fjtal §)q)arimnti. THURSDAY, OCT., 18th 1860 Bow they take it. . It is. Indeed, amusing to gee how the Democratic papers take their late defeat While some speak of it good-humor edly and in a sensible manner, there are other editors who are disposed to be very wrathy, and who indulge in the most ungen tlemauiy and abusive langague toward the opposition. Of this latter class, is ths editor of the Democratic Watchman, in the last num ber of which paper, we find the following:— "We have met the enemy, but have been overcome by the aid of John Brown's spears, &c." Overcome by the aid of John Brown s apears, who ever hoard of tho like ? At the time ot the John Brown affair, the Demo, cratic papers all over the country said that, inasmuch as the Republican pariy was re sponsible lor the doings of John Brown, and as he was only carrying out their principles, that sensible men, union loving mar, and in deed overvbody, save a few rabid Abolition ists, would forsake the party and gome ever to the ranks of the harmonious Democracy. But as this wonderful desertion did not take place, the Watchman editor now says that it was by tho aid of this very affair—tho very spears that wers to effect this wonderful com ing oyer to the Democracy, that they have been defeated. They were not defeated by the aid of "John Brown's spears, the irre pressible confiiot, and the spirit of sectional fanaticism," hut by the votes of the'.verv men whom their Southern Senators oail " mud sills" and "white slaves "—the free white laboring men of Pennsylvania. A little far ther on the editor says: " While we are engaged in pruning this article, tbp shouts of a reckless and mad en thusiasm, is ovar reverbefatir>g through our tisually quiet village. It may even be the death-knell to the giory of our hitherto ridn ir.g and progressive country." Our opinion on this point is, .that after " car rising ond progressive country" La 3 Stood fr the iast eight year*, the shocks and panics caused by the mißruie and dishonrsly of Democratic is not at ail liks'y that it will fall now when the Govern ment is about io be placed in tbo bands of honest and competent nioo, unless, indeed, it be unable to stand during the lew months which Democrats have yet to remain in of fit*. Agiiu he says : " Emerging from the din and smoke of the conflict, we e*n imagine sanguinary scenes ufsnotner Harper's Ferry lusurrection, ' &3. This is certainly nothing mora than a freik of & disordered imagination. Some thing like ths stories of the thousands of Ab olilioriisti who were seen marcl/rag from the North to aid Jbbn Brown to murder the cbiv sirio sons of Virginia. No man o r judgment has any idea ti at ot' the kind will .ever again oocur, unless it be the threatened rsheliiou ol these "Southern Brethren' when O.d Abe Lincoln shall take his scat in the V. hive House, in which event these "JSoutli icn Brethren" will be served in the same manner which they served-John Brown, 4 aud the Union will stiil flourish and be liie bet t- r for their demise. After Buying inar.y thing? about the man ner in which the Republicans conducted themselves on tha night of the election, and asserting that the negroes of the town shout ed in favor of the Republican candidates, he goes on as loilcvrs, concerning tho behavior of the successful and jubilant party : " Now it is plain that if the peopled' Fenn jylvania intend to suppress such demonstra tions mob law and violence, they must turn the tables by electing Democrats to o f_ fke." Suppress and violence by elect ing Dcmeerats to office ? As well might you try to quench the fire by pi'ing on straw, or to dry the ocean by pouring in water. Lit the plains of Kansas speak. They will veil you of ths law and order observed by Deni-i --crats. L;t the forms of murdered men who were butchered ia cold blood, because of a difference of opinion, testify. Let ths blood of Broderick rise up and ecDdeoin them.