Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 22, 1860, Image 2
O'litCnUu lUmocrat. 6 w BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, NOV., 22, IS6O. j W. W. BROWN, - - ASSOCIATE EDITOR. ' ■ . ' Listen to th.e Music.. Court is in session this week, hot the at tendance is unusually small, owing to the fact that it is a special Court. Next week there trill be a rush, and then look out for tbo money. The lean pocket book ef the printer will grow miraculously fat, and "oh that will be joyful, joyful to see the precious dough." We know our"dear par!ront>' won't think of coming to town without the " pew ter" for the printer. Next week we will bo "banging" round the corners all week watch ing for the "epondoolicks," and if our frierds don't "plank over" pretty liberally they umy expect to see u; " hanging" in our garret gome morning. We must have money—we have promised over two hundred dollars, and wo look to our subßoribcrs to pay us that amount. We will spot every man-, and if he don't want bis bill stuck under his nose bo bad better pay quick. Thoie ere some fel lows on our books that oug: t to have our ffgy i. to ok under their nose, fhry promise to pay eTery time thy come to town, but take care never to make good their word. — Now friends, remember we are depending on you. Don't let us look in vain. Everything shall be fixed up snug for your recaf t on, we will have a nice clean receipt for yau, a good fire in the office, and then when you see the big placard or. the wall at door No. 2. Ar cade building just step up and " we will le very glad to see you"— pay the •printer. Prudonco, not Peace. Disunion, Secession, and rebellion, is now the cry, that oomes to our ears from all quar ters of the country. Some pretend to treat the present excitement with levity and soorn while to others it furnishes the gravest causes for alarm. In our opinion attempted scc°s ion is an inevitable calamity. The South will never be satisfied, until sue IIRS attempt ed to seperate these states and failed. The disunion sentiment has been growing in this country for the last twenty years, nnd Yancy RLett & Co., have labored faithfully to pre pare the cotton States for the "Rsvo'utKn" info which they propose now to percipbate the entire south. The rapid giowth of sen timents and ideas in this country forbids us to prpcrastenata crushing an ovil. Any ys tew if allowed to grow for a few year?, will become formidable, Poligamv, spitr.uhsrn, and fouronism are examples of this truth.— Disunionism ten years ago would have barn easier erushed than now, and it will be easier to chrush it now, than ten years after this. We are then for meeting this d>Lg s r at once. We counsel prudence but not prace. Let ns do nothing but patiently wai.t ths ul termate action of the cotton stairs. If ihry prscipitata themselves into revolution and rebellion, let tho strong arm of the Govern ment by arms wipe out such treason. Let us do nothing fo aggravate the south—let ut do nothing to conciliate her—let us leave her alone. To aggravate the 60uth, would be to make ourselves responsible for what might follow while to conciliate fcer, would bo to put off for a li'tle while longer, a daDger that must come sooner or later upon the country. The red hot clouds of anger that hove been raised in the south bad fur better burst upon the country, than pass over oalyTo leave tbeir poison lingering in the air to gather other and more dangerous storms. The country will never be stronger, never batter able to staid the test of disunion, than at this mo ment. Again we say, if we are to have dis union at all, let us have it now. Mr- Lincoln's Cabinet. There is much speculation just now as to who will be members of Mr. Lncolna cabi net. We see that Joho bell is talked of but we hope there ig no foundation for such a report. 11. Winter Davis is also spoken of as one of the cabinet, bat a mere unLr'u: a e appointment could not ba made. Mr. Davis did all be could to defeat Mr. Lincoln and we think no such men should be in the cab inet. If Mr. Lincoin desires a member of his cabinet from Maryland, thero are other men there beside Mr. Davis, men who are deferring and who Woiked hard to secure his election. Mr. Bales is also urged as a cab inet officer, arid a better selection could not be male. Mr. Corwin will, in all probalitj be in the cabinet. The question, however, which most inter ests us is who will be in the Cabinet from Pennsylvania. That amt tuber of the Cabi net will be taken from Pennsylvania is ccr tain, but who will he be? lu looking over the prominent men of our Srata but three names appear that will be likely to go into the Cabirut, John Covode, "John Hickman, AI i SimoL CatEGion. Of these Mr. Covode seems to be the probable mar. A man cf indomitable will, of untiring porseveronce, of undoubted honesty, he is admirably qualified for the laborious position of Post Master General. L-d Mr. Lineolu appoint him and all tht o.lc tf Pennsylvania will sy amen. TIIE MAT-R OR SAVANAH has appointed a day of Thanksgiving for that city. They have no reason to be doubly thankful down there—fitst, that they uro a part of this glo rious American Union, notwithstanding their their great sins ; and, secondly, that Abra ham Lincoln, an honest patriot, has been elected President of that Uaion, which is a guaranty of its continued safety and pros perity. ss7° Gov. Letcher, of Virginia, and