Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 11, 1860, Image 1

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    % Jfamiln ftegagtr —$tbott& to politics, fongrate, f iterate, Science, ®j;e littff&ap, ®Jj| s|ferkte, (Kbucation, Amusement General Intelligence, tCe.,
J. S. & J. J. BRISBIN,
i,\t Centre Democrat.
Ojjp.ce in the Arcade BuUdinj, Second Floor.
TERM3.—SI,SO if paid in advance or within sis
months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari
ably be charged. No subscriptions received for
a shorter period than six months and none dis
continued, unless at the option of the editor, until
all arrearages are naid.
Office on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10'5'd
toruirly occupied bv the Hon. James Burnside.
Jan. 19, 'rO.-tf.
>V . LAW BJELLKPONTK, PENNA.M ill attend to
ail legal business entrusted to hiru, with prompt
ness. May, 5 R-9.
-LAW BBLLFONTS, Pa , will promptly at
tend TO all legal business entrusted to him. office
three doors North of the diamond. jan.l2'oo
attend to and correctly execute ell businesi en
trusted to him. [June 14,—'60, — tf.
will faithfully attend to all business entrus
ted o him. Ofiiee un Northwest corner of the Dia-
Apr. 12, '6o, tf.
/~l_ Will faithfully attend to all business cptrust-
T 0 him. Office in the Arcade. jan 5 60.
~ trfiO L- POTTER. TO. 13.
OFFICE on High street, (old office.) Bellefonte
Pa. Will attend to professional calls as
heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional
services his friends and the public. Oct.2C'sß
DR. EAIRLAMB has- associated with bim DR
J. 11. DOBBINS, in the practico of medicine
iifiee as heretofore on Bishop street, opposite the
Temperance Hotel. March 19.57.
'V L'ILYBLOLAIS, having permanently located
offers his Professional services to the citizens of
Pine Grove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully
oslicits A liberal portion of the public patronage.
[Feb. 13, '6o.—ly.
1 I LINGLE, Operative
AND Mecnahical Dentist, will prae-
MXRPYTR ticc all the various branches of his
profession in the most approved manner. Office
and residence on Spring St.Bcllefonte _a.
[Mar. £. 00. tt.
LAW, BBLLSFONTB PA. WILL attiond to ah
entrusted to him with care and prompt
ness. Refer to Gov. Pollock, Milton Pa. and
lion. A. G. Curtin, Beliefonto Pa- Office with
John if. Stover jan. 5, '6ll. I
T R. MUFFLY, Ac: - N ' T FJR ™-
tons wishing to secure themselves from losses by
lire, will do Well to call upon bim at the store of J.
It. Muffiv & Co., N. E. corner of the Diamond,
three doors above Allegheny S.trte', Bellefonte,
Centre co , I'a. Mar. 15, '6O.
W W. WHITE, DENTIST, has per
. manently located IRJ Boalsburg, Centre
County Pa. Office on main St.. next door to the
store of Johnston & Keller, where he purposes
practising his professior in the most scientific
manner and at moderate charges. mar. 13'60
TICLES OF AGREEMENT nearly aud cor
rectly executed. Also, attention will be given to
the adjustment of Book Accounts, and accounts
f Adminstratior s and Executors prepared for filing.
office next door to the Post Office.
PET., 19th, 'S3J WM. J. KEALSH
bbw"g.P.WlugabO ;
Office and residence on the Norta
lastern corner of the Public Square, near the
Court House.
Will be found at his office, except two weeks in
sachmonth, commencing on the first Monday of
each month, when he will bo filling professional
engagements elsewhere. Oct. 22. '57 4g tt.
______ £TOVE JJ
BELLEFONTE, PA., will practice his pro
fession in the seyeral courts of" Centre county. —
All business entrusted to bim will he carefully at
tended to. Collections made and all monies
promptly remitted. Office, on High st. formerly
opcuped by Judge Burnside, and D. C. Boa'i, Esq.
wherohe can be consulted both in the Eng:ishand
intbe gerinan language. May 6, '56—22 ly.
Office in the- rooms formerly occupied by
Linn <FC Wilson, Allegheny street. Jas. Macman
ushas associated with W. P. Macroanus, Esq., in J
the practico of law. Professional business intrus
tedt o their care will receive prompt attention.
