Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 10, 1861, Image 2

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    CJt Centre Democrat.
■ ..a . 1
THURSDAY, JAN., 10 1861.
THE CENTRE DEM OCR A T having the lar~ |
gut Circulation, it, therefore, th Advertiting j
■Milium in the countg.
Departure of the Star of the West
with Reinforcements.
Niw YORX, Jan. 7-— The Steamer Star ef
the West wae chartered ly order of Gen.
Scott, and sailed to-day with a full supply j
of provisions for Ma j. Anderson, and two :
hundred and fifty men, under Lieut. Bartlet. j
The Steamer Star of the Westj
fired into by the Rebels.
CHARLESTON. J*n 9ih, 1861.
Tbe steamship Star of the West, while en
deavoring to enter Charleston harbor about
daylight this morning, was opened fire upon
by the Garrison on Morris Island, and also
by Fort Moultrie. Toe steamer put about |
and went to Bea. The belief is that no inju- ,
ry was sustained by either tbe boat or those
on board. Fort Sumpter did not respond to
the fire from the South Carolinians. Lieut.
Hall, ot Fort Sumpter, came over to the city
about 11 o'clock this morning, bearing a flag
of truce. lie repaired to the quarteaa of the
Governar, followed by a crowd of citizens.—
He was in secret communication with the j
Governor and council for two hours. The
object of bis mission is not known. It is ;
supposed that it related to the firing on the
Bur of thf West.
To the Military of Centre County.
The Military of Centre County are among
tbe best drilled, acd the best equipped, in
tbe State. Wo have long felc a just pride in j
eur citizen soldiery, believing them to be as
brave and resolute a set of fellows as could j
be found anywhere. Until now, our Cornpa j
nits have been used as mere ornaments, but !
the time has arrived when they can be of
use. In thirty days from this writing, the ;
Troops will be on tbeir march from Pennsyl- |
vania to the seat of war. and-shall it be said
that Centre County's sons are not as chival
rous and loyal to the Constitution and the
Union, as the people of other portions of the
"old Commonwealth ?" No ! DO, they would
spurn, with scorn, such an imputation upen
Ibeir courage and patriotism. Centre coun
ty will do her whole duty in the contest for
the Union, but let ber not procrastinate. —
Gov. Curtin is every day receiving scores of
applications from Companies, all over the j
Btate, asking to be put on the list first. Cap- j
tains of Centre county, what art ynu doing?
Bend in your applications quick, or you will ;
be too late. There will be, at least, seventy
thousand men who will tender their services
to the State. Not one-half of these will bo
accepted, for the Government will not need
them. Among those that are accepted, we
would like to see the Companies of Centre
Uounty. Remember, soldiers, the rule in
war is, "first come first served." If then,
you want a hand in tbe glorious work of
•erushiog-treason and rebellion in "our dear
native land." you must apply at once, or you
Will be too late. Send in your applications
immediately, and "Andy" will do his native
County the honor to place ber sons high on
the list. Capt. Dunlap and Copt. McFar
land, do you hear ? We want to see the
"Cameron Infantry" and the "Dragoons' "
applications filed right away, so tfcy will
seme within the limits of tbe requisitier.
Pennsy'vania Legislature.
Both branches of the General Assembly of
this State were promptly organized, nn
last Tuesdav a week, by the election of Re
publican officers throughout.
Robert M. Palmer, of Scouylkill. wn* cho
sen Speaker of the Senate, having 26 votes,
■( McClure, absent ) and Shindel 6.
Mr. Errett, of Pittsburg, Was re-elected
Clerk. Mr. Ramsdell, of VenaDgo Assiet
Transcribers—G. W. Patton, G. S. Berry,
T. Hitohcock. •
Sergeant at Arms —Herman Yerkes and J.
R. M'Afee.
Door-Keep:rs John G. Martn, J. B.
lieines and George Butb.
Messengers —-W. 11. lluddleson and Vil—
bar G. Brower. ;of Danville American )
Librarian —Win. P. Brady.
In the II .use, Eliaha W. Davis, of Venan
go, ( the candidate of the Railroad Compa
nies ) was chosen Speaker, having 71 votes
to 27 for Dr. llill of Montgomery- 2 Demo
crats absent.
Clerk— E. 11. Rauch, of Lehigh county.
Assistant—E. W. Caperon. of Chester.
Transcribing CDrks-C. W. Walker, of
Philadelphia ; W. 11. Dmniston, Pittsburg ;
W. A. Nichols, M'Kcau ; John R. Porter,
Post Master—ll. A. Woodhouse. Wayne.
sergeant-at—Artns—J 1>- Mitthewe, Phil
A-sistantf—James Gubers, Philadelphia ;
J. C. Stiirdevam, Crawford ; John Meeklio,
Armstrong; Casper Gang. Allegheny.
D-or Keeper—E. D. P.oket. Erie.
Assistants— W. Gaid.v, Philadelphia ; J.
R. Miller, Lawrence; Win. I) wis, Brad
twd ; Henry Hough, Bucks.
Messenger ll. G. Gibson Mercer.
Ayer'a American Almanac has now
armed and is now ready tor delivery, gratis,
by J. Harris & Co., to all who call f.r it.—
Our readers may be surprised to know that
this little pamphlet which has become so
much a tavorite ia our section has q rite the
largest circulation of any one bona in the
world, except the Bible. It is printed in
many languages and scattered throughout
many nations as well as supplied to almost
ths entire populatinu ol our own vast d>-
main. Every family should keep it, for it
contains information which all are liable to
require, when sickness overtakes them and
wh<ch may provs invaluable from being at
hand in season. If you take our advice, you
will oall and gat an Ayer'a Almanac, and
when got, keep it.
