Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 04, 1860, Image 1

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    - *-
% Jfantiltr Hetepper —$ebottl> to politics, Ktmptranct, literature, Stiena, Sjje %x\i Pontes, Agriculture, %\t Parhefs, ©meatioir, %rmtmnt t (general Intelligence, tfc.,
J. S. & J. J. BRISBIN,
®|t Centre gcmocrat.
J. S- & J- J- BRISBIN.
QJfiss in ths Arcade Building, Second Floor.
TERMS. —$1,50 if paid in advance or within six
Months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari
ably be charged. No subscriptions received for
shorter period than six months and none dis
jontinued, unless at the option of the editor, until
all arrearages are paid.
Office on Allegheny Street. Fob. 10'59
fornirly occupied by the Hon. James Burnside.
Jan. 19, 'tO.-tf.
-11 LAW BELLKYOSTE, PESNA. Will attend to
all legal business entrusted to him, with prompt
ness. May, 5 '59.
YY -LAW BELLEONTE, PA , will promptly at
tend to all legal business entrusted to him office
three doors North of the diamond. jan.l2'6o
attend to and coirectly execute all businesi en
trusted to him. [June 14,-'6O, —tf.
will faithfully attend to all business entrus
to him. Office on Northwest curntr of the Dia
d. Apr. 12, '6o,tf.
IX. Will faithfully attend to all business entrust
to hiia. Office in the Arcade. jan 5 60.
OFFICE on High street, (oldoffice.) Bellefonte
Pa. Will attend to professional calls as
heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional
services his friends and the public. 0ct.26'58
DU. FAIKLAMB ha 3 associated with hira DR
J. 11. DOBBINS, in the practice of modicine
.i.ffice as heretofore on- Bishop streot, opposite the
temperance Hotel. March iy.57.
PHYSICIAN, having permanently located
•ffors his Professional services to the citizens of
l'ine Grove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully
eilicits a liberal portion of the public patronage.
[Feb. 16, '6o.—ly.
J. J. LINGLE. Operative
and Muciiauicat Dcatiot, will prac-
tice ail the various branches of his
profession in the most approved manner. Office
and residence on Spring St.Beilefuiite' Pa.
[Mar. £.'oo. tf.
Ij jLAVv, tißLLsii'oJtTß PA. will atttend to all
cusinos3 entrusted to him with care and prompt
ness. Refer to Gov. Pollock, Milton Pa. and
lion. A. G. Curtin, Bellefonte Pa. Office with
John H. Stover* jan. 5, 'CO.
•oris wishing to secure themselves from losses by
Cre, wiil do Well to call upon him at the store of J.
R. Mufily A Co., N. E. corner of the Diamond,
three doors above Allegheny street, Beilefonte,
Centieeo, Pa. Mar. 15, '6O. I\.
W\\\ WHITE, DENTIST, has per
. manently locnteU m Boalsburg, Gentre
County Pa. Office on main st., next door to the
store of Jchnston A Keller, where ho puiposes
practising his profession in tho most scientific
wanner and at moderate charges. mar. 15'60
TICLES OF AGREEMENT neatly and cor
rectly executed. Also, attention will be given to
the adjustment of Book Accounts, and accounts
f Adminstratior s and Executors prepared for filing.
• ffice next door to the Post Office.
Qct., 19th, 'SB, WM. J. KLALSII.
irrsaau J. XX ingato
Office and residence on the North
jeetcrn corner of the Tublic Square, near the
Court House.
Will be found at his office, except two weeks in
jach month, commencing on the first Monday ot
each month, when he will be filling professional
engagements elsewhere. Oct. 22, '57 4§ tt.
BELLEFONTE, PA., will practice his pro
fession in the several courts of Centre county.—
All business entrusted to him will be carefully at
tended to. Collections made and ail monies
promptly remitted. Office, on High st. formerly
opcuped by Judge Burnside, and 1). C. Boal, Esq.
wherehe can be consulted both in the Eng.ish and
inthe german language. May 6,'58 —22 ly.
Office in the rooms formerly occupied by
Linn A Wilson, Allegheny streot. Jas. Macman
us has associated with W. P. Mac man us, Esq., iu
the practice of law. Professional business iutrus
tedt o their care will receive prompt attention.
Thoy will attehd the several Courts in tho Coun
ties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield.
June 21, '6O, tf.