They will attehd the several Courts in the Coun
ties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield.
June 21,'60, tf.
XI LAW, will attend pro nptly to nil business
stedto their care. Office in the building
formerly occupied by Hon, Jas. T. Hale.
Messrs. NALE & Hoy will attend to my business
during my absence in Congress, and will be as
sisted by me in the trial of all causes entrustedto
them. J- T. HALE. jan_s'lß6o
The undersigned having associated them
selves in the practise of Law, will faithfully at
tend to all professional business entrusted to them
in Centre, Clintion and Clearfield counties. All
collections placed in their Lends, will receive
their promt attention. Office in Blanehard'S new
building on Allegheny street.
opened A Barber Shop one door above the Frank
lin House, where ho can bo found at alt times.—
Good Razors, keen and sharp, kept constantly ou
hand. Hair Dressing, Shampooning, Ac., atten
ded to in the most workman like manner. He
hopes by R strict attention to business to receive a
liberal share of public patronage.
Bellefonte, June 28, 1860-— tf.
Rills cf Exchange and Notes discounted ; Collec
t-.ons made and Funds promptly remitted. Inter
est paid on Special _ Deposits, Exchange on the
SARTVN cities constantly on hand and for sale.
Dtpfclite received. April 7 '3B
mm factual Measurement by Instrumcn
p tai Surveys throughout the County.
By H. I'. WALLING, Civil Engineer.
FINITE undersigned proposes to publish by order
JL a largo and accurate Popographical Ma; of
Centra county, from thorough and careful sur
veys, by H. F. WalliDg, Civil Engineer.
Every road has been carefully surveyed by
course and distance, and the location noted of all
the public roads, Dwellings, Churches, Post Offi
ces, Hotels, Stores, School Houses, Factories,
Mills. Shops, Mountains, Pond 3 Streams, &c.—
The names of Property Holders generally—care
fully including those who order the work—will
be engraved upon the Map, showing thecxact lo
cation of each.
Extra Mops of the Principal Villages will be
engraved upon the margin o' the Map ; also a
Table of Distances, showing the number of miles
from vach Post office to every othea throughout
the county, together with the latest statistical in
formation. Au ornamental border will surround
the Map
Tho Map will be engraved by the m st skillful
Artists in -the country, handsomely colored and
mounted, and will be delivered to tbose who or
der for Five dollars per copy.
We are now actively engaged in forwarding tli e
work, and shall endeavor to give every property
holder an opportunity of ordering a copy, and al
so of examining the work before its final com
pletion; in order to make it entirely satisfactory
as to accuracv, <£c.
The map will contain all the information usual
ly fouud iu Town maps, for each of the towns in
the county, and it i 3 obvious that the most liberal
patronage is needed to sustain us in producing a
work of so great magnitude and expense. As it
is evidently of such practical utility nnd inteiest
to business men and citizens generally, present
ing so minute an l distinct a representation of the
county, that even the child may readily acquire a
correct idea of each town, village. Ac., and their
trne directions, distances from each other, we con
fidently solicit and expect the hearty co-operation
of the intelligent and enterprising citizens of Ccu
tro county.
S. D. TILDEX, Publisher.
These maps are said exclusively by the
Publisher, and no variation in price. Eo more
mans are printed than what are actually ordered.
We the undersigned, having examined the re
cent surveys ani drafts of Outre county, also
Topographical Maps of other counties, puiishcu
by Wr. 8. D. Tilden, take pleasure in recommend
ing a Topographsoal Map of this county, which is
very much needed, being of great practical value
to business men and citizens generally, and from
the united testimonials and recommendations the,
have from distinguished gentlemen wh-re they ;
have made surveys and published county iaap3. — i
We feel confident they will furnish an accurate, ;
reliable ar.d useful Map and Diicctory well war- j
ty of liberal patronage.
We hope the citizens of this county will interest
themselves sufficiently in this enterprise, so that
the Publisher may engrave upon the margin of
the map, extra planS*fcf the villages in the county
upon an enlarged scale.
