AD VERS'ISEMEN TS. "TEWUSH STORE." AT STORMSTOWN PA. GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER !t \ rpHE undersigned having purchased the store, j a formerly ewned by Harlow & Curtin, in Btornstown, and having just added thereunto LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS, now prepared to furnish customers with every- | uiing usually found in a couatry store, and at re- ! . arkclly LOW PRICES. His stock consists is part, of lIEADY-M ADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS. CASSIMERS, BOOTS. SHOES, II ATS, CA PS, fell AWLS. CALICOES, SILKS, LAWNS, GINGHAMS, BONNETS, Ao. LARGE SUPPLY OF TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, - II ARE WARE, QUEENSWARE, and alinoßt every other article you m?y desire to purchase. LEATHER! LEATHER!! ! BeiDg, as heretofore. -tgaged expensively in the TANNING BUSINESS, ho is, r t all times prepared to furnish "the peo j p'.e" with SCLE LEATHER. UPPER LEATHER, MOROCCOS. CALF-SKINS, aDd every other description of L eaflier. jbSj£- LI ides taken as cash. JACOB DANIELS. I ' "V polar Hotel Butts in warrants ns, in the traveling public that no pains will he j PKred to render guests as comfortable as possible sojourning under his roof. " ]B!is Tatole Hi constantly be suppliod with tho very best the \ itaikot affords. m JZTI& !Oco* ■i be found to con tain ail excellent assortment of all kinds, and • HIS STABLE a'ways be attended by careful, attentive, so and therefore prudeut- o,tler3. proprietor hopes by his long experience, the facilities at hi# command, to make the Hnrad House a Jrst class Hotel. The business, ■ the Hotel is under bis own personal Ik. A liberal share of public pi.tror.agejs-i.'n:iiy I Incited J-HffVUiT;?. ■fcellofonte, June 9--'59- — tf j ■FRAN -K LIN HO US E. ' ■3LLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENN'A. ! ■\ THE SOUTH 3A ST CORNER OF THE | orp°site the Court Souse. ■ The unuOtAoed would respectfully inform his t BLnds anirife traveling public in general,that be j " house, and that the house has I HPMMKfprorc'T ami newly furnished ; cx- sthMffFcTdr.'r.odations are attached, and | HEn short,'prepared to accomraadato all who may j Be him a call, in the most agrecsVie manner— ! ■ is amply provided with everything to render Kf house a desirable stopping place, and wil' on- ; Hror to entertain his guests ia a manner that j Hnuot fail to giv the fullest satisfaction. No j Wfpense or attention will oe spared to make t one of the "oast houses in the country. A liberal pa tronage is respectfully solicited. ItHIS BAll will be supplied with an assortment ■ choice liquore. ■ -TOttrf M'MORAGLE, Prop'r. K&3 ■ yv T £3 2 NEWCJ , ■L A NEW INVENTION! ! undersigned takes great pleasure in an- ! B- nouncing to his fellow citizens of Centre j Hd adjoining counties, that he is ucw making the ■w and improved iTUR SHENG MACHINE, I [usually called the " Tumbling Shaft Threshing schine" wh'ch is far superior to any -ther ma ine ever used in this country. It threshes fast- , , runs easisr, and without cracking the grains. ; All farmers having on haud the "Old Machine" I a have them altered with veiy little expense, so : Ito be .just as good as new, as the saute wheels ; p castings will answer. Any person trying the ! pt Machine would be troubled no longer with ' t old one. 2TS. *ls Itr* Jh. XXA T' C2r Ine in the shortest notice AND UD the most rent able terms for cash or country m oluoe. Tisa-.k for past favi rs, ho copes by strict attention sines- to merit a larger sharo o: public i- ,u --tellafo'nto, Slay ill,-1860 bin. t frnwmm ch the above can be made clear of ail i Respectable business, and something | take we:l. For pardon urs enclose a j and address, EKASXTLS J. BURKL TIT, Rcbtrrburg, Centre Co., . • xTir :Ts p !■] j; sal of PAINTS, OILS, at LIQUORS, rdicinss 0.