XI LnW, will attend pro nptly to all business
entru stedto their care. UQco in tho building
formerly occupied by Hon, Jas. T- Hale.
v Messrs. Hale A Hoy will attend to my business
IduriDg my absence in Congress, and will be as
ie'sted by me in the trial of all causes entrustedto
them. J. T. HALE. jan 5'1860
The undersigned having associated them
selves in the practise of Law, will faithfully at
tend to all professional business entrusted to them
in Centre, Clintion and Clearfield counties. All
collections placed in their hinds, will receive
their promt attention. Office in Blanchard's new
bnilding on Allegheny street.
opened a BarberShop one door above tho Frank
lin House, where be can be found at all times. —
Good Razors, keen and sharp, kept constantly on
hand. Hair Dressing, Nhampooning, Ac., atten
ded to in the most workman like manner. He
hopes by strict attention to business to receive a
liberal share of public patronage.
Bellefonte, June 28, 1860-—tf.
A no USE OF~
Bills cf Exchange and Notesidiscounted ; Collec
tions made and Funds promptly remitted. Inter
est paid on Special Deposits, Exchange on the
of the General Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an act
relating to the elections of this Common
wealth" passed the 2nd day of July A. D.
1839, it is made the duty of the Sheriff in
every county in the Commonwealth to give
public notice of the General elections, and
in such notice to enumerate : Ist The
officers to be elected. 2nd. Designate the
places at which the election is to be held, I
fIIOS. McCOY. High Sheriff of the county
of Centre, do hereby make known, and give
this public notice to the electors of the said
county of Centre, that on the second Tues
day of October next, it being the 9th day
of ttio month, a General election will be held
at the several elec ion districts, eetab!ish,ed
by law in the said county of Centre, at
which time, State and County officers are to
be elected as follows, to wit:
One person to fill the office of Governor
of this Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to represent the counties
of Centre, Mifflo, Clinton, Lycoming, Potter
and Sulivan, in the House of Representatives
of the U. States.
One person to represent the county of
Centre, in the House of Representatives of
this Commonwealth.
One persofi to fill the office ot Sheriff of
the county of Centre.
One person to fill the office o f Register &
Recorder of the county of Centre.
One person to-fill tbe office of Prothonota
ry of the county of Centre.
One person to fill the office of Commission
er of the county ot Centre.
One person to till tho office cf Auditor of
the couu'y of Centre.
One person to fill the office of Coroner of
the county of Centre.
In pursuance of said ac', I also hereby
make known and give notice, that the place
of holding the aforesaid general election in
the several election disiricts within the said
county of Centre, as follows to wit :
The Elee.tois of the county of Cenlre will
take notice that the said General election
will beheld at the following places:
For tbe twp. of Ilaines, at the Public
House of John Russel, in :ha town of Aa
For the twp. of Ilalfwoon at the school
House in Wa>kerville.
For the twp. of Taylor at the School llou.se
near Hannah furnace.
Fir the twp. of Miles at the School House
in the town of Rebersburg.
For the twp. of Potter at the house of Geo.
Otenkirk, Potter's Fort.
F.>r the twp. of Gregg at the house of the
late Jonas Musser. dee'd.
For the twp of FergusoD, at tho School house
in Pins Grove.
For the twp. of Harris at the School bouse
in Boalsburg.
For tbe twp, ol Putton at the House of Pe
ter Murray.
For the Borough of Bellefonte and Spring
twp. at the Court House iu said Borough.
For the twp. of Walker at the School house
in llublersburg.
JUr the twp. of Howard at the house of Mrs.
Eliza Tipton.
For the twp. of Rush at the School house in
For the twp. of Snowshoe at the Schpoi
house near the house of Samuel Asky.
For ihe twp. of Marion at the Sehoul house
in Jacksonville.
For thß borough of Milesburg and Buggs
twp. at the School house in said borough.
For the twp. of Huston at the former place
of holding elections.
For the twp. of I'enu at the house of Win.
L. Musser.
For the twp. of Liberty at the School house
in Eagievillc-
For Ihe twp. of Worth at tho School house in
Port Matilda,
For ihe twp. of Benner at tbe Court house in
ihe Borough of Bellefonte.
For the twp. of Uuion at the School house in
For the twp. of Burnside at the house of
Mrs. Loy.
For the twp. of Curtin at the School house
of Robert Mann.
