Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 03, 1861, Image 2

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    C|e Centre Jentflcrat.
THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT having the lar
gest Circulation, is, therefore, the best Advertising
medium in the county.
Now friends we must have money. We
are in down right earnest when we say must.
"We have debts to pay that must be paid, auJ
we must look to our patrons for (he means.
You can all pay us the two dollars, which
is justly due us lor last year's subscription,
at the January Court, if you will. Make it
a point, then, when you come to Court, to
pay the printer before leaving town. AY a
know the times are hard, but indeed, we
must bve. It takes flour, meat, potatoes,
butter other things, to keep printers alive,
and it takes money to buy these things in
Bellefonte. You would feel very badly if
some morning you would see a notice stucx
up, " Died of want, the proprietors and
hands of the Democrat, in consequence of
the patrons of that paper not paying their
sucscription." NuW friends, don't do it,
Seizure of Washington Threatened.
Citizens of Centre County Arouse and Arm.
We stop the press when our edition is
nearly half worked off to insert the following
important dissatch, recieved here last night*
WASHINGTON, JAN., 3rd.— Fort Sumprer i s
now besieged. Maj. Anderson's communica"
tions and supplies have been cut off. For 1
Moultrie has been repaired—the guns bav*
been re-mounted and are ready to open on
Maj. Anderson. New Batteries are beiDg
opened all around him the Secessionists. —
It is beyond doubt that a combination is
forming to take forcible possession of the
Government at AVashington on or before the
4th of March. A Convention in Florida has
passed ordinance declaiming that State out
of the Union. The Forts and arsenals in
Georgia are in possession of the State
Grand Torch-Light Procession.
Wide Awakes of Centre Co., reorganize
immediately. We want all the Clubs to be
in attendtnee at the .Grand Rally on Jan.
30tb- Coma with your.lamps trimmed, and
brightly burning—come in full unilorm
come with drums beating, and colors flying
—come with flags and banners —come bear
ing aloft those old b"attle-6moked transpa
rencies that you carried so gallently through
the last campaign. AVe inscribed upon tlirm
our principles, and we bire them in the
thickest of the fight. The battle has been
fought; the victory won ; and we now must
carry out the great principles we contended
for in tho canvass. Our opponents charged
us with misrepresentations, and false prom'
ises, but they will find we were in earnest,
when we cried " Homes for the Homeless.''
" Protection to labor." " Free Territories
for free white men." These are still our
battle cries and we will ring them after as
we did before the election in t! e ears of the
people. Come then every AVide Awake in
Centre Co., and renew your devotion to
these great principles on YVcdneday Evening
Jan., 30. Let the Ciubs at Hecla, Milesburg
Stormestown, Potters Mills Hublars and
throughout the County, call meetings with
out delay and make arrangements to have a
full turn out on the 30. What *Club will
move first ? Send ia>Reports so we can pos
itively announce next week what companies
will be on bands. Hunt up your lamps boys
and if you have Dot enough get new ones.—
Let UB have one more grand Digbt of it.—
AVbat say you ail, Hip, Uip, Hurrah. Ti
Attention Wide Awakes.
A crir-is has come and we must meet it.—
We know not how soon we may be called up
on to march in defence of our glorious flag,
our principles, the Constitution and the Un
ion. Wide-Awakes of Centre county, are
you ready ? Yuu have elected a Piesident
and you must inaugurate him. A plot has
been laid for the seizure of the Governtmnt
at Washington, and thus prevent the inaug
uration of Abraham Lincoln. We must foil
the designs of the traitors. Your brother
Wide-Awakes of Allegheny have already
formed themselves into a military body.—
Will you imitate their example? We hope
B. Wide-Awakes of Milesburg, Bellefonte,
Curtin's Works, Ilublersburg, Ileela, Pot
ters Mills, Stormstown, and the whole coun
ty. Call meetirgs at once ; organize your
selves into military companies, and declare
with one voice that you will staDd by the
Constitu ion and the Union to the last of
your breath and your I lood. Let all the
Wide Awake Clubs in the county elect dele
gates immediately to meet in C invention at
the January Court, and take in coneidera
tin what is brst to be done. These are dark
hours and we must prepare for the worst. Is
there a coward among us ? If there is let
him refuse to obey this call. Play up
again, re-trim your lamps, and if the worst
comes to the worst throw them away and
take muskets in your hands, and from Maine
to Oregon let the earth shake to the tread ol
three millions of armed Wide-Awakes, sworn
to protect the Constitution and the Union.
Do your duty and the Union is safj—fail te
do it and all the noble blood spilt in the Rev
olution will have been poured out in vain.—
Wide-Awakes of Centre county, i n the name
of your country, in the name of your glori
ous principles, in the name of liberty we call
upon you to organize at once. Will you do
BSP" Tbo election of delegates to the Al
abama Slate convention has lesulted in an
immense majority in favor of secessslon.
Treason! Treason '•! Treason!! !