Edgar A. Cowan, of Westmoreland
County, was elected United States Senator,
on Tueaday last, by the Pennsylvania Legist
latmre, to represent tbie State tn the Nation*
a! Senate for the next six years, eomosfcejng
Kerch 4th, IS6I-.
The Resurrection of the Government—
The First Step Towards Peace.
We find in tha New York Times of Janua
ry 3d, an able article under the above bead,
from which we make the following extract:
"We pay all due honor to those Northern
men, and especially to those Northern Re
publicans, who have insisted upon the para*
mount duty of saving the Union, even at the
sacrifice of something of party principle, and
much more of party feeling. We do not un
derrate the courage nor the profound regard
for the public good which has prompted Mr.
Thurlow Weed, in this State, to throw the
whole weight of his political influence into
she scale of compromise and conciliation,
nor do we doubt in the least that his effort
will do good. But for any distinct, practi
cal compromise the time has not arrived. The
elements for such an adjustment as would
bring permanent peace to the country, (and
! neither section wants any other,) do not yet
; exist. No man and no,body of men Las any
; power to pledge the North, nor is there any
authority clothed with power to act for the
South. It is not for thia Congress to say
| whether the Missouri line shall be restored,
! —nor ha* anybody the right to say that if
rsstored, the South would accept it as a final
end of the "irrepressible conflict." All these
questions, —and all others growing out of
this em rgency, belong to the coming Admin
istration. The people have committed to
j them the direction and control of their "af-
I fairs. They will be responsible for the peace
of the country, —and for that eesential and
equal justice to every State and to every sec
tion by which alone peace can be secured.
But men say this will be too late. The
South will not wait. The Border States will
be dragged into the maelstrom of disunion
1 before :bat time arrives. Those States may
as well understand, that they have duties to
perform in this matter as well as the North,
i They have quite as much at stake as we have,
i Their interest in the Union is as real and as
! profound as ours. And they must uuder
| take the control of their own conduct, at
i least to this extent, if they hae the slight—
! est desire for the preservation of their rights
i or tho protection of their interests, in or out
\of the Union. The dissolution of this Union,
j —the overthrow of this Government, is not a
| thing to be accomplished in a day or in a
month. It is not to be tha hot achievement
of momentary wrath, Dor the instant result
| of a vote in Conventions or mass meetings.
The Southern States may plungs themselves
into fearful perils and greatly embarrass their
own freedom of action, by the rash measures
they may adopt. But that is at least quite
as much their affair as ours, —and they have
duties to perform in eonnection with it, quite
as imperative as any that devolve upon us.
We are in favor of all just and proper
measures of compromise made at the right
time, acd on the right basis. But we die
| trust the wisdom of thrusting upon the hot
j rage of the active Disunionists at the pres
; ent moment, promises and pledges which we
: have no right to give, and which they have
nut the slightest disposition to take. What
ever is to be done on either side, should be
done with dignity and a deliberate weighing
of consequences. When this controversy is
settled we wish it to be finally and decisively
settled. There never will be a better time
for insisting upon such a settlement than
now. The country is rich, —the hearts of
the people are prepared for it, —and all men
of all parties and all sections desire to know,
onoe for all, what are to be the permanent
relations of Slavery to the Federal Gorern
ment. But let us have no patch-work,—no
hasty, crude popping of the constitutional
fabric. Let us have nothing rushed through
in the heat of a panic, to be deplored and
execrated by either party when the clouds
■hall have blown over. Whatever is done
must bo done with deliberation, —after a full
study of the whole case, and with a close and
complete knowledge of the public sentiment
in every section of the country.
In onr judgement the present publio senti
ment in nearly all the Southern States is the
result of an utter misapprehension of the
principles and purposes of the Republican
Party. It has been brought about by the
most steady, relentless and infamous crusade
of falsehood that ever disgraced the history
of any civilized country. So long as that
feeling prevails, no compromise can be made
which will be worth the paper on which it is
wri tec. That misapprehension must be te
movid, as a preliminary step to nny adjust
ment which will last a year, or give the
•lightest satisfaction to either section. It
could be removed at once, if the intelligent
men of the Southern States had the courage
to te>l what they know to be tbe truth about
the Republican Party, and tbe man who has
been chosen President of the United States.
But as long as they assent in silence to the
infamous falsehoods by which buth are slan
dered , —as Jong as they lend themselves to
the schemes of the conspirators by repeating
their Shibboleth, and echoing their epithets,
| and countenancing their bald and shameless
perversions of truth ; —as long as they join
in suppressing the real sentiments, and reit
erated declarations of Mr. Lincoln, and per
mit tbe most glaring forgeries to be palmed
off upon their people as the genuine exprea
sion of his opinions ; —so long as they allow
; even their slaves to bear tbe Republicans
| spoken of as blacks,— and the Presidentelect
as pledged to set them free, —they must not
; expect, nor do they deserve, that we of the
North shall assume all the burden of pre
serving a Union which is worth far more 10
them than it is to us, — end which is imperil
ed only by their flagrant neglect of tbe most
; solemn duties that devolve upon citizens of a
! free Republic.