Considering the expense of such a survey of the >
whole county, and being entirely a local work wo .
think it is offered to the citizens on very reason- |
ible terms. !
Wm. F. Reynolds, James T. Hale, John Ifoffor, j
'dam Hoy, Wm. A. Thomas, E. ('■ Humes. JraC. ;
Mitchell, H- N. McAllist er, J-8. Barnhart, Jas.
A'. Beaver, Cyrus T. Alexander, E l. Bianchard,
If. Brookerhoff, Wm. P. Wilson, Geo. L. Potter,
Geo. Livingston, Jacob V. Thomas, Geo. A. Fair !
lamb, Jas. H. Rankin, James F. Riddle, John
Tonner, Test, George W. Tate, John T.
Iloovor, P. I>. Wilson, James Linn, .T. B. Mitch
ell, E. Greene, J. H. Stover. P. G. Durham, Sain'l
Linn, 11. P. Harris, A. S. Valentine.
Aug. 23, IS6O. tf. '
And the various affections consequent upon a disordered
Such as Indigestion, Aridity of the Stomach, Colidkv Pains,
Heartburn. Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costivenoss,
Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and
Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated
Holland Professor, Bcerhave. Its reputation at home pro
duced its introduction here, the demand commencing with
those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of tliis
mighty country, many of whom brought with them and
handed down the tradition of its value. It is now offered
to the American public, knowing that, its truly wonderful
medicinal virtues m tut be acknowledged.
It is particularly recommended to those.persons whose
constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use
of arder.t. spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally
instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat
of life, thrilling and quickening every verve, raising up the
drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor
in the system.
NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage wfil
be disappointed: hut to the sick, Wfak and low spirited, it
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, oos=essed of singular
remedial properties.
The Genuine highly concentrated Boerhave's Holland
Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at
ONE DOLLAR per bottle, or six bottles for Fivjj DOLLARS. The
great demaud for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced
many imitations, which the public should guard against
Beware of Imposition. See that cur name is on the
label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded
by Express to most points.
pharmaceutists and Chemists.-
Sept. 6, '6o.
No. 1010 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
CMILSON's Patent Cone and Vontiiating
FURNACES, Cooking Ranges,
Bath Rollers,
Common and Low Down Parlor Grates,
Warm AIT Registers and Ventilating, Ac. Ac.
Particular attention given to warming and Ven
tilating Buildings of every description.
Apr. 26, —18$0. ly
" Have you heard that Harry Conner is
expected homo this week ?" said Patty Al
len, at the sewirg circle of our village, look
ing up from her work while she spoke, as if
announcing something of importance.
"No indeed ! You don't say ? La now !"'
were the various ejaculations that responded
to her remark. "Do tell, is ho as rich and
handsome as they say ?"
" I had the news from hi 3 aunt," said Pat
ty. " lis is to be home on Saturday. Father
says he will be the richest man in the coun
tv, for ho has got all his uncle's estate, and
Doctor Parker was the first physician here
for thirty years."
" Then the old mansion will be opened
once more," said Ellen Eden, looking up with
enthusiasm in her fine eyes ; "it is r so dull
and gloomy now, in spite of its magnificent
belt of trees, and everything about it seems
so neglected, that I shall be glad when its
master returns to clear the dead twigs from
the walks and tie up the roses on the trel
liee-work again, as I remember them when a
"Pshaw!" said Isabel Warner. "If it
was mine I'd cut down all the trees and tear
away the old trellice-work porch ; and in its
place there should be a colonnade, with Co° j
riuthian pillars. And I'd have larger win- |
dows put in. and the parlors thrown into l
one ; and there should be new marble man
tles ; and then I'd give a great ball —oh !
such a ball as we've never seen here—and
then, girls, you should all bo invited."
" I'm afraid," said Ellen, smilling, " that
the old place would ecarcely know itself-"
•' That it wouldn't; but what of that? —
Old Dr. Parker was a blue-law Presbyterian,
almost as bad a ; , you, Ellen ; but I warrant
the young hoir is not so old fashioned. Nay, j
I beg pardon,'* sho said, as she saw Ellen's ;
flushed cheek, " I didn't intend to hurt your
" There is no Deed for an apology," said
Ellen mildly, " hut dear Isabel I only wish ;
you were a blue-law Presbyterian, as you 1
call it—or a b'ue law Episcopalian, or any- 1
thing else."