Ex Governor Wise of the same State, arc at log gerheads. Hearing of the Ex-Governor's ac tiye moyeinints in organizing Minute Men, Gov. Letcher, it is said, addressed him a note, hinting that he ( Gov. Wise ) was no longer Governor of Virginia, but that anoth. er had succeeded him, who would take care ©f the public interests of ths Sta s,ll Difficulties in the Way of secession The World predicts that one great difficul- ! ty in the way of the secession movement would be the incompetency of the vapory and hot-beaded politicians who now occupy the ear and eye of the nation, to arrange those practical details which, in the case of a Suite setting up for itself, require the patient and intelligent supervision of men possessing a thorough knowledge of the business of the world and of affairs of state —men of execu tive capacity, with more fondness for the fig ures of mathematics than the figures of speech. This a class who are now in the background, biding tbeir time, but without whose help, the men now conspicuous, can not so muco. ns get into secession nor get out of it. A more monstrous and absurd doc trine than that of the right of any State at its pleasure to secede from the Union, has never been put forth.- The Government in such a case would indeed be a mere rope of sand. According to this dogma, Cuba, after we shall have paid §200,000,000 for her pur chase, as a S ate may af once secede, and leave the United States Treasury to place tha small item to the account of "profit and h>?." Texas, wh?D sha came into the Uni on, aftor wa had paid many millions to dis charge her debts, and other millions to go into her coffers, was and is entirely at liber ty to secede with the booty. Eich and all | the States curved out of tbs Louisiana pur chase, for which we also paid an immense j sum, m*j do the liko. So, tod, States in ■ which the largest amounts of public proper j ty .may be situated, may at auy time seoede with that property. How It Works As no vessel can lawfully leave a port of the United States without having first tb taioed a proper clearance, the present posi tion of the Federal authorities of Charleston is extremely awkward. The collector of the Port has resigned, but probably the Deputies still perform the duties of the office, so that thg resignation does not effect anything after all. But sappns'Pg the Custom llouso is closed, to please tho secsssionisis, what the..? If a vessel desires to proceed to sea, there is nobody to give a clearance, and if a clearance cannot be had, why the vessel must rot in port till one can be had, or if sent to sea without it, it is virtually without protection from any responsible government. It won't take long to remedy this thing ; the Custom House will be resuscitated, and Charleston will continue a port of the United States, fcr a few years longer at all events. There are too many iuterests at s'.ake in tho South to permit dissolution. The Adjutant Genera : ship. We see several gentlemeo are spoken of in connection with this i.See, and among others notice the name of Gen. James Neglev, of Pills-burg, Mr. Nsgley is well qualified fur the josition, and one of the most enteusias" tie military men in the Stato. His whole soul is in tha military cause, and no man in h AS <?o >e more fo give us an efficient military system. Allegheny can well claim tha a; pointment; her troops are an honor to the State, and Gen. Negley lias dons more than any other mnn, to give tbern'their presen: proud position. He was a soldier io the Mexican wr, and served with distino tin In cur opinion he is just the man for the position, and we are for hiir, first, last, and all the time. TrtiMEND.ps FAILURE. —lt becomes our duly, as faiihfuil public journalists, to an nounce to our readers this morning, the total failure of the great Democratic spoils Com pany. It bss been in a tottering condition for some y-ars past, but has been held to gether by the cohesive power of public plun der, uniil Tuesday last, when the concern exploded with a tremendous crash. A pow erful effort had been made to procure an extention on its creditors, but a conviction of its rottenness induced them to peremptorily refuse. The failure is one of tha worst on record. Ex pnsive frauds are known to have bceu committed, running back through a long series of years. The ooncern wiil go at once into liquidation. Creditors will realize nothing whatever on their olfti.ua, the assets consisting only of broken platforms and bo gus principle®, ali of which are worthless— Burlington Hawk Eye, November 10 th. IIOVI'TGE PRESIDENT IS ELECTED. —The suc cessive step in the election of President and Vice President of the United States are taken, according to existing laws, at the fol lowing dates : 1. By the act of Congress of 1543 the Electors for President and Vice President of the United Sates are appointed in each State on the Tuesday next after the fir3t Monday in November. 2. By an not of 1792 thne Electors are to meet on Wednesday in December after, in their respective Ssateg, to oast their vetoa. 3. The votes, when cast, are to bo certified by the Electors and seeded up aad sent to the President of the Senate. Ou the second Wednesday in Febuary a'ter the scaled certificates of the K eotors are to he broken open and the votes counted, ar.d tbo result declared in the presence of Con gress. ££2T" It is noticed thsr none of the South Carolina postmasters have shut up shop yet. The probability is that none of them will.