According to present appearances, there is
; but one thing which will dissipate these false
apprehensions of Republican ascendency,—
and that is, actual experience of a Republi
can Administration, Six months of the ac
tual practical Administration of affairs under
Mr, Lincoln will do more to allay the South
ern panic,—to refuta tbe falsehoods which
! have wrought this wrong, and to restore peace
and harmony to the country, than ail the
oompromiese that groundless wrath on the
on* bend cap effort from irrational fears en
the otbw."
The committee of the border states, inclu
dirg Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Ken
tucky, Missouri, and North Carolina, from
the South, and New Jersey, North, to-day
agreed upon propositions for an adjustment
of pending difficulties, by amending the Con
stitution, follow:
1. Recommending a repeal of all tbe per
sonal liberty bills.
2. That of the fugitive slave law be amen
ded for the preventing of kidnapping, and so
as to provide for tbe equalization of the com
missioners' fee, &c.
3. That the Constitution be so amended as
to prohibit any interference with slavery in
any of the states where it now exists.
4. That Congress shall not abolish slavery
in ths southern dockyards, arsenals, &0,, nor
in the District of Columbia without tbe con
sent of Maryland, and the consent of the dis
trict, nor without compensatoin.
5. That Congress shall not interfere with
the interstate slave trade.
6. That there shall be a perpetual prohib
ition of the African slave trade.
7. That the line of 36 degrees 30 minutes
shall bo run through all the existing territo
ry of the Uoitsd States ; that in all north of
that line slavery shall be prohibited, an that
south of that line neither Congress nor the
territorial legislature shall hereafter pass any
law abolishing, prohibiting, or in any man
ner interfering with African slavery, and
that when any tsrritoiy containing a suffi
cient population for one member of Congress
in any area of 60,000 square miles, shall ap
ply for admission as a state, it shall be ad
mitted, with or without slavery, as its con
stitution may determine.
The compromise proposed by tbe commit
tee of border states is not accepted by tho
3outh. Tbe South will not conseht to leav
ing tbe territories south of thirly-six thirty
to be freo or slave as tbe people'may elect,
believing that by leaving the question open
the scene of Kansas will be revived, and the
country overrun by anti-slavery people thro'
tbe agency of the northern emigrant aid so
cieties. Tbey demand the unequivocal rec
ognition by the North that slavery shall ex
ist in territory south of tbe proposed line un
til it shall be divided into states, when, in
their sovereign capacity as states, tbey may
alter or confirm their status in regard to
slavery. In other words, all territory North
shall be considered free, and all South slave,
unless the- people shall choose to change
their condition after their government shall
be clothed with state authority. Nothing
else will be accepted by the South ; and as
false impressions may be formed from the
favor in which the propositions of tbe border
committee are received in some quarters, it
is proper that this explanation.should go be
i jre tbe country as soon as possible.
The republican members of the House
caucubsed in the Post Office committee room
again to-day, upon tbe present state of af
fairs, Speaker Pennington in ths chair, —
There was a full attendance.
Tbe unfinished buisness of yesterday was
resumed, being the report of Mr, Hale, of
Pennsylvania, from th 9 sub committee of the
border siatos. who said that be believed the
members of his committee representing the
border slave states would agree to his prop
osition; that all the territory of tbe United
States north of thirty six degrees thirty
minutes should be free, aDd all south of that
line to remain as it is, with liberty to ths
people to prganizo into states whenever
they plcnse, with or without slavery. lie
was of opinion that it might be better for tbe
North to tcke this proposition than to pre
cipitate the country into war.
Mr. Howard, of Michigan, said be objected
to any compromise, because be believed it to
be an acknowledgement of an error, which
be would not concede, He defended the
motives of the republicans in tbe committee
of thirty-three, and expressed the opinion
that they had done nothing that could be in
terpreted as a surrender of thsir principles.
Those who understood Mr. Adams' posi'ion
do not believe this.
Mr. Lovejoy, of Illinois, speaking of the
malconteuts of the slave states, and the pro*
posed compromise of dividing the territory
between freedom and slavery to tbe Pacific,
said : " There never was a more causeless
revolt since Lucifer led bis cobarts of apos
lfcte angels against tha throne of Gad, but I"
never beard that the Almighty proposed to
compromise the matter by allowing the reb
els to kindle tbe fires of hell south of tha ce
eatial meridian of thirty-six thirty."
This outburst of tbe eccentric member
from Illinois created a deal of sensation and
some movement.
Mr. Sherman stated that, as a member of
the border sub-committee from tbe border
states, he could neither vote for the proposi
tion ptoposed by Mr. Hale, nor that propos
ed by Mr. CritiendeD, to restore the Missouri
line and extend it to the Pacific. lie was
also opposed to the compromise to prevent
the abolition of slavery in the district of Cos
lumbia. While be did not wish to abolish
it now, be was opposed to yieldiog up tb e
right of CoDgress to do so at any future pe
Mr. Grow, of Pennsylvania, expressed
himself decidedly opposed to all compromi
ses. lie asked what better platform the
North or the South could bav9 to stand upon
than the Union, the Constitution and the
laws? The republican party has elected a
President in accordance with the forms of
the Constitution, aud is entitled to fair play.
If his administration of the government is
resisted by those opposed to Mr. Lincoln, tbe
crime will be theirs. When the republicans
took their position, before the election, they
knew they would have to meet this state of
things, and now they should not put the bur
den upon posterity.
