skal §fprtrwnl. THURSDAY, DEC., 6 18G0. Thanksgiving-. . Thanksgiving cams, a bright shining day ; one that was well calculated to call forth songs of praise and thanksgiving to the Great Giver of all our blessing o . We are bappy to any, that the day was pretty generally observed by our citizens. The places of business, with few exceptions, weie closed, and our people seemed to say, by their actions, "we are thankful." And thus it should be, for we, as a nation, have much for which to thank God. We should be thankful that thus far, through the threaten ed storm of Secession, Disunion, civil war and bloodshed, our country has yet been spared, and may still be called the Lnited States ; that wr are still in the enjoyment of Liberty, civil and religious. In if all, we cannot but see the same hand which guided eur forefathers in their Revolutionary strug gles—the same hand which has so long pre served our confederacy. We should le thankful for National Health. No dread pestilence has swept over our land, carrying off thousands of our fellow beiags. We should be thankful for a plenteous harvest. And Oh ! what a harvest we have had. The inhabitants of the v orld might feed upon our well-filled granaries to-day. While Europe watched with anxious rye the growth of her slowly ripening fields, and drought and wee vil threatened her nacent shocks, our season has be?n, under the b essiug of God, a com plete success, ending in the gathcriug of an abundance of the necessaries of life. The comparative peace which we have en j iyed within our borders is another cause for thankfulness. While other powers have been shaken and overthrown by the ravages of war, we have been enjoying peace, happi ness, and prosperity. Indeed, for everything we enjey, we ought to be thankful to God, and we arc glad that our people so univer sally acknowledge the great source of their blessings by observing annually a day of thanksgiving and praise. Religious services wpre held in the differ ent Churches of our town. In the morning. Rev. James Linn, p stor of the Presbyieriao Church, had Civine service, and a collection was taken op for the relief of the Syrian Christians. In the afternoon, Rev. George fields preached in the Episcopal Church, and a collection was lifted for the benefit ot the sufferers ;n Kansas, In the evening, Rsv- Tbos. Soerlock, of the M. E. Church, preached a thanksgiving sermoD, which we think the best sermon of the kind to which we ever listened. The day passed of as qui* oily as the Sabbath. Court Proceedings. The first week of the November term of Court, was entirely occu pied with the trial of civil cases. Below will be found the proceedings of the second week : Commonwealth vs. Asber ItafT and Meyers Freebuiger. Obtaining goods under false pretences Defendants not guilty but pay costs of prosecution. Com. vs. Emanuel Rudy and Louis Sher man. Ist. Larceny. 2nd. Receiver of sto len goods. Found guilty. Sentence defer red. Com. v Joeph Riter. Ist. Resistance to pcdice officers. 2nd. Assault and Battery. Leave grfintc-d to enter a nolle jnosequi, in the case. Com. vs. Allison Beard. Assault and Bat tery. Nolle prosequi entered. Com- vs. Geo. Otenkirk, Assault and Bat tery. Nolle prosequi entered and leave of Court. Com vs. Jacob Meyer. Challenging to fight with fists. Recognizance overruled. Com. t's. John Holt. Assault. Defendant pleads guilty. Fined SI.OO and cos's. Com. r.s. Daniel Gates and Samuel Ilarps tsr. Ignoramus. Geo. Gates, Pros., to pay eosts. Com, vs. Geo. Gates. Assault and Battery, pleads guilty. Fined 55.00 and costs. Com. cj. Daniel Keen. Challenging to fight with fists. Not guilty. Prosecutor, John Lftterman, to pay costs. Com. vs. Dtniel Keen. Maintaining a nuisance. Not guilty. Defendant to pay the costs. Corn. vs. Thomas Yarnall. Ist. Assault and Battery on Police officers. 2nd. Resis tance. Not guilty. Prosecutor, Michael Stover, to pay half the costs and Deft, one half the costs. TilE NEW JAIL. The Grand Jury of the August term of Court decided favorably to the butldmg of a new Jail, The Law, on this point, rendering it necessary that two successive Juries shol'J : decide favorably to such improvements, the Grand Jury of the November term took up the Jail question, and, after visiting the ! "old fabrio" and diseussing the question at i length, they decided against erecting a new building by a vote of eight for, and twelve against, The principal objection urged against the bill was, the heavy debt whhth already rests upon the County, incurred by the