— Aud at a still later period, hut few weeks ago we tare another exauipie of their good con duct aDd peaceable principles in the murder of a Methodist minister ia Texas; And " Southern Democratic Brethren" even note are threatening rebellion and bloodshed if the people see proper to elect Abe Lincoln. This locks very much as though yu could suppress mob law and violence by electing Democrats to office. * We think that the better plan for the edi tors of the Watchman to pursue, to say nothing about bloodshed, for when we were a little boy our mother taught us that " people who live in glass houses should not throw stones and moreover, we think that ■the editors should learn to abilc by the will f f the majority, and bear defeat like a pbi I isopher. J lauajouifcnt of a Household. Young lady recd- rs, please cut this out and slick it on yiur I lOking glass : "No young woman ought to I sel herself qualified to become a wife until Ihe is sure she understands how to do the i iost that can be done with her husband's t ioney. The management of a household h not a thing to be properly and safely en. trusted to a servants hands. There are a thousand little ways ID which money must ie expended, in whieh real shrewdness end laterprise aro requisite in order to use ; to the best advantage ; and there are a ■ thousand other ways of saving money nown these who have studied aright re art of economy. The Turkish proverb - xs it that "the prudent woman is a mine of j • wels." and, like many other Oriental say ? gs, this is beautiful for the truth it em jdies. A wasteful housekeeper net only ibs those for whom she undertakes to man-. . ;e, of the comforts it is her duty to provide r ibem, but puts her husband head over * ars in debt and keeps him there, nud makes t e domestic life of a poor man a continuous series of experiments in shinning it from OOiadajf to the next; in stomach full, \ ft* puri'e be empty." Grand Ratification IVle'.tins'. After the re su It of the election in Pennsylvania became known to the people of our town and county it was agreed upon that a grand ratification meeting should be held in this tewn, on Thursday evening after the election. Aecor dinaly preparations were made, and when the time arrived our town was crowded wi'h the jubilant citizens of Centre county. The Wide Awakes of Valentine s Works, ITecla, Ilublersburg, Cnrtin's Works,Milesburg and those of our own borough were in attendance with their lamps trimmed and brightly burn ing. They formed a large cropland pre sented an isanosing appearance. After the procession had marched through the streets for sometime they waited on Col. Curtin and Hon- James T. Hale at their respective res idences, and escorted them to the Court House yard, where they were greeted with the deafening cheers of the enthusiastic crowd. After quiet was sufficiently restor ed Gov. Curtin arose to address the immense crowd. He alluded to the canvass that was just clqseid, to the manner in which he had conducted it, and to the kindness with which he had been treated by the members of all parties. He spoke of Henry D. Foster as a distinguished man and a worthy competitor. He spoke of the manner in wnich he bad been attacked by tbe organs of the F,oman Catholic Church, and assurrcd his Catholic friends that whenever opportunity afforde d be had purchased end circulated broadcast the very papers containing these attacks, knowing that 'hey would further his chan ces of p.lection. His advjc.Q was to them,and all other denominations, to keep the church from becoming too closely allied with poli tics ar.d political parties. lie merely notic ed the vile personal attacks which were madd upon him in this county, thanked the people for the high honor they had conferred upon him, and retired, givi ig place to Hon. Jas. T. lIAle, who entertained the crowd for a short time by one of Lis sound and pleasing 60660068, John 11. Stover was tbec called for and responded in an e'.egaut style. Col, Brown was next called fortl*, and made a brief and spirited Maj . J. S. Brisbin was next called for and raids a short and appro priate address, after which tho meeting was addr.e;sed by Martin Stono and Jaipes F. Riid'a. The meeting was then dismissed and many of the people retu'med to their homes. A large portion ol' the crowd, however, con gregated in front of the Conrad House, where tffey were addressed by several speakers. During the whole evening a large bon-Sre was kept up in the diamond. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed, ond everything passed off in a pleasant and peaceable mariner. lUawspapors. Oi ail the amusement that can possibly be imagined for a hard-working man after a day's toil, or its intervals, there is nothing like reading an entertaining newspaper. It relieves his heme of its dullness oy sameness, which nine cases out of ten, is what drives him to tho ale-house, to his own ruin and his family's. It transports hirn into a gayer and livelier, and more diversified and inter esting scene ; and while be enjoys h : mse!l there, he may forget the evils of the moment fully as much as if he was ever to dtuuk with the great advantage of finding himself the next day with the money ia .Lis pocket, or, at leas', Did out in real necessaries and comforts for bis family, without a head ache. Nay, it accompanies bitn to his next day's work, and gives hi u something to think of besides the mechanical drudgery of his every day operation—something be tan enjoy whils absent. To Succeed. . . , The enterprising business man, One who keeps bis eyes open to the fluctua tions of "prices current" and make/ his ba sines the upper idea in his brain, is the man most likely to meet ths turns of trade. Eve ry business man has his srciet of success, but the general and nevej failing secret — the secret adopted by far seeing .bpa'oess men is to advertise. Advertisements in a local news paper, are as perambulating sign boards, and a standing AJverflseiuent makes its pevigrinations weekly to almost every family in the county, piovided the Adver tisement bs in the DEMOCRAT. Business men awakened to their interests are making our p#gs, Umbrellas, and, in short, everything ustaiiy found iu a well assorted store of this ki nd. We ait-o keep a line assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, such as Pocket book's Porttnouuies, Rocket knives and Razors, Combs, and Brushes, Wuteh- Chains, Keys aud Guards, Finger-rings A Breast pins, Violin and Guitar Strings, Pistols, Revolv ers, Percussion Caps, Spectacles, Spy Glasses,and a great many other fancy aDd useful articles, too numerous to doscr ibe, all of which we will sell at the Lowest Cash Prises. We invite every person in need of Clothing or any of the above mentioned articles, to favor us with a call and examine our goods, and price's, and we are confident that we can give sttisfaction, arid every person shall feel inclined to tell his friends v here Goods and Cheap Clothing can be got. We are constantly receiving accessions to our stock from REIZ ENSTXI.nb Btio's'., I'bijadel pkia, wiih whom we are connected, and shall al ways be supplied with a good variety of all the ar tides in our line, which will surpass in style, cut, workmanship and cheapness.thoae of any other es tablishment iu this part of the country. A. STERNBERG & CO. Bellcfonte, Oct. 4, 'jib tf. A, UAWLEY& CO., PRACTICAL PERFUMERS, 117 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a 'fi UK proprietors of this establishment feel con- J fident that their preparations will compare favorably with any ir. the world, either fort ign cr domestic Extracts for the Handkerchief of the most exquisite odcrs. POMADES and OILS for the f air, of the finest, fixture and the sweetest perfumes SUAVrNG CREAMS and TOILET SQ4.P3 of i the finest and must deiicate for nation. Also Ilnwiey's Liquid llair L>ye, is decidedly superior to any now iu use. A.'s 01. BATE OP CopoA. Thisprepcra tion is the article above all others for dressing the ham. It is exceedingly fine and delicate, and renders the hair dark, soft and glossy The odor is delightful. No one should bo without it. POW DERS, BAN-DOLING, ROUGE, AC., and every variety of fine and choice perfumery. HAWLBV'S FRUIT EXTRACTS for flavoring pics, puddings, jeilies. confectionery and Mineral Water Syrups. All of which rival the best, and are surpassed by none. Oct. 4, 1860, 3m. [E. G. 0. LOUIS GERBER, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF IB? 1 j£L IST O "ST SP'TTIELgS. For Ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Wear, NO. 23DL AUGH ST., PHIL'A. All kinds of Furs Dressed, Cleaned and Repaired. Furs made to order at the shortest notice. Full value paid for Shipping Furs. Furs taken care of during' the Summer Oct. 4, '6o.