Centre genwerat. j BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, NOV., 29, 1860. j W. V/. BROWN, - - ASSOCIATE EDITOR. Open Letter to Governor Letcher. CENTRE DEMOCRAT OFFICE. I BEM.EFONTE. PA., NOT. 24, I860.) Gov. John J etcher of Virginia. DEAR FIF I find in ihe public prints a private letter which I addressed to you on i the 15th inst., nnd which was intended to j elicit from you a private, not a public reply. ! I presumed, ( more from the position you . hold, than any personal knowledge of your ; Excellency, ) that you were a true Virginian j gentleman, and as such, would treat my cor- 1 respondence with Ihe privacy it required. This, I regret to say, you have not seen prop- : er to do—"I am really at a iota to under- | stand what good you expected to accomplish by"a betrayal of my confidence. Yoa infurro me that my Ictirr "is well cal culated to add fuel to a tl .uie that is burning with sufficient intensity now," why then make public so incendiary a communication ? Jf inflamatory, (as you think it is,) certainly it would have done much less barm lo tbe public, m yonr Excellency' 6 pocket, than in the prints. Your conduct towards me, as a Northern man, is transparent, You were in a sifite of effervescence when my inmcent let ter, (at least so intended,) reached you, and you seized 1 upon it as a pretext for venting your eurplus patriotism. Had you written me and informed me of tbe distressing state of your Excellency's mind, I would have written you a letter that you could have made public with much more propriety than the one you published. You say "my State is in part responsible for tbe present alarming crisis in public af fairs." Such a charge will meet with an in dignant rebuke from tbe heart of svery P6nn* sylvanian. Our people have ever been con servative, and loved the Union with a devo tion that your people would do well to imi tate. The people of the North haye done nothing to aggravate their Southern brethren. Your Brooks' and Pryors have maimed and menaced our representatives —you have cut down our election poles—our people have been shot in Kansas —the ballot-box has been forcibly possessed—our public Presses have been destroyed—freedom of speech has been stifled, and yet, as a Southern man, you gravely tell u. that we are the "aggressors,'' that we are "responsible," that our laws are "unconstitutional," and that we "taunt" you with superior numbers. "The Pharisee stood an'd prayed thus with himself, G>d f thank thee that I am not as other moo arc extortioners, unjust adulterers, or even as this publican." I do not enumerate grievances in any spir it of enmity toward the people of the South. No! no, far be it from me to say one word that would wound or enrage. I would far rather allay than add to the excitement that already distresses our country. I would say to the people of the entire South, come, "men and brethem," let us sit down together at tbe table of the Union, eat in harmony, and live in peace. l r ou inform me "that Pennsylvania is one ef tbo eleven non-slaveholding States that has passed statutes, now in force and effect, designed to obstruct tbe execution of the Fu gitive Slave Law. In making this statement you have fallen into error. No such law is upen our Statute Books. Gov- Maggoffin has made the same mistake in his late message. Perhaps he led you into error. I would most respectfully suggest that your Excellencies inform yourselves more thoroughly of our laws before again attempting to write for the public Press- You tell me that the South requires " that if ber property shall escape and be found in the non-slave-holdiDg States, that we will see that it is promptly restor.ed to the right ful owner." Now, sir, we have no objection to ycur pursuing your fugitiye slaves and arresting their, whenever and wherever you may find them in the non-slave-holding States, but we will not " see that they are promptly restored to the rightful owner."— You may catch your own negroes and we will not prevent you, but we will not consent to catch them for you. " We have other and better uses for our Pencsylvanians." Y r ou desire me "to cultivate a kind, gen erous and conciliatory spirit'tcward my fel low citizens of tbe South." Your advice was unnecessary. I bear no malice in ray heart toward any of them, yet I do not forget that when, duriDg the late campaign, I vieitied Virginia to advocate the election of /•bra bam Lincoln I was assailed by a mob, and, with my friends, driven by force from the soil of Virginia. Think you, Pennsylvani acs would be guilty of such conduct ? No sir, ihev would scorn to stifle freedom of speech as they would scorn to suppress the liberty of the press. You endeavor, but vainly, to construe my