building of the new Court House. Cosmopolitan Art Association This Art As sociation, has for seven years, proved a complete success, and has'succeded in fur- | nishing orer three hundred thousand fami-j lies with the choicest literature ar.d finest ! engravings. Any person may become a j member of ihe Association by paying the sum of three dollars, for which they receive the large steel engraviDg ' Falstaff muster ing hi# Forces," together with ODe copy one year of the "Cosmopolitan Art Journal" and four admissions into the Gallery of Paint ing*, 543 Broadway, New York. We re ceived a copy of tha above mentioned en graving, it is certainly a fine large picture bieng 30 x 38 inches. Mr. Daniel Derr, of thi place baa been constituted an Agent for the Association. j OODBT's LADY'S BOOK. —The number of j this Magazine for January, 1861. is already ; out, and is a fitting number to commence the uew year with—it is really superb. There are three steel engravings—an elegant title page, a fine engraving entitled "Just Like Mamma," and a colored Fashion plate. Al so; a large number of wood cuts illustrative ot various articles of apparel and handiwork, ! apd all useful to the ladies. Thi terms are ! as heretofore, $3 to single subscribers. To I clubs it comes at lower rates. 1 —i -- -ji-n-niT-——.m-rriw —I ——— TONNER & STEEL. | Have just received, opened, and are selling off at ' surprisingly Low Prices, one of the Largest, and I Host Carefully Selected stocks of Goods, of every I description, ever brought to this town. Indeed, th e \ stock is constituted of a greater variety of articles than tee have ever before seen in a country store.— | Their Advertisement app,ears in to day's paper. PI KD.- On Thursday. 29;h tut,, of i.'o i-iunpum , TYiDiam Bayard, of thi° place, aged 22 - ear*. T HlTm A it K I'l l IS. BELLEFONTE, Nov., 29, 1860 White Wheat, per bushel SI.OO @ sl.lO Red, do SI.OO $1.05 Rye, do 60 Corn, do 60 Oats, by weight, do 28 Barley, do 62 Buck wheat, do 60 Clover Seed, do i 00 Potatoes, do 60 I Lard, per pound 10 Bjcon, do 10 Tallow, do • 12F Butter, do " 18 Eggs, per dozen, 12 Plaster, ground, per ton, 10.00 CLEBPIELD, Nov., 23. Buckwheat bushel 75 ; Rye bushel $1.00; Oats bushel o0 ; Corn ip bushel 1.00, Flour, Sup. Fine, pi bbl. $7 00 ; Extra 'p bbl. s7*so; ex tra family ip bbl. SB.OO ; Butter IS cts ; Eggs "p dozen 12 cts. LOCK IIAVEN, NOV. 29 Wheat Flour, tp bbl. $6.25; Corn Meal, ip 100 lbs, $1.75@1.87 ; White wheat, bus., $-1.28 ; Red wheats 1.18; Rye, 60cts ; Corn 75 cts ; Oats 40 cts; Cloverseed $4 00 ; Butter Ip lb 14@16cts; Tallow 10@12 cts; Lard 10@12cts; Eggs "p doz. 14@1C et. SEVEN YEARS! rHE seven years o f unrivalled success attend ing the " COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOC IA TION," have made it a household word throughout every quarter of the Couurry. Under the auspices of this popular Institution, over three hundred thousand homes have learned to beautiful works of art on their walls, and choice literature on their tables, the great bencSts derived from becoming a subscriber Subsi riptions are now being received in a ra tio unparalied with that of any previous year. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Any person can hccome a member by subscrib ing three tlollars, for which sum ti>ey will receive Ist.—The large and superb steel engraving, 30 x 38 inches, entitled, "FALSTAFF MUSTERING HIS RECRUITS." 2d,—One copy, one year, of that elegantly il ]ustrnled magazine, "THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL." 3d. —Four admissions, during the season, to "Ilie Gallery of Paintiugs, 548 Broadway New Yo;k " In addition to the above benefits, there will be give t to suscribsrs, as gratuitous premiums, over Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art! comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, outlines, Ac., forming a truly nation il benefit. The Superb Engraving, which every subsriber wiil r-ceive, entitled, "Falstaff Mustering his Recruits, is one of the most beautiful and popu lar engravings ever issued in this country. It is done on steel, in fine line and stipple, and is prin ted on heavy plate paper, CO by 38 inches, mak ing a most choice ornament, suitable for ihe walls of either the library, parlor or office. Its subject is the celebrated scene of Sir John Falstaff receiv ing, in Justice Shallow's office.'the recruit- which have been gathered for his "ragged regiment."— It could not be furni.-hedby the trade for less than live dollars. The Art Journal is too well known t.v tile whole country to need commendation. 