A. UAWLEY & 'GO., "PRACTICAL TERMORB, 3 117 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Fenn'a. ' ] HE proprietors of this establishment feel oofi- H J fident that their preparations wil. compare J ' iv<:t olj* v. ill ii y ii' ihe world, cither foreign cr tt (' imostic Extracts for the Handkerchief of the mostexquisltenders. POMADES and OILS tor w the fair el the finest fixture and tho sweetest perfumes dHAVrNG CREAMS and TOILET SOAPS of the finest arid most delicate formation, Also il-.r ' A Lionid 11 air i)ye, is decidedly superior to anv no it m n.-.. A. "HAWIVV'S OLKATR or COCOA. This prepera t;on is the nrtiele above nil others for dressing ihe hair. It is exceedingly fine and delicate, and r-ndors the hnr ■•'ark, soft and glossy The odor is da! '• , v o one should be without it, Fow- DEIH, "BASDOLINB. IIOCOE, .tc.. and every va-iety of fine and choiee perfumery. IIAWLHY'S FKUIT VT EXTRACTS for flavoring pic, puddings, jollies, I confectionery and Mineral Waior rfyrups. All of wbieh rival the best, and are surpassed by none. Oct. 4, 'iSGO, —3tn: [R G. 0. w atch e o,~ Jewelry AN U SIL I ER WAIIE. j ~\7N~E . old respectfully inform our friends, j Y7 patrons 4 —nera'dy, th it we I s have now in store ana otter wholesale and retail, ■ ( at the lowest cash prices, a large and \ .wuoice stock oV I Vctchm. J tcclry. Silver and Plated Ware, of every variety and style. Every description of Diamond 11 orh and other Jewelry, lhnde to order, at short notice. B- Ail Goods warranted to be as represented, j N. B.—i articular attention g : vcti to the repair ing of Watches and Jewehy of every deserii tion. / 6TAUFFER A HARLEY, No. P22 Ma*4"l street, south side, Phil'a. , Oct. 18. 1860—3 m. * < illiffYOl'y CS-OOC3L?aI- j i i LAROF and splendid assortment of Millinery Ji. Goods his just been received at the Store of !'-> F G RADIUS, A'- ..- cihor things, may bo found a fine assort- < in on t of ' VELVET. STI. IT AND STRAW SONNETS, part-hashed in the city, and trimmed in the latest and most fashionable styles. c ll,i\ ~ig employed a first class lui.liner from the City she feels prepared to execute all orders with whivh she war be favor ■'. ALSO : Whitman's best candies for sale MRS. E. n. ORAFIU3. r.ellefonte, Nov. I t— '6ll- tf. LifS OOE STOP E.— ) Geo. Livingston, at his well known tand at the North Eastern corner of the Public quare, Hclielonte, keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of THEOLOGICAL, CLASSICAL. MISCELLANEOUS, AND SCHOOL BOOFS. Also a larva variety oi hi. _k Looks and Station - erv of the very best quality. Mathematical In struments, Ac. Ho sail has the Depository of tho American Sunday School Union, where any of their Books can be had at cataloguo prices. Books brought to order at a small advance on he city nrices. Jan. 5 '6O 1 y MEW REST AUR A.JTT. 7 II. H Stone, ha? splendidly fitted up a new Restaumrt at the corner of Allegheny and Bi?V cts, "i-ie the hungry and th' tuirst, can una tne necessaries wherewith to keep the body mov ing and refreshed. In his establishment, all kinds of vegetables of the season, the earliest in mar ket. can be had at the most reasonable prices.— Chieken So&p, Spring Chickens, Tripe, Sardines, Oysters aud Com Soup always on hand. Fresh lunch every morning from 10 to II o'clock. It is tho , intention of the proprietor to make this tho star Saloon of the town, nod he respectfully solic its the patronage of the public. Bellefontc 4, 1860. —3t TWO FARMS IPOR SALE. IITESL farms are situated in Graham township Clearfield con ,y, Pu . about 3 miles from the village of K . own ; each contains 120 acres, of which there is 60 or 70 acres cleared on each firm. On ' ie is erected a large Two Story Frame House and large Frame Barn, and on tho other a log House an b„rn. A young orchard on each,bear ing fruit- Terms made to suit purchasers. For further particulars address, W:.L ri. CAMPBELL, M. D., Moshannon, Centre Co., Fa., An g.23,-ISCOtf. L' IME ! LIME !.! LIME !! ! The subscriber re syeCtf'iHy inferuns the public that he has erected a Lime Kilu near the Borough of Bellefonte, where he is making Lime of a superior quality—which is ackr oledged to be as white and pure as the Plym outli lime. All b rks L give it a trial, and he is satisfied the purchaser will come back again. LEON MACKALL. Aug. 23. 