letter into an insult to the brave people of Virginia. No one more highly appreciates their courage than I do. In the war of the Devolution in 1812, in the struggle with Mexico, Virginia bore an honorable and con spicuous part. The bones of ber sons falling in our stiuggles, lie mingled with the dust of every battle tieid and far-be it from me to . impute one word against the courage ot "the mother of Presidents." The day was when Yirgians did not consider it dishonorable to be commanpel by a Pennsylvauiap, and the day has not yet come when Pennsylvauians weuld feel disgraced by a Virginian com- mander. You enumerate your military with great precision,and boast your numerical strength. Sir, let me te'l you the " army of Union" will not be one that will " stop to number the foe." You say I have no "right to come'into Vir ginia to raise troops," I never thought of doing any each thing. Raise your own troops —I will raise what I need without going in to yonr State. Troops for the Union can be p rased in Virginia without my going there. When I come to Virginia I shall come as a peaceable citizen. I will not sieze your Arsenal and hold it until you send for the Northern marines. I will not incite yonr slaves to rebellion. I will net do anything to disturb your Commonwealth ; but I will eat my victuals, read tbe Iribune when I can get ; it, speak to those who desire me to talk, and give a penny to a beggar if I see proper. You think I wa hoaxed in those " two hundred Virginians" by some wag. Has it never occurred to your sapient excelleecy ' that you yourself may have been hoaxed ? Perhaps the boot is on the other leg, Mr. Governor. In my printed letter I am made to say "twenty-eight millions" instead of "eighteen millions." Tell your compositor to be more careful in the future. Thanking you for having so gratuitously contributed to my notoriety, I am with re spect, very truly yours, JAMES S. BRISBIN. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. E'glueen hundred and sixty has, for the last four years, been looked forward to as a period in our history that would be fraught wiih startling event*. It has come and well nigh passed, and we think the expectations iof al! have been fully realized. Ii has wit nessed the downfall of the most corrupt ad ministration that ever cursed a Government. It has witnessed the culmination of a great I political party ; the triumph of freedom over I bondagn ; the triumph of labor over eapi'al | and aiistoeracy, Wo have come out of a great niuiierary crisis and been plunged into another. We have had a summer of plenty, and row we are about to witness a winter of : want. The election of a chief magistrate has been the leading event of this year.— ; Never in our history were the people so thor i ougfcly aroused. It was not so boisterous as | 1844, but the political waters were " still ! and deep." The quiet determination of the | people foretold the change that was about to ; take place in the affairs of our Government, : and " Tho sovereign's will was soon upon hi 3 face." Nobly our coqntry went through the ex citing struggle. Labor and freedom triumph ed, and it was well for us they did—four years more of extravagance and outiage wo'd well Digh have submerged the gallant old ship of State. Secession is talked of, but on ly talked of. The rebellion ef the South is not yet ripe. Our citizens with trembling horrow bear the thunders of disunion roll beneath their feet. An awful crater seems about to buret, belch forth its fiery flames and burning freedoms fanes amid a general con flagration, But we are now satisfied that 1860, event ful as is bas been and mav be, is not destin ed to witness the culmination and overthrow of a great political sentiment that has been growing iD this country for the last twenty J ears. Sixty has indeed been a wonderful year, but the war of secession, rebellion and treason his been reserved to immortalize tome other year—perhaps 18G4. Trouble in Kansas. It se ms that we are to have a new excite ment in an other portion of the conntVy, to draw off a'fention from the Southern secess ionists. The Government at Washington has received intelligence of a serious outbreak in Kansas. What are the real causes and purposes of this turmoil wo cannot, from what we have heard, now accurately deter mine. It seems that there has always exis ted a bitter feeling between tbo free State and pro-slavery dweller# ID Kansas, after the outrages of the border MissouriaDs, commit ted by permission, if not the encourageruen of the Federal Administration. It is natural that a desire to retaliate should posess the desperadoes of that unfortunate Territory.