The Federal officers of New York say they
will not resign their offices when Mr. Lin
comes into power. They assign as a reason
that Mr. Lincoln is not President of the
United States. A New York writer says :
" Mr. Schell, the Collector, has correspon
ded with Attorney-General Black. The lat
ter has written to the Collector that if South
Carolinia secedes it is a virtual dissolution
of the Union, and that the Collector of the
Port of New York and his Federal Assistants
are relieved from all further accountability,
and have a right to collect and retain the
revenues accruing here, and keep them until
the Legislature of New York or the city au
thorities attach the same.
" If a single Slate goes out of the Union,
Mr, Schell regards it as broken up, and says,
'Mr. Lincoln is not Presidentard neither
he nor any of the Federal officials will re
sign or surrunder their power and the public
money to any exceDt to the City Treasury.
" Mr. John J. Cisco, the Sub-Treasurer
takes the same views. He has several mill
ions at his dispo al. A large portion is in
bars of gold, valued at SI,OOO each. These
are being pa nted white, so as not to attract
atten ion in case of being removed from the
Sub-Treasury vaults in case of a riot or of
Lincoln claiminy to be the President."
"In case of Mr. Lincoln claiming to be
President." Ain't that cool ? Well all this
proves the truth of the old adage that the
" fools are not all dead yet." Mr. Lincoln
claim to be President ? wby he is President
without claiming anything about it. This
is indeed the coolest piece of impudence ex
tant. Listen to us, Mr. Collector Schell.—
Mr, Lincoln was elected President of the
United States on the 6tb day of November
last—on the 4th day of March next he will
take his seat at Washington, on the sth you
will receive notice to quit your office and de
liver over to your sueessor all monies and
property belonging to the Government.—
Should you refuse to obey you will be arres
ted for high treason, tried, and we hope hung.
If then you have any intention of robbing
the Government do it while you have corrupt
associates to connive and assist you : do it
while thac debased old traitor, Jas. Buchan
an, is in office ; in a word, do it before the
4ih of March, for after that time you will
not have the opportunity.
Who is Afraid ?
The time for compromises with slavery
has gone by. A majority of the people of
tbis nation have elected Abraham Lincoln
President, and there is now no alternative
but fcr tbe minority to submit or fight. All
knew Mr. Lincoln's principles before be was
elected, be made no concealments, nor will
he now make any. AVe pledged him, in the
canvass, to carry out three great principles,
and he will do what we said. He will op*
pose the extension of slavery in territory now
free. He will favor a Homestead Bill, and
he will sign a Tariff Bill as soon as it is laid
before him. There, gentlemen of the South,
are the three propositions upon which we
went before the people, and upon which we
elected Mr! Lincoln. Pledged to their sup
port we will carry them out. They are meas
ures for tbe benefit and advancement of tbe
people and we' will fight for them if necessa
ry. Some are crying out and hauling off,
but wc are standing up to the fight and wer
mean to stand up to it. AVe have no com
promises to make, no concessions to offer.—
Those who resist him are traitors and we
will hang them. If the South will submit to
will of the majority it is well; we will
live in peace with them. If they resist we
cry defiance to them and their dough-face al
lies in the North, and say
" Come to, lay on Macduff,
And damned be he that first cries hold, enough."
The Duty of the North.
The ihct stares us plainly in the face, says
the llarrisburg Telegraph, that James Bu
chanan, once the favorite son of Pennsylva
nia, is guilty of treason in supplying the
South with arms belonging to the United
States. Whilst the Northern Arsenals have
been almost entirely stript of public arms,
we have not been able.to obtain the quota
belonging to us of right. In order tc secure
our rights, we hope the Legislature of Penn
sylvania, which meets on Tuesday next, will
at once appropriate a million of dollars for
the purchase of arms to supply our regular
citizen soldiers with the necessary weapons
to perfect them in military discipline. We
shall have no trouble to obtain the money
without delay, and the Constitution gives the
Legislature full power to borrow any amount
for such purposes. We say, therefore, to
the members of the Legislature, let such an
act be passed the first week of the session.—
It will strike terror in the ranks of the disu
nionists of the South, and show them that the
North is determined to preserve the Union one
and inseperable.
Gov. Cnrtin's Appointments.
We are informed that Col. Curtin has
mado the following appointments:
Secretary of State—Eli Slifer, of Union
Attorney Genera*— Samuel Purviance, of
Butler County.
Whiskey Inspector —Wm. Butler, of Mif
flin County.
Physician of the Port of Philadelphia —Dr.
Clark, of Philadelphia.
Messenger to the Governor— Samuel Miles,
of Centre County.
The following gentlemen will, in all prob
ability, be appointed to office by the Gover
Adjutant General— James S. Negley, o f
Western Flour Inspector —Thos. Collins, of
Sealer of Weights and Measures—J. D.
Owens, of Pittsburg.
Mark the disunionists! Every arti
cle wiitten and every speech made against
the Union has proceeded from a professed
Democrat; nearly all of tbem from men of
the Breckinridge faction. The disunion
speeches fulminated in Congress during last
week were every one of tbem from leading
Democrats, such as Joe Lane, Clingman,
Brown, lyerson and Wigfall, They rivalled
each other in declarations of enmity to tha
Union, and their determination not to stay
within it under present circumstanoes. We
state these undeniable facts, as contained in
the report of Congressional proceedings
Readers can form tbe;r own conclusions,
Treason Consamated.
