lineal Jtpilmntt. TiICESDAY, = SO v.. Btli 1600. A Few Words to Mothers. The following article we find in one of our exchanges, and give it to our readers because it is good. Let Moth ers read it carefully : " One great trial, and source of depression to a married woman, surrounded with a fa mi'y of little children, is the small amount she can do; it seems literally, as month af ter month rolls by, as if she accomplished nothing. Life seems a blank, only filled up with petty cares, that wear out, and corrode, and canker, the frail tenement of flesh, but leave DO trace behind. "Oh? if I could only live for something! I could cheerfully bear all the burdgbs time brings to me is the desponding cry of many a mo'ber: but, mother, look back on your own childhood, and then tell me if you do not live for something ! Years ago, tired, hungry, from your out door play, who brought you the nice bowl, brimming with milk, that tasted sweeter to you than the ra rest dish to the epicure? Who folded you in her arm*, aril rocked you to sleep as gently as the bee is rocked in its bed of to e ? Who gave bright smiles and kisses, when your little heart war quivering with pain, from the harsh, unfeeling words of some p'ayma'e? Whose se ft step, and light touch and whivperrd words of prayer, drove away the images of fear that darkness to the child js too often peopled with, and left brightness in the belief of a protecting, sleepless cars overall? Who fanned your fevered brow, and held the cooling draught, that dipped f, i m the gray rocks in the woods, which you ! d dreamed of all night, to your lips, ard talked pleasantly of heaver, when your little feet seemed almost ready to step into Death's dark river, and jou shrank trembling back from the hurrying water? Who gave you the pleasant memories of childhood, that have stolen to your heart as gently as the dew to the flower, through ihe long, long years, and brought light and joy to the dark est hour of your life? Name your price for these memories, er.d then I can tell you what yoa are accomplishing 1 What if God has snid to jour voungrs', and pet one, with soft silken riDglels, and r r sy dimpled fat hand, who is catching at the buttons on her dress, "lie is a little thing, I will Dot mind about his sight.'' Think of those laughing, spark ling, "pretty, pretty oyas," as you have said a 1 ur.dred times, as sightless orbs ; neve 1 ' again turt ing to his little crib, to find him watching you from under the lace; ncye r starting from sleep as he clasps his arms around yrur neck, and raising your head from the pillow to catch A yiew in the clear moonlight of his loving eyes ; never again joying at glimpses of baby's mind, through the mind's windows. What if God has said, "lis ia a little thing, I will not mind about his intellect 1" Just look at jour sweet baby, laughing cooing, forever fuching some chord of prida and joy, and then clasp a soulless casket in your arms, llis cheek is fair and delicate tinted, hi* hair gold'n ns a sunbeam, but his p< or lit'le mcuth and eves! No answering smile, no grieved look, no wonderirg glance, no thing hut a vacant stare. Think of watching ted vearning so for one look of intelligence, and when yon catch your breath with j"V to think it is yours, have it end in a smile of mere muscle, a contortion of the lips. ©H, the disappointment 1 the death of a loved one brings no o:rcw like that! God, whota'd, "Let tLere he light, nrd there was l>g''t," ha# great end stupendous triage bsfore Ilim, but not a sparrow falls to the pround without his r otice ; end if a bird is worthy of Ilia care need a mother complain that time, talents, strength, muet be given for the comforts and training of little ones, who each has a soul undying as eternity ? .Perhaps when time passes, ai d those loved children go out from the maternal nest, and their hearts grow hard and callous in the battle of life, some— what yen now think trilling, valueless—act may come back to them as a sweet memory, that will permeate the hatd crust which is closing around them, Bnd leave it open to all kind, pure it fluemes. We connot see the end from the beginning, so let us trust liim who can, and accept our work sheerfully, if it dots debar us from en tering ihto the achievement of what— we are olten tempted to think —ars the great deeds of life. The Simple Secret. Twenty clerks in a store ; twenty bands in a printing office ; twenty apprentices in a ship yard ; twenty hoys in a village—ail