— The starving condition of the people is such that we hope that they will net have added to their troubles horrors of the civil war, or a necessary expedition by United States ♦re ops. figf The Philadelphia inquirer and the patriot & union, a couple of dirty little dai lies published down the ccuntry, take excep tion to the letter we wrote to Gov. Letcher. The Editors, no doubt, are ambitious of be ing noticed in the CENTRE DEMOCRAT. Sor ry we can't flatter your vanity, gentlemen, hut indeed we have not time to notice your "oDe horse" concerns. You must not expect us to pay attention to every whiffet that Larks at our heels. Y'elp on, poodles, we can't stop to stone you under the gate— Doug'ifaced dogs always run at their mas ters' bidding but do more harm than bite the iron teat ercircles the wheel. Is 1856 Mr. Fremont got only 1.194 votes jit alt the S uth— 281 in Maryland, 308 in Dale.vars. 291 in Virginia, and 314 in Ken tucky ; Missouri gave him no votes, the Re publican strength that had been developed tnere months before, in the election of Frank Blair'to Congress, going then to swell the Fillmore column. We believe 30.000 votes have now been given in the South di rect to Mr. Lincoln, and to BJ that at least as moDy more did not vote for him through a desire to use Bell in defeating the broken democracy, is no idle calculation. The Re publican party has a foothold in the South ern States, that is a great point gained for the suecess of Mr. Lincoln's admit istration. The following are the Presidential votes of sine of the southern cities: Lincoln. Douglas. Bell. Breck. St Louis, Mo, 9483 8538 4333 544 Hannibal, Mo. 225 624 574 121 St. Joseph, Mo. 410 1064 " 721 226 Kansas Oity, Mo. 185 487 368 131 Hermann, Mo. 226 84 18 I St. Charles, Mo. 199 287 220 25 Franklin, Co,, Mo. 248 469 224 59 Newport, Ky. 263 423 381 64 Covington, Ky. 220 844 936 289 Louisville, Ivy. 100 2633 3823 859 Wheeling, Va. 600 627 936 649 Alexandria, Va. 16 139 1008 568 Baltimore, Md. 1082 1562 12,619 14,850 Milford, Del. 209 9 52 191 Cedar Creek, Del. 286 230 134 Wilmington, Del. 200 maj The approaehing session of the Legislature of this State, will have before it the impor tant duty of electing a United Stateg Senator on the second Tuesday of January. On tha third Monday of Jnauary, the State Treasurer will be chosen. On the third Tuesday of January, Col. Curtin will be Inaugurated Governor. The Presidential Electors meet at the Capitals of their respective States the first Wednesday in December. THE CE3VTREI DEMOCRAT IMPOR TANT Fit Oil KANSAS. War of the Abolitionists on the Pro-Slavery People. Threatened Foray upon Missouri, Ark ansas and Texas. ATTACK ON FORT SCOTT. SEIZURE OF THE LAND OFFICE. FEDERAL JUDGES OBLIGED TO FLEE [ Special Despatch to the New York Herald, j LEAVENWORTH, K. T., NOV. 21. The state of affairs in Bourbon and Linn counties, in this Territory, cause much talk, speculation and excitement hero. Many rumors aie Hfhrat in regard to the movements of Captain Montgomery. Vari ous reports say that he has frum three hun dred to four hundred men fully equipped, and ;s threatening the lives and property of the Dro-slavery men in the vicinity of the counties above alluded to. ♦ The citizens at Vort Scott are reported as expecting an attack, and they are removing thoir goods and chattels. Nothing had transpired up t® three o'clock on Monday. WARSAW, Mo., Nov. 21.—A messenger reached here to-day, bringing the following despatch, which has been forwarded to the Administration at Washington : CLINTON, MO., Nov. 21.—The abolitionists with arms newly imported from Boston or the east, under tbe command of Captain Montgomery, numbering from 300 to 500 men and increasing in numbers, have at tacked Fort Scott, Kansas, and broken up the Court, compelling myself and ail the of ficers of the Un ted States District Court to fly for sur lives. They have taken the towns on the Missouri line, the Fort Scott Land Of fice, &o. They intend to invade Missouri, ' J.WILLIAMS, U. S. Judge Third' Judicial District, K. T. A military company will be organized in this" city to-morrow to aid in the suppression of this outbreak. At a meeting of the citizens of Clinton, j Henry coutity, Mo., fo-daj, it was resolved i to raise a volunteer company to defend their i homes, and, if necessary, the western bolder of the State. A Committee was appointed to wait on the Governor of Missouri and lay the facts before him, and request a suj ply of arms. The following letter has been addressed to Governor Siewart: CLINTON, MO., NOV. 21.