We have not the unexpected news, says
the Daily News, of the capture of Fort Mcul
trie by the South Carolinians, and the rais
ing of the Palmetto flag upon that fort, Cas
tle Pinckney, the Custom House and the
Charleston Post Office. This would seem to
be the climax of the secession movement in
South Carolina. Heretofore nothing has been
done that could be considered directly treas
onable against the Government of the Uni
ted States.
Taking possession of Government fortres
ses, of the Custom House, and the Post Office
at Charleston, is an overt act of war upon
the Eederal authority, and is tber efore trea
son. The gallant Major Anderson still holds
possession of Fort Sumpter, to which he re
tired yesterday, and he will doubtless main
tain his position, if he receives aid from the
Government at Washington. His wise de
sertion of Fort Moultrie made the conpuest
of that defence by the secessionists easy,
Should Mr. Bucbanan fail to reinforce him
promptly, and with such force of numbers as
will render Major Anderson's position im
pregnable, he should never be suffered to
cross Mason and Dixon's line in a northern
direction. Let those complicated with trea
son meet the fate of traitors. If South Car
olina be so dear to Buchanan that the Fed
eral laws cannot be enforced within her ter
ritories, let him yacate his position, go thith
er, and reside among her rice plantations for
the remainder of his miserable existence.
One universal volcanic outburst of bitter
scdrn and indignation will come, should An
derson and his gallant little band besacri"
ficed. No name in the long line of history
will stand out in such bold relief upon the
record of infamy as Buchanan's. Has not
Providence imposed him upon us as an espe
cial curse, at this time ?
B@°" Nobody doubts that if any Free States
were lor a moment to assume the position
now occupied by South Carolina, she would
instantly be coerced into submission to tbe
Federal poweT. The stigma of treason would
be irrevocably fastened upon ber name—
But because South Carolina deifies the in
stitution of slavery, and is ruled by a few ar
ristocratic leaders, she is quietly permitted,
if not directly aided, to bid open defiance to
tbe Federal authority. AVhut would be rank
treason in tbe mud-Btills of tbe NoTth, it is
treated as justifiable spirit in tbe revolution
ists of tbe South. When the people of Kan
sas took tbe law into tbeir own bands, to
punish the murderers and robbers who in
fested them, Mr. Buchanan seDt Gen. Har
ney with five hundred dragoons to put down
the rebellion. Btrt when the gallant Major
Anderson petitioned farm for a few more men
to help defend Fort Moultrie against the trai
tors of South Carolina, he stubbornly relused
and bas abandoned that brave officer, with a
handful of men to battle single-handed wiih
tbe fanatical populace of Charleston. It is
strange, with these facts before them, that
the patriotic people of this country as one
man rejoice over the near-approaching
change in the National Administaation ?
No Backing Down.
It is useless and lolly to expect the Re
publicans to back down from the position
they have taken and carried before the peos
pie h the recent great national eontest.—
We have done nothing to apologise for or to
repent of. Our platform is the Chicago
platform, and on that we stand. Nothing
more, nothing less. Wo openly and fairly
laid down our principles ef political action.
We went forward and elected an Adminis
tration to sustain them. We aecomplisbed
just what we set out to do, and having accomf
plished it in a loyal and legitimate way, we
are not disposed to yield one inch that will
require any abandonment or sacrifice of the
principles we have contended for.
The Charleston Arsenal occupied
by the State Troops.
CHARLESTON, Dec 30. —The South Caroli
na troops took possession of the Arsenal in
this city to-day, containing many thousand
stand of arms and military stores.
The military preperations are actively and
zealously progressing.
Volunteers have tendered their aid from
several of the Southern States, and among
them are officers of the Army and Navy, and
Wect Point graduates.
Capt, S. M. Morgan, of Tennessee, has of
fered his services, and been accepted.
WHEATLAND. —This place, celebrated for a
while, as the Mecca of the "Fouth Ward
crown,'/ still stands in all its beauty, on the
out-skirts of Lancaster city. It was current
ly reported on Friday and Saturday that
James Buchanan, the owner thereof, had
been corresponded with, as to the amount of
money he would sell it for. The people of
Lancaster seem desirous of getting rid of the
0. P. F., and wish to do so in a quiet, civil
way. If he sells Wheatland, as the people
wish, it will probably stand until reduced
by the decay of time. The people in the vi
cinity of Wheatland it is represented, do not
desire to do anything rash, that will be at all
likely to cause any sympathy to be made for
the bache'or President.— Daily News.
A Grand Sally for the Union.
After consulting with nearly all the lead
ing and influential men of the County, we
have concluded to issue a call for a Grand
Rally of the Republicans of Centre County,
on Wednesday evening of the Januarj
The object of the meeting is to discuss, in
an impartial manner, the causes which ]ed
to the crisis in our national affairs, and to
ascertain who is for the Union, the Constitu
tion, and the enforcement of the laws. These
have been imperiled by President Buchanan,
bis fire-eating advisers, and leading Demo
cratic Demagogues in South Carolina, and
We invite fccnest Democrats, and every
citizen of Centre County who esteem the
Constitution and the Union of greater value
than allegiance to any political organization,
to turn out in your strength to the meeting.