11 is a magnifi cently illustrated magazine of Art, containing Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, Ac,, by the very best writers in America. The Eugraviug is sent to any part of the coun try by mail, with safety, being in i cylinder, pos tage prepaid. Subscpiptions will be receivrd until the Even ing of the 31st of January, 1861, at which *ime the books will close Tind the premiums be given to the subscribers. No per.-on is restricted to a single subscription —Those remitting sls, are entitlid to five mem berships and to oae extra Engraving for :heir trouble. Subscriptions from California, the Canada?.and all Foreign Countries, must be $3 50 instead of $3, in order to defray exlra postage, etc. For further particulars send far a copy of the elegantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the handsomest magazine in America. It contains a Catalogue of Premiums, and numerous superb en gravings. Regular prie, 50 cen's per number. Specimen copies, however, will be sent to those wishing to subscribe, on receipt o* IS cents, in stamps or coin. Address, C. L. DER BY', Actuary C. A. A. 516 Broadway, New Y'ork: 77. B.—Subscriptions received and forwarded by DANIEL DERR, Agent for Bef/efome and vicinity, where specimen Engravings and Art Journal can be seen. Nov. 29, 1860. BEATER'S^ V! LIdUID STOVE-POLISH! SE VEN REASONS WIIY IT IS\THE BEST Ist. It is always reedy forjuse, 2d. It has no smell, 3d. It polishes over rust.* 4th. It is economical, fth. It produces no dirt in polishing. 6ih. It siand the greatest degree of heat. 7-lh. It is jus what every family needs* IT PRESERVES THEN ! ONE THIRD LONGER! ONE THIRD LONGFR ! Stoves will last one third longer by using this TIME AND MONEY SAVED. It has stood the severest tests. Triumphant! Triumphant!! LEADBEATERS RENOWNED LIQUID SIOVE-POLISH. Greatest Discovery of the age ! ! ONE TRIAL YVILL CONVINCE YOU. Address, LEAP RE AT Ell & CO., (Sole Manufactures,) No 920 Market Street, Philadelphia ffcS" Sold by all respectable Dealers, j%S- A liberal discount to ths Trade. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Price, 12 and 20 Cents, Put up for dealers ip cases containing four a r d eight dozen, A splendid Lithographic Show card accompanies each package. Every Merchant, should make a note of LEADBEA 7 EPS REP OWN ED QUID i STOVE POLISH. * i Nev. 22, 1680. ly. THCE! J^3L ,f :!? , Great Work on the Horse. THE HORSE &HIS DISEASES: BY HUBERT JENNINGS, V. S , PROFESSOR OF PAIIIOLOGV AND OPERATIVE SL'U GEIir IN THE COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA, ETC. WILL TELL You of the Origin, History aDd dis tinctive traits of Ihe various breeds of European, Asiatic. African and Amer ican liorses, with the physical forma tion and peculiarities of the an inal, and how to ascertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth ; illustrated with numorous esplauato. ry engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES . WILL TELL YOU ot Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feediig, Grunning, bhoeing, and the general management of the horse will the best modes of administering medicine, ulso, how to treat Biting Kicking, Rearing. Shying, stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlessness, and other viees to which he is subject; with nu merous exiilaonlorv engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL You of the causts, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangles. Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bron chitis. Pnenmonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistling, Lnmpas Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with oth er diseases of the Mouth and Respio ratorv Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL Y'OU of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms,- Hots, Colic, Strangulation, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea Jaundice, Hepatirrheea, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Icflama tion, and other diseases of the Stom ach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Or gans. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TILL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and Trent vent of Bono, Blood and Bug, Spavin, Ring-bone, Swcenie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel. Cracked Hoofs, Scratches, Canker, Thrush and Corns ; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy. Staggers, and other diseas es of the Feet. Legs, and Head THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL I'BLL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Gla nders, Farcy, b'curlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye R EN. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BUFFALO 110BES, HORSE BLANKETS, SLEIGH BELLS, FOX TRAPS Iligest market price paid for HIDES, SKINS A A L L KINDS OP ECU S, Come and examine our stoik. We will show it with pleasure, and satisfy you it is THE PLACE to get good Boots and Shoes, and such articles iu our lino. .At Buruside's we study to please, and give sat isfaction. Please accept our thanks fur past favors. Vellcfouto, Oct, 11th jS6O. HANDSOME" I WOMEN! To T12.0 Xattc3.lejs. IJ UNT'S "B'ooin cf Hoses." A lich LA nnd e'egant color for the cheeks and lips.— It will not wash O' rub off, and when once applied, remains durable for years. The tint is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny fails to de tect its use. Can be removed by lemon juice and will not injure the skin. This is a tiew proration, used by the celebrated Court Beauties of London and Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, with direc tious for use, fur 51.00 HUNT'S "COURT TOILET POWDER," imparts a dazz!i-g whiteness to the complexion, as is unlike anything else used for this purpose. Mailed free for 50 cents. HURT'S " BRITISH BALM,"' renaot es tan, freek les, sunburn and all eruptions of tlio skin. Mailed free for 50 cts. HUNT'S " IMPERIAL POMADE" for the hair, strengthens and improvesits growth, keeps itfrom | fabing off, and is warranted to make the hair curl j Mailed free for SI.OO HUNT'S "PEARL BEUTIFI: it " r or the tooth and i gums, cleanses tut'l whitens the teeth, hardens the j gums, purifies the breath effectually, preserve* the ! teeth and p ■ events tenth a he. Mailed free fur $1.90. HUNT'S •' BRIDVL \V HEATH PERFUME." a double extract of orange blossoms and cologne. Mailed free for SI.OO. This exquisite perfume was first used by 7 the Princess Royal of England, on her marriage.— Messrs. Hunt & Co., presented the Princess with ; an elegant cuso of Perfumery, (in which all of the : above articles were included) in handsome cut I glass with gold stoppers, valued at SISOO, partjc- j ui.irs of which appeared in the public prints. Ail the above articles scut tree, by express, for $5 00. L'a.-h ctn either accompany the order, or ; be paid to the express agent on delivery 0 goods. : HUNT & CO. Perfumers >0 the Queen. Reyent St., London. Saneom St., Phil'a., Pa. For ale by all Druggists and Perfumers XLo Trade Supplied Nov. 1. 1860. ly. A- Guekenbeii. er. S. W rtheimer EWertheimer. A. G. & BRO'S , IMPORT KITS AND DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors. DISTILLFKS OF MOXONGAIIELA RYE WHISKEY, Also, Rectifiers of tho IRON CITY WHISKEY, Aud Manufacturers of the Celebrated GERMAN STO MA CII BITT ER S, No. 25 Market Street, Nov 15-'6t>.—\-i PITTSBURGfI PA. CHARLES McBRIDE, HAS JUST RECEI YE I) A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF Dry G- qc3.S RE A DY-M AUE CEOTHING, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. ALL of which he is selling at very reduced prices. Goods (ji reft in Exchange for Country Produce. The public are invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsetvhefe. Bellofonle, Nov. 3, '59. tf. EDER, CUMMINGS & CO., 7 LOCK, Haven and tyro tie Daily Ltue of Sta ges, leave LOCK Haven at 5 o'clock, A. M., arrive at Belleionte af 1 1 o'clock. Leave Belle fonte at 12J o'clock, arrhe at Tyrone at C o'clock P. M. Leave Tyrone at 9A. M., arrive at Belle fonte at do'olocK, P. M., leave Bellefonte for Look Haven at 4 P. SL, and arrive at 11 P. 31. Jfclyfilf-AW. NEW STORE! HAEDWARE HARDWARE! Vr ff * I"'"" TS ! /(r( BELLEFONTE Y ~YL utndorsigned would respectfully inform X. the citizens of Centre couuty that they have I : opened ft | HARDWARE STORE | in the Room formerly occupied by Wilson IT Bro. on the Northwest corner of the Diamond. They have selected their stock with great care, and are prepared to sell goods from fifty to one hundred per cent lower than can be had nt any other place. The ladies are particularly invited to call and examine their assortment of cutlery. They ear- j I neatly solicit A ilbcal portion of the public pa- I I tronagc, and will take every pains to please. They have constantly on hand a variety of L'OCKET AN D TABLE CUTLERY, Riffles, Shot Guns, and Locks of every descrip tion, CROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS, j And all vatricties of HAND-RACK, CRAFTING AND PANNUL j SA II 'S, Broad, Hand and chopping Ax"?. Butchers I er and choppers. DRAWING KNIVES, HAMMERS, IUTCH- i E'L>, CIIISLES. and ADZES. HAY, MA HU JIB AND SPREADING FORKS. I EDGE TOOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, j | CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, L'AINT--IND DUSTING BRUSHES, NAILS, PAI.M'S, OIL, GLASS & PUTTY, CO A L OIL AND LAM! S. SA DDLER Y IIARD WA RE. COACH TRIMMIGS .Also, COFFIN FIXTURES, And everything that is generally kept in a well regulated Hardware Stoic. Terms Cash. BAXLRESSTLT A- CRIST, ellefonto. npril 26, 'CO.