— Sir: —I am here to inform the citizens of this State of the fol lowing facts, and I have been requested to present them to you as Governor of tbe State. The abolitionists, under command of Mont gomery and Director Tennyson, to the num ber of 300 to 500 armed with Sharpe's ri fles, dragoon's sabres, navy revolvers and bowie knives, have euddenly commenced a war of extreme ferocity on the law-abiding citizens of Southern Kansae, in the counties of Lima and Bourbon. These arrived by the wagon lead at or near Mound City, about one month since, in boxes marked as dona tions for Kansas sufferers. Montgomery hae been in Boston during a part of the summer, and returned with plenty of money to enlist recruits. Many of his men are newly impor ted. He has taken possession ol Fort Scott | and other towns on the border, near the Mis ! souri line. He has murdered Mr. Moore, a ! grand juror, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Samuel Scott, Mr. Hinds, and obliged all the United States officers, including myself, to fly for our lives. Ills own expressed design, made in a public speech, as he said without concealment, is to keep possession of Fort Scott, and other pla ces near the Missouri line, to prevent a fire in tbe rear, while he cleared out southwest Missouri of slaves. So far he has carried out. literally, his declared programme. The citizens of Missouri, on the Osage and Merimator rivers, in Bates and Vernon are .flying from their houses into the interior.— He boasts that he has money and arms to equip and sustain one thousand men. My Court was broken up by them, the United States Court for the southern District, and I suppose tbnt they have seized the records and also the records of the said office, as he pub licly declared that he would do so, J. WILLIAMS, Unitpd States District Judge for the Third Judicial District of Kansas. KANSAS, MO., Nov. 21—United States Marshal P. T. Colby and party, of Kansas Territory, arrived here this evening- They bring the following particulars relative to the ! operations of Captain Montgomery and his gang of Jay Hawkers, numbermg nearly fire hundred men. FORT SCOTT, NOV. 19. U. S. Judge Wil .lianas and the officers of the Court, have been obliged to flee to Missouri to escape attack from tbe Jay Hankers. Samuel Scott, of Linn county, was taken from bis house on the morning of the 18th instant, and hung. Many of the most prominent citizens have been arrested, but as yet, their fate is un | known. Messrs. Reynolds & Co., of Fort Scott; Messrs. Crawford & Co., of Chouteau's tra ding post, and other merchants in the Terri tory, have removed their goods to Missouri. The roads are lined with teams leaving the Tenitorv. Mr. Ilaffdagle, Postmaster at Mapleton,. was arrested to-day and threatened with hanging; but he succeeded in making his es cape. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 21.—Rumors are in circulation here of the burning of Fort Scott, but tbey are not generally credited. A RABBIT BABY. —One ol the most singular freaks of nature we have read of for a long time, occurred in the neighboring town of York lately, the particulars of which are given in one of tbe papers of that place, as follows. "A married tady gave birth to a child, po*essing, generally, the. forms and whims of a Rabbit. The features bore a close resemblance thereunto; and at the hind part of the head there was a short stumpy tail, precisely in imitation of the small pei animal. The child squeaked the notes of the Rabbit. I: was so formed that it could par take of no nourishment; and during the five weeks of its career on earth, it was necessary to pour, gently, a little milk down its throat. It had but little flesh, and that blue, resem bling that of the innocent quadruped to which species it might have been classified to be long, instead of the human fainilv. After much suffering a spasm ended iis existence. These remarkable features and gestures of this child, are to be accounted for from the tact that the mother, while enciente, repeat edly fondled and caressed several pet-Piab bite, kept in the house." AN AGRICULTCRAL EDITOR CHARGED WITH LIBEL. —We are not aware that there has previously been a case on record of a suit for libel against the editor of the American Agriculturalist• The complaint is that is' an article cautioning persons against investment without personal examination, a damaging libel on the waste land on Loog Island was contained, and SIO,OOO damages are claimed by the plaintiffs, who are interested ic a por tion of this particular tract. GEN, SCOTT. —Gen. Scott is the largest man in the American service. He is six feet six inches tall, and weighs two hundred and six ty pounds. He is 74 years old, yet his health is good and his whole system apparently vigorous, much of which is owihg to his temperate habits. Foreign Aid for the The most noteworthy feature of the seces sion business is the sending of a commission er by South Carolina to treat with the Em