The meeting will be addressed by able
and eloquent champions of Liberty and Uni
on. Speakers from abroad are expect^ —
Come one, come all. "The Union, it must
and shall be presorved."— Andrew Jackson.
United Sates Senator.
The question of the selection of a United
States Senator from Pennsylvania, to succeed
AVilliam Bigler, is receiving much attention.
The- large Republican majority in our State
Legislature not only ensures the election of
a Republican Senator, but has also had a
tendency to briDg many candidates into the
field. The men whose Dames have been pre
sented for the office are generally good men,
well fitted to adorn that high position. But
of all the candidates, tb6re is one, who, by
his abilities as a Statesman, by bis powers as
an orator, and by bis great services to the
Republican cause, stands pre-eminent. That
man is David AViimot, Many are aware,
while perhaps some are not aware of the vast
debt which the victorious party that has just
carried Pennsylvania by ninety thousand ma
jority, owes to Judge Wilmot, When the
repeal of the Missouri Compromise, against
the prayers and remonstrances of the united
North, demoralized and destroyed the Dem
ocratic party, leaving tbe opponents of sla
very extension without a party name or or
ganization, it was through tbe wise counsels
and under the calm guidance of Judge YVil
mot that order was brought out of chaos, and
the friends of freedom in this Congressional
District—once ihe Gibralter of Democracy,
as it is now of Republicanism—were orga
nized and united in one harmonious party.
Susquehanna county was tbe first in the
State to organize a Republican party, and
in the first organization Whigs and Demo
crats, in about equal numbers, united, for
getting old differences and animosities, and
agreeing with their conjoined strength to re
sist the dangerous aggressions of the Slave
Power, AVhat led tbe free-soil Democrats of
this region, 60 far in advance of those in
other parts of the State, to Bunder old party
ties, and join in the formation of the Repub®
lican party? Their principles would natu
rally have ultimately led tbem to it, but by
the sagacious and far-seeing counsels of Da
vid AViimot, they were prompted to take tha
lead and form a nucleus from which has
grown the powerful and triumphant Repub
lican party of Pennsylvania. We believe
that without the aid of Judge Wilmot we
should still have had a strong Republican
party in Northern Pennsylvania ; but we are
firmly convinced that bis influence brought
to our organization thousanus of voters that
would otherwise have been to this day array
ed against us, either as part of the Democrat
ic party, or of a third party. Let, then, our
friends in other parts of tbe State bear in
mind, while they point with pride to the
great Republican majorities in Northern
Pennsylvania, that these are due in no small
degree to the personal influence and exer
tions of David Wilmot,
But we would not urge any man's claims
to high office merely on account of services
rendered to the party, however eminent.
Judge Wilmot has other and still stronger
claims to consideration. His intellect is of
the highest order, clear, sagacious and prac
tical. We have heard the slavery question
discussed by many distinguished speakers,
but we never heard any who brought to the
discussion of the subject so many original
ideas, so many evidences of profound thought
and a statesman-like consideration of the
whole question, as the author of the Wilmot
Proviso. Ilis knowledge of national ques
tions, his eloquence as a speaker, his bold
ness in advocacy of right, and his eminent
services, alike point to him as the man for
the hour. Pennsylvania has made some wo
ful mistakes, in days past, in the selection of
men to represent her in the Senate of the-
United States, but by the election of David
Wilmot to that position she would do herself
honor and the whole country a service.
Those who advocate the claims of other
candidates generally seem disposed to treat
Judge Wilmot fairly, acknowledging bis
great services and eminent abilities ; but a
few are inclined to make old party connec
tions the test of merit and the basis of ad
vancement under the Republican organiza
tion. Such a course would be both unwise
aud unfair. The Republican party derives
its strength from a union of men from all the
old parties. It is composed of men having a
common political faith on the great questions
of the day ; and what these men formerly
thought, on other, or even the same questi
ons, is wholly foreign to the inquiry concern
ing their fitness for office. What are they
now ? Are tbey Republicans—representing
fairly and with the ability to represent forci
bly the principles of the party? In Judge
Wilmot's case, the answer must be most em
phatically in the affirmative. He is recog
nized throughout the Union as one of the
most eminent exponents of Republicanism.
Those old fogies and eleventh hour Repub
licans, who have been at last borne by the ir
resistible tide of publio sentiment into our
ranks, ought not now to set themselves up
as the only genuine representatives of Re
publican principles, and undertake to control
the organization which tbey bad so little to
do in forming.
The leaders of the Republican movement—
the men who showed the ability and courage
of Dayid Wilmot in the hour of doubtful
conflict —are not to be displaced by the fossil
leaders of a defunct organization, so soon as
the victory has been won by us. The men
whose leadership kept the Whig party of
Pennsylvania in a minority for a quarter of
a century, are not the men to step in at this
time and undertake to guide the course of the
Republican party. The vital principles that
underlie the Republican organization must
be maintained, and any attempt to change
our platform to that of the old Whig party—
as some of these old fogy politicians seem
desirous of doing—would, if carried out,
most certainly break up the Republican par
ty and reduce it to a hopeless minority. To
abandon or subordinate the great and vital
ideas that have .entered into our late tri
umph, would entirely break us up, and re
store the domination of the Slave Power up
on a stronger basis than ever before. The
fate which has successively, and from mainly
the same causes, befallen the Whig, the
American, and the Democratic party, would,
assuredly and quickly, bfall the Republican.