-Ln's 'COUNTY, iiion, urd - T I ADVERTISEMENTS Closing $ murium, BELLEFONTE PA. THE undersigned, determined not to be out done or surpassed by any, is now receiving, in ad i dition to his former extensive stock, a very large 1 assortment of ; Tit%litaiic Clotpnj. His stock has been selected with great care and I consists in part of Black and Fancy Satin Yosts, do. Silk t Yosts, plain an 1 fancy Worsted. Vest, Fine : Black, Blue, Brown and olive Frock and Dross Coats, Men and Boys' linen Coats, Men and Beys' pants and Vests of ill kinds i and descriptions, together with almost everything kept in Clothing Store 3, I or of which the most prolific mind could conceive, '■ or industry and an unconquerable desire to please, with yearsof experience in the busiuess could select. In addition to which he bag added a very superi ! or assortment of Gents' Cravats, Ties, Hosiery j Gloves, ' Seats in Charch Free ; Young ladies will be met at the above stations I and conveyed to the Institution, if a short notice | be given by letter, addressed to the Principal at i Academia, Juniata county. For circulars or otb -1 er information address tho Principal at the above 1 office. J-EV. W. G. ii ASKEW, Mar. 22, '6O —tf ] Principal. PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL. RAVING rented the above named Hotel, ibo undersigned waul i respectfully inform the ' citizens of Centre county, and the traveling pubhe ; geuerall}-, that be is prepared at all times to sup- ply those who may make his bouse their Home, i with good suastantiajt Faro, and accommodations equal, if not superior to many of the City Hotels xxis "Xo/toi©' is alwa vs turuisheu with the very best the market | will ofbrd, and every effort will be made in this de- i | partment to cater to the tastes of even the must; fastidious. XXII 3 Ear | will be found to containxm excellent assortment ! of liquors of all kinds- HIS ROG3IS AND BEDS j are clean anu good, so that those who wish to cn ! joy them, may have nothing to do but to wrap the | ! mantle of their couch abou; them, and lie down, ■ to-pleasant dreams, and Elis Staolo • is large and commodious and will be kept con- : i stantly supplied with the best of llay and Oats.— , ; His ftstler is attentive and accommodating, and i . plays bis part o r the Drama well and with great j I credit to himself. P. B. KEPHART. Prp,r. j j April 12.—'60- tff_ FAiR. V! E W SE M i NAR Y , JACKSONVILLE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENN'A. j r ?*KB Summer Session cf this Institution will j I a. open on the 16th of April, and close cn the ■ Si hot October, including a vacation of five weeks" ii -ring hwves. It .s designed for young Ladies ! m d Gentlemen. i COMPETENT TEACHERS ARE EMPLOYED. EXPENsEs i Board with furnished rooms per quarter, S2O 00 | i'hiiion in-Primtyy Depar't, " " 2 00 '' Corn'n Eng. Bra's, " " 4 00 1 . " Higher English A Mathematics, " 5 pp i . " Latin ami Greek, " '< 600 J Ornamental Branches, Music, French and Ger= ' man. Also, Washing, Light, Ac. Terms piyabie in advance. For fuitlcr information, address LEV. W. R. VEARICK, i V, aiker, Centre Co., Pa. ! Mar. ?2. "60. - tf. New Fall & Winter Goods! r>. LEYDEN & co. HAVE just, received tho largest and best as- j sortment of Fall and Winter Goods ever of- i ! fercd in Bellefonle, . j A full stock of Ladies dress goods, Also, Cl-th for Ladies Winter Cloaks; Tar fiiiii Plaids for Misses Dresses. A large assort- i merit of Shawls, Poplin Volvo's, French Ma- ! rica, Coburg*s DcLaius, Thibit Cloth, Opera Cloth, Persian Twill. For Gentlemen: Ciath, Cassitacrs, Satinets and Jeahs, Ready made clothing. ■ Boots and Shoes of all aoris, a large and weld se ; leoted stock of Groceries, Hardware,.and j Quecnsware, which will be .old low lor cash or Coun try Produce Belief-rile, Nov.—3, 1859. 