1860. tf. VA L : JJi. - - EON EE . Y rot. SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale that very valna bio property now in the occupancy of C-l. R Lipton, the said property is situate on the corner c: Centre and Market street-, fronting on the Uia- ■ mo mi, auu i: the most desirable place of residence in Miigsburg, will be offered for a short time only at a very low figure. J. G. McMEEN. Milesburg, June 28, 'C3.—tf. ~no WEJLIL I BOUMMET MA NTT A CIURERS AND IMPORSEIIS OF PAPERHAJiGBGS, • N. E. Cor. of Fourth A Market Streets, P H . '-PHI A. Oct. 4, ~ , r R O. 0. BO M G ARDNER H 61 J S? CO RNER OF SIXTH AAD R. R. STREETS OPPOSITE L. V. AND PENNA. R. R. DEPOTS, HASFISSUEG, PA. J.W. STOSE. PROPRIETOR Mar. 15t'-.. 1866. fv. ' UNITED STATES HOTEL, I3Y Us- T2EJET STTOEL OPPOSITF mmsfumk R, R. DEPOT HAFiaiSBURG PA. B.HARTSHORN Sttperintsntfcnt. TVT 0 p iins have been spired to make tl.o abvoo XS tne flrst vote! in il-trrisbnrg. The table i twaTs spread with the best the market affords ami the acce.nmo latlo.is are suprior to .my found elsewhere in the city. March Ist 1860.s HUGH Li BPJSBEN, Mm * 1 g raj gist, T.IAN I FACTU REH OF EXTicA LIQUOR COLORING, N. B*. Cor. 1 hird A Pojdar ttrtt'e. Tern,- C.TA.] PVUdS 'la. Or blVH,—lr. ClJSlfcl' Co!>.iTiHtib3 Si CO.• T" OCR fiavco ami Tyrone Laily Line of Sta - j J N hwo Lock Haven at 5 o'clock, A. M., arrive at Beiiefuato r.t 1 2 o'clock. Leave Bello fi cte at 12J o'clock, arrive at Tyrone at G o'clock F. M. iieivc Tyrone at UA. M.. arrive atrtvlle t nte at 4 o'clock, P. ?.i , 1 ive Boilefonte for Lock II- "en at 4 P. >L. and arrive af 11 P. M. Jbiy 12.—Tflfltt. IT. AWH EITC E IIOTEL, CHESTt f STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WM, . CAMPBELL, Proprietor Aprath '6O—U. BEWARE oTQUACKS !!! ' 1 frills Adver i iorae- - •uui e.-.-ed to both Males i _J. and Female- - .fering from secret eauses. I fi ~-tieed mnry , ears, and having made a •",r --tunc, i .less' ..ally desi-o . ... to serve my fe low creatures. Inclose a uollar to pav incident oK-rges, ami a sure remedy will be afforded yo' j Let no false d ocv or— cut. as strict secrecy I preserve! DR. JiACALAPIUS EDWARDS Box VIO, Baitiacre, Md ne 21. 1860. ly. 1 WM. S. TRIPPLE, Mercliant Tailor, * N. E. CORNER OF THE DIAxMOND. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citixens of Bellefonte, and vicinity that he has just re turned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he is now opening at his old stand, one 1 door east of the Post Office. His stock consists in part of * 1 Black, Blue, and Brown, French Cloths, Silk Mixed Coat ing, Cashmere ana -Vhite Duck for COATS; Black Doeskin'.Yd Fancy Summer Cassi meres, and L.tVi u Drills for PANTS; Black U-.tin, Fi gured Silks, xnd White and FIGURED MARSAILLES FOR VESTINGS, ! which he will make up to order in styles to suit the tastes of customers, on short notice, anu on the most reasonable terms. Goods furnished by cus tomers will be made up to order as heretofore. As ho will employ none but experi enced workmen, persons may rely on get ting their work well done at his establishment Thankful for the patronage heretofore be stowed, he respectfully solicits a continuance of illc same. WM. S. TRIPPLE. Bcliefonta, May 12 '59-21-tf. JOHN MONTGOMERY, Morciaant Tailor, ALJ.PGHENY STREET, HELLEFONTE, PENNA. THE undersigned would most respectfully in form the public that he will continue to car ry on the Tailoring and Clothing business at the Old stand, on the south corner of Brokerhoff's Row, where he is prepared to make to order all kinds gf clothing in the neatest and most fash ionable styles. He keeps