" That every person, excepting Justices of
the Peace, who ehali hold auy office of profit
or trust under the Government ot the United
States, or of this State, or of any city or in
corporated district, whether a commissioned
officer or agent, who is or shall be employed
under the L-g'slative,Executive, or Judicia
ry department of this State, or tbe United
States, or any city or incorporated district ;
and also that every member. and
the S;iue Legislature, aud or
Common Council of any
ers of any
capable of holding or same
time the office of appoin'raeßt of-Judge, In
spector, or clerk of any eleiwion this Com
monwealth, and that no Judge, Inspector,or
that no other officer of such e'leotion shall be
eligible to any office then voted for."
And Ibe said Act of Assembly, entitled
" An Act relating to the elections of this
Commonwealth," passed July the 2d, 1839,
provides as lollows, to wit :
" That the Judgeß and Inspectors, chosen
aforesaid, shall meet at their respective pla
ces appointed fur holding the election in their
district to which tbey respectively belong,
before 9 o'cl >ek on the morning of the 2nd
Tuesday of October in each and every year,
and each of the said Inspectors shall appoint
one olerk, who shall be a qualified voter of
said district."
" In case the person who shall receive the
highest number of votes for Inspector, shall
not attend on the day of any election, then
the person who 6hall haye received ihe sec
ond highest number of votes fcr Judge, at
the next preceeding election shall act as Ins
spectir in his place, and in case the person
who shall have receive! the highest number
of votes for Inspector shall not attend, the
present elected Judge shall appoint an In
spsctor in bis place, and in case the person
ejected Judge shall not attend, then |he In
spector who received the highest number of
votes shall appoint a Judge iu bia place; aud
if aay vacancy shall continue in the board
for the space of one hour after the time fixed
by law for the opening of the election, the
qu litiei voters of the township, wardor
district for" which such officers shall have
beeo elected, present at tne place of election
shall elect one of their number to fill such
" It shall by the duty of said Assessors,
respectively to attend at the places holding
every general, special or township election,
during the time said election is open, for the
purpose of giving information to the Inspee
tors and Judges, when called on, in relation
to the rights of any person assessed by them
to vote at sucb election, or such other matter
in relation to the assessment of voters as the
said Inspectors or Judges, or either of them,
shall from time to time require."
" No person shall be peimitted to vote at
any election as aforesaid, other than a white
freemen, of 21 years, or more, w'.o shall have
resided in this State at least one year, and in
the election district where he offeis to vote,
at least ten days immediately preceding the
election, and within two years paid State
or county tax, which shall have i>oen assess
ed at lea-t ten uays before the election, hut a
citizen of the United States who had been
previously a qualified voter of this State, and
removed therefrom and returned, and who
shall have resided in the election diotrictand
paid taxes as afoiesaid, shall be entitled to
vote after residing in the State six months,
Provided, That the white freemen citizens
of the United States, between the age of 21
and 22 years, and having resided in the
Sta'e one year, and in the district ten days
as aforesaid,shall he entitled to vote,although
they have not paid taxes."
"No person shall be entitled to vote
whose name is not contained in the taxable
Inhabitants furnished by the Commissioners
unless, firs; he produce a receipt for the
payment within two years, of a State or
county tax, assessed agreeably to the consti
tution, or gives satisfactory evidence, ether
on his oath or affirmation of another, that
he has paid such a tax ; or failure to procure
a receipt shall make oath of the payment
thereof or second if lie claims to be an elector
between the age of 21 and 22 years, he shall
depose an oath or affirmation, that he resided
in the State at least one year next before bis
appiiootionjtind make such proofs of bis resi
dence in the district as is required by this act,
whereupon, the name of the person as ad
mitted to vote, shall be inserted in the alpha
betical list by the Inspectors, and a note
made opposite thereto by writing the word
"tax," if be shall be permitted to vote by
reason of having paid a tax, or the wold
"age." if lie shall be admitted on account of
his age; arid in eiher case the reasons of
such votes shali be called out to toe clerks,
who shall make the like note in the list of
voters kept try thern.
