ICccai jjpqp-fourct. THURSDAY, NOV., 22d 186). D ta'th cf an Old Soldier. Yesterday morning tbe military and citizens of our town, did tho last honors to the remains of Dr. A. W. BAYARD, who was a soldier in the war of 1812, atid who baa, for many years, been a citizen of Bellefonte. lie died at bis resi dence on Monday morning. At tbe tme appointed for the funeral, the Bund, the Fen cibles and the Troop marched to house of the dead. When tho coffin was brought from the house the ensigns of the different com panies wrapped their colors arouod it and it was placed upon the shoulders of four members of tho troop. The band then struck up a solemn funeral inarch and the proces sion moved toward tfce cemetry. A? it pas sed down the street, the procession present ed a scene at once solemn and imposing.— First came the band discoursing its most solemn notes, next the Fenciblc; sod Troop with reversed arms, then the coffin, which was followed by the relatives and friends of the deceased. The continued rolling of muf fled drums, tho to ling of the bell, the tlm steady step, all combined to add solemnity to the occasion. When tha procession reach ed the grave religious services were con ducted by tho Rev. Sherlock, after which the military fired three rounds over the grave. Tha procession Ueu returned leaving the eld warrior to rest in peace in the quiet chy of the Dead. •lubD 11. Stover of the I'reu, and the Sen ior of this paper intend preparing a bio graphical sketch of the deceased, which will be published ncii week. ©ri£ia jefThaclsrg'.virff 'i'-e good old yanke* • custom of devoting one day in the year to iha Almighty in thinks fur the many bent tits which, es a people ar.d individuals, we enjoy at llie hands, is one that we hope wilt never become obsolete. Probably scute of our read ers do not kaovr how the custom originated. It yvsb in one of the eei'y colonies of New England. One Year they bad not raited enough to live up.cn, and unless help should come Irom the mother country, England, they must perish, it was a sorrowful time, and ihey appointed a day of fas'.iug and prayer, that God might send them relief. The day before that so appointed, a ship laden with provisions artived, and the fast day was charged to a thanksgiving day. and j? was thereafter commemorated yearly.— Would you not have been truly thsnkiul at !>uoh a lime? But is there net reason to le more thauktui to the kind Providence that has given tLe sunshine and rain, the favor ing seed time and the boun'iful h .rv s*, and thus pievontsd our being reduced to d in* r of starving ? Vs hen the day cornea sit down in the morning *ud endeavor to write out how many kindnesses you hare received du ring the previom year, ar.d y:u will soon find that tbets is cause enough to bo grate ful to the Giver cf all good. Protractod Mooting-. The Methodists Ijave been holding a raveling during the past week at Soiling Sf tings, near this place. W- ut tentcd ou Tues-.iey evening and listened io u fine sermon preached by tho Ilev. -Mr. An derson. Our I'.tstor, Mr. Sherlock, wa< in attendance. and made some exoelieat ro marks. We understand the meeting will be k.pt up during the week, nnd our citizens who desire exorcise cannot do better than to walk out to the Springs these floe moonlight nights. The meeting is largely attended ev ery night, and we are told rauoh good is done. When shall wo have a revival in Ballth nie ? Stya-gers in To-wn, For several week? past n great many line looking strangers ba.\e been teen stepping about our streets No one can tell what their business here is. but from the fact that they generally pull up in frcnt of Col. Curiiu's office, we are led tj suppose they must have some connection rritb that gentleman. Some como ai.d go away again in a lew hours, others linger around two or three days before taking their final departure. Theaa last named individu als must belong to a class of people denomi nated "bores." The Letter ICaoincaa. We happened to be in the Post Office the other evening at the open ing of the Mail, and about one-third of tee entire numbci of lotters in the bag were for Cob Curtin. We think there must have been fully thirty—pretty good for one mail. Qo into the Col'e, office almost when you will, and you will find him, coat off, busy answer ing letters. Wo aro informed he will have about live hundred applicants for every office in bis gift. We are under the impression somebody -vril! get disappointed. Fir® at Milcsburg', At an early hour on Tuesday morning, a house in Milesburg, oc cupied by a young man named Murray, was discovered to be on lire, and before the flames couid bo extinguished tbo entire up per story of the house was burned off. We re told that the citizens worked nobly, and by their efforts the contents of the building were all taken out, and the adjoining build ings saved. The fire originated from a stove pipe. Attempted Bebberry. On last Monday even ing an attempt was made to rob the house of Mr. James Hamilton, who resides near Pleas ant Gap. About midnight, Mr. Hamilton heard a noise and got up to see what it was, when be discerned that some one was trying to force open the door. When the robbers beard the family astir in the bouse, they fled. Ibere wera three cf them, but Mr. H. could tfl! who they wwe. Ecllcfontc Fenciblcs. The Bellefonte Fenci- j bles, we understand, have made definite ar- ! rnngements to affend the Inauguration of : Col. Curtin. They will number at least ! thirty-two ihuskets, and the whole company, j Band and a", will count fifty men. SPECIAL EOT ICES. TCNNER &. STEEL, Ih'te just received. opened, and are telling off at '■ i surprisingly Lotc Prices, one of the Largest, and j Jfost Cat efidly Selected stocks of Good*, of every j description, ever brought to this to ten. Indeed. th c ' I stock is constituted of a greater variety of articles ; than we have ever before seen in a country store.