Messrs. Uickman and Stevens, of Penn
sylvania, and Case, of Indiana, opposed all
compromises, in speeches Couched in unmis
takable language.
Mr. Petit, of Indiana, from the sub-com
mittee of border states, said he had opposed
all the propositions in that committee exceat
the one proposed by Mr. Hale, upon wnK
he did not vote. He defended the border
states for their efforts to arrange matters.
What President Fillmore Did.
Some ten yeare ago, when President Fill
more occupied the White House, South Car
olina got up her secession movement because
California was admitted into the Union,
without being cut in two, making one a slave
aDd the other a free State. Now, though Mr.
Fillmore was an amiable man, chock-full of
peace principles, what did he do? Why he
quietly put into Fort Muultrie a strong body
of troops, without asking their leave. The
gay and gallant Palmettos awoke one fine
morning and tound this awkward fact sud
denly storing them in the face ; whereupon
their chivalric Governor waxed wroth and
applied to President Fillmore for an expla
nation. '"Sir," was the answer, "tbe Presi
dent of the United States is not responsible
for bis official conduct to the Governor of
South Carolina." The amiable President,
then in office, did not particularly affect leo
nine or heroic qualities; but he understood
his duty to the Constitution he was sworn to
support, and his vigorous mode of confront
ing rebellion nipped it in the bud to the
great satisfaction of everybody exeept the
combustible and explosive Palmettos. If
the pusillanimous "old public functionary,"
row at the bead of the government, had bad
the foreeast, discretion and spirit, two
months ago, to do his plain duty, he would
not now be the ohj?ct of universal contempt
and derision.— Telegraph.
—" I can only account for my present sound
health, from the constant, though moderate
use of Bcerhave's Holland Bitters —having
from my youth suffered, at intervals from
Files, in both forms, sometimes so severely
as to completely prostrate me. I have sev
eral months past, though subject to loes of
sleep, and unusual phvsical effort, been en
tirely free from any symptom of this distress
ing disease ; while my general health is very
much improved."
Persons doubting tha authenticity of this
certificate, aro requested to call upon or com
municate with the proprietors. They will
take pleasure not only in referring them to
its authi r, but to many others who have used
the Hollanl Bitters for the same affection,
with equal success.
A Happy New Year.
Lo ! we with you, dear readers,
A happy New Year !
May your hearts beat its seconds,
With pleasures to cheer
Ev'ry pa.n you are treading,
Of duty and love.
Through this wilderness horny,
To mansiens above.
May our States their affection
For Union increase,
And rejoice in the blessings
Ot plenty and peace !
May our harps from the willows
Bo taken and strung;
And the sweet song song of labor,
Be cheerfully sung.
May there be bread aud butter
Enough for us all!
May the men, biying clothing ,
Sustain Tower Hall!
May the year 'Sixty one have
These blessings in store
" There :s luck in odd numbers,
Says Rory O Moore.''
Those who would greet, in a nice suit, the
" good time coming," should purchase one from
the Winter Siuck, now closing out at greatly re
duced prices, at TOWER HALL, 518 Market St.
Philadelpaia. BENNETF A CO.
LISl' OF LETTERS, remaining is the Post
Office, at Belle ionte, Dec. 31st 1860.
Bowers , Ed. S Leathers, John
Beck, Henry E. McFadden, John
Beck, M. Mackcy, Maria
Bimer, Benjamin Mcßaff, Wm.
Benzenbauch, B. McCoy, Wm. I'. I
Clark, Lewis L, Peoples, W. W.J
Cowdrick, Morris Pas?more, Rebecca
Carmach, C. S. Reade, Fanny
Deweye, Hannah Rudy, Erniger,
Evans, Charles Robennald , Sarah
Eswurthy,June Spange, Samuel
Faichet, Benjamin, Sawerty, Tommy
Ora Jan, Jonn Shony, Emanel
Hull, James Sims, Mary
Hughes, Ezekiel Schneaberger, Anthony
Hall, C. H. Weller, Henry
Hoacaugh. Wm. Wolf, Newton |
Hubler, Daniel N*
Jameson, John
Keefc, Micheid
Koons, S. M.
Lippi. P.
Persi ns calling for Letter In thi •' eve lilt,
will pleiie lay that they are advertised.
WHEREAS the Hon. Samuel Linn, Presi
dent Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas
in the twenty fifth Sudicial District, consisting of
the eounties of Centre, Clearfield and ClintoD, and
the Hon. Henry Barnhart, and Wm. Burchfield,
Esqr's, Associate Judges in Centre Co., having is
sued their precept to me directed, for holding a
Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Or
pnans' Court, Couit of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery at Bellefonte, for the coun
.ty of Centre, and to commence on the third Mon
day of January, it being the 28th day, and con
tinue one week.
Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices
of tbe Peace, Constables of the said county of Cen
tre, that they be then and there in their proper
p.rsons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day
with their records, inquisitions, examinations aad
their other remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices appertain to be done, and
those who are bound in recognizances to prose
cute against the prisoners that are or shall be in
the Jail of Centre county, be then and there to
prosecute against them as sha'l be just.
Given under my band at Bellefonte the 3d day
of January, A. D., 1861, and in the 85th year of
the independence of the United St ates.