—ly. KLEMM & BR.OTHEFL, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS k DEALERS IN JUttsical Instruments, GERMAN, FRENCH AND IZlimiiOiiri. Strings, No. 705 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 13,-4t- FARMERS' UNION INSURANCE COMPA RJ-. ,Corner Chcmungand .Main sts., ATHENS Bradford county, Pa.—CASH CAPITAL, §200,000 | Special attention given to Insurance of Farm Property, Dwellings, and Out-houses. Insures such buildings or contents in a very favorable mariner, for 3 or 5 years. promptly adjus ted and . Houses, Stores, and other buildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandize, on as favorable terms asany similar institution. OFFICERS* —Hon. Horace Willisten, President C. 1. Welles, Jr., Vice President and Treasurer J. E. Canfield, Secretary. IRA C. MITCHELL, AGENT, Bellefonte, Pa. April 3d 56 22 tf HARRIBRVRG N4.IL COMPANY'S AGENCY ' ' * LEWI3TOWN, PA., GO OPjPEK KEG.— JLuts Company's Nails are equal in quality to the best Nails made iu Pennsylvania, aud f r superior to any in this market, as our largely increased sales fur the past three months will testify. For Sale by F. G." FRANC'ISCUS, Agent Harrisburg -Nail Company. Discount to dealers—a large stock always on hand— all orders promptly filled—delivered at the uailroad station or canal. [Aug. 16.—*60.—tf. MADAME SI R H EAD'S IN FA LIAAB J. K PO WD EE S, FJR the speedy and effectual Cure of all Infla mations, Fevers. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Riles, Gravel, and all Acute and Chronic Diseases of Adults and Children. —Send 3 cent Stamp to her Agent, G. B. JONES, Hundreds of testimonials.] Box 2070 Phila, P. 0. TfkVT Agency, S. W. cor. Third A Arch Sts. Oct. 4, 1860. lOt. J. Web. EDER, CUM MINGS $ CO., LOCK Haven and Tyrone Daily Line of Sta ges, leave Lock Haven at 0 o'clock, A. M., i arrive at Bellefonte at 3 2 o'clock. Leave Belle fonte at 12J o'clock, arrive at Tyrone at 6 o'clock P. M. Leave Tyrone at OA. M., arrive at Belle fonte at 4 o'clock, P. M., leave Bellefonte for Lock ! Haven at 4 P. M., and arrive at 11 P M f- July 19,—1560. NOTICE. —The creditors of the Tyrone A Lock Haven Railroad Company are hereby no'.i fiid to present their claims to the society as early as possible. By order of tbe Board. Sep'. 18 ta '6O. W. J. KEALSH, See- TAS. H. RANKIN, ATTORNEY-AT FJ LAW, BELLEFONTM, PA. w'll attend prompt |ly to all legal business entrusted to him. Office next door to the Poet Office. [Sjpt. 20, '6O, tf. NEW STORE! HARDWARE HARDWARE? 1 Vr B* IX - spNfmmmsTA ll^evnte/Yf BELLEFONTE. milE undersigned would respectfully inform 1 the citizens of Centre county that they have opened a HARDWARE STORE in the Room formerly occupied by Wilson A Bro. on the Northwest corner of the Diamond. They have selected their stock with great care, and are prepared to sell goods from fifty to oue hundred per cent lower than can bo had at any other place. The ladies are partic-t larly invitetj to pail and examine their assortment of cutlery. They ear nestly solicit, a ilboral portion of the publi'o pa tronage, and will take every pains to please. Tltev have constantly on hand a variety of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. Riffles, Shot Guns, and Locks oi every descrip tion. CROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SA WS, And ail vatrieties of HAND-BACK, GRAFTING AND PANNEL SA IKS'. Broad, Hand and c-hopning Axes. Butchers eleav or and choppers. DRAWING KNIVES, HAMMERS, HATCH ET?, cm'SLES, and ADZES. HAY, MANUA'E ' AND SPREADING PORKS. EDGE TOOLS OF EfRR Y DESCRIPTION. CEDAR AND.WFLLdW WARE, PAINT? AND DUSTING BRUSHES. ! NAILS, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS & PUTTY, COAL OIL AND LAMi S. SADDLER Y HARD WARE. COACH TRIM JUGS 1 Also, COFFIN FIXTURES, And everything that is generally kept in a well regulated Hardware Stoie. Terms Cash. BAXIRESStR & CRIST. Bellefonte, april 26, '6o.