It is the coincidence of our platform with the
sentiment of the Northern people against
slavery extension, that has given us our
strength and elected a Republican Presi
dent; and when we abandon that platform,
the days of the Republican party will be
speedily numbered.
The election of Judge WILMOT to the Sen
ate would have a political sigificance that
could not be mistaken or misunderstood. It
would be an assurance and guarantee to tbe
country that Pennsylvania had taken her po
sition on the great questions at issue in the
late election, deliberately, and that it would
be firmly maintained.
With regard to the Tariff question, we are
sure that no true friend of the Republican
party will make the differences of the part a
ground of objection to any member of tbe
party, We all agree that the revenue nec
essary to meet the wants of the Government
shall be raised by duties upon foreign im
ports. We agree in support of a Homostead
bill, thus cutting off that source of revenue.
We agree that protection to our manufactu
ring interists and borne labir, in a proper
basis of discrimination in the adjustment of
a tariff. We agree that certain articles of
(tea and coffee, for example,) shall be ad
mitted free. Agreeing upon these points,
atd having seventy or eighty millions of rev
enue to raise, no serious differences can arise
in adjusting the details of a tariff bill.—
Judge Wilmot's letter to Mr Brown, in the
Fall of 1857 was entirely satislactory to the
party. It was approved and endorsed by tb®
entire Republican and American press of the
State. It is now to late to call in question
bis soundness upon the tariff. It is ungene*
rous, and betrays a spirit of selfishness, and
disloyalty to the party of which we are all
members, and equally deserving of confi
dence and entitled to a fair field for honor
able advancement. Those who, in their ea*
gerness to grasp honors, thus ■ungenerously
and unfairly assail a rival, by attributing to
him opinions on the tariff which be does not
hold, are, whether they intend it or not,
striking at the integrity of the Republican
The effort to impeach the soundness of
Judge Wilmotontbe tariff, illiberal and un
just, not ouly to him but to his friends in
this Gibralter of the State, who deserve kin*
der treatment at the hands of tbeir political
brethren, who but for our constancy and
fidelity would have been to-day in a hopeless
minority in the State and the [Jnion.
For the Democrat.
Diamonds by the Wayside.
When I see a great and glorious nation
enjoying all the blessings of Civil, Political,
and Religious Liberty, and commanding res
pect on sea and land ; protecting her citi
zens m every clime and country ; encour
aging literature, science and art; prosperous
in her commercial relations; at peace with
all the world ; abounding in plenty, and fur
nishing food to the starving citizens of other
nations, I think she is a diamond.
When I see a State brooding disunion, and
endeavoring to cut herself loose from such a
government, by overturning the institutions
for which their fathers died, it seems to me
as though the Arch Fiend who once sought
to dethrone the Omnipotent, had become in
carnate, and in revenge for his fall, sought
to bring confusion and destruction on the
country and government most highly favored
aDd beloved of the Almighty, and I think she
is a leather diamond.
When I see a man regardless of summer's
heat or winter's frosts; without sufficient
food or clothing, often barefoot; destitute of
arms and ammunition, suffering, fighting,
bleeding, dying for his country's freedom, I
say what a beautiful diamond.
When I.bear a man swear to support the
Constitution of his country, and see him re
ceive a sacred trust from her, if he desert
that trust and betray that Constitution by
leaguing with disunionists, I say what an in•
famous leather diamond.
When 1 see a man exalted to high posi
tion by the advice and assistance of friends,
and find that he remembers those friends af
ter they eease to be ot use to him, and en
deavors to return their kindness, I say what
a rare diamond.
When I see one raised to position and pow
er who forgets or treats with contempt old
friends and tbeir services, and seeks ODly to
reward the political mountebank aud charl
atan, I eay what a miserable leather diamond.
When I see an Editor toiling from year to
year for the purpose of establishing some
great political truth calculated to benefit his
fellow men through all time as well as ad
ding to the permanent glory of his country ;
working often in poverty, discouraged by
friends, misrepresented by enemies; almost
dispairing of success yet never flagging or
yielding for a moment until success crowns
his labors or death ends the struggle, I say
what a magnificent diamond.
When I see a man riding into power as
the representative of some grand political
idea that may have cost an Editor years of
unwearied, unpaid, unrewarded, unnoticed
labor to establish in the public mind, and
see him give the cold shoulder to the man
who furnished the idea that made him fa
mous, I say what a pitiful leather diamond.
When I see a Statesman forgetting party
animosity and local prejudice and laboring
for the welfare of his whole nation, I say
there is a jt? ure diamond.
When 1 see the patriot and Statesman re
tiring to his closet and there pleading with
the Chr'stiana' God for tho welfare, perpetu
ity and peace of these United States, I feel
that there is no danger of theii dissolution,
and I call him a star diamond.
When the cry of secession is raised and
the country is alarmed ; when weak knees
begin to tremble, and the common talk is oi
danger, I say don't be alarmed, it is but a
leather diamond.