peror Napoleon. The new Republic, or Kingdom, must haye a guardian in seme of the powerful nations of Europe to protect it against coercion on the part of tbe American Government. Nothing more strongly reprehensible than these overtures could have been done. Such a proceeding is undoubteuly treasonable un der the provisions of the Constitution, and could be punished as such. In auy ordinary circumstances it would be the duty of the au thorities to take cognizance of such a misde meanor and to treat its authors as they de serve. At the present time, however, the public generally appear to be in favor of dealing leniently witb tbe insane disunioo ists, even to the extent of ignoring their trea sonable acts. Were this appeal to a foreign power likely to produce tho desired effect, however, it would be the duty of the Gov ernment to take active measures to vindicate the Constitution and laws. French or English intervention will never be suffered in any portion of what is now tbe United States. Some of our early etatesuien were opposed to allowing European nations 11 interfere in any States of the Eastern Hem isphere. Certain it is that our Government will never submit to tho indignity of allow ing a portion of its own territory to be pa tronized by foreign rulers, and put under the protection of foreign soldiery. Those citi zens of South Carolina who desire to be sub jects of the French Emperor, should emigrate to France, to French Guiana, or to Martin ique They can never be allowed to become the subjects of a foreign despot on tbe soil of ihe North American Republic. It seems to be the general desire to let the disaffected Cotton States to go out of the Uni on, if they will do it peaceably. But it will never do to allow them to call in foreign tro. Ps to maintain a separate government.— They will have nothing to fear from the Uni ted Slates so long as iney, behave themselves properly. Tbey are of very little conse quence, and the remainder of the Confedera cy would scarcely feel their loss. Our country might have much to fear should it allow a European power to gain a ■ foothold on cur soil. What is desired by the secessionists is evidently a French army of occupation, sufficiently large to hold the Con stitutional Government in check. The pres ence of such a body of foreign soldiers on our shores, would, it is plain to see, be produc* live of serious evils. It would furnish a foothold for Eastern tyrants to accomplish what they doubiless desire, the destruction of | our free Government. There is really no reason to fear that this proposed French Protectorate over the new Southern Confederacy will be established.— Louis Napoleon will doubtless soon have quite enough to do in Europe to employ all his forces and occupy his attention. A gen eral European war is imminent, and if it does not take place, yet the French Empire will need to keep its soldiers where they can be made availiable in case of necessity. Be sides there is nothing now to be gained by encouraging the two or three weak S'ates which are likely to secede from this Union. Unless Louis Napoleon had the means and the design to press his conquests on this Con tinent, to accept tho offered Protectorate of the seceding States would be extremely Quix otic. England is still less likely to do anything for our helpless Southern friends. Their cause is not considered quite as divine as a crusade to the Holy Land once was in Great Britian. The English peopie are generally on very good terms of understanding with their cousins in the Northern States, and we believe their political sympathies are pretty much altogether with the Lincoln party. Our secessionist friends will have to make up their minds to fight their own battles, and to establish their own Empire unaided. They will very probably get no aid from Europe. —Daily News. Yale Agricultural Lectures. The public will be gratifiied to learn that the novel experiment of the Yale Agricultu ral Lectures ot last Winter was so success ful as to induce its repetition this winter on a more complete scale. This course will commence Feb. 5, and continue through the month. These lectures, which are of great value to the whole country, and worthy the attention of every cultivator, are given under i the auspices of the Yale Scientific School, or I Scientific Department of Yale College, as a supplement is its newly instituted cource of practical collegiate education, and for the benefit of the public at large. A new and { important feature of this course will be its | complete illustration bv specimens, drawings ' modeis and animels. Lite-sized paintings | ofgroops from celebrated herds will be iu- I eluded in these illustrations. The lectures ' on training and breaking horses are to ac ! companied by practical illustrations. The j lectures of last year will take part in the course, and ether eminent names, with a variety of new subjects, wtil be added to the list. The expenses of the course aro provided for in part by subscription. The lectures are under the direction of Prof John A. Por ter, who may be addressed for further infor mation, at New llaven, Conn.