—y. """ ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY Virtue-oi au order of ttf Orphans Court of Centre county, will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on FRIDAY. OCTOBER lfflA, 1860, the undivided half of a certain Farm of traot of Land, situate iu Worth-tp.. Centre county, about two miles west of Martha Furnace, on to plank Road, being the real estate of Joseph Williams tlec'd, bounded ou the North by land known as llarlnnd Morrison's improvement, oh the east by laud of William Ivelley, on tile south by land of Clement Ceckwith and Thomas Wilson, contain ing about 476 acres, of which about 70 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance well timbered upon which are erect ed Two Dwelling Houses, two Barns, one Saw Mill, and other out buildings. The said farm is situate on the Bald Eagle Plan t Road, on the waters of the Bald Eagle Creek. TERMS OF BALE-—One huh' the purchase money on confirmation of the sale, and the resi due in one year thereafter with intjrost, to be se cured by boud and mortgage on the premises. JOHN W. RICHARDS, Admr. Sept. 6th-'6O 3. ; -ts. " JACOB LABOMUS" 618 Market Street, Philadelphia, DEALER IN AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, HAS always on hand, a large assortment of the above kinds of Watches which he will nclFas low asany other House iu tho City or else where. J. L., would particularly call attention to the Cetrbruted American Watch, which ia point, of accurate time' keeping and durability will ex cel any imported wa'cli of the sumo cost, and is far less liable of getlfrig out of ordtr than any watch made. These are FACTS krhieh *WiIl fife dei onstrated to any purchaser op a fair tiial. Satisfaction will be guaranteed to any and all purchasing at my establ-shuicnt. A large assort ment of JCWSLRY, SILVER & SILVER PLATED WARE. of every description, style and Pattern, constantly on hand at No. St. Philadelphia. Sept. 6 66-35—ly. "HONOR THE""DEAD! MARBLE WORKS. HAVING just returned from the Eastern mar ker, v, here I have purchased a large and ex. tensive stock of marble at greatly reduced prices I am prepared to fill all order! with tvhich I may be favored, with promptness and despatch. My stock includes the best quality of furetgh aud do mestic marbles. - 1 have employed in my establishment some of the best and must experienced workmen in the State, and persons wlio have her tore patroniz ed me can testify to the superio- workmanship u >th in execution and design which I manufac ture. Persons who desire marble tombstones, table tops, or anything into which the article can be manufactured wilt do well to give me a culi. All work delivered free of ehargo. Shop on High street "IJeilefonte, Pa. WM. G AH AG AN. Apr. 12, '6O tf. __ HO WR AD ASSOC! AT ION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special En dowment, J'ur the Relief' of the Sick ami Distress ed, afflicted with Vinqtnt and Epidemic Dis eases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a ueseriptiou of thier condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac..) and in case of extreme pover ty. medicine furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Orgahs, aud on the New Remedies employed in the' Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, 'reo of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be accepta ble. Address, Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, Acting"Frr geon, Ilowaed Association, No. 2 South Ninth St. Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. • EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Pres't. GEO. FAIRCIIILD, Sect'y. Sept. 6. 60. 35.—6 m. HAINES & DOCK. WHOLE ALE GEO CERS, 210. 35 North Water Street, PHILADELPHIA. GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, Merchants of Central Pcnnsvlvania LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ! \ If you wish to buy cheap go to Haines A D oc ] fi They keep on hand the host articles to be had in the City, in their line of business. .Call and examine their goods. Remember their Firm is at' ' No. 65 North Water Street, PHILADELPHIA Apr. 26.'60.