— 3'. The People's Cook Book. modernWookery IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, BY MISS ELIZA ACTON. CAREFULLY REVISED BY Mrs. S.J. HALE. It Tells Y'u how to cheese all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with ali the various and most approved modes of dressing and cookiDg Beef and Pork : also the best and simplest way of salting, pick ling and curing the same. It Tells You All the various and most approved mode 3 of dressing, cooking, and honing Mutton, Lamb, Veal. Poultry, and Game of ail kinds, with the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stufiiings ap propriate to each. It Tells You how to choose, clean, ADD presorve Fish .f all kinds, and how to sweeten it w hen tainted ; also the various and ipost ndproved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Fla vorings appropriate to each. It Tells You all the various and most approved modes of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meet. Fish, Fowl, Game, and | Vegetable Soups, Broths, and Stews, J with the Relishes and Seasonings ap propriate to each. It Tells You all the various and most approved modes of eookiug Veget ble- of every description, nlsohowto prepare Pickles, ( atsnpsand Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mushroom-. Ac. t Tells YOU ail the varrious and most approved I modes of preparing and cooking all j kinds af Plain and Fancy Pastry, Pud dings, Omolctts, Fritters, Cakes, Con- , feotiooery, Preserves, Jellies, and sweet , Dishes of every description. It Tells You all the various and most approved J modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muf j fins, and Biscuit, the best method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make Pyrups, Oordiuls and Wines of vaiious kinds. It Tell Y'ou how to set out and ornament a Table, HI w to Carve ail kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in short, how to simplify j the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the ' choisest luxuries of the table wi hin ev- j ' cry body's reach. The book contains -118 pages, and upwards of twelve hundred Rcccips, all of which are the re sults of actual expericnoo, having beet) fully and carefully tested under the personal superinten dence of the write rs. It is printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra ving, and will bo forwarded to any address, neat ly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of. the 1 price 51.00, or in cloth, extra, 51.25. -. 1 AAA \ Yl? \1? Cit " made by enter vlv'vJU -V J. J_ixLiV prising men every where, in selling the above work, our indueemese ueats to all such being very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agiuts, with other information, appls to or ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. NO-617 S.msom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 8, IBoU.—6m. : I JACOB LADCMTJS, 618 Market Street, Philadelphia, j DEALER IN AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS t WATCHES, HAS always on hand, a large assortment of the above kinds of Watches which be will ( STLI as low as any other House iu the City or else lvhtre. J. E., would particularly call attention to i the Del, 01., ted American Watch, which in point of accurate time keeping and Mtrability will ex- I eel anj' Imported wa CH of the same cost, and is ; far less liable of getting out of order than any watch mtide. These are FALTS which will te dot onstrated to tiny purchaser on a fair tiial. I Satisfaction will be guaranteed to any and all purchasing at my establishment. A large assort- j ment of JEWELRY, SILVER &, SILVER PLATED WARE,, | of every description, style and Pattern, constantly on band at No. 618 Market St. Philadelphia. j Sept. 6 6i)-35 — ly. voir nAN buy your oiothiug lor yourselves and your _ boys, in every uariety, aud at low cash pri -1 ccs by calling at the -heap Clothing Store of A. j I Sternberg A Co.. in the Diamond, where you SAVE at least irom to 30 per eout. All kinds i of Clothing and Furnishing Goo ds are to ho ! hud at this Store at the lowest cash prices, and i receive well made goods. Would it not be bet ter to JSAFSCXRIHS MUCH valuable time by calling immediately 1 and lay in your stock of Clothing lor the : W inier, at this establishment, where you will ccr- j tainfy get the full Attlue of your I MOWEV. I) EM EMBER rhfe place. One door lbove Liv j V, ingston's Book Store, in the Diamond. A. STERNBEG & CO. Bellefonte, Nov. 15, 1860. STRAY STEER.