on hand a large variety t CLOTUS. CASSURERS AND VESTINGS, of the most approved paterns. At his Establish ment READY-MADE CLOTHING. of every description may be found, which ho is now selling at reduced prices. Ilis thanks are due the public for the liberal share of patronge heretorore bestowed upon him; and he hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continue arce of the same. J. MONTGOMERY Bellefonte Jan ~ 12th '6o—ly zkt:E:X^7"J5 ANE T ,V MENTION!! TIIE undersigned takiagreat pleasure in an nouncing to his-fellow citizens of Centre and idjoinin tr . s, that he is now making the new and THRESHING MACHINE, usually catted the •' Tumbling Shaft Thresning Machine" which is far superior to any ether ma chine everused in this country. It threshes fast er, runs easisr, and without cracking the grains. All farmers having on haud the "Old Machine" can have them altered with very little expense, so as to be just as good as new, as the same wheels and castings will answer. Any person trying the New Machine would be troubled no longer with the old one. B. E3PAiniKa done in the shortest notice and on the most reas onable terms for cash or country produce. Thank ful for past favors, he Dopes by strict attention to business to merit a larger share of public patron age. JAMES WARD. Bellefonte, May 31,-1860' 3m. TOWNSEND & CO., ~ (Successors to Sam'l Townsend & Son,) No. 3D South Second Street, above Chestnut, IL ADELPHIA. IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN Velvet, Brussels, Tapestries. Three ply, In grain and Venitian CARHLTS of tho best English <7 American make. MA 7 TINGS. OILCLOTHS, &c„ dec., dec. We solicit an inspection of our assortment be fore purchasing elsewhore. Oct. 4. 'fit'.—3m. [R. G. 0. EOLIS GERBEIG IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER tF FANCY 2J 1 TT DEFi. £. For Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Wear, NO. 234- ARCH ST., PHIL'A. All kinds of Furs Dressed, Cleaned and Repaired. Furs made to order at the shortest notice. Full value paid for Shipping Furs. Furs taken care of during the Summer Oct. 4. '6o.—ly. MADAME Si HWEND'S INFALLIABLE POWDERS, ]7IOR the speedy and effectual Cure of all Infta ' mot ions, Fevers. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Piles, Gravel, and all Acute and Chronic Diseases of Adults and Children. —Send 3 cent Stamp to her Agent, G. B.JONES, Hundreds of testimonials.] Box 2070 Phila, P. 0. jr.fr- Agency, S. W. cor. Third & Arch Sts. Oct. 4, 1360. lOt. J. Web. JTPAEMER & CO., MARKET ST., WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. Dealer in FISH CHEESE and Provisions, Have constantly on hand an assortment of DRIED & PICKLED FISH, Ac., viz: Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish, Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, Ac., ct. 4, '00.—3 m,. [J. Web. W. A. ARNOLD. JOnN W. WTLSOS ARNOLD & WILSON WARMING & VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, No. 1010 Chesiuut fctreet, P hiladeiph ia CCIILSON's Paten Cone and Ventilating FURWACES, Cooking Ranges, Balh Boilers. ENAJSIELED fc TATE MANTELS Coiaiiioii and Low Down Parlor Grates, Warm Air Registers and Ventilating, Ac. Ac. Particular attention given to warming and Ven tilating Buildings of every discription. BEN J. M. FELT WELL, Sup't. Apr. 26, —1860. ly. It DUCEMENTS are here offered to young men, by which the above can be made clear of all li.xpccsf. Respectable business, and something that will take well. For particulars enclose a postago stamp, and address, ERASTUS J. BURKERT, Rcbersburg, Centre Co., Pa: una 2 j, 1860.-6 m. BUILD INC LOTS FOR. SALE. THE subscribers offer for sale a number of desi rable Euiiding Lets,adjoining the Borough of Ztellefont?. They are beautifully situated, an? can be supplied vith water by the BellefonD A atcr works. They also propose to"sell out lots, in sizes to suit purchasers. For terms annly to JAMES H. LINN,or J. E. M'COY, Milcsturc IronWorks, Feb. 15-55—tf. KLEMM & BROTHER, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS IN Ifmsical Instruments, GERMAN, FRENCH AND Italian Strings, No. 705 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 13,-4t XF you want fine DeLanes at from 10 to 20 cts ; per yard call at j ROT. 8. '6o.