose, clean, and prcswivj
side ,f air kinna, snd how to awevten it
when tainted; 11130 lbs variaus and
most nd|.roved modes of <eotng., wiiU
, liieuifiei eui Drvssiiigs, >auooa, a.sd Fla
v..rings uppropriiite to each.. . ■* .. .
It Tells You all the vuncus and most npprT<t
mode* of prr poring over fifty ditforttit i
kinds of Mct.t, Fish, Fowl, Gsine," and
Vogetuble Soup*. I.rotbs, and tsicw*..
with tho Beit, LIS nud Kcasonings up.
prrpri vtc to -cuch, _ a
It Telia Yr.u nil tiio various and met approved
mode* ot cooking Vegatnbfw at- every
uescripMuii. uisu hoWto nrcpsre Pickle*.
( uts ! ;psniid Curries of aty hiuds, Potti-.l
Meats, Fish, Game, Masiirewns. Ac.
Telia Y u ull the varrions nud moat appru.-e'l
modes of preparing and cooking all'
kinds af Plain and Fancy Pastry, Pud
dings, Ouieii its, Fritters, Cakes, Con
fectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and sweet
Dishes of every description. 1
It Te'.ls You ail the various and most approved
of making Bread, Rusks, Muf
tins, and Bisruit, the best method of
p'reparihg Coffee, Clool-.t3, and Tea,
r-nd, how la iuiuc byrups, Dwiaals and
IViues of vatioui kilfdi,. ... V. ~
It Tell You how to set out and ornament a Table,
, . b< w to Carve all kinds of Fish, Fle\.
OT Fowl; snd in short, how to simplify
tbe whole Art of Cooking as to bring tb..
ouoisest luxu.'ies of the table wi'hin ev
agybwdy 's-reach, . .. v
Tkobccit 4ont.itin-s -.-.ld pages, and upwards of
twelve hundred Rc-iips, ad of which are t1.6 re
suits of actual cxpenanco, having been fully and
carefully tested under the personal superinten
dence of'the writers. It is printed in a clo.-tr Ld
open typo, is illustrated with appropriate engra--
vingy untl will be forwarded tunny addrc?s, neat
ly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the
price SI.OO, or in cloth, extra, sl.2£>.
Vvooo -tx x XJ,.X.L4, prising; men everywieie,
in Selling tbeabave wi-Tlc. uur-induceincst Veuts to
u' ! l such, beii-g very liberal. • t
For single copies of the Book; cr for terms to"
ag ntg, with other information; -appl.s to -or ado,
dress - JOtlN E. rOTTSR, Publisher, .
No. OU'Kar.sora.St.j Pbiladelphiu, 1
Nov. B.lßßA—#-s. *
TJb-o Z*acllcg.
OUKT'S "E : oom of Eoses." A, rich
i-JI and e'eg-mt color-for v tbe chseifs and nps:—l
It wiil not wwh oW.vl. ~tfy hul w'hdii tihco applied,
remains durable for years. The tint is so rich
and natural, that tbe closest scrutiny fsi.s to de
tect its use. Can be removed by ifrnea juice nd
will not injure the skin. This is a new proration,
useu by the celebrated Court Beintius of Liadou
and Paris. Mailed tree, iu hot res, with dire*,
tions for use, for SI.OO
llont'a "COURT TOILET POWDER," imparts a
dazrli* g w-biteness to the complexion, as is unlike'
anything elhe qked lor this purpose. Mailed free
for 50 cents.
HUNT'S "BRITISH BALSJ,", renaot es tan, freck
les, sunburn and all eruptions of IheSgih'. 'Mail4
free for 50 cts. 't
HUNT'S " ISIPERIAL POMADE" for the hair,
and itnprhves its growth, keeps itfrotn
arid is warranted to m<xk,e the hair em L
M edjlfefl . r ~n for SI.OO
VHunt V< I> ' iARL BEUTIPIER " for the teeth and
I gums, clean ,ie3 nnd ,vljitel " i 'he teeth, liardet tho
<uios. fiuri*i JS breath effectually, preserves the
teem ... . Lenta tootkw he. Mailed free for *I.OO.
extract of orange blossoms and cologne. Mailed
free for SI.OO.