Sheriff - ! Office, Bellefonte, Centre co., I
Penn'a., Jan. 3, 1861 —tc. {
GANbuy your clothiug for yeurselves and your
boys, in every uariety, aud at low cash pri
ces by calling at the "heap Clothing Store of-A.
ternberg 4 Co.. in the Diamond, where yon
SAVE at least lrom to 3D per cent. All kinds
of Clothing and Furnishing Goods aro to be
had at this Storo at the lowest cash prices, and
receive well made goods. Would it not be bet
ter to
MUCH valuable lime by calling immediately
and lay in your stock of Clothing lor the
Winter, at this establishment, where you will cer
tain ly get the full Aalue of your
REMEMBER the place. One door above Liv
ingston's Book Store, in tbe Di mond.
Bellefonte, Nov. 15, 1860.
NOTICE. —The undersigned an Auditor ap
pointed by the Orphans' Court of Centre
County to make a distribution of the balance in
the hands of Jos. Baker 4 Jacob G. Houser, Ad'r
of the Estate of Martin Honsr, dee'd will attend
to the duties of his appointment at his office in
Bellefonte on day of January, inst, when and
where all persons iterested may attend if they
think proper. W. P. MACMANUS, Aud'r.
Jan. 3, 1861 3t.
j / partnership heretofore existing between Jo
seph B- Erb and Chas. Dennis, and tiading under
the firm of Jos. B. Erb 4 Co., has this day, Nov,
24th, been dissolved, The business, hereafter, to
be oonducted under the firm of E. W. Erb 4 Co.
Nov. 29, 1860. 64.
FLOUR FOR SALE,—Extra inperfiine family
Flour for sale by
Dm. It, lSflO.f D. MYDEN h CO.
KPI Ara you tick, feeble, end
L i nSrwhl complaining? Are you out of
v sfQ'Jpy J'tarn Older, with your eysleui de
ranged, and your feelings un
' = "•RltpSlHH comfortable? These *yuip
f toms are often the prelude to
sickness is crecpiug upon you,
f and should be averted by a
I ?j timely use of the right rem-
W&M&& edy. Take Ayer's X'ilis, and
cleanse out the disordered hu-
I mors —purify the blood, and
i let the tluids move on unab
le tf structed In health again.
They stimulate the functions
SB&'of the body into vigorous ac
tivity, purify the system from
"i B— tlie obstructions which make
disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob
structs Us natural functions. These, if not relieved,
react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro
ducing general aggravation, suffering, and disease.
Willie in this condition, oppressed by the derangements,
take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore the
natural action of tho system. ami vritli it the buoyant
feeling ofhealrli again.. What is true ami B<> apparent in
this trivial ami common complaint, is ulso true in many
of the deep-seated and dangerous distein|>ers, Ihe same
purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar obstruc
tions and derangements of the natural functions of the
body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured
bv the same means. None who know the virtues ot these
Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders they cure.
Statements from leading physicians In tome of the
principal cities, and from othor well known public per
From a Forwarding Merchantof St. Louis, Feb. 4,1856.
DR. AYER: Your Pills are the paragon of all tlmt is
great in medicine. They liuvo cured my little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved
incurable for years. Her mother has been long griev
ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and
ill her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried
your Tills, and they have cured her.
At a Family Physic.
From Dr. K. If. (Mrtwriyht, iVew Orleans.
Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent
qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are
mild, but very certain and effectual in their action 011 the
bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily
treatment of disease.
Headache,Slcklleadnehe,Foul Stomach.
m Dr. Ediuurd llvjd, Baltimore.
DEAR lino. AVEII: 1 cannot answer yon what complaints
I have cured with your Pills better thau to say ull that tee
ever treat with a purgative medicine. I place great depen
den-e on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with
disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the
tost we have, 1 of course value tliem highly.
PiTTsnuno, Pa., May 1,1855.
DR. J. C. AYER. Sir: T have been repeatedly cured of
the worst headache any body can have by a dose or two
of your Pills. It seems to urUs from a foul stomach,
which they cleanse at once.
Yours with great respect, ED. W. PRF.P.LE,
Cleric of Steamer Clarion•
Bilious Disorders lilver Complaints.
From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York Ctj.
Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur
pose as an aperient, but F find their beneficial effects upon
the Liver very marked indeed. Tliry have in my prac
tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious com
plaints than any one remedy 1 can mention. I sincerely
rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor
thy the confidence of the profession uud the people.
Washington, 1). C., 7th I'eb., Jbdti. /
Bin: I have used your Pills in uiy general and hospital
practice ever since you made them, and catuiut hesitate to
say they are the best cufbartic we employ. Their regu
lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse
quently they are an admirable remedy lor derangement*
of that organ. Indeed,! have seldom found a case of
bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to
them. Fraternally yours, A 1.0.N ZO HALL, 51. 1).,
J 'hi/siciun of the Mar ins Hospital.
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms.
From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.
Your Pills huvo had a long trial in my practice, and I
hold them in esteem as one of the best aperients 1 have
ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes
them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for
bilious dysentery and diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating
makes them very acceptable aud couveuiuut for the use
of women and children.
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
From Dev. J. V. Dunes, Castor of Advent Church, Boston.
DR. AYER: I have used your Pills with extraordinary
success in my family and among those I am called to visit
in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and
purify the blood, they are the very bvst remedy I have
ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend them to
uiy friends. Yours, J. V. 111.MLS.
WARSAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 'J4, 1855.
DEAR SIR: lam using your Cathartic Pills in my prac
tice, and find them an excellent purgative to clean** the
system aud purify the fountains of the blood.