- Their Advertisement appears in to day's paper. The People's Cook Book. MODERNUOOKERY! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, BY MISS ELIZA ACTON. CAREFULLY REVISED BY Mrs. S.J. HALE, j It Tells Ym bow to cheese all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, vyith all the various ; I and most approved modes of dressing j and cooking Beef and Pork; also the best and simplest way of salting, pick- ■ ling and curing the same, i It Tells YoiTATI fiio various and most approved j modes of dressing, cooking, and boning ! M utton, Lamb, Yeal, Poultry, and 1 Game of all kinds, with the different \ Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffiings ap- ] propriato to each. It T01',3 Yon how to choose, clean, and preserve : t . Fisb .:f all kinds, and bow to sweeten it j when tainted : also the various and ; most adproved modes of cooking, with ' trie different Drescings, Sauces, and. Fla- ' vorings appropriate to each. It Telia Y'ou all the various and most approved modes of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat, Pish, Fowl, Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, and Stews, 1 with the Relishes and Seasonings ap- j propriato to each. It Tele You a!l the various and tGO=t approved mode? of cooking Vegetables <u every description, also how to prepare Pickles, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish. Game, Mushroons. Ac. j \ t Tel Is Y> u all the varrious and most approved •modes of preparing and cooking all kinds af Plain and Fancy Pa.-try, Pud- Sings, Omclctts, Fritters, Cakes, Con* | foctionery, Preserves, Jellies, and sweet Dishes of every description. It Toils Y'ou all the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muf. fins, and Biscuit, tho best method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, ! and how to make Syrups, Jordials and Wines of various kinds. 1 It Tell Y'ou how to sot out and ornament a Table, j bi w to Carve ail kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in short, bow to simplify the whole Art of Conking as to bring rhj ! choisost lux'j ios of the table wi'hiu ev- j erybedy's roach. Tho book contains -US pages, ami upwards of twelve hundred Rectlps, a 1 of which are the re sults of actual experience*, having been fuliy aud carefully tested under the porsonal superintend deuce of the write IF. It is printed in a clear ar.d open type, is illustrated with appropriate t '..gra ving, and will be forwarded to any address, neut • y ! i;:d. and (...singe paid, on receipt of the 81000 A TEAr'I>C^SS in selling the above work, ur isduconese ueuts 10 a,' j isucti t.'V. v ■ • j J.. . iii* Fur ;Li gie copies of the Book, or for terms to ag.nts, with other information, appls to or ad dret'd JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. No. 617 Sunsom St., Philadelphia, Pa. "new "si-oiorr HAELTVISBE HARDWARE! >|3UK urn. ersigned wuuni respectfully intern. JL the citizens of t'entro county that they have opened a HARDWARE STORE in the Boom formerly occupied by Wilson A Urn. ou tho Northwest corner of the Diamond. They have selected their stock with great care, and aro prepared to sell goods from City to one hundred per eent lower than can bo had at any other place. Tho ladles are particularly invited to call and examine their assortment of cutlery. They ear nestly solicit a ilberal portion of tho public pa tronage, and will take every pains to please. Thev hate constantly on hand a variety of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, Riffles, Shot Gut.s, and Locks of every descrip tion. Cli OSS C L'T. MIL L AXI) CIS CoLAR SA WS, And nil vatrieties of HAND-BACK, Gil ACTING AND PANNED SA WS. Broad, Hand and chopping Ax'.. Butchers cleav er- and choppers. DRAWING KNIVES. HAMMERS, IIATCII ETS>, CHISLES. and ADZES. HAY, MANU/fB AND SPREADING t-ORKS. EDGE TOOLS Of EVERY DESCRIPTION. CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, PAINT AND DUSTING BRUSHES, NAILS, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS & PUTTY, COAL OIL AM) LA MI X SADDLER 1* HARD WARE. COACH TIIDIM IGS Also, COFFIN FIXTURES, Ami everything that is generally kept in a well regulated liarawaio Store. Terms Cash. BAXIRESduR A CRIST, i" > • >. *>• -I 11 '6Q.—j. New Fall <fc Winter Goods D. LEYDEN & CO. HAVE just received the largest and best as sortment of P'ltll and.Winter Goads ever of fered in Bellefonte, A full stock of Ladies dress goods, Also, Cloth for Ladies Winter Cloaks; Tar lam Plaids for Misses Dresses. A largo assort ment ot Shawis, poplin Velvets, French Ma rina, Coburg's De Laino, l hibit Clutb, Opera Cloth, Persian Twill. For Gentlemen: Cloth, Cassiuters, Satinets and Jeans, Ready made clothing. Boots and Shoes of all sorts, a large and well se lected stook of Groceries, Jlardware, 4 aijd Queensware, which will be sold low for cash or Coun try Produce Bellefonte, Nov.