— Amtrican A gricullurist. From tlie South. WASHINGTON, NOV. 26. By the recently ratified treaty with the Kaw (Kansas) Indians, the questions afibct | ing the intrusions on their lands have been I adjusted. These Indians are now concentra ted within defined limits, outside of which the whites wiJ be undisturbed. A few in truders are still on the O-age reservation, but notice bus been served on tbern to remove therefrom. The intrudes* ou the Cherokee neutral lands have been forced to vacate them, through the energy of the Commission er of Indian Affairs. Horatio Kmg has returned from a family visit to Maine, and not, as erroueius!y sta ted in some of the newspapers, from a visit to flannibal Hamlin. Both chambers of Congress are now in readiness for the members ; a very few of whom, however, have as yet arrived in Washington. The old Senate chamber, the improve ments having just been completed, will be occupied by the Supreme Court of the Uni ted States at its December session. -SST" Jackalow, who is in jail at Trenton, New Jersey, awaiting trial for tke sloop Spray murders, passes his time very dreari ly, being unable to read or write the English language, neither smoking or chewing to -bacco, and without friends. His health is good, though he is closely confined. He has been supplied with pictorial papers, and pon ders over the illustrations for hours and then saves them. Every time his cell door opens, he thinks he is to be taken out and hanged. The Reported Resignation of Chief Jus tice Taney. WASHINGTON, NOV. 26.— There has been no official notification, as far as can be learn ed of the resignation of Chief Justice Taney, which is reported in a New York paper.— There is certainly no such information at the Attorney General's office. „ - < LATER FROM EUROPE. Arrival of tlie Africa at N. York. VICTOR EMMANUEL KING OF NAPLES. GARIBALDI RDS GNS THE DICTATORSHIP LATEST COMMERCIAL ADVICES. The steamship Africa, Capt, Shannon, from Liverpool 10th inst., arrived at New York at two o'clock Friday Afternoon. The Nova Scotian reached Liverpool about 3 P. M., on the Bth inst. TheCunrad Company had ordered, (in ad dition to the Scotia and several screw steam ers now on the stocks,) the cons'ruction of a new first class screw steamer of over 2500 tons register, to take the place of the Etna, w'lich has been sold to the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Company. ITALY. Entrance of King Victor Emmanuel into Naples NAPI.ES, Nov. 7. —Kirg Victor Emmanuel entered the city at hail past 9 o'clock this morning. An immense crowd of people assembled, notwithstanding the torrents of rain which were falling. Universal joy is manifested. TURIN, Nov. 8. The Turin journals an nounce that the investing of Gaeta on the land side continues. The Opinione publishes a proclamation of King Victor Emmanuel to the Neapolitan and Sicilian peoples. Ilis Majesty accepts the sovereign author ity of the Two Siei'ies transferred to him by universal suffit ge. A despatch from Naples states that the de parture of Francis II from Gaeta is eminent, in consequence of the advice given to llts Majesty by the commanders of tlie foreign fleets. TURIN*, NOV. 9. —The Opinione publishes the following despatch, dated Naples, Nov. 8:h "On the entry of the King into Na ples, Garibaldi sat at his side in the carriage. T.t-day. at II A. M. t Garibaldi, accompan ied by the Ministry, formally presented t> the King the result of the plebiscite. Ilis Majesty received them in the throne room. The Minister, S'gnor Conforti addressed the Ring thus ; Sire—The Neapolitan people assembled in theii electoral comitate, have proclaimed you King hy an immense majority. Nine mill ions of Italians are uniting themselves to the provinces which your Majesty governs with so much wisdom,verifying your solemn prom ise that Italy should belong to the Italians- The King replied in a few pxpiesstve word-. The deed of annexation was then drawn up, the Dictatorship ceased, and the Ministry re signed. The enthusiasm of the people con tinues." It is asserted that negotiations have hepn commenced between General Fanti ar.d the commander of Gaeta for the evacuation of the fortress. Signor MoDtezmolo is about to proceed to Sicily, as Gtvernor General. Signor La Fa rina has been appointed Director of the In terior in Sicily, and Lanza