This exquisite perfmuo was first used by tbe
Princess Itoyal of England, do htir liLvriige
Messrs. Hunt A Co.,"presented the Princess with
an elegant case o f I'erfumery'. ;Mn vih'iou all' ofihu
above articles were ii.cluded) in handsome cut *
glasr with gold stoppers, valued at SISOO, partic
ulars of which appeared in ths public prints.
Ail the above articles s-nt free, by express, fur
S5 00 Cash can ciiher accompany thu order, o?
i be paid to tbe express agent ou delivery of good*
Perfumers-io the Queen.
Regent St., London, Sanaom St., J'hil'a , Pa.
For -ale by all Druggists and Perfumers.'
fs i?"" The Trade Supplied
Nov. f. ISfiO ly.
S. Hi DPT. Jr.,L CO.,
RESPECTFULLY inform* the citizen* oi
Centre county, that they keep coiis'Wutly on
hand, and warranted, Peir Points Patent Shaker
and Straw Carrier, the same thst was formerly
mauufactii ed at Miliheim, also Threshing Ma
j chines A lldt® o Powers made on an imnroVeil
I r> ! -' in * ' -
Farmer* are particularly invited to call and
i examine the-e articles before purchasing else-
I where. Grain Drills, Clover Huifer*. and a'H
I kinds of Machines and Powers repaired oil short
j notice. Gum Belting for Machines, for sale
i Clover HqllCrs, Iron Fencing, ' *
| Corn Sh'eilers, Verandas,
! Vrt opindlcs, Mill Gearing,
t Side liiil i lough*, Haw-Mill Gearing,
Worro.s " Furnace
Rich's Iron Beam " Rolling Mill "
Iron Kettles, New \V'ld cook ntove '
' Hathaway '•
Miliheim and Hublersburg Shears, Tin Sbeet-
Iron Ware, together with the usual variety of ar
ticles iu the Foundry line, kept consUutlr on
hand or made to order.
Having in our employ experienced mechan o*
in the various branches of our business, we fiat,
i cer ourselves in being able to do up work ti th<
. satitfactiou of all who will fsvoT aa with theii
custom. 1 . i , ,
Our terms and prices tire reasonable.
Bellefonte luly 26,-18fi0.—ly.
C COMPANIES are being organized in Centre
J and the adjoining counties, preparatory te
J sluigrfttlug to the f'ike a PPUIC Gold dtirirg
the feontino Spring and Summer. CoutroCt* hi*
been entered into with Jno. M. Wagner, of the
Siifesburg FJouriag Uiill aud Grain
i , D^poi;
j the ebec.peat and bestesiuolishmeut of tho kind in
I Central Pennsylvania— to furnish the compnniei
! With ail the Fiour and Grain necessary for the'
| journey. '■
Having lease 1 the Milosburg Mill and furnish
jed it vith niw'and improved ' inachi'iory, we are
prTpa'red to furnish flour'to the public in any qao
titiys. Wheat, rye, bird grain of all kiads we
keep constantly on band, aud will dispose of at
the very lowest prices.
f/SSr~ We are determined not to be undersold by
any establishment iu this section of country.
Milosburg, Pa: Feb. 17, 'id—lo !y.
d.,i l-ail & Winter Goods
HAVE just received the largest and best as,
sortment of Fail anu Winter Goods ever .7-
| fered iu rielletoute,* ■ .
A full stock of Ladies dress goods,
Also, Cloth lor Ladies Wiuter-'Cloaks; Tar
: lam Plaids for Missed Dresses. A Urge assort
ment of fihawis, Poplin Velvets, French Ma
rina, Coburg's De Laiuo, Thttiu Cloth,
Opera Cloth, Persiau Twill.
For Qentleiuen':
Cloth, Cassimers, Satinets and Jeans, Ready
made clothing.
Boots and Shoes of all sorts, a large anu
Jected stock of Groceries, Hardware, ami A-
Queenswere, which will be itfA
low for case or Loan.
' try PruciuOß
Bellefonte, Nor.-X, l&kl',—