-3, IS6O. t r , TV. A. AIWOLH. JOHN TV. WII,SOS ARNOLD & WILSON WARMING & VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, No iOln Chestnut aireet. P lnl.vie.pii in CMILSCN's Fat en Cone and Ventilating FURNACES, Cooking-Ranges, Rati oner j, ENAMELED STATE MANTELS Common and Low JJow 11 Parlor Grate.-, Warm Air Registers and Ventilating, Ac. Ac. Particular attention given warming and Ven tilating Buildings of every description. A FB^ r C23E23WX < 3EI.:)ES BBMOCHAT. j READKREAD!! : GREAT ATTRACTION!!! NEW AND CHEAP Clolfjing (Uniprhuu, NORTH SIDE OF THE DIAMOND, 3ELLEFONTE, PENN'A., City branch of Reizensteine Brothers, 124 rjorth Third Street, Philadelphia. THE undersigned Respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Centre county, and the public in general, that they have opened at tbo above nuu.ed place, the most e assort ment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Foods, that has ever been exhibited in this borough, which thev will 8'"ll 30 Per Cent. Cheaper than tho Cheapest. Our sock embraces a full and ct niplete assort mrn of Fine Black Cloth Dress and Fr( ck Coats, Cassitnere Business Coats Satincr, Tweed. Jean, Farmers* and Mechanics' Cassimere, Frock and tack Coats,. Pea Jackets, <ie., <£o OVER CO A m OF I IN E CLOTH. President and Moscow Bra vers, Seal aDd Lion skin and Union Cassitucrt;., ribbed and plain. PANTALOONS OF FINE C A SSI HERE and Doeskin, black Silk mi xed, a r d other fancy colors, of the latest, s.vl s, as well as Satinet and Union Cass imers ; Pants of strong and substan tial material, for tho farmer, hiboior and me chanic- AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF VEISS, such as Satin, Silk, and Silk finished Velvetj, (Ircnadinc, Valencia, Mattalesc, Cassimere; cloth Satinet, <tc. A general assortment of Boy ' and Youths' Clothing and Gent lemen's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps. Undershirts and Drawers, Knit Jack ets, Fine White andFFancy-bom Shirts, Collars, j Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stocks and cravats, ' Socks and Gloves, Trunks, Viliees. Carpet shags, j Umbrellas, and, in short, everything usialiy ] found in a well assorted store of this kind. We a'so keep n fine assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, sucil Ha Pookel Iroi.ks Poi'i lIUIII o les, Po-ket knives and Razors, Combs, and Brushes, Watch— Chains, Keys and Guards, F.nger rings .■ Brca.-t --piu>, Violin and Guitar String-, Pistols, Revolv j ers, Percussion Caps, Spectacles, Spy Glasses.and j a great many other fancy and useful articles, too i numerous to desor ibe, all ol which wo will scli at the Lowest Cash Prices. We invite every person in rend of Clothing or any of the above mentioned articles, to favor us with a call and examine our goods, and prices, : and we are confident that we can givest tisfaction, and every person shall feci inclined to tell his friends vbere Goods and Cheap Clothing can be got. We are constantly receiving accessions to our stoek from REIZ EXSTZIXK Buo's., Philadel phia, wi b whom wo are connected, and shall al ways be supplied with a good variety of ail the ar ticles in our line, wi.icb will surpass in style, cut, workmanship and cheapness, those of any other es tablishment iu this part of the eountrv. A. STERNBERG & CO. Boilefonte, Oct. 4, '(X" tf. TO TIIE Honorable Ju ices of the Court of Common I'leas of Centre county, riov* comprising and holding the Court of Quarter Session* of the peace in and for said county. The petition of Isaac Gaines, of the township i.f liurnside. tn said county, re spectfully showeth that he has erected ar.d now occupies n house 35 by -10 leer, contain ing eight co nn-, ei'uate at the foot of But 2 tcriuiik Falls in said twp , and that he ie desirous of keeping a public house therein, he therefore prays your hull rs to grant bint a license to keep a public hou-ie the ensuing year and he will evct piny. We the subscribers, eitiz ns of the. town ship of Burnside in the county jf Centre, recommend the above petitioner, nnd certify that the inn or tavern, aluve is necessary to accommodate the public and en'ertain strangers or travelers, and that the petition er above ruined is ot good repute for honesty and temperancp, and is well provided with hou-e room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travel ers. Win. Stewart Jos. A. Clark, Tas. K B' ak. Jason Bowes, Geo. P Z mmertnan, Abra ham Frederick,-Johr. C. Bowes. J.Jm Thom as, Daniel B. Mulhollan. -J os. B iwee. Jacob Craft, John Bowes, Harrison Lucas, Charles BOWKS, Win. Erers, Go K. Boak, George Clume, Levi Bowes, I'e'er Thomas, Silas Dixon. [Nov 8, 18C0.-tc. HANDSOME WOMEN ! T'o LaC3.IO!S. TAUNT'S "Boom cf Roses." A rich A-A and e'eg'Ut f■3<> r for the cheeks and lips.— It icill not uanh o- rul off, and when ouco applied, remains durable for pears. The tint is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny fails to de tect its use. Can be removed by leiu-,n juice nd will cot it jure the skin. This is a new proration, used by tho celebrated Court Beauties of London and I'aris. Mailed free, in botllos, with dircc tions for use, for SI.OO HUNT'S "COURT TOILET POWDER," imparts A dazzit g whiteness to tlie complexion, as is unlike anything else Used for this purpose. Mailed free for 50 ceuts. HUNT'S "ERITISH BALM," rerso'es tan, freck les, sunburn and ail eruptions of the skin. Mailed free tor 50 cts. HUNT'S " IMPERIAL POMADE" for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth, keeps it from falling off, and is warranted to make. the hair curl. Mailed free for SI.OO HUNT'S "PEARL BEUTIFIER " for the teeth ar.d gum.-, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens (he gums, purifies the breath effectually, preserve* the teeth and ]> events toot ha- he. Mailed free for $1 00. HUNT'S " URIDYL WREATH PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossoms undcologno. Mailed free for SI.OO. 'l'his exquisite perfume was first used by tho Princess Royal of England, on her marriage.— Messrs. Uunt <fc Co., presented the Princess with an elegant case of Perfumery, (m which all of the above articles were it eluded) in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers, valued at SISOO, partic ulars ot which appeared in" th a public prints. All the above articles S' nt free, by express, for $5 00. Cash euu either accompany the order, or be paid to the express agent on delivery oi goods. HUNT <fc CO. Perfumers >o the Queon. Regent St., London. Sainton St., Phil'a., Pa. For ale oy all Druggists and Perfumers. The Trade Supplied Nov. 1. IS6O. ly. A, lIAWLEY& CO., PRACTICAL PERFUMERS, 117 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Fenn'a 'I HE proprietors of this eatablishmeltt feel con- J Silent that their preparations will compare luvor..bly with any in the world, either fori fgn cr doinesiio Extracts for 'he Hanlkerohief ol the most exquisite odors. PC VIADES and OILS for the t uir, of the finest tixture and the sweutest perfumes SHAVING CHE A VIS and TOILET SOAPS of the finest and most do icate for nation. Also llawley's Liquid Hair Dye, is decidedly superior to any now in use. A. IIAWLEIT'S OLEATE OF COCOA. This prepera tion is the article above all others fof dressing the hair. It is exceedingly fine and delicate, and renders the hair dark, soft and glossy The odor is delightful No one should be without it. POW DERS, BANDOLINE, ROOGE, <fcc., and every variety of fine and choice perfumery. HAWLKY'S FRUIT EXTRACTS fur flavoring pie a , puddings, jellies, coufectionery and Mineral Water Syrups. All of which rival the bent, ana are surpassed by none. Oct. 4, 1860,—3 m. [K G. Q. EDER, QUMMINGS & CO., LOCK U.iveu and ty r<uo Oany Lao of Sta ges, lea ve Lock Haven at 5 o'clock, A.M., arrive at Belletonte at 1 1 o'clock. Leave Belle fonte at 12J o'c ! oek, arrive at Tyrone at 6 o'clock P. M. Leave Tyrone at it A. M., arrive at Belle fonte at 4 o'clock, P. M., leave Bellefonte for Lock Haven at 4 P. aod arrive at tl P. sf. Conner £ ltd, IIA YE OPENED The largest assortment of goods ever before offered for sale by them, consisting, as heretofore of all such staple goods as arc usually kept in a country store, together with all the NEW STYLES Iff MARKET. GCODS, Black and Fancy Silks, Brocades. Madona's De- Beges, Bvrages, Borage detains, Detains, Cballi dclains. Poplins, Lustres, Alpacas, Bombazines, Lawns, Ginghams. Chintz, Brilliants, ChalliCrape- Marets, Tanjore Cloth, Robes and Traveling DIPSS Goods. ALSO. A large assortment of mourning goods. A L S O, Black Silk, Tidbit Cashtnero Crape and Stilla Shawls, Mantillas, Cashmere Scarfs, and Shaw! Trimmings. A L S O, Cloths, Cnssimers, Satinetts, Cashmeres, Kentuc ky-Jeans, Drills, Ducks, Cottonades and READY MADE CLOTHING A LSO Ladies' and Gents' Moisery, Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts, Ladies Coiiars and Under Sieeres, Laces and Edgings. A L 8 O, Oiled V indow Biinds, Plain and Ornnmented.Liu en and Laee Curtains, Gilt Cornice for Blinds,Ta ble Covers anu Floor Cloths, A LSO, Oakford's Hats always on hand, together w.th fetraw Goods, Bonnets, Shakers. Ribbons, Artiii ciais and Bonnet Trimtuings, ALSO, A very arge assortment of "Mtocs and Boots for men, women and children. A L S O, Qucenswure, Cedarwaru and Groceries. ESPECIALLY WOULD TONNES, & STEEL CALL THE ATTENTION OF MECHANICS & BUILDERS To their much enlarged stock of Hardware Sad tilery and Coach Trimmings. Boilefonte, Oct. 11,-6l)—tf., NEY/ AND SPLENDiD STOCK OF M©?MSD©SB AT BUENSIDES' TTT ARRANT EI) to be ju.-t what we represent VV them. We have the very best which we warrant, and lower grades in all their varieties. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND SEE FOR Yo' JRSELF. Leather of all Descriptions, BELTING kept for Machinery. Any size have not got I can get iu a weeks time. SAd a city prices. A LARGE STOCK OF SHOE FIN DIGS DEFY COMPETITION IN HATS. I OBACCO AND CIGARS. Saddlery, Saddles, Bridies, Halters, Cart Gears, Cart Saddles, Harness Coiiars, Harness Lines, and every article made and kept by Saddlers. WHIPS, TRUNKS. TRAVELLING BAGS, POWDER, SHOT, AND C\PS MMTAR PROOF BOOTS. DOUBLE SOILED WAR HASTED, CUP I'Ell TIP ED HOOTS ASD SIIUES POP CIHLoWEX. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BUFFALO ROBES, HOUSE BLANKETS. SLEItiU BELLS. FoX TRAPS Iligest market pri"e paid for HIDES, SKISS & ALL KISDS OF FUIIS, Come and examine our stoi k. We will show it with pleasure, nr.d satisfy you it is THE PLACE to get good Boots and Shoes, and sucn articles in our lino. At Buruside's we study to please, and give sat isfaction. accept our thanks for past favors. Cellofonte. Oct, 1 fth JSGO. ~WATCHES7~J £WELFLY AND SILVER IV A RE. ~\\TV' would respectfully inform our friends, V patrons, and the public generally, th>t we have now in store and offer vholeeu e and retail, a- the lowest cash prices, a large aud very choice stoek of Watches, J welry Silver and Plated Ware. of every variety and style. Every description of Diamond Worh and other Jewelry, rondo to order, at short notice. ■p.tf All Goods wairanted to be as represented. N. B— 1 articular atteuiion given to tlia repair ing of Watches and Jewelry of every descri tion. STAI FFEIt AHARLEY, No. f>22 Market streot, south side, Phil'a. Oct. 18. 1860-—3 m. VTEW EESTAUIt ANT. o H. II Stone, lias splendidly fitted up a new Restaurant at the corner of Allegheny and Bisl op streets, where the hungry and those that tnirst, can find tho necessarits whetewtth to keep tho body tnav ing and refreshed. In his establishment, all kinds of vegetables of the season, the earliest in mar ket, can be had at the most reasonable prices.— Chicken Soup, Spring Chickens, Tripe, Sardines, Oysters and Coin Soup always on hand. Fresh , lunch every morning from 10 to 11 o'clock. It is ' the intention of the proprietor to make this the ! star Saloon of the town, and he respectfully soiic- ! its the patronage of the public. Bell el'onte, Oct. 4, lSliO.—3t. Uliliinory C3r<o<n ca.es. A LARGF and splendid assortment of Millinery -ii. Goods has just been received it the Store of US. D. 11. QUAY I US. Among other things, may be found a Qne assort ment of VEI VET. SIL K AS'D STRA IF BONNETS, purchashed in the city, and trimmed in tho latest and most fashionable styles. Having employed a first class milliner from the City she l'eots prepared to execute aU'ordurs with which she may be favored. ALSO : Whitman's best candies for sale MRS. E. 11. GRAFIUS. Bellefonte, Nov. Ist—'6o- tf. K LEMM & BFLOTHER, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS tc DEALERS IN Ulusttal Instruments, GERMAN, FRENCH AND Italian Strings, No. 705 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 13.-4t fcATK.AY.— Came to tho residence oi the "hscril er on or about the Ist dry oi Oct. 18G0. One white yearling steer, with j red ears, some red spots on the body. N > marks on ears, the owner is hereby notified ! to come forward, prove property, pav char ges, otherwise it w ill be disposed <>f as the 1 law provides. A. M. ELDER. IJa'f .Moon Out. 25. 'GO —3r. | BARBARA GORDON, ] vt (■ DAVID GORDON. J IN the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Centre, August Term, 1860, No. . Or uer of publication in Divorce. Returnable fourth ; Monday in November, 1860, THOS. MeOOY, Sheriff. 1 Oct. 25,1880.—te. ; LINDSEY'S IMPROVED Bloocl Searolics* 2 A STANDARD MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual cure of ALL DISEASES arising from IMPURI TY CI*THE BLOOD. • r PHIS medicine has wrought the must i 1. iniracukuscures in desperate eases of Scrofula, .1 Cancerous Formation, Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples on the Lee, J Sore Eyes, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, I Scald Head, Tetter Affections, | Rheimatib Disorders, ; Dyspepsia, ( Costivenees, ; Jaundiee, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, I Li er Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, j Foul Stomach. F male • emplnints, and all Diseases having their origin in uu impure state of Blood. < %\T £/! - ICty!SAVIA 1 Cty!SAVIA -HrS"* \ ' The above is a portrait of David McCrcary of Napier township, who, on tho 31st day of Aug.. 1858, made affidavit before Justice Gorely that he was treated for the euro of Cancer by three physi cians of BedforiMfcunty, and by Dr. Newton of the Elcctrte Colli* iu Cincinnntti, for a period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, hi lip, nose and a portion of his left rheek were i entirely eaten away ! He bad given up all hope, when he beard of the " Blood Searcher," and was ; induced to try it. Four bottles cured him, and although saiiiy disfigured, there is no question but what this inyaluablo medicine saved his lite. The full particulars of this ease may he seen in a eir.ular, which can be had of any ofth- Agents. I We also iofer to the case of Nancy Bleakney, of , Eldurtown, Armstrong county Pa., eared of Scrof ula after beiug unable to get out of bed for throe years. To the caso of a lady in Ansonsville, Clearfield cognty, who was also afflicted with Scrofula in its worse form. To ihe caso of George Meisel, residing in Carl town, Cambria county Pa., who was so badly af flicted with Cancer that it eat his entire r.oso iff, and his case was worse, if possible, than Me- Creary's. The particulars of these cas"9 —cv ry one of which w is cured tv tho use of the Blood Searcher —may ais be found in a cirbular to be had of any of the Agents. R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory tor the manufacture and tale, near the Pa. Railroad Depot. HoliiduysV.urg. Pa. Dr. Geo. 11. Iveyser, Wholcsu e Agent, x-itts burg.i'a. Nov. 1, 1860 6m. HAINES & DOCK. WHOLE ALE GEOCEES,! ffo. 35 Ivorm Water Street, PHILADELPHIA. GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, Merchants of Central FennPvU'urjia LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ! ! if you wish to buy cheap go to ILiiues A Dock. ; They keep on hand the best articles to be bud in tho ' iiv, iti their line of business. Call and examine their goods. Piemomber their Firm is at No. ao North Water Street, i JIILADLLPHIA Apr. 21, '6o. ly. New Store at Pleasant Gap. r rilE subscriber would resp ctfully in* -I- form the citizens of OJIVre county that be has just received and opened an entire new stock ' ot ft ll and wiutcr goods consisting of HARDWARE. CLOTH[NG. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, de. I also have on hands a good supply of Boots A f-hoes. Hats <fc Caps, Fancy De laines A Merinoes, Ladies Furs, Hoods, Scarfs, Cloths, Fancy Gloves, Knives, Breast Pins, A c., dc., do., all of which lie will sell as 'oiv and even lower than eon be had anywhere else. J. M. CAMPBELL. Pleasant Gap, Oat. 18, '6o.—tf. TOWNS END &, CO., [Successors to Sam'l Townsend <F Son,) No. 39 South Second Street, above Chestnut, ILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS & DEALERS'IN Velvet, Brussels, Tapestries, Three ply. In grain and Venitian CARHLTS ot the best English & American make. MA 7 ThXGS OIL CL O TllS, dec., dec . cf-c. Wo tolicit an inspection of our assortment be fore purchasing elsewhere. Oct. 4, 'At I . —3m. [R. G. 0. L.OUIS GERBER, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OP 57* -A- O Iff PURS. For Ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Wear, NO. 234, ARCH ST., PHIL'A. All kinds of Furs Dressed, Cleaned and Repaired. Furs made to order at the shortest notice. Full value paid for Shipping Furs. Furs taken care of during the Summer Oct. 4, 'CO.—lv. MADAME St 11 HEAD'S INFALLIABEE POWDERS, 371 .'R. the speedy and effectual Cure of all Injla motions, Fevers Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Lieer Complaint. Piles. Gravel, nod all Acute and Chronic Diseases of Adults and Children. —Send 3 cent Stamp to her Ayeut, G. 1!. JONES, Ilundreus of testimonials.] Box 2070 l'ltila, P. 0. ff-ii- Agency, S. W cor. Third & A:ch Ms. Oct. 4. ISHO lOt. J. Web. HUGH B. BftISBEN, gragjiit, MANUFACTURER OF EXTRA LIQUOR COLORING, N. TF. Cor. Third £ Poplar streets, Terms Cash ] Philadelphia. Oct. 3, 1860,—1y. PAY YOUR LICENSE MERCHANTS, and all others, who have not yet paid their License, are hereby respectfully invite to pay up between this time and the Nov., Court. Bv so doing you will save trouble and cost. After that time they will certainly be placed in the hands of the proper officer lor collecti in. VV. w. BROWN Treasurer of Centre Co. Bellefonte, Nov. 1, '6O. —to. J. PALMER & CO., MARKET ST., WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. Dealer in FISH CHEESE and Provisions, Have constantly on hand an assortme nt of DRIED 4 PICKLED FISH, <fco., via : Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish, Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rioe. <ko., Oct. 4, '6o.—Jm [J. Web. j Y A LII ABLE GIFTS WiTH HOCKS !- GEO. G * EVANS' ORWIXAI i GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE THE I LAKGEST m TES WOELD!! PEKMJLNEKTLY fiCCATLD AT 489 CHESTNUT STREET, PMILAOELPHtA. SIXTH Xl/RTnilLKUlfftlU. CARD. Having purchase'! the spacious ,'ut ut'fding, ! A'e. 43it Chestnut Street, and fitted it up with every convenience tu facilitate my business, particularly that branch dtcnted to Country i-rilr.rs ; and hav ing u larg r capital than a ay. other party inoesied in the business. I am now prtpa-ed to offer greater advantages, and bettor gifts than e;r to org r-'is tunieie. / will furnish any bo I ( of a mora T character) pci dished in the United States. th> regular retail price of which is One /h ilar or upwatls. and give a present worth from it) cents to 1 00 dollars with each book aod guarantee to give, prefect SOti'/n ■■ lion as I aw determined tu ma-vt nii thereputai. n already bestowed upon n iy establishment. Strangers visiting J'hsladelphia arc iocir b to call and judge for themselocs. O. G. E i'.i -Y j'. IT ¥OU 7TAKT ANY BCOZ3 SF-ND TO GEO. G. EVANS, RELIABLE GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, Ko. 439 CIIKSTN H'f STRKK t, MIIUMLFHiA. Whore all hooks are "old at the I'uhlLh.'r* lu'.v eat prices, and vou have the *f&Vef*VT.iG Ml Ol re^cnircr A HANDSOME PRESENT WOItTU f to.if oO CKNTS TO lUI.I UOH.AIV* HUH EACH Hit UK. Gko. G. Eva:;s' Original Uiit Book Enterprise has been endorsed by the book t ade and all the leading city and eountry newspapers in the Ua ted G co. G. Punctual business transections i have received the approbation of ; overJ.WOO,OOO cit'tents of the Uni ted ~*totes, each •>!" whom have rc- I civod substantial evidence of the - bench's derived by purchsing : books at this estab'Fitment. Geq. G.Evvss Has done more than Rny ether publisher or bookseller in the Uni- j tt d dtutes.t'uvards diffusing knowl- ; edge to the people* By bis system : tuuny books aro rend that other- | wise would not have round their Wsy iu'o tiic hands f renders.