— Sonth Carolina has not begun to yield reve nue enough to pay for transporting the mails and paying live salaries of postmasters re quired lor the State. When the wealthy planters acd property holders begin to pay enormous taxes to support the secessionists, a speedy reaction will ensue. With all tbeii boasted independence, Carolinians will feel the loosening of the purso strings quite as keenly as the native born New Engenders. D®"Disunion was threatened in various quarters at the first election of President Jefferson in 1801. He thus referred to the subject in his inaugural address ID 1801 "If thore be any among us who would wish to dissolve the UnioD, or to change its repub lican form, let them stand, undisturbed, as monuments of tbo safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated, where reason is left fret to combat tt." tfibhs CBiwrßEi D3SMCOHAT Future of the North aad South- Many persons do not seem to understand why the South attaches such importanco to the late election. A few facts and figures will easily explain this. The election for the next House of Representatives, and, of course, the next President will be uudor the census of 1860. The South now has Senators, 30 Representatives, 90 Iler electoral vote, 120 The North now has Senators, 36 Representatives, 147 Her electoral vote, 183 During the next four-years, the probabili ties are that five organized Territories will be admitted as free States. That, at the low est figures, would give ten Senators, and cer tainly five members of the House, and, of course would modify the new Congress and Presidential election. The new census and the admission of those States would largely add to the political power of the North. In the Prosidecial election of 1864, the North will have votes based on 23 States: Senators, 4G Present House of Representatives, 14/ Add under new census, 18 Five new States at one each, 5 l7O 216 The slaveholding Stetes as at present: Senators. 30 Loss of 18 on the census, 72 102 The leading minds of the Southern States have fully pondered on these pregnant sta tistics, and with them the struggle has been ; " now, or never." Rut seceding from the Union would only be out of the frying pan into the fire, l'hey want to sell us their cot ton, sugar, tobaoco, &•.. and to bey our grain, cattle, and manufactured products.— Our undoubted policy is to allow the friends of the Union in the South to fight the battle of the South of Southern soil, and they can and will triumph. Ninentenths of all the j fire eating speeches and resolutions that mar |be passed will be harmless. These are ad mirable satety-valves to let off supe-fluous • steam that might otherwise burst t'e boiler. ! Friends of the Union and Constitution re man quiet nnd firm ; the Union will be sta j file and enduring when the present smoke clears away.— Pittsburg Commercial Journal. Inauguration of tho Mayor of Baltimore. A UNION ADDRESS. BALTIMORE, NOV. 12. j II m. Win. George Brown, who was re- I cently elected Mayor of this city, on the Re | form ticket, was inaugurated to-day. lie closed his inaugural address with a strung expie.ts'ua of the Union sentiment.— 1 He declared that he expressed the unani mous sentiment of the people of Baltimore— the largest of the Southern cities—when he Slid that the true policy of Maryland is to adhere to the Union so long as she can do so 1 with honor and safely. In conclusion he said : 'No cause has yet : arisen sufficient to justify the overthrow of j the noblest and most beneficent Government ever established by human wisdom, and which is consecrated and endeared to the hearts of ad—not only by the abundant bles sings of the present moment, but by the sa cred memories of ths past and the great hopes of the future." T be expediency of calling a mass meeting of citizens to sustain the Union is much can vassed by our business men. A Southern goutleman made his appear ance on Baltimore street this morniDg with a blue cockade in his hat. He was regarded with much curiosity, but evidently with little favor. A CALIF RNIA R. MANOR— The St. Louis paper tell a strange s:urv of one John Kurd* wick, a F.Lsburg mechanic. In 1853 he went to California, leaving a wife and two children bohind. Reachilig the land of gold, he dug a pile which his partner stole from bin. Tiien he fell sick, and recovered only "to find himself quite impoverished, enfeebled, discouraged. .Rewrote frequently to his wife; she did not receive his letters, nor did auy from her reach hiru. Ho concluded that she was glad to get rid of li'.m, so he began to dig again, Jn iho meantime, the wife mourned for him as for one dead, s! o na'ur aliy married again and removed to St Louis. Her first children died, and she bore two more to the second husband who after a time died also. With in a month, Hardw.uk, the California adven'urer, having accumulated a fortune, came towards the East, travelling by the overland route. Stopping in St. Louis h- walked about the ci:y, looking at the town. While so engaged he met his wife. "Mutual explanations" followed. The dead children and received the tribute of paternal tears, and the new ones were welcomed wjth af fection. Then the clergyman united the pair for ths second time, and u'l parties soon le It St. Louis. The Kansas Election. LEAVENWOKTU, I\..V. 1.4 —COMPLETE returns from the Territorial election for members of the House of Representatives show a large Republican majority in that body. Last eveving Hon. Marcus J. Barrett ad dressed the largest and most enthusiastic meeting ever assembled here at any time du ring the late Presidential canvass, the occa sion being in honor of Lincoln's election. Mr. Parrott spoke an hour and a half.