—tf.] D. DEYDEN A CC'S. 1 *fh:El CKOTTR.® oeimocrat 1 . Clotlmtg (Rmjjonttnt.! BELLEFONTE PA. THE undersigned, determined not to he out done or surpassed by any, is now receiving, in ad- , dition to his former extensive stock, a very large assortment of lleahr-Htiitt Clatljiim. His stock has been selected with great care and consists in part of Black and Fancy Satin Vests, do. Silk Vests, plain and fancy Worsted Vest, Fine Black, Blue, Brown and olive Frock and Dress Coats, Men and Boys' linen Coats, Men and Boys' pants and-Vests of all kinds and descriptions, together with almost everything kept in Clothing Stores, or of which the most prolific mind could conceive, or industry and an unconquerable desire to please, with yearsof experience in tho business could seloet. In addition to which he has added a very superi or assortment of Gents' Cravats, Ties, Hosiery Gloves, Ac., Ac. In short it may be said he has a complete. Gents' Furnishing Store. Comprising every article worn by the stern and dignified lords of creation. Having purchased his Goods as low as they could be bought in the Eastern market, and will dispos them at a slight advance on cost. CASH BUYERS, will find it to their advantage to purchase of him. He also gives notice that he continues to manu facture garments as heretofore. Hands are con stantly employed to make to order, goods purchas ed of him or elsewhere. Those entrusting him with their work, whether the goods were purchased of him or not, may rely on having them cut and made in the best manner and latest styles. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a liberal share of public patronage, and by a strict adherence to business, and a laudable desire to please, he hopes, not only, to retain his old'custo mers, but add to the number many new ones. WM: M'CLELLAND. •< Brokerhoff's Row. BellefonteJan., 5, 60, NEW CASH STOREr AT STORMSTOWN PA. GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER.'! THE undersigned having purchased the store' formerly owned by Barlow A Curtin, in Stormstown, and having just added thereunto LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS, is now prepared to furnish customers with every thing usually found in a country store, and at re markably LOW PRICES. His stock consists is part, of READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSI MERS, BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, SHAWLS. CALICOES, SILKS, LAWNS, GINGHAMS, BONNETS, &e. -JS IISO LARGE SUPPLY OF TEAS, COFFEE, SDGAR, MOLASSES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, and almost every other article you may desire o purchase. LEATHER! LEATHER!! Being, as heretofore, engaged extensively in the TANNING BUSINESS, he is, at all times prepared to furnish "the peo ple" with SOLE LEATHER, UPPER LEATHER, MOROCCOS, CALF-SKINS, and every other description of Leather. jEg* Hides taken as cash. JACOB DANIELS. Stormstown, Dec., 7, 59, 49 tf. TIIIRRTY-two continuous tracts of land aver aging four hundred and fifty acres to th tract, situated in Snowshoe ard Rush townships in Centre county, and extending into Morris twp in Clearfield county, on the waters of the Big and Little Moshannon Creeks, are now offered for sale in lots to suit purchasers. There is a good road leading from the terminus of the Bellefonte A Snowshoe Railroad through these lands to Clear field, the nearest point to the Railrcad being4J miles. The country adjacent is thickly settled and rapidly improving. Moshannon Mills and Stew art's Mills in Centre Co., and Spackman's Mills in Clearfield Co., are but a short distance from the boundry line of those tracts. Selections can be made, that for soil and advantages of locality can scarcely be surpassed. Persons desiring to purchase are referred to Jas. Gilliland. residing at Moshannon Mills, who will show them the land and make sales, or to Samuel Crist, residing in Lock Haven." S. CRIST A CO. July 19, 1860. tf. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC. - Whereas the Spring Creek Woolen Manufactory, during the present season, has been patronized to the lull extent of its producing abilities, and in anticipation of a still grlater patronage the coming season, the proprietors have been induced to add more new machinery of tho very latest improvements. This machinery will facilitate our operations very much and at the same time will improve the real value of out cloths at least ten per cent, while our pri ces shall remain as heretofore; it being our ambi tion to build up a reputation for this establish ment that will add all things thereto. From the facts here n set forth we confidently believe that wool growers and all other grod peofle can now deal with us very much to their own advantage.-- While there are many things alike in business of this kind, tltere is also much that is different. A word to the wise is sufficient Give us a call and satisfy yourselves that this is the place the peo ple get the worth of their money. ROBT. KENDAI L, SAM'L HOUSER. Benner twp., June 12, '6O, tf. . PENNSYVA NJA HGIEL. HAYING rented the above named Hotel, the undersigned weula respectfully inform the citizens of Centre county, and the traveling public generally, that he is prepared at all times to sup ply those who may make his house their Home, with good substantial Fare, and accommodations equal, if not superior to many of the City Hotels. His T-ctlolo is always furnished with the very best the market will afford, and every effort will be made in this de partment to cater to the tastes of even tho most fastidious. His Bar will bo found to contain an excellent assortment of liquors of all kinds. II IS ROOMS AND BEDS are clt an and good, so that those who wish to en> joy them, may have nothing to do but to wrap the mantle of their couch ab'ou; them, and lie down to pleasant dreams, and His Slatolo is large and commodious and will be kept con stantly supplied with the best of Hay and Oats.— His Ostler is attentive and accommodating, and plays his part o*' the Drama well and with gfeat credit to himself. P. B. KEPHART.' Prp,r." April 12,—'60. tf. EUIAW HOUSE. POTTER'S MILLS, CENTRE COUNTY, TRAVELERS will be accommodated at all hours. Permanent or Transient Boarding may be had he single ladies and gentlemen, or persons with small families. Tho location is de • lightful aud every effort will be made in order j that tho comforts of a pleasant and quiet home imay be realized. Terms moderate. WM. BELL, Proprietor. Feb. IGtlt '6O ly. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS THE i TUSCARORA FEMALE INSTITUTE, THUS Institution is located at Acaderaia, Juni ata county, Pa., 8 miles from the Pennsylva- I nia Railroad, at Patterson station, and 6 miles I from the Perrysville station. TERMS: ; The Academic Tear consists of two Sessions of five months each. The Summer Session with ; which the School opens, will commence on Tues day, the Ist day of May, 18C0 and will close on Saturday, the 29th of September, 1860, and the Winter Session, on Thursday the Ist day of No vember, 1860, and close March 30th, 1861. Board including Fuel, Light and Tuition in the Primary and Collegiate Depart ments, per term, payable in advance, $75 00 Washing per dozen, 3 00 Lessons on Piano or Gui tar, according to length, sl6, S2O, or $25 per term Use of Piaty) or Guitar, according to time, 4, 5 or 6 Drawing or Flower Painting, 10 to 15 " Ancient or Modern Langubges, each, 10 " When Fire is required Sleeping Rooms,each pupil, 3 " Seats in Church Free Young ladies will be met at the above stations and conveyed to the Institution, if a short notice be given by letter, addressed to the Principal at Academia, Juniata county. For circulars or oth er intormation address the Principal at the above office. 