— ■ Frank Leslie's Aetcspaper. GEO. G. Evi.as Keeps constantly 011 hank the ! roost extensive stock, the greatest j assort ent of Books, and etrctt- i iates free to all who may apply, ; the most complete catalogue of! Be oka and Gifts iu the United ■States. GEO. G. LtraNS Has advantages offered him oth er publishers and manufacturers i which enable him 10 furnish his ' patrons with ati tr quality and a , better assortment ol gifts thun any ■ other establisbiii int. GEO. G. EVVNS Publishes nearly TITO Hundred Popular and interesting Books, therefore, as a publisher, he is bel- ter able to offer tiira premiums ami commissions. GEO. G. EVANS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to nil who may send tor bcoks. GEO. G. EVANS' NEW classified catalogue ofbooks embrace the writings ol every stan dard author in every department of literature, nDd gives u!l the in formation relative to the purchas ing an , forivui.Jii.g by mail or Ex press of hooks ordered from bis es- rtdiens lio>r to rimit iU"ney. GEO. G. EV*XS' Catalogue <>f books wiil be gent gratis anu free of postage to uuy address in the United States. GEO. G. EVASS' Inducements to agents caunotbe surpassed. Tl'o most liberal com missions are oft':red, and by solic iting subscript ions to boots in .ha same time iba' it would take to sell one ou the old lasbiorcd oubscrip tion plan, l-er.d for a classified Cttta ogdte. nnd every information w ill be given in reference to agen cies. Select your book? enclose the amount of nt >niy required.and one trial will satisfy you that the best place in the country to pur chase books is at TUB EXTENSIVE. GIFT BOuK ESTABLISHMENT. OF Goo. O 3EZ~V£XXI£. 3, Mo. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. WHERE YOU CAN GET BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Books of Fact ! hooks of Fiction ! Bo ks of Devotion ! Books of Amusement! Books for old Folks ! Books for young Folks ! Books For Huonds ! Books for Wives! Books U.r Lovers! Books for Sweethearts ! Books for Boys ! Books for Girls! Books of Hinnor! Books of Poetry ! Books of Travel 1 Books of History 1 Books of Biography ! Books of Adventure! Books about Sailors 1 Bock* about Soidiers I Books about Indians ! Books about Hunters ! Books about Heroes ! Boous about Patriots ! Books about Farmers ! Books for Mechanics! Books for Merchants ! Books or Physicians I Books for Lawyers ! Books for statesmen ! Bibles ! Presentation Books I . Prayer ooks 1 Hymn Books 1 Juvenile licjoks ! Annua s! Albums? Etc., ote. Ceeil B. Hartley's Interesting Biographies! Rev. J. H. Ingraham's Spirit gal Romance* ! tuiurkcr's Live of Patriots and Statesmen 1 J. T. Lauren's Revolutionary Stories 1 T. ?. Ar bur's Popular Talcs ! Dr. Abicdt's Family Doctor ! Airs. llcntz's Novels ! Mrs. Suuthworth's Novils 1 Cooper's Novels! Dickens' Vovcls! Wuverly Novels ! IrviDg's Works! Ail the writings of very standard author in every department cf literature, in every style cf binding, at tne publisher's lowest prices, and re member that you pay no more than you would a', any other establishment,and you nave the advan tage of receiving an elegant Present, which, often times is worth a hundred fold more than the amount paid for the buok. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED GA.TALQGUE OF BOOKS. Order any booh tlint yov .any 10ant, remit the re tail price, together with, the amount required for postage imd one trial will assuro you that the best place iu the country to purchase books is at the Gift Book Est alii shment of G. G. EVANS, Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise, No. 439 Chetuut Street, Philadelphia. AGENTS AY ANTED, To whom greater inducements than ever are offer ed. Any person, cither male or feua&'e, who is desirous of engaging in an Honorable and prnji. table Employment, requiring but lit tie time and no outlay of money, and by which they can ob tain gratis A Valuablo Library, A line Gold Watch and Chain, A Handsomo Service of Plate, An Elcrant Silk Press Pattern, A Splendid Sett off Jewelry, or ma*>' ether ehtsiee Brttali entt- i Kit- ICil<Uti IJ.I . I <* ! • << • I.ft 1 a 'as eh Aptn ft. i • - • • KsJ it-• jAAt;r t; pi.?ttn !}■ i ; ,-ri 11 ;j. : ; -if;. , owe '.4 j nr. fcraplyi * >n : ; c 1 s<>* ■ t I of bonks, end *rf i'ftis:it-£ t*V*. .at > : y I rtSJuilud for lf;r - • ■ 1 Boric/ for a ( a'' 1.1,1:,-, !•'•. ft>nfyi**<. ' the *♦ • sired infurnictioi r-*.." i\t it- : .. t.< i-js .t i. •• tow I mat ion of it l-f . tti v. : t u tup*. b-.iu.r --j fcL?c o'tfcl.'i p'. v ■ I>' tr< •. . i • ! THKHiIAD GEO. C-.\ EVA. JB, T ? THH : I li--sV ANT> f LARGEST C.!TTSOOK E?JTERP£i3§. it *n w Perm. ft r" -■ fin l. xxi. 4 -' t, t No. ijy ,\.V J,''l: *L(iUc.f. 11. I ,cpt- j?.. ??.*•'. -J> -> * ' i §l|:- : SfSF" ?£&&-■-Li * -*. *• v -if •; ■ 1$ S £?< > r: 1 ;**• NsO* a f* fc ? " - A'TV. NL _.j An op) orient lb ! <l<ui-ieh!'S prep r.:ti*.n of I IB' 'S purified of Oxygon n.! Or.rfcou n>. oo:i --bu-tion in litd-re.rrti. h'aro'.: •%jl! ■ -...1n :t Vt-i'i'al Afi-.' ■:■.*', b Lli in KM 1 -- • • tii't tur Uni ted -Sutler, ant )*• r: ,-d in the;.* jiru-.t ; fti. 'i tit fcxperi-: u-j :■! i ' "!y 1 . - •''t n't prepnratisb "I ft; iilb bo e< n-p-itei wL!. ... Impurities of the bioud dpr.#si'.'o *>l vit.it c-tror. g>', p.ta and othtrit i.lO riekly C'tint; i-.-x" ut- it.- ti trate iU ncro.-ij••: itt Ltici'.'tl tvo-'j torc ;.au!t> c-i . iuuoxiona in ali in-,!;tO:e in wi.i-.-h i ; -.sbeeu tried, it ha* provt-.i i-i.-o:;uuiy curattvo It . -a of ilir coitj!:.ir,L j , vs: Jn tly, rr - -M icrtJ~ 'c -ftyflprjwoa, Vo-mtqj ition, Vtctn lt-r 1 . Dyr rtr.y /r --eipirut connunpOuH, rrofulov.t 'ft,he,:<tU, i liheutn, Mwnn-tutmation, Whif.t, Vhlcr: - Luir Comp/aiiilt, Ohr-jnir Ihciihichts. Hheumaiitm, ---- 1 ttrMt'itnt i'ci" ;•*, pimple* lie j In cases of Gs.NEKAI Pr.BiUTtf, whether the rc- I suit of acute disease, or of the continued dinvuu i t os of nervous and inuseular energy from chrou o j complaints, one trial of this restorative has pro v. I ed successful to au extent which a do criptiou n r i written attestation woud render credible. Inva : lids so long ted-ridden u* to i.sve become forg p. I ten in their own neighbor!) ods, ha ve suddenly I re appeared in the busy world 3 if ju.