1". I Threshing Machines Ac7 j i 'j HE undersigned adopts this method of inform- I 1 A ing bis o.d friends and customers that he has | f om tiro old stand, to the riev I ■tuildiug recently erected near the Logan Foun- ! w. Ho is determined to carry on his business ! ■Be extensively than ever, and furnish the far- | of Centre and the surrouuding counties, with ■ A!achine3, Phakers Ac., superior to made by any other mechanic in the coun past experience in the business.warrants hiir tbus much. Thankful for favors and received in the past, he hopes, by strict ' business, and the superior cbnracier spread reputation of his machines, t: ol the same. Repairing do us JAMES WARD. E NCEHOTEL, STREET, Propriotor i CSJESW'OO'IEIJES lE>3E2I^C>C3Et.A l Q£ ,I ^ ADVERTISEMENTS. ! 5J.000 Copies already Sold. EVERY BODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLORS 3'J> IV ESS BY FRANK CROSBY, ■ i OP THE PHILADELPHIA BAB. It Tells You llow tc draw up Partnership Pa- ; pers and gives general forms for Agree- j rncnts o f ill kinds, Bills of Bale, and Petititio is. ; It Tells You How to draw up Bond 3 and Mort- j gages, Affidavits, Powers of Attorney, | Notes and Bills of Exchange, Receipts ! ' | and Releases. :It Tells You The Laws for tlio Collection of Debts, with the Statutes of Limitation, j and amount aDd kind of property Ex- j i empt from Execution in every S ate. , It Tells You How to make an Assignment prop- ! er'v, with forms for Composition with < ; ! Creditors, and the Insolvent Laws of ! every State , ;It Toils You The relations existing between j , Guardian and Ward, Master and Ap- j . ' prentice, and Landlord and T. ntnt. ; - ; It Tells You What constitutes Libel and Blander, ! and tbo Law as to Marriage Dower, the '■ t ; Wife's Right in Property, Divorce and ; Alimony. | It Tells You The Law for Mechanic's Leins in every Btate, and the Naturalization laws of this country, and bow to comply with ; 1 ! the same. ' It Tells You The Law Concerning Pensions and ! 1 i how to obtain one, and the Pre-emption ? 1 Laws to Public Lands, i It Tells You The Law for Patents, with mode of procedure in obtaining one, with Inter ferences, Assignments and Table of * j Fees. It Tells lou How to make your Will, and how to \ Administer on an Estate, with tho law ! and the requirements thereof in every State. 3 f It Tells You The meaning of Law Terms in en ernl u.e; and explains to you the Leg islative, xecutive apd Judicial Powers j . of both the General and State Govern- j Ih exits. . It Tells You How to keep out of Law, by showing how to do your business legally, thus saving a vast amount of property, and i vexaii us litigation, by its timely on- I ' sultation. c inglo copies will be sent by mail, postage paid, I ' to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Every Manof Business, and Evcrd body in Every Btnts, on r9- ; ceipt ot SI.OO, or in law stylct'of binding at $1.25. £IQOQ A YEAIH c;in be made by en " terprising men everywhere, in selling the above ? work, as our inducements to all such are very lib eral. | For single copies of tbe Book, or for terms to ! agents, with other infermation, applv to or ad- j 1 dress JOUEE POITER, Publisher, | No. 617 Bansnm St., Philadelphia, Pa. ' 1 May 17,'60. 6m. NORMAL SOFTOOL TO BE HELD IN THR ! MISSIONARY INSTITUTE EDIFICE, I i ; ELIKSGROYE, SNYDER COUTY, PSNX'A ; TEA IJIERS : I THEO. WEAVER, A M., Principal. WM. NOETLING, A. 8., Assistant. SAM'L. ALLI MAN, Esq., County Sup't, JOHN F. STODDARD, A. M, Lecturer sr.d j Superintendent of Schools, N. Y. City, j "I A DIES and Gentlyinen arc respectfully in- I i formed that this school, or rather Normal I Department of the Missionary Institute, will com | menee immediately after harvest, July 16th, and | ! Continue S weeks. It is to be for male aRd temale j i teachers especially and for students genera ly. The expenses are for tuition, from $4 to $6 per ! term. Boaroing with lodg-ng and room : in town at $1.75 o $2 por week. I The branches taught are numerous, including all thi\t re ato to the professiou cT teaching. A'so \ I Latin language aud the higher Mathematics. The text books are" the but teachers ebvalA i bring v. ith them ail thci'rs for reference. This schobf liolds out inducements which aro I unequaled either in Snycler or surrounding coun ' tics, and is designed to o>! a model of its kind.