of Public Instruc tion. The Neapolitan army is said to be reduced to about 20 000 men, good troops, hut with none but old generals at their head. , To fill up vacancies occasioned by the de fection of the subaltern officers, common sol diers have been promoted from the ranks. The number of Loyalists taken prisoner at Capua was 10,000, and six generals, and the Piedmontese got possession of 290 brass guns, 20.000 muskets, and military stores of all kinds. DEPARTURE OF GARIBALDI A Naples des* patch of the 9th, announces that Garibaldi left Naples that morning for his home at the Island of Cspfef"- The last visit that be paid was to the English Admiral. LATER FROM EUROPE. TIIE ARAGO OFF CAPE RACE. LAIER FROM CHINA. THE TREATY OF PEACE DEL DYED. The Allies Marching on Pekin. ST. JOHN'S, N. F., NOV. 25. —The steam ship Arago, from Havre and Southampton, has Cape Race, with Liverpool dates ! to the 14th iLBt. The steamships New York and City of Manchester arrived nut on the 12th inst. Italy. Victor Emanuel was to leave for Sicily on the Jlth. There is no fresh intelligence respecting the negotiation for the capitulation of Gaeta. It is reported that the Garrison is composed of only a few barta'ions. Ttie Austrian Government denies that a circular note of the Warsaw interview had been add re si d to Rome, Naples and the Ex- Dukes of laly. The Neapolitans had entered the Papal States, through their General's treacheiy. It is stated that General Guyoo considers bis position untenable. Gen. Garibaldi has issued a farewell ad dress to his late army, concluding by telling his companies in arms that an army of a million of men will be wanted to folliw him again to a fresh conflict, which is likely to break out in Italy in March next. The siege works before Gaeta are actively continued, and if the garrison will not ca pitulate a geueral bombardment will com mence. Fiances had rejected the proposal to evac uate the sown, on thp basis that that he com mands the troors, 13 000 in number, at Gae ta, and relies on the strength of the fortrese. China. Late advices from China state that it is re ported that the settlement of the negotiation for peace had been delayed on a question of money and a unity ot understandiug. The Allied army was marching on Pekin, where Sarig-Kee Linsen bad a large force posted to defend the city. Lord Elgin was to follow the troops on the 9ch of September- The army reached Yang-tain yeh on ths lo'h. The Coolies were dtserting, and car riage was difficult. Two thousand troops were left at Tien tain. to protect it from the rebels, wbo were lDacive. The Canton trade was obstructed by the rebels. It was rumored in London that the British Government had received official despatches from China stating that peace had been con cluded at China, hut it was generally believ ed that the Government would not wi'hhold such intelligence if it Lad been received- The Border War—March of Troops from the City of St Louis. ST. L..UIS, Nov. 24. I The different military companies of this city met at their armories last night, when General Frost gave them Gov. Stewart's final orders, which were to proceed at once to the frontier. Several speeches were made by officer*. Quite a number of recruits outside of the companies enrolled themselves for the camnaign. The brigade about six hundred strong, will leave at ten o'clock to-morrow, hy an extra train to Syracuse, thence across the oountry to the setae of disturbance. LATER FROM MEXICO. Capture of Guadaiajara Confirmed. THE BRITISH LEGATION SACKED. ONE MILLION DOLLARS CARRIED OFF. NEW ORLEANS, NCV. 24. The steamship Tennessee has arrived, with dates from Vera Cruz to the 21st inst. ner advices confirm the capture of Guada lajara by the Libera's. A force of 70u0 men in Morelin are expec ted to join the Liberals on the march against the capital. The British Legation in the City of Mexico has been sacked, and §1 000,000, belonging to the British bond-holders, carried off. — T lis robbery has caused great excitement throughout the country. We are under obligation to cur obii ging friend Scbnell, for the following Des patch : DANVILLE, NOV. 26, '6O. A Boiler in the Montour Mill exploded at 1 o'clock this afternoon, killing two men and wounding five. Rates of Advertising. The following rates of Advertising will be ad red to, strictly: One squ re (10 lines) three insertions $1 Off Every subsequent insertion Auditors Notices _ 150 Administrators and Executors' Notices, 1 75 Notice of Applicants for License, 1 00 Notice of Strays, 100 Grocers, " " 10 00 Professional cards, " 5 00 Standing adv's.. 1 column per year, 50 00 Half column, " 25 00 Quarter column. 