—1y. IME 1 LIME ! 1 LIME ! !! The subscriber re spectfully informs the public that he has erected a Kiln near the Borough of Bellefonte, where he is inaking.Lime of asuperior quality— which is acknoledged to be as white and pure as the Plyrn outh lime. All he asks is to give it a trial, and he is satisfied the purchaser will come back again. LEON MACK4LL. Aug. 23, 1860.—-tf. ~ VALUABLE. PROPERTY FOR S ALE." TMIE subscriber offers fur sale that very valna X ble property now in the occupancy ot Col. R Lipton, the said property is situate on the corner of Centre and Market streets, fronting on the Dia mond, and is the most desirable place of residence in Milesburg, will be offered for a short time only at a very low figure. J. Q. McMEEN. Milesburg, June 28, '6o.—tf. V ALUABLE GIFTS WITH BOOKS AT 3 GEO. G. EVANS' origin a /, GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE HE LARGEST INt TEWCEID!! PERMANENTLY located AT •439 CHESTNUT STREET,. PHILADELPHIA, SIXTH YEAR OTTHS ENTERPRISE. CARD. Having purchased the spacious Iron Building. No. 439 Chestnut Street, and fitted it vp with every convenience to facilitate my business, particularly that branch devoted to Country Orders ; and hav ing 11 larger capital than any other party invested in the business. I am now prepared to offer greater advantages, and better gijts than ever to my cus tomers. I will furnish any bo k ( of a moral character) published in the United States, the regular retail pi-ice of which is One Dollar or upvr.rt*. and give a present worth from 30 cents to 100 dollars with each book, aad guarantee to gice perfect saiifuc (ion, as tarn determined to ma'ntaiu the reputation already bestowed upon my establishment. Strangers visiting Phsladelphia are inyitek to call and judge for theinscloes. 0. 0. lib vl_\.S. IF YOU WANT ANY SJGipSa BEND TO *'* "* * GEO. G. EVANS, RELIABLE gift book enterprise, No. 439 CHERTNCT STREET, miLUHxnin, Where all books are'sold at the Publishers low est prie'es, ami vou have the ' ' u3My^ z TsflG JS Of receiving A HANDSOME PRESENT WORTH FROM 6T) CENTS TO 101) DOLLARS Willi EACH BOOK. GEO. G. EVANS' Original Gift Book Enterprise " has been endorsed by the book trade and all the leading city and country newspapers in the Un'ted States. G to. G. EVANS' Punctual business transactions have received tbo approbation of over it,000,900 eitucnta of the Uni ted r tatos, each of whom have ro civcd-substantial evidence of the pi-Heirs' derived by purchßing books at this establishment. GEO. G.Evvss Has done move than any other publisher or bookseller in the Uni te d States,towards diffusing know 1- edge to the people* By his system many books are read that other wise" would not have round their yray into the hands of readers. — Frank Leslie's Newspaper. GEO. G.EVANS Keeps'constantly on hank the most extensive stock, the greatest assort* ent of Books, and circu lates free to all who may apply, the must complete catalogue ot B( oks and Gifts in the Uilited Suites. GEO. G. ETANS Has advantages offered bitn oth er publishers and manufacturers which enable him to furnish his patrons with a finer quality and a better assortment of gifts than any other establishment. GEO. G. ETVNS Publishes nearly Two Hundred Pcfmlar and interesting Books, therefore, as a publisher, lie is bet ter able to offer extra premiums and commissions. ' GEO. G. EVAXS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to all who may send for books. GEO. G. EVAKS' New classified catalogue ofbooks embrace the writings of every stan dard author in every department oi literature, aDd gives all the in formation relative to the purchas ing an j forwarding by mail or Ex press of books ordered from his es tnblishme t, to; ether with full di rections how to remit money. GFO. G. Evtss' Catalogue of books will be sent gratis and free of postage to any address in the United States. GEO. G. EVAXS' Inducements to agents cannot he surpassed. The most liberal c6m missions are offered, and by solic iting subscription" to books in the same time that it would take to sell one on tho Old fashioned subscrip tion plan. Send for a classified cata'ogue, and