— ! 'I vo of the "eaehcrs Messrs. Weaver and Nestling ' aro professors in the Institute, and Prof. Stod dard is widt ly known as eNoe of :h ■ best educators of the couniry. The Couptv .-'upcriutei.deiit wil also cqptrthute to the inferttrts of the school bj lectures ami iu whatever y.iy he can. For circu lars, address, i'liEO. WEAVER. ScEngsgifove, Snyder Co., Pa. June 2 I, IStlO.-tf. i Spring V f iitemt (Boobs. WILSON & BROT II R, HAVING returned irom the Fast, invite the at tcEtion of the public and their old customers to the large and extensive assort;nent of ate SPRING II IHL! MMER I . .*, I : which they are now opening and upon purchasers with the tion ever offered to this co They desire to call puir:icu!ar an9|H|HK4| great vari-.ty of LADIES DRESS j sisting in part of Chaliies, Lawns, I Lains, of dlSerent colors, Baroges, | Man til's s L,ssue3, Ae. The above goods were "MS j iec-s With great care expressly to suit the taste ; >1 tho ladies. In addition to the above, are offar ; ed a general assortment of Hosiery and Gbves, ! Collars, Undersleeves, Dross trimmings. A>. o CLOTHS and CASSIMERS t of ••!< color? and styles at very low prices, togeth er wi'.h ons of the largest una cost stocks of READY MADE CLOTHING, . Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Straw Bonnets of the latest fashion; also, ahaker Bon nets for wives and children. ' Builders will find it to their advantage in call ing to select their Hardware, as our assortment is large and complete : aiso, Mattresses. Mackarel, Herring, Cod Fi.-h and salt. Sugars Teas, Molasses from the cheapest to the best, which cannot be surpassed in quality. Persons I visiting JleWefonte from the country, wi 11 find it ! to their advantage to ea before purchasing else where, as we take pleasure in showing our goods end think wo can suit them both as to price and quality, and are determined to s eil at the very owast cash prices. ' i:!a-AII kinds of Country produce taken in cx- LuKge for goods* May 17 '6O * J. I). Harris it Co., HAVE ALWAYS ON IIAND AT THEIR NEW STORE L\ SXOWSHTTS. A LARGE SUPPLY OF ©if ©o©©B, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE, TVGETHER WITH Jour, €|sjt, Jf'sjj, Salt 3E 2> l£kSJto2? : , cfco. TYTHICH they offer for cash at prices that will \ V induce those to buy who stand in neen of sui-n articles. The invite the public to call at their establishment, feeling confident that they can give entire satisfactisu. J. D. HARRIS, & CO.. Stiowshoe. Jan., 12, '6O. ANEW THRESHING M ACIIINE. The subscriber takes this mode of informing hi 3 friends and the public generally that he is now engaged in making ma chines af'er his improved tumbling shaft patterns at his residence East of Bello'onte. This machine possesses the advantage of increased power and motion without tips addition of more hordes. Being a practical machinist, and doing all the work myself, I feel safe in recommending it to he public, and solicit a share of your patronage PHILO WARD, For references see \ JOHN WAY, ALEXANHKR MILLLEP, JOSHIH WILSON. Qt, 20-'§9—t \ t APVE RT?SEMENTS. ~ WM. S. TRIPPLE, Morclaant Tailor, ; N. E. CORNER OF THE DIAMOND. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Bellelonte, and vicinity that he has just ro ' turned froir Philadelphia with a full assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he is now opening at his old stand, one door east of the Post Office. His stock consists in part of Black, Blue, and Brown,, reneh • Cloths, Silk Mixed Coat ing, Cashmere ana -vhite Duck for COATS; Black Doeskin,d Fancy Summer Cassiineres, and a Drills for PArNTS; Black latin, Fi gured Silk 3, md White and i FIGURED MARSAILLES FOR VESTINGS, ! which he will make up to order in styles to suit the tastes of cut to ners, on short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Goods ru.nishcd by cus tomers will be made up to order as heretofore. As he will employ none but experi enced workmen, persons may rely, on get . ting their work well done at his establishment j Thankful for the patronage heretofore be ; stowed, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. WM. S. TRIPPLE. Beiiefonte, May 12 '59-21-tf. JOHN MONTGOMERY, 3>£erolia at Tailor, ALLEGHENY STREETi BELLEFONTE, PENNA. T.IIE undersigned would most respectfully in form the public that ho will continue to car ry on the Tailoring and Clothing business at the ! Old stand, on the south corner of //rokerholf's Row, where he is prepared to make to orier all | kinds of clothiug in the neatest and most fasli j iocable styles. He keeps on hand a large variety It CLOTHS, CASSIMERS ASD VESTIKGS, ! of the most approved paterns. At his Establish ; meat READY-MADE CLOTHING. of every description may he Couod, which he is 1 now selling at reduced prices. Ilis thanks are due the public for the liberal share of patlonge beretorore bestowed upon him; and ho hopes by | strict attention to business, to merit a contfcue of the same. J. MONTGOMERY Beiiefonte Jan., 12th'60—ly CLOCK, WATCH, JEWELEY i AND FANCY STOR.EI . subscriber is still at his old si lend at N>. 4 I A BrokerhofPs Row, on Alleghany St., wherihe i has just received from the eastern cities, aud is ' now offering for sale a we'll selected and beautiful j assortment of JJrr> CLOCKS, WATCHB 1 ' i Clover and | Corn Millheim Plows. 10 : ing, cel.. and bold y 'lfUj ] of Foundry business ; patch. Work warranted Orders respectlully ; tended to. •'*' 'b"J£H| Miilheiin, June 28,1560. tf. ' &GG.IW E.ITIX&HOW&K! - ! AND 1 s ; - BILLIARD SALOON. | ■s j OYSTERS WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL. I t, | \\ s ] undersigned hereby informs bis friends 1 t | 1 and the public generally that he has rented 1 > | the basement story of T. R. Reynold's new build- I s ; ing on. Allegheny street, where he has opened an I d eating saloon , confectionery, Ac., on a large scale, 1 jr ! Particular attention will he paid to business, j j and every effort made to cater to the taslesof | those T.ho may favor him with a call. I * GEO. IV. DOWNING. i Rdlif :3tßj April 12 'a9 16 ly, j I]IOR medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba ; Brandy has no rival, and has long been need- j , | ed to supercede the poisonous compounds sold j 1 ! under the name of Brandy. As a bevorago the ■ | pure article is altogether superior, and a sover- : ; eign sure remedy ftp Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low | spirits, Languor, General Debility, Ag. -Also. Eshblbv's still aki> spaukling Cham- 1 i pas-ie. —Thcso Wines are made in the neighbor- i i heed of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be the ! pure juice of the grape, and are eminently caleu ; lated for invalids and persons who require a gen- F | tie stimuluut and for Svtrainer.tal purposes, j March 4 'SB-tf. J. fc J. HARRIS, Sole A jents in County. 3' } 00K STORE.— j Geo. Livingston, at his well known taod at tho North Eastern corner of the Public I qunrc, Beliefonte, keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of ' Tii BO LOG 10 AL, CLASSICAL, ' l MISCELLANEOUS, AND 1 ' ; SCHOOL BOOKS. t 1 Also a large variety of Black Books and Station f ery of tho very host quality. Mathematical In t , struraonts, Ac. l He still has the Depository of the American \ ■ Sunday School Union, where any of their Books j 1 can bo had at catalogue prices. Books brought to order at a small advance on I ) | the city prices. Jan. 5 '6O ly, j 1 ! BANKING HOUSE. jE. 0. HUMES, JAS. HALE 1 3 H. N. M'ALLISTE!t, A. G. CURTIN i ! L