In ail cases wheie the name of the person
claiming to vote is not found in the list fur
nished by the Commissioners aud Assessors,
or bis right to vote whether found there or
not is objected to hy one qualified citizen, it
shall be the duty ol' the Inspectors to exam
ine such persons on oath as to his qualifica
tions, and if ho claims to have resid :d within
the Siate one year or more, his oath shall be
sufficient proof thereof; but lie shall make
proof by at least one competent witness, who
shall be a qualified elector, that he has resi
ded within the district for more than ten
days next immediately preceding said elec
tion, and shall also himself swear to bis bona
fide tesidence, in pursuance of bis lawful cal
ling, is within the district, end not for the
purpose of votiug-tberein.
"If aHy person shall prevent, or attempt
to prevent, any officer of an election under
this act from holding sucb election, or use or
threaten any violence to any snch officer, or
shall interrupt or improperly interfere with
him in the execution of his duty, or block tip
or attempt to block up the window or the
avenue to any window where the 6ame may
be holdeo, or shall riotously disturb the peace
of such election, or shall use or practice any
intimidation, threaten force or violence with
the design to influence unduly, or overpower
any elector, or to prevent him from voting or
to restrain the freedoinstf his choice, sucb
pi r.-ons on conviction, shall be fined any sum
not exceeding five hundred dollars, and be
imprisoned any time not exceeding two vo
months, and it it shall be shown to the court
where the trial of such offence shall be had
that the person offending was not a resident
of the eity, ward, district or township where
the offence was committed, and not entitled
to vote therein, then on convic.ion, he shall
he sentenced to pay a fine not less than one
hundred, nor more thau one thousand dollars
and be imprisoned not less than six months
nor mure than two years.
" If any person or persons shall make any
bet or wager upon the result of any election
within this Commonwealth, or shall offer to
make any such bet or wager," either by ver
bal proclamation thereof, or otherwise, he or
they sha 1 forfeit and pay three times the
amount so bet or offered to be bet.
" If any person not by law qualified, shall
fraudulently vote at any election within this
Commonwealth, or being otherwise qualified,
shall vote out of his proper district, or any
person knowing the want of such qualifica
tion shall aid or procure such person to vote,
the person or persous so offending, shall, on
conviction be fined any sum not exceeding
two hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for
any term not exceeding three months.
"If any person shall vote at more than one
election district, or otherwise fraudulently
vote and deliver to the Inspector two tickets
together, w.th the intent to illegally vote, or
shall vote the same ; or if any person shall
advise or procure another to do so, he or they
so offending, shall on conviction be fined in
any sum not less thau fifty nor more than five
hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for any
term not less than three nor more than twelve
"If any person not qualified to vote in
this Commonwealth agreeably to tbe law,
(excepting the sons ol qualified citizens) shall
appear at any place of election for tbe pur
pose of issuing tickets, or of influencing the
citizens qualified to vote, be shall, on convic
tion, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding
one hundred dollars for any- such offence,,
and be imprisoned for any term not exceed
ing three months.
And the return judges of the respective
district i aforesaid, are hereby required to
meet at the Court Room, in Bellefonte, on
Fridav next (October 12th). after the second
Tuesday in October next* then and thereaf
ter perlorm those things required by law.
Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, this
13th day of September, 1860.
THOS. McCOY, Sbtriff,
Keep it before the People,
That Ilenry D. Foster opposed the sale of
the main line of the public improvements,
because such a sale and transfer threatened
to impair the influence of the political organ-
ization to which he was attached, and drive
from power a corrupt clique of office-holders
of which be is a member.
That bo voted against every movement in
the progress of the bill fir such a sale, in di
rect violation of tbe expressed will and in
structions of bis constituents.
That Ilenry D. Foster reported for the in
crease of legislative pay, whereby the ex
penses of Pennsylvania were iocrpased some
That he forced his party's power to ex
clude the rightful possessor of a seat in the
legislature, and in-tate instead a partisan,
for the purpose of forcing special legislation,
and acts of individual privilege.
That Ilenry D. Foster repre-sems the nega
tive platforms of two factions in a political
disorganization whereby be proves his utter
subserviency to party and unfitness to pre
side in tbe Executive department of a great.
Common wealth. He denounces every north
era man who has stood up for the rights aud
interests of the North, and slultifies himself
with praisiDg southern agitators and diun
ionists. lie meet 3 the differences in his own
par'y, by vituperation and abuse of his op
ponents, forgetting that in the present con
test all parties but the Republican are coil
tending only for place and power.