every information will be given in reference to agen cies. Select your' books enclose the amount of money required,and one trial will satisfy you that the best place in the country to pur chase books is at THE EJTENSIVE. GIFT BOOK ESTAt-LISHEENT. OF GrC?G> Gr. No. 439 Chestnut Street, Phiiiulelpfuii. WHERE YOU CAN GEL' BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Books of Fact! Books of Fiction ! Bo ks of Devotion ! BOOKS ol Amusement! Books lor old Folks ! Books for young Folk 3 ! Books For Huonds ! Books for Wives ! Books for Lovers'. Books for Sweethearts 1 Books for Boys! Books for Uirls! Books of Humor! Books of Poetry,! Books of Travel 1 Books of History! Books of Biography .1 B /oks of Adventure I Books about Sailorsi Books about Suidiers ! Books about Indians } Books about Hunters 1 Books about Heroes I Boods about Patriots ! ' B'-oks aj)out Farmers! Books for Mechanics ! Books for Merchants ! Books "or Physicians 1 Books for Lawyers! Books for Statesmen ! Bibles ! Presentation Books ! Prayer Books t Hymn Books 1 Juvenile Books I Annuals! Albums! ' Etc., tet'e. ' Cceil B. Hartley's Interesting Biograpuies ! • Hev. J. If. Ingraham's Spiritual' Fomanoes.l Smucker's Live oi Patriots and diltesmcfi . J. X. Lauren's Revolutionary stories ! x. Arthur's Popular Tales ! X)r. Alcott's Family Doctor ! Mrs. Ilent7's Novels! Mrs. Southworth's Novels! Cooper's Novels! 1 Dickens' Novels! Waver'y Novels ! Irving's Works 1 All the writings of very standard author in every department cf literature, in every style cf binding, at tne publisher's lowest prices, and re member that you pay no more than you would at any other establishment,and you have the ail\an tage of receiving an elegant Present, which often times is worth a hundred fold more than the amount paid for the book. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED GATALOQUE OF BOOKS. Order reref and I 1 ~!• rl-. !■} i• -Ty* \ all kind .f jt fancy Fi • . ~.a!?:• -v. ( I AVLNG . -••-• rti li my A'** Star ■ _S ffMAr-h St, • "-A- • ■'= • --'-"ff '-.w eogagcj rv ~ v T-iF". A' in the Ma end Sale ot Fancy Furs, which in arc ' Y with the •' One /'rice Principle," I . marked at the latest possible prices COLSff'e-rit a reasonable profit, i would solicit a v'-it ;>*,..u these in want of Furs for either Ladies'o- ■. drens' B'eur, and an inspection of my select; th so goods, fatified, hs I am, of my ability please in every attired essential. j©Sr Persons f a distance, who may fiatl i' convenient to c.Ai personally, need only nam. article, they wish, together with the price, a* . - structions for sending, and forward the orae my address—money accompanying—to i i -ur satilaetory compliance with their wishes. Aug. 23, — 'CO. ilia. [J. Web. ci SUMMER GOCD^ I A 0 HUMES A BRO., invite the atteuri ■ _j t ot the public affd iheir old customers to very largo and extensive assortment of Bpffa.- Summer Goods, which they have just opened . are now offering to purchasers at tbeVoty low. priceJ. They would call particular attention the great variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, ' \ consisting in part, of Nhawls, Mantles, bilks, * reges, Tissues, Ac* These goods were all selcv -A* expressly to suit the taste of the ladies-in this H cinity, ' ~.e offered with an assortment siory and Gloves, Drc. :; Trimmings, Cellars, 1. - Ueralecve.-, Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS in styles, qualities and at very reason bio ptio* can also be found at this establishment, togcihv with one of th- host stocks of READYMADK CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, STRAW GOOD:- FOR MEN, "WOMEN, BOYS & GIRLS. A very extensive assortment of hardware has beer; brougghl from the <■ fern mark Co, embracing t variety to suit the trailo, honsekccpe?3,' Ac. Ahi GROCKRIBS. of the very beat quality, with irisn - SAJ.T and I'LASTER. These goods are 3 red to thopnblio Rt a mud lower rate than thasamj -ticles can be tourchßse<" any where in C'eutro county. ey. 21th 1860. E. B. CLEMENTS IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE 'S HE undersigned beg leavo to iutorm the peo' 1 pie, especially the ladies of Ccutie ormct; that tbey have purchased tte right, and are now manufacturing E. B. CLEMENTS IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE. This inaehiue is far superior to anything of the kind ever introduced into this county. It is sim ple of construction, and therefore durable. It saves labor, as any ordinary women can do a days washing, on this machine in less than three hours. No family should be without it. Wo have already disposed of a largo numher of ma chines and are pleased to learn, that they have proved to be even bettor than they wore r'K'ooir.