want to get on in the world ft p d expect tu do so. One of the clerks will become a partner and make a fortune ; sne of the compositors will own a newspaper and become an influential citizen : one of the apprentices will become a master builder; — one of the young villageis will own a farm and live like a patriacb—but which is the lucky individual ? Lucky 1 There is no luck about it. The thing is as certain as the Rule of Three. The young fellow who will distance his competitors ia he who mas ters bis business, who preserves his integrity wbc lives cleanly and purely, who devotes his leisure to the acquisition of knowledge, who never gets in debt, who gains friends by deserving them, and who saves his spare money. There aie some ways to fortune shorter than this old dusty highway—but the staunch men of the community, the men who achieve something really worth having good fortune, good name, and serene old age ail go in this road. Accident. We are informed that a few days ago, while Sam Bike was traveling an un frequen-ed road, in the neighborhood of Aa r n.-bu'g, he had the misfortune to fall and Ireak his leg. 110 being unable to get up and no one happening along, be was com pelled to remain over night where be had fallen, and when discovered, next morning, his limb was so swollen that it could not bo sot. Poor Sam has many 'ups and downs' in this world. May he soon recover. November. The only period of rest in the cir cle of the farmer's year is now at hand ; a ' period of enjoyment. The business ol cul tivation—the appropriate occupation ot the husbandman—is done. lie has passed thro' the pressing cares of seed time and tillage, the joys of the early and the latter harvests, and has welcomed the last of his crops to the barn and graneiy. His store houses are full and his flocks and herds now live upon the accumulated provisions of the Summer. The lst of the flowers has fadtd and the frosts have turned field and forrest to a russet brown. The leaves that put on sue 1 ' gorgeous coloring in October, are now either changed to a sombre hue or fallen, leaving the forest bare and desolate. The I skies have lost the roseate hue of Summer i and begin to look chill and wintery. Flight of the Songstors. Moet of the birds that warbled so sweetly, "making music all the day," during the warm summer months , have already sought a warmer clime, and I others will soon follow. That twittering ! people the swallows, who flashed in more j diamonds than all the beauties of the West' ' held a grand mass meeting some weeks ago, and after much talk and more flutter, went up in a cloud and took their flight to the , "t-uriny south." The little fellows, too, in red epaulets, that swung on the reeds in the pastures, bob-o'-links that rung their sweet bills in the morniDg, are soldiers 'off du'y.' i To is is a very pleaeaut seas< n, and yet withs out the masic of the birds how desolate and dull it seems. Now is the Time, To some of our young ladies : we would say that a few weeks more wiil wind up Leap year, and then if they have not made good use of their time, their legal [ pe:iod in which to do the courting, will have passed away, and before leap year comes around again, they will have become j old maids. Girls, make good use of the | coming few weeks. Fix yourselves up, trim your sailsand "go out a seein' " and cap tivate whom je can. N. B. Cell this way. SPECIAL NOTICES. TONNER St. STEEL, Ih ire just received, opened, and are selling off at surprisingly Low Prices, one of the Largest, and Must Carefully Selected stocks of Goods, of every description, ever brought to this town. Indeed, the stock is constituted of a greater variety of article ß than we have ever before seen in a country store.— Their Advertisement appears in to day's paper. _ DIEDT On Friday, Oct. 26 h, at the residence of W ,i. Lightly, near Milesburg, John Sebri ber, in the GB;h year cf hie age. llis illness was of short duration, hut of the most violent character, and the destroyer ace 'Oiplished his work in a few days. On the fallowing Sabbath bis remains were followed to the Milesburg Cemetery by a large concourse of relatives and friends, and t er° deposited in the tomb to await the resurrection morning. ''Kind angels watch his sleeping dust, Till Jesu* comes to raise the just; Then, may he wake with STeet surprise, And in his Savior's image rise." w. ak, Jason Bowes, Geo. P Z mmerman, Abra ham Frederick, John C- Bowes. John Thom as, Llaniel B. .Mulhollan, Jos. Bowes. Jac.ib Cratr, John Bowes, liarrisnn Lucas, Charles Bowes, Wm. E'er*. Go. K. B >ak, George Clume, Levi Bowes, Peter Thomas, Silas D'xon. [Nov 8. 