Iu the great struggle for northern protec
tion, whereby the industry of the country
will be induced to develop the stupendous
miueral and agricultural resources of the ca
tion, Henry D. Foster is arrayed against
every principle and the only policy which
ensures the freedom of the public domain by
preventing the spread ol slavery. He is vir
tually opposing protection to American in
dustry by encouraging the fanaticism of the
South, and recognizing the asserted rights of
the institution of slavery in every State in
the Union. lie is opposing the real interests
of Pennsylvania by compromising with the
corrupt leaders of every ptditcia! clique
prominent iu the present political contest.
Occupying these position*, aud bound and
controlled by these influences, tbe adrninis
tration of such a man must inaugurate a sys
tem ef frauds and corruptions that would
prove disasttous to every business and polit
ical welfare of tbe State. His asi-ociation
with politicians of the most desperate char
acter, and with those who have been the au
thors of a large portion of the debt of the
State, have placed him under obligations
which he would be compelled to discharge,
if elected, by abusing aud prostituting tbe
patronage of his position. Special grants
would consequently become the order of leg.
islutiori. The veto power wouid be wielded
to prevent the application of a just policy of
government, and stay the progressive pros
parity of the Commonwealth.
Fbe people of Pennsylvania have only a
few weeks to satisfy themselves that Ilenry
D. Foster is not the man, in a political sense
or with sufficiant capacity to preside iD tbe
Executive department of this State. They
have but a lew weeks to satisfy themselves
that their resources and industry can alone
be protected and improved by sustaining the
men and measures ol the Republican organ
ization. With them the responsibility rests.
If they fail to support Andrew G. Curtin,
thej will also neglect to sustain a Republi
can delegation in Congress that was true to
Pennsylvania, true to labor and truo to lib
ertv. If they permit the legislature to fall
into the hands of a corrupt political division,
they will lose the opportunity of sending an
honest man to the Senate of tbe United
States If they allow-Audrew G. Curtin to
he defeated, they invite and insist on the re
jection of Abraham Lincoln, and surrender
all the prospects of northern progress and
improvements to tee prejudice, lethargy and
licentiousness of a southern slave-ocracy.
—The people must these facts and argu
ments constantly before their eyes and in
tbeir minds, or they will be imposed on by
the designing leaders of two farions whose
only arguments and justifications consist iu
acts of retaliative violence and alternate
abuse.— Ilarrisburg Telegraph.
We learn that a mesttug of gentlemen
opposed to the election of ABRAHAM LIN
COLN to the Presidency of the United States,
most If nut all of them being Breckinridge
Democrats, was held at rcom No. 1, of the
New York Hotel, on Tuesday evening last,
the 11th inst., at half past 7 o'clock. It is
understood that at this meeting New York
was given up as hopeless, and that it was de
termined to transfer the last desperate efforts
and all the spare cash of the party to Penn
sylvania. The very liberal subscriptions
which sundry great merchants of this city
have made, to be paid utter tbe completion of
the Douglag'Bell Breckinridge fusion in
New-York, are as far as possible to be trans"
ferred there. It is hoped to repeat now the
great operation of 1856 and defeat the repub
lican candidate for Govenor in that State, by
some means or other. Let the Republicans of
Pennsylvania, then be on their guard. They
are now likly tc have much more difficul'
battle in October than has been expected.—
N. Y, Tribune. -
The enemies of the Republican party, and
consequently the foes of the hest interests, the
progress and psosperity of Pennsylvania, are
devoting their entire force and fund of false
bood to the injury and impeachment of An
drew G. Curtin Failing <o appreciate the
energy and indomitable courage of the man,
they cannot fully comprehend the perseve
rance with which he is contesting the elec
tion, nor can they understand the zeal and
enthusiasm with which he is welcomed in
every part of the Commonwealth. They hear
of his success iu the North, and sneeiingiy
attempt to combat it with assertions of his
unpopularity in the West. When he passes
through the West, eliciting tho admiration of
the people in that locality, his opponents
proclaim bis weakness in the East—but there
again they fail, as he Is welcomed by the
people, and recognized in the metropolis ol
Philadelphia as the defender of their rights
and the advocate of all their interests. Tbe
friends of Henry D. Foster are dismayed at
these evidences of the popularity and
strength of Col. Curtin, and therefore seek to
arrest his progress by strewing his path with
all sorts of unmanly falsehoods, bitterly com
plaining, tho while, that the Republican
press reto.t with the truth against Foster
corroborating their assertions by the fairest
reference to the record,
No candidate for Governor of Pennsylva
nia, since the days of Simon Snyder, or Geo.