— Tbo streets were illuminated, salutes fired, and tbe " Wide Awakes" paraded with full ranks. WILL.—The will of Broder ick, who WHS murdered on account of his po litical virtue, has been admitted ?j probate. His estate, which at one time was supposed to be very little above his liabilities, has B'DfO his death, greatly appreci ited in value —to such an extent. Indeed, as to leave about one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Mr. 8., it appears, had no near relatives; hence, altef bequeathing §IO.OOO to one iriend, he has left Mr. George Wiikes, well known as connected with the sporting press, ies duary iegaieo—making him a rich mao, unexpec tedly. VICTORIA CORING —Tbe Boston Bet says that the Luke of Newcastle intimated to a prom nenet gentleman of that city, that an other year this country and Canada might he visited by the Queen. Ilere will be a chance for another excitement. Let Victoria eome, and we j romise her on the part of our gallant countrymen, one of the nicost kind of receptions. We are fond of things of that sort, and all the fonder when there is a wo man involved. The Republicans Claim California. NEW YORK, Nov. 20. A special dispatch to the Post , from tbe Secretary of tbe Republican State Central Committee of California, says that the re turns received by that agency foot up 90,000 votes. Lincoln leading by 2,000, and it was expkaUd he had carried the State. LATER FROM EUROPE. THE CANADA AT HALIFAX. Important Despatch of Lord John Busseli on Italian Affairs. THE A TTACK ON GAETA EXPECTED. THE FRENCH INTERFERENCE. THE VICTORIES IN CHINA. HALIFAX. Nov. 13. The royal mail steamship Canada, from Liverpool on the 3d instant, via Qoeenstown on Sunday, the 4th, arrived at this port this afternoon. ller ad\ies are two days later. ORE AT BRITAIN. The London Daily News publishes the text of a despatch from Lord John Russell to the British minister at Turin, dated October 27 iri which he pays : "The great questions which appear to the Br tish Government to be ut issue are these: Were the people of It aly justified in asking asssistance ot the King of Sardinia to relieve them from Govern ments with whom they were discontented ? and w as the King of Sardinia justitieti.in fur nishing them the assistance of his army?" Lord John Russell says the Government does not feel justifi u d in declaring that the people of Southern I'aly had not good rea sons for throwing off their allegiance, snd cannot, therefore, blame the King of Sardin ia. The despatch closes as follows: "ller Majesty's Government will turn their eyes rattier to the gratifying prospects of a people building up tne edifice of their liberties on the sympathies and good wishes of Europe." FRANCE. It was believed in Paris that the object of France iu preventing the blockade of Gaeta by sea is merely to facilitate the escape of the King of Naples and prevent the complica tions which would result from his cap'ure. The French journals offer no explanations for the course of the Government. ITALY. According to the Neapolitan accounts. Ci aldiria was beaten with great hiss at the Gar igliauo, some despatches placing his losses as high as 2,000 killed and wounded, and five guns captured. Official despatches from Turin say these assertions are completely false, that tfie Sar dinians have not been defeated at all. Capua was attacked on the ist inst., and capitulated on the following d y. Tne Royal troops leave with the honors of war, having laid down their arms. They were to go on the 3d to Na lies. Naples was illuminated, and there were great rejoicings over this event. The attack on Gaeta was expected to be commenced soon. It is denied, via Turin, that Admiral Per sano bad commenced and suspended firing on the R jaiists near Gaeta. King Victor Emanuel bad crossed the Ca rigiiana. INDIA AND CHINA. The French version of the late victories in China says that, on the 21s', the allies, after meeting with a vehement resistance, carried by assault the most important of the Taku forts. 200 of the French and 200 of the English were thrown hors de combat. One thousand Tartars, who wore found iu the fort, were killed. Among them was the general-ic-chief. The other forts surrendered successively. On the same evening a general capitulation gave the Allies the whole country as far as Tien-sin, uni GOO brass guns, oflarge cali bre. The English and French ambassadors wore at Tien-sin, wnets the Chinese commission ets attented them to open negotiations. It was rep >rted that the ambassadors will 6onn proceed to Pekin with a cavalry escort. 'The China tea markets were dull. Im ports were in great demand. The Calcutta telegrams report symptoms of disaffection in the Sixth European regi ment at Dinapore. < .. —. ILUW A PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLICAN WON A BARREL OF WHEAT. —During the late cam paign Judge Kelly, of Philadelphia, stuaiped the State of Illinois, and in one of his ad dresses at Springfield, asserted his willing" Bess to bet a barrel of Pennsylvania cider against a barrel of Illinois wheat, that th e old Keystone would give a larger Republican msj irity than Illinois. It was immediately taken up by the Springfield Republicans. — The result is well known, and our friends in that city having lo3t the bet, they have had a neat barrel specially made, the name and address of Judge Kelly being inscribed in full on its side, and intend to forward it in a few days. It is filled with the best quality o' wheet that could he found in Illinois.