- uicuilcd. VVe would refer the citsscfie of Ceutre county t> the following persons who have used the machine and have found it to lei groat la bor and h)alth r saving institution; Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Hillibish, Mrs. Hlnir end Mrs. Koalsh of Bellefonte, and Messrs. C. A J. Curtin, Eagi' Iron works. ■ k Persous wishing machines will do well to send in their orders soon, Address, or call on' the un - dersigned* DANIEL KeGINLEY, CYRUS STRICKLAND pdac; 6-60-35—.tf Beiiefocto Pa. NEWiI ANEW ItFEETIGN! ! THE undersigned take 3 great pleasure i**. ? uouncing to his fellow eitizeiis o: Centre anl adjoining counties, that he is now making th-- new and improved Tilll SHIJfG MACHINE, usually called the *' Tumbling .Miaft Threshtr.r is far superior to c.iy ther u;<. chine ever used in this Country. It threshes fast er, runs easisr, andwithotit cracking the grains. All farmersviavin'g on hand the "Uiu Machine" can have thetn altered with Very little expense, so as to be just as good us new, as the -aom whoe'.' and ba-fings will answer. Any person trying too New Machine would ba troubled no longer v,'it the old one. I done in the shortest notice and on the mostroas- I onable terms for cash or country produce. Thank j ful for past favors, he nopes by strict attention to I business to merit a larger shfuc of public patron age. ' JA.uniS WARD. Bellefoate, May 31,-1860* 3m. BAYKISG HOUSE, a. c. nruEs, JAs. '• HkLli a.a. m'ALLISTER, A. o. CURTIX Interest paid on Special Deposit. HUMES, M'A LUSTER HALE & CO., EELLEFONTE, PA. DEPOSITS received, Bills of exchango and Notes Discounted, Collections made and proceeds remitted promptly. Interest paid or, special deposits for Ninety days, and nuder six months at the rate of four per cent, per aiimyu. For six months and upwards, at tho rsto if its i per eant. par niouu. Exchango on the East etant£y on buni. Nov. 27* bb VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE The subscriber offores ti sell his Farm situated in "-priug township, Centra county, on the Turnnikoßoad leadingfrom lielic fonte to Levis town, one and-a half mues from Bellefonte. eon'lalßing about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ACRES, about 145 acres cleared, and the tialanoe well tim bered. The improvements consist of a largo com modious FRAME HOUSE. IIANN EARN, and all necessary out buildings. A spring of liv ing water, handy to the door, and a yotm? Re- r ing Orchard of choice Iruit. This property is con veniently situated forcburch and school privilege-*. Any person wishing to purchase, would ilo we'd to look at this property before purchasing. Tenuis easy. For further particulars apply to tho subscriber living on tbo property, or at this office. B. CLAPP. TWO FARMS FOR SALE. TnEBE farms are situated in' Graham township, Clearfield county, Pa. about 3 miles from the village cf Kylertown ; each contain: 120 acres, of which there is 60 or 70 acres cleared on each firm. On one is erected a large Two Story Frame House and large Frame Barn, and rn the other a log House and Barn. A young orchard on each',hear ing fruit* Terms made hi suit purchasers. For further particulars address, )YM. 11. CAMPBELL, M. D.. Moshannon, Centre Co., Pa., Ang.23 ,-ISCOtf. LETTER*) testamoutary no the e-tate ui rv .VcWU iaras, dee'd., late of Ferguson t*rp have been granted to the undersigned, who re quests all persons indebted to said estate to m ike immediate pvvment, and those having claim* o present them didv auiht nticatcil for settlement. - '* 3A.VSfLxtfeWILLIA.WB, AdmV