Wolf, eyer presented a fairer name or a more
spotless character, than that which Andrew
G. Curtin presents to the people of this S ate.
And the people understand and appreciate
this presentation of ability and integrity,—
Tbey have had the opportunity to judge for
themselves within the past two months—
AloDg the Schuykill and the Delaware, in
tbe North and the West, through tho coun
ties of the centre o! tho State, Curtin has
been challenging their admiration by the
boldness with which he euunciates his con
victions und the perfect fearlessness with
which he defines his position cn ail the ques
tions affecting the prosperity of the country
and the interests of the Commonwealth ho is
destined to govern. He is for Pennsylvania
for the protection of her interests and the
elevation of her labor, for the developement
of her resources, and the maintenance of her
power and iufluenca in that confederation of
Slates to whose past glory she has eontribu*
ted a large share, and in whose present
strength she dispenses a most important in
fluence. Because this is true, the enemies of
Republisanism turn all tbeir batteries cn
Col. Curtin. Because he ia brave and perse
vering, enthusiastic end determined, frank
in the expression of his opinions, and unhes
irating in tbe avowal of bis preferences, the
press supporting the desperate fortunes of
Foster, convinced that they are degraded by
their divisions, seek to drag down to their
own level all who boldly stand up in defence
of Pennsylvania's real interests, honor and
October will demonstrate the popularity of
Col. Curtin, through his election by a major
ity of Twenty Thousand. The re-ult is al
ready a fixed fact in the convictions and de
termination ot the people of Pennsylvania—
Ilarrisburg Telegraph.
The Republican Congressional Conference
for this District, met at Lock llave on the
11th inst - , and unanimously nominated the
lion. James T. Ilale for re election. This
was expected, ai disas it should be. The
people will have no reason to regret their
choice, having already tested the official ca
pacity of Mr Hale. No constituency in the
country can claim a more honest or talented
representative tbac he, and at the same time
less a politician. Judge Hale is no no polit
ical intriguer, and even the enemies of Free
dom respect him for his honest and earnest
devotion to live Republican principles. As
an illustration of this, we will give an in
stance in point.
A citizen of this place was at Washington
last winter, and having called at the resi
dence of Commodore Shubriek —well known
for his hitter pro-siavery sentiments—the
conversation naturally turned to the discus
sion of the Speakership, then at the zenith of
its interest. The Commodore said to our cit"
izen, "You have a fine representative from
your district—in fact, sir, your State and
your party may oell be proud of him. I ad
mire him because he is honest in his views>
and firm in his opinions. He is a man who
esteems ptiuciplo above party, and I am
proud of his personal friendship "
This district may well bo proud of sucb a
representative, and the people of the district
will endorse the opinion of Com. Shubriek on
the 9th of October, Every Republican in
the district, however, will be needed to make
sure of bis re-eleotion, as the Democratic
State ticket last year had 372 majority on a
yote small. The necessity of a full vote will
readily be seen.— Potter Journal,
That class of voters who have a par
ticular fancy for votirg on the "Strong Side"
will have no difficulty in making up their
minds who to vote for in the present contest,
" The wayfaring man," 'though a Democrat,'
cannot fail to see that our nuble candidate
for Governor, Col. Curtin, will carry tbe
State by 20,000 majority, and that *Otd Abe'
will sweep it like a whirlwind,
I HENRY D. FOSTER proves his d&votion to
Pennsylvania by refusing to take a position
on the subject of protecting her industry
and wealth. He declares with a fUurisb,
that he is a tariff man—but shrinks from as
serting his preference for any of the can
didates before the people, who would ad
vance the interests of labor, vindicate tho
principles of Freedom, or protect the great
Iron and coal resources of Pennsylvania.—
Is such a man worthy of support in such a
crisis ? I such a man ivortby the confidence
of the people ? If he is, then has mean
desertion of principle become a merit among
the peopie of Pennsylvania. If be is, thau
have the laboring man and mechanic lost
that self regard for their own advancment
and eleva'ion, which has heretofore made
them potential and powerful in a political
canvass. The are willing to take the mere
assertion of a tnan instead of the "perform
ance of a solemn duty —and they must trust
alone to the fickleness of a political organi
zation that has more than once deceived and
betrayed them, oi they will indignantly
reject tho invitation to vote Henry D, Fos
Freemen of Pennsylvania the contest for
Governor is not a common struggle for the
mero elevation of a man. Too candidates
ate of the least importance. It is the prin
ciple involved, and the great interests
which are depending for success on the re
sult of that Gubernatorial election. If
ll?nry D. Foster is elected, the South will
claim it as a declaration in favor cf the in
troduction of Slavery into all the territory
of the oountry. If Andrew G. Curtiu is
triumphant, it will be a victory in favor of
Freedom, protection to labor, and the vin
dication of the laws of the land in every
State in the Union.