— This is the first Republican bet that we have heard of being lost. CisT" Out Wast sevoral people are inconso. lahle because the elegant and refined Joseph Lane is not to be our next Vice President.— They say that his defeat is a death blow to American literature, and will cause a com plete staguatiou in that brauoh of the hook trade devoted to Webster's Spellers. It is rumored that his friends in Oregon were af fectel to tears by the following lispatch : "Me and Brick are depheetid, but God's will be dun. GOSEF LANE." The Western people are so disgusted with those New York merchants who *ought to create a fiaaucial panic at the close of the campaign, in order to defeat Lincoln, that they have dotermioed to adopt the policy of noc-intercourse with every Netv York mer chant who entered into this treasonable con spiracy. Through one of their journals, the Detroit Advertiser , they call upon the R pub lican papers of Nvw York to publish a list of the disunion merchants of that city. The Vermont Legislature has pass°d a law against prize fighting—principals, ten years imprisonment or $5,00U fine ; aids, sec onds or surgeons, five years imprisonment or SI,OOO fine; and citizens of the State who at tend a prize fight in other capacity, out of the State, to receive the same punishment, ©ef The only counties in Pennsylvania that gave majorities for the Reading ticket were Berks, Northampton, Columbia, Pike, Monroe, Fulton Greene, and Clarion—eight counties out of sixty-five. This result is without a precedent in the political history of the S ate. Beg* Below we give the official majorities for Liuooln in Penney vania, oyer the differ ent candidates for the Presidency : Lincoln's present majoritiy over Reading tioket, 93,735 Lincoln over Douglas ticket, 252.320 " Bell '< 257.415 " " all opposition, 63,735 i —— DIED. At his residence in Bellefonte, on Monday morning, Dr. A. W. Bayard, aged about 73 yftftTa, | MISCELLANEOUS. | THE AMALGAMATION OF LANGUAGES.—There is : a growing tendency >.n this age to appropriate the j inhst expressive words of other languages, and [ ! after a wtile to ineooporate them into our own j thus the woid Cephalic,which is from tbeGreck, signifying " for the head," is now becoming pop ularized in connection with Mr. Spalding's great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a mora g cneral way , and the word Cepalic will be come as common as Electrotype and many others whose distiction as foreign words has been worn away by common usage until they seem " native and to the manor born." I 'ARDLY REALIZED. 1 Hi 'ad 'n 'orriblo 'eadach e this hafternoon, hand ' i I stepped into the hapothecaries hand says hi to . | the man, " Can you hease me of an 'eadache?"— i " Does it hache 'ard/'gays'e. " Ilexcecdingly," , j says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic I Pill, baud 'pon me 'onor it cured mo so quick that ' I'ardly realized I'ad an'eadache. ' IPS" HEADACHE is the favorite sign by which 1 nature wakes known any deviation whatever from - 1 the natural state of the brain, and viewed in this t j light it may be looked on as a safeguard intended . | to give notice of disease which might other vise > ; escape attention, till too late to ho remediod ; and _ i its indications should never be neglected. Kod , aches may be classified under two names, viz : Symptomatic and Idiophatic: Symptomatic Head ' ache is exceedingly common and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are - Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febtiiedis [ cases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of . ! diseases of the stomach constituting tic k head j ache, of hepathic disease constituting bilious head- I ache, of worms, constipation and othci disorders ' I of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine nffee ; ; tions. Diseases of the heart are very frequently ) ' attended with Headaches ; Anaemia and plethora I are also affections which frequently occasion head , ache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, i being usually distinguished by the tame of ner i coat headache, sometimes cotniDg on suddedy in f j a state of apparently sound health and prostrat- L ing at once the mental and physical energies, and ( in other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by . | depression of spirits or acerbity'of temper. In most instances the paiD is in the front of the head, | over ODe or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting ; under this class may also bo named Neurulgia Eur the treatment of cither clas of Headache the Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and , ! safe remedy, relieving the most aeut e pains in a I few ininut -s, and by its subtle power eradicating I the dis.ase of which Headache is tne unerring iu ! I aex. s I . j BRIDGET.—Missus wants you to send her a box ' of Cephalic Glue no, a bottle of Piepared Pills.