— Came to the restdence of the j subscriber about the first of August fast, a three year old STEER, brindle sides, white streak along the back. The owner is requested to cotne forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of accor- . i ding to law. JESSE FRY. ' "Spring tvrp., NOT. 15. '6l.— Bt. | READ! HEAD!! 1 GREAT A'l Tit ACTION !! 1 ; NEW AND CHFAP i Ctolljing (Binporiniir N OUTII SIDE OF TEE TEAM OS)), BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. City branch of Reixensl eirc 33rofhers, 12' No. Hi Third Strcofc, Plii'ado'phia. rp II E uiHlcrsifned Respectfully r.nrour.ceti i the ir.hi'li! of (mite << i i.'y, and th< public in general, that they have iwencd at thi above ren ed pli ce, ll en ost txlinsive cssort- I went of KEADY-MA DE CEOTIIING, j and Gentlemen's Furnishing Kin 's. ibt baa cvpi been exhibited in this borough, which tliov veil ; fell I 30 Per Cent. Cheaper than the Cheapest, I Our g ck embraces :i lull and ei inplete s<> jt j m- n id Fine Flack Cloth fin.-.- ; • ck ( oat-. Cassiiaero Business Lint- ;• ei. Tweed. Jean, Funnels' and Mechanics' CusGuiere, Frock and tack Coats, Pea Jackets. Ac.. Ac 0 V Ell CO A TS OF 1• IS E CLOTH Presidnnt and Moscow Beavers, Seal aid Lb n | skin and Union CassimcriJ-, nhhed and plain. | PANTALOONS OF FINE CASH MEEK ' and Boe.kiu black Silk mi Xed, a'd other fancy colors, of the latest, syl s, as well us Satinet and I Union Cass itut-rs ; Pi nts of strong and sub.-tan j da I mater ial, fur the farmer, laboier and in e - | chanie* I AX ENDLESS VARIETY OF VEISS. | such as Satin, Silk, and Silk finished Velvetj, ' Grenadine, Valencia, Mattalese, Cuss-merc; cloth Satinet. Ac. A geneial assortment of Bov ' anil Youths' Clothing and Gent leriieti's Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps. Undershirts aud Drawer-', Knit Jack ets, Fine White and Fancy boo, in Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stocks aul cravats, Socks and Gloves, Trunks. Valiees. Carpet .'bugs, Umbrellas, and, in short, ovorrthin sr us tally i found in a well assorted store nt to.s kind. We a'so keep a tine ass or' IP en tof FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. such as Pocket-books Forimoiitiie-s, t'm-Ket knives and Razors, Coinhs. and Brushes, Watch- Cbains, Keys and Guards. Finger rirgs t Breait pins, Violin and Guitar Siring-'. I'i-tols. Revolv ers, Percussion Caps, Spectacles. F;.y Glasses.and a great many other fancy and useful articles, too numerous to descr ibc, ail of which we will sell at the Lowest Cash Prises. We invite every person in need of Clothing or any of the above mentioned articles, to favor us with a call and examine our goods, and prices, and we are confident that we can give si tisf'action, and every person shall tool inclined to tcil his friends vhere Goods and Cheap Clothing cau bo got. We are constantly receiving accessions to our stoek from Ruiz enstkink Bro's., Philadel phia, with whom we are connected, aul shall al ways be supplied with a good variety of all the ars tides in our line, which will surpass in style, cut, workmanship and cheapness, thi so of any other Co. tablishwent iu this partofthe country. A. STERNBERG A CO. Bellcfontc, Oct. 4, 'tit tf. Jfull & SSI infer 6oobs. WILSON BROTHERS. HAVING returned from the East, invite the at tention of the public and their old customers to the large and extensive assortment of FALL X- WINTER GOODS, which they are now opening and ready to wait upon pure he: rs with the largest -anu best selec tion ever offered to this community. They desire to call particular attention t their great variety of LADIES DREYS GOODS, con sisting in part of Chaliies, Lawns, a'.l woo! De- Lains. of d'l'orent colors, llarugcs, Dress Silks, Mantil'a* l .ssues, Ac. The above goods were se ic-cir with great care expressly to suit the tine ■ji tho ladies. In addition to the above, are offer ed a general assortment of Hosiery and Goves, Collars, Undersleevc-, Dress trimmings. A. CLOTHS & CASS IM Kit ES, of all colors and styles at very low prices, togeth er with one of the largest and 0.