1860 -tc. | HANDSOME WOMEN ! To T3ao Ladles, RUNT'S " Boom of Roses." A rich and e'egant color for the cheeks and lips.— It will nut wash or rub off, and when once applied, remains durable for years. The tint is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny fails to de tect its use. Can he removed by lemon juice md will not injure the skin. This is a new praration, used by the celebrated Court Beauties ot Loodon: and Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, with dtrec tions for use, for SI.OO HUNT'S "COURT TOILET POWDER," imparts a dazzlt g whiteness to the complexion, as is unlike anything else used lor this purpose. Mailed free for 50 cents. P? f HUNT'S " BRITISH BALM," remotes tan, freck les, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin. Mailed free tor 50 cts. HUNT'S " IMPERIAL POMADE" for the hair, strengthens and improves its growih; keeps it from falling off, and is warranted to make the hair curl. Mailed free for SI.OO HUNT S "PEARL BEUTIFIKR " for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardnsthe gums, purifies the breath effectually, preserves the teeth and p events tootha he. Mailed free fyr $ I UO. HUNT'S" BRIDVL WREATH PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossoms and cologne. Mailed free for SI.OO. This exquisite perfume was first used by the Princess Royal of England, on her marriage.— Messrs. Hunt A Co., presented the Prinoess with an elegant case oWerfumery. (in which all of the above articles were included) in handsomo cut glass with gold stoppers, valued at SISOO, partic ulars ol which appeared in ths public prints. All the above articles Sent free, by express, for $5 00. Cash can either accompany the order, or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT A CO. Perfumers to the Queen. Regent St., London, Sansom St., Phil'a., Pa. For ale by all Druggists and Perfumers. The Trade Supplied Nov. 1, 1860. ly. WW. WHITE, DSNTIST, has per- inauentiy located m Boalsburg, Centre County Pa. Office on main st., next door to the store of Ji hnston 3=2.ZE3SSJ GOODS. Black and Fancy Silks, Brocades, Madona's Pe- Beges, Borages, Borage detains, Delains, ChaHi delains. Poplins, L-stres, Alpacas, Bombazines, Lawns, Ginghams, Chintz, Brilliants, Challi Crape- Marets, Taujore Cloth, Kohesand Traveling Dress Goods. A L S 0, A large assortment of mourning goods. ALSO, Black Silk, Thi.Sit Cashmere Crape and Ptilla Shawls, Mantillas, Cashmere Scarfs, and Shawl Trimmings. ALSO, Cloths, Cassimers, Satinetts, Cashmeres, Kentuc ky-Jeans, Drills, Ducks, Cottonades and READYM CLUTS3E\G ALSO, Ladies'and Gents' Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts, Ladies Collars and Under Sleeves, Laces and Edgings. ALSO, Oiled Window Blinds, Plain and Ornamented, Li nen and Lace Curtains, Gilt Cornice for Blinds, T able Covers ana Floor Cloths. ALSO. Oakford's Hats always on hand, together with Straw Goods,-; Bon nets, Shakers, Ribbons, Artifi ciais and Bonnet Trimmings ALSO, A very arge assortment of Shoes and Boots for men, women and children. ALSO, Queensware, Cedarware and Groceries: ESPECIALLY WCULD TONNER & STEEL CALL THE ATTENTION OF MECHANICS k BUILDERS To their much enlarged stock of Hardware Sad dlery and Coach Trimmings. Bellefonte, 6ct. 11,-fiO—tf.. "a, UAWLEY& GLK, PRACTICAL PERFUMERS, 117 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a '| HE proprietors of this establishment feel con- J fident tnat their preparations will compare favorably with any in the world, either fort ign cr domestic Extracts for the Handkerchief of the most exquisite odors. PO ViADES and OILS for the t air, of the finest tixture and the sweetest perfumes SHAVING CREAMS and TOILET SOAPS of the finest and most de icate lor nation. Also Huwley's Liquid Hair Dye, is deeidedly superior to any now in use. A. HAWLEV'S OLEATE OP COCOA. This prepera tion is the article above all others for dressing the hair. It is exceedingly fine and delicate, and renders the hair dark, soft and glossy The odor is delighttul No one should be without it, Pow- I DEBS, BANDOLINE, ROTOE, Ac., and every va-iety of fine and choice perfumery. HAWLKY'S FRUIT EXTRACTS for fluvorng pies, puddings, jellies, coufectionery and .Viineral Water Syrups. All of which rival the best, ana are surpassed by none. Oct. 4, [R G. 0. AUDITORS noi ICE — fhe undersigned and Au litnr appointed by the Orphan Court tf Cenire County to distribute the money in the hand of the Administrator of E 'zaheth txroye, deceased, have appointed Thursday the 221 day of November to attend to that duty at his office iD Bellefonee, all those interested can attend * R. G. Durham. Oct. 25, '6O —4t. > AN apperient and Stomachic preparation of JRUN purified of Oxygon and Carhon by con bu.