— I but I'm thinking that's not just it naithor ; but 1 perhaps ye'll bo aftber knowing what it is. Ye I see she's nigh dead and gone with the S'ck Head s' i ache, and wants some uioro of that same as reliev r ed her before. | Druggist. —You must mean Spalding's Cephalic j ! Pills. Bridget. —Och ! sure now and you've sed it, J here's the quarther and givo mo the Pills and ® i don't he all day about it wither. ws, CONSTIPATION OR COSTIVENESS. No one of the *• many ills flesh is heir to" is so prevalent, so little understood, and so much ne. i glected as Costireress. Olteu originating in carc ! les-ness, or sedentary habits; it is regarded as a i slight disoider of too little cousequence to excite i i anxiety, while in reali'v it is the preeur eor and t : companion of man}' of the most fatal and danger y j ous diseases, and unless early ciadieated it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grav . Among 1 j the lighter evils of which e istivencss is the u-ual ; attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul I ! Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long tiain of rightful diseases, such as Ma ignunt > Fevers Abcesscs, Dysentery, Bi irrhcea. Dyspep ( sia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first indicate their presence in the system by this • ; alarming symptom, Not unfrequently the dis i ! cases named originate in Constipation, but take on i | an independent existence unloss the case is erad . icat id in an early ttagc. From all those oonsid erutions it follows that the disorder should rect ivo immediate attention whenever it occurs, and on 1 tho first appearance of the complaint, as their timely use will expel tho iusiduous approaches of disease s and destroy this dangerous foe to human 1 life. A REAL BLESSING. Physician. —Well, Mrs, Jones, how is that head -1 ache ? Mrs. Junes, Gone ! Doctor, all gone ,' the pill you sent cured me in just twenty minutes, and I wish you would send me 'uore so that I can have the in , i handy. Physician. —You can get them at any Druggists. ; Call fur Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, and I I 1 recommend them in all cases of Headache, ! Mrs Junes. — I shall send for a box directly and i shall tell ali my suffering fiiends, for thty are a | real blessing. | TWENTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS SAVKD. —Mr. j Spalding has sol d two millions of bottles of his ; celebrated Prepared Glue and it is estimated that | each bottle suvs at least ten dollars worth ot | broken furniture, thus making an aggregate of I twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total ij loss by this valuable invention. Having made his - Glue a hi usehold word, he now proposes to do the I world still greater service by curing all the aeh- I | ing beadt- with his Cephalic Pills, and i! thay are I as good as his Glue. Headaches will soon vanish j away like snow in July. FACTS WORTH KNOWlNG,—Spalding's Cephalic Pills are a tertai cure for Sick Headache, BiU | ions II eadache, Nervous Headache, Custirenoss 1 1 and General Debility. CHRuf CURE Nervous Headache By the use of the Pills the periodic attacks of Nervous or Sirk Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack imme diate relief from pain and sickness will be obtain ed. Tliey seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Headache to which female are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Costiveness For Literary Hen, Students, D jlicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valu atile as a Laxative, improving the apdetile, giving , tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and rcator ing the natural elasticity and strength of tha whole system. The CEPIIILIC PILLS are tho result of long investigation andc.irefully conducted experiments having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a de ranged state of the stomach. They arc entirely vegetable in their composi tion, and may be taken at all times wi'h perfect 'safety without making any change < f diet, and the absence of any kisagrceuble taste renders it easy 1 to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! Tho genuine have five signatures of Henry C, Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Med ioines, A box will be seut by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE 23 CENTS. All ordrs lucid be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Codtir Street, New-York. . NOT. It, IS6FL.— -\f. THE MARKETS. BELLKrOXTK, Nov., 1, 38(10 Wliito Wheat, per bushel sl.lO (3 51.15 Red, do SI.OO @ sl.lO Rye, do 60 Corn, do 60 Oats, by weight, do 28 Barley, do 62 Buck wheat, do 60 Clover Seed, do 6 50 Potatoes, do 50 Lard, per pound 10 Btcon, do 10 Tallow, do 12i But'er, do 16 Eggs, per dozen, 10 Plaster, ground, per ton, 10.00 CLBBFIELI>, NOV., I. Buckwheat ijjl bushel 75 ; Rye bushel $1.00; Oats bushel uO ; Corn bushel 1.00 , Flour, Sup. Fine, $ bid. $7 00 ; Extra bbt. $7-50; ex tra family bbl. SS.OO ; Butter 18 cts ; Eggs $1 dozen 12 cts. LOCK HAVE*, NOV. 1. Wheat Flour, fp bbl. $6.25; Corn Meal, 100 lbs. $1.75@1.87 ; White wheat, bus., $1.28; Red wheat *1.18; Rye, 60ets; Corn 75 cts : Oats 40 cts; Clnvers.-ed $-1 00 ; Buffer lb 14@16cts; Tallow 10@12 cts ; Lard lC(u,l2cts; Eggs doz. 14@15 cts. LKWISTGWN. NOT. 1. While wheat fj3 bush. $1.23: Red $1.13; Bar ley p bush . 60cts ; Corn 'p bush. 55ct? ; Oats bush. 25ets ; Buckwheat bush. oOots; Clover seed hush. $6.00: Timotbvseed $1.75; Lewis town Extra Flour. 