When I see a man elected to an office of
trust and importanoj, who faithfully dischar
ges all the duties of his office to the credit
and advantage of those who elected him, I
say take care of that man, he is a real din
When I see a faithful and effisient officer
allowed to retire at the expiration of his
term, and bis place supplied by one not only
lacking his experience but bis qualifications
also, I have to say we have exchanged for a
leather diamond.
When I see a political party selecting its
office-holders from the poor but honest men
of its party, I feel that the party is honest
and will be permanent, and I call it a dia
mond of the icater.
When I see a party hunting up the rich
and aristocratic to fill their uffices, I think of
corruption and oppression, and look for its
speedy overthrow. It is manifestly a rotten
leather diamond.
When I 6ee a man subscribe for a oounty
paper and promptly pay the printer for it, I
think he is a sound diamond.
But vi hen 1 see a man take his county pa
per and neglect or refuse to pay for it, leav
ing the printer to struggle with all the diffi
culties and annoyance of debt, and yet ex
pecting his paper to be furnished regularly
and promptly, I fear that he is only a leather
qpJ lOj'JUU On Tuesday, January 15th,
1861, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold without re
serve, at the Pheladelphia Exchange, (Phil'a.,)
two Promissory Notes, made by John Fallon,
amounting to $143,500. jz=a- Sale absolute.
TERMS.—Ten per cent, of the purchase money
to be paid at the sale, the balance within three
days from sale.
M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers.
No. 139 <t 141, South 4th St., Philadelphia.
Jan. 3,1861, 2t.
NOTICE. —The undersigned an Auditor ap
pointed by the Orphans' Court ef Centre
County to make a distribution of the balance in
the bands of Jos. Baker A Jacob G. Houser, Ad'r
of the Estate of Martin Houser, dee'd will attend
to the duties of his appointment at his office in
Bellefonte on day of January, inst., when and
where all persons iterested may attend if they
thick proper. W. P. MACMANUS, Aud'r.
Jan. 3, 1861. 3t.
NOTICE, —Notice is hereby given that the ac
count of Henry W. Weaver, assignee of Jno
E. Motz, has been filled in this office, and be con
firmed absolutely at January term next, unless
exceptions he filled in the meantime.
JNO. T. JOHNSTON, Proth'yl
Proth'ys. Office, Bellefonte, )
Jan. 3, 1861.—3t. J
JVT OTICE is hereby given that the following
named persons have filed their petitions,
and will make application at the rext Court of
Quarter Sessions for license to sell Liquors, Ac.,
James Clark, , . Tavern, . . Centre Hall.
Geo. S." 1 Store ' Bellefonte '
JNO. T, JOHNSTON, Cl'k. Sess'n.
Bellefonte, Jan. 3,1861. tc.
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni
I Exponas issued out of the Court of Common
Fleas of Centre county, and to me directed, there
j will be exposed for sale at public outcry, at the
j Court House in Bellefonte, on Monday the 28th
day of January next, all the interest of the de
fendant, being the one undivided fourth part of
all that certain tract or portion of land situate in
the township of Rush in the county of Centre,
and the township of Decatur in tho county of
Clearfield, containing Seventeen Hunired and
five Acres and allowance, being held in common
with A. G. Curtin, D. I. Pruner, and John M.
Hale, all of which said premises are described by
metes and bounds in a mortgage given by the said
Jos. J. Lingle to the said Wm. H. Blair, dated Bth
September 1857, and recorded in the office for the
recording of Deeds in Centre eounty, in mortgage
Book E, page 34, Ac.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Jos. J. Lingle.
All the right, title and interest of defendant in
the undivided one fourth part of a certain tract oi
land situate in Walker township, bounded as fol
lows : On the North and East by lands of Simon
Beck and others, West by Wm. Lee, and South
by the Nittany Mountains, containing 190 acres,
of which 120 are cleared, thereon erected a two
stery Dwelling House, Barn and small Tenant
House, with the improvements and appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Patterson Dingee.
Two certain lots of ground situate in the town
ship of Haines, fronting North on turnpike, and
adjoining lot of Thomas Hosterman on the West,
and on the East and South by lands of John E.
Motz and others, fronting on turnpike one hun
dred and twenty feet, and runing back two hun
dred feet. Thereon erecteJ a large and well fin
ished Dwelliug Hous-, with the improvements and
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of John Motz A Solomon EUinger, part
ners, lately trading under the firm of Motz A Et
A certain tract of land situate in Ferguson town
ship, it being part of a certain tract of land sur
veyed in the name o f James McGrau, Jas. Boggs,
Michael Rodman, Wm. Elliot, Alexander Clay,
Henry Davis and John Jochran, containing nine
ty-two acres and fifty three perches, and allow
ance, on which islerected a small bouse and barn.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of John Greim.
Sheriff's Office, 1 GEO. ALEXANDER,
Dec. 22nd 1860. J Sheriff.