-tion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the Uni ted States, anc perscribed in their practice, ig The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can be compared with it Impurities of the blood, depression of vital ener gy, pale and otherwise sickly complexion indi cate its ne< essity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all mvladieg in winch it has been tried, it ha' proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz: In Debility, N'Trans Affections, Enianciation, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhoea. IJysente.y In cipient consumption, crv/ulous Tuberculosis, Salt It'lleum, Mismcustruntion, Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Complaints, Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism, In terim, tent Defers, Pimples on the Dace, &c- In cases of GENERAL DEBILITY, whether the re sult of acute disease, or of the continued diminu tion of nervons and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this rtstoratiye has prov ed successful to an extent which a description n >r written attestation would render ciedible. Inva lids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgot ten in their own neighborh ods, have suddenly re appeared in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent n arasmus. sanguineous exhaustion, critical chan> ges, and that complication of nervous and dys ■' ! peptic aversion to air and exercise for which the ® phrsician has no name. In Nnnvous AFFECTIONS of all kinds, and for ' reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of ' this preparation of iron must necessarily be silu tary, for, u like the old oxides, it is vigorously e toDic, without being exciting and overheating ; 3 ' and gently, regularly aperient, even in the most obstinate cases of costivehess without ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable n j sensation. 3 " | It is this latter property, among others which a | makes it so remarkably tffcctualand permanent a . 1 remedy for Piles,, upon which it also appears to ' j exert a distinot and specific action, by dispersing I the local tendency which forms them. 16 I In DYSPEPSIA, innumerable as are its causes, a ' single box of these Chalybeate P.Us has often suf ficed for the most habitual cases, including the ,s attendent Costiveness. . | In unchecked DIARRHOEA, even when advanced " | to DrsKNTERy, confirmed, emaciating, and nppa ~ rently malignanf the effects have been equally ' decisive and astonishing. ~ In the local pains, loss of flesh and . hilitating oough, and remittent hectic, which gen oral y indicate INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION.this rerne-" P dy has allayed the alarm of friends ana physi> cians, in several very gratifying and interesting instances. In SCROFULOUS TUBERCULOSIS, this medicated r iron has had far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balan red \ reparations of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities, i The attention of females cannot be too confi n | dently invited to this remedy and restorative, in | the cases peculiarly affecting them. ! In RHEUMATISM, bothchronic and inftamafory— ' in the latter, however, more decidedly—it has been invariably well rep irted, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness of tLe joints and muscles. ® j In INTERMITTENT FEVERS it must certainly be a ' great remedy and energetio res torative, and its 0 progress in the new settlements of the West, will '• probably be one of high renown and usefulness. ho remedv has ever been discovered in the ~ whole history of me icine, which exerts sueh prompt, happy, and folly restorative effects.— ia Good appetite, complete d igestion. rapid acquisi re tion of btrength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. Put up in neat flat boxes containing 50 pills, price 51) cents per box j for sale by drugeists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on re ceipt cf the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B LOCKE A Co., General Agents, Oct. 4, '6o.