" Well—well—time enough yet," paid Is- j
abfl, half gaily, half pettishly, " hut Patty j
you have not told us yet if NTr. Connor is i
handsome," she remarked, turning to the j
first speaker,
" His aunt says he is, hut he was always
her ret. Ile'il b6 at church,however, on San
" Then we shall see for ourselves. And
now, girls, the best is she who gets the first
" Agreed," said all, and the conversation
Isabel Warne? was a spoiled beauty, but
with a naturally good heart, as was eviden
ced in her conversation with Ellen, which
we have narrated. Between her and Miss
Eden there could not be a greater contrast
than already existed; for Ellen was a girl of
rigid notions of duty, an exemplary though
unobtrusive Christian, and one of the mild
est and sweetest of characters. While every
one admired the gay, high spirited and brill
iant Isabel, all loved the modest and retir
ing Ellen.; the one was the dahlia which
flaunts before all ej3S, the other was the re
tiring violet.
In her secret heart Isabel, already, the
most popular belle of the yillage, bad res'olv
ed to make a conquest of the young heir.—
She loved ostentation quite as much as she
loved flattery ; and she longed to be mistress
of the old mansion. She knew, however, that
she had many rivals, tor there was scarcely
a young lady in the village, having either
by birth accomplishments or beauty any
pretensions to the alliance, who did not in
dulge a hope that she might be-the favored
one. And each rosolved to appear to her
best advantage on the following Sunday.
Accordingly the church, on that day, pre
sented quite an array of new bonnets and
flowers. Our young ladies had really out
dene themselves. Never had Tiverton shone
in such an array of millinery. But Isabel
was still the most beautiful girl the re >
concious that this would be so she delayed
her entrance until the services were about to
The young heir sat in the old family pew
nearly opposite that of the Warners, and
more than once during the sermon his eye
wandered to the beautiful being opposite.—
Isabel's heart beat high with gratified pride,
and her triumph was complete when, at the
olose of the services, the youog heir advanc
ed to shake hands with her father whoiri he
recognized, and so designedly threw himself
in the way of an introduction to Isabel, of
which he availed himself immediately by
walking borne with her.
In a short time the young heir became ac
quainted with the other ladies of the village,
but he still showed a decided preference for
Isabel. Probably he paid less attention to
Ellen than to any of them: and certainly
she was the only marriageable young lady in
the village, who aid not seek every decorous
opportunity to throw herself in bis way.—
But Ellen neither courted his society nor
flattered his tastes. She treated him frank
ly and conversed with ease and animation
when they met; but she rather shrank from
than sought oportunities of meeting him.—
Yet Ellen felt that Harry Connor was one
that she could love; for constant flattery had
-.dp' JI
altogether failed to corrupt the original no
bleness of his heart.
Whether it was this conduct on the part of
Ellen, or a gradually increasing appreciation
of her qualities, that induced the young heir
to seek her society more frequently than at
first, we knew not; but so he did, and event
ually to such a degree tba' Isabel grew jeal
One day a pic-nic party was projected, to
be held on a picturesque island not far from
our village. The party was to he given by
the gentlemen, aDd great pains were taken to
conceal from the ladies the nature of the
preparations. All, therefore, that was known
was that every thing was to be arranged in
the most elegant manner. Harry Conner
himself had superintended the arrangements,
ar<d his taste was proverbial. Every one
promised themselves a day of enjoyment:
even Ellen cgtered into the feeling of curios
ity; and on the eventful morning many
arose an hour before their usual time, im
patient, as in early years, for the hour of set
ting forth.
The parly was to meet at the house of
Miss Warner prepartorv to embarking. All
had now assembled : they were waiting only
for Miss Eilen. At last 6he came, hut not
attired for the excursion. She had just heard
that a poor old woman, whom she was in the
habit of assisting now and then with a'rns,
was dying and requested to pee her.
" Are you not going?" said a dozen voic
es. " What is the matter?"
Ellen blushed, but said she could Dot go.