5 EV. W. G. E AGNEW, Mar. 22, '60.-tf.] Principal. HENRY ADOLPH'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CABINET WAREROOMS No. 36INORTH SECOND STREET, ONE DOOR ABOVE CHRIST CHURCH, And Opposite the MOUNT VERNCN HOTEL, PHILADLPHIA. ! UPIIE largest and best assortment of Cot- A tage Furniture in the city, such as 1 TABLES, CAIN CHAIRS, SOFAS, STANDS, PLAIN CHAIRS, OTTOMANS, BUREAUS, SPRING BOTTOMS, LOUNGES, He also has on hand at all times the celebrated " LWYERS EASY CHAIR," and the " GREAT CAMP CHAIR," a folding chair that can be doubled up so as to oc cupy no room at all scarcely. This chair is in tended for the use of Armies, Fishing Parties, Hunters, Camp Meetings, Ac. It also makes a nice article of Parlor Furniture, and so light and convenient that it can be carried anywhere under i the arm like a book. Nothing can excel it for c omfort. „ PRICE FROM 75cts. TO $lO. The plainest and most substantial articels, as well as the mostcostly furniture,can he had Low For Casli AT ADOLPH'S WARE ROOMS. Young persons commencing bouse keeping will save One Half Their Money by buying from him. His motto is "Quick sales and small profits," and the immense business that he is doing enables him to sell lower than any oth er firm in the city, When you come to Philadel phia he sure to inquire for HENRY ADOLPH'S CABINET ROOMS, No. 36 North Seccnd Street. Apr 26, '6—ly. JACOB LADOMUS, 618 Market Street, Philadelphia, DEALER IN AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, HAS always on hand, a large assortment of the above kinds of Watches which he will sell as low as any other House in the City or else where. J. would particularly call attention to the Celebrated American Watch, which in point of accurate time keeping and durability will ex cel any Imported watch of the same cost, and is far less liable of getting out of order than any watch made. These are FACTS which will he den onstrated to any purchaser on a fair trial. Satisfaction will be guaranteed to any and all purchasing at my establishment. A large assort ment of JEWELRY, SILVER & SILVER PLATED WARE. of every description, style and Pattern, constantly on hand at No. 618 Market St. Philadelphia. Sept. 6-60-35 —ly. ITowrad ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special En dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distress ed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Dis eases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases oj the Sexual Oryans, EDICAL advice given gratis, by the Acting IYI Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a aescription of thier condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in case of extreme pover ty. medicine furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Ciseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will he accepta ble. Address, Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, Acting Srr. geon, Howaed Association, No. 2 South Ninth st. Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. IIEARTWELL, Pres't. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Sect'y. Sept. 6. 60. 35, —6m. "foot & HARTMAN7 (Sucessors to S. & S. Haupt,) MILLHEIM, CENTRE COUNTY, .PFNN'A., HAVE removed to iheir new Foundry A Ma chine Shop. They have on hand, and are prepared to manufacture Hunsickcr's Improved Clover Huller, Threshing Machines, Shakers, and Corn Shellers, Bar Shear. Worts Improved, and _Millheim Plows, Stoves, Bells, Kettles, Mill Gear ing, Ac., and hold themselves ready to do all kind of Foundry business with correctness and dis patch. Work warranted as recommended. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly at tended to. Millheim, June 28,1860. tf. SJOG&VISJITIJ\G HOUSE AND BILLIARD SALOON. OYSTERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE undersigned hereby Informs his friends and the public generally that he has rented the basement story of T. R. Reynold's new build ing or Allegheny street, where he has opened an eating saloon, confectionery, Ac., on a large scale. Particular attention will be "paid to business, and every effort made to cater to the tastes of those v. ho may favor him with a call. GEO. W. DOWNING.' Bellcfmte, April 12 '59 16 ly, BANKING HOUSE. E. C. HUMES, JAS. V. HALE H. N. M'ALLISTER, A. O. CURTIN Interest paid on Special Deposit. HUMES, M'ALLISTER HALE & CO., BELLEFONTE, PA. DEPOSITS received, Bills of exchange and Notes Discounted, Collections made and proceeds remitted promptly. Interest paid on special deposits for Ninety days, and under six months at the rate of four per cent, per annum. For six months and upwards, at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Exchange on the East con stantly on hand. Nov. 27 - 6fi. ' MTgraham FASHIONABLE BARBER, BELLEFONTE, PA. IT i conceded by everybody that is man enough to wear a beard, that the place to get shaved easy, clean and neat, is at the Fashionable shop, just opposite Isaac May's store, Good Razors, keen and sharp, kept constantly on hand, Hair Dressing, shampooing, Ac,, Ac., attended to in the most workmanlike manner, The undersigned thankful for past favors, solicits a continuanc of the same, M. GRAHAM- j.in. 5'6 j I LARGE assortment of ladies goat boots with ! I\. and without heels, Misses shoes, a very good assortment, boys and cuildrens shoe 3 and boct ; of all kinds. Mens boots and shoes of all size 1 and descriptions, just received and for sale by C. McBRLDE 1 v3_S9 tf. V HOOFLAND'S U GREAT U * STANDARD REMEDIES of the present age, have acquired their great popularity onl>r through years of trial. Unbounded satisfaction is rendered by them in all cases. • HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL POSITIVELY CURE Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Nervous De bility. Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver, or weak ness of the Stomach and Digestive Organs, AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YEUOW (EVER, BILIOUS FEVER, AND FEVER AND AGUE. See our Almanac for proof. PRICE, 75 cents per Bottle. Hoofland's Balsamic Cordial WILL POSITIVELY CURE Coughs, Colds, cr Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and has performed the most astonishing cures ever known of CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION. As a Diarrhoea Cordial it is unequalled. PRICE, 75 cents per bottle. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN PILL, being well known throughout Europo and America, neede no commendation here. They arc purely vegetable, are prepared with great exactness, and are sugar-coated. No better Cathartic Pill can be found. PRICE, 25 cts. per box. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Louis, Mo., and are sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere. The sig nature of C. M. JACKSON will be on the outsido of each bottle or box. In our " Everybody's Almanac," published annually, yon will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These Almanacs are given away by all our agents. Apr. 26, '6O —ly CLOCK, WATCH, JEWELRY AND FANCY STORE. THE subscriber is still at his old stand at No. 4 Brokerhoff's Row, on Alleghany St., where he has just received from the eastern cities, and is now offering for sale a well selected and beautiful assortment of- CLOCKS, WATCHE and JEWELRY, and an excellent assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, of all l l*\ "sal KINDS and QUALITIES, yJLV 1 ,Jygft SILVERWARE, Ac. (fRJpA? s ' Notwithstanding the "pan ic" his stock is fully as large and complete as ever, and as his goods are selecte with great care from the manufacturers of the eas tern cities, of the latest styles, he feels confiden of giving satisfaction to all. His stock consists of fine Gold and Silver open face and hunter case full jeweled English patent and detached Lever Watches ;—also Lepines and Quartiers. Jewelry of every style which can be found in a good Jewelry Store, and Fancy Arti cles of every description. He has also SPECTA CLES, a good assortment, always on hand, to suit all ages. Also Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, Pis tols, Ac. jJEs?" Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks, Watches and Jewelry at short notice. WM. J. STEIN Bellefonte, Jan. 5, '6o—ly . CONRAI) HOUSE. THIS new, hut well known and popular Hotel 1 cated on Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. has become, under the supervision of its present acorn mounting proprietor. 18. the Hotel of Central Pennsylvania. Long experi once of Mr. Butts in the business warrants ns, in assuring the traveling public that no pa'ns will be spared to render guests as comfortable as possible while sojourning under his rocf. ZE3l±js Talolo will constantly be supplied with the very best the market affords. His Bar will he found to contain an excellent assortment of liquors of all kinds, and HIS STABLE will always he attended by careful, attentive, so ber and therefore prudent Ostlers. The proprietor hopes by his lon.' experience, and the facilities at his command, to make the Conrad class Hotel. The business of the Hotel is under his own personal supervis ion. A liberal share of public patronage is kindly solicited J. B. BUTTS. Bellefonte. June 9.-'s9.—tf J. D. Harris B JLVJL Salt anil Pure Cream Tartar When ufed in Bread, Cake or Biscuit, it terns to gas, (like that from a bottle of Soda Water.) and remainns dor- < ma it in the dough until it is set in the oven, when the heat causes the gas to escape throught the dough while bak ing- The Bread, Cake or Biscuit is AND not only very light, but perfectly whole AND some. Where this Yeast is used you will require about one quarter the a mount of shortening used with ordina ry Yeast. It may also be used for Buckwheat Cakes, Johnny Cakes, and all kinds of Pastry. This Yeast is put up only in one pound cans, with check- I ered label. Red, White and Blue— * " none other is Genuine—beware of imi- ' tations. B. T. EabbitVPure'Conccntra ted Potash, Warranted double the strength of com mon Potash and superior to any Sa ponifies in market, put up in cans of 1 lb., 2 lbs., 3 lbs , fi lbs., and 12 lbs., i with full directions for making Hard 68 j an d Soft Soap. One pound will make 68 fifteen gallons of Soft Soap. No liiue lis rebuired Consumers will find this ! the cheapest Potash in market. I B. T. B.'s Medicinal Saleratus, 1 A perfectly pure and wholesome artis cle, free from all delcterous matter; so j prepared that, as the circular accom- AND ; panying the Saleratus will show,noth- A * D ing remains in the bread wheh baked, but common Salt, Water, and Flour. Put up neatly in papers, 1 lb., Alb., i lb. B. T. B.'s [Concentrated Soft Soap. One box costing one dollar will make 40 gallons of handsome Soft Soap by | rjr-1 simply addiug boiling water. iwf| | B. T. B.'s Soap For Family Use. ' O se poundof this Soap is equal to 3 i pounds of ordinary Family Soap. One j j oand wilt make 3 gallons of handsome | Soft Soap. It will remove paint,grease, j tar, and stains of all kinds- It will not injure the fabric; on the contrary, it 68 P reserves IT- IT will wash in hi rd or 68 saltwater. But little labor is requir ed where this soap is used. Machin ists and Printers will find this soap su perior to anything in market. If your . Storekeeper dee- not keep the above goods, send $5 by mail and I will send ; a package of either article or au assor- ; AND ted box containing apart of each arti- *JID cle, as you may direct: Send the name I of your post office, also, the State and > County in which you reside with di < rections for shopping. Address i B. T. BABBIT, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72 & 74 Washington st., N.Y. A liberal discount to Storekeepers. 7re t July 12. '6O.- lv. ' Ladies One Price fancy Fur Store JOUM FAIIEIRA H'.l No. 718 Arch St., be i tween 7th