16 00 j F&- Bill for advertising due after the first in sertion. i f f fJIVT' 1" 1 ll SEVEN YEARS! THE seven years o { uurivalled success attend ing the " COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION," have made it a household word throughout every quarter of the Couutry. Under the auspices of this popular Institution, over three hundred thousand lwnies have learned to appreciate—by beautiful works of art on their walls, and choice literaturo on their tables, the great benefits derived from becoming a subscriber. Subsi riptions are now being received in a ra tio unparalied with that of anv previous year. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Any person can become a member by subscrib ing three dollars, for which sum they will receive Ist.—The large and superb steel engraving, 30 x 38 inches, entitled, "FALSTAFF MUSTERING HIS RECRUITS." 2d.—One copy, one year, of that elegantly il lustraied magazine. "THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL." 3d.—Four admissions, during the season, to "The Gallery of Paintings, 548 Broadway New Yok " In addition to the above benefits, there will be givei to suscribars, as gratuitous premiums, over Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art! comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, i outlines, dfce., forming a truly national bewefit. The Superb Engraving, which every sob-riber will r.ceive, entitled, •'Faistaif Mustering his Recruits, is one of the most beautiful and popu -5 lar engravings ever issued in this country. It is done on steel, in fine line and stipple, ami is prin | ted on heavy plate paper, 30 by i>B inches, mak ! ing a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls I of either the library, parlor or oflice. Its subject j is the celebrated scene of Sir John Falstaff rcceiv | ing. in Justice Shallow's office, the recruits which have been gathered for his "ragged regiment."— It could not be furnished by the trade for kss than five dollars. The Ait Journal is too well known to the whele country to need commendation. It is a magniti- I eectly illustrated magazine of Art, containing j Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, dec,, by the very best writers in America. The Engraving is sent to any part of the coun try by mail, with safety, being iu a cylinder, pos tage prepaid. Subsepiptions will be received until the Even ing of the 31?tof January, JB6l, at which time the books will close and the premium' be given to the subseribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription —Those remitting sls, are entitled to five rnein berships and to one extra Engraving for .heir trouble. Subscriptions from California, the Canadas,and all Foreign Countries, must be sll 50 instead of $3. in order to defray extra postage, etc, For further particulars send for a copy of iho elegantly illustrated -4rf Journal, pronounced the ha ndtorn set magazine in America. It contains a Catalogue of Premiums, ar.d numerous superb en gravings. Regular price, ou cents per number. Specimen copies, however, will be sent to those wishing to subscribe, on receipt of IS cents, in stamps or coin. .Address, C. L. DERBY} Actuary C. A. A. 516 Broadway, New-York: Nor. 29, 1860. [ &7 \ ('£/JJEAD BEATER'S LIQUID STOVE-POUSH! SE VEX REASONS WHY JT IS JUL BEST let. It is always ready for 4 use, 2d. It has r.o smell, 3d. It polishes over rust. 4th. It is economical, fth. It prodnees no dirt in polishing, filh. It stand the greatest, degree of beat. 7th. It is jus what every family needs; IT PRESERVES THEM ! ONE THIRD LONGER! ONE .THIRD LONGFR ! Stoves will last one third longer by using'this TIME AND MONEY SAVED. It has stood the severest tests. Triumphant! Triumphant!! LEADBEATER S RENOWNED LIQUID SIOVE-POLTSH. Greatest Discovery of the age ! ! ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. Address, LEADBEATER & CO., (Sole Manufactures,) No 923" Market Street, Philadelphia. Sold by all respectable Dealers, A liberal discount to ths Trade. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Price, 12 and 26 Cents. Put up for dealers in cases containing four and eight dozen, A splendid Lithographic Show eard accompanies each package. Every Merchant should make a note of LEADBEATER 8 RENOWN ED QUID STOVE POLISH. Nov. 22, 1866. ly. STRAY' CALF.—Camo to the residence of the subscriber in Walker towuship, a Red C.alf about ten months old, in or about the middle of May last. No particular marks. The owner is reqested to come forward, prove property, pey charges, and take it away, otherwise it will be disposed of according to Law. JOS. SWEYER. Nov. 29, 1860 3t. ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.—The pa-tnership heretofore existing between Jo sepn R. Erb and Cbas. Dermis, and trading under the firm of Jos. B. Erb