Something quite unexpected had occured to
prevent hor. " 1 have run down, therefore,
to make an excuse." She would not tell the
reason, for sho knew there were those pres
ent who would attribute it to ostentatious be
""Pshaw, how ridiculous !" said Isabel
Warner, who was vexed, aside to ILirry Con
ner, " she is only afraid to go: bow I hate
such strict. Puritanical notions. As if a lit
tle harmless amusement was wrong."
" If Miss Eden will not go because she
thinks v-rong, she is c.eruinly very nar
row-minded ; and what makes it worse is the
hypocrisy which conceals the true reason.—
Still, I cannot believe she is bigoted."
" There no other reason, you may depend
on it. And we shall be quite as well with*
out her . I hate such long sanctimonious fa
ceswiien others are disposed to be merry."
Ellen happened to be nearer than Isabel
thought, and heard these words : her eyes
filled with tears, which she with diScuity
concealed by turning away. She longed,
yet dreaded to hear Ilarry Connor's answer.
"You are too harsh," was his reply. "But
surely, she ought to be able to give a reason
for remaining, if she is really not afraid to
At these words, Ellen was oc the point of
revealing all, but she reflected that her mo
tiyes would be misrepresented; and besides
her modesty shrunk from speakiDg of her
own good deeds. She felt, therefore, that
she must allow herself to 'oe misunderstood
by Ilarry Connor ; but it was with a pang
that she came to this conclusion ; and the
consciousness of this, led her now, for the
first time, to suspect the true state of her
Harry Connor was more disappointed, at
Ellen's absence, than be had believed he
could be. He felt a little piqued at her refu
sal, for he had invited her in person ; and, to
tell the truth, some of the arrangements had
been prepared solely to please her. Indeed
Harry, without tolling in love, had been
growing moro and more interested in Ellen
ever since his return. The very indifference
which she exhibited, so much in contrast with
the marked attention which ail the others
paid him, had the effect to pique him ; and
pique often leads to waimex sentiments. —
Considerably mortified at her refusal, be re
solved to revenge himself by flirting with Is
abel Warner.
The woodland meal had been partaken of,
and Hariy, tired of. the noise of the party
and still out of humor with himself and El
len, strolled off from the party, and enteiing
a skiff began idly to float down the stream
toward our village. Unconsciously he went
further than he intended ; but before taking
the oars to row back be resolved to land and
pluck some flowers which lie saw growing
luxuriantly on the bank. While thus enga*
ged he noticed a low logout hard by. from
which arose a voice that ho thought not un
familiar. Curiosity promoted lain to ap
proach it. The door was open, and peeping
in, he saw an aged wouaan, apparently in
the last stage of disease, while Ellen Eden
was propping the dying person with pillows.
"God bless you for this," said the sufferer
feebly, "1 know what you gave up to come
hither. I sent for Miss Isabel Warner, whom
I nursed when a child ; but she said she col'd
not come: and then I knew there was no one
would sacrifice their day's pleasure for me
except you, Miss Ellen. But heaven will re
ward you for it."
"Say nothing of it, but compose yourself,"
replied the sweet girl. ."I only did my du
"Ah ! duty, duty—but that is it. Who
does tbeir duty ? Few, Miss Eden, few in-
The young heir listened to no more, for he
did not wish to be seen. He had heard
enough. He noiselessly glided away, and
entering his skiff began to row up the lake.
After while he stopped and looked at the
humble log-cabin be had left behind.
"And it was to seclude herself in that mis
erable hut," he said, "to watch over the
couch of a poor aDd dying woman, that she
voluntarily gave up the anticipated pleasures
of this day. And I have been calling her
Puritanical fir it!"
When Harry CoDnor rejoined the pic nic
! party be was no longer in a mood for reply
ing to the gay sallies of Isabel Warner. His
heart was by the bcdsido of that dyifig wo
man, where Ellen Eden watched in silence
and alone. As he looked at the beautiful
Isabel, and thought of her heartless refusal
to visit her old curse when dying, be won
dered how he could have been deluded into
believing her amiable, as he bad been. 3he
seemed to him now r. lovely Medusa, while
ElleD rose up before him a ministering an s
Kel *
From that Harry Connor loyed Ellen
Eden. He made no allusion, when tbsy next
met, to her refusal to attend the pic-nic, but
he strove, by the gentle kindness of his man
ner, to repay her for amy regret she might
have felt. Ellen scarcely knew whac to make
of "uis altered demeanor. There was some
thing so kind in his tone, so respectful in his
looks, something so different from anything
she had seen before that her heart trembled
with strange happiness. She had resolved
to treat Harry eo coldly that he would aban
don her society ; for she knew absence from
the beloved object to be the only cure for un
requited affection. Cut now she hesitated.