100, $3.50 ; Extra $3.0 0 ; Butter, good, lb lfcts; Lard 12c'.s ; Eggs doz. 10 cts Potatoes, new. !j3 bushel. 30 r's fw %\ LiaUID STOVE-POLISH! SE VEX 11EASOSS WIIY IT IS THE BEST Ist. It is always ready for_use, 2d. It. has no smell, 3d. It polishes over rust. 4th. It is economical, fth. It prodnces no dirt in polishing. 6th. It stand the greatest degree of heat. 7th. It is jus what every family need* - IT PRESERVES THEN I ONE THIRD LONGER! ONE THIRD LONGFFL ! Stoves will last one third longer by usiug'thii TIME AND MONEY SAVED. It has stood the severest tests. Triuinpliaiit! -Triumphant SI LEAD3EATERS RENOWNED LIQUID SIOVE-POLISII. Greatest Discovory of the age ! ! ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. Address. LEA I) 8 EAT Eli & CO., (Sole Manufactures,) No 823" Market Street, Philadelphia js£6~ sold by all respectable Dealers, NTfiTA liberal discount to ths Trado. .~~AGEM'S \VA MED E VER Y WHERE. Price, 12 and 20 Cents, Put up '-for'dealers in cases containing four ar.d eight dozen, A splendid Lithographic Show card accompanies each package. Every Merchant should make a not# o f LEADBEATER'S RE SOWN ED QUID STOVE POLISH. Nov. 22, 1860. ly. "^ROIZT CAN buy your elothiug for yeurselve3 end i our boys, in eve y uuriety, ud at low ea.-h pri ces by calling at the "heap Clothing Store of A. Stembcr g & Co., in the Diamond, where you SAVE at least from '25 to 30 per cent. All kinds of Clothing and Furnishing Goods are to be had at this Store at tho lowest cash prices, and receive well made goods. Would it not be bel ter to SAV 3ES MUCH valuable time by calling immediately and lay in your stock of Clothing lor the Hiriier, at this establishment, where you will cer tainly get the full A.ilue of your E37ST* ~I) EMEMBER the place. One door nbovo Liv- JLV ingston's Book Store, in the Diamond. A. STERNBERG A CO. Bellofonte, Nov. 15, 1860. A. Guckenheiaer. S. W crtheimer EWertheimcr. A. G. Sl BRO'S , jaPOBTKRS AN'D DKALERS IX Foreign ancl Domestic Liquors. DISTILLFr.S CP MOXONGAIIELA RYE WHISKEY, Also, Rectifiers of the IRON CITY WHISKEY, And Manufacturers of the Celebrated GERMAN STOMACH BITTERS, No. 25 Market Street, Nov 15, '6o.—l;] PITTSBURGH. PA. BELLEFONTE ACADEMY. THE se.iond Session of llie Academical year will commeiuce on Wednesday, Novem ber 28th, A. D., 1860. TERMS: Common English Branches, $4.00 Extra " •' 5.00 Languages, (Latiu and Oreex.) 0.00 A. M. WHITE, Principal. Nov 15, 1860.—2t. QTRAY STEER.— O Came to the restdcnce of the subscriber about the first of August last, a three year old STEER, brindle sides, white streak along the back. The owner is requested to eome forward, prove property, pay charges end take him nwav, otherwise he will oe disposed of accor ding to law. JESSE FRY. Spring twp., Nov. 1 5, 'f-o.—3t. "jVR. ELY PARRY, DENTIST, AJ Will speud ten days or two weeks from November 18th at the Pennsylva nia Hotel in Bel.efonte, as his seeond profession, al visit, and persons who may desire his profes sional servics are requested to make early appli cation, as his time is limited. Bcilefonte, Nov. 15, 'CO.—2t. DU. JAS. F. GEEGG, rcspe: ctluliy offers his pr- fe-siuii.il services to tho people of Miiesburg aod vicinity. Residence, Daniel R. Boileau'* National Hotel. Refer to Dr. J. M. McCoy. I)r. G. L. Potter, Dr. J. B. Mitchell. [Nov. 8, ISGo.—tf. PINE GROVE ACADEMY AND SEMINARY. J. E. THOMAS, A. M., Principal. T'HE Eighteenth Session of this institution will open Wednesday Nov. 7th, IS6O. Send for a catalogue. t^ ut > U LIVINGSTON PATRICK, !-*• At LUEN EY- AL-HA W, Bs.LLI.FuN'IE, t'A., Will attend promptly to ail legal business entrus ted to Liin. Office on Northwest oorner of the Diamond. [Nov. 15, 1860. —tf. IF you want hrst qnality Rio or Java Coffee, crushed, pulverized or brown Sugar. Extra or Golden Syrup, Young Ilyson or imperial" Tea call at D. LEY'DEN <2 GO'S. Nov. 8,1860.—tf. DLEYDEN k CO., have j-ust received a fine # assortment of Fall and Vvinter Gsods which they offer verv low for cash or country produce. Nov. 8, ISoo.—tf. TF yon want fine DeLane* at from 10 to 20 ct* per vard call at Nor. 8. J>. DKYDEX * CO'*. Great Work cn the Horse, THE HORSE 4HIS DISEASES: B1 ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S , PBOFES9OR OF PATIIOLCGY AND OPERATIVE &PK• OERY IN THE COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA, LTJ. WILL TJCLL You of the Origin, History and dis tinctive traits of the various breed.-, of European, Asiatic, African and Air-er icau Horses, with the physical forma tion end peculiarities of theaninr.l, and how to ascertain his age by the cumber and condition of bis teeth ; illustrated with numerous explanato ry engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES V! ILL TXLL YOU of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling. Feedirg, Grcoming, bhoaiDjr, and the general management of the hcrs, witl the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting Kicking, Roaring,Shying,Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlessness, and other vices to which he is subject; with nu merous explanatory cngravin-s. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangles. Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bron chitis. Pnenmonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chronic Congh, Roaring and Whistling, Lampas, Sore Mouih and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with oth er diseases of the Mouth and KespL ratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Rot', Co' ie, Strangulation, Stony Concretiong, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea Jaundice, Hepatirrhcea, Bloody Urine. Stone* in the Kidneys and Blatiuor, Influtu i tion, and other diseases of the Stom ach, Bowels, Liv;r and Urinary Or gans. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TILL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone. Blood and Eg. Spavin, Ring-bone, Swecnie, ■-trains, Broken Knees, Wind Gal's, Founder. Sole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoofs, Scratches, Canker, Thrush and Corns; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy. Staggers, and other diseas es of the Feet. Legs, and Head THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment cf Fistula, Poll Kril.Glan ders, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism. Cramp, Galis, Diseases of the Bye A Heart, Ac., Ac., and how to manage Castration, J Seeding, Trephilining, Kowelirg, Firing, Hernia, Amputa tion. Tapping, and other surgical op erations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL I ELL You of Rarey's Method of tnininj Horses; how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to strange sounds and sights, and bow to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness; also, the farm and 'aw of WABBAHTT. The whole being the result of more than iift-.-eu years' careful study of the habits, pe culiarities, wants and weaknei* 01 t..i# noble and useful animal. The bock contains 384 pages, appropriately Il lustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, an t will be forwarded to ar.v address, postage paid, on receipt ofpriee, ba'.f bound, $ 100, or in cloth, extra,s 1,25. S. I (K)O'A YEA R pru ing men everywhere, in eel iug the above, and other popular works of curs. Our inducement* to all sucli aro exceedingly liberal. For single repie* of iho Book, or for terms t > agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Susuai St , Philadelphia, Pe Nov. 8, IS6Q, — 8u). GREEN'S DRUG AND VARIETY STORE, Kforlli-Saat Coraor of ths Dic.it.cm"., BELLEFONTE, PA. THE UNDERSIGNED would rosDeetfulljr in form his pa robs and the public general y that be iias just returned from Eastern Market* whet* he has purchased and is now ceiling the lurge-t end bo t assortment of DRUG. 5 . MEDI CINES, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., ever brought to this country. He has constancy on hand ail the approved PATENT MEDICINES of ibo day. ALCHOIIOL, BURNING FLUID, FINK OIL, COAL OIL, LINSEED OIL, FAINTS, VARNISH, Ac., together with a large assortment of the TOBAC CO A SUGAR S , of the best brands. COAL OIL A FLUTD LAMPS. HAIR. TOOTH. NAIL. CLOTHES. A I'AINT URL'S ÜBS, PERFUMERY A IIAIK OILS. Also, a Cue assortment of ?lrin and Fancy CONFECTIONERY, RAISING, NUTS, tbC., &C.. T OYS of every description, also FANCY CHINA-WAKE. Prsicriptions and family receips carefully and promptly li'led. Tbuuktul for the patronage he has reeeivoJ du ring the last four years he solicit-i a continuant of the a am. and from the experience he ha* had ho icels confident of giving satisfaction. FE A \ K P. GREEN. Btllef"nl. Nov. 15. 1560. t*. tfull & Sst inter ®acbs. WILSON BROTHELS. HAVING returned from the East, invite the at tention of the public and their old customer* to the large and extensive assortment of FALL A- WINTER GOODS, which they are now opening and ready to wait upon purchasers with the largest and best wjieo tiou over offered to this community. They desire to call particular attention t their great variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, con sisting in part of Chaiiies, Lawns, all wool De- Laius, of different colors. Barogss, Brass Silks, Mauti!'?*" T.ssues. Ac. The above goods were se lo<-!r. with great care expressly to suit the test* Oi the ladies. In addition to the above, are offer ed a general assortment of Hosiery and Gores, Collars, Underslcevos, Dress trimmings, Jit. CLOTHS & CASSI MERES, of all colors and styles at very low prise?, togeth er with one of the largest ana best stocks of Ready-Made Clothing, Hats aDd Caps, Boots and Shoes, Laities' Straw Bonnets of the latest fashion; also, Shaker Boa nets for wives and children. Builders will find it to their advantage in call ing to select their Hardware, as our assortment is large and complete : also, Mattresses. Mackerel, Herring, Cod Fish and salt. Sugars Teas, Molasses from the cheapest to the best, which cannot be surpassed in quality. Person* visiting Be/lefonte from tho country, will find it to their advantage to call before purchasing else wliorc, as we take pleasure in showing our good* end think we can suit them both as to prioe and quality, and are determined to sell at the very owest cash prices. '^eSk-A U kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods" Nov. Bth 1300. UNITED STATES HOTEL, BY 31*. "W. TDEJISff" 3E2TTO33^ OPPOSITF PENNSYLVANIA R. R. DEPOT HAR.R.ISBUR.G P*. B.HAHTSHORN Superintend eat. NO pains have been spared to make the abvoa the first hotel in Harrisbnrg. The table i always spread with tho best the market affords and the accommodations aro suprior to any found elsewhere in the city. March Ist ISGO.i ST. AWR ENCE HOTBOT CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WM, . CAMPBELL. Proprietor •Ipf ;• ' i'-h—if.