Constipation, Cost I veness, Suppression,
Rheumatism, Cout, Neuralgia, Drop*
ay, Paralysis, Fits, etc.
From Dr. J. J". Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.
Too much cannot l>o oaid of your Pills for tho curs of
costireness. If others of our fraternity have found them
it* efficacious as I huve, they should join me in proclaim
ing it for tho benefit of thu multitudes who aulfwr from
that complaint, which, although had enough in itself, is
the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe cog*
tiveness to originate in t lie liver, but your Pills uQ'ect that
organ aud cure the disease.
From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician ami Midwife, Boston.
I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the
proper time, are excellent promotives of the naturul score
tioti when wholly or partially sup pressed, and also vary
effectual to cleanse tho stomach and expel worms. They
are so much the best physic we have that I recommend
no other to my patients.
From the Rev. Dr. itaxekes, of the Methodist Epis. Church,
PUI.ASKI House. Savannah. On.. .lan. fi. 185fi.
IIOJIORPD Sin: I should he ungrateful for the relief
your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to
you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru
ciating neuralgic pains, wiiicli ended in chronic rheuma
tism. Notwithstanding 1 had the b*t of physician*, tht
disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your
excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried your
Pills, 'J heir effects were slow, but sure. By persevering
iu the use of them, I am now entirely well.
SENATE CHAMBER, Baton Rouge, Da., 5 Dec. I*s*.
DR. AVER: I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, < f
Rheumatic Gout a paiuftil disease that had afflicted mo
Most of the Pills in market contain Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is
dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse
quences that frequently follow its incautious u*e. These
contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for sl.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mats.
Sold by I. Harris A Co., Bellefono; J. Bing,
Unionville; R. D. Cuututings, Port Matilda;
Hebl r A Co.. Stormstown ; H. Foster, Millheim;
D. 0. Bower, and Gross A Y. ariek, Aaronsburg ;
C. G. By man, Milesburg, and by one trader in
every village in tho country.
Jan. 10, '6l.—iy. ___
SINCE it is evident that a civil war must en
sue, let every Union and money saving per
son call at the Now Cash Tin and Sheet Iron
M: nufnetory on Bishop street, where the under
signed v-ntures to say that be can furnish the cit
iztDS of Bellefonte and the surrounding country,
with ALL KINDS OF WARE, manulactured
front the best material at
at least trout 30 to 60 per cent, cheaper than can
be purchashed elsewber , to be assured of tho
above ail be demands is a call.
Jan. 10, '6l.—ly.
STRAY STEER.—Came to the residence of tLe
subscriber in Ferguson twp., about the first
of April last, a pale Red Steer, about two years
old, and has a piece cut out of taoh ear. The
owner is requested to come forward, prove prop
erty, pay charges and lake him away, otherwise
he will be disposed of according to law
Jan. 10, 1861,—3t.
tjp J On Tuesday, January 15th,
1861, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold without re
serve, at the Pheladelpbia Exchange, (Phil'a.,)
two Promisscry Notes, made by John Fallon,
amounting to $143,500. Sale absolute.
TERMS.—Ten per cent, of the purchase money
to be paid at the sale, the balance within three
days ficm sale.
M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers.
No. 130 & 141, South 4th St., Philadelphia.
Jan. 3,1861, 2 t.
~|VT OTICE is hereby given that the following
named persons have filed their petitions,
and will make application at the rext Court of
Quarter Sess ions lor license to sell Liquors, Ac.,
vi? :
James Clark, . . Tavern, . . Centre Hall.
GTO'. t Kggaft, 1 Liquor store. Belief onte,
J NO. T, JOHNSTON, Cl'k. Bess'n.
Bellefonte, Jan. 3, 1861 = tc'.
NOTICE, —Notice is hereby given that theac
count of Henry Vf. Weaver, assignee of Jno
E. Muti, has been filled in this office, and be con
firmed absolutely at January term next, unless
exceptions be filled in the meantime.
JNO. T. JOHNSTON, Proth'y:
Proth'ys. Offloe, Bellefonte, 1
Jan. 3, 1861. 3*. J
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni
Exponas issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Centre county, and to me directed, there
will be exposed for sale at publio outcry, at the
Court House in Bellefonte, on Monday the 28th
day of January next, ail the interest of the de
fendant, being the one undivided fourth part of
all that certain tract cr portion of laod situate in
the township of Rush in the county of Centre,
and the township of Decatur in the county of
Clearfield, containing Seventeen Hundred and
five Acres and allowance, being held in coram >n
with A. G. Curtin, D. I. Pruner, and John M.
Hale, all of which said premises are described hy
metes and bounds in a mortgage given by the said
Jos. J. Ling'e to the said Win. H. Blair, dated Sth
September 1857, and recorded in the office for the
recording of Deeds in Centre eounty, in mortgage
Book E, page 34. Ac.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Jos. J. Lingle.
All the right, title and interest of defendant in
the undivided one fourth part of o certain tract oi
land situate in Walker tow iship, bounded as fol
lows : On the North aad East by lands of Simon
Beck and others. West by Woi. Lee, and South
by the Nittany Mountains, containing 190 acres,
of which 120 are cleared, thereon erected a two
stery Dwelling House, Barn and small Tenant
House, with the improvements and appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Patterson Dingee.
Two certain lots of ground situate in the
ship of Haines, fronting North on turnpike, and
adjoining lot of Thomas Hosterman on the West,
and on the East and South by lands of John E.