-.-t stocks ut ' Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and. Shoes, Ladies' Straw Bonnets of the latest fashion; also, Shaker Bon nets fur wives and children. Builders wiil find it to their advantage in call ing to select their Hardware, as our assortment is large and complete : also, Mattresses. Mackerel, Herring. Cod Fish and salt Sugars Teas, Molasses from the cheapest to the best, which cannot bo surpassed iu quality. Persons visiting Bef/cfonte from tho country, wi ll find it to their advantage to call before purchasing else where, as we take pleasure in showiug our goods end think we tun suit thetu both as to price and quality, and are determined to s ell at the very owest cash prices // kinds of Country produce takeu iu ex change fur goods* Nov. Sth 1860. HENRY ADOLPK'S WHOLESALK AND DETAIL CABINET WA RE ROOMS No. 36] NORTH SECOND STR23T, ONE DOOR ABOVE CHRIST CHURCH, And Opposite the MOUNT VERNCN HOTEL, PIIILADLPIIIA. r |MIE largest and be.-t assortment of Cot tage Furniture in the city, such as TABLES, CAIN CHAT P.S, SOFAS, STANDS. PLAIN CHAIRS. OTTOMANS, BUREAUS, SPRING BOTTOMS, LOUNGES He also h;\3 on hand at all tiu;e3 the celebrate 1 "LWVERS EAST CHAIR," aud the "GREAT CAMP CHAIR," a folding chair that can he doubled up so as to oc cupy no loom at all scarcely. This chair is in tended for the use of Armies, Fishing Parties, Hunters, Camp Meetings, &}. It also makes a nice article of Parlor Furniture, and so light and convenient that it can bo carried anywhere under the arm like a book. Notliiug can excel it for coinfoit. PRICE FROM 75ets. TO glO. The plainest aud most substantial articels, as well as the mostcostly furniture,can bo had LOW I.'"OT CfIJSIX AT ADOLPH'S WARE ROOMS, Young persons commencing house keeping will save One Half Tlieir Money oy buying from him. His motto is "Quick sales and small profits," and the immense business that he is doing enables him to sell lower than any oth er firm in the oity. When you come to Philadel phia he sure 10 -'nquire for HENRY ADOLPH'S CABINET ROOMS, No. 36 North ireccud Street. Apr 26, '6—ly. New Store at Pleasant Gap. r VHE sub-Briber would respectfully in -I- form the citizens of Cen're con nty that ho lias just received .and opened an entire new stock ol fell and winter goods consisting of HARDWARE. CLOTHING. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Ac. 1 also have on hands a good supply of •Boots A Shoes, Hats A Caps, Fancy De laines A Jlerinoes, Ladies Furs, Hoods, Scarfs, l Cloths, Fancy Gloves, Kliives, Breast Pius, AC., AC., AC., all of which he will sell as 'ow and even lower than con be had anywhere else. J. M. CAMPBELL, j Pleasant Gap, Oct.-18,'60. —tf. ; BELLEFONTE ACADEMY. UPIIE second Session of the Academical Y year will coiniucmce on Wednesday, Novem ber 28th, A. D., 1860. TERMS: Common English Branches, $4.00 Extra " " 6.U0 Languages, (Latin and Greek,) 6.00 A. M. WHITE. Prfeuipai. 1 Nov IS, 1884.— 2t. "LINDSEY'.S uii'Kt . Bleed f3eox ca , cz ! A STANE'A'.Ii U.■•!>/'•) >.-, V FIT tletfid') nidi' aief \ - ' AI LIS FA -IF ri -igSr-> IVl't ii. 'jy ■:; i in; m.o-.-d 'Till; irfdiM'te h.£ wvug'ht i;.-> tw?. A i min.cti'i us ctiji in uesj-rj-xu' i . ' j Scrofula, | Ct.l iv I! *.■ tOS >; V'• 1 ! The above is a portrait of D ••• id M- : ' i ,-t ,1 Napier town-hio. who, on the .''lst cvv of At ? IS6S, made affidavit before Judico G- .-ly siijy, >;. | was treated for the cure of C-irvi tby t!ire.p' j cittna of Bedford county, and by Dr. ' j tho Ell-I'tric College ill Chic-illnatii, fir u J ;iu I I of nearly eight months, noiivi-.i;..<•o•!lng j.-eb, | I hi lip. nose and a po;t : o lof Iks I ...ft :ac Ktn ' ! entirely eaten away ! Me bad give! o] when he heard of the " Blood Search' r.ami a - . induced to try it. Four hottics cured Im. and * although sadly ili-fWured, is n q ■; but what this iuvaiuabl meoi ne avud i.• i f The full particulurs of this case may be .. & - j circular, v. b'.eh can be had of any of t * We also icier to the case of Nancy ,i. , r.. I ■ Eldertoirn, Armstrong county I'a., cured of •• j ula after being unable to get out of bed fr tin s t i years. . | To the case of jlaly In Ansnnsrii' . C rnrfm • | county, who was also ahlictud with Hcroiula :u s | worse form. , l To the case of George Meisel, residing in Cr.ii , ! town, Cambria county Pa., who was so baiiy a' i j fticted with Cancer that it eat his entire n.-.