terest paid on Special Deposit. £ 1 i HUMES, X'AL LISTER HALE & CO., j ( EELLEFONTE, PA. | t ' T~\EPOSITS received, Bills of exchange and , > 1 / Notes Discounted, Collections | proceeds remitted promptly. : special deposits for Ninety days, months at the rate four per ' Fur six month a and upwards, at 1 per sent, per annu*. Exchange on en ADVEftTIS EMENfc M JUST PUBLISHED BIOGRAPHICAL SKE^HK of the '' '*p ••• SIGNERS :m OF TBS diJßs DECLA®OTp OF AMERICAN HEPSfIH j W ith historical remarks upon the a sketch of the leading events, couiflHaHwi | adoption of Y THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDEfraTIO^BP AND OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITSMPM.- . *, BY Author of "1776." "Lives of the i And n ltncrous other One volume, 12mo. cloth. upon receipt of the price, with al for Postage, a copy of the a handsome present, worth will be sent to aav address in te- From the " There are lessons of deep, tegU and of inestimable value, to I ing the lives of tho men who ' secure the blessed inheritance 'w. > which wo now enjoy. We do I dignity and sacrcduese of pure ! lowing thein in their career auaid of | the R presented in such bold and public uciions of 1 ny, that when we rise from a tive of their lives, wo fell as - i itles of our common ! before us in review, and | reverence. The biography- of a great mani is of | his owe times; anil when wc : recoid of tbe actions of the melt : tion, we have imbibed a genitlj ef tbe ! great events of that | this proposition is true, j ume has a claim to the au ; thor has endeavored to a | compass as a perspicuou allow, the chief events in Wm ra-in i who stood sponsors at the our j Infant Hspublie. The memoirs are illusiraH j explanato y of events of ' the hiogisphical liarratit^^ l.e ! found a highly uselul feature of tn'e work. | Copies of either of the above books, witb a | handsome Gitt,, worth from 50 cents to SIOO, will j be sent to any person in the United States, upon j receipt of the price, and 21 cents to pay postage, | by addressing the publisher, who is desirous of ca ling your attentien to his liber il method of I transacting business, viz: 11 ith EACH 1100k that is bo\ffht at hit Es j tabtishmeut, A PRESENT is qiviii**— worth from : FIFTY CENTS to ONE HUNDRED DOL i LARS. The Presents are of goed quality and of the best Man : faeture, and comprise a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Silver rlated Ware, j Silk Dress Patterns, lewelry, slid useful articles j too numerous to mention. I Send for a complete classified" Catalogue of j books, which will be mailed to you, free of ex j pense, and one will assure , ou that the best | place in tbo country to buy beoks, is at the gift { hook establishment of GEO. a. EVANS, ! Publisher and Ori'jinator of the Gift Hook F.n --| teprise, and Prop ietou of the laryett Hi ft Rook 1 Establishment in the country, Permam nt/y located I at No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. j July 19, 1860. V HOOFLAUB'S l/ I GREAT * STANDAHO ILEMBItIZS Itd th present ago, hare acquired their greet popularity Ody througt years of trial. Cnbouaded sotiafastiQß ia rtmdcred by them la ail cum. HOOPLAND'3 CERM&N ESTTER3 WILL POSITIVriT CCBR ' :jsr Complaint, Dyspepsia. Janndiee, Wei-.tma De bility, Dioeaaea of the Kidncya. end U3 diseases arising from a disordered livrr, or weA neas of the Stomach and Digestive Organs, and srat positively rar.TEjrr TILUSW FIVES, BILIOUS FIVES, A FID fEVES A ACS! Eee our Almanac for proof. Price, 76 conte per ifottik HooSaml's Balsamic Cordial WILL POSITIVEIT CVRS Coughs, Colds, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Infinenxa, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consult- prion, and has performed the moat astonishing core* ever known of CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION. As s Diarrhoea Cordial it is unequalled. Price, 76 c.cis per bottle UODFLAHD'S SIRfiIAH FILL, throughout Europe and Aiu*rica, neodt here. Tliey arc purely vegetable, are exactnns, and are eugar-coated. No can be/fuund. PRICE, 25 eta. per box. prepared by Dr. C. >l. JACKSON 1 and St. Louis, Mo., ?ud are sold by iu medicines everywhere. The sig will bo on the outside of eack Abu iac," published annually, you Prat^Hfend Aimmendatory notices from all Ahnamug ore given away by mm, WHK/Kfates HOTEL, ■■ BY xij-sr-ois. YLYANIA R. R. REPOT PA. Superintendent. spnred to make jnUHI.