THE following accounts have been examined
and passed by me, and kemain filed of rec
ord in this office for the inspection of Hairs, Leg
atees, Creditors and all others in any way inter
ested, and will be presented to the next Orph; ns'
Court of Centre county, to be held at Belleionte
on Tuesday the day of January next, for al
lowance and confirmation :
Ist. The account of T. M. Hall' Adm'r. of Geo,
Swattz. of Spring township, dee'd.
2d. The account of E. C. Humes, Executor of
John Seibert, late of Benner twp , dee'd.
3d. The account of Jacob S. Shope and Eman
uel Shrozer, Adra'rs. of Adam Shrozer, late of
Boggs twp„ dee'd.
4tb. The account of John Ruble. Adm'r. of Jao.
Houdcr, late of Mi rion twp. dee'd.
sth. The account of John Rishel, Guardian of
Susan, Anna, George and Mary Ciawl, minor
children o 4 Wm. Krawl, late of York Co., dee'd,
6th. The account of John W. of
the estate of John Sholl, late of Miles township,
7th. Tie account of W. A. White, Exec'r. of
Chas. Dingee, late of Walker twp., dee'd.
Bth. The account of Michael Ulricli, Guardian
of Mary and Rebecca Kunkle, minor children of
John Kunkle, late of Potter twp , dee'd.
9th. The account of Samuel Beachdel and Nel
son Askey, Exec'rs., of Christian D. Bechdel, late
of Libertv twp., dee'd.
10th. The account of Robe.t Goheen, Adm'r. of
Jane Goheen, late of Ferguson twp., dee'd.
11th. The account of John Teats, Adm'r., of
David Bartholomew, late of Wa/kertwp.. dee'd.
12th. The final account of Jeremiah Kline,
Adm'r., of Dauiel Kline, late of Gregg township,
13th. The account of Samuel Moyers, Adm'r.,
of Wm. B McGhee, late of Miles twp., dee'd.
W VI. 11. LONGWELL, Register,
Register's Office, Bellefonte, 1
Centre co., Dec. 24, '6O. to. J
WHEREAS the Hon. Samuel Linn, Presi
dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas
in the twenty-fifth Sudicial District,consisting of
the eountics of Centre, Clearfield and ClintOD, and
the Hon. Henry Barnhart, and Wm. Burchfield,
Esqr's, Associate Judges in Centre Co., having is
sued their precept to me directed, for holding a
Court of C ommon Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Or
pnans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery at Bellefonte, for the coun
ty of Centre, and to commence on the third Mon
day of January, it being the 28th day, and con
tinue one week.
Notice is horeby given to the Coroner, Justices
of the Peace, Constables of the said county of Cen
tre, that they be then and there in their proper
p.rsons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day
with their records, inquisitions, examinations and
their other remembrances, to do those thiDgs
which to their offices appertain to be done, and
those who are bound in recognizances to prose
cute against tho prisoners that are or shall be in
the Jail of Centre county, be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just.
Given under my hand at Bellefonte the 3d day
of January, A. D., 1861, and in the 85th year of
the independence of the United St ates.
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Centre co., 1
Penn'a., Jan. 3, 1861 —to. J
Interest paid on Special Iteposit.
DEPOSITS received, Bills of exchange and
Notes Discounted, Collections made and
proceeds remitted promptly. Interest paid on
special deposits for Ninety days, and under six
months at the rate of four per cent, per annum.
For six months and upwards, at the rate of five
per cent, per annum. Exchange on the East con
stantly on hanL January, 3rd. 1861.
Persons in want of PAINTS, OILS, VAR
NISHES, or anything of the kind, will do
well to purchase them at the Drug Store ot J. A J.
HARRIS, Brockerhoff'S Row, Bellefonte. Also,
and all the Patent Medicines made.
fgf- Surgeon's and Physician's Instrumenst
onnstantly ou hand. Call and see them, nearly
opposil s the Conrad House.
January, 3rd 1361.
Axe Factory & Houses For Rent.
THE Bellefonte Axe Factory, capable of
tarnishing twenty dozen axes per day,
now in the occupancy of Harvey Mann.
The dwelling house on High Street, with or
without the frame building adjoining, new
occupied by J. V. Thomas, For particulars
apply to WM. A. THOMAS.
Bellefonte, Dec, 13, '6o.—6t.
STRAY BULL.—Came to resi lence of the sub
scriber in Ferguson twp., about the Ist of
October last, a Yearling Bull, is a pale red, has
white stripes over the back running down on the
hips, and nasa black spot on the back. The
owner is requested to come forward, prove prop
erty, pay charges and take him away, otherwise
he will be disposed of according to law.
Jan. 3,'61. —3t. JOHN EMERICK.
STRAY STEER. —Came to residence of the
subscriber in Taylor twp., a Black Steer three
years old, with a piece off the right horn. The
owner is requested to come forward, prove prop
erty, pay charg3s and take him away, otherwise
i he will be disposed of according to law.
I Jan. 3, '6l, 3t.
a growing tendency in this age to appropriate the
mbst expressive words of other languages, and
after a while'to incorporate them into our own :
thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek,
signifying for the bead," i 8 „ 0 w becoming pop
ularized in connection with Mr. Spalding's great
Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a
more general way, and the word Cepalie will be
come as common as Electrotype and many others
whose distiction as foreign wordc has been worn
away by common usage until they seem " native
and to the manor born."
ni 'ad 'n 'orrible 'eadach e this bafternoon, hand
I stepped into the hapothecaries hand says hi to
the man, " Can you hease me of an 'eadache?"—
" Does it hache 'ard," says 'e. "Hexceedingly,"
says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a Cephalie
P ill, hand pon me 'onor it cured me so quick that
I ardly realized I 'ad an'eadache.