Won't meet his Opponent.
4Vhen we saw it announced that Mr. Fos
ter had accepted an alleged challehge from
Col. Curtin to stump the State in company,
we regarded it as a mere flurry which would
amount to nothing in the end. Subsequent
events show that we were correct in this
opinion. Like the valiiant Mr. Pryor, who
sent the challenge Mr. Potter, Mr. Foster
has managed to get out of the Jifficulty by
finding fault with with and objecting to tbe
arrangements, and thus putting a stop to
the whole affair. Mr. McClure, io behalf of
Col. Curtin, seut a list of the appointments
otthe latter gentleman to Gen- Foster, and
cordially invited him to join his opponent in
the discussion of the political questions now
before the country, at these meetings. They
did not suit the Democratic candidate, as it
would have had the effect to bring him on
the stump at once, which he was aware
at this time would prove too hot a place for
him. We are therefore, to have no discus
sion, for ♦he reason that the Democratic
chicken won't fight. When put in a tight
place ha is too apt to take to the woods.—
Blair Countg Whig,
Keep it before the People.
That every vote cast for Foster, at tbe
State election, is a vote to sustain and en
dorse the present wretched ana corrupt Na
tional Administration.
That every vote cast for Foster is a vote in
favor of tha spread of Human Slavery.
That every voto oast for Foster is a vote
against the Homestead Bill.
That every vote cast for Foster is a vote
against tbe Protection of American Industry.
That every vote cast for Foster is a vote
approving of the robberies which have been
committed during the past three or four years
by Buchanan and his followers upon the Na
tional Treasury.
That every vote cast for Foster is a vote
endorsing the Dred Scott decision, which
says that the Constitution carries Slavery in
to every Territory of ttie Union.
That every vote cast for Foster is a vote
against the admission of Kansas as a Free
That every vote cast for Foster is a vote to
strengthen the Slave Oligarchy in thoir de
mands to open the Slave Trade.
That every vote cast for Foster is a vote to
make Joe Lane the President of the United
Freemen ! remember these things when
you go to the ballot boxes !
REMEMRER. —That the Democratic oandi
date for Goyernor, Henry D. Foster, stands
upon a platform which endorses the admiEis
tration of Mr. Buchanan as "eminently pure,
patriotic, conservative and just!" This is
the platform of the Demoeratio party of
Pennsylvania. No man who has any respect
for himself or his country, can vote for Fos*
ter, and thus give his approval to the frauds,
the peculations, the extravagancies and the
profligacy of Mr. Buchanan's adminstration.
TARIFF MEN.— When any Democrat talks
to you about being in favor of a Tariff, just
point him to the vote of his party at the last
session of Congress, against a Tariff Bill.—
No tariff man can consistently act with that
There are one hundred and three Ger
mans in Lafayette, Indiana, who have de
clared their intention to vote for Lincoln and
Hamlin, who voted for Buchanan, in 1856.
g®* The Republicans at Occaquan, Va.'
have erected another pole in the plac9 of the
one lately eut down.
Pennsylvania the Battle Ground.
The Democrats- appear to have abandoned
all hope of carrying New York, and Penn
sylvania is now the object of their attention.
They will concentrate all their energies upon
it, lavishing what money they have to spare,
to carry it, and will try to re-enact the
sceaes of 185 G. PunnsyHania :s to he* the
battle ground of the campaign, arid the great
struggle wi l take place in October, over the
election for Governor,
It is well, therefore, that our people era
apprised of the iact in season. Now that they
know it, they will have the greater incentive
to work their iiardost for success in the pre*
liminaiy but decisive oonteßt.