—ly.] 20 CEDAR ST., N. Y. 1 NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK OF ' mrnumm AT EUHNSIDES' ARR ANTED to be just what we represent \ ? them. We have the very best which we warrant, and lower grades in all their varieties. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND ' SEE FOR YO' IRSELF. Leather of ?I1 Descriptions, BELTING kept for Machinery. An y size have not got I can get in a weeks time. Sold a J city prices. 1 ALAIi G v STOCK OF SHOE FINDIGS DEIY COMPETITION IN HATS, IOBACCO AND CIGARS. Saddlery, Saddles, Bridles, Ti: Iters, Cart Gears, Cart i Sada."', Harness Collars, r Harness Lines, and every article made and kept by Saddlers. 1 WHIPS, i TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, POWDER, SHOT, AND CAPS • " WATAR PROOF BOOTS, DOUBLE FOULED WARRANTED, , COPPER TIDED BOOTS AND SHOES DOB CHILDREN. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BUFFALO ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS, r SLEIGH BELLS. FOX TRAPS Higest market price paid for HIDES, SKINS & ALL KINDS OF FURS, Come and examine our stoik. We will show it with pleasure, and satisfy you it is THE PLACE to get good Boots and Shoeg, and such articles in our line. At Burnside's we study to please, and give sat , isfaction. accept our thanks for past favors. Kellofonte. Oct, Ilth iB6O. New Store at Pleasant Gap. 'FHE subscriber would resp ctfully in- , 1 form the citizens of Cen're oou nty that be has just received and opened an entire new stock • ol fill and winter goods consisting of HARDWARE, CLOTHING. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Ac. I also, have on hands a good supply of Boots A Shoes. Hats A Caps, .Fancy De laines A Merinoes, Ladies Furs, Hoods, Scarfs, , Cloihs, Fancy Gloves, Khives, Breast r . . Pins, Ao., Ac., Ac., i all of which he will sell as 'ow and even lower than eon be had any where else. . j. M. CAMPBELL. PDasant Gap, Oct. 18, '6o.—tf. J WA~T J twl&. LFi Y~ r " AAD SILVER WARE. ~\T7" E would respectfully inform our friends, I v pairJDS, and the public generally, th >t we ! have now in store and offer vholesa e and retail, • at the lowest cash prices, a large and very choice - [stock of r j|Watches, Jewelry, Stiver and Plated Ware, r , of £Very variety and style. . j Every description of Diamond Worlc and other Jewelry, made to order, at short notice. All Goods warranted to be as represented. N. B — articular attention given to the rcpair -1 ipg of Watehes and Jewelry of every descri' tion. STAUFFER A HARLEY, No. 622 Market street, south side, Phil'a. f flu 001 * B ' 186o ' -am - | i "H" AST NOTlCE—Having; closed up my i . B A business I desire all peisona knowing iVlntuiselves indebted to me to call and settle their accounts immediately. L' R. D.CUMMINGS. w Oct, 25,'60.-4t. READIJIEAD!! GREAT ATTRACTION I! ! NEW AND- CHFAP Clnljriwj ianpriani, NORTH SIDE OF THE DIAMOND, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A., City Branch of Rcizenstcinc Brothers, 124 North Third Street, Philadelphia. TIIE undersigned Respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Centre county, and the public in general, that they have opened at the above named place, the most extensive went of READY-MADE CEOTIIING, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Foods, that has ever been exhibited in this borough, which they will 8ll 30 Per Cent. Cheaper than the Cheapost. Our s nek embraces at ull and complete assort m> n of Fine Black Cloth Diees and Fit ck Coats, Cassimere Business Coats Satinet, Tweed, Jean, Farsiezs' and Mechanics' Cassimere, Frock and Sack Coats, Pea Jackets, Ac ~ Ac 0 VEItCUA TS OF bINE CLOTH, Presidnat end A'oscow Beavers, Seal and Lion skin and Union Cassipieres, ribbed and plain. PANTALOONS OF FINE CASSIMERE and Doeskin black Silk mi xcd, ard other fancy colors, of the latest, syl s, as well as Satinet and Union Cass imers ; Pants of strong and substan tial nuter ial, for the farmor, laboier and me chanic- AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF VEISS, such as Satin. Silk, and Silk finished Velvet;, Grenadine, Valencia, Mattalese, Cassimere; cloth Satinet, Ac. A general assortment of Boy' and Y'onths' Clothing and Gentlimen's Furnishing Goods, Ilats, Caps. Undershirts ami Drawers, Knit Jack ets, Fine White and Fancy-bosom Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stocks and cravats, Socks and Gloves, Trunks, Valines, Carpetsbngs, Umbrellas, and, in short, everything usually found in a well assorted store of this kind. We a'so keep a fine assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, such as Pocket books Porimonoies, Pocket kniv3S and Razors, Combs and Brushes, Watch— Chains, Keys and Guards. Finger rings A Brea.-t --pins, Violin and Guitar Strings, Pistols, Revolv ers, Percussion Caps, Spectacles, Spy Glasses.and a great many other fancy and useful articles, too numerous to describe, all ot which we will sell at the Lowest Cash Prises. We invite every person in need of Clothing or any ol the above mentioned- articles, to favor us with a call and examine our goods, and prices, and we are confident that we can give si tisfaction, and every person shall feel inclined to tell his friends v here Goods and Cheap Clothing cau be got. We are constantly receiving accessions to our stoek from RKIZ ENSTS.INE BRO'S., Philadel phia, wi h whom we are connected, and shall al ways be supplied with a good variety of all the ar ticles in our line, which will surpass in style, cut, workmanship and ch'apness.lho&a of any other es tablishment iu this p art of the country. A STERNBERG A CO. Bellefonte, Oct. 4, '6C tf. NEW S'ORE! HARDWARE HARDWARE! WARE! A 11 \|t€IJTIJEBX/f V \ tJtLLtfW.I . L-. C. PFNN 'A xjf If? 'I I HE u.i.iorsigned wuum respectfully inform £ the citizens of Centre county that they have opened a HARDWARE STORE in the Room formerly occupied by Wilson A Bro. on the Northwest corner of ihe Diamond. They have selected their stoek with great care, and are prepared to sell goods from fifty to one hundred per cent lower than can be had at any other pi: ce. The ladies are particularly invited to call and examine their assortment of cutlery. They ear nestly solicit a ilberal portion of the public pa tronage, and will take every pains to please. Thev ha e constantly- on hand a varietv of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, Riffles, Shot Guns, and Locks of every descrip tion. CROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SjhWS, And all vatrietics of HAND-BACK, GRAFT!NO AND PANNEL SA IVN. Broad, Hand and chopping Ax -s. Butchers eleav er and choppers. DRAWING KNIVES, HAMMERS, HATCH EX CHISLES, and ADZES. HAY, MAN (THE AND SPREADING 'OKKS. EDGE TOOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, PAINT AND DUSTING BRUSHES, NAILS, PAINTS,OIL, GLASS & PUTTY, COAL OIL AND LAM I S SADDLER Y HARD WARE. COACH TRI3I MIG ? Also, COFFIN FIXTURES, A d everything that is generally kopt in a well regulated Harawure Stoie. Terms Cash. BAXIRESStR A CRIST, eli eftnte, april 26, '6o.—y. ~7oRPHANS' court saleT BY Virtue ol an order oi tu Oiphaus Court of Centre county will be exposed to public sale ou the premises, on PHI DAY. OCTOBER 19fA, 1860, theund vided half of a certain Farm of tract of Laud, situate in i orth tp., Centre county, about two miles west of Martha Furnace, on t.i plank Road, being the real estate of Joseph Williams dee'd, bounded on the North by land known as llarland viorr son's improvement, on the east by la. d of William Kelley, on the south by land of Clemen Ceckwith and Thomas Wilson, contain ing about 476 acres, of which about 76 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance well timbered upon which are erect ed Two I)welling Houses, two Barns, one Saw Mil! and other out buildings. The said farm ia situate on the B ild Eagle Plant Road, on the waters of the Bald Kagie Creek. TERM.* OF SALE-—One halt the purchase money on confirmation ot the sale, and the resi due in one year thereaftei with intarest, to be se cured by bond and mortgage on the premises. JOHN W. RICHARDS, Adtnr. Sept. 6th-'6O 3 -ts. LIME! LIME!! LIME ! !! The subscriber re spectfully informs the public that he has erected a Lime Kiln near the Borough of Bellefonte, where he is making Lime of a superior quality—which is acknoledged to be as wtnte and pure as the Plym outh lime. All he asks is to give it a trial, and he is satisfied the purchas' r will comeback again. LEON- MACKALL. Aug. 23, 1860. tf. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. subscriber offers for sale that very valua Able property now in the occupancy ot Col. R Liptos, the said property is situate on the corner ot Centre and Market street-, fronting on the Dia mond, and is the most desirable place of residence in Milesburg, will he offered for a-short time only at a very low figure. J. (}. McMEEN Milesburg, June 28, '6o.