-: Harriabnrg. The table best the market affords are suprior any found i March Ist 1860.s TE ACADEMY ~ of this com -2d day of September AIMS: on l ' eßi!r ' n!, bic terms. 11. it AN iITTL FHhaiptt!. --'dHWHk the account of Moses Wit. Miles, has been absolutely at August he hied inthe uiean- H OFFER. Proth'y. AH ■mns' Mill is Now grind ing a Mill Wagon, or if that not & HARRIS. t ladies goat boots with LI. shoes, very good shoes and boct of ail shoes of all and and for sale by C. MeBRLDE the Ist of October twp. None Seot'y. PfADVERTIS E MENTS, ISARTICLE OP EVERY DAY USE. BFC B. T. BABBITT'S MEDICINAL. YEAST. TVT ANUFACTURED froin commou: Iff- I It 1 Salt and Pure Cream Tartar • |H When used in Bread, Cake or Biscuit, ; |X|: it turns to gas, (like that from a bottle J5 of Soda Water.) and remainns dor jj.. mant in the dough until it is set in the A oven, when the heat causes the gas to 1 escape throught the dough while ak- ' d "' Cake or Biscuit is AJJJ) j not only very light, but perfectly whole , K some. Where this Yeast is used you j I will require about one quarter the a- i mount of shortening used with ordina ry Yeast. It may also be used for ' Hi Buckwheat Cakes, Johnny Cakes, and j B all kinds of Pastry. This Ynastis put i j up only in one pound cans, with check- t Ban I ered label. Red, White and Blue— I •" i none other ie Genuine—beware of imi- i J tat ion?, j 1 B. T. Babbit's PareXoar.entra- I „ ted Potash, I! 1 Warranted douole the strength of com- | mon Potash and superior>to any Sa- | ! ponifiea in market, put up in cans of i 1 lb., 2 lbs.. 3 lbs . 6 lbs , and 12 lbs., 1 | | | with full directions for making i I j6B and Soft Soap. One pound will make iOB ! I fifteen gallons of Soft Soap. No lime i j is rebuired Consumers will find this j j the cheapest Pi tash in market B. X. H.'s Medicin >1 Saieratus, | A perfectly pure and wholesome arti- ! | cle, free jrom all deleterous matter; so ! ; prepared that, as the circular accom- I ~n \ . * panying the Saieratus will show.noth- ! i ing remains in the bread wheh baited, i j but common Salt, Water, and Flour.— I Put up neatly in papers, I lb., J lb., ; j i ib. I B. T. B.'s Concentrated Soft Soap. ! One box costing ene dollar will make i 40 gallons of handsome Soft Soap by j ey r> simply addiug boiling water. i ieft j ; B. T. B.'s Soap For Fauiiiy I r so. ; 0 ae p< undid this Soap is equal tc 3 ! pounds of ordinary Family Soap. One J jo u:d wilt gallons of handsome | soft Soap. It will remove paint,grease, i tar, and stains of all kinds- It will not ! injure the fabric ,- on the contrary, it 68 preserves it. It will wash in h ril or 68 \ saltwater. But little labor is requir ed where this soap is used. Machin- I ists aild Printers will find this soap su perior to anything in market. If your Storekeeper deer not keep the above goods, sood $5 by mail audi tvill send ! a package of cither article or nu assor ; and ' ted box containing a part of each arti- asd cle, as you may direct. Send the name : of your post office, also, the State and ! County in which yo ' reside with di rections for shopping. Address B. T. BABBIT, 64, 66. 