A sweet hope began to dawn on her. Could
be really mean to give up the beautiful and
brilliant Isabel for her ? His intentions were
not long a secret. The more Harry saw of
Ellen the more he congratulated himself on
his escape from Isabel. The very piety of
our heroine, on which at first he had looked
with disapproval, now became a now attrac
tion ; for however men, in the giddy maze of
gaiety, may affect contempt for the Christian,
they always, in their more serious moments,
wish for a wife who shall be truly pious.—
Harry now found, moreover, that there was
a vast difference between a false, ostentatious
Christianity and the pure religiou which El
len practiced so unobstrusively.
"And are you really going.to marry Ellen
Eden ?" said one of his friends to him, "I
hear everywhere she is a canting religion
"I am about to marry her," he replied.
' What you mean by a canting religionist I
do not exactly know ; hut Ellen, however pi
ous she may be, baa nothing of cant." *
"She teaches Sunday school."
"But is not that a merit rather than other
wise ? Surely to devote three hours, overy
Sabbath, to the gratuitous mental and moral
instruction of others, is a self-denying task,
worthy of all praise ; and you will agree with
me, that time thus occupied is spent more
beneficially than in dressing for a ball
room." t
"I am a stranger, here, and know nothing
of Miss Eden," said bis friend with some
embarrassment. "Excuse me for what I
said. I p.m sure I would rather haye a pi
ous wife than an infidel one."
"There you are v>ght> and it is that con
viction which has made me seek Ellen for a
companion. lam ouly too happy that she
loves me. I am unworthy of one so good and
pure. Believe me, my dear Frank, the best
thing a man-can do is to choose a woman
with strong religious feelings. Recollect the
wife is to be tho mother of your children
your own consoler in the days of trouble—
the guide, who, eyer by your side, with sweet
smiles and angelic words, is to win you up
to heaven. What would man he without
woman ? And how dreadful to see an irreli
gious female, one witnout any hopes or af
fections except for this world, who is think
ing continually of gaiety and vain show, and
who perhaps goes off to a ball when a child
or husband is lying almost at the point of
death, with no one by to turn tbo thoughts to
a better world."
"I never considered the subject so serious
ly before," said his friend, grasping his
hand. "But I feel that you are right."
"Yes 1" said Harry, "and even infidels—
strange a3 it may seem—prefer a conscien
tious wife, before one who mocks religion,"
"I now see," replied his friend, "how it is
that true love and religion are so intimaiely
connected. Reverence is a prominent part
in both. I too will seek a wife like Miss
Eden." With these words they parted.
Harry Connor and our sweet Ellen were
married within a month of this couversation
and a happier couple nowhere lives. The
husband, like his uDcle, has become a con
sistent Christian, and chiefly through the
gentle persuasions cf his wife. Their house
is always open to innocent gaiety, cheerful
ness has her abode and all in our vilo
lage, low and high alilre, love them.
A word on Isabel before we close. From ;
the day of the pic-nic, she saw that her influ
ence over the young heir was departing.—
She made several abortive struggles to regain
him, but finding all in vain, and unwilling
to have it thought any rival had eupplanted
her, she hastily accepted an offer from a
transient admirer and was married about
three weeks before Ellen. But the ill-assor
ted match turned out unhappily, as might
have been expected; and for several years
the once admired Isabel has been living in
seclusion with her a deserted wife.
To have conscientious scruples when there
is a chance to naks a hundred off your
To have exalted ideas and limited fund-.
To bo called upon for settlement when in
your soul you wish every body well.
To dream of" marble halls" and have a
" tailor's bill" stuck in your face on going
down to breakfast.
To buy a largo farm in the "fertile West"
and fiDd it a fishing pond, and " nary" rod
to haul the minnow 3 out with.