HEADACHE is the favorite sign by which
nature makes known any deviation whatever from
the natural state of the brain, and viewed in this
light it may be looked on as a safeguard intended
to give notice of disease which might other vise
escape attention, till too late to bo remedied ; and
its indications should never be neglected. Head
aches may be classified under two names, viz ;
Symptomatic and Idiophatic. Symptomatic Head
ache is exceedingly common and is the precursor
of a great variety of diseases, among which are
Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile dis
eases. In its nervous form at is sympathetic of
diseases of the stomach constituting sick head
ache, of hepathic disease constituting bilious head,
ache , of worms, constipation and othei disorders
of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine affec
tions. Discasas of the heart are very frequently
attended with Headaches ; Anaemia and plethora
are also affections which frequently occasion head
ache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common,
being usually distinguished by the name of ner
vous headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in
a state of apparently sound health and prostrat
ing at once the mental and physical energies, and
in other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by
depression of spirits or acerbity of terapor. In
most instances the pain is in the front of the head,
over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking
vomiting ; under this class may also be named
For the treatment of either class of Headache
the Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and.
safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a.
few minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating
the dis ase of which Headache is tLe unerring in-
BRIDGET. —Missus wants you to send her a box
of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills,—
but I'm thinking that's not just it naither ; but
perhaps ye'll be aftber knowing what it is. Ye
see she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Head
ache, and wants some more of that same as reliev
ed her before.
Druggist.— You must mean Spalding's Cephalic
Bridget —Och! sure now and you've sed It,
here's the quarther and give mo the PilL and
don't be all day about it aither.
No one of the " many ills flesh is heir to"'i so
prevalent, so little understood, andso much ne
glected as Costiveness. Often originating in care
les-ness, or seieatary habits; it;is regarded as a
slight disorder of too little consequence to exoite
anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and
companion of many of the,most fatal and danger
ous diseases, and unless'early eradicated it will
bring the sufferer to an untimely grav.. Among
the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual?
attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul
Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a
long train of frightful diseases, such as Malignant
Fevers Abcesses, Dysentery, Di irrhoea, Dyspop •
sia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria,
Mypoahondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first
indicate their presence in tbe system by tbia
alarming symptom, Not unfrequently the dis
eases named originate in Constipation, but take on
an independent existence unless tho case is erad
icated in an early rtage. From all these consid
erations it follows that the disorder should rec< iv
immediate attention whenever it occurs, and on
the first appearance of the complaint, as their
timely use will expel the insiduous approaches of
disease sand destroy this dangerous foe to human
Physician. —Well, Mrs, Jones, how is that head
Mrs. Jones, Gone ! Doctor, all gone! the pill you
sent cured me in just twenty minutes, and I wish
you would send mo more so that I can have them
Physician. —You can get them at any Druggists.
Call lor Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, and?
1 recommend them in all cases of Headache,
Mrs. Jones, —l shall send for a box directly, and
shall tell all my suffering friends, for they are a
real blessing.
Spalding has sol d two millions of bottles of his
celebrated Prepared Glue and it is estimated that
each bottle saves at least ten dollars worth ot
broken furniture, thus making an aggregate of
twenty millions of dollars reclaimed'from total
loss by this valuable invention. Having made bis
Glue a he usehold word, he now proposes to do tho
world still greater service by ouri ng all the ach
ing heads with his Cephalic Pills, and if they are
as good as his Glue, Headaches will soon vanish
away like snow in July,
FACTS WORTH KNOWlNG,— Spalding's Oephalio
Pills are a eertai cure for Sick Headache, Bili
ous Headache, Nervous Ileadachs, Custivenesa
nd General Itebility.
By the use of the Pills the periodio attacks ef
Nervous or Sitk Headache may be prevented ; and
if taken at the commencement of an attack imme
diate relief from pain and sickness will be obtain
They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and
Headache to which female are so subject.
They act gently upon the bowels, —removing
For Literary Men, Stadents, Delicate Females,
and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valu
able as a Laxative, improving the apdetite, giving
tone and vigor to the)digestive organs, and restor
ing the natural elasticity and strength of the
whole system.
The CEPHILIC PILLS are the result of long
investigation and carefully conducted experiments
having been in use many years, during which time
they have prevented and relieved a vast amount
of pain and suffering from Headache, whether
originating in the nervous system or from a de
ranged state of the stomach.
'xtiey are entirely vegetable in their composi
tion, and in-;' be taken at all times wiih perfect
safety without making any change f diet, and
the absence of any kisagreeable taste renders it easy
to administer them to children.
The genuine have five signatures of Henry C.
Spalding on each Box.
Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Med
A box will be seut by mail prepaid on receipt
of the
All ordrs shtnld be addressed to
48 Codar Street, New-York;
Nov. 22,1560. Iy.