-t return.-J j from protracted travel ip a distant laud. ho. < j Very signal instances of this himl arc attested of i female tSutfur-rs, emaciated victims of apoarro.t ; marasmus. sanguineous exhaustion, critical t.h.m --! ges, and that couipUustion of norvo'jj and dvs i peptic aversicn to air end exorcise (or which the 1 phvsician has ao name. j In Nervous AFFECTT ns of N'l finds, r.nd for j reasons familiar to medical men, the opir.-t , • .f I this preparation of iron must neces.arily be s<!tt • tary, for, u: liko the old oxides, .t is vigor ■ :■/ ' tonic, without being exciting a 1 overheating; ! and geutlv, regularly aperient, even in the mo t I obstinate cases of costivehoss wi'hout ever being ! a gastric purgative, or .. uisajreoab.o ' sensation. I It is this latter property, among others wfc ha ! makes it so retnarksb'y effectual and perm tcru- a ' remedy lor Pile*, upon which It a, so appear.t to i exert a distinct and spucifi.; action, by u-s. -r-lr j | the local tendency which t rai them. ! In PVSPEPSI.v, innumerable as are i(s causes, a • single boy of these Chalybeate Pl.s has oftcc. j ticed for t!io most habitual cases, inoiduiag -ha i attendant Custiveness. i In unchecked i'laitKncEA. even when advanced I to DVSBSTKRW, confirmed, emiciatitig, and ap;>- i rently inttlignan'. the effects hj>-„ been eq-.e!:/ I decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, 10.-s of flesh aru strength,tle j bilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which gm j oral y indicate INCIPIENT CONSUUPI iox,this rc.aa- I dv has allayed the alarm of friends and physi cians, in several very gratifying nod interesting instances. In SCROFUI.ocs TrßEncnnosis, this modicateJ iron Las had far more than the g.-od effect of the most cautiously bulau ied preparations of iuetiao, j without any of their well known liabilities. ) The attention of females cannot be ! o ■•orfl j dently iuviicd to this remedy and reatoralice, ,n ! the case- peculiarly affecting them, j In Hit t L'MATfsm, both chronic and inflarns'ory— ; in the latter, however, more dcoilou!y—it ii.it j been invariably well reported, both as alleviating | pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness of I tLe joints and inttsclcs. | In INTERMITTENT FEVERS it must certainly b A i great remedy uud energetic res tcrat've, and its 1 progress in the new settlements of the V, est. will i probably be one of high renown and usefulness. I No rewedv has ever been discovered in the whole history of uie.'icine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects, Good appetite, complete d igestion, rapid acijui-i tion of strength, with an unusual disposition f' active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its u?e._ Put up in neat flat boxes containing £0 pi'!.-, price 5b cents per box ; lor sale by druggists d dealers. Will be sent free to any til dress on re ceiptcf the price. All iotters, orders, otc., sLou. I i be addressed to H. B. LOCKE A Co., General Agents, Oct. 4, 't!o.—ly.J 20 CEDAR Sr.. N. Y. TWO FA 11 MS FOii SALE. T HESE farms are situated in Graham town-!, > Clearfield county. Pa., about 3 utiles trout t • village of Kylertown ; oach contains 120 acres, which there is 60 or 70 acres cleared on ca :h f i i On one is elected a large Two Story Frame 11;.. , and large Frame Peru, and on the ot .-r a < liouso and Barn. A young oroUnyd on one a, brav ing fruit- Terms made to suit garish AS ars. For further pariiculars address. WM. it. CAMPBELL, m. D.. lluiitaimoß, Centra Co., P_.. Aug.23,-lS6otf. AUI'ITORS'NQTICE.— The undcrs' ,at and Auditor appointed bv the 0-; Court nf Ceniro County to distribute money ill the haud of the AJinitiiativ.'rr Elizabeth tirove, deceased, hi.-a nppo ■ Thursday tlie22i day of November to it i to that duty ut his office in Ik-Heronce, . hoeo interested can attend it. G. Durham. Oct. 25, -GO --4t. IME ! LIMB !!" LIMeI !! The sub er •> , t - ] spectfully informs the public that ho has j Lime Kiln near the Borough of Belltfon'i. I he is making Lime of a eupei ior qua.!; ty — j acknoledged to be us white and parous ' ; j outh litno. All ho p.sks is to giyo it at:. !ho is satisfied the purchaser will come l a.• .. LEON* MACK.::, - i Aug. 2.3. 18(10. tf. J VALUABLE Pit OP EH T Y POP S3 . I r PIIL subscriber offers fcr sale that ver; < . I A ble property now in the occupancy of ' ■ Lip.'on, the said property is situate on lb Jol Centre and Market streets fronting -. "• < C ] moud, and is tbts most desirable place o : ; in Milesburg, will bo offered for a short at w very luw figure. J . G M. I Milesburg, June 28, '6o.—tf. f ISOIITjJ.SJ > BOUIi£ i MAN UFA VTURERS AND IMP• j OF PAPilii IJL.II- C! ' ... , N. E. Cor. of Fourth A Market PHILADCLPHIA. Oct. 4, 'CO, 3m. (.•* ! BOM GAR DM EfR H.'). i / CO RNEK Of SIXTH AND R. R. S • OPPOSITE LV, AND PENrtA. R, R. - T- . i j.w. stoxe. PRorur. Mar. 15th. ISfiO, 1 v. LA hi' 11UE- ilaviujr t-i -i; busines- I desire all pets 1 " : tiieraselves indebted to me to caii ■ their aocoanta ituctedißtelv, j li D. CUM 3" . v Oct. 35, 'so.—4*. ' "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers