Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 25, 1860, Image 1

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    % Jramilj fUfospgtr—stbottb la 3>tmpnmtt, pirate, Stimet, C|t Urts, ghcjjaitics, ®jjt Barkis, (Rraratimi, ©metal Intelligence, etc.,
J. S. & J. J. BKISBIN,
®|e (Mit Democrat.
J. S. & J. J. BKISBIN.
Office in the Arcade Building, Second Floor.
T BRMS. $1,50 if paid in advance or within six
months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari
ably be charged. No subscriptions received for
a shorter period than six months and none dis
jontinued, unless at the option of the editor, until
all arrearages are paid.
Office on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10 oa
# -AT-LAW, BELLKONTK, Pknn A. Office
fortnrly occupied by the Hon. James Burnside.
Jan. 19, 'eo.-tf.
, LAW BELLEKONTK, PENNA. Will attend to
aU legal business entrusted to him, with prompt
ness. May, 5 ;'9.
-LAV'BILLPWM" A , Will promptly at
tend to all legal business entrusted to him Office
three doors North of the diamond. jan.l2'6o
attend to and correctly execute all fcusinesi en
trusted to him. [June U,-'6o,—tf.
" tfCO. L. POTTER. M- D.
OFFICE ou High street, (oldoffice.) Bellefonte
Pa. Will attend to professional calls as
heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional
services his friends and the public. 0ct.26'58
DR. FAIRLA 1 has associated with him DR
J. 11. DOBBI. .in the practice of medicine
X ffice as heretofore ou '"shop street, opposite the
Temperance Hotel. March 19.57.
VV PHYSICIAN, having permanently located
offers his Professional services to the citizens of
Pine Grove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully
oslicits a liberal portion of the public patronage.
[Feb. 16, '6o.—ly.
J. J. IJINGLTE, Operative
atl( * Mechanical Dentist, will prac
mJjtYT *Tr t,j ce all the various branches of his
profession in the most approved manner. Office
and residence on Spring St.Bcllefoute la.
[Mar. z. o. ti.
Will atttend to all
business entrusted to him with care and prompt
ness. Refer to Gov. Pollock, Milton Pa. ana
Hon. A; G. Curtin, Bellefonte Pa. Office with
John H. Stover- jan. 5, '6O.
will inithfully attend to all husinesscntrus
o him. Offitc on Northwest corner of theD ia
Apr. 12, '6O,
Will faithfully attend to all business entrust
to him. Office in the Arcade. jan 5 60.
ons*wishing to secure themselves from losses by
fire will do well to call upon him at the store of J.
R Muffly <fc Co., N. E. corner of the Diamond,
three doors ftbove Allegheny Bellefonte,
CenUe co , Pa. Mar. 15, 60. I\.
\V. WHITE, DENTIST, has per
. manently located in Boalsburg, Centre
County Pa. Office on main St., next door to the
store of Jchnston A Keller, where he purposes
practising his profession in the most scientific
manner and at moderate charges. inar.ls'6o
rectly executed. Also, attention will he giien to
the adjustment of Book Accounts, and accounts
f Adminstratiors and Executors prepared for filing.
Office next door to the Post OFFICE-
Qct., 19th, 'SB, V M. J. HEALTH.
J. D. xxxgato
1T J Office and residence on the North
lastem corner of the Public Square, near the
Court House.
Will be found at his office, except two weeks in
sach month, commencing on tha first Mondayoi
each month, when he will be filling professional
engagements elsewhere. Oct. 22, '57 48 tt.
BELLEFONTE, PA., will practice his pro
fession in the several courts of Centre county.—
All business entrusted to him will be carefully at
(.epded to. Collections made and all monies
promptly remitted. Office, on High st. formerly
opcupcd by Judge Burnside, and D. C. Boal, Esq.
wherehe can be consulted both in the English and
inthe german language. May 6,'58 —22 ly.
Office in the rooms formerly occupied by
Linn <fe Wilson, Allegheny street. Jas. Macman
ushas associated with W. P. Macmanus, Esq., in
the practice of law. Professional business intrus
tedt o their care will receive prompt attention.
They will attehd the several Courts in the Coun
ties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield.
Jane 21, '6O, tf.
XX LAW, will attend pro nptly to all business
entru stedto their care. Office in the building
formerly occupied by Hon, Jas. T. Hale.
Messrs. Hale A Hoy will attend to my business
during my absence in Congress, and will be as
sisted by me in the trial of all causes entrustedto
them. J. T. HALE. jan 5'1560
Tho undersigned having associated them
selves in the practise of Law, will faithfully at
tend to all professional business entrusted to them
in Centre, Clintion and Clearfield counties. All
collections placed in their htnds, will receive
their promt attention. Office in Blanchard's new
building on Allegheny street.
Bills cf Exchange and Notes discounted ; Collec
tions made and Funds promptly remitted. Inter
est paid on Special deposits, Exchange on the
Eas fern cities constantly on hand and for sale.
Deposits received. April 7 'SB
opened a Barber Shop one door above the Frank
lin House, where he can be found at all times. —
Good Razors, keen and sharp, kept constantly on
hand. Hair Dressing, Ac., atten
ded to in the most workman like manner. He
hopes by strict attention to business to receive a
liberal share- of public patronage.
Bellefonte, June 28, 1860; —tf.
From actual Measurement by Instrumen
tal Surveys throughout the County.
By H. 1". WALLING, Civil Engineer.
undersigned proposes to publish by brder
A a large and accurate Popographical Map of
Centre county, from thorough and careful sur
veys, by 11. F. Wailing, Civil Engineer.
Every road has been carefully surveyed by
course and distance, and the location noted of all
the public roads, Dwellings, Churches, Post Offi
ces, Hotels, Stores, School Houses, Factories,
Mills. Shops, Mountains, Ponds Streams, Ac.— i
The names of Property liolders generally—care- j
fully including those who order the work—will
be engraved upon the Map, showing the exact lo
cation of each.
Extra Maps of the Principal Villages will b,o ;
engraved upon the margin o e the Map.; also a 1
Table of Distances, showing tho number of miles
from tach Post office to every other throughout
the county, together with the latest statistical in- ;
formation. An ornamental border will surround j
the Map
The Map will be engraved by the na st skillful i
Artists in the country, handsomely colored and j
mounted, and will be delivered to those who or- |
der for Five dollars per copy.
We are now actively engaged in forwarding the |
work, and shall endeavor to give every property 1
holder an opportunity of ordering a copy, and aU I
so of examining the work before its final com- |
pletiob; in order tc make it entirely satisfactory j
as to accuracy, Ac.
The map will contain all the information usual- I
ly fouud in Town maps, for each of the towns in j
the county, and it is obvious that the most liberal i
patronage is needed to sustain us in producing a
work of so great magnitu de and expense. As it
is evidently of such practical utility and inteiest
to business men and citizens generally, present
ing so minute an l distinct a representation of the
county, that even the child may readily acquire a
correct idea of each town, village, Ac., and their
true directions, distances from each other, we con
fidently solicit and expect the hearty co-operation
of the intelligent and enterprising citizens of Ceu
fre county.
S. D. TILDES'. Publisher.
A©, These maps are said exclusively by the
Publisher, and no variation in price, So more
maps are printed than what are actually ordered.
We tho undersigned, having (xainined the re
cent surveys and draffs of .Centre county, also
Topographical Maps of other counties, pulisbed
by Mr. S. D. Tildcn, take pleasure in recommend
ing a Topographscal Map of this county, which s
very much needed, being of great practical valuo
to business men and citizens generally, and from
the united testimonials and recommendations the.
have from distingui.-hed gentlemen wh-re they
have made surveys and published county maps.—
Wo feel confident they will furnish an accurate,
reliable and useful Map and Directory well wir
ty of liberal patronage.
'Ye hope the citizens of this county will interest
themselves sufficiently in this enterprise, so that
the Publisher may cngravo upon the margin of
the map, extra plans of the villages in the county
upon an enlarged scale.
Conridaring the expense of such a survey of tho
whole county, and being entirely a loeal work we
think it is offered to the citizens on veyy reason
able terms-
Win. F. Reynolds, James T. Hale, John Holler,
Adam Hoy. Win. A. Thomas, E. C. Humes Ira C.
Mitchell, II- N. McAllister, J- 5. Baruhart, Jas.
A. Beaver, Cyrus T. Alexander, Ed. Blrnohord,
H- Brookerhoif, Win. P. Wilson, Geo. L. Potter,
Geo. Livingston, Jneah V. Thomas, Geo. A. Fair
-1 lamb, Jas. 11. Rankin, James F. Riddle, John
1 Tonner. Jesse L- Test, George W. Tato, John T.
Hoover. P. B. Wilson, James Linn, J. B. Mitch
ell, E. Greene, J. 11. Stover, H. G. Durham, Sam'l
Linn, 11. P. Harris, A. S. Vafeutine.
And the various affections consequent upon a disordered
Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains,
Ileartburu, Loss of Appetite, Despondency,. Costiveness,'
Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and
Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
sciontiSc principles, after tba manner of the celebrated
Holland Professor, Boerhave. Its reputation at home pro
duced its introduction here, tho demand commencing with
those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this
mighty country, many of whom brought with them and
handed down the tradition of its value. II is now offered
to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful
medicinal virtues must be acknowledged.
It is particularly recommended to those persons whoso
constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Qonerally
instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat
oflife, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up tho
drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor
In tbe system.
NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will
be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, oosscssed of singular
remedial properties.
The Genuine highly concentrated Boerhave's Holland
Bitters is pnt up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at
ONE DOLLAR per bottle, or six bottles for FIVE DOLLARS. The
great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced
many imitations, which the public should guard against
43- Beware of Tmposition. See that our name is ou the
label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded
by Express to most points.
gharmareutists and (ffhemiste,
Sept. 6, '6o. t
No. 1010 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
CMILSON's Patent Cone and Ventilating
~ FURNACES, Cooking 1 Ranges,
Bath Boilers,
Common and Low ' DoWn Parlbr IjtallS,
Warm Air Registers and Yefitttyiiflg; Ac:
Particular attention given W&Hftiftg liid Vehi
tilating Buildings of every disofinGqu-
Apr. 26, —IS6O.——;ij. ' r
It is a noticeable fact, in history that the
mothers ol all the truly great men, were
women ol uncommon talent, or great energy,
thus proving conclusively, that the charac
ter of mgn. takes its cast from that of the
mother. First impressions are the strongest,
and no matter what causes are brought to
bear in after life, the lessons learned in
childhood are sure to leave their indelible
impress on the mind of man. Few mothers
realise the responsibility of rearing a fami
ly of children. They are conscious of the
trouble, the vexations, the sorrows they have
to undergo, but how often do they reflect that
they are forming the characters, for good or
evil, of men who will, perhaps, distinguish
themselves in tbe world ? Mothers will do
well to think deeply op this important sub
It is said of Sir Walter Scoti's mother, that
she was a small, plain, well-educated wom
an, of excellent sense, very charitable, and a
gieat lover of poetry and painting—and on
the whole a superior woman. 'Tis evident,
from the writings of Sir Walter that he had
an uncommon gift in word : painting.
It is said of Byrou's mother, that she was
a proud woman, hasty, violent and unreason
able, with not principle sufficient to restrain
her temper. Unhappily, Byron inherited
his mo'her's inflamabls temper, and instead
of being subdued and softened by the harsh
ness with which she often treated him, be
was rmdered more passionate by it.
Thus ye see that this infirmity, which by
gentleness and kind treatment might have
been greatly checked, if not cured, was tuf
fered to enslave one of the most talented,
brilliant, poetical minds which has ever
shone among men, entailing a life of misery
upon is possessor, and an early termination
to his career!
The mother of Bonapart was a woman of
great beauty and energy of character. This
last trait has been strikingly exemplified
throughout his whole life.
The mother of Hubert Burns was a woman
ef moderate personal attractions—hut in ev*
ery other respect a remarkable woman. She
was blessed with a singular equanimity of
temper, and her religious feeling were con
stant and deep, fliey ÜBe( j t 0 p,; ve w ; n g 9 t 0
the weary hours of her checkered liio by
cbaunting old songs and ballads, of which
she bad a large store. Her preception of
character was very quick and keen, and she
lived to a good old age, rejoicing in the fame
of her poet son, and partaking of the fruits
of his genius.
Lord Bacon's mother is said to have been
a woman of superior mind, of great learning,
and deep piety.
Little is said of the mother of Nero, except
that she murdered her second husband, the
Eutperor Cladius, about four years after her
marriage. Do you wonder that Nero was a
cruel Emperor, if his motbej was a murder
ess ? Iluw strongly does the mother of Net
ro, an anuient tyrant, contrast with the moth
ers of our modern philanthropists and statesT
men !—the mother of Washington, whose
history is familiar to every reader of history;
the mother of John Jay, who deserves a place
by the side of Washington. Mrs. Jay is said
'o have bad a cultivated mind, a line imagi
nation, and affectionate temper.
The mother of Patrick Henry was a wom
an of great excellence of character, and
marked by superior conversational pov ers
Ilence, doubtless, the oratorical gift of her
son. With the mother of the Adamses all
are acquainted. Where will we find more
real practical common sense than Jno.Quin
cy's mother possessed ? The mother's im
press was truly stamped upon her son.
It being one of the delights of Daniel Web
ster to annually visit the Granite hills of bis
native State to rusticate for a few days, he
usually favored Conway with his presence,
where resided the famous Billy Abbot, both
small of stature and old of his age. For his
humorous wit and wonderful knowledge of
every little incident that made this or that
place particularly charming and Interesting
to the historian and the antiquarian which
he was very fond of imparting, heso ingraft
ed himself into the good favor of the great
expounder of the constitution, that he always
gave him a seat in liis carriage when he rode
out to view th 9 beauties of nature. Billy's
associates, feeling envious on account of the
honor conferred upon birn by this distin
guished man, one day after Webster's de
parture sarcastically asked Billy, in the
crowded bar-room,' what he and his friend
Webster found to converse about as tbey rode
about the country ? Billy replied : "Weusur
ally talk about horticulture and agriculture,
and th& different breeds of cattle and horses,
and upon these subjects I derive from him a
great deal of information ; and upon such
topics I find him a little more than my match
—but the moment"—enthusiastically with a
gesture, and a tone of voice becoming the or
ator himself—"hut the moment he alludes to
the constitution, I can floor bim in a min
ute;" which was received with applause,
and the Banquo of Envy never again af
fronted Daniel's rustic favorite.
!©■ " Now, then, hearties," said a gallant
paptain, " you have a tough battle before
Fight like heroes till your powder's
pone, then—run !" I'm a little lame and
Y\l start now!"
Probably no attribute of our candidate
will, after all, eridear him so.much to the
popular heart, as the conviction that he is
emphatically "one of the people." Ilis
manhood has not been compressed into the
artificial track Jof society ; but his great
heart and vigorous intellect have been allow
ed a generc us development amid his solitary
struggles in the forrest and prairie. With
vision unobscured by the mists of aopistry,
be distinguishes at once between wiat is
true and what is false, and with will and
courage fortified by his life of hardships, tho
is not a man to shirk any responsibility, or
to shrink from any opposition. Morever,
be is peculiarly one to win our confidence
aDd affection. To know " Iloneat Abe," is
to leve him ; and his neighbors in the west,
although voting for him to a man,will mourn
tho victory which deprives them of his pres
The following instance will exhibit Lin
coln in one of those unobtrusive acts of good
ness which adorn his life. The circumstance
was related by a teacher in the Five Points
House of Industsy, in New York. "Our
Sunday School in the Fve points was assem
bled, one Sabbath mcrning, a few months
since ; I noticed a tall and remarkable look
ing man enter the room and take a seat
among U3. He listened with fixed attention
to our exercises, and his countenance man
ifested such genuine interest,that I approach
ed him and suggested that he might be wil
ling to say something to tha children. He
accepted the invitation with evident pleas
ure, and coming forward ho began a simple
address, which at once fascinated every lit
tle bearer, and hushed the room into silence.
His language was strikingly beautiful, and
his tones musical with intensest feeling—
The little faces around would drop into sad
conviction as he uttered sentences of warn
ing, and would brighten into sunshine as he
spoke cheerful words of promise. One? or
twice ho attempted to close his remarks,
hut the itpperitive shout of "Go on ! O do
go on would compel him to resume. As I
looked upon the guant and sinewy form of
the stangcr, and marked his powerful head
ind determined features, now touched into
aofißess by the ioipiession of the moment, I
felt an irresistable curiosity to know more
about him, and be was q iietly leaving the
toom, I begged to know his name. He re
plied, courteously, ' It is Abraham Lincoln,
of Illinois !"
A Family Opposed to Newspapers,
The man who didn't take the papers was
in town yesterday, lie brought his whole
family in a two horse wagon. He still be
lieved that General Taylor was president,
and wanted to know if tbo '* Kamkotkians"
had taken Cuba, and if so, where they had
taken it. 11a bad sold his corn for thirty
cents—the price being fifty-five—hut on go
ing to deposit the money, they told him that
it was mostly counterfeit. Tho only hard
money he had was some three-cent pieces,
and these some sharper had " run on him"
for half di ones.
One of the boys went to the blacksmith's
shop to be meaeured for a pair of shoes, and
another mistook the market-house for a
church. After hanging his hat on a meat
hook, he piously took a seat on tho butcher's
stall, and listened to an auctioneer, whom he
took to bo the preacher. He left hefore the
"rueetin' waz out," and had no great opinion
of the " sarmint."
One of the girls took a lot of "seed onions"
to the Post Office to trade them for a letter.
She had a baby, which she carried in a
"sugar trough," stopping at times to rock it
on the sidewalk. When it criei 6he stuffed
its mouth with an old stocking, and sung
" Barbara Allen."
The oldest boy had sold two "COOD skins,"
and was on a " bust." When last seeß he
had called for a glass of soda and water, and
stood soaking his gingerbread and making
wry faces. I'he shop-keeper mistaking his
meaning, had given him a mixture of sal so
da and water, and it tasted strongly of soap.
But " he'd hearu tell of soda an' water, an'
he was boun' to give it a fair trial." Some
"town feller" came in and called for a lem
onade with a " fly in it," whereupon our
soaped frieDd taroed his back and quietly
wiped several flies into his drink.
We approached the sld gentleman and
tried to get him to "subscribe," but he we'd
not listen to it. He was opposed to " inter
nal improvements,'" nnd he thought "larnin'
was a wicked invention and vexation." None
of his family ever learned to read, but one
boy, and he "teached school for a while and
then went to studying diwinity 1"
Garibaldi washes his own shirts when oc
casion requires. After the battle of Melaz
zo, finding his shirt dirty and soiled from
his personal struggles, he took it off, washed
it in the brook hard by, and hung it on ihe
bashes, and ate his lunch of bread, fruit and
water, smoked his cigar, barebacked, and,
wraped in thought, sat apparently contem*
plating the drying of his garment; thus in
the field of bivouac, sharing danger and
hardship with the humblest of his followers.
Directly his shirt was dry ; he went on
board the Tukeri, formerly Veloee, lying in
the bay on the Western side ot the Penin
sula, and personally directed her fire on the
fortress and retiring masses.
The bride turned a, little pale, and then a
little flushed, and at last had just the right
quantity of bright, becoming color, and al
most shed a tear, but not quite, for a smile
came instead and chased it away. The
bridegroom was warned not to forget the
ring, and all were assembled aiound the
tar. "I will," was uttered in a clear, low
voice, and the new name was written—and
Sophy Grey, was Sophy Grey no more : and
she turned her bright face to bo looked on,
and loved, and admired, by the crowd of rc
-1 ations and friends surrounding her ; and
they thought that Sophy Sfoketon was still
dearer and prettier than ever Sophy Grey
had been—and then the carriages were en
tered, and the house was reached. Sophy
walked into her father's house—her child
hood's home—her home no longer—and the
bridal dress was changed, and the traveling
took its pJace, and all crowded around her to
say good-by—to look on that dear face onoe
more—to feel that her fate was sealed—to
pray that it might be a happy one—to think
that she was going away—away from her
home—away with a stranger ! and tears and
smiles were mingled, and fond looks, and
long embraces, and a lather's mingled tear
and sorrow was on her cheek ; and the sis
ter's tear, that, vainly tried to be a smile,
and the mother's sobs : and Sophy Grey left
her father's house—left with the bright beam
of joy and hope upon her brow j and anoth
er moment, the carriage door was closed, the
last good-by uttered —and Sphy was gone.
Oh ! how melancholy ! how lonely does the
house appear, where but a moment before all
had besn interest and hurry.
Who has not experienced the deserted sen
sation, when those we are accustomed to see
are gone—when tho agitation, the interest at
parting is over ; the forlorn, empty look of
the room—the workbox, the drawing mate
rials, the music, all gone; or pethaps one
siugle thing left to remind how all was—a
flower, perhaps, that had been gathered and
cast aside—the cover of a letter which had
been scribbled over in tho forget!ulness of
the happy conversation.
Long befi re the train arrives we hear the
roar of wheels—we see the glimmering of a
glowing light. Brighter and broader it
opens ; like the Cyclopean unwinking eye, it
is the head-light of the train. Then the
steady jar, then the mingled clank as of a
thousand shaken chains, and tho cars are
here. "All aboard 1" and "all right 1" fol
low each other in quick succession, and we
are breathing the close and heavy air of a
crowded dormitory. The car lamps had
gone out disgusted ; the little wakefulness of
the sleepers has subsided, 3nd the dim sno
ring outline of cloaks and shawls and fright
ened-looking beads—flecked hers and there
like a troubled sea, with white, compose the
landscape j while over all, like pendulums,
swing plethoric carpet-bags slowly to and
fro; and little satchels, brisk as mantel
clocks, and bonnets made of nothing, dance
up and down like blossoms in a rain, all
timed to the motion of a train. But the dim
gray turns to an old eyed white, and breath"
ing bundles begin to stir. Out of an egg
shaped packet is hatched a woman, with
| locks dischevelled, like Venus from the sea.
A throe or two and a rougher form emerges
from cloak and shawl and shakes itself
awake. A shapeless heap turns out a man,
bearded like a pard. A oair of boots thrust
out-like bowsprits, dip out of sight as the
owner comes in yiew. One soothing an irri
tated hat with gentje touches of his elbow ;
another pulliDg at his wilted collar. Disor
dered tresses are smoothed with hasty touch
es of the hand, and crumpled sleeves persua
ded into shape. One lady has learned her
lesson from Grimalkin, and makes her toilet
precisely like a cat.
What an event among crinolinedom—to
have danced with the Prince of Wales 1 We
are afraid he will have much to answer for.
Young men who were formerly considered
paragons of perfection by young ladies, will
doubtless he snubbed incontinently. A
hand that has beep grasped by a live Prince
will not be bestowed on every chance comer,
depend upon it. Have a care, girls 1 Don't
carry your heads too high, or at least not so
high that yon may not have the pleasure of
telling to your children 'all about the PriDce.'
In short, don't be so puffed up that one of
these days somebody will point out a wither
ed old maid, and somebody else will exclaim,
increduously, in your hearing—"What 1 the
Prince dance with hert "Well, truly, there
is no accounting for taste !" the conso
latory "Oh, but she was very pretty once,"
will take the sting from the rejoinder—"ls
it possible ?" Fanny Fern.
A Connecticut pastor gave three rea
sons for rr fusing an increase of salary. First
that the parish could not afford to pay more ;
second, that his preaching was not worth
more ; and third, because I have to collect
my salary which heretofore, has been the
hardest part of my labors among you. If I
have to cpllect an additional hundred, it will
kill me.
Why is a lawyer like a restless man
in bed ? Ansßecause he lies first on one
side, and then turns ever and lies on the
The Exodus of tho Fosteritcs.
Now it come to pass in the year eighteen
hundred and sixty, which was the fourth
year of James the Fourth, that there arose in
the Keystone State a man named Fostser,
who in his conceit aspired to be rules cf
that State.
Now Foster was a babbler and foolish of
spoech, apd his words were like sounding
brass and tinkling cymbals.
Nevertheless, as he was a Douglasite, and
a prophet in his own country, (albeit lie was
a prophet) he drew many p,eo,ple after him.
And Foster went about from placa to, place
exorting tha people to the end that ho might
become a ruler over them.
Now there was a man of Centre, whose
name was Curtin—a Lincolnito, and a man
of mighty power; and tbe Lincolnites said,
among themselves: This man shall rule
over us, and we will have him for our Gov
And Curtin also exorted the people.
And it came to pass that the Douglasites
and the Lincolnites met together to hear
their chosen, leaders speak to the people, and
exort them to remain firm in the faith.
And Foster spoke for the space of an hour
and forty minutes.
And whem he bad made an end of speak
ing Curtin arose and spoke with great pow
er, and moreover read and expounced the
epistle of , the Collector.
And when Foster heard it he was sore
afraid and was troubled within him.
And it came to pass that Curtin obtained
fayor in the eyes of the people but Foster
went awav discomfited,
And there were giants iD those days—(al
beit there were little giants.)
And they waxed fat and presumptuous
and did boast that Foster should prevail
over Curtin.
And the Fosteritea and Douglasites did
bring offerings of gold and silver and musi
cal instruments from afar off, yea, even a
mock sun, to give light by night, that they
might tempt to follow after Foster,
And many false prophets went about the
country, exhorting to tho same end.
And it came to pass in the tenth month
and the ninth day of the month, that the
Douglasites aDd the Fosteritea gathered
themselves together for battle.
And about the eighth hour the Lincolnites
fell upon them and smote them, hip and
thigh, the Douglasites, tho Fosteritea, the
Bellires and the Clear Greeks;
And they fled before the face of Curtin and
his hosts, and took ship up the river, yea,
even that river of Salt.
And it came to pass, that when Fester
saw and heard those things he lifted up his
voice and wept.
And as they journeyed on the river, they
chanted in the heaviness of their hearts:
Ob Foster's heart is broke,
Oh Foster don't you cry, &c.
[Philadelphia. News,
He who strives after a long and pleasant
term of life, must seek to attain continual
equanimity, and carefully to avoid everything
which too violently taxes his feelings.—
Nothing more quickly consumes the vigo? of
life tliau the violence of the emotions of the
mind. We know that anxiety and cares can
destroy the healthiest body ; we know that
fright and fear, yes, excess of joy becomes
deadly. Tbey who are naturally cool, and
of a quiet turn of mine, upon whom nothing
can make too powerfull an impression— who
are not want to be excited ether by great
sorrow or great joy, have the best chance of
living long and happy after their manner.—
Preserve, therefore, under all circumstancesi
a composure of mind which no happiness, no
uiiskortqne can too much disturb. Love
nothing to violently—hate nothing to pass
ionately—fear pothing to strongly. For still,
eventually, everything which befalls thee,
the good as well the bad, deserves neither
immoderate hatred nor love ; for already on
many occasions bast tbou perceived, thopgh
cften truly too late, thai thou hast placed too
high a value on those things which passion
ately charmed or pained thee.
Liberality is the best way to gain affection
for we are assured of their friendship to
whom we are obliged.
The greater the man is, the more he hath
need of a friend ; and the more difficulty
there is in finding and knowing him.
Wqrthy minds deny themselyes many ad?
vantages to satisfy a generous beneficence,
which they bear friends in distress.
Inquisitive people are the funnels of con
versation ; they do not take in anything for
their own use, but merely to pass it to an
Choose tby wife wisely; open not thy bo"
som to the triflerf repose not thy head on
the breast which nurseth envy, and folly,
end vanity.
More hearts pine away in secret qnguish
for unkindness from those who should be
their comforters, than for any other calam
ity in life.
He who would bring home the wealth of
the Indies, must carry the wealh of the In*
dies with him. So it is in travelling; a
man must carry knowledge with bim, if he
would bring home knowledge.
If a man could be concious of all that is
said of him in bis absence, he would proba
bly become a very modest man indoed.
Not long since, in one of our interior towns,
a green specimen of Emerald Isle made his
appearance, with a larg6 family—ten chil
dren and a wife—very poor withal. Pat, af
ter cogitating for some time, hit up,on a nov
el plan of 'raising the wiud,' which we will
endeavor to develop for the benefit of gpy odo.
who may be placpd in similar circumstan
He proceeded to V h e bouse of the wealthiest
man in town, (who, by the way, was a tight
fisted old codger, and had often passed by
the miserable hut whets our hero and hist
family stayed, and knew they were suffering
from cold and hunger, yet never offered to re
lieve Pat, or his children who wore crying,
for bread,} one cold morning in December,
and, ringing at the door, inquired for Mr,
R , who soon made his appearance.
Pat, with a knowing look, requested of birp
the loan of a sum of money sufficient to get a
letter from the Post Office, sent to him from
the "ould counthry," and, as he said, con
taining something valuable. Old Skinflint,
for the first time in his life, was generous, and
gave away a sixpence; our Irish friend took
the money and "W9nt on his way rejoicing.'*
The next morning, early, Pat returned,
and was received with a cold nod, and "Ilovy
d'ye do, Pat?" He drew an ominous look
ing document from his pocket, which be said
he had received from ould Ireland in the let
ter, and requested Old Skinflint to examine,
it. Upon inspection, it proved to be a paper
purporting to he ''the last will and testa
ment" of a wealthy unode of Pat's bequeath
ing to his nephew, Mr. Patrick M -, tha
sum of £250,000.
Mr. R all at once discovered that
our Irish friend was a remarkably
ing man, and, throwing off his usual severity
of manner, extended his hand, and congratu-.
lated him on his good fortune, same
time remarking:
"I understand, Mr. M -, that yoqqrq
not in very good circumstances, at present.
I have been thinking fur some time past that
I would call down to your house and SW hovf
your family were, and render assistance if
necessary. It is a pity that so good-looking
a man as you should live in that old shell of
a house you now occupy. I have a fine house
vacant just now, which you 6hall move into,
Accordingly, Pat's family was removed
with their goods and chattels, and eomforta
bly quartered in cue of R -'s nice bom
ses. R— rrr— furnished him with the mon
ey to carry on the necessary business in pro-,
curing the legacy set forth in the will, and -
the means to Bupport his family through the
most part of a long, cold winter. One day
Pat wanted two hundred dollars, which, ha
said, would be the last he should require, as
he would receive his money by the next
The next morning, when R arose
and went to take hia accustomsj walk, ha
had the satisfaction of perceiving that Pat
had left with all his family and furniture,
(purchased for him by R ) and the
two hundred dollars. On entering the house
he observed the will, yery nicely folded, ly
ing upon the hearth, and, picking up and
opening it, found a note in which Pat thank
ed him very kindly for his assistance, and
promised to call and see him if be ever oamo
that way.
This stupendous monument of human art
and industry exceeds everything that wa
read of in ancient or modern history. Tha
pyramids of Egypt are littie when compared
wpb a wall which is oonduotea over high
mountains, some of which rise la tha heighf
of five thousand two hundred and twenty
five feet, across the deepest vales, over wide
rivers by means of arehes, and in many partq
is doubled or trebled, to command important •
passes ; at the distance of almost every hun
dred yards is a tower of massy bastion. Tha
extent is computed at fifteen hundred miles,
and is such enormous thickness that six
horsemen may tide abreast upon it.
Sir George Staunton, who acoompaDied 1
Lord Macartney in his embasy to China, con
siders tfiia great barrier to have bean erect
ed at least two thousand years. Du Ifaldt
also says " this prodigious work was con
structed two hundred and fifteen years be
fore the birth of Christ, by the orders of the
first emperor of the family of Tsin, to pro- 1
tect three large provinces from the irrup
tions of the Tartars." One-third part cf tha
able bodied men pf China were employed in
constructing this wall,and the workmen wcra
ordered, under pain of death, to plaoe th e
materials of which it is composed so closely
that the least eptrance might not be left for i
any instrument of pointed iron. The labor
in its construction must have been immense,
as the materials must have been carried over
a desert country to eminences inaccessible to
horses pr Carriages. This " wonder of tha
world" was completed in the short apaoo of
five years, and it is reported that the labor
ers stood so close for many miles that they
cou'd hand the materials from one to anoth
In tho matter of plain speaking we i
are, like the scldier, who, in bis first battle
was afraid to fire off his musket, lest
might burr somebody.