Much, if not most of tho money contribu
ted in New York to corrupt and carry Penn
sylvania, will be spent in Phiiadslphia.—
Fortunately for the friends of Frerdom,how
ever, things are not now as they > wera in '56.
Then, every officer in the State House rotv
was a Democrat, and it was consequently
easy to issue forged naturalization papers by
the trunk full; now, every officer but one, in
that row, is a Republican, and that game is
blocked. Then, too, they had all, or nearly
all the election officers, tbe Republican par
ty not having been organized until after ths
choice of those officers, and it was perfectly
easy to make election returns to suit the ne*
ceseitiea of the party ; now there is a repre*
sen'.ativeof the Opposition party in nearly
every election precint in tho city, and that
parly has the control of a majority of them.
In addition to this, a law of last winter givea
them full power to prevent frauda at the elec
tion, if they choose to exercise it, as they will
undoubtedly do.
In this view of the case there ia not (a
much reason to dread the advent of these
mercenary Demoeratio politicians from New
York, who go upon the principle
ery man has his price," particularly every
man in Pennsylvania.
On the other hand, it will be of great ad
vantage to the People's cause, if it stira up,
as it should do, the workers of the Opposition
to watchfulness and zeal. All that we need,
now, is activity, lhat insures our sucoess.
We not only can, but we must, eleot Cur
tin in October. He has gallantly and trium
phantly borne cur standard throughout tba
State, and we nsdst not see it stricken down
in his hande. Wo owe it to the cause to
elect hiui by t n overwhelming majority, ani
he is no tiue friend of Lincoln who refuses
both to vote and to work for Curtin,
Friends ! The election of Curtin will ef-,
fectually settle the November contest. Our
success in October will deprive the enemy of
all heart for the November fight. Up then,
and to work with a will, and all the more
eagerly that the enemy has acknowledged
his weakness bo recourse to the last re#nr'—
the corrupt use of money.
ANDREW G. CURTIN is a great beam in th
eyes oi the fusion and anti-fusion press at
the State capital. They both delight in
showing their tempers by assaults on his pri
vate character, in the equivocal expression
that "he is of doubtful reputation." Thew
doubts are fathers to the fears which haunt
them as they contemplate the enthusiastic
influence) with which the people aib rallying
to the support of the Republican candidate
for Governor, the doubtful portion of whose
ohatac:er is that which constitutes his oppo
sitien to the frauds and conuption of the
Democratic party. This ie what is doubtful
in the eyes of the fusion press. He has nev
er been charged as a gambler, neglecting his
public duties while in Ilarrisburg—nor did
be devote tbe time he owed to his sworn du
ty to the arrangement of private special leg
islation, out of which greater fees were col
lected tLan were ever derived by any lawyer
in Pennsylvania fur a professional service.—
The doubtful part ot any man's oharaeter is
that which is always least known, and as
Ilenry D. Foster is known at home aDd
abroad, these doubts assume the shape of
certainties wherein he was derelict in bis du
ty to his constituents, and doubtful iu his
obligations and his trust.
OBJECT*. —From carefully prepared statis
tics, it is estimated that there are at present
in the Eastern, Western and Northern States,
over four hundred thousand Wide Awakes,
drilled, uuijormcd and officered- Tbey have
sprung up in large numbers iu some parts of
.Missouri, A tine battalion is organized in
Washington, aud another in Wheeling, Vir
ginia. There are also a few in Kentucky.—
They are steadily increasing at the average
ratio of fifteen per cent, a moDtb. The prin
cipal object of the Wide Awakes is to elect
Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin
President and Vice President of the United
States, according to the Constitution and
laws of the countrv. For this purpose they
are banded together as political brethren,
having their interests in common, and going
as missionaries among tbeir Democratic
friends. They never carry arms, hav no
secret society, grips or passwords, and admit
outsiders to all of tbeir meetings or drills.—
They are equally opposed to touching slavery
where it now exists or allowing its extension,
and adopt the Chicago platform as their own.
They arc not alone intended for torchlight
processions, but are designed toco operate in
the miuutieo of political work, and by argu
ments, documents and all honorable means,
to secure the wavering and persuade the
hostile, acting as distributors, checkers,chaK
lengers and patrolers, bringing every vote to
the polls. The companies are oomsosed of
intelligent, active and enthusiastic young
men, and the service they are doing the Re>
publican party, and ths sopnlfj, i
*b le,