—tf. UOWEL.L, Sf UOIISSIF,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORSERS OF PAPER HANGINGS, N. E. Cor. of Fourth A Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. % Oct. 4, '6O, 3m. [R. Q. 0. VALUABLE GIFTS WITH COOKS AT GEO. G. EVANS' on to is A i. GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE. THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD!! PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 439 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, SIXTH YEAR CfTHE ENTERPRISE. CARD. Having purchased, the spacious Iron uilding, So, 43y Chestnut Street, and fitted it up toith every convenience to facilitate my business, particularly that branch devoted tit Country t relet" ; and hav j ing ularyr capital than any other party invested 1 in the business. I 1 in now prepared to offer greater advantages, and bttr gifts than ever lo my Cus tomers. I will furnish any bo k ( of a moral character) published in the. United States, the regular petail price of which is One Dollar or uptcarks, and give a present worth from 50 cents to 100 dollars with each book, and guarantee to give perfect satisfac tion, as I am determined to maintain the reputation . already bestowed upon my establishment. Strangers visiting Philadelphia are inritek to call and judge fur themseloes. G. G. EVANS. IP YCU WANT ANY BOOES SEND TO GEO. G. EVANS, RELIABLE GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, ! No. 439 CHESTNUT .STREET, IHILIDKLFUIA. Where all books are sold at the Publishers low est prices, and you have the Of receiving A HANDSOME PRESENT WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO 100 DOLLARS WITH EACH BOOK. GEO. G. EVANS' Original Giit Hook Enterprise baa been endorsed by the book t.ade and.all the leading city and country newspapers in the Un ted States. G so. G. EVANS' Punctual business transactions have received the approbation of over 6,000,000 citizents of the Uni ted i-tates, each of whom have re civeil substantial evidouce of the benefits derived by purchsiug books at this estab'ishtuent. GEO. G. EVVNS Has done more than any other publisher or bookseller in the Uni ted States, to wards diffusing knowl edge to the people* By his sy- tern many books are read that other wise would not have round their Way into the hands of readers.— Prank Leslie's Newspaper. GEO. G. EVASS Keeps constantly on hank the most extensive stock, the greatest 1 assort ent of Books, and circu lates free to all who may apply, the most complete catalogue of Bi oks and Gifts in the United States. GEO. G.EVANS Has advantages offered bim oth er publishers and manufacturers which enable him to furnish his patrons with a liner quality and a better assortment of gilts than auy other establishment. GEO. G. EVVNS Publishes nearly Two Hundred Popular and interesting Books, therefore, as a publisher, he is bet ter able to offer ejttra premiuus and commissions. GEO. G. EVANS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to all who may send for books. GEO. G. EVANS' New classified catalogue of book? embrace the writings ot every stan dard author in every department of literature, and gives ail the in formation relativo to the purchas ing an forwarding by mail or Ex press of books ordered from his es tablishme t, to ether with full di rections how to remit money. Geo. G. EVANS' Catalogue of boqks will bo sent gratis auu i'ree of po-tgge to any address in the Un ted States. GEO. G. EVANS' Inducements to agents Cannot be surp issed. The most liberal com missions are offered, and by solic iting subscriptions to books in the same time that it would take to sell one on the u Id fashioned subscrip tion plan, trend for a classified cata ogue, and every information will be given in reference u, agen cies. Select your book? enclose the amoqnt of money required,and one trial will satisfy you that the best place in the country to pur chase books is at THE EXTENSIVE. GIFT BOoK ESTABLISHMENT. OF O-00. O IE3-*7*£sja.j3, No. 4o 9 Ch estii ut Mi'eet, Philadelphia. WHERE YOU CAN GEL' BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Books of Fact! Books of Fiction ! Bo ks of D votion ! Booits of Amusement! Book's for old Folks ! Looks for young Folks ! Books For Huonds ! Books for Wives! Books for Lovers! Books for Sweethearts ! Books for Boys ! - Books for Girls! Books of Humor! Books of Poetry ! Books pf Travel! Books of History! Books of Biography ! Books of Adventure! Books about Sailors ! Book? about Soidiers ! Books about Indians ! Books about Hunters ! Books about Heroes ! Bonds about