To inquire for a "private room" in a west
ern hotel, and be shewn into a shoesshop
where balf-a-dosen cobblers are mending
To hear " all ashore for Sraithville"—the
place of jour destination—called, in stento
rian tono, just as the dinner bell rings.
To be devouringly inclined when an order
for " nicely-cooked venison" is given to a
slow waiter, and half an hour discover him
moulding balls far his rifie.
To be called upen to divide your car-seat
with market womaD, and find it but twelve
feet long on measurement.
To think of traveling all over the world,
and on search find three quarters and one
dime only.
To give a fellow a sound thrashing for un
equaled impudence, and, ten minutes after,
learn he has a pretty sistei".
To dream of paridise and beings angelic,
and wake to find yourself at home with your
To be " deeply in lov6" with two young
ladies, one handsome, the other rich, and bo
unable to marry both.
To be fascinated with a traveling compan
ion, and hear " my dear husband " at tbe
first station, as she caressingly her liege lord
To electioneer for a President under "sol
emn pledge" of a " eeat in the Cabinet," and
be put off with a deputy clerkship.
To imagine you would make a capital
Governor, and lack half a mil'ion votes.
To sigh for immortality and he notorious
for nothing.
To prefer water liquor, and be a sojourner
in interior Missouri.
To be fond of butter while a resident of
wild prairies.
To return from "daily calling," having an
intelligent feast in view, and find your DEM
OCRAT borrowed.
To spend a month in preparation of a
"charming story," then have the pleasure of
noticing its caption under tbe head of " De
This is one of those things or accident rest
ing with Nature. No man or woman can
form their cwn persons, and none ebould be
blamed on this head. The disposition of
looking well is ruinous to half the young peo
ple in the world, causing tlisai to study their
glasses and paint or patch, instead of pursu
ing that which is lasting and solid—the cul
tivation of the mind. It is always a mark
of a weak mind, if not a bad heart, to hear a
! person praise or blame another on tbo ground
alone that they are handsome or liomely.—
Actions should be the test, end a liberal
! course of conduct pursued to all. It matters
little whether a man is tall or short—wheth
er the Llocii stains the cheek, or runs in an
other channel. Fashion makes the difference
as to beauty. The lily is &3 sweet if not as
gay as the rose, aDd it bears no thorns about
it. As to appearance, fashion should not be
allowed to bam upon that which cannot be
changed except by deception, and what in
deed in reality 13 not worth the trouble of be
ing callod so, even if it could.
na bas lately been visited by a phenomenon
in human nature. Here is a man wtio lias
his heart laid bare for the epeotion of his
fellow men. Tfie breast bona ana ribs, ow
ing to a 6trange malformation, not archiDg
over, as usual, the central organ of the body,
the thin covering of the skin ellows the
heart to be easily discerned in its contiguous
stages of action. So slight its texture of the
skin that the ebb and flow of the blood, and
the regular contraction of the two chambers
are palpable to the sencos both ot eight and
touch. Ilerr Eugene Grouz, from Hamburg,
for this is the name of the individual, has in
creased the significance of his own corpus by
the application to it of an electric apparatus,
showing the time taken up in the several ac
tions of the members in question. Each time
the heart pumps up tbe life fluid a bell rings.
This taturos bas been the object of great
curiosity, not only the members of the medi
cal profession, but to the publie in general.
He has been paraded in all the hospitals and
JJO* "I didn's at alt expect company to
dty," said a lady to her visitors, with not a
very pleasant look; "but I hope you will
make yourselves at home." "Yes, indeed,"
replied one of them, starting off, "I will
make myself at home as soon as possible.',
flgy* Why is a fast girl like tbe Great East
em steamship ? Because wh6n goes ahead,
one is sure to see a" swell" after her.
fg? Why is our employer like the Red
Sea ? Because he is not the Bos-phor-us,
|o* It is easy to take a man's part, but
the matter is to maintain it.
By a too ready adoption of foreign words
into the curreucy of the English language,
we are in danger of losing much of its radi
cal strength and historical significance.—
Marsh has compared the parable of the man
j who built his house upon the sand, as giyen
iby Mathew and Luke. Matbew usee the.
| plain Saxon English, The learned Evange
| list, Luke, Employed a Latinized dictionary.