-c t and his case was wotsc, if possible, than Ma i Ci'i-nry's. The particulars of thiro ctt.ies- <•' : v i • 4 which was cured by the Use o; | - Uincd - —tuay also bo found in a cirbu; :i i . , ha ; . , any of tho Agents. R. M LEMON, Proprietor Laboratory tor the manufacture and sis, ujh the Pa. Railroad Depot, ILdlid ijvhurg. Pa. Dr. Geo. 11. Koyser, iV'noies. Arcur. r, j burg, Pa. I Nov. 1, IB6o—Cji, J FOR SALE AT the ug named p!ac. - : Centre county : J. Harris A Co., Bellefonte; D. llou-or .t j Plumrille Mills; Geo Ja i. t Co.. lh •n - I Adorn F. Shaffer, Madisnulan : Snianti i I Eion; Raiser Weber, Howard; ii. i.rown. i blersburg; C. G. Ryman A T. M. li.di, *>! burg; A. T. Seine!! A Co., Pert Matilda; li A Keesmar., Mfihcim; Sam-Frank, Robert r i T. Wolf A Son, Wolf's t. re; . V Hall; R. 11. Duncan, Spring Mills ; ■). i Potters' Mills ; Peter Korlin, Chur.-b . •> Habn, Springfield ; Rank in A liming. 1 /cysvif/o ; J. Q. Williams, Eagfcvi/'v . Ni C-.. Mill Uall; Joseph Btng. Unionvi.'.'e : A Yearick, Ar.ronsburg; J b'. Rrvan, Pir.- u '• Mills; Jacob Daniels, Stormstown, and by -• ers gcccrawy. Jo UXLh Y ' S.-HA UPT, Jr.,A CO., r> ESPECTFULLY informs the . M o- *. k.- Centre county, that th-.vkei p ..-tu - band, and warranted, Pair Points Potent > ■ and Straw Carrier, the same titsv was manufat tu ed at Millheim, also Thresh log chines A Horse Powers made on au tnprt, - plan. Farmers are particularly invited to cati to. ! examine these articles before purchasing where. Grain Drills, Clover llulk .\ :• i . kinds of Machines and Powers repaii - . i n auv notice. Gum Beiting for Machines, for . *: ■' Clover Hullers, Iron Fencing, Corn bhcllers, Verandas, Cart eipindles, Mill Geariog, Side Hill Ploughs, Saw-Mill Gc-: -.s k . Wortz's " Furnace " Rich's Iron Beam " Rolling Mill '• Iron Kettles, New W'l l cook tvo Bells, Hathaway " Millheim and Hublersburg .bhears, Tin Iron Ware, together with tho usual variety ot ar ticles in the Foundry line, kept constantly •. hand or made to order. Having in our employ experienced mechan'ce in the various i . i. ohes of our bu-ine -. w< 8 ter ourselves in being able to do up w to G satisfaction of all who will ftvor u: w.i-i tiu-. cu-tom. Our terms and prices arc reasonable. Bellefonte luly 26,-1 '6o.—ly, E, B. CLEMENTS 1 IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE j'i JiE an i-signed ieg leave to iut-ir ■. the jje I ' pie, especially tiio ladies ot Ce nc cm. • that they have purchased the right, aul u . j manufacturing E. R. CLEMENTS IMPROVED V." - ; ' MACHINE. This machine is far superior to any 1.. kind ever introduced into this county, it is pie of construction, and therefore lu; f saves labor, as any ordinary worn i days Washing, en this machine in }cs,< thru : , hours. No family should be without it. have already disposed of a lqrgs neuv.i , . chines and are pleased to learn, th... tl.ot . proved to be eveu better than they wers n mended. We would refer the citizeu .of Co .' county t > the following persons who hn 'o ' the machine and hare found it to tea . . bar and n alth saving institution. r> '. i Mrs, Hillibish, Mrs. Blair aud Mo. :. ; Bellefonte, and Messrs. C. A J. Curtiu, i. . ♦ ' Irm works. Persons wishing machines will d well ' •• in their orders toon, Address, or caii u dersigutd- , ' DANIEL McGLNLI CYUI'S S'.'R! Sept.6-60-35—.tf Relief- : SPRING & SUMMER CDC?L' C HUMES A BRO., invite th.- a Jt of the public and their old custu: ; very large and extensive assortment (■' Summer Goods, which tboyhaycin ' - art now offering to purchasers nt tbu • • i prices. They would call particular I the great variety of LA DIES Dll ESS Ore) S '■ | consisting in part, of Nhawls, Mantlo.:. ! reges, Tissues. Ac- These goods were . • - • expressly to suit the teste of the ladi I cinity, and are offered with an assorti, j siery and Gloves, Dress Trimmings, C ■ i ! dersleeves, Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMF . ' , in styles, qualities and at very ro.u-u j cau also be found at this estab!;.-,!im ' with one of thi best stocks of : i READY MADE CLOTII I ! ROOTS AND SHOES, STII.A • J- FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS . ' . | A very extensive assortment of b r | brougght from tho eastern market. < i variety to suit the trade, bousekec- • - ! GROCERIES, of the very bust qn-: 1 ' SALT and PLASTER. - | These goods ara '*red to the pun! I lower rate than the satqu -tides can b- . | any where in Gontre county. ) ! J J\ LEYDEN A CO., have jn ) j assortment of Fall and.Wiut ■! i iiiuy offer very low for cash or oout . Nr. 8, IB6o.—tf.