% Jfamiin Uefosgaptr—$tboftb to politics, Ctmperautt, literature, Science, &||t gtec|anics, Agriculture, ©|ie (Sbttcafion, Amusement, (general Intelligence, tU. J. S. & J. J. BRISBIN, VOLUME 26, ffijje Centre gemocraf. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, BY J.S. & J. J. BRISBIN. OJlce in the Arcade Building, Second Floor. TERMS. —SI,SO if paid in advance or within sis months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari ably be charged. No subscriptions received for a shorter period than six months and none dis continued, unless at the option ot the editor, until ail arrearaees are said. BUSINESS CAK L)S._ M'ALLISTER & BEAVER ATJL -ATTORNILYD-AX-LA W, BELLEFONTE, 1A Office on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10 59 17 M. BEANCHARD- ATTORNEY 2J, -AT-LAVV, BKLLBUNTK, FKSSA. Ofbee lvrwi'ly occupied by the Hon. James Burnside. Jan. 19, 'tO.-tf. WW BROWN-ATTOUNEY-AT- A LAW BELLEFUNTK, PENNA. IV ill attend to all legal business entrusted to him, with prompt ness. May, 0 '59. T AS. H. RANKIN, ATTORNEY.AT LAW, BZLLKFUNTE, I'A. ifll attend prompt ly to all legal business entrusted to him. Office next door to the Post Office. [Sspt. 20, 'SO, tf WM. PTWI LSON-ATTORNEY-AT -LAW BELLFUNTE, I'A , will promjitly at tend to dll legal business entrusted to him office three doors North of the diamond. jan.l2'6o U J. HOCKM AN, SURVEYOR AND Ili. CUNVJiYA.MJi.it, BEI.LEFONTE, PA., will intend to and correctly execute all businesi on trusted to him. [Juno 14,—'60, — tf. liEO L. POTTER. M. D. OFFICE on High street, (oldoffice.) liellefonte ra. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, and respectfully offers bis professional services his friends and the public. Oct.26'sS 0 A. FAIR LAMB, M. O. J AS. A. DOBBINS, M. D KAIIII jAMB & DOBBINS. DR. FAIRLAJAB has associated with him DR J. H. DOBBIN'Sin the practice of medicine 1 ttice as heretofore on Lishop street, opposite the Temperance Hotel. March 19,57. WM. REIBER, SURGEONTAND v I'IIYOTCIAN, having permanently located offers his Professional services to the citizens of l'ine drove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully oslicits a liberal portion of the public patronage. [Feb. 16, '6o. ly. J. j. IsINGLiE, Operative and Mechanical Dentist, will prae- nTV tico all the various branches of his profession in the post approved manuer. Office and residence on Spring St-Bcllefonte' Pa. [Mar. ?. '6O. tf. T AMES KIDDEE. ATTORNEY-AT 0 LAW, liELLi.Fo.NrE TA. vYill attteud to all i.usiness entrusted to him with cure and prompt ness. Refer to Gov. Pollock, iViilton Pa. and lion. A. (1. Curtin, Bellefonto Pa. Office with John 11. Stover' jan. 5, '6O. JR.. M IJFFIX J AGENT FOB TH , WESTER HA MJH INSURANCE COMPANY. Per tons wishing to secure themselves from losses by 6re, will do well to call upon him at the store of J. R. Muflly i Co., N. E. corner of the Diamond, three doors above Alloglitny strre', Beflefonte, Centre co , Pa. Mar. 15, '6O. I\. W W. WHITE, DENTIST, has per . luancntiy ioeatea in Boalsburg, Centre County Pa. Office on main St., next door to the i stole of Johnston