Motz and others, fronting on turnpike one hun
dred and twenty feet, and runing back two hun
dred feet. Thereon erecte a large and well fin
ished Dwelliug ilous , with the improvements and
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of John Motz A Solomon Etlinger, part
ners, lately trading under the firm of Motz A Et
A certain tract of land situate in Ferguson town
ship, it being part of a < ertain tract of land sur
veyed in the name o' James McGrnu, Jas. Boggs,
Michael Rodman, Wm. Elliot, Alexander Clay,
Henry Davis and John lochran, containing nine
ty-two acres, and fifty three perches, and allow
ance, on which is enct*d a small house and bam.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of John Greim.
Sheriff's Office, ) GEO. ALEXANDER,
Dec. 22nd 1860. J Sheriff.
IX HE following accounts have been examined
and passed by me, and ketnain filed of rec
ord in ibis office for the inspection of Hairs, Leg
atees, Creditors and all others in any way inter
ested, and will be presented to the next Orph ns'
Court of Centre county, to be held at Belleronte
on Tuesday the day of January next, for al
lowance and confirmation :
Ist. The account of T. M. Hell' Adm'r. of Geo,
Swattz. of Spring township, dec'J.
2d. The accouut of E C. Humes. Executor or
John Seibert, late of Benner twp , dee'd.
3d. The account of Jacob S. Shope and Eman
uel Shrozer, Adm'rs. of Adam Shrozer, late of
Boggs twp., dec'u.
4tb. The account of John Ruble. Adm'r. of Jno.
Houdcr, late of Marion twp. dee'd.
sth. The account of John Rishcl, Guardian of
Susan, Anna. George and Mary Crawl, tniuor
children o< Win. Krawl, late of York Co., dee'd,
6th. The account of John W. of
the estate of John Shell, lata of Miles township,
7th. Tte account of W. A. White, Exec'r. of
Chas. Dingee, late of Walker twp.. dee'd.
Sth. The. account of Michael Uliicb, Guardian
of Mary and Rebecca Kunkte, minor children ot
John Kunkle, late of Potter twp , dee'd.
9th. The account of Samuel Beachdel and Nel
son Askey, Exec'rs., of Christian D. Bechdcl, late
of Liberty twp., dee'd.
10th. The account of Robe.t Goheen, Adm'r. of
Jane Goheen. late of Ferguson twp., dee'd.
11th. The. account of John Teats, Adm'r., of
David Bartholomew, late of Walker twp.. dee'd.
12th. The final account of Jeremiah Kline,
Adm'r., of Dauiet Kline, late of Gregg township,
13th. The account of Samuel Moyers, Adm'r.,
of Wm. B McGhec, late of Mi/cs twp., dee'd.
WM. H. LONGWELL, Register,
Register's Office, Eeilefoute, 1
Centre co., Dec. 24, '69- tc. J
Ist. It is always ready*for t use,
2d, It has r.o smell,
3d. It polishes over rust.
4th. Tt is economical,
ftb. It produces no dirt in poli.bing.
6th. It stand the greatest degree of heat.
7th. It is jus what every family needs -
Stoves will last oaa third longer by ming this
It has stood the severest tests.
Triumphant! Triumphant!!
Greatest Discovery of the age ! !
Address. LEA DBEA TEH <k CO.,
(Sole Manufactures,)
No. 929 Maiket Street, Philadelphia-
Sold by all respectable Dealers. A
liberal discount to ths Trade.
Price, 12 and 20 Cents.
Put up for dealers in eases containing four and
eight dozen, A splendid Lithographic Show
card accompanies each package. Every
Merchant should make a note o'
Nor. 22, 1860. ly.
Interest paid on Special i>eposit.
DEPOSITS received, Bills of exchange and
Notes Discounted, Collections made and
proceeds remitted promptly. Interest paid on
special deposits for Ninety days, and under six
months at the rate of fout per cent, per an""Ti.
For six months and upwards, at the rrtc c five
percent, per annum. Exchange on the East con
stant' v on hant January, 3rd. 1861.
Persons in want of PAINTS, OILS, VAR
NISHES, or anything of the kind, will do
well to purchase them at the Drug Store of J. A J.
HARRIS, Brockerhoff's Row, Bellefonte. Also,
and all the Patent Medicines made.
Surgeon's and Physician's Instrument
onnsta"tly on hand. Call and see them, nearly
oppoßit ) the Conrad House.
January, 3rd 1861.
Axe Factory & Houses For Rent.
THE Bellefonte Axa Factory, capable of
tarnishing twenty dogen axes per day,
now in the occupancy of Harvey Mann.
The dwelling house on High Street, with or
without the frame building adjoining, new
occupied b; J. V. Thom&a. For particulars
apply to W M.A.THOMAS
Bellefonte, Deo. 13, 'SO.—flt.
a growiDg tendency >.n this age to appropriate th
nihst expressive words of other languages, and
after a wi.ile to ineooporate them into our own f
thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek,
signifying " for the head," is now becoming pop
ularized in connection with Mr. Spalding's great
Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a
more general way, and the word Cepalic will be
come as common as Electrotype and many others
whose distiction as foreign words has been w. rn
away by common usage until they seem " native
and to the manor born."
Ili 'ad 'n 'orrible 'eadach e this hafternoon, hand
1 stepped into the bapothecaries hand says hi te
the man, " Can you heuse me of an 'eadache?"—-
'• Does it hache 'ard," gays 'e. " Hexceedingly,"
says hi, hanu upon that 'e gave ine a Cephalifl
P ill, hand 'pon me 'onor it cured me so quick that
I'ardly realized I 'ad an'eadache.
JIGG- HEADACHE is the favorite sign hy which
na'ure makes known any deviation whatever from
the natural state of the brain, and viewed in thia
light it may be looked on as a sa'eguard intended
to give notice of disease which might other vise
•scape attention, till too. late to be remedied ; and
its indications should never be neglected. Head
aches may be classified under two names, via :
Symptomatic and Idiophatic. Symptomatic Head
ache is exceedingly common and is the precursor
of a great variety of diseases, among which are
Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile dis
eases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of
diseases of the stomach constituting tick head
ache, of hepathic disease constituting biliont head
ache, of worms, constipation and othet disorders
of the bowels, as well as reDal and uterine affec
tions. Diseases of the heart are very frequently
attended with Headaches ; Anosmia and plethora
are also affections which frequently occasion head
ache. Idiopathic Headache it also very common,
being usually distinguished by the ratne of iter
vuut headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in
a state of apparently sound health and prostrat
ing at once the mental and physical energies, ami
in other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by
depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In
most instances the pain it in the front of the head,,
over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking
vomiting ; under this class may alio b named
For the treatment of either class at Headsehe
the Cephalic Piils bare been found a sure aad
sate remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a
few minutif, and by its subtle power eradicating
the dis as* of which Headache is tbe unerring In
BRIDGET. —Missus wants ycu to send her a hex
of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Piepared Pills,—
but I'm thinking that's not just it naither ; but
perhaps ye'll bo atlher knowing what it is. Yo
see she's nigh dead and gone with the S ck Head
ache, and wants some more of that same as reliev
ed her before.
Druygiet. —You must mean Spalding's Cephalie
Bridget. —Och ! sura now and you've sed U,
here's the quarther and giro mo the Pills and
don't be ail day about it ailher.
No one of the " many ills flesh is heir to" is se
prevalent, so little understood, audio much ne
glected as Costirer.css. Often originating in care
ies-ness, or seieutary hablt3 ; it is regarded as a
slight disorder of toe little consequence to excite
anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and
companion of many of the most fatal anrt danger
ous diseases, and unless early eradicated it will
bring the sufferer to an untimely grav . Among
the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual
attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul
Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a
long train of frightful diseases, such as Malignant
Fevers Abeesses, Dysentery, Di trrhoea, Dyspep
sia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria,
H ypoehondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first
indicate their presence in the system by this
alarming symptom, Not unfrequently the dis
eases named originate in Constipation, but take on
an independent existence unless the rase is erad
icated iD an early rtitge. From all these consid
erations it follows that the disorder should reet ire
immediate attention whenever it occurs, and oa
the first appearance of the complaint, as their
timely use will expel the insiduous approaches of
diseases and destroy this dangerous 100 to human
Phytician. —Well, Mrs, Jones, how is that head
ache ?
Mrt. June*. Gone ! Doctor, all gone ! the pill yo
sent cured me iu just twenty minutes, and I wish
you would send me more so that I ean hare theus
Phytician. —You can get them at any Druggists.
Call for Cephalic Pills, I find they never fai>, and
1 recommend tbetu in all cases of Headache,
J ln. Junet, — I shall send for a box direetiy. and
s'jaU tell all my suffering friends, for thty are a
real lifting.
Spalding has sol d two millions of bottles of his
celebrated Prepared Glue and it is estimated that
each bottle saves at least ten dollars worth ot
broken furniture, thus making an aggregate of
twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total
loss by this valuable invention. Having made bis
Glue a biusebold word, he now proposes to do the
world still greater service by euri ng all the aoh
ing heads with his Cephalic Pills, and it they are
as good as his Glue. Headaches will soon vanish
away like snow in July.
FACTS WORTH KSOWIKG, —Spalding's Cephalic
Pills are a eertai cure for Sick Headache, Bili
ous Headache, Nervous Headache, Custivanete
nd General Dobility.
Nervous Headache
By the use of the Pills the periodic attacks ef
Ntrvout or Sitk Headache may be prevented ; and.
if taken at the commencement of an attack imme
diate relief from pain and sickness will beobt in
They seldom fail in removing the rVatuea end.
Headache to which female are so subject.
They act gently upon the bowels, —retrieving
For Literary Hen, Stadenti, Delicate Females,,
and all persons of eedentary habitt, they are valu
able as a Laxative, improving the ajjdetite, giving,-
tone and vigor to the digestive orguus, and restor
ing the natural elasticity and strength of the
whole system.
The CEPHILIC PILLS are the rezqlt of long
investigation andc irefully conducted experiment*,
having been in use many years, dnring which tjiae
they have prevented and relieved a vast amount
of pain and suffering from Headache, whelhec
originating in the nervou* system or from a de
ranged state of the ttmnach.
They are entirely vegetable in their coutposU
tion, and may be taken at all times with perfect
safety without making any change < f diet, andr
the alee nee of any kitagrteable taete rendtre l M4|
to adminitter them to children.
The genuine have five signatures of Henry C,
Spalding on vach Box-
Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Med
A box will be sent by mail prepaid op recti#}
of the
All ordrs she old be addressed to
48 Cedar Mmt New-Ttrk-
Her. 21, 18&0. ly.