63, 70, 72 & 74 Washington St., N. Y. TO A liberal discount to Storekeepers. TO July 12, *6O. lv. "What Everybody Wants THE FAMILY DOCTOR. CONTAINING SIMPLE IISIIJ},-. l/fllY FOR TEE CURE OF DISEASE IN ALL FORMS: BY PROFESSOR EE NU YS, TAYLOR, M. D ! IT Tells Yea How to attend upon the sick, and ! how to cook for them ; how to prepare i Drinks, Poultices, Ac., and how to guard I against infection from Contagious Dis- j eases. It Tells You Of the various diseases of Children, J anil gives the best and simplest mode of I treatiuentduring Teething, Convulsions, | Vaccination, Whoopin-eoug;.. Measles, ' Ac.. |lt Tells You The symptoms of Croup. Cholera,lu- j fantum, Colic, Diarrhoea, Worms, Seall ed head, Ringworm, Chicken-pox, Ac.. ! and gives yo* the best remedies for their j cure. ! It Tells You The symptoms of Fever and A goo, : or.d Billious, Y'eliow, Typhus, Scarlet ; and other Fevers, and gives you the nest I and simp'vst remedies for their cure, i It Tells' You The symptoms of lufluenza. Con- I it me Bjrapioms <>i lunusnza, (Jon sumption, Dyspepsia. A-:thuia, Dropsy. < Gout, Rheumatism. Lumbago. Eryaipe- j las, &c... and gives you the best reme- 1 dies for their cure. : It Tells You The symptoms of Cholera Morbus, ' Malignant v holerjv, huiall-pox, Dyson ! lory, Crump, Disea-cs of the Bladder, . Kidneys and Liver, and the best rtrna dies for their cure It Tells You The symptoms >f Pb irisy, Mumps ; Neuralgia, Ap' pb*sy, Paralysis, the va rious Diseases of ;t:e Tliro t, Teeth.Kar : ami Lye, and tin best reme lies for their ; cure. 11 T'.lls Y-.u The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaun- | di'-e. Piles, Rupture, Di.-euset of the Heart, Ueworrb .0, Vsneral Diseases, nnd livdrophuhiu, and gives the best ; * retnedi lor their cure. | It Toils You Ifce i- at ami simplest treatment for Wounds, Broken L and Dislocations Sprains, Lockj iw, Fever, Sores, White Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows, doils, | Scurvy, Herns and Scrofula* | t Tells You Of th v irion. H.Y GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHIN3. GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE FISH AND SALT, I PLASTER, FLOUR, 4c, | ' THEIR STOCK OF fakics' grcss (goobs, j Cannot be excelled at any other house in Central } Pennsylvania. It embraces every variety of j style and quality. THEIR SUPPLY OF CLOTHS, '.CASSIMEITES, VESTINGS', CALICOES AND MUSLINS, ARE ALSO VERY SUPERIOR. THEIR GROCERIES, TEAS. COFFEES, % are worthy tho attention of the Publio; Beliefonte, Jan. 5. '6O, I THE TEMPLE OF FASHION J'R UFKSSOR BR 0 WN. THE celebrated Knight of the Razor, is still ahead in his profession in Burbcring and Hair dressing, and restoring hair to the scalp. He has discovered one of the wonders of the world the great hair restorative. Persons having lost their hair, or are in of losing it, are im-i --cd to call nn Prof. BROWN and have itrestored Tbo Proffessor f urthermoro informs the citizens of Beliefonte and grangers who may tarry hero I u til their beards grow long, that be is unsurpas sed in his lino of business, as is admitted by all upon whom be has operated, both here arid else where. His razors are both keen and sharp, lie il shave your face without a smart ; i His sponges are soft and his towels are clean, j And at his chair he's always seen ; Not only so—if that won't do, He'll brush your hat and coat, both old and j He II do the thing all up to smash, ] And when lie is done he looks for cash, j A friend to him would not ask for trust— i In with your hand and down with the dust, j The times are hard and he is poor, I lie r; ;s nds not to pass his door, t For if their hair should need a trimming, j Not them drop in—thoy'll find him willing i Never rcugh hut alwajrs xpajy i To i-hnro Cor Vp 05i..1 cut ..ail for u t-ovy- Shop, on Allegheny street, Southern ond. lio F; III'!RE'S i'EAK] C COMPANIES are being organized in Centre g aild the adjoining counties, preparatory to ; Bm.gruting to the Pike'* Peak Gold Region during • ~ !lfc coming Spring ond Summer, Contracts have I been entered into uith Jno. JM. Wagner, of the Miiesburg Flouring Mill au cilr, |VUft-WP~t£