"Now," he says, compare the two passages
and say which, to every English ear, is the
most impressive
"And the rain descended, and the floods
came, and,the. winqa'blew, and beat upon
that honso, and great was the fall of it."—
Against which the stream did beat vehem
ontly, and irameniately it fell ; and tbo tie
ruin of that house was great."— Luke
"There can scarcely be a difference of
opinion as to the relativo force and beauty
of the two versions ; and consequently wo
find, that while that of Mathew has be
come proverbial, the narrative of Luke, is
seldom or never quoted.
ago a farmer's barn in the vicinity of Wor
cester. Mass., w£3 stiuck by lightning aDd
burned to the ground. Many of the citizens
had gone to the lire, when a fop, well strap
ped and dicked, with a cap on one side of
his head, met the celebrated Dr. G n and
accoctcd him in this wise: Can you—ah,
tell me, doctah, tbey have succeeded in ex
tinguishing the conflagration of the—ah, un
fortunate yeoman's barn f" The dootor eyed
tbo individual attentively, dropped his head
for a moment and then slipped his thumb
and finger into his vest-poekct, took out a
couple of pills, and handed them to him say"
ing: "take these, sir, and go to bed, and if
you do not feel better in the morning, call a;
my office."
£©* That every day has its pains and sor
rows is universally experienced, and almost
univeroaly confessed ; but let us not attend
only to mournful truths : if we look impar
tialy about us, we shall find that every day
has likewise its pleasures and its joys.
a glorious world this would be,
if all its inhabitants oould say with Shake
speare's Shopherd. "Sir lam a true labor
er ; I earn what I wear; owe no man hate ?
envy no man,s happiness; glad of other men's
good ; content with my farm."
SSF Ignorance is often the source of the
most intrepid action, and the most implicit
faith ; since there are none so fearless as
those who have not light enough to see their
danger; and none so confident as they who
have not sufficient knowledge to discover
their own errors.
Enjoy the blessings of this day. if
God sends them ; and the evils bear patient"
ly and sweetly. For this day onlv is ours;
we are dead to yesterday, and wo are not
born to tormorrow.
£o* Men will have the same veneration
for a person who suffers adversity without de
jection, as for demolished temples, the very
ruiDs whoreof are reyerenced and adored.
SZ&* Tha richest endowments of the mind
are temperance, prudence and fortitude,—.
Prudence is an universal virtue which enters
into composition of all the rest; and where
is she not, fortitude loses its name and n&
©3?* A virtuous and well disposed person
is like to good metal; the more ho is oppos
ed the mere he is approved. Wrongs may
well try him and touch him, but cannot im
print on him any false stamp.
I@* Ii is proof of our national bias to evil,
that gam is slower and harder than loss, in
all things good ; but, in all things bad, get
; ting is quicker and easier than getting rid
You may judge pretty well as to a
womans's secret vices, by observing what
she condemns most fiercely in others.
19* Toil and trial are grim schoolmas
! tors ; but a flush of hope can make them
; beautiful, even as a sunbeam the rude
mountain frost.
Tbcy jjrbo disbelieve in virtue, be
cause niaD baa never been found perfect,
might as reasonably deny the sun, because it
is not always noon.
Worldly happiness—a glittreing fal6
diamond, placed upon the top of a smooth
greased pole, which ail try to climb and se
teHF Anger your friend, and you will b6
surprised to And what a villain you are even
in his estimation.
i"ho greater the difficulty, the more
glory in surmounting it. Skilful pilots gain
their reputation from storms and tempests.
Self-denial is the most exalted pleas
ure ; and the conquest of evil habit is the
most glorious triumph.
A wise man stands firm in all ex
tremities, and bears the lot of bis humanity
with a divine temper.
The true way to advance auother's
virtue is the follow it; and the beet means to
cry down another's vice is to decline it.
Common sense is very uncommon,
though each man thinks be has enough qi it*
fta?" The greatest glory a lree born people
is to transmit that freedom to their ohileren.
gtssf Virtue is made for difficulties,
, groes stronger and brighter for such