Patriots ! Hooks about Farmers! Books for Mechanics! Books for Merchants ! c onks ir Physicians! Books for Lawyers! Books for Statesmen ! Bibles ! _ Presentation Books ! Prayer ooks ! Hymn Book? ! Juvenile Books ! Aunuas ! Albums 1 Etc., etc. Cecil B. Hartley's Interesting Biographies! Kev. J. H. Ingiabam's Spiritual Romances ! SmucUer's Live ot Patriot? and Statesmen ! J. T. Lauren's Revolutionary Stories ! T. S. Arthur's Popular Tales ! Dr. Alcott's Family Doctor ! Mrs. Heutz's Novels! Jtrs. Southworth's Novels ! j] Cooper's Novels! Dickens' N ovels ! Waveriy Novels 1 Irving's Works! All the writings of very standard author in every department cf literalure, in every style of binding, at toe publisher's lowest prices, and re member that you pay no more than you would at any other establishment,and you have the a ivan- | tage of receiving an elegant Present, which often- j times is worth a hundred fold more than the j amount paid for the book. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED GATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Order any book that you may want, remit the re tail price, together with the amount required for postage and one trial will assure you that the best place in the country to purchase books is at the Gift Book Establ shment of G. G. EVANS, Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise, No. 439 Chetnut Street, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED, To whom greater inducements than ever are offer ed. Any person, either male or fomale, who is desirous of engaging in an Honorable and proji. table Employment, requiring but little time and 1 no outlay ot money, aud by which they can ob taia gratis A Valuable Library, A fiDe Gold Watch and Chain, A Handsome Service of Plate, j An Elegant Silk Dress Pattern, A Splendid Sett j of Jewelry, or many other choice articles enu- j meraitd in the Lift of (ii!(s, cm d ti to l j :liTf t)8 an Agent for tLis erti>litsl,tntnt. • "1 Any person in i, ay part of tho ecu. try, can I.V i an ; gent, simply i>y forming h club, sending u li.? 0 of hooks, and and remitting the imeunt o! money required for the fame. fend for a Catalogue. which contain? nil the 'ff fired information r, i.nive to agencies' and the lor. umtion of ciube nrd to inaure and huiiupi able dealing?, sdoiifs ali order? to THE HEAD QUAItTKRS OF GEO. G. EVANS, PROPRIETOR OP THE LDBPT AND LARGEST G!?T£GGK ENTERPRISE * IN TU4 W'KJ,D, Permanently located at ' No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 13,*1800.-36. f>in. • JACO2 LAEOIIUS, 6XB Market AMERICAN, ENGLISH AteD SWISS WATCHES, nAS always on hard, a large assortment of the aiiove kinds of Watches which he will sou as low as any other Uouso in Iho City or else where. J. L, would particularly call attention to the Celebrated American Witch, which io point of accurate time keeping and durability will PI- . eel any Imported wa ch of the sumo oost, nn l is fur less liable of getting out of order than any watch made. These ore FACTS which Wilfhe dei onstrn ted to any purchaser on a fair trial.: Soiisfaetion will he guaranteed to any and all'" purchasing at my establishment. A large assort ment of JEWELRY, SILVER fit SILVER PLATED WARE. of every description, stylo and Pattern, constantly on hand at No. 61.3 Muiket St. Philadelphia. Sept..6 61) 35—ly. "COURfPRGCLAMATIONT "~ WHEREAS the Hon. Samuol Linn, Presi dent Judge o f the Court of Common Pleas in the twenty-fifth Judicial District, consisting of the counties of Centre, Clearfield uud Clinton,and the Hon Henry Barnh.irt, arid Wur Burchfield. Esqr's, Associate Judges in Centre co., havingis fued their precept to medirocted,for hoid'g aCo'rt of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer, aid General Jiil * Delivery at Bellefonte, for the county ot Centre, and to commence on the third iVlonday o. Nov., being the 19th day, and lo continue two weeks. Notice is hereby gihen to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Constables of the said county of Cen tre, that they be then and the.e in their proper persons, at 10 oh lock iu the f renoon of Nov., 26, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and their ether remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done, ami those who are bound in recognizances to prosecute against t .e prisoners that are or shall bo in the Jail of Centre county, be then and there to prose cu'e against them as shall be just. Giv nundermy hand at Bellefonte the 19ih day